Sunday, August 04, 2024

COPA Over-reaching Again

COPA is approaching CFD members to snitch on CPD Officers:

  • I just wanted to let my fellow CPD brothers and sisters know that COPA is pressuring CFD Local 2 to jam up officers for excessive force. Below is a screenshot of one of the notes provided by a CFD Union Steward to their respective members regarding contract negotiation updates. 

We trust that most firefighters know that they are under zero obligation to participate in any sort of COPA investigation. We're pretty sure firefighters aren't trained in Use of Force scenarios nor are they qualified to render opinions on police actions. We wouldn't even think to critique CFD methods of distributing fire apparatus, setting up equipment, and fighting fires - it's not a job we wanted.

By the same token, we would certainly hope that CPD members wouldn't put fellow First Responders in a position where they'd have to make a decision that could be second guessed since there are already phone cameras, pod cameras, body cameras, security cameras, drone cameras and any other camera that COPA can dig up.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm an old west sider, those guys were on our side.

We invited then, they

invited us, we were one.

I still remember the time I traded the squad car for the ambulance.

My partner loved the ride.

God bless all first responders!

8/04/2024 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years ago I was facing a beef which came with a hefty lawsuit attached.
All of my actions were justifiable as was proven in. Criminal court and civil court.

CFD members were called as witnesses and fought every step of the way.
My legal counsel stated that CFD is a joke, and often not our friends in this regard.

CFD members catch various beefs to which CPD members act as witnesses all the time.
A citizen rides in an ambulance, CPD rides with him, and money is light from dudes person after services were rendered.
Happens often, and CPD always has no problem testifying that they rode the ambulance, were present, and observed no theft.

Yet from what I was told it is an act of congress to get CFD to help us out in any way. They didn’t even observe my incident, but could provide strong 3rd party witness information. CFD refused to even give their info on scene, such as names/employee numbers. We’re told “contact our union with any questions”. The union then stonewalled us in regards to their participation. Said it happens all the time. CFD fights helping on anything, no matter how big or small, but CPD is always there to testify credibly on behalf of a jammed-up CFD.

I always thought there was some sort of sense to do the right thing for each other, but that was extremely eye-opening that they left me in the cold on something like that. They are not our friends as much as you’d like to think.

8/04/2024 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn’t worry about it. CFD despises “the community” possibly more than we do. They’ll be happy to tell COPA to stick it.

8/04/2024 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’d say the opposite is true. I’ve had to remind fire on more than one occasion that the cameras were running. They tend to run their mouths on sensitive political topics and how they “”deal” with ambo clients sometimes is lacking compassion. And I think 90% of fire calls are medical runs and I’m sure half of those are zebras. Our cameras are on 100% of the time and we are used to the Mr Roger’s act while on camera. Fire is not. So I’d say they at more risk than we are.

So fire guys, remember when we show up the cameras are running and all the videos are retrievable.

8/04/2024 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Copa is knocking on every mt greenwood door trying to get the odpo in trouble for defending himself in the shoot out last week. If you know any people in the area tell them to tell Copa go f/$k yourself.

8/04/2024 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3rd watch OEMC watch manager is incompetent. The supervisors are keeping him from falling flat on his face. Guy is a complete idiot.

Watch your 6s. Youre in unsafe hands.

8/04/2024 01:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bet these fuckers checks won't be shorted.

8/04/2024 01:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry---is COPA negligent for attempting to speak to all witnesses on the scene of an allegation?
Who is to say Fire doesn't provide an accurate account which exonerates CPD?

8/04/2024 02:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snitching on your fellow first responders? Are you kidding me? You depend on those officers at a fire scene to keep away gangsters and other assholes. You wearing a bullet proof vest under that bunker coat?

8/04/2024 03:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But,...No matter what...If it can be used in a sound bite or ghetto lotto...

Is it not worth it...


8/04/2024 03:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hold the line..!

8/04/2024 03:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


All their investigations can be covered by sworn law enforcement officers as requiered by state law for any police involved shooting.

8/04/2024 05:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I response to Fire EMT.
Police officers are NOT Fireman and we have no processional opinion about fire scenarios outside of traffic control.
That is always my answer and we will not violate fire union rules! 🚔👍
Carry on fireman you do great work and you handle fires! 🚒🚑

8/04/2024 05:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Copa jagoffs are inquiring with all ambulance redponders if cpd did anything out of norm , so copa could start a modern day lynching . Fuck copa all a bunch of hacks .

8/04/2024 06:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are MANY members of the CFD that would be more than willing to go to COPA. It has been done before, sometimes they aren’t notified but call themselves.

8/04/2024 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude is in way more trouble with firefighters than police. Like really in trouble. God bless the dude that batters a firefighter it’s messy, but battering a police officer means nothing.

8/04/2024 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A thoughtful note from CFD.

COPA is targeting cops as part of their role in
a self serving world of Chicago's Democratic anti law enforcement movement. That is their only purpose.

Have you had enough of elected Democrats yet?

8/04/2024 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you assholes at COPA are bored, then try getting real jobs, you know, jobs you are actually trained how to do. Maybe go to college, find a trade, etc. Just wait for the DNC, youll have more than enough ammo.

8/04/2024 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm sorry---is COPA negligent for attempting to speak to all witnesses on the scene of an allegation?
Who is to say Fire doesn't provide an accurate account which exonerates CPD?

Sure, COPA is searching for an untapped group of witnesses in order to exonerate CPD members. I also have the Brooklyn Bridge to sell you, asshat.

8/04/2024 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why don't we just give these Copa assholes guns and let them work the know, so everything is done right

8/04/2024 10:57:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

COPA all voted for Kamala.

8/04/2024 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Less than 10 years ago I interviewed an offender in a CFD ambulance. The offender had pointed a gun at a P.O. who promptly shot the offender. While in the ambulance, the offender made 2 inculpatory statements. I asked all 3 CFD personnel if they heard the statements each answered yes. When the detectives went to the firehouse to interview them, the paramedics changed their story. When I ordered a wagon for the three CFD personnel, they decided to tell the truth. Fast forward 5 years to civil court and they still wanted to change their story……………………………………….

8/04/2024 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic:

I now see where all the community activists aka "Obama Lite" are marching at Public Safety HQ about a women killed by a Sangamon County Sheriff Deputy. Fucking losers! Go march downstate! Better yet go burn down Minneapolis again!!!!

They're all screaming for Justice and Accountability. The Deputy was immediately fired, and charged with Murder. What else do you want?

Oh, yeah, I forgot..REPARATIONS!!!!!!

8/04/2024 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of COPA, wait until you hear the newest scandal coming out of the 018th District which should break next week, though they may wait until after the DNC so they don’t disrupt downtown operations. Barz is hanging on by a thin thread and will probably be on suicide watch if they whack him once again. It certainly doesn't help talking shit about Hein, Bird and the Superintendent behind their backs! Your mouth skills has helped you ascend in the past but looks like it may have gotten you into a bit of a pickle with your tack-tickle folks Lad. They go out and hump for you and then you throw them under the bus because it’s only about you huh? Everyone is expendable as long as you keep getting yours off the backs of others huh? What a pathetic piece of work you are. Let’s see what kind of parachute you have this time?

8/04/2024 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's good to see the Socialists still use FSB (AKA KGB) tactics through their use of a vast and in-depth informant program. COPA is now including this tactic in their playbook. Instituting these tactics of exploiting these in-bred traitors divide classes/groups, weaken and break the spirit of selected target group(s). Now couple this insidious program initiated by COPA with their Star Chamber and Inquisition Court system, you now have an effective and efficient system in creating mutual distrust, division, degradation, disloyalty, uncertainty and is disruptive to group morale.

Knowledge is power and brings with it awareness, caution and maintaining the sense of unity against the crushing and aggressive socialist power structure. The Thin Blue Line is on COPA's planning list to degrade and effectively destroy the Department, the city and this country. There is strength in our numbers, awareness and unity. We are legion. We are the Thin Blue Line. Bring it on Bitches.

8/04/2024 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CFD medic here, I was called down to COPA for a complaint initiated by a hospital. Ended up with charges initiated by our IAD, which effectively ended any COPA involvement with me and afforded me union protections at the same time. CFD members need to be careful dealing with COPA, always have a union rep even if you are just a "witness." Cuz you could end up jamming up some coppers and being a witness against yourself at the same time.

8/04/2024 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In time for the DNC they have set up in El Paso. How many of are politicians in Chicago will give them accommodations. Take a look at their tattoos become familiar with them.

Bloodthirsty super gang Tren de Aragua moves its HQ to outskirts of major US city - as fearful cops warn of telltale tattoos Americans should watch out for

Called the 'epitome of evil' by US officials, Venezuelan super gang Tren de Aragua has set up its operating base on America's doorstep.

8/04/2024 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Granny Clampett in the news again!

8/04/2024 02:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny because based on my experience, cfd will talk a lot of shit to our victims or offenders getting them
all riled up again. It’s always a big inconvenience for these bums to get out of bed and do their jobs. My favorite is when you call them for a medical incident, although may be bullshit not my call to say and they get out of the ambulance all pissed off saying you could have just driven him yourself.

8/04/2024 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CFD members, especially newer ones are not your friends. Had some absolute pieces of trash in west loop, (blonde woman ambulance especially) who show no regard for the citizens and talk shit to coppers. I respond with due regard for the safety and life of all members of the public when responding to CfD assist request. Stop at the red light, wait for traffic to clear, get there when I get there with due regard for the safety of the public.

8/04/2024 02:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be so sure CFD members wouldn't drop a dime on a copper. I have worked for CPD and CFD. There is an alarmingly high number of no-good rats on CFD. Many years ago, when I was on CPD, coppers that were no good were on their own little island all by themselves. However, on CFD, guys that are no good are accepted and known as good guys and good Firemen. COPA knows this. Sorry to say this but unless you know the Firefighter don't trust them.

8/04/2024 03:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell them I want union representation,if they push you,layup with just pain! Sgt Shultz their ass!

8/04/2024 04:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are already a few paramedics that beef on coppers on a regular basis. So, be careful

8/04/2024 04:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enough DEI fireman would throw you under the bus. That entire group of tuskegee fireman hired some 10-15 yrs ago I’m sure would throw you under the bus as well.

8/04/2024 04:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does CFD get paid to go to court?

8/04/2024 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Don't be so sure CFD members wouldn't drop a dime on a copper. I have worked for CPD and CFD. There is an alarmingly high number of no-good rats on CFD. Many years ago, when I was on CPD, coppers that were no good were on their own little island all by themselves. However, on CFD, guys that are no good are accepted and known as good guys and good Firemen. COPA knows this. Sorry to say this but unless you know the Firefighter don't trust them.

8/04/2024 03:57:00 PM

Bingo! When I came on over 30 yrs ago I was told by an old timer to never trust a fireman, they all think they are the Police and know (And will tell us) how to do our job. He was spot on then and the advice is still spot on now. When I made Det trying to get a Fireman or Paramedic to actually make a statement on a crime scene it was like pulling teeth.

8/04/2024 06:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Divide and conquire

8/04/2024 07:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's amp up some hatred between CPD and CFD. The jagoffs running this shithole love it when we attack each other. Good and bad on both jobs.

8/04/2024 07:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am an active CFD member. I can tell you with absolute certainty that CFD is full of rats and no good beefers. On many occasions, I have pointed out to my colleagues that another firefighter is no good, and the other firefighters always justify the rat's actions. They will say he’s good at his job; he loves the fire service; he will have your back when the shit “really” hits the fan; he’s new; give him time to figure it out. These justifications say as much about the guy defending the no-good rat as they do about the no-good rat beefer. On my first day on CFD at roll call, I listened to any entire firehouse drop a dime to a chief on what another fire company had done the previous work day. That was a huge red flag, and I regret not quitting at that very moment. This is not your fathers CFD the rats are running the show. Do not assume a CFD guy will be good guy or a stand up guy it could cost you your pension and / or your freedom. There are still some stand up guys on CFD but the scales have tipped in the favor of the jagoffs.

8/04/2024 08:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of COPA, wait until you hear the newest scandal coming out of the 018th District which should break next week, though they may wait until after the DNC so they don’t disrupt downtown operations. Barz is hanging on by a thin thread and will probably be on suicide watch if they whack him once again. It certainly doesn't help talking shit about Hein, Bird and the Superintendent behind their backs! Your mouth skills has helped you ascend in the past but looks like it may have gotten you into a bit of a pickle with your tack-tickle folks Lad. They go out and hump for you and then you throw them under the bus because it’s only about you huh? Everyone is expendable as long as you keep getting yours off the backs of others huh? What a pathetic piece of work you are. Let’s see what kind of parachute you have this time?

We’re hearing the same shit. Not good at all.
Uh oh, does Waller have the juice to throw you another lifeline? Hearing Da Mayor is gonna cut Waller off right after the DNC which should prove itself disastrous since Waller is providing us his expertise on civil unrest and crowd control management? Wait wasn’t Waller the Chief of Patrol during the 2020 riots? Where the city went up and he was completely clueless as to what to do?
Should’ve left the Greek in charge who was arrogant and pompous but at least knew his shit.

8/04/2024 09:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked with a guy who crossed from CPD to CFD he told me the northside is infested with rat firefighters and everyone excepts them.

8/04/2024 10:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck CFD, were doing most of their jobs anyway!

8/05/2024 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There will probably be 500 Coppers stripped after the dnc if copa has its way!

8/05/2024 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny how there are still dumb cops that vote democrat

8/05/2024 07:14:00 PM  

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