Settlement Stalls
Amid heavy opposition, a City Council committee on Monday did not vote on a controversial $1.25 million settlement that would have compensated the family of Dexter Reed, who was shot to death by police officers after Reed shot and wounded one of them during a traffic stop.
“It was held. I think the majority present are ‘no’'votes,” Ald. Ray Lopez (15th) wrote in a text message to the Sun-Times.
Ald. Anthony Napolitano (41st) said he, too, is “hearing” the settlement was pulled for lack of votes.
Ald. Matt O’Shea (19th) has condemned the settlement for the “dangerous” message it sends to Chicago Police Department officers, His Far South Side ward is home to scores of Chicago Police officers, and O’Shea, too, is “guessing” that the settlement was held because the Johnson administration was uncertain it had the votes to pass it.
Ald. Chris Taliaferro (29th), the former CPD sergeant now chairing the Council’s Police Committee said he is “not sure” why the Reed settlement was held, but “I assume there are still a lot of questions and concerns that my colleagues have.”
But Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35th), Mayor Brandon Johnson’s former Council floor leader, supports the settlement and calls Monday’s development a temporary setback.
After all, the commie/progressive/anti law and order assholes are still going to push this. We can only hope that a few of them become victims of the criminals they're supporting.
And to all the shitheads like Ramirez-Rosa saying the stop never should have occurred in the first place, the proper venue to address anything "unjustified" - real or imaginary - is the Courts, not via gunfire.
Labels: city politics
It's true the stop never should've happened. Dexter should've been locked up instead of driving around with an illegally possessed weapon. If we go even further back, he never should've been born to his worthless crackwhore mother. He's dead because his mother failed him and the system failed to keep him off the streets, and his own criminal behavior caused his interaction with the police.
“ Teachers' union heard coaching migrants evading ICE despite Homan's warning to Democrat leaders
The United Federation of Teachers can be heard coaching educators on how to help illegal immigrants evade ICE in NYC”
Mollie Markowitz By Mollie Markowitz Fox News
Published February 10, 2025 12:45pm EST
Courts = no guarantees who wins. Gunfire = instant 1.25 million dollars. Appears that resolution by gunfire is the way to set the fam up for life.
I got called for jury duty. As it progressed, we found out the assault charge was against a cop. Later, by accident we found it was during a traffic stop. The lawyer got to me and asked if I could be impartial. I said no, you comply with the officer during a stop, period. I am so sick of this topic in America and I don't get what's so hard about understanding it....
Ole boy dex is where he belongs
Stop rewarding bad behavior. It threatens everyone.
Jus gives hims dat's his...he got kilt for it, and his car toad...mmmuuufa
Saint Dexter didn’t become the martyr he thought he did protests lasted about a day after , settlement hasn’t passed after regular citizens even came together and supported the officers things may be turning , FIGHT FIGHT for these officers to keep there jobs !
RevRun Al Storefront saying...
Oh Ya...dexter..He gone..But he promised...PROMISED..somes money to us..He did...They holding it..mmmm
Dexter....we hears you...mmm...It a nice sum. ..mmmahhha...Oh Lord pass this bill...
...Donations made in cash please....Mmmmhhaaa
If there was a settlement the police dept would go from comatose to mummified. It would send the message that police should never do a traffic stop investigation including a DUI crash investigation.
Just wait, after the family down state gets 20 million for sheriff shooting and killing victim after boiling water? This payout will get larger? Because the media keeps showing the Ghetto lottery works!
Social media is influencing this case. Whenever this story pops up in the Sun times and Tribs Facebook feeds the comments are overwhelmingly against giving them any payout
Taliaferro is such a disappointment. What a goof.
Channel 7 carried the story yesterday. Nothing was said about the PO being shot. If you didn't know the whole story you would think that he was shot for no reason. I never remember reading in the GO's that you were limited a number of shots that you could fire.
Rewarding bad behavior is the Democrat way.
Charge them for aiding and abetting illegals/fugitives, Gittmo and the federal prisoners have plenty of space for these commies.
I say that all the time about hoping the people who support this anti police, BLM antifa and other criminals are themselves the victims of the very people they claim to want to help/
Why go to the casino. There's your lotto ticket. What a joke. I know. I'm sure he was a good boy, turning his life around.
After all, the commie/progressive/anti law and order assholes are still going to push this. We can only hope that a few of them become victims of the criminals they're supporting.
Majority of these shit heads are related to these asshole politicians.
This stupid ghetto lottery system needs to be shut-down by DOJ, ASAP.
Dexter the idiot wanted to have a gunfight with the police! It was just a matter of time when he would be put away.
put a monetary limit on city settlements and the lawsuits will dry up,quit settling with these pond scum lawyers or keep them in court until they die
Wake up, it’s all about the lawyer’s fees and his kick backs.
Just wanted to point out, "set the fam up for life," is not 1.25m (not even close). Besides, they won't even get more than 1/3 of it anyways due to lawyers/fees/etc.
My SGT told us we need more stops, which is fine, I'll stop and correct behaviors with warnings... BUT ..... as a more senior guy pointed out at roll "WTF we paying out for folks that SHOOT at us? Nah, I'll just handle my calls"
Burn in Hell Dexter you fucking piece of Ghetto trash ! Hope you commie democrats fall victim to a low life like Dexter the shit head !
....he was a good boy. A pillar of the community.
Amazing, Dexter fired first. So his family, should get paid? For a son, they probably never watched over. He was raised by the streets.
Surprised no one has brought up the shuffling from the last few weeks. No one gives a shit anymore 🤷🏽♀️
Guy pulled and shot police and is rightly dead for it. If you settle this where does it end exactly? Finally the city counsel is standing up and saying no more. Happy to see O'Shea seemingly grow a pair after his cowering after the death of St. George of the Holy Crackhead.
Something is extremely wrong if it's "cheaper to settle". The Corporation Counsel does not have the ability to present a reasoned argument to a Judge / Jury for less than a Million $'s ? Where does the majority of the money end up ? Do the Attorney's have any Law School friends that are now Judges? In the commercials. why are the Lawyers dressed so classy? so many ?'s.
Oshea could care less about the police…he’s a hard left Democrat!
“I assume there are still a lot of questions..." Like why a felon who shoots a cop is getting $1.25Million of taxpayer money to his estate? ... some people asked why Trump got elected; the answer is right here.
Last year, Community Policing Officers from Chicago’s 17th District organized a prom clothing drive for Roosevelt High School, collecting hundreds of donated dresses and suits for students in need. Officers set up racks of clothing at the school, allowing students to browse and select outfits, with a seamstress even volunteering to tailor dresses.
This year, Roosevelt High School refused to allow officers inside, instructing them to simply drop off the clothing, citing concerns that some students might feel "scared" by their presence. To their credit the officers refused and going to the more welcoming (and not insane) Schurz High School.
Sue the family AND city, his family for civil rights violations from the loser and the county for not protecting the officers or public.
Maybe the loss of USAID money has something to do with this? No more grift/kickbacks for the democrats. Starve the beast.
One of the lesser-known possible origins for the expression "until the last dog is hung" goes back to medieval times.
Way back when, if a person was convicted of a particularly heinous crime, their entire household was executed with them - spouse, children, servants and last, but not least, pets. Parents and siblings were also included if they lived under the offender's roof.
One hell of a deterrent and removed any need for ghetto lottery payouts.
Ramirez Rosa is such a piece of shit. One day I was at a summer block party, having a beer on my neighbors front yard. He walks over and proceeds to tell me that I was drinking beer on the public way and that it was illegal. I told him that he was full of shit and that he needs to change the batteries in his junior Cop badge. He wouldn't fucking go away. What morons for shitbirds him and Rossanna Rodriguez?! Card carrying pieces of shit and absolute Cop haters. They need to relocate to communist Cuba. They can go sell crazy, door to door there!
Is having the opinion that citizens follow the law not being impartial?
My sources just told me that some democrats think the payout isn't big enough...Welcome to the Chicago way.
Sounds like he violated proper OSHA procedures. No pay out.
Then over here we have conehead talking "stupidly" :Johnson warns of City Hall house-cleaning triggered by disloyalty: 'If you ain't with us, you gotta go.'
Names mentioned: Chicago Park District Superintendent Rosa Escareno, Aviation Commissioner Jamie Rhee and Transportation Commissioner Tom Carney, City Colleges Chancellor Juan Salgado and Fire Commissioner Annette Holt. Hmm Larry and the bloated commend staff not mentioned odd? Guess they are doing a great job in this corruption filled city-state-county!
Mayor Conehead is just a ignant ugly fool. Deer in the headlights when axed a querstion. Looks likes a fuckin fool standing there. 4th grade teacher at CPS. I would embarrassed to say I was with CPS. Students? And teachers waste of money. And teachers never lived in Chicago. Evergreen Park, Oak Lawn, Park Ridge. Work 6 hrs per day, 8 months a year. FUCK THEM!!! Most drunks.
In case shithead's family does get money from the city, the officer that was shot and permanently maimed should immediately sue so they don't see a dime.
That's what I'm talk'in bout.
Best late term abortion I ever saw!!!!!!
Laws are not opinions, They are rules for evryone. Police are often refered to as Law Enforcement. Dont like the laws, get them changed or nullified. The stop should have happened even if it is for the most minor infraction. Dexter had no right to shoot at the police. If he felt he did nothing wrong. Thats for the courts. Shooting at the police with a gun he should not have had was his fault. He decided if he murdered a police officer he wouldnt go to court where a judge could decide his punishment . Sorry momma your son was an low livin scumbag. Maybe momma owes the officers an apology and law abiding citizens owe them gratitude for confronting tis violent human predator. Again laws are rules not opinions but nice try snowflake
Reed is off the street for eternity. His useless family will only enrich the Cadillac dealer and Luis Vuitton stores, thus helping Chicago's economy in an indirect way. It's not like they gonna send any kids to college with that cash.
Question… Why do you trolls keep up with the same, stupid comments already left hundreds of times? Come up with something fresh and new. Or fuck off!
Anyone remember when he was appeasing the black lies matter crowd?
I sure do!
They'll burn through that and be broke within 6 months. Years ago (mid 70s) I knew a ghetto dweller who won a Lincoln Continental and a wad of money in vegas. Didn't have it 2 weeks before he totaled it on 63rd Street at 3 in the morning. When I asked about the insurance he said they wanted too much for coverage so he didn't get any. Can't fix stupid.
RevRun Al made me choke on my coffee.
“Your sources”??? Do you have any idea how stupid you sound?
Bring the DOGE people and look into the books!
how does ppl like IW from 009 still on the job? straight up med abuser...
I forgot to mention. Rosa's ward ended 2 blocks east of where I was, he didn't even know his own ward!!!!
His only concern is where to get his next meal. Sigh.
Hopefully Fatass and Conehead can share a cell...
Yes Exactly!!! Turn The Tables On Them!!!
It’s not a troll, it’s an arise. Keep up the sarcasm, and by the way reed attended midnight basketball.
Informants??? And who are you? The grammar police? lol!
I hope the officer who was shot, hires an attorney and sues Dexter Reed's estate for the pain and suffering he caused by shooting this officer. I think $1,250,000.00 should cover it.
What are the odds Dexter Reed had a couple of baby mamas? IF so they should be filing for child support against his estate. It takes a lot of money to raise a felon....errrr I mean child.
I agree but I can't help but assume it'll still continue.
That's a HUGE issue nationwide, courts ruled sick time is YOURS to use, the problem is when someone actually needs it and gets walled due to abusers/jammed system. Want to fill out some sheet every time you have to go to the doc (a note you went for help) or something? ISP captain near rock island forces folks to document in memo why they use a sick day....... gtfo with that nazi bs, it's my time! Don't like it? Appeal and negotiate it otherwise during next contract
HIs only concern is race, and his spot.
He wanted to have a Pizza Party with BLM while they were protesting the late term abortion of St Joshua Beal, who pulled out a gun, in front the the firehouse on 111th. Maybe 30 protesters showed up. Approx. 300 plus neighborhood people showed up to shut down BLM and father Faker. It was glorious. Meanwhile Matt O ignores Mt Greenwood in favor of the libs in Beverly and Morgan park. don't believe anything he says.
He didn't just pull a gun. He pulled the trigger. Luckily, his gun malfunctioned.
Just another slug at Shitty Hall.
Smart move. Roosevelt HS students lose, due to stupid adults and Schurz students win because of responsible adults.
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