Saturday, June 08, 2024

No Fireworks

Everything is going swimmingly!

  • The city has confirmed there will be no fireworks display on the 4th of July in the city of Chicago this year.

    In years past, large world-class displays would light up the lakefront, attracting more than a million people and stopping traffic along Lake Shore Drive.

    The city has offered no explanation but reminds residents that Navy Pier holds its twice-a-week fireworks display every Wednesday and Saturday through Labor Day, including Wednesday, July 3, and Saturday, July 6.

"no explanation"

In a completely unrelated note from a few days ago, Fata$$ included over a billion dollars in new spending, just on illegals. So we're sure that Illinois greater money woes are proportionally reflected in Conehead's lack of fiscal discipline.

Besides, who has money to spend on burning gunpowder and phosphorus to celebrate the Fourth of July?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

No problem.

Just enjoy the sound of the gunshots EVERY DAY of the week.

6/08/2024 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you’ve ever had the misfortune to work it, you’re breathing a sigh of relief and agree with the decision.

6/08/2024 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave it to the beaverhead to squander this traditional event for the following likely 'reasons':

- fear of the expected appearances of the multitude of yutes bent on owning the streets

- fear of said mutitudes of yutes being on the receiving ends of shots fired under the cover of the reports of the fireworks

- fear of the variously hostile to each other groupings of yutes being the prime sources of these shots fired under the cover of the reports generated by the fireworks

- fear of the officers working this event being efficient at preventing the yutes bent on owning the streets from doing the many, many, many bent things they do

- fear of the 'leadership' of the police department failing so badly to efficiently prevent the yutes bent upon owning the streets from doing the bent things they do, thus revealing, prematurely, just how incompetent his majesty the beaverhead is and exposing the approaching clusterfuck of the dnc convention as a certainty caused by his majesty the beaverhead's incompetences

- plus, his majesty the beaverhead is just a party pooper

The bottomless cauldron of taxpayers fundings, as perceived by his majesty the beaverhead, cannot possibly be more than a passing fart thought to the beaverhead.

6/08/2024 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bangers will!

6/08/2024 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No fireworks this year because it's been determined that 4th of July is racist

6/08/2024 01:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our new arrivals probably bought up all those Aerial bombs and will put on a surprise display in the future!

6/08/2024 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With the price of ammo, Will the Fire Work Shows Be
cancelled on the South & Westside this year?
I don’t think so, The buffoonery must go on.

6/08/2024 03:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anyone see Corrupt Fat-Ass Governor P at Wiener Circle on Clark Street on Friday evening? He was literally stuffing his pig-oink-oink face.... maybe for a hot dog eating competition? I don't know. But I can guarantee if there were a contest, he would WIN #1. Driving by seeing him in his pink shirt talking to media in front of that roach-haven hot dog stand, made me remember when he forced the entire state down on lockdown and strong armed people/kids to wear masks for years, lose jobs, tanked our economy, forcing to show COVID vaccine cards (a.k.a. "our papers") like a f---king Nazi state. Isn't it ironic that the liberal-Democrat city mayors and governors literally became mini dictators (in Gov. Fat Asses case, HUGE dictators) running a fascist regime with far-right monarchist behavior. How paradoxical!

6/08/2024 05:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean the poor illegal aliens who walked thousands of miles to be here will not see fireworks???

6/08/2024 05:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Besides, who has money to spend on burning gunpowder and phosphorus to celebrate the Fourth of July?

West and south side free grazers are encouraged to fire all their weapons during this time and turn them in for a gift card to JJ Fish & Chicken for the holidays...

6/08/2024 06:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure the usual suspects will be shooting off their usual fireworks and other gun powder propelled projectiles

6/08/2024 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Milwaukee, too, cancelled their fireworks. Must be too patriotic.

Flimsy excuses as the local kid down the block can blow them off for hours on end!

6/08/2024 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couldn’t care less as long as they make their pension payments.

6/08/2024 07:03:00 AM  
Blogger No blinders said...

That is less than a month out. Weren't contracts signed? Material purchased? Penalties for cancelation less than 30 days?

6/08/2024 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brandon has canceled his fireworks display in favor of the demonized youth display.

6/08/2024 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still no comment from Mayor Powder Puff about the savage black teen mob attack that caused a pregnant Streeterville woman to lose her pregnancy. If you don’t acknowledge it, it never happened states the Face & Hair of our city.

6/08/2024 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took the time to read some of the budget the state passed. Hundreds of dollars to " charity organizations" including $300,000 to St. Sabina church!! So no separation of church and state there?!!?? Lot's of "mental health" charities as well.

6/08/2024 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want the smell of gunpowder just visit the west and south sides of the city!!

6/08/2024 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is a full display set for Cinco de mayo next year?

6/08/2024 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure in this day and age, celebrating the 4th would be "offensive" to some folks

6/08/2024 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The money spent on illegal alien criminals is outrageous

6/08/2024 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There will be fireworks June 19 which the city is paying the bill.

6/08/2024 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No money to celebrate the founding of our country, but there is plenty of money to be blown so to speak on pride month, Juneteenth, black history month, Bud Billikan, P.R. Fest, Cinco de Mayo, ad nausum. Democrats want to foster hate between the races so they can stomp down on our necks with their boot, don’t fall for it.

6/08/2024 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard they’re moving the fireworks to Juneteenth…

6/08/2024 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fireworks or gunshots? The hood may never know.

6/08/2024 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no temporary housing for illegals they will go into public housing and welfare.

6/08/2024 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could this be that they are hemorrhaging money and need it to fund illegals and other worthless Marxist democrat endeavors????

6/08/2024 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee wonder why this is. Same reason we can't have anything nice.
Can't celebrate the Independence of the greatest nation in history but will still have debauchery spectacle claiming to be a parade.

6/08/2024 11:49:00 AM  
Blogger stash the polski guy said...

Gotta save the dough for all manner of marxist socialist and communist celebrations. The pride flag of separatism will fly high where old glory once stood.

6/08/2024 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No worries, the hood will provide plenty of fireworks and firepower during weekends.

6/08/2024 12:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like the city is going to allow qualified members of Aviation Security to be armed to free up manpower from ORD and MDW before Aug 19th. The newly armed security will handle dignitary details as well as their normal duties and traffic, the ISP will monitor potential protests on expressways as well as adjoining communities. Any possible arrest situations at airports will be under a Cook County Sheriff Detail or FBI. 051 and 050 will be spread out to former districts of familiarity 08,022,017 and 016. They are turning over every rock to find bodies and know coppers want to protect their home turfs.

6/08/2024 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm 58 years old, when I was in my teens we would go every year on the Blue Line. Could you imagine what kind of moron would allow their children go down there at anytime of the day or night today. Dude ruins everything.

6/08/2024 01:09:00 PM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Fireworks are for normal people. That is why the mayor doesn't like them.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

6/08/2024 02:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No fireworks ???? Dat be racist !!!!!

6/08/2024 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Couldn’t care less as long as they make their pension payments.

6/08/2024 07:03:00 AM

Those are on borrowed time................

6/08/2024 02:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heres hoping the ghetto rats light each other up works for most

6/08/2024 03:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when Michael Jackson's hair caught fire. If you were paying $4,000 a doo per week like the conehead I could see why you.may want to cancel the fireworks.

6/08/2024 04:30:00 PM  
Blogger Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Cancelling fireworks pisses me off because I like them and our council cancelled NYE fireworks many years back and I am still pissed

6/08/2024 04:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just go to the 011th District. Usually the fine citizens of Springfield and Monroe and Springfield and Wilcox put on a fine firework performance. It usually goes until morning .

6/08/2024 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The powers- that-be don’t want to see the youths standing on top of CTA buses and police vehicles again.

6/08/2024 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a negative. There absolutely WILL be tax-payer sponsored fire works on the 4th. The shitbirds on the south and west sides are getting our tax dollars every month, and they'll be shooting their roman candles, stolen firearms, etc.

6/08/2024 06:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Milwaukee, too, cancelled their fireworks. Must be too patriotic.

Flimsy excuses as the local kid down the block can blow them off for hours on end!

6/08/2024 06:43:00 AM

I bet Rosemont has fireworks.....

6/08/2024 06:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I took the time to read some of the budget the state passed. Hundreds of dollars to " charity organizations" including $300,000 to St. Sabina church!! So no separation of church and state there?!!?? Lot's of "mental health" charities as well.

If this is true that is really fucked up. No taxpayer should be forced to send their hard earned dollars to some shithead catholic church. Thats not a donation that is graft to make sure pfaker tells his blind flock to vote for him

6/08/2024 06:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would the city do anything patriotic? Especially when the objective is to make us get used to not having it on 4th July so we will forget about it. New generations won’t be aware of it. That’s how they revision history. It’s been going on for a long time. Everything is deliberate.

6/08/2024 07:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Betcha he's got lots of cash for the illegal aliens though...

We can't celebrate the USA? Fucking conehead.

6/08/2024 08:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me hazard a guess and say that no one cares about fireworks anymore. It's just too dangerous to go downtown for anything anymore. Take your car and teens will jump up and down on it and kick your windshield in. Take the train and you are likely to get robbed or shot. Take a bus and you sit next to some smelly piss bum for half an hour...Then you get robbed or shot.

I for one miss the old Chicago

6/08/2024 08:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here’s fireworks as police are forced to retreat and hide:

*Convention of democrats rapidly approaching are we ready? “All for 1, one for all I’m for myself!” Sorry boys and girls, mom’s and dad’s, not going to risk losing my freedom family career over this bullshit democrats caused this let them enjoy fruit of their convictions! Tear it up Chicago is finished!

6/08/2024 09:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

July 4th Festivities, as Traditionally hosted on the municipal level, celebrate Independence, Patriotism, & Nationalism. We know the Left can't have that, Comrade! In fact, they'll have you to believe there has never been Native American Warriors, Hispanic Warriors, Asian Warriors, or African American Warriors, Middle Eastern & Jewish Warriors who have spilled their blood at the demand or request of Ol' Uncle Samuel, just ignorant back-country, racist white-boys- and they were probably eating meth & squirrels for breakfast so military service was a step-up for them. The City, at the street-level, hasn't really cared much for the "prevailing narrative" for the past few years, in-fact, many of the residents have no fucks to give about what Creepy Joe & The Hoe, Mayor Buttercream, the media, or anyone else says....they're still gonna blow their SSI/LINK/SS $ to blow shit up, start houses & garages on fire, roll their cars over, shoot some randos, drink & get High Stay Safe out there & God Bless America! If we were any stupider as a Nation, we'd be right where we're at as a Nation!

6/08/2024 11:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Couldn’t care less as long as they make their pension payments.

6/08/2024 07:03:00 AM

Those are on borrowed time................

6/08/2024 02:23:00 PM”

Fuck Around and Find Out if they don’t.

6/09/2024 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tear it up Chicago is finished!

6/08/2024 09:44:00 PM

Jihads on the right of me

Prog twits on the left of me

Stuck in the middle



6/09/2024 03:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet Rosemont has fireworks.....

6/08/2024 06:53:00 PM

You mean Roseland 2.0 ? I rather go to 79th/Colfax to watch fireworks.

6/09/2024 02:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Betcha he's got lots of cash for the illegal aliens though...

We can't celebrate the USA? Fucking conehead.

6/08/2024 08:04:00 PM

Don't those immigrant busses also travel back to the border? They don't have to go empty....such a waste.

6/09/2024 03:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No fireworks needed. Such historical and patriotic demonstrations are now obsolete, un-necessary and expensive. Under local Democratic rule the money must be spent on more import financial investments like the care and feeding of the new illegal replacements. As more enlightened voters flee the lunatic Democrats, we will defund the police and other funding streams deemed unimportant and feed our beast.

Go now, you're' used up, you figured out how things work here in Chicago on our political plantation. You are no longer reliable. We need a new illegal army that needs to be politically cultivated, fed, cared for and dependent on democratic media propaganda. We no longer need you. We need your tax money. Now shut up and pay.

6/09/2024 04:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Good, why celebrate freedom, liberty and the birth of America with a fireworks display. That’s so non-communist. No wonder Chicago cut it.

6/10/2024 06:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So now the illegals and the fatass in Springfield have ruined our annual fireworks display. And Mayor PhotoOp would f*ck up a one car funeral.

6/11/2024 05:17:00 PM  

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