Not a Single Mention
The media morons are at it again:
Byron Lamb still has nightmares about the day he was hospitalized after being pulled over by the Chicago police.
It was September 2018, and he was taking his two young children to his mother’s house when officers pulled him over in West Pullman for allegedly running a stop sign.
They ordered Lamb out. He refused.
STOP. Just stop. Right there. You know where this is headed.
The article is a lib-tarded piece of trash by the Slum Times and an outfit called the Investigative Project on Race and Equity. they're attempting to make yet another racial mountain out of a molehill, citing a number of cases where CPD used force against persons armed and unarmed.
Guess what they never mention, not even once?
An officer’s ability to order a driver out of their vehicle is supported by the US Supreme Court rulings in Pennsylvania v. Mimms (1977) and Maryland v. Wilson (1997).
In the Mimms case, the Court ruled that police officers can instruct drivers to exit their vehicles during a traffic stop without needing additional probable cause or reasonable suspicion. This authority was expanded in Wilson to include passengers.
We'll print this in capital letters so the media and anyone else too mentally infirm knows that we're yelling it at them: THERE IS NO LEGAL RIGHT TO REFUSE AN OFFICER'S ORDER TO EXIT THE VEHICLE. NONE. NADA. ZERO. Any refusal is automatically a criminal charge, you are essentially under arrest, and a refusal to be handcuffed is Resisting, meaning Force is authorized to effect said arrest.
We've known thousands of cops over our career here, we've met and worked closely with a few hundred suburban cops, and a few dozen State Troopers. If you add up the windows broken, gallons of OC sprayed and TASERs deployed over refusal to exit a vehicle, it would be an impressive total.
You know what's even more impressive? Not a single CR number was ever sustained for any of it against any involved Officers, because we knew the Law, we applied the Law properly, and we wrote the paper correctly. We didn't "get away" with anything because there was never anything to "get away" with. We were correct, the criminal was wrong and the Courts concurred.
But the Slum Times.....well, their shtick is overplayed, boring and tedious.
Labels: media
Like I said, when the Marxist Sun-Times goes under, these bastard so-called reporters can starve to death.
Basically all this "I ain't gettin' outa da car mutherfucka!" crap started under Sparklefarts. Concocted all that "I was afraid" ghetto bullshit for an excuse as to not comply.
Just roll down the window, have a nice conversation. Hand over the license and any insurance... take the ticket or two. Be on your way and let your lawyer and the Judge take it from there...
Orrrrrr... well, we all know what that is.
The first would be easier, but you know - gotta have 'street cred' or some moronic savage bullshit... so a broken window and OC it is!
It's all so tiresome...
Obey the rules of the road dumbass and comply it’s that simple
does anyone read the slum times or the trib??
This article crystallizes why I cancelled by Slum Times subscription about 20 years ago. Can’t wait for them to go out of business.
They tried to get me on a jury for a similar incident, they asked if I could be objective. I didn't get on the jury for some reason.
Enjoy your nightmares Fool!
You expect the “reporter” to even know that precedent? Expect much much more “peaceful protest” where your authority will be challenged
Well said , SCC. If you don’t comply with law enforcement then you get what you get. No lawful arrest can be defeated and if you try you’re probably going to get fucked up. If you comply and fight it out in court then you will have no issues with the police and their use of force.
But then they wouldn't get the Big Pay Day !
Hold on now......I can refuse your direct order....if I am going to use "The Crutch"
The sooner that rag goes under the better. Tribune is not any better. This from a guy that bought them every day for over 30 years. I stopped 20 years ago
Soon the Slum-Times and the Fibune will rightly be in the dustbin of history...
When I became a veteran and came back to my hometown of Chicago, I was shocked how the newspapers and media became so anti-american, anti-law, and racist, supporting the s"$# heads of society. It's MAGA now America.
Western Springs Voter here...
I do,...I read them daily .... I find articles in depth and spot on...Especially the editorials .
But...he was scared...the Po Po was evil looking, and white- mexican looking Had guns !!!! ...
Why did you answer a jury summons to begin with? It’s not certified mail, they can’t prove you ever got it
C'mon people. This is the only job where EVERYBODY knows it better than you do. Just ask them. Hell, the judges, at all levels, can't even follow superior courts' decisions/precedence.
No unlawful arrest can be defeated either. The law doesn't allow the arrestee to make that determination. In fact, an unlawful arrest cannot be used as a defense to the resisting charge.
Why stop cars. Give the liberals more crime and the chance to be victims. Diversity is liberal strength. Hopefully a website comes along reporting all the democrats and liberals who are victimized so they can reap what they sow.
Remember when the trib was the republican paper??? The suntimes the demoncrat paper
How are you supposed to determine if a driver is impaired unless they get out of their vehicle so you can continue your investigation? “ You know what I’m saying”
Wow, I do remember that, but had forgotten all about it.
Do you know approximately when the trib started defecting ?
3/23/2025 01:19:29: If you were on trial, would you rather have jury of people like yourself, or a jury of people like the mutants at table #9?
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