Sunday, June 09, 2024

Who is Responsible?

So the comment section about the Pension board letter got a little heated. Here's the thing:

  • There was an error. Deliberate or accidental, the pension contribution money (9%) was not accounted for properly and not withheld. If you're affected, you're going to end up owning the money. There's no getting around that.
  • But the interest demand for an error that you had nothing to do with is uncalled for. Especially if the Pension Board knew about it two years ago.

If you had been informed in a timely manner, that would be a different story. But c'mon....

We don't audit every single check stub every single payday because - stupid or not - we assume that Finance does it's job. We notice if there's a change in the total that hits the bank on payday and if there's a new Contract or an anniversary raise, we make sure everything checks out before disregarding it for another year. We do check the OT stubs against our records because we know the timekeepers are less than accurate a lot of the time.

But who is going to audit a retro check against two or three years of pension withholding? We would have assumed that Finance did their due diligence and everyone else - from the IRS to the Pension Board to the Insurance people - would have done their job.

And now, a lot of comments that the FOP isn't going to take up any rocking-the-boat for an avoidable error that's costing members a bit of an unexpected financial ding? Any reasoning behind that?

UPDATE: As a few commenters pointed out, it certainly is amazing that when we're deprived of monies owed - like a retro check - we don't accrue interest.

And when Finance messes up the OT checks and we end up waiting for another month for money owed us, the City doesn't pay interest for that 30-day loan we just gave them. Just an "Oops" and "We'll pay you next month."

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe now dumb fuck coppers will actually vote in fop and pension board elections. If you didn’t vote, stfu.

6/09/2024 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Letter should have came with an itemized explanation not just a letter demanding payment and threats of more interest buy hey my life isn’t ideal working for this disaster of a city. I literally don’t care anymore what’s 150 bucks.

6/09/2024 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fop will be liable for non representation and owe back dues to those members not represented. Also, they better represent me when I request that anyone who entered Sgt test past doors closed be disqualified. Both are legitimate beefs.

6/09/2024 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP is useless in every way yet coppers will vote for another 4 years of J.Cat in 2027.

“But he talks so tough!!!”

My favorite gaffe is raising the dues to pay for a PAC that only backs losing candidates. Being backed by the FOP is the touch of death in this city. Candidates distance themselves from the FOP at all costs.

And when you call to ask a question you get the most bitter worthless know-nothing person on the other end of the phone.

Of course he’s going to do nothing about this. We’ll be lucky to get another Friday update in the next month that isn’t from a suite in Vegas.

6/09/2024 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


why won’t they fight this?

b/c more than half the board is retirees and almost all are tier 1. jcat doesn’t want younger officers on his board but in fairness neither did dean angelo or kevin graham
b/c anyone on his board or at a mtng who opposes jcat is banished and out of the inner circle
b/c catanzara and mette KNEW about this a long time ago and it’s a gamble to do nothing or do too little too late
b/c their priorities is out of sync like food truck and renaming the lodge after a living person
b/c they finally have a friendly Super Nintendo and an incompetent mayor combo and some weight in the state house to get some wins thru, they have to be in bed now with city hall. 2024 jcat is nite ‘n day versus 2020 jcat and its a bitter pill for some but when you need favors you can’t bite the hand that feeds

6/09/2024 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps there have been other errors best left undiscovered.

6/09/2024 03:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since it seems so very fucking important, set up a gofundme beggars' account to cover it.

6/09/2024 03:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So FOP is silent on this issue? Amazing how suddenly one of their directors, initials TL, is running for the retiree spot on the pension board.

6/09/2024 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No matter what, the officers will ultimately be responsible. Too bad, but it’s true. That’s just how the shitty system works. There’s nothing the FOP can legally do. Officers will be required to work additional days before retirement to make up the difference.
As many officers as possible should go to the next retirement seminar. The pension board will be there.

6/09/2024 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see...did we get interest when payroll messed up on special employment checks and we had to wait until the following months O.T check until it was added?

6/09/2024 06:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven’t heard anything. So, did this error affect everyone on the CPD? Is it every retro check?

6/09/2024 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any truth to the rumor that Catanzara is running for the retiree rep? That would be the end of the pension fund!

6/09/2024 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awful lot of errors these days. If I missed my DNC assignment starting time by three hours would this be considered an error?

6/09/2024 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe ask you Mommy:

26 percent of Gen Z applicants bringing parent to job interview: Survey

How many still scared and living with mom? Yes even coppers, as they take retirement money and don’t contribute! Warm milk meatloaf is ready!

6/09/2024 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They always find a way to screw every brave LEO, don’t they? Disgusting. Take the difference from the illegal’s money.

What a cluster. Even if it was noticed in a pay check, who would ever think they made such a critical mistake ? D E I strikes again

Awful. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

6/09/2024 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should not have to pay. But I would like to know how many stepped up and pointed out the error. 0% 10, 20, 30? I'll wager zero....

6/09/2024 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote every last one out. FOP refusing to represent tier 2 officers. Vote them all out.

6/09/2024 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a strange feeling this is going to be the new normal. For whatever reason, the city is going to make mistakes. Big ones. And nobody is going to apologize.

It never hurts to set up a "rainy day fund" and keep that money aside. I remember as a young officer living with a lot of bills and then an expected check didn't appear. I had to charge all my gas, food, etc...until that money arrived.

After that, I put aside 1 months salary inside my checking account, and kept it there. It never got that close again, but there were payroll mistakes.

Eventually, I paid off all my bills. And began paying my credit card bills off every month. Thats when things became easier. I kept my rainy day fund in my savings, and saved a lot more not paying interest. It taught me fiscal discipline, and it continues to this day. I was never going to be "screwed" like that again.

That being said, there should be more outrage here about paying the city any interest. It should never happen.

It looks like the city wants to "screw" the police...If they are going to demand interest, then I think we should demand some sort of payment plan to go along with it. Let's say pay 50 dollars a month for the entire term of the loan. Let the money trickle back...kind of like "Bidenomics" where you get your pocket picked, and are then told that the economy has never been better...

6/09/2024 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has the person (people) responsible for the error been fired??!!!!

6/09/2024 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
No matter what, the officers will ultimately be responsible. Too bad, but it’s true. That’s just how the shitty system works. There’s nothing the FOP can legally do. Officers will be required to work additional days before retirement to make up the difference.
As many officers as possible should go to the next retirement seminar. The pension board will be there.

6/09/2024 06:27:00 AM

There hasn’t been a physical retirement seminar since 2019, now it is 7-9 modules online that you access on the bottom right side of The Wire homepage.

6/09/2024 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous.gif Anonymous said...
FOP is useless in every way yet coppers will vote for another 4 years of J.Cat in 2027.

“But he talks so tough!!!”

My favorite gaffe is raising the dues to pay for a PAC that only backs losing candidates. Being backed by the FOP is the touch of death in this city. Candidates distance themselves from the FOP at all costs.

And when you call to ask a question you get the most bitter worthless know-nothing person on the other end of the phone.

Of course he’s going to do nothing about this. We’ll be lucky to get another Friday update in the next month that isn’t from a suite in Vegas.
6/09/2024 12:49:00 AM

Rumor has it that Catanzara, Lonegren and Saladino are running for the retiree trustee position on the Pension Board in October. Makes one think this was done on purpose so they have a reason to run as trustees not to win but to make sure JCAT is the hero and wins the retirees position. He will also change the rule and pay himself a monthly salary. FOP knew about this problem in 2022 and did nothing to divert the interest incurred.

6/09/2024 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the thieves at fop dont care half of them are double dipping collecting pension and getting paid captains pay on top of that having their family members working at fop audit the books their stealing more money for trips and food expenses just like the mayor of dolton

6/09/2024 02:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a negotiating point that can be talked about AND agreed upon PBPA!!!

FOP is screwed until next contract.

6/09/2024 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real reason why the FOP general meeting was postponed. JC knew about it in 2022.

6/09/2024 03:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the pension payment as well as any interest is all part of the ILCS. The statutes are shown in the letter pertaining to each of these. Blaming the FOP is a waste of time. The FOP has nothing to do with it. The pension board and the city should have told affected members when it occurred, not 2 years later.

6/09/2024 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not one single tier 2 employee should be paying the pension back with taxed income.

6/09/2024 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Any truth to the rumor that Catanzara is running for the retiree rep? That would be the end of the pension fund!

6/09/2024 08:11:00 AM
Only 1 person running that on her own time attended almost every meeting and FOIA so much to expose the theft of our pension funds and the total misuse of our scarce cash in “gifts!” That would be Rosemary Giambalvo look her up runs retired CPD facebook group really works hard deserves the vote! We definitely need change and sunshine exposure which the present board is hiding.

6/09/2024 08:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I have to pay the overpay back that’s fine but it is complete bullshit that we have to pay interest on their mistake. The FOP is silent as usual. I voted for cantanzara twice but this is the final straw. Next election I will not support him or his team.

6/09/2024 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heres another question....When do we get the money for being either CIT, Taser and Lemart certified? We were supposed to get those payments in June.. when?? Or did we loose that too? Haven't heard anything from our useless FLOP!

6/09/2024 08:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not CPD. Just know that the citizens adore you. The VOTE, well that’s all fixed. The govt hates you and will steal your $$. If I were you, just quit….everybody quit. See what a city does with NO police.

6/09/2024 08:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that Catanzara, Lonegren and Saladino are running for the retiree trustee position on the Pension Board in October. Makes one think this was done on purpose so they have a reason to run as trustees not to win but to make sure JCAT is the hero and wins the retirees position. He will also change the rule and pay himself a monthly salary. FOP knew about this problem in 2022 and did nothing to divert the interest incurred.

Airborne Sal and Lonigan will both step aside if Jcat really wants to run. Giambalvo tried to influence the last FLOP election by putting Jcat medical records on line. That's illegal. That's a fight I would not like to be in the middle of.

6/09/2024 09:26:00 PM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Chuckleheads all. No keeses for them.

6/09/2024 10:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Since it seems so very fucking important, set up a gofundme beggars' account to cover it.

6/09/2024 03:04:00 AM

You sound like such a company man! So let the city just fuck you more since you like it so much!

6/10/2024 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6/09/2024 08:11:00 AM
Only 1 person running that on her own time attended almost every meeting and FOIA so much to expose the theft of our pension funds and the total misuse of our scarce cash in “gifts!” That would be Rosemary Giambalvo look her up runs retired CPD facebook group really works hard deserves the vote! We definitely need change and sunshine exposure which the present board is hiding.

6/09/2024 08:28:00 PM


Ro? should you foia people medical records and post them on-line? Should YOU put your disability records on-line? What goes around goes around.....

Also I can name at least four people who have been to more meeting than RO.

6/10/2024 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Heres another question....When do we get the money for being either CIT, Taser and Lemart certified? We were supposed to get those payments in June.. when?? Or did we loose that too? Haven't heard anything from our useless FLOP!

6/09/2024 08:38:00 PM

The 1st quarter stipend is supposed to be payed out 25 June. No clue why there is a 3 month wait to receive the payment, would have made sense if we got it in the end of April.
Also, it is for CIT (if you checked the box to make you a “Z” on the daily sheets during the training), LEMART (which everyone now has) and bike training (only if you have the 40 hour course even though the 32 hour course put together for NATO teaches crowd control).
The bike training screw up by FOP will affect a bunch of people who took the 32 hour class but won’t get paid. The only difference between the 32 hour and 40 hour course is a few scenarios (not protest related) and another group ride were added to make a fifth day.

6/10/2024 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only 1 person running that on her own time attended almost every meeting and FOIA so much to expose the theft of our pension funds and the total misuse of our scarce cash in “gifts!” That would be Rosemary Giambalvo look her up runs retired CPD facebook group really works hard deserves the vote! We definitely need change and sunshine exposure which the present board is hiding.

6/09/2024 08:28:00 PM

Everything she does is on her own time. When was the last time she actually worked?

6/10/2024 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOT paying....that's all!

6/10/2024 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Maybe ask you Mommy:

26 percent of Gen Z applicants bringing parent to job interview: …

How many still scared and living with mom? Yes even coppers, as they take retirement money and don’t contribute! Warm milk meatloaf is ready!

6/09/2024 08:22:00 AM

Yeah, sad fact about this new generation.
But…. How are they “taking” retirement money? How are they not contributing?

6/10/2024 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello from the free State of Texas!

In all fairness to Ms. Giambalvo if she posted someone else's info personal/medical info she got from the Pension Board she should drop out of this race. If she is hell bent on a Jim Jones crusade then I would hope in full disclosure she would release ALL of her data or at least:

1. Date if hire
2. Date she went on disability
3. Amount of money she paid into the pension
4. Amount of money she took out of the pension plan before she turned 63
5. How old is she
6. How much has she taken since 63

6/10/2024 05:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all the Giambalvo bashers out there let's set the record straight: She did not post JC personal/medical records online. What she did is she posted his application for disability, there were no personal records, no doctors reports, or any other personal history. The reason why she published his application was for the fact he was given out false information regarding going on disability. She was also trying to shame him to force him to help out the many Officers who were and still are in limbo regarding their no pay status and the pension board's failure to act in a timely manner. If anyone wants to criticize RO regarding this, why hasn't anyone criticized Mike Lappee when he got in front of a FOP meeting with her personal pension file and went through her pension history? Was it right for Lappee to discuss her personal history, how much money she has made, and any income she made outside of her pension? As far as there are four people who have attended more meeting than RO, outside of the elected Police Board Officers who are they? There are rumors go around on this page that JC wants to run for the Retiree's Position on the Pension Board. My question is how can he do this? How can JC devote the time and effort in being both the FOP President and a member of the Pension Board. What position is going to suffer if he is somehow elected as the Retiree's representative? The other question one should ask is this: Who else is he going to piss off as the Retiree's Representative? No one in Springfield wants anything to do with him and rumor has it that the current Superintendent of Police does not want anything to do with him?

6/11/2024 07:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She did not post JC personal/medical records online. What she did is she posted his application for disability, there were no personal records, no doctors reports, or any other personal history. The reason why she published his application was for the fact he was given out false information regarding going on disability. She was also trying to shame him???



She was trying to influence ab FOP election. The pension board would have never given his records out! So did her absentee trustee on the pension board give her he the application?

Well what goes around comes around. I FOID'd her records. Not all. Just how long she was on disability.

6/12/2024 09:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as there are four people who have attended more meeting than RO, outside of the elected Police Board Officers who are they??

The sign-in sheets are being copied. It may be 5 not 4 officers. The all were on the pension committee at FOP. One is a good fried of RO -Sal Saladino. All were going to meetings while RO was still on disability and that was long time ago.

6/13/2024 06:03:00 AM  
Blogger Rosemarie Giambalvo said...

I am willing to provide the information regarding my duty disability application to anyone interested in reading it and dispel all the lies. I will no longer be shamed by anyone after retiring in 2011, especially after finding out how many FOP ‘good ole‘ boys jumped on the disability bandwagon under Hauser’s 25 years at the pension board as active officers trustee and the retirees trustee. The good ‘ole boys’ club continued to work in some capacity at FOP and earning a salary. If anyone has an issue about my injuries that’s on you.

Additionally, I will provide you with the corresponding (FOIA) information from JC's disability application, which is a public record. It is important to note that Kevin Reichart, the Pension Board's Executive Director, did not provide nor will he ever provide any medical records to anyone.

The reason for posting the President of FOP’s duty disability application was not a hit piece or as someone posted above, “shaming him.” It was to shake the walls at FOP to help injured officers going through the disability process quicker.

If anyone wishes to further discuss you have my phone number. Don’t be anonymous cowards. Make the phone call to me and I will be fully transparent.

PS - Regarding the sign in sheets, people don’t always sign in and I’m one of them. However, I do attend the majority of Investment meetings weather permitting during the winter. No one else sits in on those important meetings when we are now 21% funded.

6/13/2024 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People with any disability deserves the right to work. Require all that can work to perform clerical duties,as a civilian,not a sworn member.
There a to many that are on disability and would be able to work for CPD answering phones, filing,watching shot spotters,taking reports at 311.

6/13/2024 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rosemarie Giambalvo said...
I am willing to provide the information regarding my duty disability application to anyone interested in reading it and dispel all the lies. I will no longer be shamed by anyone after retiring in 2011. No need for all your dirty laundry. Just post how much YOU put into the fund and how much YOU took out as of last month? And them remind us why you of all people have anything to complain about? Even if YOU had a beef YOU are the last person who should be the messenger!!!

The reason for posting the President of FOP’s duty disability application was not a hit piece or as someone posted above, “shaming him.” It was to shake the walls at FOP to help injured officers going through the disability process quicker.
What give you the right to post anything about another police officer? Why did you become a pawn for the City? They didn’t want Catanazara elected! Why were you a pawn for the city?

If anyone wishes to further discuss you have my phone number. Don’t be anonymous cowards. Make the phone call to me and I will be fully transparent.

PS - Regarding the sign in sheets, people don’t always sign in and I’m one of them.
So I guess we can call you claim that you attend ALL the meetings as untruthful as it was too much of a bother to sign in? Also there are monthly Board Meetings but only periodic investment meetings. Can we ask how many board meetings did you attend from 2010 till Covid shut them down? Answer not that many. In fact very few. Since you admit that you don’t sing in maybe YOU should stop with the BS.
However, I do attend the majority of Investment meetings weather permitting is there a position for a fair weather trustee only? during the winter. No one else sits in on those important meetings when we are now 21% funded.

6/13/2024 11:15:00 AM

6/13/2024 06:19:00 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Why do my comments not get posted???

6/13/2024 10:51:00 PM  

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