Friday, February 03, 2017


So 007 and 011 have these new "mini-CPIC" rooms in the Districts. Aside from the questions it brings up about when are the original CPIC personnel coming back to the Districts to man beat cars, we're interested to hear what people who are working the rooms think about the Shotspotter stuff.

We've already gotten a few e-mails, pro and con. Pro, it seems to work pretty well. Con, it's overloading the coppers with info, which is more of a side effect of the system working we'd guess. We'll confess, we like the general idea. Knowing where the shooting is happening in real time cuts down on response time and enhances officer safety.

But as with anything run by the most corrupt kleptocracy this side of Moscow leads to things like this:
  • Anonymous said...

    How about Shot Spotter giving the city a million dollars for these two CPIC rooms in 011 and 007. Before the department unveiled the one in 007, it was originally a room filled with desks and two computers.

    Shot Spotter lost it saying the City had to account for the 500k for the room. The morning the room was unveiled, HQ scrambled to send guys in to scrounge TV's, computers, desks and phones and put them together for the press conference. They cannabilized the roll call room in 007 for the TV's and only the computers work. This department is a fucking joke
It wouldn't be Chicago if someone wasn't making some coin under the table.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biggest Scam going are the inside CPIC people who send out the "GVRS" profile. Sit around. Wait for someone to get shot, bother working cops for a name of a victim and send out BS criminal history sheet. They tell you zero about who's involved. What happened or who to look for next. Nice lazy job for 3 shifts.

2/03/2017 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Few, this will generate a lot more RD#'s as anytime there is a bona-fide weapons discharge, it requires a case report whether or not someone is hit. This technology is supposed to determine if actual shots have been fired. Who is going to be responsible for pulling the RD and doing the GO case?

2/03/2017 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A million dollars up in smoke , that's the real story here .
Keep voting democrat .

2/03/2017 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lewin is an idiot, but that idiot is making big dough. His loafers might be light, but his pockets are heavy with cash. He freaking has a silver spoon AND a horseshoe up his arse! If it was not for this job, he'd be working the geek call out desk at one-888-putrfix.

2/03/2017 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This department is a fucking joke"

Eventually anyone engaged in the 'department' realizes ...

Head southwest young man, head southwest.

2/03/2017 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My guess is computer moron Jon Lewin. He couldn't even provide the original contract for the first time Shotspotter arrived in Chicago for a FOIA request. He said OEMC had it. OEMC says why would they have something that belongs to the police.

My tax dollars wasted on something that doesn't work. A case report should be completed every time it goes off since Shotspotter is telling us these are bonafide shots fired.

The guy never was the police and isn't qualified to type on a Commodore 64.

2/03/2017 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like every other piece of technology this Dept buys, the software updates and repairs won't be paid for and it'll end up like the majority of PDT's, cameras and district computers.

2/03/2017 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The opening post stated, "They cannabilized the roll call room in 007 for the TV's and only the computers (that) work."

Ummm yeah, that guy is totally lying... we have 3 giant flat screens each with a computer in the roll call room now, each using some of the new technology programs present in the mini-cpic. The mini-cpic has 6 flat screens along with 6 computers. They gave all of 007's cars brand new faster processor laptops. We are going to be issued special cellphones soon that will assist with real time strategic deployment(it would be too long of a post to explain). This shit is all new...Will it work? I don't know, I'm willing to try it me it is just a new techno-millenial form of policing hot areas or boxes...but they are definitely throwing money our way, and when they throw money your way, you take it and buy shit and see if it works...the money is supposedly coming from the unused citizen tax rebates. Nothing was scavenged or cannibalized, this is all new stuff.

2/03/2017 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing "transparent" in this shithole is blatant corruption in your face. But then again, this city has been corrupt from its inception. Not so much from the appendages but from the core, politicians and exempt ranks from all departments.

2/03/2017 02:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They introduced this technology at OEMC about seven years ago Was it ineffective, is it now refined and usable or more tech BS that wastes money and lines some politicians pockets

2/03/2017 05:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about subsidizing the insurance of those who are maxed out but not yet 55?

Cmon, Rahm!

Let me go and you buy crystal balls, shot spotters, and all kinds of shit from your buds.

2/03/2017 06:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One question....has anyone been arrested as a result of Shot Spotter?

2/03/2017 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Department is trying to recreate the success of Cpic, one of the few things the department has done right in the past few years. They always are happy to help me with my cases, I always had a good experience with them.

2/03/2017 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

does that include all the inflated OT put in by hard charging admin people/merit promotees assigned to deputy chief of BS caluris?

2/03/2017 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shotspotter works pretty well in my mid-ling Midwestern 'hood. It tells us where to find the casings, and from time to time a victim, or incidental house/car sustaining lead poisoning. Saves time, getting halfway through the report and another caller discovers the damage and having to run back out there.

Things to remember: for us, it reacts to each shot, but seems to hone in on the last one fired, so if the shooter is in a car driving down the street, you may have to keep looking. Second, when they rolled it out, they would only tell us the address and have now such will tell us "within 10 feet of the sidewalk on the NW corner of the property". Again, saves a little time and hassle.

Just like any tech... its great when it works.

2/03/2017 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More smoke and mirrors there! In the mean time I heard that shootings and homicides were down something like 80% in 009. Maybe that is because 009 was flooded with Officers. Sat teams, Gun teams, and Gang Intelligence to name a few. 009 also had a shit load of Sheriff police there. Uniformed and plain clothes not to mention their SWAT team. At one point there were lines of Sheriff squad cars parked on Halsted. But we don't need more Officers, the department has enough. Yea, right!

2/03/2017 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a 1 1/2 minute delay and if someone is shot there is also a call. But most importantly police officers hear the shots because good policeman have their window cracked open. It has also been around for about 10 years. It hasn't solved anything. Waste of money and smoke and mirrors.

2/03/2017 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Uncle Lar & Snotnose Tommy said...

Maybe they used the Shotspotter money for the new Muslim Detainee Room at O'Hare. That electrical work must have cost a ton, with union wages and all, plus all the office furniture adds up.������

2/03/2017 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad LT W is out of 004... Talk about a house mouse who's clueless on the street!

2/03/2017 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Media has too much access to all the police "stuff".
Make a nearly empty room look like a "busy, fully equipped command" work room and show it to the media.
So all the citizens see this and think "What's wrong with the police? They have all this high tech gadgetry and still can't stop the crime."
Show the nearly empty room! Show what it's really like.
Don't put on a "show" and then bitch about the media not getting it right.
Misleading people is the mayors specialty.
Stay safe Officers.


2/03/2017 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Realistically having had access to cpic they would not have multiple shotspotter shootings chirping off at once. No need for mini sitbacks i mean cpics. Havent seen lazy career cpic p.o.s leave even at the end of there impressive ccrime fighting careers. Not some of there fault it has been utilized sometimes as a dump spot.

2/03/2017 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to spot something or someone else.

2/03/2017 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Targeted Attack On At Least Seven Indianapolis Area Officer’s Homes In One Night

Whitestown, IN – Officers from up to seven agencies who live in an Indianapolis suburb had their homes and cars vandalized Wednesday night. The targeted attack happened in The Walker Farms and Harvest Park subdivisions just north of Indianapolis. Families in the area have been left shaken by the attack and searching for answers.

Walker Farms is a large subdivision that is home to many area first responders including firemen and police officers. According to Fox 59 law enforcement families woke up to graffiti on their homes, and their squad cars vandalized this morning. Agenices including the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, Zionsville Police Department, Indiana State Police, Lebanon Police Department, Whitestown Police Department, Speedway Police Department and Westfield Police Department all call the subdivisions home. At least four departments were affected by the vandalism.

Squad cars that were parked in front of homes had their windows broken and their tires were slashed. Alarmingly, those whose cars weren’t home still had vandalism done to their property, including graffiti on their garage doors. The graffiti included “F**k WPD (Whitestown Police Department).” At this time only police officer’s homes are believed to be the target.

We spoke with one officer’s wife who advised that her family has been shaken by the incident. During a time when law enforcement has had to be on high alert due to the rise in ambush attacks, having their personal home targeted put even a seasoned police wife on edge. To be the target of such vicious attacks purely because of your profession has got to end, she said. The family is now left trying to explain to their older children why they were victims of the attack.

2/03/2017 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's new. Give it a little time; everyone has to learn and adjust to using a new tool that could prove so valuable!

2/03/2017 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shot Spotter is a one man job at most. Similar to the Boomerang system we used in Baghdad. It indicates after a few second delay where the shots came from which is great for collecting data but if you have beat cars and other units saturating the area, those officers already have a pretty insight. Sounds like money, possibly federal funds has to be spent. I could also imagine your CPIC is filled with other toys and serves other purposes just like many federal, state, local and military information or fusion centers. But hey.. I'm not a cop so what do I know...

2/03/2017 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the list out to where Lieutenant 's and FTO's going

2/03/2017 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So these will enable faster response times to shootings so the democrats can let the shooters out of jail faster.
That's pretty efficient. Usually democrats are anything but, but I guess when it comes to laundering money, no one seems to surpass a chicago democrat.

2/03/2017 09:57:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Cpic was a success?

2/03/2017 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait for it. After the first arrest that Shot Spotter helps with, the Dems will rise up (even louder) against suppressors. That said, the technology could be used to focus any blue light cameras towards where the shooting is coming from, and make sure any red light and speed cameras in the area start recording.
Not that this will happen, as i'm sure all the interfaces are different and proprietary, 'cause that's the way the city seems to do business.

2/03/2017 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lewin filled out application for Oakland Police Department. He's going to work for granny.

2/03/2017 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is no better than gps on your lost/stolen cell phone. It gives you a general direction/location of a bonafide shots fired but doesn't give a description of the offender(s) or let you search everyone you see in the area. You'll still need to complete an isr and justify why you searched them and I think just writing "Shotspotter said it was ok" is going to get you jammed up. Because you didn't see a bulge, movement, etc.

In the end we'll be chasing this around the district and writing reports on phantom shooters.

2/03/2017 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word is some billionaire is going to run the old 13th district and outfit the cops with all kinds of state of the art, new equipment. Starting sometime in February!

2/03/2017 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Few, this will generate a lot more RD#'s as anytime there is a bona-fide weapons discharge, it requires a case report whether or not someone is hit. This technology is supposed to determine if actual shots have been fired. Who is going to be responsible for pulling the RD and doing the GO case?

I'm thinking the paper car.

2/03/2017 12:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we rescind what has occurred for the past year within the CPD like Stripper ED, Navarro, Waller and the rest of the knuckleheads at HQ are rescinding orders, messages etc on a daily basis. WTF Havent seen such incompetence (not to mention poor grammar) in notices in over 25 yrs....
Who is doing the reviewing, the invite only LT study group..Holy Shit, I'm actually embarrassed

2/03/2017 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The system works well and gives a good location but now they have each beat car doing all these mini-missions each night and logging the activity. Each beat has 3-4 mini boxes that they want us to sit in for 10-15 minutes 3 times each night. I don't see this being possible once summer hits. As usual no bosses can give any answers as to if we we have to continue with the old missions/impact/gsm.

2/03/2017 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All after the fact. Just a quicker way to find the body and victim.

2/03/2017 01:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RahmFraud seeking more Fed funds for a rehashed program that will wind up having 50 po's, 5 Sgts, 2 Lts detailed to watch cameras and draft statistics for some Merit hack exempt.
• Quiz: Name the last Fed program that Chicago utilized that was a sucess? (The Works Progress Administration of 1938 (WPA) doesn't count)
Fact is, what good is a having police chase after gunshots to find a group of males nearby "just standin'round", only later to be accused of profiling, harassing and racism?
Fools like Rähmf, PrickCanker, Special Ed and Gmac can spout off and say "we can't arrest our way out of this". But the Police know better. The politicians sell this to the snowflakies and they can't get enough of it, nationwide.

When the Jails are open for arrestees, I-bonds, ANOV's and ankle bracelets are no longer handed out liberally, then maybe it would be worth going out and cleaning up the obama mess that Rähmf, PrickCanker and Special Ed allow.

SpotSpotter is just an overpriced bean counting device and will do nothing but waste manpower and money.
Why not rely on the expansive, ever improving, live action, hi-def, retrievable footage of the CPD/OEMC POD Camera System and the Operation Vitual Shield? (uuh, er-umm)

Yes, we need the take over City Hall and give Blago a cell mate.

2/03/2017 01:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Head southwest young man, head southwest.

2/03/2017 12:44:00 AM

Exactly the correct advice -- first stop Robbins, next stop Michoacán!

2/03/2017 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many full duty coppers, that could be working the street, will be used to staff these "high tech" rooms?
What happened to the litmus test "if you don't need a gun and a badge" to do your job then it should be civilianized?
With CPIC, and numerous other acronymed "units" at HQ there's so much available manpower there that it's ridiculous.

Most D.C's offices are overflowing with hidden full duty officers with little to no responsibilities nor workload.
Truly emptying out all these hiding spots would go a long way towards solving our manpower shortage. I mean really emptying them out not just doing some token BS like trying to cut one bidded watch relief spot from each watch in each district.
My district still has 3-4 full duty coppers "doing CompStat". These guys/girls are damn near like ghost payrollers.
Shouldn't CompStat have died when McGoofy got axed?

2/03/2017 03:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shotspotter should know that hoodlums know they can not shoot around "landmarks" such as the United Center, Soldier Field and other places. It should be easy to note that areas where crime is not reported is a good spot to expect shots fired, too.

2/03/2017 04:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here your humper and 3 boxes u must visit 9 times per shift with documentation!stupid

2/03/2017 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have they improved it? This sounds exactly like something the military tried for several years in the cities of Iraq, trying to pinpoint where sniper fire was coming from. It didn't seem to work as well as advertised, and didn't find many snipers.

2/03/2017 04:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that comment on the story is total bs, the city had no problem finding was to spend well over a million dollars on the rooms and shotspotter did not kick in anything just an fyi they are getting paid huge dollars not paying us

2/03/2017 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
How about subsidizing the insurance of those who are maxed out but not yet 55?

Cmon, Rahm!

Let me go and you buy crystal balls, shot spotters, and all kinds of shit from your buds.

2/03/2017 06:23:00 AM

I wholeheartedly agree with you.
I feel your pain. I'm more than maxed out but I'm not 55.....just biding my time until reaching the double nickel.

2/03/2017 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We wonder what happened to policing? Everyone keep looking at computer screens and the telephones. You know the guy in the white shirt that helped unveil "SHOTSPOTTER"? I cant in good faith even call him a police officer. He came to a roll call when they first started "I clear". He kept on referring to the 20 sector as the 2 sector. Finally my partner spits his tobacco out into his spit cup and tells him "Police call it the 20 sector". He was completely bewildered.
My point is this, we keep on spending money on toys and not developing good policing. I see one more geek who couldnt or wouldnt know how to fight his way out of a wet paper bag tell me what tools I need to be a police officer. I think im going to call my retired partner up and have him dump his spit cup over the geeks head.
A nutless monkey could watch a computer screen. Real police see it ,smell it and live in it.

2/03/2017 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Biggest Scam going are the inside CPIC people who send out the "GVRS" profile. Sit around. Wait for someone to get shot, bother working cops for a name of a victim and send out BS criminal history sheet. They tell you zero about who's involved. What happened or who to look for next. Nice lazy job for 3 shifts.

2/03/2017 12:18:00 AM

CPIC and other acronymed units at HQ are chock full of full duty manpower that could and should be used for district law enforcement.
C'mon FatHeadEd empty out the hidden at HQ and the districts Commanders offices.

2/03/2017 05:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That gvrs can be done by anybody with the intranet web link its just one box for i.r. and hit does it all but cpic wouldnt want a d.s.s to have that link

2/03/2017 05:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See the message this technology sends ya guys.
It is called Automation.
You are training your replacements.
Would somebody scream H1B visas, please?

2/03/2017 05:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shot Spotter ?
Sounds like Rahm & Special Ed stayed up until 4am and bought a gizmo off a late night tv infomercial.
Did these two jive turkeys ever think about getting some Slap Chop's™ from he Sham-Wow guy?
Chopping or maiming a trigger finger can do wonders to disable violence driven shooters.
PrickWrinkle's Ten Strikes Rule applies and they can try to learn to shoot with their jail of course.

2/03/2017 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word is some billionaire is going to run the old 13th district and outfit the cops with all kinds of state of the art, new equipment. Starting sometime in February!

A Ghostbuster at that!

2/03/2017 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Few, this will generate a lot more RD#'s as anytime there is a bona-fide weapons discharge, it requires a case report whether or not someone is hit. This technology is supposed to determine if actual shots have been fired. Who is going to be responsible for pulling the RD and doing the GO case?

I'm thinking the paper car.

2/03/2017 12:51:00 PM

You're seriously over working the hamster wheel. Nothing changes. A case will only be done when the "shots fired" is considered bonafide(shell casings, holes in windows, holes in cars, holes in bodies).

2/03/2017 08:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years ago Bob Newhart did a skit that went something like this:

If we had an infinite number of monkeys and an infinite number of typewriters, some day they would write all the great books.

This sounds kinda like what I'm reading here.

2/03/2017 08:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rumor has it SHOTSPOTTER is really a giant fortune telling 8 ball

2/03/2017 09:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: "This department is a fucking joke"

Eventually anyone engaged in the 'department' realizes ...

Head southwest young man, head southwest.

No kidding it seems to get more fucked up by the day. That's what you get when you let a civilian run the PD....IE Rahm..... Whats amazing to me is how these command staff people get retirement gigs like DE-Escalante....why would anyone hire someone with years of how to fuck up organizations worse then this place....unfuckenbelivable....

2/03/2017 10:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All that amounts to is a bunch of useless information when an officer cannot shoot the bad guy with a gun in those districts.

2/03/2017 10:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok everyone....our violence problems are over....the ATF is coming. Wonder if these FEDs will observe FED fridays like all the other alphabet soup police...DEA....FBI...ICE....hahaaha!!! Can't make this shit up....

2/03/2017 11:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That gvrs can be done by anybody with the intranet web link its just one box for i.r. and hit does it all but cpic wouldnt want a d.s.s to have that link

Pls take it b/c its just another BS report ...n any time u want to do go for it

2/03/2017 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off-Topic, but along the lines of someone identifying the 20 Sector as Sector 2.

Over the front door of all the new police stations is an example of civilian city employees being in-charge of the building project and not caring enough to honor our culture, lexicon and written documents. The only person I ever heard identify a district in that same manner was FBI J-FLED, but J-FLED was not in charge of building the stations.

2/03/2017 11:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the CPIC bashing is from lazy do nothing hater that got dumped from there.

2/04/2017 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that horse toothed women from building management in charge of this If so it will be ass backwards. Several years back at 19 she had the radio chargers taken out of the Sat team office because a street narcotic team was taking over and wouldn't need them. We tried to tell her they would but she insisted they wouldn't.Guess what ,they needed them.She also brought in it lockers from the old 9th Dist which were broken and rusted out. Another great move.

2/04/2017 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another after the crime happens watch this! same as cta and cameras everywhere they work but that is after someone is shot or murdered! The better thing is more police encountering the thugs before they commit havoc and carnage of people! Like this man downtown are beaten robbed bloodied vision gone by typical balck thugs!

Cameras after? But then again with thugs and illegal invaders knowing the "hoodie and glasses" ruse to be sure the cameras cannot properly identify these animals. Rahm you invited the friends of yours barrys doj to destroy cpd and you are finally successful in total destruction of a once great department! then your sheep the 50 chime in and agree with the hateful police rhetoric.

For things to change people should have a respectable fear of police in that they drive better worried about a ticket, they act better beacuse saying "fuck the police" will end badly for them etc. How about when children feared parents, "when dad comes home we were told" then we shuddered and cowered in fear of dad, how about the teachers who are constantly abused by the so called students? Mom comes to teh school and no matter what "not my kid!"

Then you have this spectacular headline:

High school honor student shot and killed on South Side

Sister says she cannot believe her 15 year old brother was killed, the sister says

"I put him in school we had some rough times" OH Oh! Rough times keyword maybe gang involvement? What is his criminal history? The headline makes it like he was an innocent kid to the snowflakes reading this they are all "honor students" cps gives awards to everyone nothing special!

2/04/2017 01:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PAnonymous Anonymous said...
Biggest Scam going are the inside CPIC people who send out the "GVRS" profile. Sit around. Wait for someone to get shot, bother working cops for a name of a victim and send out BS criminal history sheet. They tell you zero about who's involved. What happened or who to look for next. Nice lazy job for 3 shifts.

2/03/2017 12:18:00 AM

CPIC and other acronymed units at HQ are chock full of full duty manpower that could and should be used for district law enforcement.
C'mon FatHeadEd empty out the hidden at HQ and the districts Commanders offices.

It's better than that... catered lunches, foot and back massages, merit promotions after running useless reports. We even have a wet bar, fully stocked with primo Irish whiskey and malt liquors from around the world.

PO's here in the city are really clueless. We bitch and complain about the merit picks, department procedures, the media, lazy bosses. Leave and get another job. Or better. Go protest with the rest of the snowflakes. Lol

2/04/2017 03:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/04/2017 9:16:00 AM,

She is Bonita "Dumbmato" Damato. She's a political hack. Clueless and useless as (fill-in-the-blank).

2/04/2017 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"" Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the CPIC bashing is from lazy do nothing hater that got dumped from there. ""

Im retired and couldnt give a shit but the one time I walked in that room everyone was playing video games on the big screens. This was like 10 or 15+ years ago, I think when Jody was in. So this juice job has been around awhile.

But it really strutted its stuff last year didnt it? Not only did we have to pay for that useless shit , and the useless shot spotters, but now we'll be paying the penny an ounce Prickwinkel tax on soda starting in July, to go along with the violence tax for ammo duck hunters have to pay, to put these welfare fucking assholes back together at County Hospital just so they can shoot each other again.

Want a shot spotter? Then stick your head out the squad window.

2/05/2017 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the predictive analytic group??? What about their 50 million dollar magic 8 ball??

2/05/2017 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Computer , office assignments from unit secretary to records division should be civilian assignments not sworn police Officers

2/05/2017 12:37:00 PM  

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