Saturday, May 25, 2024

Gutless Wonder Caves

This is what happens when you spend over half your career at the Academy banging recruits - you become a useless tool for the politicians:

  • Critics have said for years that the city needs long overdue oversight of the Chicago police department's use of everyday traffic stops to sometimes conduct driver and vehicle searches.

    Now, for the first time, Chicago's police superintendent agrees.

    This week, CPD Supt. Larry Snelling agreed to federal oversight through a years-old court supervised consent decree aimed at reforming department practices; a welcome move to many but some civil rights groups have said it's a step in the wrong direction.

    The ABC 7 I-Team has been reporting on the contentious traffic stop strategy used by Chicago police, which has resulted in hundreds of thousands of drivers pulled over for minor traffic infractions.

Just to summarize:

  • "...driver's pulled over for minor traffic infractions."

So we're agreeing that these drivers BROKE THE F@#$ING LAW, even if it was in a minor way?

And police are authorized BY LAW to curb those persons who are BREAKING THE LAW?

So no one - except the drivers BREAKING THE LAW - actually broke any laws?

Just so we're clear.

And then Larritorious does what he does best - folds like a wet blanket:

  • In a statement to the I-Team, a spokesperson for CPD said, "Supt. Snelling is committed to ensuring traffic stops are being used effectively to stop violent crime. As part of this commitment, CPD has agreed to include traffic stops in the consent decree."

Anyone know how weapons get transported from neighborhood to neighborhood? Pony express? Carrier pigeon? Magic?

Or is it by vehicle, usually being driven by someone who probably failed Drivers Ed, doesn't spend money on maintaining a car (that isn't theirs and might be borrowed from the Chief of IAD), who is already disregarding BIG laws about transporting contraband so disregarding LITTLE traffic laws isn't a big deal, and he knows that he won't be prosecuted by Crimesha even if he's caught with a gun?

And now, instead of telling the media that the Department will continue to properly follow the law regarding traffic stops as a US Supreme Court approved method of interdicting potential violent criminal acts until such time as the elected Legislature changes said laws, Larry abandons the field to the "progressives" selling a bull$hit narrative.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take the laws you don’t want enforced off the books. That why we can all do what you don’t want enforced.

5/25/2024 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another nail in the already tightly sealed coffin of effective policing. Just come right out and say it's open season on the citizens, but give them the same courtesy of not prosecuting them for defending themselves. I'm not quite ready to advocate for the purge to begin, but it's starting to sound like the criminals get to purge while the rest of us just hope to survive. I'll become whatever type of criminal they decide they aren't holding responsible for crimes. I just can't become black, so they'll have to extend their policies to cover white people too.

5/25/2024 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"spend over half your career at the Academy banging recruits"

Now if that is not the definition of a FUCKING SAVAGE then I don't know what is.

Democrat run governments are being run by pure pieces of human shit.

5/25/2024 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Frank Furillo said...

Stop enforcing traffic laws, any of them. Some jackass goes through the hood at 100mph? Wave to him and say hi over the bull horn. Same jackass loses control and plows into a bus stop? Roll up and say "gee that sucks" and wait for the beef wagon.

Give these idiots the chaos they wanted, that they voted for and insisted on. Pain is the best teacher and the people or folks who keep voting for looney tunes like BJ and his 50 thieves, and by extension the fools they appoint to key positions, obviously need more lessons.

5/25/2024 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media needs to FOIA all people that applied for Sup and do an after action review of where are they now and are they available because the ship is sinking even more with Snelling.

5/25/2024 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the drivers flee and the officers take the time to complete the “request to impound” or whatever it’s called, is the city ever actually following through on that impound? Does anyone know?

5/25/2024 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larry got the academy gig after ratting out the other guys on the 007 tact team they were on..

The other guys got 5 to 10 days suspended with out pay..Larry didn't get any time at all..It was his bright idea to sandbag the parolee to begin with..How lazy and stupid can you be if you can't find a knucklehead with a gun in Englewood?

5/25/2024 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can any of these reporters and lawyers name a major traffic violation?

5/25/2024 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous J. Backstabvich@541 said...

Don’t be bad-mouthing Luscious Larry! King John says that he’s a “breath of fresh air”. And all of us members of the Catanzara Cabal (have to) agree with any and all edicts put forth by the all mighty JC.

5/25/2024 01:54:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

Fuck Snelling and anyone who co-signs for his stupid ass. And that includes your crooked assed FOP mouthpiece. Johnny Boy has a kung fu grip on Larry’s beanbag because he wants his retirement credentials. Tell me I’m wrong, J-Pussy.

5/25/2024 02:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This job keeps getting easier. No traffic stops, no problem.

I don’t give a shit about Larry but he’s 1000x better than Brownie.

5/25/2024 02:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many blue cards done have a rap sheet attached? Tact guys? Special people?

5/25/2024 02:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But cantanzara said snelling is the best superintendent ever, dedicated an entire publication as a big wet blowjob in tribute. How can this be

5/25/2024 02:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All in all, seems that this will now compel:

All traffic stops must result in citation(s) being issued. Must result. Citations, plural, being the emphasis.

So, on viewed multiple vehicular code violations = mucho ticketittos!!!

This not including predicate on viewed moving violation.

Well now, other than the expectation of certain areas' denizens receiving said love notes not ever paying the fines thus induced, and the expected bleatings were these now default compelled requirements on traffic, to not be plentifully applied in certain other areas whose residents reliably will pay the resulting fines bestowed upon them, in sum, that goofus of recent infamy mousing his way to mover trap lengendary status may just be way ahead of the curve of praises from the boss class of classless fucks.

Yep. This will most thoroughly boost the fondness for the beat coppers in these going to pay the fine areas, and aggrieve the residents of those areas not ever going to pay, if that more hostility towards police is even possible.

These progs won't ever be satisfied, not even when they've fucked up everyone's wet dreams.

5/25/2024 03:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Progressive Era we are currently in needs to come to an end asap. Normal minded people first have to admit that the left has become very good at ingraining progressive Ideas in the youth. For a good example, YouTube “Barack Hussein Obama mmm mmm mmm” song. Those children are now in their 20’s and are probably obedient progressive democratic voters.

Also, when we were children, we were taught the concept of the have’s vs. have-nots. Children today are being taught to look at society as oppresser vs. oppressed. Big difference. To solve the problem of a person who “doesn’t have” simply give that person what they do not currently have. However, the solution of a person being “oppressed” requires violence against the “oppressor”.

Unfortunately, current high school and college students have already been lost to Progressives. Hopefully the pendulum changes when children who are currently about 7 years old become adults. The next generation always rejects the previous, so hopefully this trend continues

5/25/2024 03:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all of you coppers who initially believed Larry Snelling was "pro police", what do you think now?

He is a politician. A politician will use words and theatrics to fool you.

5/25/2024 05:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lie #1 COPS are still making traffic stops

5/25/2024 05:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who cares anymore? don't do anything just drive around. For the last 10 years my stress level has been cut by 75-80%. Being the police used to be challenging. Now it's easy. Thank God I am almost done because I couldn't look myself in the mirror as such a do-nothing for 30 years. Now I just don't care.

This whole traffic stop thing is a fucking myth. Traffics stops are a great tool. But, hey, pay me over $100k per year to just drive around that's ok too.

5/25/2024 05:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is he gutless or is he just painfully stupid?

5/25/2024 05:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Catch and release of said criminals due to safe t act nullifies any kind of discipline and they continue to reoffend with zero repercussions it’s how they roll

5/25/2024 05:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only a dumb ass or brown-noser would be doing any t-stops anymore anyway. Fuck it, let the ghetto burn

5/25/2024 05:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The guy is a full blown PUSSY.

5/25/2024 06:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds good,,,,,, do not pull over the criminals before they commit the crime,,,,,, do not chase the criminals after they commit the crime,,,,,, just take the report stating the "injustice involved individual" did something wrong,,,,

5/25/2024 06:51:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Everything for the bad guys, nothing for the normal people.

5/25/2024 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pressure from exempts for traffic stops got out of control. That’s what happened. It got to the point that blue cards were valued even more than anything else, even arrests. Tact teams and 06 teams were put out on the street purely to increase traffic stop numbers. Traffic stops definitely have their part in law enforcement, but like anything with this department it gets used and abused. One commander has higher traffic stop numbers, they get praised at compstat, so the rest of the commanders come back and push like hell traffic stop numbers so they can look good at compstat.

I have always believed compstat is the root of evil on this department. They need to get rid of it. It has led to nothing but commanders trying to out do other commanders at all costs so they don’t get embarrassed at compstat. If they have an issue with what a commander is doing, just call them up and tell them. Why do they need this huge dog and pony show and waste of time and resources to belittle someone in front of the entire rest of the command staff at HQs.

5/25/2024 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for 7:20 poster, I hardly see a cop, and when I do they're not following any traffic laws, so too many stops cannot be correct. Pretty sure the stops are targeted, kill two birds with one stone. You can't tell me you don't know who the bad guys are and where they come from....

5/25/2024 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

Fuck Snelling and anyone who co-signs for his stupid ass. And that includes your crooked assed FOP mouthpiece. Johnny Boy has a kung fu grip on Larry’s beanbag because he wants his retirement credentials.


Kind of funny this coming from a guy who clearly states he is just for the check. Every single city employee I know is doing this for 1 reason....a pension. I have seen them compromise who they are and what they believe so that they can be on the "right" side of the people who control their trajectory to that pension. All I am saying is that before you start talking about someone protecting their retirement credentials why don't you sit down and make a list of all the people you wouldn't sell out to get your pension and then hope you never have to test that list.

5/25/2024 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Soft minds are bent easily

5/25/2024 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous MAD MAX said...

My movies were supposed to be 'entertainment', not 'prophecy'...

5/25/2024 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why anyone would want to be a Chicago Police Officer now-a-days is beyond me. The only reason I could see to joining CPD is as a stepping stone to a better Department. This city and higher ups want to stress P/Os as much as possible. F it! they don't want you to be the police, don't be the police! 1 and the 16 or whenever you get paid now. AND, if you can avoid the DNC, by all means do. COPA will be stripping Officers long after the DNC has left town. Good luck and stay safe.

5/25/2024 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the drivers flee and the officers take the time to complete the “request to impound” or whatever it’s called, is the city ever actually following through on that impound? Does anyone know?

5/25/2024 12:28:00 AM

I was informed that after you do all that that work the chump at traffic does nothing and doesn’t submit it so it gets essentially tossed in the trash.

5/25/2024 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just read about od deaths in Baltimore. Leading the nation. Who wants to bet their police department followed this path just a few years ago? There's a limited amount of time to save this city, might be a decade or more. But with the illegals on the mag mile, could be even less. When 35% turn out to vote, you get what you get...

5/25/2024 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In an opinion authored by Antonin Scalia, the court held that a search and seizure is not a violation of the Fourth Amendment in cases where the police officers have a "reasonable suspicion" that a traffic violation has occurred. The personal, or subjective, motives of an officer are not a factor in the Court's Fourth Amendment analysis of whether the cause for a stop is sufficient. The standard for reasonable suspicion is purely an objective one.[3][1]

Put this in your consent decree. Agree that the US Supreme Court is wrong? Just fold up the tent. What a joke. We’ll continue to fill out the blue cards started by Barry Obama the race baiting coward who weakened the US on the world stage.

5/25/2024 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Auntie Yolanda Tally get her car back?

5/25/2024 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chicago Police Department is a corrupt organization. With appointments of buffoons to exempt ranks by clout, friends, and family.

5/25/2024 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do they need this huge dog and pony show and waste of time and resources to belittle someone in front of the entire rest of the command staff at HQs.

5/25/2024 07:23:00 AM

Your question, even sans the ?, answered itself.

5/25/2024 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So no more traffic missions ? This job is incredible. Why they don’t have a long line people taking this job is amazing. You get paid 100K to wave at people and write reports. This city does not want the police to do police work , so as long as you show up to work you’ll get paid for doing barely anything. It’s awesome.

5/25/2024 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Command staff!" It's hilarious that this gaggle of meritorious, dimwitted political hack morons are referred to as "Command Staff". Exempt, all right! Exempt from intelligence, exempt from honesty, exempt from decency, exempt from loyalty. If your life depended on it, and it does, who would you rather have next to you, one of these butt kissing slimeballs, or a patrolman or Det from the south or west side? You know the answer but guess what, an Exempt don't.

5/25/2024 10:40:00 AM  
Blogger Smashmouth360 said...

The fastest route to repeal of ignorant policy is the steadfast, resolute enforcement of it. Becoming reporters of the crimes rather than any deterrence will have predictable results.
We have to accurately define the politicians creating this: they are "radicals"- not "progressives".

5/25/2024 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired in Texas……

I say……….67 shot……..13 dead in Chicago over Memorial weekend.

Stay safe y’all

5/25/2024 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so Inadvertentable Traffic Stop out the window too?

5/25/2024 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at Larry he is a muscular monster maybe too much performance-enhancing substances wrecked his brain? Or do you think maybe he got some cash for himself in order to go along with the program? Look at the rest of his command staff the appearance does not come in respect, fat bellies, hanging over, looking like a bunch of slobs, and they expect anybody to respect them absolutely not. You talk about laughable look laugh, and leave gold stars. All they do is steal from the Pension. They are absolutely on qualified to do anything now they need to go get your shine boxes.

5/25/2024 12:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t stop conducting traffic stops ,keep writing these law breakers tickets.
Only racist speed cameras are the new ones that ticket people for going 6mph over limit,it was 9 mph lowered by 💡 🦶 to bring in more revenue frame Asian and Hispanics

5/25/2024 01:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got a news flash for all you silly assholes that spent your blue shirt years in some do nothing job and when you all of a sudden get a white shirt and start pretending your were the working police and the job is suddenly on the up and up.

We remember. We remember what a worthless asshole you were, even as were smiling at you were thinking, "boy what an asshole". So just keep that in mind. You might fool some 24yo with one year on the job but the rest of us remember.

5/25/2024 02:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conehead supports BLM , of course he does for votes. Take away shot spotter because it’s million dollar technology causes violent black men with guns to be arrested and saves lives of black children being shot by alerting first responders.
We know who the uneducated voters are in crook county and Chicago. Don’t we?

5/25/2024 03:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone please list all the laws that People of Color are allowed to ignore?

5/25/2024 03:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling needs to clean up his staff. Is he still a breath of fresh air?

5/25/2024 03:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larry is decent as far as not screwing us blue shirts over, for the most part. RDO’s aren’t cancelled, this is one example. Having said that, Larry still needs to toe the line when BJ orders him to. So treat this department as nothing more than a paycheck and be indifferent to bosses’ demands for activity. Merits and inside dollies can go out there and fetch activity, the rest of us ordinary blueshirts only respond to radio assignments.

5/25/2024 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous FROG (f'n real old guy) said...

Questions: In the last 20 years, has any mayor, Superintendent or the elite command staff had your back? Did any of you think this muscle-bound, ass kissing, brain surgeon was going to have your back??

He hid in the academy for years pretending to be the police and chasing female recruits. He is a political hack, and the "Cue Tip" head of the Crook County Board has approved of this move. Foxx for 8 years, one dufus after another in the mayor's seat. None have had your back. None have them have ever given it a thought on what type of stress you all face on the street and from their antics. It is over friends. I have watched from afar (thanks to God) and watched a great working department, in spite of the inept leadership, work hard and do our best as an Occupational Force in this waste land over the past 50+ years.

G.F.O. of the department and the city, county and state. These Fuckheads are in competition on how to fuck up a city even more that it is today. Don't be that guy left behind after holding the door for others. You, "2-year wonders", as you have been labeled, this is for you too. These evil people (loose term) want to see you all in jail and give the offenders a free ride with taxpayer money (yours). The results of the elections are clear, the citizens do not like you or any person that loves freedom and fairness. Just like the elections, this is FIXED.

5/25/2024 04:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chiraq is No Country for Old Men. Get out when you retire.

5/25/2024 05:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Info for police

Two Chechens with no personal identification - and who were in no US national databases, otherwise illegal aliens that likely invaded the nation through the southern border, were 'taking photos' - or possibly surveilling - outside the home of an elite US Army special forces colonel near Fort Liberty, formerly Fort Bragg, in North Carolina.

Army Special Ops Soldier Has Home Invaded By Chechen Men & They Were Taking Pictures Of His Kids

“2 Chechen men who spoke broken English were found near the soldier's ho⁵me”

“His family alleges the suspected intruder, 35 year old Ramzan Dariev of Chicago, was taking photos of their children”

The soldier shot and killed one of them.

Fox News reports the colonel confronted the men, one of which was using a "telephoto lens" and taking "photos of his children" outside his home on the evening of May 3, and that's the moment when an altercation broke out, with the special forces operator shooting and killing one of the Chec

5/25/2024 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daraev was reportedly working as a subcontractor for Utilities One, a company based in New Jersey,the Sheriff's Office said. According to the company's website, their contractors work on infrastructure for telecommunications providers, electric and gas utilities and wireless carriers.

5/25/2024 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dumb fuck tact team keep making those traffic stops

5/25/2024 07:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larry is decent as far as not screwing us blue shirts over, for the most part. RDO’s aren’t cancelled, this is one example. Having said that, Larry still needs to toe the line when BJ orders him to. So treat this department as nothing more than a paycheck and be indifferent to bosses’ demands for activity. Merits and inside dollies can go out there and fetch activity, the rest of us ordinary blueshirts only respond to radio assignments.

5/25/2024 04:09:00 PM

He's had no reason to cancel RDOs yet. Wait for the convention or whatever foolishness the summer brings. He'll cancel RDOs just like anyone else. No matter what you think of someone before they become superintendent, they have to do what the mayor says or they'll be replaced. Anyone who has anything good to say about a multiple merit gym teacher who somehow gets to run the department is a little suspect anyway though. Saying someone hasn't bent you over yet isn't exactly a ringing endorsement. He was picked because he's black, overpromoted, underqualified, easily controlled, and easily replaced if he fucks up. He also seemed to be a pick that the "troops" could get behind because he's "one of them," despite not seeing the street for 20+ years while hiding in the academy.

5/25/2024 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone please list all the laws that People of Color are allowed to ignore?

5/25/2024 03:16:00 PM

That's easy. Anything in the ILCS or IVC.

5/25/2024 09:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like the CCs, you retards screwed up a great tool of TSS cards by taking the bait they offered you to actually do your job and not sit in a hole for 8 hours. Ohhh then when that wasn't enough they push it on the tac teams just like they did with the CCs. We need x amount of CCs on such and such beat, and assigned one of the letters to handle each beat in need.
All of the people with time told you.. but no, the hair gel , skinny Jean, beard wearing, chew spitting fools wouldn't listen.

Check out the pod camera from 10 last night .. kings were man handling the POs like a bunch of snow flake rookies. Almost as bad as bad as the western and cermak clown show.

What is the academy teaching these kids.. Holly cow Batman.

CPD had become the worst joke of a dept in the state.

5/26/2024 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:16pm. The same ones Caucasians can ignore if they choose

5/26/2024 05:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been otj through 7 superintendents they ALL have one thing in common. They all have done what they were told by the 5th floor and swayed the same direction the politically correct winds of the time were blowing. Some were pretty personable and known to be "the real" police prior to taking the top spot. However, folks should understand that as soon as those 4stars get pinned on their collar, they become politicians, not the police, and their decision making will ALWAYS reflect as such. Moses could be named the supe and this would still hold true, nobody chosen to lead this dept will EVER be able to push back against those that control the city.

5/26/2024 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Dumb fuck tact team keep making those traffic stops

5/25/2024 07:17:00

+ 1

5/26/2024 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/25/2024 02:34:00 PM

You got that right. It's always those same assholes who did nothing and talked shit then get rank and its all hard charging for everyone else and the job is legit. Fuck off, we all have your number.

5/26/2024 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jodi and Gmac were better than the last few

5/26/2024 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If memory serves, the Oklahoma City bomber, Tim McVeigh, was arrested as the result of a minor traffic violation ticket. Yikes, and he was white! Oh well, never mind.

5/26/2024 01:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Daraev was reportedly working as a subcontractor for Utilities One, a company based in New Jersey,the Sheriff's Office said. According to the company's website, their contractors work on infrastructure for telecommunications providers, electric and gas utilities and wireless carriers.

5/25/2024 06:45:00 PM

If he was working for a utility company he should have had some identifiers, a shirt or jacket with a company logo, company identification card worn around his neck, work equipment, ect. I’ve seen a few stories that said he had none of that and there was no indication he was there on official business. The dummy was taking pictures of the shooters kids with a camera that had a telephoto lens. The landowner, a current member of the military, unloaded on him because he apparently was threatening him in some manner.
The picture is becoming clearer on why FJB has the border open.

5/26/2024 08:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larry thinks he’s going to get through this by attending events, taking photos with citizens, shaking hands and kissing babies. He hasn’t made any real changes in the department as of yet . Members in his administration are corrupt. Bosses get caught lying and get promoted instead of fired.

Conehead and Larry are not interested in transparency when it comes to corruption within their administration. Corruption is what got the last mayor thrown out of City Hall.

5/27/2024 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck Snelling and anyone who co-signs for his stupid ass. And that includes your crooked assed FOP mouthpiece. Johnny Boy has a kung fu grip on Larry’s beanbag because he wants his retirement credentials. Tell me I’m wrong, J-Pussy..

Oh, I see. That’s why JC hasn’t spoken out publicly about YT stripping, retaliating and trying to intimidate our FOP7 members.
He’s aware of every complaint, stripping and lawsuit. He hasn’t said a word.

5/27/2024 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:16pm. The same ones Caucasians can ignore if they choose

5/26/2024 05:50:00 AM

But with VERY different outcomes. Stop pretending to be this dumb.

5/27/2024 01:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once witnessed him hitting on & giggling with a recruit who was clearly married while we were all standing in formation. A man led by his desires isn’t a man at all.

5/27/2024 11:26:00 PM  

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