Dems Love Crime....Again
Especially crimes against women and children. How do we know?
These aren't difficult decisions, yet there's the vote.
And here's the dems who love rapists:
All the usual suspects there, including Illinois's Quigley and Schakowsky. Not surprised at all that they'd be protecting pedos.
UPDATE: yes, the vote was this past September, but do any of the readers remember hearing about it? We don't.
Labels: national politics
Good move to get them on record.
Scumbags. And every single person that voted for a Democrat is a scumbag too. May you all rot in hell. Fucking scumbags
I know it’s not the Christian act and so I apologize ahead of time , but for those POS that voted NAY, I hope the evil they are laying on American citizens, that same evil befalls them and their families tenfold. It’s only fair.
Vote democrat for more...
Only an insane human being would vote Democratic any longer. It would be similar to voting for John Wayne Gacy.
What the actual FUCK ???
These demo-crats below in HELL !
So once these individuals are released from prison, they should be transported to these political HACKS homes to babysit their children. BASTARDS !
All the usual suspects there, including Illinois's Quigley and Schakowsky. Not surprised at all that they'd be protecting pedos.
As the 9.5 fingered twerp used to say it's for the children...
Bet ....70% of...ALL... those names are Pedo's...both sides
I honestly do not think voters know how government works. If the average voter spent a day in Washington DC with their rep, they would never vote for that person again
Watch CSPAN and listen to your idiotic congressman
Two "democratic elected" women from Chicago voted to keep illegals rapist and child molesters on the street and in this country? Got it. Never vote dem.
The elections in these districts are predetermined. There's a reason they call it the "machine." We need an IQ test score minimum for government.
That’s because they’re protecting Biden.
The Democrats take care of their own.
Anyone committing crimes against woman and children should be in front of a firing squad
MQ looks like a weirdo...... allegedly.
Birds of a feather...
Agreed I don't know how ANY COP could vote democrat.....After 2020 BLM LLC SCAM, Migrants in the lobbies with diseases, destruction of city, forced vaxx, undocumented STILL running around committing crimes no ID no health screening, free flights across the country , receiving SSI and other payments, politicians ALLOW policemen to get battered, sued, fired etc...scapegoated with stolen popcorn....copa.....should I keep on........all of that and you still VOTE DEMOCRAT???? Idiots !
Voting for a democrat is like setting yourself on fire and then complaining about the lack of fire extinguishers
Check The Center Square - Illinois - lame duck bill likely to allow illegal immigrants to cloak name change.
Is the brain damaged POTUS going to pardon the NOLA terrorist too?
Give 'em a brake. So many of these Congress creatures are Jan 6 Insurrectionist survivors. Don't be that Jan 6 denier on this anniversary. For the record, the agreed upon narrative of that the esteemed congress was under imminent attack was advanced. Pedophiles don't present a threat to democracy and many dems can relate to their campaign contributions and count on their vote. Minor attracted persons or MAPS love children and congress loves children too. Those who wanted to question the 2020 election on Jan 6 in the people's house had to be silenced with a classic three letter agency diversion. Democracy died in silence. Esteemed honorable representatives were in danger from "insurrectionists" during this pre-planned event as the Confidential Human Sources reigned in staged acts of violence and property crimes anarchy in the capital as rehearsed.
Remember, democrats promoted Jan 6 as the worst day in American history equating this sham riot to Pearl Harbor attacks by a foreign army. That coveted refrain " Threat to Democracy" was given life from the elected propogandists in collusion with the media and continues 4 years later.
Illinois's own democrat senator Little Dick Durbin has repeatedly denied attempts by fellow Senator Marsha Blackburn to release the flight logs of visitors to documented pedophile Jefferey Epstein's Island children's playhouse. Lots of elected politicians, a former presidents and his crooked wife, millionaire/billionaire high profile political donors and other elected officials co-mingled with arraigned pubescent human trafficked guests for some adult themed adolescent fun.
Democrat from your Illinois forever unbeatable Dickless Durbin refuses to release and fail to honor legal subpoenas of these flight logs which would expose democrats and their high profile donors. It seems that those in power and wealth are immune from prosecution and public shaming. Little Dick release the flight logs. Your silence is golden especially when seeking campaign contributions from those underage lovin' Epstein Island clients maximizing your campaign getting top dollar revenue streams. Democrats and pedophile seem to have a partnership. Democrats are pedophiles greatest advocates.
G.O.P. needs to go nuclear and enact martial law to round ALL illegals up, ship them all home, and fine each host country for the troubles caused by their pests. Yeah, it's a pipe dream, but we can dream.
I NEVER voted for one of them!!! I NEVER vote demoncrat!!!
WHAT the f8ck!!!
gfy democrats and everyone that voted for them
That bill and 2 others to start detaining shoplifters and another one about illegals committing crimes are being heard again next week. Start calling these reps and letting them know how we feel. Hopefully the union comes out and applies some pressure too
he will probably be back as he will no longer have his Ambassador job
That's not fair to the dumbasses. You could just be really dumb to vote Democrat. You don't have to be insane.
Only if we can have an iq test for voting as well.
You don't need martial law to target illegal immigrants. You just need to use the system already in place. The democrats have chosen to dismantle that system and undermine what's left while refusing to actually prevent illegals from entering and remaining in the country.
So there was hearsay that Quigley supports pedophiles. His voting record seems to confirm.
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