Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Touchdown Crimesha

So Crimesha was at the Superbowl this past weekend. We've seen the picture.

And we find ourselves not caring. She's on the way out. The media spent years covering for her incompetence, sucking up her lies, allowing her to usurp legislative authority making law and judicial authority interpreting law, ignoring her physical abuse of her spouse, excusing her corrupt behavior during the entire Juicy Smollet debacle at the behest of Mrs. Obama's fixer. 

She even managed to keep her law license.

Why would anyone be surprised she parlayed a mere government employee salary into multiple $9,000 tickets along with airfare to the largest single day sporting event in the country? We haven't watched an NFL game in five or more years now and gave away any gear we had around the same time. If you see a Venezuelan wearing Bears stuff, it might be ours.

Crimesha won. The only bright spot is the nickname we popularized here, and that's amusing to perhaps ten or twenty thousand people.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

the best public defender in the history of the states attorneys office

2/13/2024 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Soros fund the Super Bowl trip as a final bonus...

2/13/2024 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh come on half the yahoos here watch their bread & circus NFL despite the fact the NFL is openly anti police and not even a legitimate sports organization. It’s a scripted event.

2/13/2024 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Fred G. Sanford said...

How much chaos has she sown? How many lives needlessly lost or ruined? How much theft and physical destruction happened? How many people left and businesses folded? It's impossible to really quantify just much this woman and her criminal coddling, jail emptying policies have cost in terms of lives, property and money but it is immense.

Thanks to this woman and her other Soros funded leftist puppets in other cities, we are quite literally seeing the beginning of the end of law and order in America. And now she gets to spend her last months in office coasting and living the high life before getting a cushy job teaching college and/or blabbering on cable news.

There isn't a ring of hell hot enough for scum like this.

2/13/2024 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quid pro quo? Part of her reward for taking care of Juicy?

Her office call logs, her cell phone records and an FBI interview of the Obama-Gang woman, cannot remember her name, who called Crimesha on Juicy's behalf could be very telling.

Could a special investigator be annointed in Shitcago, Crook County, Corruptinois? If so, they might find she really fucked-up being so public with her reward. A girl can dream!

2/13/2024 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard the KC Swifties won the game?

2/13/2024 01:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many years will it take to clean up the disaster she made in Chicago?

2/13/2024 02:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go girl.....

2/13/2024 02:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Bling is all.

Nothing matters but the Bling.

Get the Bling.

Flaunt the Bling.

See if you can keep the Bling.






2/13/2024 02:30:00 AM  
Blogger Mario from the barrio said...

Good riddance to a piece of dog feces.

2/13/2024 05:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you see a Venezuelan wearing Bears stuff, it might be ours.

You're going to regret giving away that Mongo jersey...

2/13/2024 05:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The censours missed this headline, "Chicago Public Schools teacher charged in kidnapping, sexual assault of 15-year-old girl".

2/13/2024 05:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Crimesha was at the Superbowl this past weekend. We've seen the picture.

She was there as a potential fourth string linebacker just in case things went south for the Chiefs...

2/13/2024 05:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally a sighting of the absent states attorney the one that does not do her job, bet she brought a big security detail with her also? How much did this cost the taxpayers? When you’re letting all the criminals out of jail, you’re not doing your job and then you put it like a slap in everybody’s face he look at me look where I am as we are being pillaged shot killed or car jacked. Wonder what spot she will get in the Democratic Party when they steal the election again? Hey democratic control media how big is her detail? What does that cost the taxpayers? We already know Brandon has over 150 coppers costing tens of millions of dollars what is the exact amount any media to look into this? As a city clerk and the city treasurer, do they still have a detail with police unmarked cars also? So many questions but no answers. What about the governor how many state police does he have on his detail?

2/13/2024 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep your head up, find a reason to smile each day and you have won it all.

That thing will never be a winner.

2/13/2024 06:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She will be appointed a judgeship in crook county in no time ain’t goin nowhere

2/13/2024 06:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crimesha’ s re-election in 2020 was Reason #4 that I abandoned Illinois completely. Crimesha gonna do what Crimesha gonna do. The red flag to me in the entire saga is the fact that O’Brien only won the Cook County burbs 51-49 over her. Chiraq’s burbs and collar counties have been trending blue for some time. Really had no desire to have these people as neighbors AND pay ridiculous taxes so the I made the decision to go big and move three states away.

2/13/2024 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boss is living in Vegas mostly because Chicago is a craphole. Minimum ticket 4000 for nosebleed. Hotels, 1000 a night. Meals, min 125 a person. Must be nice to be a government "servant."

2/13/2024 06:35:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

But......but......but.....she just had to see Usher.

2/13/2024 07:46:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Oops.. Forgot to say...

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

No keeses for me!!!!

2/13/2024 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice article, SCC, but in "reality", it's still Trump's fault!!!!!!

2/13/2024 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Thanks to this woman and her other Soros funded leftist puppets in other cities, we are quite literally seeing the beginning of the end of law and order in America. "

That was the intended purpose of her deployment. A feature, not a consequence.


Communists, one and all.

2/13/2024 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I heard the KC Swifties won the game?

2/13/2024 01:56:00 AM"

Did you really think the NFL was not going to script the Swifties a win? How much more money will neanderthal Kelce jerseys make than if they lost?

It's always about the money, ALWAYS!

2/13/2024 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
If you see a Venezuelan wearing Bears stuff, it might be ours.

You're going to regret giving away that Mongo jersey...

2/13/2024 05:34:00 AM"

Why? Cause he's dying of ALS and is going to be inducted into the HOF?

Who cares? His jersey isn't worth anything.

Oh, I get it, you're one of these guys who runs around town with matching fanboy jerseys and hats.

2/13/2024 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crimesha’ s re-election in 2020 was Reason #4 that I abandoned Illinois completely. Crimesha gonna do what Crimesha gonna do. The red flag to me in the entire saga is the fact that O’Brien only won the Cook County burbs 51-49 over her. Chiraq’s burbs and collar counties have been trending blue for some time. Really had no desire to have these people as neighbors AND pay ridiculous taxes so the I made the decision to go big and move three states away.


Yeah, that was a wakeup call, though O'Brien was a dud as a candidate. Anyway, the election of Mayor Mohawk showed me that Chicago prefers crime. The business community apparently agrees with my assessment, judging by the number of closings. The media is only going to be able to blame those on COVID for so long. Eventually, they'll have to face that fact that Chicago is a violent hell hole where honest people who play by the rules are only ridiculed and victimized.

2/13/2024 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She did her job as instructed to the New World Order masters rewarded her.

2/13/2024 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paid for by the same SCUM lawfirms that funded her campaigns. You know? The ones that represent criminals that were prosecuted and the were considered "not guilty" later by Foxx.

2/13/2024 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see mayor Adams stepped out in a $700 neck scarf to tell crime plagued citizens in NYC to stay home because there's snow coming. It's good to be the king....

2/13/2024 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They can’t stop shoving their graft in our faces. If she didn’t pay for the tickets, travel, etc, who did?

She should hang her head in shame. But have no fear, she soon won’t be here. We’ll have someone even worse.

That said, she’s DEI, dual income living in a cheap house with low taxes. She may have actually paid her way. I know I’m dreaming.

Pity tge rest of the nation has to see her mug. At least it wasn’t during breakfast and “un-swallowing” a few game snacks isn’t as expensive or awful as “un-swallowing” an entire meal. (Isn’t that a great word: un-swallow? From the original 1939, The Women movie with so many great actresses.).

To modify another quote from the movie : “…And, by the way, there’s a name for…” crimesha “…but it isn’t used in high society outside of a kennel.” Actually, that’s too soft for this creepy pocketbook sucker.

Thanks SCC

2/13/2024 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

somehow I feel like we the taxpayers paid for that Super Bowl trip.
hopefully karma bites her back

2/13/2024 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From another post from last week:

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Even though I am a lifelong Republican, I will grit my teeth and take a demoRAT ballot this time to vote for O'Neal Burke. We cannot afford four more years of Foxx/Preckwinkle policies. We have two chances to end those policies - the primary in March and the general in November.

There is not a contested election on the Republican ballot in my area. So its not like I am passing on supporting the Republican candidates. They will have my support in November. But in March, I will use my vote to try to stop Foxx/Preckwinkle/Harris.

2/09/2024 02:44:00 PM

Perfectly said, thank you. Now please let’s all go the extra mile to get the message across to everybody we know.

2/09/2024 04:15:00 PM

2/13/2024 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t know if you guys watch Abbott Elementary but Crimesha looks and acts exactly like the Principal

2/13/2024 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If nothing else she set the gold standard for a real POS.

2/13/2024 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She was there to watch the 1st EVER singing of da black national anthem……… when da blacks cry racism at EVERY OPPORTUNITY (think Fannie in Georgia her extra marital affair being found out was….. wait for it RACIST) so now that the NFL is acting like they give a shit about ANYONE other than money. Do we get to start calling the National Anthem now the White National Anthem??? Everytime anyone has something that only one “group” can call their own by that very nature they exclude others & that’s just another word for racism. So every black person who calls it the black nation anthem is by definition a Racist. But this little bit of critical thinking will be dismissed by most as……….Racist. We will NEVER be one nation under God W/ that process.

2/13/2024 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) A high school student from private school recruited on social media to drive between 4 and 10 illegals to Tuscon at 1500 bucks a head. He said all his high school pals know this is how to make good money. It used to be $750 a person. Interesting short meeting RFK Jr. had with officials in AZ recently. So called 22 republicans, like John Kennedy from Louisiana, voted with the crooked dems on the recent senate bill.


2/13/2024 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a really good chance that Foxx will be Toni’s successor. Toni is confronting age related health issues and may want to enjoy her pensions. She’s no Spring Chicken anymore.

2/13/2024 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is terrible what she gets away with that girl does whatever that girl wants to do getting a huge paycheck from the taxpayers plus how many are still giving her money for her campaign fund? How much has she given away in slush fund money? Wonder how many she has on her security detail how much did this trip cost? The taxpayers just do nothing clown has protection what is she gonna be next? Maybe she’ll go home and slap her husband around some more!

2/13/2024 12:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When she was running for office of the States Attorney she was not paying her dues for a law license. Technically she was not a lawyer,heard this from Democratic judges. I wonder if she was on time with her tax payments?

2/13/2024 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How’s this for making Chicago crook county more violent? Then again, the states attorney doesn’t prosecute anybody she’s lazy just gets paid. The Democrats are all about lawlessness. Let’s see how much more this will bring but notice they are not canceling it till after the Democratic shit show that is coming here with all the scumbags.

Chicago will not renew controversial ShotSpotter contract


2/13/2024 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you see a Venezuelan wearing Bears stuff, it might be ours.

Bro they don’t wear hand me downs! It all brand new Nikes and designer brands. As the new American voting class they must be pampered.

2/13/2024 02:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I notice in Social Media, “certain people” are upset with people making light of this.

2/13/2024 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dow down 700 today,pension funded at about 21%,1 or 2 cranes up downtown compared to about 50 ten yrs ago. The pensions will be fine!

2/13/2024 02:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Foxxi lady, while you was yucking it up at the Superbow with your security crew, your absence was duly noted for an International crisis in the Little Village blocks from the nearly vacant Cook County Jail. Live large girl while your new migrant communities are blowing up like south of the border narco wars. Your leadership was a no show once again.

Apparently some recently smuggled into the U.S. by Mexican drug cartels Venazue-alien migrants got into a parking beef which led to a MASS SHOOTING on the 3500 block of West 30th Street disrupting the recent immigrant entitlement subsidized top shelf liquor party. Five border jumpers from South America subsidized by U.S. taxpayers throughout their entire journey got shot up real good. Where is she? States attorney Foxx was USHERing the Superbow sipping Covasier and indulging in the finest Russian Communist Caviar with her peeps.

The underreported MASS SHOOTING can rise to the level of a United Nations Human Rights Crisis. This International crisis involving amnesty seeking Venazoo-aliens border violating migrants draws unwelcomed attention in the playground of the multi-billion dollar business of the Mexican narco cartels who run/profit/control/prosper/own the Little Village. Cartels established in Little Village effectively run the southern and now the northern borders of the U.S. with their covert Human Trafficking infiltration operations. Lets not forget the lucrative deadly drug smuggling fentanyl narco U.S. distributing networks and the subtle in your face political campaign monies laundered to our political establishments. Foreign drug cartels don't want international attention on their home turf. Follow all the money from pre-invasion to perpetual entitlements. And the money flowing across the border by the established "business" conducted by foreign narco cartels on behalf of America.

Maybe congress and little dick durbin can appropriate billions of middle class taxpayer dollars through a sort of INTERNATIONAL SAFE-T ACT for this brewing volatile international crisis in the Little Village. Lots of federal money resolves international conflicts as evidenced by ukrane and gaza. Pay no attention to violent crimes everywhere affecting American citizens. Pay no mind child to the the degradation of your community by out of control crime affecting your local commerce and your personal safety. Immigrants are of greater the importance to the sustainability of the democrat party than American citizens. American citizens and generations to follow are on the hook for investment channeled to foreign born invaders. Mo money would bring additional life enhancing subsidies for those undocumented gonna be voting soon refugees. Don't let this Little Village multi-national non American crisis go to waste.

2/13/2024 03:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...shiiit....gurl be stylin and haters be hateeng....know what I mean

2/13/2024 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a chance in hell Crimesha will replace Taxwinkle as Crook County president. They'd rather bring back Toddler before her!

2/13/2024 08:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're going to regret giving away that Mongo jersey...

2/13/2024 05:34:00 AM"

Why? Cause he's dying of ALS and is going to be inducted into the HOF?

Who cares? His jersey isn't worth anything.

Oh, I get it, you're one of these guys who runs around town with matching fanboy jerseys and hats.

2/13/2024 08:00:00 AM

"Why You Gotta be like dat, Office"?

2/13/2024 09:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Keesing Bandit said...
But......but......but.....she just had to see Usher.

2/13/2024 07:46:00 AM

Why, couldn't find her own seat?

2/13/2024 09:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I don’t know if you guys watch Abbott Elementary but Crimesha looks and acts exactly like the Principal

2/13/2024 10:17:00 AM

Never heard of it, what district is it in?

2/13/2024 09:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She wasn't in the cheap 9K seats... BLM Black Luxury Matters

2/13/2024 09:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old Fat Cheeks made it to the game. Good for her and good for us. Any day that the chubby faced S/A is not in town Crook County is much better off. Rumor has it she stuffed her fleshy cheeks with everything in sight. Her double chins were noticeably prominent after several days of binge eating. Upon return to her office, she will no doubt regale her staff with her winning strategies and football knowledge on the big game similar to her knowledge of Illinois laws.

2/13/2024 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m with you SCC, haven’t watched that blm-supporting, anti-police league ever since they started disrespecting the flag, the anthem, veterans and us !!! FUCK the nfl !!! That goes for the nba, mlb and any other organization contributing to the spread of hatred towards law enforcement !!!!

2/13/2024 11:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a really good chance that Foxx will be Toni’s successor. Toni is confronting age related health issues and may want to enjoy her pensions. She’s no Spring Chicken anymore.

She’ll never enjoy her pension, she’s in her 70s and will not leave office or the power she wields. She runs the Democratic Party now. Watch how easy her hand picked states attorney candidate wins. They’re running Fioretti as a republican candidate (which is hysterical). Fioretti is their shill candidate they always run in most of these city, county races to split the white vote. Now he’s a “republican.” It’s all been decided already and is a big charade, it always has been.

2/14/2024 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOIA Crook County and the State's Attorney's Office for any and all expenses approved with regard to the 2024 Superbowl held in Las Vegas, NV. Scope: Any and all employees of the Cook County and State's Attorney's Office, including, but not limited to, travel by any conveyance, lodging, meals, event or show tickets, and concessions. Date range: December 01, 2023 through February 20, 2024. Include copies of invoices, contracts, and approval letters. To be provided electronically.

Further, that we request a waiver of all fees as this request is made in the Public Interest and will be published.

2/14/2024 03:03:00 AM  
Anonymous South of 167th St. said...

Wonder if ex Flossmoor Chief, Todd Kamleiter was bodyguarding her there.

2/14/2024 06:25:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

I thought that the black national anthem was Ain't Gonna Bump No More No Big Fat Woman by the late, great Joe Tex.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

2/14/2024 07:37:00 AM  

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