Windfall Elimination Passes
It only passed the House. Now it goes to the Senate:
Today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act, by a vote of 327 to 75.
H.R. 82 has been a top priority for the IAFF. The bill eliminates the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO), provisions that unfairly punish retired fire fighters, police officers, teachers, and other public servants.
“Today’s vote was a major step toward ensuring fire fighters and other public servants receive the full retirement they’ve earned and paid for,” said General President Edward A. Kelly. “While we’re proud of the work our team did to get this bill through the House, this is only half the battle. Now it’s time for Senators to step up and send this bill to the President’s desk.”
The National FOP released this:
Of course, this is a lame duck post-election session of Congress. There is exactly zero impetus to get it done and no votes to be bargained with at this moment. Plus, someone has to wake up Sleepy Joe, inject him full of Adderall and pharmaceutical meth so he can sign it.
But it can't hurt to contact Durbin's and Duckworth's offices and let them know you're paying attention.
Labels: info for the police
Think of what poor Senators we have to represent us here in terminally illinois Turbin and Duc kworth no support there
I'm fairly confident the new House and Senate would pass this and PRESIDENT TRUMP would sign it immediately! Thank you very much LOL!
Ill believe it when I receive it
Fuck Dick Durban
I will believe all this propaganda when it actually passes and becomes law. And please sign it into law while standing by rostenkowski's grave
Let’s give back billions of dollars in “back pay” come on now
Our very own Dan Rostenkowski, the stamp stealer, was the push behind the Windfall Elimination. After screwing us, I remember seeing a news report about this, and the camera crew captured him being harassed and ran out of a restaurant by angry seniors.
Let’s hope it gets to the floor and voted on. 60 senators have said they will vote on it yea. If it does not make it to the floor it’s done and will not happen. It’s theft of the money you put into the system before you started paying into the pension. Musk does not want this passed so probably will not happen anyway if it makes it to the floor. Let’s hope for the best this is money you put into social security and have a right to.
Actually those two are on board with this it’s the other side of the aisle that does not want you to get what you earned
Are you kidding? STFU and dont look a gift horse in the mouth you poor slob
Looks to be doa in the Senate unless it passes now.
Silly. Put down the Jack and switch to beer for a while buddy.
My opinion is that has been a goodwill gesture from the get go. They will come back and say we gave it the good ole college try.
If Elon and Vivek want to eliminate inefficiency in government, they need to push this through. Otherwise, how can the government hope to get anyone with "real world" experience to come to work? I started work at 16, got years into SS and then took my skills to the City. Had I simply found a job with some corporation that offered a traditional pension, no problem. I could collect the full amounts I earned from both the pension and SS. But by serving the public, I get it in the neck. NOT going to encourage the best and brightest to come to public service.
Then again, Mayor Johnson ain't no great incentive either.
The Democrats need that money to pay for Sancuary cities and illegal aloens. Yes ILLEGAL! ButIt actual citizen, the elderly and veterans can pound sand and get in line behind them. This promise is like reparations, ain’t happening. . But hey. Will bring it up every election cycle like it’s in the works. Sold to you by Union leaders
Rahm Emanuel took city-provided health insurance away from some retirees and put them on Obamacare.
What’s to stop a future mayor from taking away our pension and putting us on Social Security? Be careful what you wish for.
Needs to be signed by 20 Dec 2024
It is puzzling that there are so few people chiming in on this. There must be a whole bunch of coppers who didn’t contribute enough into SS to be able to collect upon retiring and aren’t affected by this injustice perpetrated upon those who worked at other jobs and have enough paid in to SS to collect, but were screwed by politicians. Let’s apply the WEP to those who collect multiple government pensions, like Shortshanks, and see how fast this would get overturned.
If it needs to be signed by Dec 20, 2024 they will not be seated in the House or Senate and Trump won’t be president until Jan 6,2025
Wake up. All civil servants that worked another job should be calling to get this through the Senate and to the president for signature. Its our hard earned money and we should receive it.
because the politicians that control social security will tell the mayor not to cut the pension or else hillary will pay them a visit :(
Retro to Jan of 2023
Trump has nothing to do with it. It was started by two democrats years ago
Google HR82 and read it
When college became mandatory a lot of people came straight from college to the department. Some of older people dug ditches , drove trucks, worked construction for years prior to CPD
Correction.......retro from Dec 2023
This is the same same from the last 20 p[lus years. It passed one House or committee and then either the other House votes against it or somebody changes their vote to kill it. Those politikritters will never eliminate anything that cuts the cash flow. In plain English, just like the Democrats in Illinois.... There is no tax that they do not approve of and I have never heard of them repealing a tax after it has been implemented .. It all started with the original provisions in the Bill being 20 years of substantial earnings. Then, somewhere in the middle of the night, they changed it to 30 years after the Law was passed. This is thievery at it's best.. Note: This Law was pushed through by Rep. Dan Rostenkowski, who BTW made sure that Federal Employees were exempted in this Law... He is buried at Str. Adalbert's Cemetery in Niles Il. if anybody else would like to piss on his grave as I have multiple times... I hope he rots in hell...
I have pissed on his grave.
Im looseing $500 a month.
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