Pedestrian Killed
CPD can't chase for speeding.
CPD can't chase motorcycles for anything at all.
So what's to stop this from happening even more? (answer - pretty much nothing):
A motorcyclist was wearing a helmet camera as he sped around traffic and struck a pedestrian at 73 mph on the Northwest Side, prosecutors said. The crash killed 26-year-old Camryn Green and left the motorcyclist, Jonathan Jaimes, 20, badly injured.
Jaimes’ helmet camera allegedly showed he also rode faster than 150 mph on the Kennedy Expressway in the moments leading up to the collision.
Shortly after 3 p.m. last Friday, March 14, drivers heading in both directions stopped to let Green cross the street in the 6500 block of West Higgins, not far from her home. Prosecutor Mike Pekara said Jaimes sped southeast along the yellow center line, passing the cars that stopped to allow Green to cross. One of those drivers later told police they heard the motorcyclist rev the bike’s engine as he roared toward the intersection and collided with Green.
Seventy-three on a neighborhood street as schools are getting out. One-hundred-fifty on an expressway.
This first person to invent some sort of futuristic "ray gun" that fries the electronic components that keep a car or motorcycle operating will be rich beyond their wildest dreams. Governments will shovel money at them.
Remember when the alder-dumbasses were going to have pedestrians carry little flags while crossing the streets and wave them overhead so drivers would see them....maybe? We'd suggest that pedestrians start carrying cinder blocks when venturing into crosswalks. That might catch some attention.
Labels: crime
Cops are stuck in a catch 22 if you do nothing this happens and if you make any forward movement with your squad the dept says it’s a chase so your screwed. What do they want from us.
The manufacturers already know how to design vehicles with a max speed.
If On-Star can show a vehicle siren, why can't the computer show the car Dyan based on speed limits?
That's like trying to fix stupid. Which you can't do.
CCarry cinder blocks.
Fuckin SCC
Hopefully ole boy becomes a statistic asshole
This first person to invent some sort of futuristic "ray gun" that fries the electronic components that keep a car or motorcycle operating will be rich beyond their wildest dreams. Governments will shovel money at them.
It's called an Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon, made one in my STEM class, couldn't find a buyer.
Tac -tickle would say i’m following from 6 blocks , insert engine rev in the background . ( in all seriousness though it’s not safe to chase a motorcycle at that speed imagine if he crashed into this pedestrian while a squad from any jurisdiction was behind it ) you would be in prison
Remember when the alder-dumbasses were going to have pedestrians carry little flags while crossing the streets and wave them overhead so drivers would see them....maybe?
Bring back the whistle or bike horn...
this is because motorcyclists are engaging in lane splitting to speed through stopped traffic, instead of waiting their turn like other vehicles...
need to jack up the penalty for that shit...
Well I guess selling his video will help pay for the woman's funeral along with his medical and legal expenses. Sad. Stupid.
Summer's coming so the morons with the unlicensed dirt bikes will be on Archer Ave. soon...
another moron on a scooter riding around all day speeding but never going anywhere, never more than 10 miles away from home because mommy told him to be back home for dinner on time, even better when a group of them ride around speeding from red light to red light
He is an a**hole.
What's sad is the innocent dies while the moron has injuries. Pathetic!
Harness EMP and you'll be rich beyond your wildest dreams
Lane splitting or White lining is legal in many states.
I hope he rots in jail for life. 20 year old menace to society took a beautiful 26 year old's life just because of need for speed. Send him CECOT in El Salvador so he can enjoy his life there forever. Knowing the LibTard judge in this city, they will sentence him probation only with community service and he gets to kill again. You heard it first from me. Typical shitcago way how the story ends.
Hope this little Evil Knievel fast and furious butthead is shitting in his pants for the rest of his life if he lives.
Time to "outlaw" the crotchrocket... " if it saves one child"
This is justification for more speed cameras on the northwest side. And more arterial street surveillance cameras with plate reading technologies. Never let a good crisis go to waste. If we can save just one life.
Its time government to have the ability to regulate your speed using GPS technologies with in cabin audio monitoring capabilities. If you override the system disregarding posted limits and speed, a fine will be mailed to the registered ownerwith Denver boot immobilization device enforcement for non payments. The fine can be split 50/50 between the city and the private sector speed tracking technology provider in a win/win situation providing public safety much like the established court approved and unsuccessfully challenged red ight camera operation schemes.
I get that it's legal - mainly so you could have two motorcycles in the same lane, pretty much side-by-side. But not to drive down the lane lines faster than the flow of traffic or when it's all stopped.
That's some dangerous crap right there. Can't tell you how many times I've been in bumper-to-bumper traffic on the Kennedy and some crotch rocket comes blasting down the lane lines with a death wish... All it takes is some vehicle not seeing them, changing lanes and that's it...
Back in the 70's when I was a Patrol Boy - one kid had a big ole brick on his corner. One guy kept ignoring the Patrol Boy starting to stop traffic and the kid had enough. Bricked the back window on the station wagon.
Guy gets out. Starts to yell he's calling the cops. About 30 kids standing there. Patrol Boy says "Yeah, what are you gonna do? Tell the cops you tried to run us all over? We got witnesses!"
Guy got back in his car, drove off. Never saw him driving down that street again.
Things have gotten crazier these days, so yeah, a Cinderblock on each side of the street... put it on the other side after crossing if you haven't used it.
Have you seen the 5th Element? This crap is straight out of that movie.
with any luck the piece of shit will die like the asshole who killed my son the exact same way.
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