Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Nickeled and Dimed

  • Beginning Wednesday, you’ll have to pay 7 cents for a bag at many stores across the city — the latest effort to try to cut down on the use of disposable bags.

    The new tax replaces the former plastic bag ban, which city officials say didn’t work as well as they’d hoped.
    Here are the basics on the new tax:

    When: The 7-cent tax goes into effect Wednesday.

    What: It applies to both paper and plastic bags.

    Why: It’s the city’s latest initiative to get people to bring their own reusable bags, an effort to reduce the amount of trash going into landfills.

    Does it apply to every store in the city?: Yes, but it’s up to retailers to decide whether to charge customers or absorb the costs themselves.

    Which retailers will make customers pay?: So far Jewel-Osco, CVS Pharmacy, Walgreens have all said they’ll pass on the cost to the public.

    Is anyone exempt?: Yes. The tax doesn’t apply to bags use to carry items bought with federal food stamp benefits.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this apply to liquor... cause I gotta have a paper bag for my 40 or other variety of malt liqueur

2/01/2017 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to stop doing any shopping in the city .

2/01/2017 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rumor... I repeat in full this is only a rumor and to be taken as such... one large class of 138 sgts getting made. List is coming out this week, class to start feb 6th. An announcement for a new sgts test to be given in august is the word. Sounds insane I know but when it was explained to me it seemed a little more legit. The test is going to be modeled after New York where the test taker will know what they got almost instantly upon finishing the test. They will make the list and start a class before the year is up. It's also possible that this same thing they said will happen with a Lts test with a similar timeline. By the way, didn't the sup and others just go out to New York recently??? No cpd allegedly will be involved in developing the test. Sounds like a troll job I know but the person explained it too me much more in depth and it was convincing especially his sources. Truth? Maybe. If the process is revamped and streamlined it's an absolute possibility. Especially with the DOJ knocking the test process and the mayor wanting to be in compliance so quickly before election time.

2/01/2017 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

their bags don't end up in landfills, they end up on the sidewalk and in empty lots.

2/01/2017 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More stupid shit !!! Why should the leeches pay for bags they don't pay for anything else.

2/01/2017 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm gonna go on public aid. That way, I can buy soft drinks in Cook County without paying the penny/ounce tax, and then carry my soft drinks home in bags I didn't have to pay for too. Win-win.
Fucking Toni did we get so many asshole politicians in one place?!?!!

2/01/2017 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They seond huge amounts of money on soda with their LINK cards , but will also be exempt of the soda tax that's coming to crook county in July. It pays to be on the dole.

2/01/2017 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Raise the Gadsden Flag.
A plastic bag and an extry-large plastic zip tie for the first selectman.
Assemble in the towne square at midnight-bring pitchforks and torches.
All Welcome.

(note: Flamin'Hots come in a Mylar bag & EBT LINK exempt.)

2/01/2017 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic Rahm was served in front of his wife's wedding dress house. Fox News (21:05 hrs) had the live coverage but here's the clip from the fibune

2/01/2017 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do the 'sheep' put up with this?? Isn't the normal procedure to complain to your alderman before he votes on the law? Then if he goes against your request you vote against him in the next election....?? Boggles the mind.

2/01/2017 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's funny because what neighborhoods are you gonna find the most garbage on the streets? Where link card holders live...I guess it makes sense because their garbage will never end up in the landfill anyway

2/01/2017 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a floating island of plastic garbage in the Pacific Ocean called the 'Great Pacific Garbage Patch'. Apparently it's about the size of Texas and 20 feet deep from all the plastic that has collected from the ocean currents that bring it there. Now that may not be evidence for global warming or who's to say gloabal warming is even a real thing, for those of you who think green houses gases are leftist propaganda. But one argument that is valid is that we are polluting the shit out of our water and land. We have to think about the world our children and grandchildren will inherit. That being said I think it's bullshit that federal welfare recipients don't have to worry about being ecologically responsible. Must be why the ghetto's littered with trash.

2/01/2017 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I have said this many times. I buy NOTHING in the city.

2/01/2017 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not in the suburbs.

2/01/2017 01:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad this is for waste reduction, it's a relief. I thought it was to raise money to pay for worthless political hacks.

2/01/2017 01:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It takes a special kind of insane person to think they can make people do better by passing a tax. Those special kinds of people belong in insane asylums. They need help. Like the carbon tax; a tax is going to save the world. Seriously.

Just ban the bags entirely.

2/01/2017 02:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Black plastic bags, the ghetto tumbleweed, will still keep floating around the ghetto.

2/01/2017 02:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are they just trying to give us reasons to shop in the suburbs (I already do anyways- and leave the county whenever possible.)

Worse by the day, I swear.

2/01/2017 02:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm surprised it didn't say "illegals are also exempt from the tax- so they feel more welcome in their sanctuary"

2/01/2017 02:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually was on board with this idea until that last paragraph. There's no reason that welfare recipients can't bring their own reusable bags as well. This is always the problem with democrats. They can take a good idea and always manage to fuck it up by pandering to their non tax paying voter base.

2/01/2017 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful - so once again, the hard-working, law-abiding citizen gets the shaft, while the SNAP-izens get to buy all the tax free soda pop they want, and carry it home in a bag they can throw out the window when they get there...

Just a couple more reasons to never, ever shop in Crook County or the Shitty again.

2/01/2017 03:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you shitting me?
Food stamp users don't pay it?
They're the ones you see walking down the street eating a bag of chips n then toss the bag on the ground.... that's great for landfills right?
Once again bleed the middle class, taxpayonh citizens the death but leave the leeches of society alone.

2/01/2017 03:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good, the working stiff pays the fee and the freeloader doesn't. I used to get so sick of seeing MY cart with just a few items in it at the grocery store and I was paying cash. Unfortunately I'd get behind the food stamp shopper with their full to the rim shopping cart and their damn food stamps.

2/01/2017 03:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just another thieving tax by crooked Politicians who should be in jail!
Fuck you, Rahm!

2/01/2017 04:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taxation without representation! That's what you get when you have a socialist mayor.

2/01/2017 04:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another reason to shop outside Chicago and Cook County!

Bag tax! Bottled Water Tax! Crook County Sugar tax! 30% more city water tax! Garbage tax!

Sanctuary City Tax! Soon to be implemented air tax!

More taxes and no cuts to overbloated Chicago and Cook county governments!

What good is living in this crooked stealing city!

Time for a Donald Trump type for Mayor of Chicago and President of Cook county!

2/01/2017 04:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Mitch Daniels the former governor of Indiana once said The best thing for Indiana business is Illinois politicians.

2/01/2017 04:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shopping will now be done in the 'burbs!

2/01/2017 05:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget the coming soda pop tax welfare does not have to pay taxes on that either, then rahm is spending millions on the illegals, while the police officers are stripped of heath insurance when you retire broken from serving this once great city! God bless police everywhere especially in Chicago we really need heavenly help! President Trump please keep your campaign promise and remove the criminals and support law And order in Chicago!

2/01/2017 05:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The middle class must carry the load. Now pay..

2/01/2017 05:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait till the soda tax goes effect, later this year. Per federal law, anybody on government assistance, does not pay the tax either.

2/01/2017 06:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical, the ones least likely to recycle or use a garbage can for disposal are the ones not paying for them.... Hilarious!!!!! That's ok, I look at them as 'urban tumbleweeds ' anyway.....hahahaha!

2/01/2017 06:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's next. A temporary tax on the billions of untaxed transfers of money by newest migrant residents to relatives back "home". Democrats can sell this as a temporary funding measure like the state income tax. The much needed revenue can assist with needed funding for overcrowded public schools and pay for all that available health care obtained with a Susan Mendoza City Of Chicago identification card. Maybe the newest residents can be introduced to the Chicago way of redistribution schemes taking back some of the untaxed money made in those shadows. Fair is fair.

2/01/2017 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tired of being the working idiot that suffers for actually working hard. The people who contribute the least reap the biggest rewards.

2/01/2017 06:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there a fucking lawsuit we csn bring against the city for unfair and unjust burden?? More so, why are government assisted recipients allowed no taxes and no bans on stuff like soda and junk food?!? I think it was under Pres. Regan that implemented some restrictions to what could and what could not be purchased with government assistance

2/01/2017 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a floating island of plastic garbage in the Pacific Ocean called the 'Great Pacific Garbage Patch'. Apparently it's about the size of Texas and 20 feet deep from all the plastic that has collected from the ocean currents that bring it there. Now that may not be evidence for global warming or who's to say gloabal warming is even a real thing, for those of you who think green houses gases are leftist propaganda. But one argument that is valid is that we are polluting the shit out of our water and land. We have to think about the world our children and grandchildren will inherit. That being said I think it's bullshit that federal welfare recipients don't have to worry about being ecologically responsible. Must be why the ghetto's littered with trash.

2/01/2017 01:06:00 AM

Check your "facts" and don't believe everything you read. Enough with the guilt trips.

2/01/2017 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just another working mans tax!

2/01/2017 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out the new News blog...he's back!

2/01/2017 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice! They can keep the bag, I'll buy outside the city!

2/01/2017 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Citizen troll: Sorry SCC, the first sentence after the bullet point is incorrect. I leave the city and Cook County when I grocery shop for this very reason. I go to the grocery every seven days. I shop where it is to my advantage. I average 5 bags per trip. Chicago and Cook is NOT the place to retail shop for anything.

2/01/2017 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to move anyone looking for a nice house in mountgreenwood

2/01/2017 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the ban include condoms? ♠

2/01/2017 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this will promote shoplifting 100%

2/01/2017 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I pretty much don't shop in the city anymore. And when the soda tax starts I will be leaving the county to buy any sugery drinks that I may want. And while I am out of the county buying my soda I might as will do my other shopping. So crook county loses out on even more tax money. Way to go fools!

2/01/2017 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Rumor... I repeat in full this is only a rumor and to be taken as such... one large class of 138 sgts getting made. List is coming out this week, class to start feb 6th. An announcement for a new sgts test to be given in august is the word. Sounds insane I know but when it was explained to me it seemed a little more legit. The test is going to be modeled after New York where the test taker will know what they got almost instantly upon finishing the test. They will make the list and start a class before the year is up. It's also possible that this same thing they said will happen with a Lts test with a similar timeline. By the way, didn't the sup and others just go out to New York recently??? No cpd allegedly will be involved in developing the test. Sounds like a troll job I know but the person explained it too me much more in depth and it was convincing especially his sources. Truth? Maybe. If the process is revamped and streamlined it's an absolute possibility. Especially with the DOJ knocking the test process and the mayor wanting to be in compliance so quickly before election time.

2/01/2017 12:24:00 AM

This leads into the whole current Lt test which will all be dumped on Gene Williams and everyone will be told to move on.

2/01/2017 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Food Stamp recipient should not have to pay the bag tax. Makes perfect sense from the Feds viewpoint. Taxpayers (those that work) should pay.

--Why work, there is always welfare.

2/01/2017 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even the wife now says staying in Chicago after retirement is untenable, even with the grandkids taken into consideration.

This simply can't go on

2/01/2017 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ghetto tumbleweed. Love it!!

2/01/2017 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Rumor... I repeat in full this is only a rumor and to be taken as such... one large class of 138 sgts getting made. List is coming out this week, class to start feb 6th. An announcement for a new sgts test to be given in august is the word. Sounds insane I know but when it was explained to me it seemed a little more legit. The test is going to be modeled after New York where the test taker will know what they got almost instantly upon finishing the test. They will make the list and start a class before the year is up. It's also possible that this same thing they said will happen with a Lts test with a similar timeline. By the way, didn't the sup and others just go out to New York recently??? No cpd allegedly will be involved in developing the test. Sounds like a troll job I know but the person explained it too me much more in depth and it was convincing especially his sources. Truth? Maybe. If the process is revamped and streamlined it's an absolute possibility. Especially with the DOJ knocking the test process and the mayor wanting to be in compliance so quickly before election time.
2/01/2017 12:24:00 AM
The rumor of a new class of Sgts has been around a little bit now.
130 -138 - 140 whatever.
As for a new test in August = that's too soon for a test to be put together especially if no one for the cpd will be developing this exam.
How will those that know nothing of our department directives and state/city laws develop an exam?
The feds have said all along that there aren't enough front line supervisors.
I'll bet that yes they are developing and exam but that exam won't be ready for at least a year or more. Someone from the city has to have some input regarding what we do here.
I'll also bet that cpd will get at least one more large class of Sgts off this current list. Hell, they won't even have hit the 300 mark off the list if they scrap it.

2/01/2017 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

federal food stamps, huh? dems sound great where do I get those?

2/01/2017 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Trump cuts off the federal funding here....just wait.

2/01/2017 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the above post regarding a new Sgt's test is true I'm done. I mean really done. Let's just say it's true and this is the last class off the list what did they promote like 300 not even off the list and another 90 merit. And how many of those 300 were in the secret study groups? This is really bs. This has to stop. Time to stop working, get that shoulder fixed over summer. Check that knee over Christmas. Hang those cuffs up for good. This department really blows and they're absolutely ruining the few working guys you have left with things like taking a promotional test down with less then 300 made.

2/01/2017 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every time they raise taxes,they generate less revenue.


2/01/2017 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great! now I'm going to be surrounded by nasty people with their nasty bags that have been sitting around and used all year!!!!

2/01/2017 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see, Sugar Drink Tax is NOT paid by welfare users, yet will help the "poor" by "giving" them options to consume healthier. The Bag Tax is NOT paid by welfare users so that the poor neighborhoods no longer have plastic bags floating around the streets. Um, seems to me that the only thing changing is a tax on working families.
That couldn't be correct...could it? I was told by the media that the Furer and his/her/zim/zer minions are the only caring ones and evil Conservatives will kill us all.
Hail Rham
Long live Viet Rham

2/01/2017 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you freaking kidding me? Food stamp recipients do not have to pay? Can we (because the shitty never would) perform a study in six months to see how much waste THAT causes?

--No Cop Here

2/01/2017 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm surprised it didn't say "illegals are also exempt from the tax- so they feel more welcome in their sanctuary"

They did. They are on our welfare system too and exempt. Great country

2/01/2017 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A tale of two cities. The super rich and everyone else. No middle class, just working poor and super poor. The more they tax the less revenue they bring in. Surprised they don't raise the bridges going into downtown... then tax every person and vehicle than wants in....😲I better shut up

2/01/2017 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep on voting Democratic

2/01/2017 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
Rumor... I repeat in full this is only a rumor and to be taken as such... one large class of 138 sgts getting made. List is coming out this week, class to start feb 6th. An announcement for a new sgts test to be given in august is the word. Sounds insane I know but when it was explained to me it seemed a little more legit. The test is going to be modeled after New York where the test taker will know what they got almost instantly upon finishing the test. They will make the list and start a class before the year is up. It's also possible that this same thing they said will happen with a Lts test with a similar timeline. By the way, didn't the sup and others just go out to New York recently??? No cpd allegedly will be involved in developing the test. Sounds like a troll job I know but the person explained it too me much more in depth and it was convincing especially his sources. Truth? Maybe. If the process is revamped and streamlined it's an absolute possibility. Especially with the DOJ knocking the test process and the mayor wanting to be in compliance so quickly before election time.

2/01/2017 12:24:00 AM

A class size of 138 new sgts will overwhelm the academy. There is only one room that they can use. The room has a normal capacity of 120. With a very large class, new sgts will sit on a chair with no table for 8 hrs a day in a very crowded room. A terrible situation for any effective training. 35th street signed a lease for a off site campus but nothing has happened. Parking will be brutal. So much for improving the quality of training.

2/01/2017 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my new nickname in chicago is bagman!

2/01/2017 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

on top of the bag tax open up your real estate tax bills assessed property values greater than $250,000 tax bill is over $500 greater than the previous 1St installment this time last year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!in other words unequal taxation and unequal representation.............keep voting in the same democrats...................

2/01/2017 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live at Harlem and Touhy.

My family and I WILL NEVER by another thing here in Chicago !


2/01/2017 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call me Mr. Lips

Although, ultimately, you will need to make up your own mind about Chicago, I have a number of things to say that you may find useful. One of my objectives for this letter is to halt the adulation heaped upon frightful hierophants of egotism. Chicago's leaders are condescending grizzlers. In fact, our leaders are worse than condescending grizzlers; they are also conniving perverts. That's why they feel obligated to cement the foundation of our currently metastasizing police state into the law of the land. They claim to have solutions to all of our problems. Usually, though, these supposed solutions ride on the backs of people who are poor, powerless, or who don't have the clout to develop an alternative community, a cohesive and comprehensive underground with a charter to present a noble vision of who we were, who we are, and who we can potentially be. It's these sorts of “solutions”, therefore, that demonstrate how an armed revolt against Chicago is morally justified. However, I insist that it is not yet strategically justified.

Although “Chicago disorder” has yet to appear in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, I think it's safe to say that Chicago's powers that be is a corruptor of youth. You don't need to be the smartest guy on the planet to figure that out. Heck, even the lowliest Joe Six-Pack knows that they are stepping over the line when they attempt to convince innocent children to follow a path that leads only to a life of crime, disappointment, and destruction—way over the line. It is pointless to fret about the damage already caused by Chicago's improvident, nauseating half-measures. The past cannot be changed. We must cope with the present if we hope to affect our future and subject Chicago's bruta fulmina to the rigorous scrutiny they warrant.

Chicago is a pukka Chicago clone, don't you think? Sure, even oppressive, arrogant doryphores may have some good points, but I have yet to find one. Chicago's propaganda machine once said that Chicago would never use rock music, with its savage, tribal, orgiastic beat, to oppress, segregate, and punish others. So much for credibility! Rahm and his followers aren't interested in debates or open forums. They just want to shut up dissenters. That's why it's debatable whether Chicago often starts with a preconceived story and then plugs in supposed “information” in order to create a somewhat believable tale. However, no one can disagree that it unquestionably believes that it is a voice of probity. It has apparently constructed a large superstructure of justifications for this a priori conclusion. I guess that shouldn't be too surprising given that Chicago leadership's desire to wiretap all of our telephones and computers is the chief sign that it's a cranky ingrate. (The second sign is that they feel obliged to rot out the foundations of our religious, moral, and political values.) Lastly, it is not the case—notwithstanding what Chicago's power hungry vitriolic propaganda so adamantly proclaims—that superstition is no less credible than proven scientific principles.

2/01/2017 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not snap or link card holders? You mean they are to lazy to carry bags to the store? They can fill carts with pop chips and crap but cannot carry a bag or pay for the bag! Whoa wait a gosh darn minute! We pay them everything, all the free money for free loaders, then we give millions and millions more to the illegal invaders who are clearly breaking federal law but are protected using taxpayers scare money by rahm and his crew of law breakers!

Watched yesterday as rahm hosted the "dreamers" (illegals who want more taxpayers benefits how about going through the process to be a legal citizen?) rahm proudly states "they are welcome here." OK rahm and now that you opened you mouth lying and breaking the laws, the rest are coming here from non-sanctuary cities to devour more taxpayers and citizens resources!

Why can't the so called protestors give all their money to help out? Why rahm please we all know you look at this blog and or have your valets read it and let you know what is going on, why have you taken away retirees health care for the police? Why are we driving around in jalopies? Why is hiring terribly scare? Have you deposited the money due to police pension as required? Saying and asking all that to say this rahm you apparently have billions to give away to illegals and for things that you pander to for votes as you terribly short the taxpayers health and safety what is going to happen when AG Jeff Sessions comes for you? Forensic audit?

Then this from breaking news headline:
Amid Trump immigration furor, Emanuel hosts Chicago Dreamers for dinner

Mayor Rahm Emanuel and first lady Amy Rule hosted six Dreamer students for dinner at their home Tuesday night to stress Chicago's status as a sanctuary city among growing tensions over President Donald Trump's new immigration policies. "The dreams of these kids to go to college and what they want...

(The dreams of these kid is to go to college) wow same dreams as taxpayers kids, but rahm we are legal and pay the huge amounts! Now are you also going to use taxpayers money to pay for this also?

2/01/2017 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The advantages of being poor: free phone, free food (stamps/LINK), free health care, free (or heavily subsidized) day-care, severely-reduced housing in luxury high-rises (voucher program), free university education for the kiddies (if only they graduate!!), and now, free shopping bags too. No need to work; no need to pay any income or RE taxes. Negative incentives, which take the incentive for working right out of a person.

Severely-taxed (and stupidly still working) Citizen of the Socialist State of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois

2/01/2017 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard Air Tax is next the agenda. Comes with a monitor you wear that monitors the amount of oxygen you're lungs are taking in. Would you doubt it in this corrupt city, county, state?

2/01/2017 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The retailers have to pay the tax up front based on the amount of bags they have in stock. Then, it's up to them to decide if they want to pass that per-bag cost on to the consumer, which they no doubt will.
If they increase the cost of the store's goods to cover it, then regardless if the consumer brings his/her own bag, that consumer is paying the bag tax.

2/01/2017 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That last line better be made up. You mean to tell me if the hard working tax payer is paying for your food, then you get more free stuff? So instead of having the freeloader work a little and either make multiple trips or find a reusable bag, the city government promotes/enables these individuals by giving them something for nothing, instead of giving them a sense of self worth and earning something? Oh that makes a lot of sense to me.

Keep voting democrat, just like those who do not have to pay a tax on the bags.

2/01/2017 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only shop in the bag fee no plastic bottle fee and a lot less negative eye contact.

2/01/2017 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rahm, how's the recycling program going in the "community"? Any time I've been looking for a gun down some alley, every recycling bin in the community is either filled with garbage or empty and in new condition. Hmmm.

2/01/2017 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dumb politicians will never learn when they imposed this tax. Last time they imposed a plastic bottle tax on water they were surprised that the revenue was less than half of what they expected. People just crossed the border and bought the case of bottled water there along with most likely all their other groceries and did other shopping as well. Who would pay $2.40 tax on a case of bottled water that you can get on sale from $1.99 to $2.50. Actually the tax probably cost the city more than they collected when you factor in all the other shopping taxes that were lost to the suburbs. Did they learn. Hell no

2/01/2017 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rumor... I repeat in full this is only a rumor and to be taken as such... one large class of 138 sgts getting made. List is coming out this week, class to start feb 6th. An announcement for a new sgts test to be given in august is the word. Sounds insane I know but when it was explained to me it seemed a little more legit. The test is going to be modeled after New York where the test taker will know what they got almost instantly upon finishing the test. They will make the list and start a class before the year is up. It's also possible that this same thing they said will happen with a Lts test with a similar timeline. By the way, didn't the sup and others just go out to New York recently??? No cpd allegedly will be involved in developing the test. Sounds like a troll job I know but the person explained it too me much more in depth and it was convincing especially his sources. Truth? Maybe. If the process is revamped and streamlined it's an absolute possibility. Especially with the DOJ knocking the test process and the mayor wanting to be in compliance so quickly before election time.

I just saw Elvis, 2Pac, Biggie and 10,000 refugees at Starbucks this morning Bin Laden FUCKED up my Grande.

2/01/2017 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I shop and buy gas in Niles. Fuck this city.

2/01/2017 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why do the 'sheep' put up with this?? Isn't the normal procedure to complain to your alderman before he votes on the law? Then if he goes against your request you vote against him in the next election....?? Boggles the mind.-----

You clearly don't live or work in Chicago. If you did, you'd know your complaints are useless. The machine does what it wants. As for my family, we live on the edge of the city and shop in Niles or Skokie. Wife works in Lake Co., so many purchases are made there too. It feels great to take from this place and give so little in return.

2/01/2017 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I guess the old way WAS better, brown paper bags. Can a return of DDT be in the near future? Enviro-wacko liberals are a blight on a sane society, I say we ban them. :-p

2/01/2017 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) humor:


Donald Trump was asked if he could quote any Bible verses.

He replied, "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; deport him and you’ll never have to feed him again."

Trump 20:16

2/01/2017 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous 20 and Out! said...

I get around 6-10 bags each trip from the grocery store...I know that it is at most $1.70.

I can, do, still will, and now will go out of my way to shop in the suburbs....any retailer that opens in the city is nuts. There are numerous tax benefits to opening just along the border outside city limits. Groceries, gas, household items etc.

Besides, aren't we paying for garbage pick up? There once was no tax on groceries. Then it came little by little. A tax on liquor, sodas, candy, any sugary drinks.

Rahm and his buddies can suck it...

Nuff said....

2/01/2017 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had enough yet?
If no, there will be more on the way.
If yes, Golf Tango Foxtrot Oscar.

2/01/2017 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had enough yet?
If no, there will be more on the way.
If yes, Golf Tango Foxtrot Oscar.

2/01/2017 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm served dinner to illegals, IN his home without notifying ICE? That's a violation of immigration law....he should be arrested for conspiracy.

2/01/2017 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
their bags don't end up in landfills, they end up on the sidewalk and in empty lots.
2/01/2017 12:26:00 AM

My planned grocery trip for today will now be to Mariano's, just outside the city. Ten minutes of drive time and a world of difference in service and savings.

2/01/2017 10:54:00 AM  
Blogger JAFO said...

Wait 'til they see how much money they collect !! Then they'll have a calculator at the checkout and tax the bag your loaf of bread comes in...and the cardboard box for your chicken pot pie...and that DAMNED can for your soup...
...and don't try to sneak out with those Ramen noodles either, you bastards !!!

2/01/2017 11:04:00 AM  
Blogger JAFO said...

I wonder if you can get a "tax credit" if you stuff your slices of bread in your pockets and turn in the plastic bag the loaf came in ???????

2/01/2017 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just go old school snd bring your own canvass bag(s) or shopping cart.

2/01/2017 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, if they charge, i'm going to check out and give the cashier $7.00 and make them give the next 100 bags out for free.

2/01/2017 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the little bag your prescription comes in is exempt too. Big fucking deal.

2/01/2017 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/01/2017 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will drug customers have to pay the tax on each bag of weed, rocks or blow bought in the city?

2/01/2017 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I re-use those bags as garbage bags. Now I have to buy whale-chokers instead of getting them for free. Are you happy now, tree-huggers?

2/01/2017 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Black plastic bags, the ghetto tumbleweed, will still keep floating around the ghetto.


That is funny!! Hahaha!

2/01/2017 11:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm very glad my wife's job takes her one day a week to the Milwaukee area. Besides making money on the mileage, gas, booze and (soon soda pop) are much cheaper...fuck the city, county and state on their bullshit taxes that only cost working people and not freeloaders

2/01/2017 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to stop shopping in Chicago. Politicians are a bunch of crooks!

2/01/2017 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just a stealth increase in the sales tax, gussied up as being environmentally friendly.

2/01/2017 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@2:25 - You were on board until the last paragraph???!!

Taxation used as punitive penalty is ok with you until it doesn't apply to food stamp gibdmedats? For crying out loud man, do you realize they wouldn't be paying the tax either way? Sheesh! (psssst - they are using your money in the first place) Taxation is supposed to fund necessary and proper operations toward Constitutional and Declared ends, not as a tool of micromanagement and imposition of particular policy!

The irony here is this; First they told us to save a tree, we must use plastic bags instead of paper. Then, they changed their minds and told us again...use paper, because Oil = Bad (or something)! Now, they are telling us that we had better use our own dang bags, or we are going to be penalized for doing what they told us to do for so many years. Yeah? Well who pays when our neighborhood store is shut down because the Ecoli infested bags that the yaks never bother to CLEAN infected the store to the point hundreds are sickened and their do gooder government department of health shuts it down, orders all stock destroyed and the store goes out of business altogether? Or, when the sickness spreads so quick whole neighborhoods are down for the count? What then, Einstein?

The reality is simple - what we see here is EXACTLY what SCC titled it as. Nickle and Dime chiseling us out of every penny from every direction using any and every excuse dreamed up to "justify" the taking. Let me spell this out simply ok?

Government does not exists to decide things for me, especially something as basic as the question "Paper or plastic?". Indeed, it actually exists so that I get to make that decision.....wait for it......MYSELF! As crazy as it sounds, and true it is, the job, the role, of all police is to protect and defend such basic Liberty of,for and by all people, right down to defending our ability to choose 'paper or plastic' for ourselves.

2/01/2017 12:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yes. The tax doesn’t apply to bags use to carry items bought with federal food stamp benefits."

A disproportionate number of military Families are on food stamps along with thousands of Walmart Workers, OBVIOUSLY THAT RUNS COUNTER TO YOUR NARROW-MINDED BIGOTED WORLDVIEW.
There's a list of prescribed edibles that can only be purchased with food stamps they aren't buying Lobsters, Smokes ,and Cognac,DUMBASS.

2/01/2017 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't shop in the city for 30 years lived here all my life.

2/01/2017 12:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as they get government funded freebies, why not allocate one or two reusable shopping bags to those EBT recipients and charge them the tax if they choose not to use them? If the point of this exercise is to "save the environment," then the poor need to have skin in the game as well, don't they? Of course, the point is wealth redistribution and soaking the most productive citizens as much as possible, so common sense doesn't apply.

2/01/2017 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the city keeps wondering why people don't shop in the city. They wonder why conventions keep moving to other cities, but they don't realize that it is cheaper to rent out a damn cruise ship and have everyone take a 4-5 day cruise than to spend a weekend in the city.

Just a few more years and I retire and leave this place never to return.

2/01/2017 01:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree fully with 04:19. Damned Chicago thieves in "BAGdad" by the lake will never rescind this tax, instead they will raise it on a yearly basis. We have let the head of the camel into the tent.

2/01/2017 01:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I purchased a roll of 100 doggy poop bags. Was charged an extra $7.00 tax. WTF !

2/01/2017 01:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But one argument that is valid is that we are polluting the shit out of our water and land. We have to think about the world our children and grandchildren will inherit.
OK, alleged, cop snowflake, we are polluting less than ever. We are leading the way, along with the other, soon to be genocided by hostile immigration Western civilization. Your elected democrats ALWAYS exempt the 3rd world from their pollution wet dreams. Half of the worlds population lives in China and India and they are polluting as much as ever. THE USA and the West (Read Europe)can't make a meaningful contribution to the reduction in pollution any more, we already did it.

2/01/2017 01:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was in high school, we had those damn paper bags that they want us to use now. The fucking things rip and spill your dinner on the ground. You can only carry 2 of them at once, I can carry 4 to 8 of the plastic ones at once. I'm all for you making YOUR contribution to the environment, but I'm tired of people like YOU badgering these asshole politicians making my life more expensive and difficult because you think it's the right thing to do. I'm sure one of our capitalist pig inventors you despise so much, ms. lefty, will invent a biodegradable plastic like bag that will make me happy and you pleased, well, maybe, because I think you're perpetually miserable.

2/01/2017 01:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't give a fuck.

I do all my shopping in Niles, Skokie, or online.

As soon as I'm made whole, either by virtue of Illinois Supreme Court decision, or turning 55 in a couple years, I'm outa Cook County.

2/01/2017 01:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...Black plastic bags, the ghetto tumbleweed, will still keep floating around the ghetto." (2/01/2017 02:05:00 AM)
– Very true and very funny. Thank you.

• Every ghetto ranger should pause for the Roy Rogers classic:
See them tumbling down...
Pledging their love to the ground...
Lonely but free I'll be found...
Drifting along with the tumbling tumbleweeds.

- Ultimately, the prevailing wind limits the boundary of that freedom... at the ubiquitous ghetto barbed wire fence.

If the City was serious about the ecological effect of plastic bags, they would refund the 7¢ when you recycle/return them like glass bottles in the distant past. Some states still do it for plastic also.
Screw them...Don't Blue Cart - it's costing you $8.50 a month so far, and besides, that trash you sort for them, it is re-sold to processors for a profit. They're not interested in ecology, ask ex Ald. Mell who once owned his own secret landfill that Blago ratted out.
Rahm's 50 Thieves keep agreeing to squeeze every late cent from people they can get away with.

2/01/2017 01:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adios Jewel on Archer ..Hello stores in Burbank ,Oak Lawn, Bedford Park , Evergreen Park ,..Jobs will be lost in Chicago stores ....does Rahmacide care ??

Get ready for the Boston tea party Tax #2........Crook County soda tax in July!!!!

Indiana , Lake County, DuPage County here we come ...Dimmcrats ,Crook County Rahmacide can shove it !

2/01/2017 02:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Crook County soda tax for welfare , food stamps types? are not they not way over weight already?

2/01/2017 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is IAD Matt Brown going to investigate WeeZees 2nd District incident, he'll have that case closed in one day like Lt cheating scam

2/01/2017 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The test is going to be modeled after New York where the test taker will know what they got almost instantly upon finishing the test.

That's not true. New York makes them wait months for the results. In fact new york actually has a makeup test one month after the original test if unable to take the original test for a variety of reasons. It's the same exact test. Lawsuits have been filed over this since all the answers were posted on their police blog before makeup test taken. Chicago testing sucks with subject matter experts but at least chicago doesn't give the same exam twice a month apart. Look up NY lieutenant exam lawsuit. One was 8 times more likely to be promoted if they took the makeup test.

2/01/2017 02:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to retire and move from Illinois and Crook County. I'm so done with this city and state.

2/01/2017 02:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Black plastic bags, the ghetto tumbleweed, will still keep floating around the ghetto."

Funniest thing I've heard all day.

2/01/2017 03:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How will those "please leave your bags at the front" stores work?

2/01/2017 03:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/01/2017 08:23:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
nonymous said...
Rumor... I repeat in full this is only a rumor and to be taken as such... one large class of 138 sgts getting made. List is coming out this week, class to start feb 6th. An announcement for a new sgts test to be given in august is the word. Sounds insane I know but when it was explained to me it seemed a little more legit. The test is going to be modeled after New York where the test taker will know what they got almost instantly upon finishing the test. They will make the list and start a class before the year is up. It's also possible that this same thing they said will happen with a Lts test with a similar timeline. By the way, didn't the sup and others just go out to New York recently??? No cpd allegedly will be involved in developing the test. Sounds like a troll job I know but the person explained it too me much more in depth and it was convincing especially his sources. Truth? Maybe. If the process is revamped and streamlined it's an absolute possibility. Especially with the DOJ knocking the test process and the mayor wanting to be in compliance so quickly before election time.

2/01/2017 12:24:00 AM

A class size of 138 new sgts will overwhelm the academy. There is only one room that they can use. The room has a normal capacity of 120. With a very large class, new sgts will sit on a chair with no table for 8 hrs a day in a very crowded room. A terrible situation for any effective training. 35th street signed a lease for a off site campus but nothing has happened. Parking will be brutal. So much for improving the quality of training.

2/01/2017 08:33:00 AM

There was talk of having this class on afternoons to avoid this problem.

2/01/2017 03:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgts training to be third watch

No new test in August. Get serious. This city couldn't organize anything that fast. Rumor, just rumor, I repeat rumor is new tests all around in 2018. I have a hard time digesting that one. I'd say 2019-2020. Maybe tests more often from that point on

2/01/2017 03:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think they'll announce a new test by August to be given in 2018. Not have a new test in August.

2/01/2017 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I studied my fucking ass off. I paid for study groups. I missed family outings. If they scrap the list after only making about 250 off I will be leaving this department. If anyone cheated they've already been promoted. Why hurt the people who would be making it legitimately? Also, the city didnt develop the test, they paid IO solutions a ton of money to develop a fair test. Why fuck with the hard working coppers who busted their ass??? This will officially kill the last bit of moral left.

2/01/2017 03:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you pick up a prescription, you won’t have to pay for those bags.

While that is a BFD like 11:22am pointed is still an exemption.

But yeah....fucking Crook County and ShityHall.

2/01/2017 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll also bet that cpd will get at least one more large class of Sgts off this current list. Hell, they won't even have hit the 300 mark off the list if they scrap it.


The last list went to just short of 400 and the one before that to 367. My brother did very well on a det's test in the early 90's that he got passed up on for race norming and then they took the whole thing down after one class. The logic they use is not the logic you use. No one with less than 5 years took the last test. There might be some heavy hitters without a service bar. Fire up the subject matter expert study groups!

2/01/2017 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hery ssc I live at harlem /63rd anytime I go shopping I go to the new marianos in Westmont omn 63rd street I get all the pop and plastic bags I want n plus gas was 2.11 last week

2/01/2017 04:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$10 tax on every lie a Chicago politician and $20 for any other politician that lies to Chicago residents and Chicago will be in the black by the end of 2017

2/01/2017 04:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Let's see here. They get free food, free housing, free education, free internet, free cell phones, free cable, free schooling. No wonder why they don't want to get a job. Gotta love the democrats.

2/01/2017 04:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty soon they will put on the cat food we are forced to eat after paying all the current taxes.

2/01/2017 04:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course not let the lazy keep getting more free stuff!!!!

2/01/2017 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About time to Pickett city hall. Rahmie took away my hospitalization now taxing everything. Can we impeach the asshole?

2/01/2017 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Is anyone exempt?: Yes. The tax doesn’t apply to bags use to carry items bought with federal food stamp benefits."

Same thing with the "sugary drink" (which oddly, also applies to non-sugared pop) tax.

Either the SNAP beneficiaries are much better at making healthy choices, or the city/county doesn't care whether those people live or die.

Kind of a Machiavellian way of shrinking the rolls of people receiving SNAP.


2/01/2017 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not tax the protesters? Many of the protesters are paid.

2/01/2017 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Black plastic bags, the ghetto tumbleweed, will still keep floating around the ghetto.

2/01/2017 02:05:00 AM

Blowing down the street on a summer breeze...

A rat scampers...

Shots heard in the distance followed
by sirens wailing in response.

Drunken laughter.
A breaking bottle.
Drunken crying.

A dog sniffs curiously at a clump of weeds
in the vacant lot then squats and shits in same.

Dude quick-stepping away from somethin'
he just did, only to step dead in it...

More ghetto tumbleweeds blow by.

The working man takes it all in
and realizes he's the sucker.

Throughout human history,
heads have been taken for
similar realizations.

2/01/2017 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such a bag ban will only work if done on a national level. Doing it locally only drives people out of the city to shop. As already mentioned, wait until the pop tax goes into effect. People talk the environmental talk, but shop to save money. Sales in the county will suffer. I feel sorry for the working stiffs who can't make the trip outside the city/county.

2/01/2017 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DOn't worry all you scholars who think you will not pay the bag tax.

Check your families cellphone bill out... RAHM is getting you coming and going then you can ask your mom and dad how much they pay in property tax in that cute house you line in the basement in.

that 911 taxs is a trip ever wonder what that goes too?

Illinois has one of the highest cell phone taxes in the country, according to a new report from the Tax Foundation. Americans pay an average of 17.05 percent in combined federal, state and local tax and fees on wireless service

2/01/2017 05:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*raises pinky to corner of mouth*

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your attention. The time has come to implement the first phase of my diabolical master plan to achieve world domination. Since the city is making it so costly to conduct business legally, may I offer an alternative?

These bags cost 3.7 cents apiece, so I figure I can sell them at 5 cents a pop and clear just over a 1/3 markup.

The shipping address is a safe house in Indiana. I'll cross into Illinois via I-70, with a black Trans-Am running as my blocker.
Then, at a warehouse in Darien, the shipment will be split among three dozen F-250s with Texas plates (craftily disguised as ComCast contractors) before coming into the city from I-55 and 83. (Due to OpSec concerns, I can't mention the color of the trucks.)

Not only will this make me fabulously rich and powerful, but I figure I could score with the redheaded Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader of my choice AND be able to self-fund a campaign for Mayor - those are MY Chicago values.

2/01/2017 06:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found out about the exemption from here. Last month I was really mad at crook county government and decided to yell at them about this stupid bag tax. Other than the lack of exemption for food stamp recipients I couldn't think of a good complaint about it. They added the exemption in the last three weeks after I complained a lot. I really wanted a noncorrupt government but apparently that's harder to get.

2/01/2017 06:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do all of my shopping and dining in the burbs. Screw chicago and its high prices, high fees and high taxes.

2/01/2017 07:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just don't tax dog food. My wife and I love Kibbles for Sunday dinner.

2/01/2017 07:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bring my own bags when shopping in chicago which is very rare. Fuck you Rahm.

2/01/2017 07:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see false bottom shopping bags for shoplifing in 2 months

2/01/2017 07:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My planned grocery trip for today will now be to Mariano's, just outside the city. Ten minutes of drive time and a world of difference in service and savings.

2/01/2017 10:54:00 AM

Mariano's built a store in "Bronzeville." They went out of their way to hire non-White architects and tradespeople. That sounds like discrimination to me. I don't shop Mariano's.

2/01/2017 07:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just bring luggage to the store and let them fill it up. Maybey steamer trunks for big families? But thank God the welfare rats are excluded from paying. For them, like is still free. (As long as they vote democrat)

2/01/2017 07:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Rumor... I repeat in full this is only a rumor and to be taken as such... one large class of 138 sgts getting made. List is coming out this week, class to start feb 6th. An announcement for a new sgts test to be given in august is the word. Sounds insane...If the process is revamped and streamlined it's an absolute possibility. Especially with the DOJ knocking the test process and the mayor wanting to be in compliance so quickly before election time.
2/01/2017 12:24:00 AM
The rumor of a new class of Sgts has been around a little bit now.
130 -138 - 140 whatever.
As for a new test in August = that's too soon for a test to be put together especially if no one for the cpd will be developing this exam.
How will those that know nothing of our department directives and state/city laws develop an exam?
The feds have said all along that there aren't enough front line supervisors.
I'll bet that yes they are developing and exam but that exam won't be ready for at least a year or more. Someone from the city has to have some input regarding what we do here.
I'll also bet that cpd will get at least one more large class of Sgts off this current list. Hell, they won't even have hit the 300 mark off the list if they scrap it.
• both good points - but remember it's RAHM's prerogative when a test or promotion gets announced, not DOJ & not FOP.
And if the Sgt List is scrapped after the next batch this week, it's all because of the biased former DOJ and RAHM feel there is a disparity in eligible candidates remaining. It wouldn't be the first time a List was dumped early. Transparency is a joke, FOP or the City won't disclose who is or remains on the List. You are only entitled to your rank score. Why is that? I'm not counting on the current Sgt List to survive beyond next month. There was probably another exam already prepared to maintain Rahms diversity requirement.

2/01/2017 07:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an indentured servant living on the far NW side, with 3 growing teenagers, we spend a ton on life's necessities.
Groceries--Park Ridge, Norridge, Niles even Elmwood Park
Clothing--Rosemont, Aurora, Kenosha
Alcohol/Tobacco/Firearms--Dupage Co is only on the other side of Ohare, or a quick drive to either state line, just buy in bulk
Night out--Burbs have just as fine entertainment options with better parking and clientele
I can honestly say in all the tens of thousands of consumer dollars we spend each year living our lives, less than a 100 is spent within city limits, and will be even less with the bag and drink tax that some folks and people are exempt from.
Since we have no voice in our municipal government, vote with your wallet. Spend the extra minutes traveling elsewhere to live your life. Power is what they want, but your $$ is what they need, dont give them one more damn dime!

2/01/2017 07:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Lou said...

I wonder if the tax applies to body bags too???

Just wondering

2/01/2017 08:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this tax apply to "bag" men?? Rahm should tread carefully.

2/01/2017 08:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forensic audit by the Feds is necessary in Chicago
Water Bills doubled , highest real estate increase , high taxes on cable tv , internet , gas , electric bills
New charges for garbage collection , more high rise buildings in the downtown , south loop
Where is the money going ?

2/01/2017 08:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Rahm served dinner to illegals, IN his home without notifying ICE? That's a violation of immigration law....he should be arrested for conspiracy.

Rahm also bought coffee for the protestors at O'Hare on Sunday. Not the coppers freezing their asses off for babysitting these whiners. Before anyone starts with the "poor O'Hare guys" stuff, there were tact and SAT teams from north side districts/area.

2/01/2017 08:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get around 6-10 bags each trip from the grocery store...I know that it is at most $1.70.

Ummm....they're 7 cents each. 6-10 bags at $.07/ea is $.42-.70 total.

2/01/2017 08:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They went up to 416 on the last test

2/01/2017 09:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the folks who discard the bags onto the public way with no regard for the enviroment don't have to pay the tax. Another great move by the imbicle on the fifth floor.

2/01/2017 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tax the shooters family's The Body Bag Tax. $75.000 per black bag.

2/01/2017 09:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They can't scrap the current srgt list. Per the contract it has to be up at least 5 years so calm down. Besides the next test will be graded 100% on your meritorious qualities

2/01/2017 09:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I studied my fucking ass off. I paid for study groups. I missed family outings. If they scrap the list after only making about 250 off I will be leaving this department. If anyone cheated they've already been promoted. Why hurt the people who would be making it legitimately? Also, the city didnt develop the test, they paid IO solutions a ton of money to develop a fair test. Why fuck with the hard working coppers who busted their ass??? This will officially kill the last bit of moral left.


yawwwwnnnn. Ok, go ahead and leave. Its the same thing every other copper says every day. Stop. You already know that you are gonna be pissed off and then you will do what every other moron on this job does which is study for the test. Then you will get your results and weather you get number 1 or 1000 you will still find something to complain about. If you get promoted right away you will complain. Some how you will find something to whine about and you can all wow us with your threats of leaving this department. Listen kiddo, if you want to leave you dont need to make it public. We dont care. the city doesnt care and the department doesnt care if you leave. You are nobody. You are another employee and nothing special. Welcome to the chicago police department kid, if your feelings are hurt then go work a 9-5 job downtown in a cube sharpening pencils and sitting in rush hour traffic to and from work while some 23 year old boss tells you that youre doing it all wrong when hes 20 years younger than you. Yep slick, youll show all of us. Enjoy the rat race. Trust me, you have no idea how good you really, really have it on this job still. Forget the cameras and political BS. You can take a car out, do your jobs, write some paper, help out a few coppers on jobs here and there, take a good lunch and drive around all day. maybe you get activity, maybe you dont either way who cares. Its all the same paycheck. Dont give any of us the poor me with missing your kids events. 90 percent of this department is married with kids, guess what we are adults and we manage to take care of our personal business. Stop being so entitled. You sound like a whiny millennial.

2/01/2017 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I purchased a roll of 100 doggy poop bags. Was charged an extra $7.00 tax. WTF !
2/01/2017 01:09:00 PM

Sure you were.

2/01/2017 09:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I re-use those bags as garbage bags. Now I have to buy whale-chokers instead of getting them for free. Are you happy now, tree-huggers?

2/01/2017 11:39:00 AM

Ding Ding Ding!!! Winner...Me Too!!

2/01/2017 10:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Forensic audit by the Feds is necessary in Chicago
Water Bills doubled , highest real estate increase , high taxes on cable tv , internet , gas , electric bills
New charges for garbage collection , more high rise buildings in the downtown , south loop
Where is the money going ?

2/01/2017 08:31:00 PM

A lot of it is going to pay my pension. Thanks!

2/01/2017 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything your teachers told you about climate change is a lie.

2/01/2017 10:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

About time to Pickett city hall. Rahmie took away my hospitalization now taxing everything. Can we impeach the asshole?

2/01/2017 05:18:00 PM

Pickett the cowboy?
Pickett the Civil War general?
Pickett the singer?

A "Pickett" won't work against Rahm.

Being mercilessly wall-fucked
for the rest of his life
by a newly revamped USDOJ
is something altogether different.

Rahm needs to pay for the way he plays.

2/01/2017 10:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard that (overwhelmingly apparent)issue with integrity of recently given promotional tests may lead to new tests being given, only one more class from the last test.

vendor that won contract for 2017 CPD entry test (about $400,000) previously was given an emergency contract back in 2006 for CFD entry test.

Emergency contracts (contract not put out to bid) are awarded/given out when the vendor can be shown to be reliable and cost efficient and time constraints require contract to go out quickly (not put out for bid). Vendor may be given emergency contract for SGT test to be administered late fall 2017.

Rumor is Vendor is putting test together, meeting with HR to schedule meetings. Have to go thru process of interviewing representative supervisors for job skill requirements, questionaires, etc.

2/01/2017 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Wow! Let's see here. They get free food, free housing, free education, free internet, free cell phones, free cable, free schooling. No wonder why they don't want to get a job. Gotta love the democrats."

Who's they? We've been so subsidizing phone service in rural overwhelming white areas since the early 70s?
No one is getting free cable that's a lie. Free education and free schooling? Care to clarify yourself?
You should get a refund from who ever you paid for your education because you are as ignorant as the day is long.

2/02/2017 02:07:00 AM  
Anonymous BIG Spender said...

Stupid tax.

Glad I live in a different county. Going to Chicago is like going to a Third World.

Might as well charge a Cover Charge for anyone coming into the city. Why not bring back Pay Toilets at the Airports and Train Stations?

2/02/2017 02:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Rahm served dinner to illegals, IN his home without notifying ICE? That's a violation of immigration law....he should be arrested for conspiracy.

Rahm also bought coffee for the protestors at O'Hare on Sunday. Not the coppers freezing their asses off for babysitting these whiners. Before anyone starts with the "poor O'Hare guys" stuff, there were tact and SAT teams from north side districts/area.

2/01/2017 08:41:00 PM
How can his valets even look at him? It's all about the money the commander and sergeants pay for all but bet they get sick to their stomach dealing with him. What part of violating federal laws does rahm not comprehend?

2/02/2017 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They can't scrap the current srgt list. Per the contract it has to be up at least 5 years so calm down. Besides the next test will be graded 100% on your meritorious qualities

2/01/2017 09:25:00 PM

There is nothing in any contract about a longevity of a list, the only thing in the contract is the city furnishing the FOP with a rank order list. There is no reason to scrap the current sgt list. They are going to run through it much quicker than the last one, but they are not scrapping it.

2/02/2017 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
nonymous said...
Rumor... I repeat in full this is only a rumor and to be taken as such... one large class of 138 sgts getting made. List is coming out this week, class to start feb 6th. An announcement for a new sgts test to be given in august is the word. Sounds insane I know but when it was explained to me it seemed a little more legit. The test is going to be modeled after New York where the test taker will know what they got almost instantly upon finishing the test. They will make the list and start a class before the year is up. It's also possible that this same thing they said will happen with a Lts test with a similar timeline. By the way, didn't the sup and others just go out to New York recently??? No cpd allegedly will be involved in developing the test. Sounds like a troll job I know but the person explained it too me much more in depth and it was convincing especially his sources. Truth? Maybe. If the process is revamped and streamlined it's an absolute possibility. Especially with the DOJ knocking the test process and the mayor wanting to be in compliance so quickly before election time.

2/01/2017 12:24:00 AM

A class size of 138 new sgts will overwhelm the academy. There is only one room that they can use. The room has a normal capacity of 120. With a very large class, new sgts will sit on a chair with no table for 8 hrs a day in a very crowded room. A terrible situation for any effective training. 35th street signed a lease for a off site campus but nothing has happened. Parking will be brutal. So much for improving the quality of training.

2/01/2017 08:33:00 AM

There was talk of having this class on afternoons to avoid this problem.

2/01/2017 03:28:00 PM

That just shows you how clout rules. There is no reason they can't have recruits and in service running full time on two watches., but to appease Calloway's Chippendale squad!!!! The recruits are stupid and they have stupid people teaching them, they arrive to the district with a package of wet wipes in hand so you can wipe their ass for them. As long as the recruits are under the command of a stupid, tubby, stuttering queef they will reflect his image.

2/02/2017 08:28:00 AM  
Blogger John said...

Very similar to the new Commifornia law, except we pay $.10.

2/02/2017 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
They can't scrap the current srgt list. Per the contract it has to be up at least 5 years so calm down. Besides the next test will be graded 100% on your meritorious qualities

2/01/2017 09:25:00 PM


Special Snowflake, the only mention about exams in the contract has to do with D2-A positions, not Sergeant exams. There is nothing about a 5 year minimum for any list. You must be a Field Unit Rep or an FOP electee, but retarded--at any rate.

2/02/2017 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I get around 6-10 bags each trip from the grocery store...I know that it is at most $1.70.

Ummm....they're 7 cents each. 6-10 bags at $.07/ea is $.42-.70 total.
2/01/2017 08:44:00 PM

Sorry. But not if/she he gets more bags than usual. I've seen full cart shoppers go way over 24 bags. And its even easier when they double bag the glass items. It's an issue of paying for bags that once were provided free of charge here. Now the city is mandating how plastic bags are doled out. Soon they will tell us what kind of bags should be sold. Welcome to Chikago. Any Daley relatives in the bag business?

2/02/2017 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
They can't scrap the current srgt list. Per the contract it has to be up at least 5 years so calm down. Besides the next test will be graded 100% on your meritorious qualities
Where exactly in the contract does it say this?

2/02/2017 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't these idiots realize taxation changes behavior? Obviously not. That is why projected revenue for any tax always is less than the actual collected. People change their habits. The city is circling the drain. Get out as soon as humanly possible.

2/02/2017 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Politicians will bag the profits and line their pockets.

2/02/2017 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/1 @ 12:28 - Unfortunately, you bring up a valid point. Many see food stamp recipients as do nothing ghetto dwellers. On a national level,
most recipients are white and many are employed at low paying jobs or are the family of military personnel. We shouldn't view the world through our "Chicago jaundiced" eyes since our situation IS effected by low life slime such as Prickwrinkle. And thanks to Rahm, some retirees will be applying for food stamps after paying the new insurance rates while Rahm caters to his "voters."

2/02/2017 03:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't these idiots know that city grocers will suffer. Come the soda tax, the city and county will suffer. I don't mind traveling a few times a month to buy my groceries and gasoline elsewhere. Usually a cleaner atmosphere, too. Worth it.

2/02/2017 04:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said:

Might as well charge a Cover Charge for anyone coming into the city. Why not bring back Pay Toilets at the Airports and Train Stations?

2/02/2017 02:28:00 AM

Shhhhh . . .

Saurahm and his Blingwraiths (or their minions) are watching the blog. Don't give them any ideas.

2/02/2017 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago / Cook County has the highest cell phone taxes and highest cable TV taxes in the country. This place sucks!

2/02/2017 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if Rahmacrats really wanted to save Gaia, our beautiful Mother Earth, they'd collect $7 instead of 7c tax per bag. 7c shows they aren't serious about saving our endangered planet

2/02/2017 06:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
They can't scrap the current srgt list. Per the contract it has to be up at least 5 years so calm down. Besides the next test will be graded 100% on your meritorious qualities


really??? Please post the section that this is in the contract. I know you cant, because I happen to know its not in the contract, never has been and never will be.

2/02/2017 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Might as well charge a Cover Charge for anyone coming into the city. Why not bring back Pay Toilets at the Airports and Train Stations?

2/02/2017 02:28:00 AM


Dude, you're giving them ideas. Please stop.

2/02/2017 06:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's they? We've been so subsidizing phone service in rural overwhelming white areas since the early 70s?
No one is getting free cable that's a lie. Free education and free schooling? Care to clarify yourself?
You should get a refund from who ever you paid for your education because you are as ignorant as the day is long.

2/02/2017 02:07:00 AM

OK, I am not the original poster, but, how about this:

"In March, the FCC voted to expand its Lifeline program and add a $9.25 subsidy that could go toward broadband internet for low-income households"

Probably not free cable, but when your food (including the bags and soft drink tax) are paid for by ME and your housing is paid for by Sect 8(ME), and your kids go to public school and get at least a 'free' lunch provided by (ME).

And I have to pay $44/mo. for my 'cheap' internet service you can get for $5, subsidized by ME. 9.25/month subsidy on LIFELINE. that's $111/yr. Care to explain how broadband internet access is LIFELINE???? Paying for whitey's phone in the middle of nowhere - that's Lifeline.

Anything wrong with the library's free WiFi for those that can't afford it???

I think that sums up the 'they' the OP is talking about.

2/02/2017 07:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the folks who discard the bags onto the public way with no regard for the enviroment don't have to pay the tax. Another great move by the imbicle on the fifth floor.

2/01/2017 09:16:00 PM

We should start having fun and writing 10-8-480 Casting refuse and liquids. If they don't have to pay the bag tax, perhaps they can pay a $150 fine.....

2/02/2017 08:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't believe it. How does this have anything to do with recycling when you have to pay for a paper bag????

2/03/2017 04:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
And the folks who discard the bags onto the public way with no regard for the enviroment don't have to pay the tax. Another great move by the imbicle on the fifth floor.

2/01/2017 09:16:00 PM

We should start having fun and writing 10-8-480 Casting refuse and liquids. If they don't have to pay the bag tax, perhaps they can pay a $150 fine.....

2/02/2017 08:00:00 PM

Isn't that the one we are supposed to use for crap like Dibs?

2/04/2017 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All this means is that I'll be shopping in Niles, Harwood Heights and Norridge from now on. Screw Rahm. I'll be stocking up on pop when I'm out in DuPage country too later this summer. Not giving these vultures any more of my tax dollars.

2/04/2017 01:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure all the corner stores in the shit areas in this city will uphold this. I am sure all the fine citizens of Englewood and the West Side will gladly turn over their hard earned dollar for a bag. Good citizens who don't live like animals will foot the bill for sure. Total bullshit. This is nothing more but a slap in the face to everyone who lives in this city. I have been shopping out of the city for years. Not because of a bag charge,because of my location and the fact that I have better stores near me. I just added one more reason to leave Chicago......

2/04/2017 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crooks lining their pockets
Why can pop,candy ,junk food be purchased with a link card

2/04/2017 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boycott sanctuary cities. Don't spend your monry here.

2/04/2017 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Resist treasonous politicians. Rahm takes your tax money creates a fund to defend illegals in this city. Durbin defends illegals too. Next time their is a war , tell the politicians to send the illegals to fight , keep your sons/daughters at home cause after all politicians don't care about americans right here at home, they want to represent noncitizens. Remember this at election time. Democrats ain't getting the message yet.

2/04/2017 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Niles, park ridge, morton grove, harwood hgts., norridge stores will be lousy with city workers now! Fuck You Rahm and all your 50 Alderthieves.

2/04/2017 02:00:00 PM  
Blogger Concerned Citizen said...

It is completely nuts that the leeches on food stamps are not subject to this tax! 1/6 of the people in Cook County are on food stamps and they are a big part of the reason why the County runs deficits year after year. Something really needs to be done to reduce food stamp expenditures

2/08/2017 10:41:00 AM  

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