Friday, March 01, 2024

More Bad Ideas

Still tying their wagons to this failed idea:

Squad Policing in 007, which has failed in a few other pilot Districts....024 and 006 if we remember. 

And the main reason it fails is that to make this work, you need approximately one-third MORE officers than are currently assigned to each District and one-third MORE equipment (cars essentially).

But hey, those Consent Decree people have to justify their existence for the tens of millions of tax dollars in useless papers, studies, committees and chairmanships.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

They brought this in 024 & it was a crash & burn 🔥 idea. 3 squad cars manning the district for like 2 hours & Sgt Houdini that disappeared & would notify his cars he left.

3/01/2024 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

During the 70's a varation of this concept was tried with 3 teams on each watch all in the same DOG and a relief team to rotate between sectors on the sector's day off. Again the issue becomes personnel. When the number of officers start to slide, you resort to shuffling bodies to man the cars. This falls apart real quick in the real world.

3/01/2024 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The squad pilot program sucked at the time. The clouted really became more obvious than just staying behind the scenes. Now they walk around like they own you. Bring it. Department failures are above my pay grade.

3/01/2024 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only would the department need more officers, more squad cars, and more equipment (BWCs, PDTs, tasers, etc.), the department would need many more sergeants. So many more sergeants would be needed that the cost of those sergeants might be one of the reasons why Rahm didn't run for another term after agreeing to this part of the consent decree. Can anyone guess how many more sergeants would be needed to make this work? That chart and many like it for squad policing are being put together by good people who just don't have the right numbers to fit in their boxes. Bottom line is that to make it work you have to have the right number of officers AND supervisors, which CPD does not have.

As a sergeant who has had up to 14 cars and 28 officers to supervise on any given night on 3rd watch in summertime, it would be great to only have 4-5 squad cars to supervise. Sergeants would have time to, you know, supervise: answer questions, mentor officers, chase the dogs, reward the workers, put officers in for awards, try to squash stupid behavior before it happens, respond to requests for backup and for supervisors, approve reports after actually reading them, keep up with new orders, laws and policies, review TRRs and help officers articulate why they used force (some can't), review other reports, complete IODs, all the while being aware that you might be blamed or questioned if someone under your supervision screws up.

3/01/2024 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic but still on the topic of supervision, I hated it when lieutenants would split shifts. We would finally get two lieutenants on the watch, the WOL and the 90, but they would split the shift and work half a tour so there never was a field lieutenant. Yeh, it's probably been going on for decades but it doesn't make it right. And it sends a terrible message to the watch who listen to a lieutenant talk about the importance of showing up on-time and checking off on-time, while they work a half-shift. No respect for those Lts in the past, no respect today.

3/01/2024 01:05:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

These motherfuckers will never figure it out. It’s part and parcel of the phenomenon described in the sergeant test video. Fucking morons, most who have little time on the job and/or never worked the street now responsible for creating and dictating policy. Insanity defined.

3/01/2024 01:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do they propose to implement this plan? There aren't enough officers to staff the current beat cars. There aren't enough sergeants to even have one per sector, or even one on the street some nights. They aren't hiring enough because no one wants to be the police anymore. They're driving away current officers and supervisors with shitty bosses and shitty policies. Promoting more sergeants means even fewer officers to man all those imaginary cars. You can't fix manpower issues by saying you need more manpower. You have to actually create that manpower before devising a plan on how to use it. The problem is there will never be enough manpower again. Another problem, caused by lowered standards for hiring, is that you get less-qualified officers, who are less likely to be effective. 7 negatives can't make a positive. You can't get water from an empty well. This idea is similar to me deciding that I can pay off my mortgage quicker by just sending in 5 times the monthly payment with the money I don't have.

3/01/2024 03:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All it did was change the start times and few clouted sgts bailed to the area. Other than that nothing changed. Same bs answering calls all over

3/01/2024 06:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep telling a lie long enough, and you will believe it is true, intelligent people know that if something doesn’t work, you have to try something else that says a lot about the leader ship of the Chicago police department, obviously lacking in any intelligence. That is one thing you could never accuse the top brass of the police department being involved in, being stupid, asinine, ignorant yes, that is what the leader ship is put that gold star on rip off the pension fund that’s about all it’s good for. Not that many years ago when you were a good star, the gold star you got respect now no respect because they obviously don’t deserve any respect , they are clouted connected individuals as they were before many of them, but now, with zero intelligence.

3/01/2024 06:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To make that work in 016, you'd have to reduce each sector to only 2 beats.
6 cars for the entire district for patrol.

3/01/2024 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I be PO 69?

3/01/2024 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do they keep trying this. There’s nothing wrong with the current way we do things. Leave it alone. Sometimes the wheel has already been invented.

3/01/2024 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems that a lot of these exempts are so incompetent and they know their incompetent ,so they feel they have to reinvent the wheel to show everyone that they have their own ideas and are really really smart. This job up until the Jason Van Dyke fiasco operated the same for decades with no issues. Now a bunch of idiots who have never ever done police work are in charge and they come up with these dumb ideas.

3/01/2024 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like human resources is going to be very busy right before the DNC. Squad retirement.

3/01/2024 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a person who dealt with squad policing in 006 for a few years, let me tell you - total failure. Also, here's a way to fix it - just downsize Caps and dcos and have a consistent 40 sector. 10 and 30 early, 20 and 40 late.

There. Pay me 7 million dollars.

3/01/2024 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They had that in 025 on the third watch.
All the late rapid cars and their Sgt. worked 1800 to 2345. They'd go down on reports at 2345 and go home.

3/01/2024 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See....the idiots at 35th truly believe...if it can work in 007, it can work anywhere.

On paper, it looks long as it operates in a vacuum. No medical, PDays, BFD, furloughs, Marriage get the idea.

What the fail to understand is the human aspect of this plan, which is their short-sightedness. It will NEVER work.

Somewhere in the not too distant future, the city is going to make a run at establishing 12 hour shifts, permanently. We do not have enough manpower to staff what we have. And with conehead eliminating 833 sworn positions (which he campaigned he would NOT do), it will get tougher.

3/01/2024 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Squad policing would have been fine if the SGTS wouldn’t leave early everyday without telling anyone.

3/01/2024 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm afraid for folks getting hurt and the dept/city screwing the actually hurt people.

Unlike, Jennifer Koniarski, the scammer that never had to do the job. Remember when you're in the shit at work, scammers and POS aren't..... DO NOT OVER EXTEND YOURSELF. THE DEPT DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOU. Collect your pay, spend your time away from the job, be the best for your family!!!!

3/01/2024 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Can I be PO 69?

3/01/2024 06:55:00 AM"

The Keesing Bandit might have keeeseeess for you!

3/01/2024 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgts and lts already work half a tour everyday. Can you imagine it with this squad policing?! I got you today and you get me tomorrow!!!!

3/01/2024 09:25:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

It's simply a rehash of the failed program Team Policing, which crashed and burned in the Seventies.

3/01/2024 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do they still assign people to the district rolls and then detail them out to another unit, but still count them as your manpower allocation to man beat cars.

3/01/2024 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do consent decree monitors the racist meritorious promotions of officers that score 50% to 65% on promotional tests.
Do they monitor, extra police officers assigned to CAPS office, commander office staff while beat cars are one man or put down?

3/01/2024 10:08:00 AM  
Blogger dumpdaley said...

To the texter who brought up Rahm:
Please be quiet, cost had nothing I need to do with Rahm not running again.
You don't know what you are wring about.
Cost, crime and/or the police had NOTHING to do with Rahm not running again.
Rahm was only supposed to serve two terms ( eight years). That is one year past the statute of limitations. No succeeding mayor could start and complete an investigation of the Daley Friends, Felons and Family Plan.
The parking meter lease, the zoning trade for condos at 130 N. Garland Court, the condos given to certain people at the high rises south of Roosevelt east of Michigan Ave, the Vanecko pension fund robbery.
Three way trade. Richie went from Mayor's office to private sector, Billy Daley went from private sector to White House, Rahm went from White House to mayor's office.
Why do you think Rahm left Burke alone after making a big stink about Eddie?
Because Eddie knew about Barack, Richie, the parking meters, the grant park park garages, more about hired trucks, the Board of Ed, McPier, airport concessions, pension funds (Chicago did not send any money withheld from paychecks to the pension funds in 2003 & 2004) and CTA federal money intended for track maintenance used instead for exempts salaries. And of course how the bodyguard detail managed around certain mayors' girlfriends on the side.

3/01/2024 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a sergeant who has had up to 14 cars and 28 officers to supervise on any given night on 3rd watch in summertime, it would be great to only have 4-5 squad cars to supervise.

3/01/2024 01:01:00 AM

14 cars? You must've been in one of those very understaffed districts, or one with a lot of sergeants. More than a few times, I had 27 cars on midnights in the summer. When we had more than one sergeant on the street, I got the treat of only having 12-15 cars. How does the department expect one person to effectively supervise 54 officers in 27 separate cars, all moving across several square miles? My favorite was when I was expected to be at 3 different shooting scenes at once.

3/01/2024 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic but still on the topic of supervision, I hated it when lieutenants would split shifts. We would finally get two lieutenants on the watch, the WOL and the 90, but they would split the shift and work half a tour so there never was a field lieutenant. Yeh, it's probably been going on for decades but it doesn't make it right. And it sends a terrible message to the watch who listen to a lieutenant talk about the importance of showing up on-time and checking off on-time, while they work a half-shift. No respect for those Lts in the past, no respect today.

3/01/2024 01:05:00 AM

I can't think of a single time when I wanted a field lieutenant to show up at my job. I can only think of 3 times when one showed up and actually did anything useful. Field lieutenants should be an important part of district supervision, but it's just never worked out that way.

3/01/2024 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

14 cars? You must've been in one of those very understaffed districts, or one with a lot of sergeants. More than a few times, I had 27 cars on midnights in the summer. When we had more than one sergeant on the street, I got the treat of only having 12-15 cars. How does the department expect one person to effectively supervise 54 officers in 27 separate cars, all moving across several square miles? My favorite was when I was expected to be at 3 different shooting scenes at once.

3/01/2024 12:11:00 PM

Whoa! 27 cars?! All 10-4?! You must have had every beat staffed, an Adam car here or there for hot spots, multiple wagons, baby tac 06 kids, late rapids, parks, CHA, maybe traffic, and probably a couple cars bosses today wish they had. There's no question that's a lot for one Sgt; but with current staffing, that kind of manpower sounds downright dreamy.

3/01/2024 05:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Concur with need for more Manpower. Definitely.
However, the indisputable FACT that more cars are needed. may be covert effort to “ Save the Planet” by reducing vehicle emissions by having more CPD walking a Beat, as was common during and before WW2.
It is an indirect way of “ De funding “ CPD by having fewer cars ( procurement cost, maintenance, fuel).
Additionally, by reducing Response Times, it impairs effectiveness.
Finally, chasing on foot is a non- starter.
(Please, do not laugh at the possibility of “ Saving the Planet” being part of the motivation.)

3/01/2024 07:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Off topic but still on the topic of supervision, I hated it when lieutenants would split shifts. We would finally get two lieutenants on the watch, the WOL and the 90, but they would split the shift and work half a tour so there never was a field lieutenant. Yeh, it's probably been going on for decades but it doesn't make it right. And it sends a terrible message to the watch who listen to a lieutenant talk about the importance of showing up on-time and checking off on-time, while they work a half-shift. No respect for those Lts in the past, no respect today.

3/01/2024 01:05:00 AM

Wah....Wah.....stfu dude. That's your concern? Of all the crap going on in the Department this is what disappoints you? Boo hoo....too bad. Stay in your lane and you enjoy your early ducks or sleeping in your car. Lol...goof

3/01/2024 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It seems that a lot of these exempts are so incompetent and they know their incompetent ,so they feel they have to reinvent the wheel to show everyone that they have their own ideas and are really really smart. This job up until the Jason Van Dyke fiasco operated the same for decades with no issues. Now a bunch of idiots who have never ever done police work are in charge and they come up with these dumb ideas.

3/01/2024 07:14:00 AM

close - but before that i can remember when mass transit was "Lincoln" - L ###. New boss came in and made new beat numbers, just to put his stamp on things.

3/01/2024 11:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't think of a single time when I wanted a field lieutenant to show up at my job. I can only think of 3 times when one showed up and actually did anything useful. Field lieutenants should be an important part of district supervision, but it's just never worked out that way.

3/01/2024 12:16:00 PM

They are not supervisors. They are command members.

3/02/2024 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ 3/01/2024 01:01:00 AM
STFU... the chances you or any other sgt did that much work in 1 shift is zero to zilch.
There isn't to many sgts that were actual workers before they made sgt, and those that were stopped actually working once they made sgt and spent their tour ignoring any bad behavior until they had to address it, ie the crap show we are in now.
So stop with the violin playing looking for sympathy, you knew as a patrolman and probably was one too, the under qualified personal you would have to "supervise" and the under qualified bosses you would have report to and taken orders from.
Your just another part of the terrible cycle
in place.

3/02/2024 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are not supervisors. They are command members.

3/02/2024 12:03:00 AM

Cute semantics argument. If you actually read my post, you'll see that I did not say they are supervisors. I said they should be an important part of district supervision. That could include things like managing and directing and assigning sergeants to perform certain supervisory tasks. However, despite the role of a lieutenant as a "command member," they do act as supervisors for everyone under their command. That's just part of being in command. Your need to try to "correct" an "incorrect" statement that was never made, shows that you just like to argue, and actually have nothing important to say. Congrats on your semantics victory over an imaginary foe. Sorry to make you feel like a lowly supervisor, lieutenant.

3/02/2024 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ 3/01/2024 01:01:00 AM
STFU... the chances you or any other sgt did that much work in 1 shift is zero to zilch.
There isn't to many sgts that were actual workers before they made sgt, and those that were stopped actually working once they made sgt and spent their tour ignoring any bad behavior until they had to address it, ie the crap show we are in now.
So stop with the violin playing looking for sympathy, you knew as a patrolman and probably was one too, the under qualified personal you would have to "supervise" and the under qualified bosses you would have report to and taken orders from.
Your just another part of the terrible cycle
in place.

3/02/2024 09:38:00 AM

I'm not the person you were addressing, but I felt the need to chime in anyway. Did your schools have English classes? If so, where were you when they were in session? You seem like you can barely spell your own name.

3/02/2024 10:42:00 PM  
Blogger I Voted For Kamala said...

The Keesing Bandit has keeses for all who are worthy.

3/04/2024 03:01:00 PM  

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