Monday, July 22, 2024

More Cops? From Where?

An aldercreature asks for more blood from a turnip:

  • Ald. Timmy Knudsen is asking the mayor for more officers to patrol Lincoln Park amid a spike in robberies. The alderman wrote a letter to Mayor Brandon Johnson last week asking for more cops to be assigned to the Near North (18th) police district to better staff the beats within his ward.

    The 43rd Ward saw a 17 percent increase in robberies last year, according to Chicago Police data. Since 2021, the police district has also seen a 21 percent decrease in assigned officers, resulting in a loss of 74 neighborhood cops.

    “The resultant loss of regular, reliable and predictable beat patrolling and timely response 911 calls combined with a stark rise in violent crime is of utmost concern to my constituents,” Knudsen said in his letter, citing the city’s data on robbery victimizations, which count the number of people affected by a crime.

Those shortages are city-wide if you want to get technical. Your party chased away hundreds and made the job so intolerable that recruitment numbers are in the $hitter.

You want more cops, stop electing democrats first of all. Then spend a few months going through our archives and comment sections for lists of everything that's wrong with the department and wrongs inflicted on members of the department.

And why do aldercreatures get to demand more cops, but if the brass does, they get removed from their positions? Not that there aren't a dozen other reasons to remove the incompetency from the upper echelons, but to pin it on something that aldercreatures want, too?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will take that Aldercreature seriously when he stops going by


7/22/2024 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well “Timmy”, want to see why there is so much crime? Go to 26 & cal and watch the kangaroo bond court where almost everyone bonds out, pre trial and or ankle monitor. Either way it’s horrific to watch the endless parade of violent criminals released back into the streets. It should be required in service training go alderman. 40 hours a year of just watching judges release violent repeat offenders back on the streets to rape kill and maim the sheep.

And then watch the bug eaters blame the police and traffic stops for societies ills.

7/22/2024 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Timmy from Lincoln Park said...

But, but, we are the nice people, and mean, bad people want to hurt us!

7/22/2024 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey,...I thought police are the know defund thing....

7/22/2024 12:57:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

They had more cops at their disposal. Lots more.

It was called “Strategic Deployment Initiative”, only the powers that be shitcanned it when they claimed they weren’t getting their “bang for the buck”. The majority of old timers who regularly worked it weren’t pushovers who could be intimidated into producing imaginary event numbers via pointless PCI’s (“Positive Community Interactions” for all you non-police folks checking in) or strong-armed into generating “X” amount of revenue via bullshit parking tickets and ANOV’s.

Of course the Bossholes were instructed to put their spin on it, claiming “lazy” coppers were blowing off jobs, refusing to make arrests, etcetera. These fallacies were perpetuated in conjunction with a draconian Special Employment suspension policy created to simultaneously fuck coppers financially. This was all orchestrated by Mayor Blue Gums Camel Teefus as a way to end the SDI program and redirect those CPD OT dollars to the tens of thousands of illegal aliens he welcomed into our city.

File this one under “You Reap What You Sow”, Aldercreep Timmy. This is what happens when bad behavior is rewarded, only you stupid fucks can never seem to figure that out. Now go tell your master to pry open that checkbook and bring back some good ol’ scarecrow policing OT program. Coppers who enjoy the extra dough will flock back to that faster than an illegal Venezuelan to a district lobby.

7/22/2024 01:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“We don’t need more stinken cops”. Watch for more of the paid city do gooder/problem solvers who will get to the square root of what causes crime and private security services to fill the gaps. Private security companies donate to the Machine the “stinken cops” don’t plus their pensions deplete city funds.

7/22/2024 03:19:00 AM  
Blogger Old Joe said...

Hmm, could a new grassroots "re-fund" the police be on tap?

7/22/2024 04:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m sure it’s similar in most districts but the last four years have been really bad on my watch for people leaving the profession or laterals. My partner, my partner before him, and 11 others have left. Not retired. They left the department in the last four years. That’s unheard of. People quitting with 4-8 years on and moving out of the city/state for greener pastures. I wish them the best, hopefully they make a soft landing elsewhere. Only one of them have come back so far.

7/22/2024 04:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alderman Timmy Knudsen supports the black lives matter movement. So do most of the liberals in his ward. The police are under attack and do not feel supported. The police are not allowed to do their jobs. Defund COPA and allow us to do our jobs with no civilian oversight. What do you think about all that Alderman Knudsen?

7/22/2024 04:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Timmy, this is the be normal. Do your part to fix root causes. Lincoln Park needs to be more like the real Chicago, not some rich person's Disney Land. People will stop leaving once the entire country is like San Fran.

7/22/2024 04:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alder-Fools just don’t get it! They believe all the smoke and mirrors from upper management! Just a shit show.

7/22/2024 04:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alderman wasting his time with a letter. The Mayor cannot read. He was a teacher in CPS, reading skills not required.

7/22/2024 05:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lincoln Park is full of really rich people who hate cops. They are very anti police. The Alderman only wants to use the police so he can say "look, I got more cops in our ward".

7/22/2024 05:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I want more cops in the 16th district. The beat I live in is about the same size as the whole 15th district. So, I am lucky to have 1 beat car driving around where the legal, tax-paying citizens want to see the police on patrol, but the 15th district gets a whole watch driving around (amount of officers differs) and they are always complaining about the police yet they call the police for every stupid thing

7/22/2024 05:22:00 AM  
Anonymous TimeWatcher said...

Correction, you chased away hundreds if not thousands from this job, from the inside and out. This job has turned a 360 on everywhere who has a decent soul and work ethic on this job for the worst. Anyone who has brains and an exit strategy left who's old enough/financially capable. Younger people decide to believe this job is not worth it(in what world would you do anything for a government that would ruin your life and run you over for convivence as a sacrifice for the incident instead of protect you for doing the right thing) and don't want to be here? Then you complain of people not wanting to do anything? Yeah... My life, my health, my family, my children, my wealth is NOT I repeat not worth some shitbag criminals ghetto non-sense drama making my life spin upside down. Only in this city and state would it happen, NOT in red states, not in progressive shitholes.

MORE importantly this city can't hire anyone, and if they DID try to hire anyone they won't TAKE them. Unless you're a DEI or some shitbag, this job is not for the law abiding citizens anymore, the anti-police crowd flipped the department, lawmaking, courts, population and even city hall to throw you into the fire if you DO your job. Remember that next time someone says "Why aren't you doing anything?!" Look.Laugh.DriveAway.

7/22/2024 05:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You voted for, and if you didn't vote you allowed someone else to select, your Chicago and Illinois politicians. Don't blame the city or the police, you made your bed, sleep in it.

7/22/2024 05:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DemoRATS create their own problems!

7/22/2024 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sounds racist!

It’s time for this alderman to remember that “our diversity is our strength”, and embrace the unfamiliar values that these new faces bring to his ward.

7/22/2024 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lift the residency requirements & we can get help..

7/22/2024 07:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asking for more police is racist. What about the neighborhoods where killers roam free, oh wait, that is Lincoln Park, never mind. BLM.

7/22/2024 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The supply of ghetto lottery contestants must be running low.

After all, the cretins cannot profit from filing lawsuits against other cretins.

7/22/2024 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

018 had over 520 officers assigned 20 years ago.

7/22/2024 08:39:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

I hear Columbus Ohio had some kick butt cops they can lend us.

7/22/2024 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A grown man who wants to be called "Timmy" is probably never going to understand the reality of the situation. Timmy is scared and only feels safe and secure in the sweaty, hairy arms of his special friend.

7/22/2024 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An adult male who refers to himself as “Timmy” just can’t be taken seriously.

7/22/2024 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While those shortages are citywide, 18 intentionally keeps staff short to allow for unlimited overtime. How does 18 lead arrests in the city? Overtime is how. People will bring in what is asked for as long as the OT tap keeps flowing. Last DC had a commission system for blue cards. Meanwhile, if you don’t have people from days or afternoons stay over, there are no cars for Lincoln Park.

7/22/2024 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about clear out some inside spots? Or have the desk open only during the day? Just like the suburbs.

7/22/2024 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Ald Timmy the mayor has given your request serious consideration and has decided not to assign anymore police to that district. This is do impart to more police just mean more traffic stops for no reason in your ward and besides the mayor doesn’t like the name Timmy.

7/22/2024 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lincoln Park is full of Rich White Liberal Progressives who hate the Police! This is what they Voted for, they'll figure it out.

7/22/2024 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Timmy wants to know the problem, all he has to do is follow his ward's robbery cases through the "justice" system. He'll notice that the violent robbers are sent home with an ankle monitor to watch cartoons all day long. And rob again all night. After a couple of years, their robbery cases come up and they are sentenced to "time served".

7/22/2024 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Solve the problem with this. Spend Billions more to hire " Peace Keepers ". You must live inn the hood and not get arrested like the majority of them do. Simple as that. Oh, Mr Conehead, I think you tried that twice and sure did not work.... Oh, well !

7/22/2024 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me strap on my tack tickle boots and go clean that area up for you Alderperson!

7/22/2024 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, youse guys shudup already. I gots ta get mines!

7/22/2024 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thee dumbing down of the Chicago Police Dept is just one part of breaking down of the local police. The destruction of the financial, economic, social, educational and safety of residents are the consistent failures of this administration. Their only successes appear to be the smear campaign, defunding the police, establishment of Kangaroo Courts and the inquisition boards designed to persecute officers for perceived injustices. Democrats own this mess. Give them nothing. They are unworthy of our trust, lack candor and integrity.

7/22/2024 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@133am - These fallacies were perpetuated in conjunction with a draconian Special Employment suspension policy created to simultaneously fuck coppers financially.

Yeah and they woulda got away with it if it weren’t for some meddling canine officer LMFAO. I remember the hissy fit special employment threw right after their shit was exposed. The sign up drop down screen instructions were changed to show that officers would have to do a certain number of foot patrols per tour, report immediately to post (ie no coffee otw), assist caps office passing out flyers etc etc. They immediately knee jerked punitive damages to get revenge only they cancelled it completely to give us all the big FU. Sure I miss the little extra $$ each month but it was worth the price of admission watching GP stick it in the city’s butthole. BTW anybody have updates how that arbitration case is going.?

7/22/2024 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

worked at 018 3rd watch from 2005 to 2019, About 10 years ago they told us to make the strong arm robbery case reports theft reports the numbers are at least double what they claim.

7/22/2024 02:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 10 sector of 008 is bigger than Englewood has very few police crime is increasing the commander was not moved so about time you start to do the job!

7/22/2024 03:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

400 more detectives would solve this problem.

7/22/2024 05:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/22/2024 08:39:00 AM

And most were on the street doing police work, not like now

7/22/2024 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At the old academy for training and the place is empty, are there just no recruits or are most of them at the new academy?

7/22/2024 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A thousand DEI hires will fix this problem....

7/22/2024 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it time yet, to cash in those options on chalk futures?

7/22/2024 08:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alderman Knudsen supports black lives matter.

7/22/2024 10:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Santa Claus, I want a new Power Ranger , catchers mitt and more Popo.

7/22/2024 10:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
While those shortages are citywide, 18 intentionally keeps staff short to allow for unlimited overtime. How does 18 lead arrests in the city? Overtime is how. People will bring in what is asked for as long as the OT tap keeps flowing. Last DC had a commission system for blue cards. Meanwhile, if you don’t have people from days or afternoons stay over, there are no cars for Lincoln Park.

Sounds like Barz is at it again blowing smoke up the community and coppers asses promising shit he can’t deliver! Again this is Mike feeding shit to the Alderman and throwing Snelling and the Mayor under the bus a couple of weeks ago. If you attended this meeting you know exactly what I’m talking about.

A commander of police asking for suggestions from liberal pissed off community members of where he “should better deploy” his officers to? Isn’t this why the Mayor let Waller promote this moron? Shouldn’t he be analyzing the crime data reports that his multiple CompStat officers provide to him? What about the civilian Crime Analyst that the city hired and pays nearly 6 figures? The 10+ officers assigned to the SDSC room that don’t work the street? Or maybe his 1/2 dozen or so secretaries or dozen plus CAPS officers that come and go when they please can read the crime reports and perhaps can suggest better deployment areas? How’s that for a little advice Mikey? Hope you have the “thick skin” you said on video and in front of that crowd when the first rich liberal tells you they want cars “deployed” in front of their house or building. You’re a pathetic excuse for an exempt who’s a lying POS and who thinks he’s smarter than everyone else. That makes you a danger to every officer and resident of that district.

Watch the video here -

7/22/2024 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous FROG (f'n real old guy) said...

The answer to those requests...."Does you hear their feets?" (If you doesn't hear their feets, then I guess they ain't comin'.)

7/22/2024 11:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remove the sitting ducks in 018 that work the caps office, 5th watch foot and admin. I don’t understand what possible events or activities for those officers to work earlier than 6am. Make the caps sergeant work real OT not the fake “events”. That sergeant could be working back on the watch along all those administration sergeants. Boom there you have it… 018 got extra bodies for the watch.

7/24/2024 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rumor was in 001 years ago robbery reduced to theft
theft from pick pocket crew a lost and found case report
power of the pen

7/24/2024 03:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Detective Dixon Cox, Area 3 SVU said...

There should zero full duty officers working inCAPS, SDSC, commander’s office or as watch secretaries. They served no function that civilians couldn’t do for much cheaper.. The culture in the dept has to change first. Put those 30 plus officers on the street in beat cars

7/28/2024 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck Mike Baez! Biggest asshole than a proctologist will ever see.

7/28/2024 12:03:00 PM  

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