Where Are the Dads?
So this morning, we woke up and saw a miracle. A Chicago news outlet finally covered the Deerfield middle school scandal:
Trans advocates are pushing back against a north suburban mom who says her 13-year-old daughter was forced to change in front of a transgender classmate.
The controversy at a middle school in the North Shore community of Deerfield comes at the same time as a federal complaint has been lodged against Chicago Public Schools and the state board of education for allegedly “forcing students” to share bathrooms and locker rooms with transgender classmates.
What? You hadn't heard about it? It's been all over the conservative leaning news sites for over five days (see the links on the right hand side of the blog.) In summary, a couple of thirteen year old girls discovered a boy, claiming to be "trans," was in their locker room, and they rightly brought this to the attention of school administrators. The administrators, being AWFLs (affluent white female liberals), promptly did the correct thing:
- they accompanied the girls to the female locker room, told them that the tranny's feelings were more important than any issues they had being uncomfortable, and attempted to make them change in front of the tranny.
Here's the three accused administrators (click for larger version):
Right off the bat, that's Unlawful Restraint. We'll let anybody from the Sex Crimes Unit opine about the basis for Criminal Sexual Assault, but it's there. And the media kept it mostly quiet, out of sight, out of the news at least in Chicago....until John Kass wrote about it:
You hear that gruesome story of the 13-year-old middle-school girl from Deerfield confronted by school officials and ordered to disrobe in front of a male classmate? It sounds too AWFL to be true.
But it happened, according to her mother Nicole Georgas who said Tuesday she was filing a police complaint with the police in Deerfield on top of a complaint she filed with the U.S. Department of Justice. The mom alone standing up for her daughter’s privacy was repeatedly mocked and insulted by hostile trans activists as she addressed a crowded District 109 School Board meeting.
The story has gone viral world-wide and was broken by the Lake County Gazette and Dan Proft’s radio show “The Morning Answer.”
Kass even cites world famous author JK Rowling of Harry Potter fame, who has taken notice of suburban Deerfield and brought her voice to the fray. This is a BIG deal. The school denies it happened, but somehow a boatload of "activists" showed up at the school board meeting where the mother showed up to lodge a complaint.
Has anyone reading ever raised a teenage girl? Hormones, body issues, and a hyper-sexualized Hollywood trying to crowd out parental influence. It's a challenge, and let us tell you, if some AWFL or anyone attempted to make our kid undress in a situation that made them uncomfortable, a school board complaint would be the least of their worries. A federal lawsuit (which is being filed) would be small potatoes to.....well, we'll just leave that one unspoken.
And while the Chicago media neglects their duty to inform the public (again), only Kass has the testicular fortitude to mention who is completely to blame:
- JB Fata$$ Pritzker
Or as we're thinking of calling him now, Tranny-saurus Rex.
He's a big tranny advocate. He's looking to pick fights with Trump, who has ordered funding cuts for those school districts that fail to comply with federal directives and Executive Orders. He wants to be president. Is it that big a leap to say he probably sat on the media and made them keep quiet for nearly a week? Seems very likely.
Sue the FUCK out of these sick SCUM and let them die penniless
The local paper ran an article about the presidential election, he called fat guys odds "Laughable ."
I agree.
Three heifers.
I’ve an old friend whose daughter has gone “trans.” So basically she presents as a boy at school & home, but still uses the girl’s locker room. The old friend is a suburban white liberal who’s fully bought into this nonsense. Her daughter’s school has had trans in the locker room for a few years now. When one of the girls was complaining bc she felt the trans “girl” (aka BOY) was staring at her, my old friend’s kid and other girls started berating the complaining girl saying stuff like “Nobody’s looking at you, especially you, etc etc.”. As this old friend was telling me this, I couldn’t believe she was actually defending this bullying. I lost it with her. I asked her, “Really? If that girl has nothing to worry about, why does your kid still use the girl’s restroom, locker room etc and not the boy’s facilities? You keep telling me that she is really a he, so why doesn’t “he” start using those facilities?” She had no answer. It’s a one way street with these lunatics.
If you’ve ever wondered what Fatzz Pritzker would look like as a woman, just google Jennifer Pritzker. Graphic Content Warning - it ain’t pretty.
It is a long-ish video. Sick part is the "trans-parent" who is the parent of a "trans-middle schooler." Did that poor kids ever have a chance?
Those administrators should be fired at a minimum. Punitive damages in civil court. Criminal charges. Sex offender registration for those three. Is Deerfield in DuPage County? No administrator should get away with forcing any child to disrobe in front of any other child.
The Democrat organization tried to put civilization back into the Stone Age!
Just awful! Vote!
These administrators are nuckin' futz!
Deerfield District 109 and Deerfield/Highland Park Highschool District 113 have been infested with the alphabet-soup people for decades. Back in the early 2000's, then-Superintendent George Fornero decided to bring in the racist fuck Glenn Singleton for a discussion of "whiteness" - the discussion being mandatory during an "in-service".
One of the teachers in D113, Laurie Higgins, decided she didn't want attend. She and Fornero went head-to-head about it, she ended up suing the hell out of D113, and now Laurie works for the IL Family Institute. Fornero, his "husband", and adopted kid left the area after Fornero decimated the area with his bullshit and moved on...
D113 employed (maybe still?) some black lesbian crackpot as "Asst. Superintendent of Diversity" - more horseshit, do nothing job that paid $120K or so + benefits. They had another lesbian, but for 'diversity', she was a white midget who was the "Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum". Stir in that they allowed illegal aliens to attend the school who didn't even live in the District, but actually lived in Waukegan and took the train down to Highland Park every day for school... reported to the school board, they refused to investigate.
Over the years, the whole district devolved from a highly-performing school system, to a shithole. The illegal aliens ended up at Highland Park, and their test scores dropped like a stone. The white rich kids stayed in Deerfield and that school's performance was pretty good.
Fast forward: D109 having a bunch of lunatics forcing 13-yr old girls to stay in a locker room with a boy (claiming to be a girl) and compelling them to undress in front of said boy equates to child abuse, production of child pornography, and unlawful restraint.
Were I the parent of one of those girls - I'd probably be on the news for duct taping the teachers/administrators responsible for this bullshit to a pole outside the school with a sign around their neck telling everyone what they did. The boy wouldn't fare too well either - a tap to the family jewels would remind him that he's not a girl.
The school board had to tell the trans activists because typically those Agenda items are listed as "Public Comment Period", so unless the Board knew that Mom was coming to complain, how'd anyone know she'd be there to counter her argument?
It's time to criminally charge all involved, and file civil suits against all in Federal Court... a nice Section 1984 suit outa do it. Pull all the teaching and administrator licenses too and bar them from ever setting foot in or around a school.
Serious fucking bullshit and it's even more of a travesty that none of the Chicago Media had the stones to report on it before now - it's been all over the blogosphere for a week .
Deerfield is an upscale town in Lake County where the median household income is about $186,000.00. The big money, homes, professions are probably the highest in the state. Lake & Cook have the same interests in who they elect, that being liberal Democrats. That over time will be the demise of their quality of life. It even permeates into the local school boards. The voters need to get rid of these liberal libtards and protect our children.
Home school your kids.
Fatty is delusional thinking he has a chance at the presidency. Irregardless of his insane stance on anything, America will never elect a morbidly obese President. Unless fatty drops 200 pounds in the next three years it's just a freak show.
Wonder if the three of them would have dropped their drawers in front of the freak highly doubt it
POTUS Trump. Please cut ALL federal funding to Illinois, Chicago, Deerfield, etc. America is in RED alert status for cultural survival. Please push ALL issues to cause the Democrat party to fail.
I am 62 years old.
My grandparents born in 1920 (Bless their souls) would not recognize this country.
I cannot even tell you what the outcome of this would have been 30 years ago
Give a broad any semblance of power and they're the result. Holier than thou and batshit crazy
OT: Captains list coming Friday? Who’s going to be on it ?
There were times that people thought that I was weird. Compared to these fools, I am now John Wayne.
Now, kees me you fool!!!!
One on the left looks good but something look deceptive abt her. I hope the mother wins and those 3 awfl get fired shed new light on this bullshit any fed money to that school stop.
Those school administrators and the tranny kid.
No wonder American students are dumb and emotionally weak.
Those three administrators look like tranny's themselves.
Isn't the pos jb cousin who looks exactly like him strangely a tranny billionaire? This state is against children without any doubt, democrats use grooming in schools look up cps indoctrination policy on transing of the kids! Democrats destroy anything that is good and going after our children is the final straw! How any parent especially so called fathers out there were this happened are not protesting or doing anything shows the total cowardliness and feminize of men! When I talk to coppers and they are working overtime for vacations,and that expensive vehicle but yet they send their children to the local indoctrination center,the meat grinder cps, they are delusional about what matters!
wow,,,, the next thing you know is that the liberal news will actually start calling out all the black on black murders,,,,, yea,,, won't happen
At the end of the day it is all about sexual perversion.
Stradles Lake and Cook Counties
Glad I went to school when I did. We didn't have all this nonsense then. Hell, we didn't even have Co/Ed gym.
Welcome back....
And..... WA LA.....the Kessing Bandit is back...
Sue everybody. Punitive damages. Ohhh boy.
Just google his brother
Who gives a sh1t? Not a real newspaper. Might as well call it fake county gazette. How about calling out trash politicians who want to restrict search warrants to being served between 0900-1900? LMFAO
Why would you even suggest that. I won't eat or be horny for a month now after seeing IT.
Hmm complainant Georgas?? that name sounds so familiar .
Champagne socialists.
It's astonishing that white liberal women don't recognize the trans movement as being both anti-gay, and fundamentally - anti-woman and anti-"feminist". The most "feminine" women these days are often Trans women, men pretending to be Barbie doll women. Trans women too often are caricaturized pin-up girls, or they want to will medals as faux-women HS and college athletes, or seek DEI promotions for mere reason of their Trans identify.
It's the "Trans woman" HS and middle-school boys, empowered by their AWFL moms, who cause the most damage to their cis-gendered female classmates, who lose all privacy and ability to protect themselves while their AWFL school administrators pander to this Trans insanity.
28% of 18 - 30 year-old Americans now identify as LGBTQX.
20% of American teen girls now identify as LGBTQX.
This is insanity made real. The AWFL lunatics run the asylum (public schools).
OT: https://x.com/Chicagos_Toast/status/1902700938667725126?t=Yvq-ubErW2M5MOAA6n2AZQ&s=19
Of all of the stupid progressive ideas the tranny thing is mind boggling. Why are people with mental illnesses calling the shots and why do people listen to them.
This is exactly why leftists Ds lost the elections. They can't help themselves but take these insane positions and scream until they get their way. They are a small minority but act as if the majority and God himself is on their side. I hope they keep it up as elections...at least nationally and in sane states...will keep going Red
Were the 3 AWFLs grooming these young girls to turn them out in the streets. Seems like it to me. Right out of the Epstein play book.
Isn't it rich? Isn't in queer? But where are the Dads, send in the dads!
Why is the catholic church like St John Fischer on the south side allowing Trans kids in? Blasphemy!
The young girls need to be taught the old but effective skill of towel snaps. Put a few snaps on his bare butt will go a long way to teaching boundaries.
Ever hear the story of the camels nose under the tent? First its just a nose and before you know it, the camel is in your tent. The moral of the story is over the years they asked for a little understanding, which everyone gave, eventually understanding transforms itself into a whole new acceptance as the norm. You wonder why we fight the simplest so called "common sense gun control" thats just more stupidity of more laws on existing laws that aren't enforced. To quote another proverb, "Give them an inch and they want a mile".....
How, unfortunately they have State Law on their side. I am 100 percent against this, but State Law says different.
Can't home school anymore, the new law passed will destroy you and take away your kids.
Some male state representative just came out and accused the girls of lying
Use the laws and sue them. America has woken up and fortunately before they changed the laws to their progressive liking. The laws on books will still support the parents of this traumatized child in any civil court.
Teachers aren't hired to be activists. They are supposed to protect the children as parents entrust them. Shame on the school for hiring them.
Any truth to the rumor these three school administrator are all related to Jerry Sanducky?
Our whole state is full of delusional idiots making decisions that will no longer fly now that we are rid of the devastation of the last 4 years. These women should be arrested and criminally charged as sex offenders. Hopefully shithole Chicago will stop voting for Pritzker and send a strong message. And then put a Republican in the mayors office to clean up that whole mess
The last time I saw teeth like those three woman have I was watching Mr. Ed!
What is sad, I guess, is what would stop a "parent" or a "teacher" from going to these rooms, using "age discrimination." These poor kids will never be the same. These schools are for grooming of leftist ideas/bs! Hurrah to the parents/moms in this case. Amazing if you do something to/with a minor, you are to be reported! If a teacher, librarian wants to or even has desires on a minor, well...that's different. I saw that stuff when I was in High School, and I'm old! PATHETIC!
If JB sat on the media, they'd be quiet for a lot longer than a week.
Kennedy's stand on vaccines and food additives might seem extreme but ask yourself why we have so many men/boys that want to be female. I don't recall any publication of women/girls who want to use male locker rooms or participate in male sports.
"big a leap to say he probably sat on the media" Fatass isn't leaping anywhere, sitting on the media, ouch....
She also has a vegan cat.
The state is proposing legislation to "protect" children who are home schooled making the parents submit information to the state and setting "standards."
The socialist can't give up control over every aspect of your life.
In the late 1970's my high school initiated "co-ed gym". The school issued swimwear were skintight speedo's. Swimming was uncomfortable, as the girls were maturing physically more than the boys. The girls would be embarrassed by the guys checking them out, and the 14- and 15-year-old boys would be embarrassed too, as they tried to conceal their hard-ons! lol
Unreal.... It's almost like mental illness is catchy!
These three delusional libtards need to be fired, prosecuted and face civil action ! Hope the parents of these girls Sue, these leftist lunatics into the poor house !
Nobody gives 2 shits!
Ramblin Ray on 890 WLS has been all over this story too.
Why AWFL (affluent white female liberals) are choosing to support the tiniest of minorities in these far-left ideology in the face of overwhelming American opposition to such perversion is beyond me.
If they want to die on that hill, then sue them and name them directly as defendants alongside the schools. They are in violation of a lawful executive order at the highest level of government. I'm sure there are lawyers waiting in line to take the case for these parents.
OT. Per Talley all HQ people to be changed to 4th watch… you know what that means… a lot more protests in their future. Not just protests but changes of hours from days to nights etc for protests and no more 2 hour change of start time protections.
How true.
Help me understand this. If a guy rolls out of the feminine side of his bed tomorrow morning it’s okay for them (preferred pronoun) to go to the toilet with Joanna Ford or her two friends? What a country!
Given that JB likely has bigger tits than most of the women in Illinois, it's no wonder he's so pro-tranny. He likely has some serious pathology at work.
He's the kind of governor only a voting machine could elect.
He/she looks like Reggie on Longmire when he was wearing Mrs. Joyce's wig.
Aren't school staff still mandated reporters? ANY staff member that failed their duty to notify - YOU'RE FIRED! (Same as cops to intervene with other cops.)
On the contrary.
In the Stone Age, nut cases were expelled or killed.
Scary, more like!
I’m 62 also and don’t recognize this country
5 new Captains tomorrow. The list is shocking.
Joanna looks like she's in middle school. But anyway no doubt these 3 losers were very aroused. Then home to their cat.
Hey all Illinois residents, they are voting downstate to incarcerate parents who home school their kids and don't report it to the state (it passed). Illinois - The Child Confiscation State.
Okay so when one of these pieces of shit decide to use the restroom how about some 6-3 bearded man enter and whip out his dick and take a piss as one of them watches. I bet that things would change quickly
Nobody who,deserves it for sure
Boo hoo. Go back to a district.
Nice to see you
White Guilt.
Virtue Signaling.
No Religion.
Me Too Movement.
Plus more day off cancellations. But as usual the connected will be exempt. Come back to patrol.
The media has helped portray them as the majority, but as you stated, they are actually a small minority, but they have the media and leftist in government behind them. The people have had it with their shenanigans as evidenced by the Scum Times being flushed down the terlet bowl, with many more media outlets to follow, now that USAID money is gone. The people have spoken, but don’t expect the leftists to go quietly into that good night, they will fight tooth and nail. Dangerous times ahead for our country.
In 42 and don't recognize this country.
About time for the house mice to be on the front lines.
Anybody take note of the Tesla dealership vandal from Buffalo Grove? You have to dig a bit deep to see the alias male name with height/weight 6'2" 250lbs.
Mentally ill white women in the Shitcago burbs and neighborhoods like Norwood Park are what keeps Illinois from having any chance of redemption. Hopefully, Deerfield District 109 is sued into insolvency and the assholes who live there are forced to pay 40k in property taxes yearly to maintain their precious schools.
A society that loses its sense of outrage is destined for doom. I'm ashamed to live in the state of Illinois and can't wait for fatass to be voted out like Biden was voted out for his "anything goes" politics. I'm in my 50s and I'm afraid we have let many generations down because we are no longer outraged. We do not stand up to what is right for young children. There's no place in a sound society where it's ok for a male boy to be in the same locker room where 13 year old girls are changing just because that individual identifies as a girl. It's disgusting!!!
And to think it all started with soccer moms and certificates and trophies for all. Not just first place.
They just funnin. We shouldn't demonize them.
Back from Trinidad and Tobago Carnival, our favorite color co-ordinated commentator!
The Dads will be arrested if they speak up. It’s the same reason hy Palestinian protestors send their women to the front to confront police.
District house mice should be next.
What about a kick in the crotch?
Demonic influence
You should see the brain trust members on the school board at the local township district 113 High School... the whole area is infested with libtardism.
Mom wouldn't have been talking to the school board. She'd have been dealing with the teachers/administrators involved directly. Cops wouldn't have had a thing to say about what happened either because there's not a Judge in the Land who's going to try to tell a Mom defending her kids that she's wrong...
Oh yeah, sure, Mass Transit's totally safe, no need to allow CCW... nope. Move along, move along... /sarc
Back in the day when us guys were 13, we were always trying to scam a glimpse into the girls locker room... Always had a female gym teacher hanging around giving us the evil eye... Once or twice some guy tried running in - first one she clotheslined... second one got in and got the shit kicked out of him by the girls.
Fun times of days gone by. How sad that America has fallen so far that the fucking teachers are facilitating some mental case boy in the locker room to actually watch girls undress...
What’s unbelievable is that “They/he” in no way presents as a man. She’s just a woman who isn’t particularly feminine, like myself, but believes if she just calls herself a “man” that it’s true. I do feel there are rare exceptions of people that may be “other” and we don’t really know what’s triggered the dysphoria, but for a good deal now this is just mass hysteria spurred on by the need to be today’s special victim of the moment. Do you think pygmies or remote tribes in Africa are struggling with this nonsense? They are not. It seems to all be born out of a warped sense of feminism or like they all just got bored with the idea of what “feminism” was supposed to accomplish & woke up realizing it really wasn’t that great.
I believe that some people are born in the wrong body and know there's something wrong from the day they are born. I believe that gay people know they are gay from the day they are born.
Today, I believe that a huge majority of gays and trans people are these young adults who are only doing it for status, because it's the cool thing to be today.
I don't understand why this isn't considered child abuse and the administrators sexual predators?
He would look like Fred Flintstone in a wig!
Should have went to Lane Tech. Nude swimming! No, not coed. Talk about "shrinkage", yikes.
Look up ROGD
If a popular girl troons out 5 or 10 others will to try to get some of that popularity.
No administrator should get away with forcing any child to disrobe in front of any other child.
Gym class is required in IL.
Part of that was the prison style showers.
I think forcing you to disrobe in front of the opposite sex should be illegal but being ordered to get nude in front of your class mates has been a thing for a long time.
Also laugh and point at his dick.
"I can can see why you think you are a girl"
I bet he hasn't seen his dick or balls in decades.
Maybe he forgot about them?
Don't buy into the bullshit. The House Mice are going to get early ducks and time due slips that aren't turned in. She's using a Jedi Mind Trick on you guys to make you believe the misery is being spread equally. It's not.
I agree. I’ve a friend who’s transitioned in her 50s. She is not someone who spends anytime on SM. She’s struggled with this since she was a child. She didn’t tell me until recently and it did make many of the pieces fall into place. She has said to me, “I don’t expect you to understand.” That said, I learned she spent decades as suicidal wishing to be out of her body. I’ve let go of my need to impose my beliefs on her and respect her adult right to present as a he. He doesn’t get mad when I slip and refer to by female name or care about pronouns. He’s still the same person I’ve loved and though I believe gender is biological immutable - I’m willing to be open to the unknown that there’s something else going inside people like my friend. That said, my friend has even agreed that many today seem to be doing it for other reasons.
Great riposte! No one adds class like Sondheim. There should be a squad of fathers serving as bouncers at the girl's locker room door.
JB must have D-cup sized jugs.
Girl's momma's story is full of holes. The school board stated
that there are private dressing areas available for students who
don't feel comfortable dressing/undressing in front of others.
So why didn't the girl take advantage of this?
I think momma's just trying to make a case that doesn't exist,
or shouldn't. Time will tell.
Federal Lawsuit. Fook them. See how these Karen like listing their assets, while the school district adds a tax measure to pay the shysters fees. Enjoy Karen!
The Devil requires his due. They sure as hades didn't earn their keep. Folklore is full of stories of those that gave up their children for Status/Money/Power. Call it what you will, but the more things change the more they stay the same.
Sorry it's the GIRLS locker room. If any GIRL is uncomfortable, the BOY needs to use the BOYS locker room or the private dressing area. Period.
You a tranny too?
Thats what the tranny should have done. But these social justice warrior teachers were looking for a fight. They didnt give a damn about the young girls...They went in together so they could witness for each other. Yes, it gets that evil...
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