Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Revisiting Carnac

Over five-and-one-half years ago, we posted this email (comment?) regarding the Consent Decree:

  • The EXACT SAME THING happened at County years ago, and this will happen to you. Mostly in this order, with very little variation.

    One: you will attract less and less talented applicants. Less and less people want to work for CPD or be the police in general. The Darren Wilson/JasonVan Dyke cases, de-policing in general since 08/09, increased micromanagement and metrics-based supervision for suburban departments and weaker organized labor all contribute. Not only that, but you have an economy that is insanely good: unemployment nationally at 3.7%? Hasn't been this good in decades and more better-paying jobs are to be found elsewhere- with stock options and bonuses.

    Two: with low-talent applicants, you will hire low-talent people. Which means over the long-term, low-talent officers will be promoted to low-talent so-called-Sergeants.

    Three: increase in cameras. There will be more cameras that you know what to do with. In locker rooms, in break rooms, put up in blind spots in the station, in lockups, everywhere. You'll have body cameras for every officer in the department. You'll have dash-mounted cameras inside the squad car aimed at the officers inside. You'll have cameras mounted in the cage in the vehicle. The camera systems will be Ultra-High Def 4K shit, with great zoom lenses, and audio capability. They will be able to be real-time streamed. These cameras will be able to be accessed by command staff ay any time, any where. Directors in CCSO can access this shit from their houses, from their iPads. And they do. They will watch the cameras from home, call into the jail and ask Chiefs, Superintendents, Lieutenants and whoever they want, why officers are doing certain things. This happens daily to us and it will happen daily to you.

    Four: increase in civilian directors and oversight. You'll have civilians who are not the police, being put in charge of units, groups and teams. These people are not your friends.

    Five: New units for Use of Force Review, Video Monitoring, Internal Affairs, etc... You'll have re-organized units, re-structured units, new units and the like. Lots of juice babies will be placed in this units. The administration will fight you tooth and nail and a lot of the people in these units will not investigate Use of Force incidents correctly.

    Six: A hell of a lot of discipline. They'll rewrite the entire General Orders of CPD. They'll fight the FOP on everything, hire a lot more lawyers and they will push for the maximum amount of discipline possible for a lot more officers. They will make examples. They will suspend without pay. They will push to fire more officers, by a factor of 5 at least from that the current level is. There is no mistaking it, people will absolutely lose their jobs.

    Seven: The Department will drown the union with more and more lawyers and opposition and struggle during normal operations. Everything from lunches to reliefs to overtime, to uniform/appearance standards, to medical call-ins, FMLA use and the pettiest stuff imaginable. This will increase the workload on the stewards in the districts and units and also the union office, making the office do more and more work. It will make you choose your battles more and it will make officers have less and less faith in the union.

    Eight: A ton of good officers will retire. They will be fired. They will stop caring. They'll become even more cynical and jaded that they are now. They'll impact the younger generation and then, they too, will become lazy and not care. More officers will transfer to suburban departments, federal agencies or choose different paths altogether. The department attrition will increase substantially, which will make officers invest less and less in their careers and themselves.

    Nine: After years of mismanagement and sinking morale, after hundreds of officers are fired and hundreds more leave, the department will change direction slightly and try to "improve" it. Special teams, special units, special work hours/shifts/days off, perks, etc., will be offered. Those Use of Force units, Internal Affairs and the administration will realize what has happened and try and fix it. This will happen slowly at first and then pick up speed. This is the phase the county is in now- especially at the jail. But the damage will be done.

Where are we at in this story arc? Step eight?



Anonymous Anonymous said...


If one democrat gets elected, is'nt it worth it....

4/02/2024 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Young people who came on in the late 90s when they were throwing federal money to big cities to beef up their police departments will be turning 50 soon and they’ll be retiring unless they have a spot. This job used to attract younger qualified candidates. It doesn’t anymore. The department will have to drastically raise pay or it’s done and low IQ worthless candidates will be the only ones left.

4/02/2024 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC: I'm the guy who posted this way back on October 16th, 2018.

We are on Step 8... and the small beginnings of step #9 aren't too far away.

4/02/2024 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My streaming platform choices have also increased.

4/02/2024 01:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember reading this back then … it was dead on accurate

4/02/2024 02:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We’re at step eight. I don’t see in my future Step nine.

The City is lost. Crime put the stake into her Hart. Taxes, over registration, incompetents, corruption and politicians were nails in her coffin sealing the deal. Everyone is leaving. Everyone I’m friends with and all my relatives are planning on moving. Everyone isn’t held down with city jobs. It’s over. Most just don’t understand it or don’t know it yet. In five years more will see it with there eyes. More empty lots, less businesses gone and more population gone. It’s called a “chain reaction”. What’s happening today will manifest itself with time through the actions of today. Prepare your exit strategy or be doomed to be broke and poor living here.

4/02/2024 03:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watching upper management has gotten to be like watching a TV program where the have trustees (another convict)
guarding the prisoners or a military movie where one of your own is shining the boots of the enemy camp commandant, given them up everything so he can have a little bit easier. Upper management gets me sick, half of them are a disgrace and all of the are clueless kiss @$$. Slime. Getting ahead on the backs of others and running the place into the dirt. They don’t no shit about deserve and feel they are smarter and better than the rest of us! Just sickening.

4/02/2024 03:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Royal Flush said...

You forgot Step 8.5 - The part where scared civilians and local politicians come up to Chicago Police officers and attempt to kiss our ass and tell us how much they care about us. {snicker} Lately I haven't had this many wine-moms and Democrat voters come up to my squad car and tell me how much they appreciate me since 9/11. Yeah...sure. Suck it. Where were they when the city was burning down in summer 2020? How about all the anti-police rallies (and anti-Trump rallies) the last ten years? The same people holding up ACAB signs are now terrified that their pets are hunting them. The same people who instituted defunding the police are now paying us six figures in a pathetic attempt to keep us from quitting. I'll continue to shrug and count down the days I can move out of this hellhole. They asked for this now live with the consequences...

4/02/2024 03:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the toilet waiting to be flushed down into the sewer the whole country

4/02/2024 05:36:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

You are prophetic.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

4/02/2024 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are at 10. I’m a Netflix ranger I get 10 movies in per day at work. I save the department on fuel by shutting my car off the whole shift.

4/02/2024 06:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, what’s the end result, NAZI Germany 2.0 or totally revisited?

4/02/2024 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A jail guard would know fucked up. CPD makes the jail look like a wel oiled machine.

4/02/2024 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Silly sunny optimism.

There is no step 9. The downward spiral will continue.

No Hero Leader is going to show up,
fire the incompetent Exempts and Merits,
promote and Righteous
and attract a wave of Smart Brave Strong young recruits.

There is no happy ending.

Plan accordingly.

4/02/2024 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“ We are at 10. I’m a Netflix ranger I get 10 movies in per day at work. I save the department on fuel by shutting my car off the whole shift.”

Nothing to be proud of.

4/02/2024 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never felt like any of these prophecies applied to me but that's maybe because I worked inside since 2019. There just isn't any f---s to give anymore and that isn't changing anytime soon. Make the job work for you because juice babies are allowed take advantage of the system while the rest are hurt in the process. You're not getting anything from me and good luck at the DNC. You owe, I don't.

4/02/2024 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once Brandon fixes the root cause problems of whatever and progressives path to a socialist paradise is complete all will be well here in Chicago.

4/02/2024 11:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Garbage In Garbage Out-GINGO

4/02/2024 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Return to quarters and finish my movie. Go for a wash. Get some fuel.lunch. Personal.return to quarters.check off.

4/02/2024 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The anti-police is taking place from within. This job requires us to do documentation for things no other agency has to worry about we document everything from the moment we talk to somebody touch someone and arrest them. Ridiculous amount of extra paperwork. We create new reports, but we never remove old reports. Someone explain to me why we do a half assed car inspection every Sunday where does that piece of paper go with the miles that this department doesn’t already have every time we get gas they know the miles on each of the cars meanwhile, we check cars every Sunday for what reason? Why do we do a separate arrest report? Why don’t we just complete one case report and that acts as both the case report and the arrest report? The new policeman coming out is all about writing reports and not doing police work. There is no proactive police work taking place anymore. This new generation just wants to write a report and that’s it solving the problem doesn’t occur anymore.

4/02/2024 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Went to a suburban department prior to the St. George of Floyd riots. We’ve been in step 8 for a bit. 10+ years of policing, I’m ready to get the hell outta here. I’m not sure how some stick it out to 30 years. Next 10 years will continue to watch Netflix etc. in my car.

4/02/2024 12:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You ain't kidding, the other night in the 10th district some tact officers were accused by the useless cowards of the transport car of falsifyimg police reports. They ran to the 1st watch merit Lt then told her the officers falsified reports. It gets better... the never been the police know nothing DSS & merit Lt yelled & accused the officers of rule 14. The officers were belittled by the know-nothings, the officers had to explain the entire incident in 3rd grade terms only to be cleared. Be careful boys because here's a perfect example of how you will get stabbed in the back by someone who is suppose to have your back.

4/02/2024 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The damage is irreversible. Not only in Chicago but law and order nationwide.

Commies and Liberals advance their agenda everyday.

Every institution is in their favor. The police departments have been destroyed by DEI, too much de-escalation, and liberal policies.

Cleansing of societies is the only solution now.

4/02/2024 05:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the proposed elimination of our medical by three "progressive" alderman?

4/02/2024 06:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please name those coward 10th district officers

4/03/2024 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the proposed elimination of our medical by three "progressive" alderman?

Perfect. Give me 12 sick days a year and I’ll be off every major holiday, and City can not do medical checks. If I run out of sick days I’ll gladly take UNPAID 2 months off in the summer. Want to fire me? Ok, that’s fine. This job isn’t worth it without the medical benefit. You ain’t scaring nobody.

4/03/2024 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please name those coward 10th district officers

4/03/2024 07:48:00 AM
Probably the same 1's that still live in moms basement getting warm milk and meat loaf brought down as they are snuggled in star wars jammies!

4/03/2024 01:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Name the 10th district LT. Is it t the LT who has a brother on midnights in 20?

4/03/2024 06:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yahoo finance had this headline today: "Americans who switch jobs are seeing pay gains nearly double of those who stay put"

4/03/2024 08:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You ain't kidding, the other night in the 10th district some tact officers were accused by the useless cowards of the transport car of falsifyimg police reports. They ran to the 1st watch merit Lt then told her the officers falsified reports. It gets better... the never been the police know nothing DSS & merit Lt yelled & accused the officers of rule 14. The officers were belittled by the know-nothings, the officers had to explain the entire incident in 3rd grade terms only to be cleared. Be careful boys because here's a perfect example of how you will get stabbed in the back by someone who is suppose to have your back.

4/02/2024 04:52:00 PM

Tell us no more. The MERIT LT is no other than the infamous “LT” AF. I’ve seen some stupid people before but she takes the cake. Heard she’s barely ever at work and when she is she steps into it like no other. At least 010 has a competent Lt that’s there on the watch. Unfortunately for him she’ll continue to scam and fail to do any work which will require the other competent Lt to do all the heavy lifting. Sorry 010 on first watch but hopefully with this next class of Lt’s being promoted maybe you can get another competent Lt and rid yourself of this self promoting POS MERIT LT.

4/04/2024 06:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You’re posting anonymously, why bother using initials?

4/06/2024 01:53:00 AM  

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