Busy Summer on Tap?
Rumor out of HQ:
- Per Talley all HQ people to be changed to 4th watch… you know what that means… a lot more protests in their future. Not just protests but changes of hours from days to nights etc for protests and no more 2 hour change of start time protections.
Fourth Watch is still Tact hours, right? That brings back some memories, whoa nelly.
Yoyo is looking to make herself less popular than the previous Chief of Patrol who ruined everyone's weekends all year long with cancellations for reasons that ended up being BS most of the time.
But the good news for all the HQ house mice - you can always volunteer to go back to the Districts. Some of you might even have built up some actual seniority now after years of hiding downtown. You might be able to actually get to Third Watch!
Labels: from the comments, rumors
They won’t be put on “tac hours” but it gives the bosses the power to take inside people with a 7am start time, and push that start time to 4pm if they want. If they were 2nd watch with a 7am start time they could only adjust their start time by 2 hours.. now that’s out the window. Oh you work days?? Now you’re starting at 1800hrs for a teen trend. This will have two effects with the department is fine with both. Some people will leave and go back to a district.. that’s a win for patrol. Some people will stay, do all the work AND can now be used for details and teen trends.
How about those 3, 30 year old bimbos that work gun registration?
Working 5 hour days is a bitch down there.
They have to register about 5 guns a week on average since only CPD coppers have to register them.
Prob 4th watch like the homicide dets that are excluded from details ….
Was Axeman009 working the lockup in 008 yesterday? Some zebra trashed the computers, print machine and tv. Sounds like something axeman009 would allow, bud.
Go girls.....
Talley never did a fckn HQ detail ...she was ooohhh so ever important as D Oneills admin secy in HR that she couldnt be away from her duties--with unlimited OT of course---such crap
Not sure I understand your logic here. The new First Deputy Talley will be responsible for future cancellations, but former Chief of Patrol is responsible for past cancellations not the former First Deputy?
Carter and Brown canceled days off for everything not Chief of Patrol. How soon we forget.
ONLY YOU can give your FOP contract away rights by going to the 4th or 5th Watch. Members will lose rights in the contract when a member chooses to be assigned to the 4th or 5th Watch. No one can force a member to be assigned to lose their FOP rights. Yes, I am sure you are going back to Patrol, but at least you have your RDO’s and are not going to work with one RDO cancelled every weekend. If you are put on the 4th or 5th Watch with over 1 year of service you still have all the rights from FOP, because you did not want it. This means if the CPD changes your start times (+2 or -2hrs), DOG changes, 6th and 7th workday, etc. submit an OT slip in and have a Sgt. or Lt. reject it. Grievance time.
Democrat Jihadi Tesla Terrorist
As of March 13, 2025, ChicagoTeachers Pension Fund managers hold 209,744 shares of Tesla stock, about $50.5 million,
Idiots burning their own futures
Incredible how these young cute coeds fresh out of the academy fresh from their rotations immediately get inside spots.
Wonder why that is.
Not a rumor. It was in an Admin message yesterday
Merit Sgt packets finally requested and due by Apr 2.
PRT changes being made especially the A5 migrant patrol half the 62 team in A5 has vanished . Other teams slowly disappearing also , no blue cards being called out this week either ,
Dexter Reed one year today
Can everyone please stop giving Snelling a pass on the stupidity that is happening under his watch.
Cleared from the medical earlier in the year and couldn’t believe how many able bodied officers were down there walking in with their backpacks and yeti cups full of coffee !! It actually was disturbing and unnoticeable. Many officers if I had to guess with less than 10 years on the job all assigned to headquarters!! And for what exactly ?!
She feeds on her own.
Now, kees me you fool!!!!
Well who needs any support from HQ?
Easy there you only need 2 years to get the bid 016 on 3rd ....
Can everyone stop making excuses for Snelling please…
Snelling, Talley, and Jon Hein… I don’t know which is the worst.
Medical roll about to get bigger.
Tru dat! Send the house mice to the front lines! On another note, sgt merit packets are out. And so is the list of nominators which kudos to whoever had the balls to limit the nominators to sworn exempts. Exceptions are DO and ACH, they're the only civilian exempts with a merit pick. Most nominators only have 1 pick and a handful of district commanders get 2 picks. Again Bravo! No need to be giving some of these merit hacks 4 or 5 picks like they used to. So far so good. Make it even better and limit those picks to officers actually working patrol, not the desk or caps dollies or SDCS room cats.
Everyone at hq is already 4th watch
She is the most useless DEI hire on the job who should be nothing more then a patrolmen and not even have a job for getting caught with dope in her car
but why would they need all those extra police for what the dems and libs and liberal media always calls "peaceful protest"?
How about removing some of the take home cars? we really need them on the streets! Another thing what is it with the take home cars many are trying to disguise they still have M plates but yet the coppers are using dark tinted covers on the plates! Guess we have zero integrity, the same things we see the gang banging punks do many are doing! Who are we hiring?
Not a rumor… the admin message came out early yesterday.
who's name was at the bottom of the order? In both cases?
Ot- Bars demoted. Again. Happened last night, Nickerman now Commander of 018.
When days off are canceled, First Deouty’s Name in an AMC
Thank idiot bossholes for that, broads smile at them and flirt so they get a good gig all the while knowing they ain't giving that loser nothing
It’s a fucking shame the mental retard destroyed the tv
That’s public knowledge though . Everyone at HQ is 4th watch . Nothing new
He would have hid in the cell with the leather gloves on.
Bullshit. It was that weasel McDermott!
Please and thank you.
Talley and Heins ate clise friends.
Area 4 prt Lt is getting bounced. Poor lil Nicky is crying to the troops about how he though Snelling was his friend.
Not true
It’s a win win for the city. Some people will say I can’t do that and go back to a District just to get 2nd watch. Which pushes people back into patrol. Then those with less seniority will get bumped to other watches. For the house mice that just have a few years on the job, it doesn’t matter your fucked either way and you’ll go back to 1st watch or 3rd watch.
This allows the city to backfill all the empty squads without trying to hire right away.
Those that choose to stay then you’ll be used like a ping pong ball back and forth for every detail and you’ll be moved around to fill in for the shortages anyway for all the upcoming planned riots, protests, all city events and flash mobs particularly on the weekend nights. This will surely push old timers (55+) to retire because no one in their right mind would risk retirement at this point with getting injured, killed, sued etc…
The plan is to cut out at least 50% of the personnel out of HQ’s.
Bubble butt should not have a merit pick at all. Her last merit detective pick is a complete goof. Don’t even get me started on Clark-Deputy. Civilians promoting house mice? Common man
Not everyone works in a cubicle 5 hours a day at HQ. There are units that function 24-7 and have to bid for one of the 3 watches. I wonder how will this affect such units.
It's odd to me they seem to know what coming. Are they part of that circle or something?
Will working at HQ become a reverse seniority spot?
No need for merit, just block all the do nothings from taking an exam. If you sit at a desk all day and have never made arrests. Why on earth do you think your qualified to be a sergeant? That is why you have so many shaky supervisors. A lot of them were never the police. If you do not have the experience you should not be able to sit for a test until you do. That would eliminate 60% of the people taking the test. That would eliminate merit promotions. No need for it. Just the working cops competing against each other. Hence they get promoted for the merit of the work they do.
STFU McDermott!
Oh well. Nepotism has consequences
bye bye little mouse!
So glad to be retired in sunny Florida, praying for ya all!
I for one do not want to work with these people who have done little to nothing in their career except look for a comfortable spot to work. I ran in to someone I knew and who disappeared from patrol very early in their career. They were working at HQ and going out on an errand to go and get lunch for the boss. One full time employee and a department vehicle dedicated to getting a boss lunch. No other information could be garnered about what this person did for the rest of the day when not getting this boss lunch.
If they do come back to a district, then I imagine they would immediately beging looking for an easy assignment. Anyone stuck working with them had better be careful. That is if, they are willing to work with you...
It seems that the entire city government, and especially the Police Dept, is little more than a branch of the Mystic Knights of the Sea. Look it up!
And for what exactly ?!
Obviously you have no idea of all the paperwork that has to be moved around
I don’t believe it
How about the civilians with take home cars. What a joke.
Finaly somebody with a brain .
If you have over 20 years on they dont like you ruining their furloughs. They dint want you knowing they can leave 20 min early since you have to stay for the next watch.
O’Neil,sold out union members .hated by all unions.
What would you prefer people do, organize a vote of no confidence? Those sure are effective LOL
Good riddance. Don’t give that assholes family a dime
Actually....no they are not
"I have a Yeti! - but, I still carry a gym bag." (Gun hand free.)
Sounds like the political suckass Dave Ramos here at OEMC that was caught switching dept license plates to his personal vehicle which was swept under the carpet.
Waller dummies! Open your eyes 👀!
Hahaha, again?
Is that Axeman or Assman009? Just what the hell is going on in that district? And can we identify this goof by the vanity license plate on his car like the proctologist from that Seinfeld episode?
Why does Barz keep getting promoted? Rumors of the hard drive from the copy machine the cheating noble sgts used being in his possession.
Looks like old list is really dead.. shame!
Seems like 35th and Michigan is terrified of what's coming this summer. More "teen takeovers", street-racers, ANTIFA motocross rallies and of course our rifle-toting GTA robbery crews. So this is the best plan our crime-fighting bosses can come up with...cancel all weekends off starting May 31st. I figure 30% of our dept will hit the medical by July 1st. {Honk Honk} We live and work in Clown World.
All corruption should be reported to:
Don’t know if this is true, but we don’t need a commander for the bicycle unit. If Barz was demoted hopefully they’ll put his ass in the bicycle unit. He needs the exercise.
Their house mice , who really cares?
Fop says class only delayed one week to April 21st tentatively. Once again this has been scheduled for months and everything is done last minute.
I look forward to being placed on the 4th watch.
Ret Detective
At now the HQ house mice can get a good shot at plenty of police over time. They will soon enjoy the warm feeling of being in something other than a Sat-Sun DOG. Canceled days off, and being held over on a tour, or dressing up in riot gear to face the masses of angry democrats in mostly peaceful protests in our fair blue city.
I personally approve of Yo-Yo's first official action...100%
You are right. Neckermam is listed as the 018 commander in the merit Sgt nominative list and Barz is not on it.
Please get off his nuts.
Get's yourself some business....be hard trying look soooo goood
Linda Lovelace says....
It's not what you know, but...who you can blow.
Sometimes dance too :)
I have my $20,000 in...
100 % true. Heard they had to nearly drag him out of 35th St last night when he popped a vessel while they demoted him. What a way to end his (illustrious) sorry I mean infamous and disastrous career. See ya, wouldn’t want to be ya!
Holy Fuck! Barzy baby what happened?
Yea, which unit? The mail unit?
Half the officers at HQ are gophers. That’s it.
Assman kna lil Denny would have called a 10-1
NavySealRanger12, nothing is going on in the district. Just some moron who's in love with him and should just retire already.
So is fat ass gonna protect Gonzales when he's shipped up from Georgia to stand trial for murdering three women? What about the idiot mayor? Are these the people they're talking about? When will someone ask them?
Yo lan do Tally Yo see da shaggy beards , long dreadlocks, 🐐 T beards on officers at crime scene where an 8 year old was shot in the head ? Did CPD eliminate Inspectors? Leroy Martin wouldn’t tolerate that for anyone in uniform. What Captain inspected those officers? Maybe time to eliminate Captain rank , hire more Lieutenants. Bring back inspectors, require Inspectors to be Sergeants for a minimum of 5 years. That was an embarrassment to Chicago Police Department.
Couldn’t have happened to a bigger jagoff. Fuck him and Happy Birthday M/F.
Barz finally stepped on his dick again. He was called into Hein’s office and stripped where he went bezerk. They had to take basically force him to leave.
Barz gone! Bye Felicia!
Wow, about time. EVERYONE IN 018 except the captain is happy. Even Tact Lt was celebrating!
How about the civilians with take home cars and working from home three days a week and making $150,000+ a year
How about the civilians with take home cars and working Unlimited overtime in HQ in HR department…..where is DOGE ???
Slack kissing their Commander’s butts right now.
He didn’t earn it anyway.
Commander without a vest?
Yo lan do Tally Yo see da shaggy beards , long dreadlocks, 🐐 T beards on officers at crime scene where an 8 year old was shot in the head ? Did CPD eliminate Inspectors? Leroy Martin wouldn’t tolerate that for anyone in uniform. What Captain inspected those officers? Maybe time to eliminate Captain rank , hire more Lieutenants. Bring back inspectors, require Inspectors to be Sergeants for a minimum of 5 years. That was an embarrassment to Chicago Police Department.
glad to see you back.
Cmon leave lil denny alone. He was already banished to midnights. Poor guy has a whole new watch to spew his b.s to.
Sure is… but guess what medical abusers??? NOW… you’re 4th watch!! Which means you can be dumped as they please.. buhh byeee
It's about to get dicey in there as all the full duty begin to beg and fight to stay inside, deemed too important and necessary for administrative tasks or just simply hidden from deployment. It's despicable
Watch how many actually get deployed while raking in the massive o.t.
There are worse lieutenants out there. He doesn’t hurt anyone
Leroy martin?! He's been gone 30 years and it sounds like you're retired and can't let go. That's worse than the shit you're complaining about. Get a life & enjoy retirement
A. C-H?
016 is no longer Cush. South of Foster is generally bad news. Anything on Elston, Northwest Hwy, Higgins is touch and go due to section 8 vouchers. And don’t get me started on Blue Line nonsense. The same shit at Roosevelt Red line hangs out on the Blue line.
It's not uncommon to see officers carrying dry cleaning into HQ during the day.
You forgot free lunches and Max. Thank you !
“Leroy martin?! He's been gone 30 years and it sounds like you're retired…”
Jealous, dikhead?
ACH sometimes works all 5 days from home, nowhere to be found at 35th
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