Set to Fall?
Rumor popping up here and there - we're getting more than a few emails:
Yoyo being named First Deputy is payment for services in kind over at Internal Affairs. Snelling didn't want her, but Conehead doesn't want Larritorious, who was only in place to be a fall guy if the DNC Convention went south.
It didn't, so Yoyo is in place so that after a summer of increased crime numbers, constant manpower issues, endless days off cancelled and the return of pantifa/dem/anti-Trump protests, Snelling can be fired and Yoyo takes over.
We're seeing some of this, especially with some of the rhetoric coming out of the left. Keep your eyes and ears peeled.
Labels: rumors
We need the mayoral recall bill to pass. This guy is an absolute joke.
They’re both DEI hires and idiots at that … fire em get rid of them. No one really cares at this point. Even the newer officers know this is a complete joke. A dog and pony show. This dept is beyond repair. Personally just keep my OT checks coming in. That’s all it’s about at this point
Det. McNulty
Hey Bud, when i worked for cook county department of corrections this happened all the time.
I believe it.
Say it ain't so
Quislings/Marxists/progressives bore from within the organization to legitimately gain control of the organization. The concept can be observed in our local, state, and federal governments through the process of elections. If she becomes superintendent, she will impose more draconian progressive policies on officers to further tie their hands, preventing them from enforcing the laws on the books. Why else install her by Conehead?
Talley you filthy wench, absolutely corrupt. Larry, you isolated yourself and only listened to an incompetent few. How’s that working out.
Tally or snelling.
“It's a pity both sides can't lose (commenting on Iran-Iraq war, 1980 – 1988)”
― Henry Kissinger
screw both of them!
Of course, the mayor doesn’t like tne Superintendent especially with Talley telling him everything . I figured that much out when the mayor put Waller in placed to keep an eye on the Superintendent.
job is omni-toxic just loathe coming to work.
Duhhh, What? Did the Supe think that he was safe? Chief Cato was the westside pick for Superintendent and Deputy Chief Rock Muhammad, was the Southside pick. Cato retired after sticking his neck out for Talley and Muhammad retired behind a few of his own scandals, particularly the one related to A/2 when we were in the D-Unit. After all Rock wasn’t cutthroat enough for the position, so they got stuck with you.
That girl unstoppable. She’s on a warpath to the top.
And Toni Prickwrinkle is looking to replace Conehead. Geeze.
Wouldn’t be surprised Larry can retire now he’s done 30
Same thing was said about brown and he stuck around for a long time due to lightfoot’s prideful unwillingness to let him go.
The more she falls , the higher up she goes 🤔
Teen trends are on the way. 500 +teens at the lake and downtown. This is a great time for morale to be low/
I’m not suprised.
Bring back McDermott. He did great work during the summer months.
but da mayor said crime is down, bring back midnight basketball, give them more money to do nothing, legalize more drugs, give them newer free cell phones,,,,,, more, more, more,,,free, free, free
Alas the dark side of democratic treacherous practices are shown the light of day.
So they need someone dirty already that can be bought . Looks like they got the right person
Yes, it looks like this summer there will be a ton of protest and demonstrations by all the left wing nut jobs and hordes of the non-working unwashed. Get ready 001st and 018th dist, gobs of shit are coming your way. Plenty of OT for Tact and gang teams if your interested. Feel sorry for the bike teams they follow these human POS's all night.
Think the FBI, the new FBI, reads the blog?
So they are paving the way for a gang banger backed incompetent tool too prop up BJ and help him flush away what left of the city?
Sounds like a Democrat strategy!
Anyone want to ask voss Toni about that?
Makes sense. YT is pissing everyone off with Snelling, so when she gets him everyone will be happy. But that’s his fault.
Perfect, put someone who has a closet full of baggage in charge of a police department that is still under a consent decree. She was sneaking around city hall whispering in groot's ear.
They’re all set to go with the Antifa /blm riots. Retire asap. Get the fuck out of Chicago. It’ll be more targeted this time then it was in 2020.
Hate to be a Debbie downer but this sounds like some fabricated BS. If Conehead want Larry gone he’d be gone. Larry along with other exempts stripped coppers for the vaccine refusal and all those gold stars magically ascended to the top of the department.
Larritoroius wanted to promote Devries to 1st dep after the DNC. That did not align with coneheads vision of an “all black” administration.
Copy and paste from suntimes headlines news!!!!
Health coverage for Chicago area immigrants jeopardized in Gov. Pritzker’s budget proposal
Well boo hoo, aren’t you glad you go to work everyday so you can pay for this shit???
Are any of the "Gold" stars worthy of their position?
Brandon's youth. Out for funnin...
The train wreck is imminent.
No more editorials at the Sun-Times, but letters, op-eds and columns will continue
Beginning Monday, the Sun-Times will no longer offer editorials. We will, however, continue to publish Letters to the Editor, op-eds and guest columns from community members, leaders and scholars.
By Tracy Brown Mar 24, 2025, 8:00am GMT-3
If this is true there is plenty of evidence to fire tally. At a bare minimum snelling should resign in protest
"You can fire me,"..."But you can't tell me what to do."
Chief Stone
Jesse Stone 2009
I mean, why not at this point. Train came off the tracks a long time ago.
Two fucking complete idiots.
Excuse the typos, it’s too early in the morning for the bullshit.
If larritorious gets dismissed so will Dana Omalley. Good f***ing riddance.
He wanted to make it about race, he wanted to say that he promoted the first black female deputy superintendent.
I don’t see how the Superintendent or Talley don their uniform each day. I’d be too ashamed.
What is Chief of staff, attorney, Dana O’Malley doing, instead of eating up every fucking thing that isn’t nailed down?
Don’t put anything past her.
If that PPP loan in Chicago to a YOLANDA TALLEY is CPD Yolanda and not someone else things might get sporty.
The progressive liberals think a black man isn't progressive enough?
O.T : when is anything gonna be mentioned or done about the immigrants submitting b.s U-Visa applications, after claiming to be a victim of a violent crime in the city ! Word from a source is that the immigrants are setting up the fake robberies or just making a false report here in Chicago as we are the only municipality that the Superintendent will certify the report !! Even though if it's believed to be fake it doesn't have to be certified but CPD still does it anyway ! Why? A certain common Indian name keeps popping up on the Westside with generally the same situation occuring, great way to drive up the crime numbers !
She just turned 78 years old!
Good citizens need to start voting for the right people.
Barz the coward went on the medical. They can catch him double dipping and working for the Cubs standing in the dugout. Right Mikey? You scumbag
barz you are one big pos never seen over 350 post on a blog about a j-fgoff boss
i hope you have a miserable retirement
If anyone considered voting for the mayor again, they’d changed their mind just retire these two morons.
Excuse me sweet thing may I ask your name,
She said Yolanda and may I ask the same.
I said essential and can I make you mine?
But she played me to the left and the first thing hit my mind was:
Oh yeah, yeah oh ee Yolanda, oh yeah, yeah you look so fine.
You can’t make this S#$t up!
Tru Dat
008 complete shit show last night!
New sheriff in town. Kash Patel will hunt these terrorists down and expose their money trail. Not their desired outcome. Happy hunting Kash.
Just heard they are brings no back Jesse Stone? Great show…..PPD, right suitcase!
“JESUS knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.”
~ Matthew 12:25
Song to BIA, “Satan, We're Gonna Tear Your Kingdom Down”
~ Song by: Pastor Shirley Caesar
Yeah, I thought the same. Not CPD but when I saw the volume of comments thought he must be a real POS.
And it just will get worse when the weather actually warms up bottom line we don’t have enough people the commander is useless along with the rest of the bosses
that's a beautiful plan, i could say brilliant strategy and can only come out from the west side of chicago. south side is way behind now. hahahhaahaha
Omg! I spit out my steak sandwich when I read this comment. As my Dad use to say, if you ain’t 280, you ain’t a lady!
Stop stop stop The mayor will run short and cut overtime leaving the city to go to shit
Sit back and watch it burn Talia is to yo-yo
Bernie from 015?
This has gone on for at least 20 years going back to my days as a dick at Area Four. I suspected a F/4 PO assigned as some type of “domestic violence liaison” in the 010th District was coaching alleged female victims to lie and make false allegations of sexual or physical abuse by the husband or father. When I tried to interview the victims they refused to be interviewed; however, they had the RD# and I’d simply “move the x” by their refusal to cooperate. After a few of these other 010th District informed me of the scam and their suspicions as well.
Exempts were never allowed to have any secondary employment. Due tell
Oh yeah there was-the Lt. from 013.
You are accurate in your assessment. There is no trust in our leadership, only denials, deception and deceit. Kinda like Conehead and his administration.
If they do:
Id rather have my sister work in a whorehouse than a brother for the fbi.
“Resign in protest”
You first
how so?
We do read the blog but don't tell anyone. It's very hush, hush.
Way better than Bluebloods....Looking forward to more episodes.
Most of the corruption in CPD is cultural. I mean it has been going on so long that it has become part of the culture of our department. Most people don't even see it and they are knee deep in it.
A career in CPD is like a glass bottom boat ride through city sewers...You see the worst on both sides...
How about DEI Kenyatta and her PPP loan?
The superintendent is swull and gets respect. The nerds at 35th can not lift a stapler when there are staples in it.
Quit your bitchin’. Just deal with it.
He’s already retired, look at the department.
Everyone complained when they hired individuals outside of the department to serve as superintendent,. Everyone cried for mayor to hire from within. And now look at these two. What is the benefit of hiring from within?
She’s useless and comprised. She hasn’t put a fire out since she got hired with the city.
I believe the train wreck is happening...
as if they plan that far ahead
They need to stop playing and split the district already!
Jody Weiss was our best superintendent. No one fought more to get us the equipment we needed. Also he fought all these lawsuits and would not settle. We ended up winning most of the lawsuits. Then the lawsuit industrial complex spoke to the city council and mayor and the city changed and started to settle the lawsuits again so that the elected officials could start getting their kick backs. His only fuck up was screwing over Bill Cozzi. I got on when Hilliard was the sup. Weiss was better than all of them.
Democrat, Republican, Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Christian, Non- Christian don’t make the person Righteous or Holding Integrity, it’s the “content of Character,” as Dr. King stated…
“The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
~ 1 Samuel 16:7
30 years on . came on with matt Rodriguez. I agree...
bring back Charlie Beck
Bring Charlie Beck back. He was smart enough to get rid of merit.
Yes they can, they just have to have prior approval beforehand.
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