Bit of Good News
The Chicago Police Board Thursday agreed with a recommendation from the city’s top cop that two officers involved in the shooting of an unarmed man in Pilsen in 2022 should not be fired from the department.
The Civilian Office of Police Accountability had recommended Sgt. Christopher Liakopoulos and Officer Ruben Reynoso be discharged for violating use of force guidelines, failing to render aid and failing to secure the scene in the July 2022 incident that left Miguel Medina wounded.
But Chicago Police Supt. Larry Snelling disagreed with COPA, arguing that both officers complied with Chicago Police Department policies and proposed no discipline for the officers. In cases where the superintendent and COPA disagree on police discipline, a police board member is selected to rule on the dispute.
On Thursday, board member Steven Block sided mostly with Snelling in his decision, agreeing with the superintendent that Liakopoulos complied with police department guidelines and should not be disciplined. But while he also agreed that Reynoso didn’t violate use of force rules, Block sided with COPA’s allegations that Reynoso failed to render aid and secure the scene.
Remember, both Officers were acquitted at trial despite Crimesha's intense efforts to railroad both of them. A gun was pointed at them by a juvenile offender and an accomplice got wounded. Mistakes happen, but the don't necessitate a felony charge....unless it's an obvious case of Crimesha being racist, which she always was.
Labels: good news
Now only if the Superintendent would get rid of Talley.
Regardless, allow me to remind everyone checking in…
FUCK Snelling.
If anyone from copa is reading these comments, you guys have absolutely no credibility or integrity. We all know you've been operating on a political agenda and finally other people are starting to realize it too.
Keep being proactive and this is what u will get. A kangaroo court charging officers for a job they will be proven correct by body cams. Why bother willing the dice with ur future and well being ?! Only an idiot would continue to be proactive in today’s society ! Give them what they want and go home safely to ur family ! Wake up !!!
Felony charges? It's not like they threw a root beer on her.
Tell that to the BIA Sgt who investigated this and hung these guys out to dry. The Sgt was "gunning" for merit Lt but failed miserably
Our pension fund is doomed people. What percentage funded does it collapse ? It’s going to happen like a tsunami in 2-3 years with big time retirements. Be prepared to have 15% taken out for the pension soon.
Render Aid... dumbest bullshit ever. Let the paramedics handle it if and when they get there.
But yeah, Hellinois and their idiocy... so here we are.
Didn't Kimmy drop the charges against the juvenile gang member so that she could prosecute the officers?
Congratulations Chris. I hope this brings you peace and some of your life back. Ruben too.
The media will do all it can to protect the demorats. The article is fluff piece. Journalism 101 would dictate some info like her age. Here's some help: she just turned 78 this week. She also likes to stay out of the limelight, like Madigan and Biden. Has she had a dementia test ever?
Off Topic
About 15 cars were broken into Sat morning in the west end of 016 by about four offenders with a blue sedan. Watch your six when coming home late.
Rotten bish. Where did her golden public pension parachute land her to wreak my damage?
So now after defending your life from a shooter you have to try and save them? Whatever happened to the caring glance option.
question I thought the FOP won a ruling that you can by pass the police board and have and to arbitration
Next multimillion dollar lawsuit coming. 911 calls saying girl was getting beaten in a west side park. Two squads rolled up, didn't see a thing. They found her body a little later.
Rinally. Common sense
Corruption Mayor should stepped down!!!!
This is why Conehead can’t address the CPD corruption.
He's gonna get paid with his lawsuit, foo.
I’d like to know what part BIA played in railroading these guys.
Kim Foxx and Copa immediately declared these guys guilty. Disbar Kim Foxx.
I second that! FUCK Snelling! Clearing those officers was what he’s supposed to do. You don’t get brownie points for doing your job as the Superintendent. Now take the freehand from Talley and then talk to us.
BIA Supervisors are all crying now, claiming that Chief Talley twisted their arm and changed their investigations.
West end where? What beat?
The main part under Chief Talley. BIA condemned them.
What time about are they doing this?
Ok Rambo I will be on high alert, who forged your transcripts.
Migrants and teachers Union fucking everything up in this city financially. Pay 2% towards pension. Even retired teachers who NEVER lived in the city still fucking us over. Go enjoy your wine you drunk. And these chillens come out more stupid than when they went into the fucked up school. But teachers work 5 and a half hrs a day for 5 and a half months a yr. They have to go to Evergreen Park or Oak Lawn to shop on their hour and a half lunch. Then get back and clock out so the alky can get to the bar. On our taxpayer money. DRUNK!
That Sgt. form iad is EW no good person, and he just tries to screw over the coopers no matter what. He has no right to be in iad. Larry you need to move he out of iad before he embarrasses you even more. More Lawsuits name him are coming.
BIA investigated this as a criminal incident. Their findings were sent to Kim Fox and coppers were criminally charged.
A little later? Try almost 24 hours later. Only on the west side can a body be laying in a park and nobody call it in.
Why was BIA involved in investigating a shooting?
How about the civilians with take home cars and working Unlimited overtime in HQ in HR department…..where is DOGE ???
Your name calling leaves a lot to be desired.
He is in all likelyhood part of the lawsuit that Chris filed and will probably win in federal court. I hope Chris takes the city to the cleaners.
Yes that whore of a states attorney did drop charges agains the juveniles because if she didnt she could not charge Chris and Reynoso.
These two were not wearing BWCs. Not required in their unit.
I came on in the 1990s. We weren't trained to render aid, and didn't have to do for almost two decades. The training today still does not undo previous training. Guess it was better back then.
Cooper? I'm not a barrel maker!
They can sue for anything and will. It's about headlines first and optics second.
How's this for a CR: causing death to a crime victim for taking an hour to respond. However, the OEMC tapes and that "On scene" button showed arrival less than two minutes after dispatch. It didn't matter that the victim had many bullet holes either. Paper is paper.
This is about the Prickwinkle article.
Do people in the west end of 016 put cars in their garages?
Spot on!
We’re still cleaning up behind Talley. Talley’s BIA screwed this up. They investigated this as a criminal incident just like Nieves’ incident and sent everything over to the State’s Attorney’s office. In Neive incident BIA didn’t even have a complainant/ witness. In this case BIA/ Copa considered them guilty, and Andrea Kersten verbalized it to the public. BIA Talley and Investigator EW pushed for this. Now that they’ve been acquitted, what now?
O’Malley and Madden Law Firm
What year was rendering aid made mandatory? Recall it was previously stated that an officer "may" render aid. Also, if he was off duty he had no med pack to render aid.
Lawsuit by officers wrongfully accused
Sorry I’m not rendering aid for a shitbag that just pulled a gun on me. I will render aid to my partner & myself. I will call an ambulance for myself bcus now I feel chest pains, eat, sleep and pretend I’m asleep when shitty copa or any exempts try come in my hospital room I will tell the detail to not let anyone in..
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