Friday, October 25, 2024

Know Your Enemy

Who would have thought that a commie reporter and commie (former) CTU member would be living in wedded bliss in the same suburb that spawned Shrillary?

  • Heather Cherone, the lead news reporter covering Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and its teachers' union for Chicago's PBS affiliate, is married to a former CPS teacher and union activist.

    Her husband, Michael Cherone, taught mathematics at CPS from 2001 through 2014 before leaving to go to business school. 

    While a CPS teacher, Michael Cherone was among the most prolific CTU members, street protesting and posting on social media in support of then-union president Karen Lewis as she led a Sept. 2012 strike -- the union's first since 1987--- publicly sparring with then-Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

Politics certain makes for strange bedfellows.



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