Attention No Seniority POs
You want off of midnights?
Do you want to contribute to the District level manpower shortages?
Are you ready to sell your soul to downtown?
Just be aware that the Department has a bad habit of exploiting Units like these. A really really bad habit. They sell them as something new and different and an "opportunity." But ask anyone who was in SOS, TRU, MSF, what happens when you start out DETAILED to these units, and then suddenly, you are ASSIGNED there.
When the Unit gets disbanded - and they all seem to get disbanded eventually - the Department gives you a "superbid" for your new adventure (or ignominious return) to Patrol. The "superbid" covers three Districts, and they always seem to be 003, 006 and 007. And then just to make in really interesting, PAtrol clcosed District bids every month or every quarter for the next year or two or three.
Ask the last few northside cops from SOS still on the job - the Department posted "no bids available" for nearly a year after they got disbanded. Or the cops from TRU - the only District that had openings was 003 for nearly eighteen months and most of them were already in 003 when they got disbanded. Everywhere else was a one-for-one trade between commanders.
Be very very careful if the Department is looking to start up a new unit when they can't even fill the beat/rapid cars in 100% of the Districts on 100% of the watches. The only way to get cops into the killing fields is to circumvent Contractual protections, by luring in the short sighted, then changing the assignment parameters after filling the Unit. It's been done many times before.
Labels: department issues
Squad, can I get an Event number for BULLSHIT?
This has been around for a couple years now. They operate out of 001.
It’s actually 1st watch!! Read the memo & 4th watch you have no grievance rights.. prerequisite: bring the K-Y Jelly!
FYI this isn’t a new unit, this has been around for a year or so. They deal with the goofy drag racers and you predominantly work 1st watch hours so no getting off midnights for yoooooou
So much for interacting with the public. Now it’s back to flooding the Zones and hot spots. The bad part is when complaints come in they try to put it on the District cars. Especially now that most cars don’t even use beat tags.
The Shit Show Continues. In the past the city wide teams depleted the Districts of personal. The Districts will be screwed. You think your short now! LOL.
What’s old is new. No new ideas coming from upper leadership. Sad.
In the past when they had multiple saturation units police shootings were up drastically. Flooding areas creating a police state. I don’t think this is a good idea with our current times and past with the public.
Don’t be fooled, there is nothing appealing or a perk to this position. You will be on midnights at the mercy of the dept. SCC hit the nail on the head.
A cop from 005 will be a merit pick who is on the Brady list from cook county. Yet, another officer has been shot in the line of duty in the same district. This officer is in Lemart training videos and doesn’t get an interview for merit. T
But hey at least I'll have a new tramp stamp tattoo to show i was one of the elite chosen ones!
No strategy and a foolish plan. The saturation method bring CPD lots of lawsuits. That’s why it was dissolved. History will repeat itself. The clueless leadership has nothing new.
Good luck to the people taking it. Just be careful. This isn’t the days of hard charging. This is a constitutional policing. Think first and think again.
Why would you leave 1st watch in a district to work 1st watch for this "detail" where they will throw you to the wolves?
Again from the Gold Stars; let the misadventures begin.
But, but I can wear t shirts and jeans, work a 10hr day schedule, it’s gonna be GREAT!
Why not?!?! These Bosses have our backs!
"...has a bad habit of exploiting Units like these. A really really bad habit..."
A REALLY really BAD habit- no joke , not kidding--please do not "apply".
What a bunch of crap--"Car Caravan" aka Chump Clowns--not the officers looking for change--The Fckn brassholes who reinvented nothing including the desperate need for bodies--empty HQ of the 90 percent of sworn.
Did my time on the job--30 yrs...this crap is crap.
Speaking of opportunity, consider this life hack. Finance your house for 15 years and pay it off sooner. Drive a 4 cylinder Japanese car; it will probably last you for over 20 years. That is enough for your to retire with a pension. You do not need a $1,000 car payment, because you are not impressing anyone; we know how much money you make. After you retire, sell your house that you only made the required repairs on (no fancy upgrades) for over double of what you paid for. And sell it “as is.”
Here is a bonus professional tip; earn a useful degree from a legitimate school. It is a beautiful thing, because the city will pay for it. As of right now, some of you do not have the skills required to write a decent resume.
Do not let this job have an iron clad leash on you. If you let that happen, then you will be working until the mandatory retirement age and making pension payments so that the early retirees can get paid.
And the lesson is over.
The OG Cop
We have this new unit and world news again: Chicago dubbed America's murder capital as Democrat leaders 'demonize' police, splurge on migrants: alderman.
They put out the new Lts list late last night. One of the two merit choices is John Layne. He is neighbors and drinking buddies with Hein. Once again another pathetic merit selection.
For you young guys and gals that read this post……pay close attention to this request for volunteering in CPD? I did my time in SOS and as a FTO and the Department could care less about you the split second you ask to leave the Unit or position? There are plenty of Horror stories of CPD members being assigned to Districts at the close of SOS. And most were from SOS or TRU when it was disbanded? No matter what they call it today it’s what they call it when it’s disbanded that sticks with you? As a FTO the Department said you stay in your unit of assignment? Until they start reassignment to units with no FTO’s………and all the Union help you think you will get just fades away.
It’s great to get out to a City wide unit. But it’s also great to save the wear and tear on your personal vehicle and time spent in traffic. Then the money you spend having to defend yourself in CR allegations or Criminal defense cases?
And both happen in this Department. This is the CPD, where we eat are own?
Not a bad spot you can never find them when a street takeover event occurs , it’s always the districts handling it
Another wasted unit , why not just have PRT CIRT tac handle it when they pop up
Well what are they calling this now? Summer Mobil, SOS, TRU? When I went to the State Street detail for holidays it was great? And Summer Mobile was fun on the Beach. But let’s see which $hit hole they put these young chargers into? And then count the days until the first one gets screwed over for being there? Then ask was it worth it.
LTs pre-service list is out:
Dawn Hubbard 544
John Layne 011
Martin Chatys 001
Ryan Delaney 604/606
Janelle Hamilton 007/189
Richard Heger 019
Rhianna Hubbard 015
David Madia 001
Hani Mohamed 018
Mark Peterson 015
Richard Salvador 010/701
Renee Whittingham 007
Joshua Zapata 019/193
If you VOLUNTEER to go to this unit you are out of your mind.
Honestly it’s a good spot, you see drag racers taking up the streets everywhere this unit is NEVER out working
“That is enough for your to retire with a pension”, City will be bankrupt by then and so will your pension, take a job in a nice suburb or better yet in a nice state. Maybe less pay, but definitely less stress and a better family life.
Kudos OLD MAN, bet u were a lot of fun to be around when u were young. Sound like a
Alligator arm type.
You'd have to be soft to put in for this unit. Much better sitting in the hole in the cemetery. No beefers there, everyone's dead.
Are you asking specific questions? Can you elaborate please.
What else is new.
Thats true no beat tags,and coppers looking ragged maybe uniform standards will help!
Another 2 year wonder clown car unit. Loved that video of those clowns running to the cars up in 018.
What is the incentive to do this?
All good advice except the Japanese car recommendation. Buy American, don’t be a cheep traitor.
Best looking list we've seen in a while. Only 15% Merit and all stand-up, knowledgeable people on the list. Congratulations to all!
Working in 003 builds character.
I can't imagine being retired and still giving a shit about the day to day nonsense. SSC hang it up. Wasnt a bad gig. Left when I was 55. Beats the private sector. Anyway, bud, move to Flordia and chill out. Haha
Delaney is a suck up joke!
How about you enjoy life now vs after this job when the life span of a cop after retirement is 10 years. Yea i have a 1k car payment on a car I enjoy to drive because I like cars.. not because I gaf what someone else thinks. Live your life and just dont work hard....enjoy every chance you can spending your money on your quality of life.
I do agree with getting them to pay for a degree, but enjoy your hard work now! You make over a 100k a year .. you can live life very nicely. Maybe invest in a class that teaches you how to budget your money, but enjoy your fruits now!
Have you seen how reckless this unit is... its only a matter it time before one of them gets hit by a car and hurt badly. They drive into the middle of the take over jump out of their cars while everyone is trying to escape taking off in their cars. Then the PO run after random cars throwing those spit stripes under cars that were just caught in the take over and were trying to escape the danger when everyone starting taking off...
Read the email. It's called C.C.T.
You heard it here first, there’s an email coming out today for inside people and lockup guys. All inside people must wear their vest and BWC. And people issuing equipment must activate their BWC when issuing equipment. I guess there was a fight between radio room guy and a copper in 012 where guns were pulled. Also WOLs will take note of what time BWCs are docked for inside people. Also lockup officer must leave BWCs on whenever there is a prisoner in a cell and leave it running all day. No more splitting the shifts for inside people.
You just described my life! We think alike.
If we as a collective could stick together, and let no one ask to go to this unit, the city has to fill based on reverse seniority.
If history has taught us anything, however, CPD members will always go for the carrot on the stick.
Look before you leap...who are the supervisors in this unit? What have they promised upper management on your backs?
Be Ye' warned...all who enter here...everything SCC said about those prior units is true.
So, when does the Sgt's list come out?
This is nothing new. This unit has been around for over 2 years. They pretty much just follow around all the drag racers and spike their tires.
“There is nothing new under sun, it’s all vanity” …… this concept is nothing new. It started out as Murphy Marauders on the CPD way way back, like 40’s-50’s ??? Then it became the Task Force, then is became SOG, the it came gang Crimes (North, South,West) then SOS then MSU then TRU ….. you see the pattern, nothing new, just application.
One thing to be very careful and aware of of is your status IF you chose to be part of this unit. If your detailed, your are supposed to go back to your unit upon request, getting dumped or dissolution of the unit. If you end up assigned there on the Order, then you can very well be at their mercy, not if but when they break up the unit/detail.
This takes wisdom grasshopper, I chose to leave midnights in patrol (as a SGT) and went to TRU. I was assigned to the unit. After about 8 months I could see the writing on the wall and the direction this was heading. I bid out to a lakefront unit, in the 11th period and was in days the 1st period. 4 periods later TRU was disbanded and most all the PO’s and Supervisors went sought way south and were stuck there for at least a year or so. Proceed with caution, and thank you for the pension contributions
Used to be you could bid into Summer Mobile and get out of the district for the summer. Hanging out at the lakefront. 2nd and 3rd watch hours, drinking beer and barbecuing at Soldier Field and later at Meigs Field. We closed 18th street beach at the end of the summer for a BIG beach party. All CPD was invited. One of our commanders had one of those beer trucks with the built in taps to keep everyone happy. People from the unit manned the grills. Guys would invite girls they met while driving on the lakefront. Lots of fun, we seen the same people come back every year. And yes, this was before the days of these shit cell phone cameras or social media. Whatever happened to the beach bash? Too many domestics when wives started showing up to catch their husbands there with their beach honeys. CR numbers started flying and the new commander stopped the fun. That unit was still a good way to get out of your shithole district for the summer and you were kept on the lakefront. The only time we were deployed was during the Bulls championships and the Demorat convention. And yes, we made those fun too. Coolers of beer every night and grilling afterwards. One of the Sargeants had lit a Weber grill, put it in the wagon, drove it down Madison and pulled it up with smoke billowing from the little window in the back. Craps and card games in front of the old Organized Crime building on Halsted. What these guys are trying to sell you is pure shit these days. Now they send and keep you in the hood as cannon fodder. This detail is going to be filled reverse seniority. At least If you're detailed to this you're going back to your unit per union contract. If you volunteer you just fucked yourself. There's a wise old military saying " never volunteer for anything". And that applies to THIS unit. Good luck...
After MSF was disbanded they held alot of Northsiders in 005 for years!
They’ll have no problem filling this. I remember watching the majority of the 2017 hires willing to fight each other gladiator style just to get off the watch and away from the radio.
To; deputy chief bird
From: your side squeeze
Subject: I want you to put me in for that caravan detail cause I just love driving those dodge caravans, I can do that on 1st watch so I can then go home with you to "sleep" wink wink
Great ideas for you and for letting us know. On the other hand live your life the way you want to and don’t tell us how to live ours
If you’re already on midnights in 3, 6, 7, 11 or anywhere else you hate and I mean really hate like you’re ready to quit the job, this could be a refreshing opportunity to see other geography in the city. Be very careful. Don’t do anything illegal, you will eat the shit sandwich.
Chatys -Mr I know everything. Ready to lead and write reviews.
I expect nothing less from 005!
Merit is theft.
Why does this department put out stuff so damn late. Is everything done last second
Chatys made LT. So many more broads are going to enjoy his company now.
Is this like the Jump Out Boys?
Drag racing unit has been around for 3 years
Layne is all about himself and scared of real police work. Always has been.
The department is running a scam. They start a new unit. In 1-3 years that new unit is entirely disbanded.
Congratulations now you get to bid to districts no one else wants to go to. Now you are stuck there.
This 25 year veteran beat cop has seen this scam played out multiple times.
Assigned to 4th watch but will work primarily 1st watch, be willing to have your rdo's changed or cancelled depending on department needs. benefit to working this? None
Hahahahahahahaha hahaha gtfoh
I heard that they are getting Volkswagen "Beetles" painted in CPD livery. Snelling wants to see how many officers can fit in one caravan car. Circus music will be played over the PA when they arrive on scene and disembark.
"Send in the clowns..." Honk-Honk!
How can you have a job yet alone a promotion for lying at court
It’s no different with the Sgt merit picks In 005. Merit has nothing to do with being the good police
They still vote though
If you read the post, it tells you exactly what it’s called. And you used a question mark everywhere except the one spot you should have. Good lord.
C.C.T. = Clown Car Team
Circus Caravan Team. Cue the "Benny Hill theme" music when they stop and get out of the car.
Retired with over 30 yrs OTJ. Believe me. Don’t take this shit young guys n gals you will be sorry. Can’t tell u what to do. But NOT GOOD. You will be sorry. Just trying to to tell all. Absoltute BULLSHIT.. STAY WHERE U ARE AT. WILL HAVE SENIORITY. COMES REAL FAST. AVOID THIS BULLSHIT!
With today's new hires, "Effective writing skills" would disqualify almost 80% of people. Couple that with knowledge of department directives, criminal codes and MCC, maybe 5% would qualify to even join this team. These teams are not worth the headache that comes with it.
Get some time on the job kids 🤣
SCC, from things you said last summer I’m guessing you’re retired. Have to agree with this comment. I’ll miss the hell out of you when you give this up, but like this comment says, put it in the rear view mirror and give up the blog.
You deserve the piece and happiness of forgetting about this department as it goes down the toilet. Whenever you do pull the plug here know that I and so many others appreciate all that you’ve done.
For all we know, you might enjoy the hell out of doing this everyday, but your peace and happiness comes first, you’ve earned it.
A word of advice from a guy who retired six years ago aftrer doing 33 years, you're outta your mind if you're considering signing up for this BS.
As SCC mentioned, you'll be abused by the changing of hours and of days off and when they disband the unit, yu'll find you've been assigned there & good luck getting out!
In this day & age, pushing a beat car isn't a bad deal and you have union protections.
Sign up for this unit & you're their bitch!
Someone should put General orders on audio files. Plenrty of time to listen to them while to-from work.
Why do the promotional lists come out after 5 PM on Fridays?? Nothing new, this has been done since before I came on in the late 60's. So, the list is out and no other clout calls can change the list. Not hard to understand.
I thought they didn’t do anything?
"and the Department could care less..." Saying that means the Department still cares. The saying is "couldn't care less." This video will help you understand your mistake. Watch it, don't watch it, I couldn't care less. See what I did there?
You’re an idiot
Have time on job over 20 years or 29 years go to Northside districts .19th 20th ,24th district and enjoy life .
I bet you’re still wearing the purple/blue 80-20 pants with western pockets.
Congratulations! You just made the dumbest comment in history.
Definitely agree you can work a beat car and do absolutely nothing not losing your home your freedom your Pension, your family You’re a good name or you could go out and the boss will tell you he will back you up or she will back you up if you do the job correctly, but when you’re sitting in that cold federal courtroom and they are calling you the defendant and you’re sitting on that stand and your children are crying saying why daddy why? And you look out into the gallery and you notice absolutely no bosses are there the ones that told you what a great policeman you absolutely the bosses and you believe Them Now they are sitting on their boats at their vacation home with the huge amount of salary they have and the stolen pension money they got because of that gold badge, laughing and laughing and probably telling stories about you. Think about it it’s not worth it. Plain clothes Backwards, baseball hat, tight jeans, telling all the little people at the bars how you’re the real police just does not worth it.
Someone needs to delete the question mark key on this tool's computer! He doesn't need to post a name. His question marks identify him!!!!
and your children are crying saying why daddy why? seriously?
Let me get this straight. You want me to produce my activity, to go downtown, increase my liability trying to manhandle a “demonized youth” when they start fighting me, get probably sued, suspended, fired or possibly imprisoned? Uhhhh that’s a hard NO AND GO FUCK YOURSELF!
No way man...If CPD needs a new unit, then do it by reverse seniority. Nuff said
Not ever gonna happen.
Way too many one way cops out there, only looking out for themselves, willing to toss their partner under the bus in a second.
Always been that way, always gonna be that way.
We are our own worst enemy.
I thought CCT was clown car tac tickle
Actually you made the dumbest comment. It’s been proven utilizing the departments own data that saturating an area does nothing for overall crime in the area. Sure it quiets it down while those teams are there for their 4 hours (sometimes) but after that and before that it’s a free for all.
Yes, they go to lunch as a team for 2 hours, drive around and get TSSS cards, then duck out two hours early. Total waste of manpower’amd tax payer $.
Do you trust the Department? You shouldn't!
The only problem with this, I see no carrot.
Working midnights for the most part, and looking at the hours changed as they see fit & your days off canceled at their whim should be definite no.
Add in spending however much for the BDU's and battle gear and it's an absofuckinlutely no
I don’t see how this unit would be disbanded. These drag racers aren’t going anywhere anytime soon lol. Especially when the city doesn’t want anything done and these fake racers know that
And you found a way to make your comment more stupid. More police equals less crime. If you want it to work? Supervise it.
Or how about a thief that steals money from homan being a pick ?
Or how about a so called officer that’s been stealing money from homan and is going to get 90 days get a merit pick
The department puts the list out after 5 PM, because HR closes and they don’t want to receive phone calls and complaints about the list.
Someone from inside the unit will embarrass the entire department. The newspapers will be all over it. Storefront reverands will demand that action be taken. A few alderman will jump on the bandwagon and use it as an opportunity. The states attorneys office looks into he case, and the current superintendant disbands the unit to save face politically for the mayor...
You must be new here kid...this shit has all happened before.
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