Monday, January 30, 2017

Retiree Health Care

We got this in an e-mail. Apologies for the length, but it applies to a lot of our readers:
  • Hello SCC

    I took the 55 and out. I originally was set to go 01 Jan 17 and can prove same. Last day would of been 31 Dec 2016

    So in September 2015 I called Greg Bella regarding new info I heard. Retire on or before 31 Dec 2016 and you will not be put into the new 2 Tier Insurance System taking effect 01 Jan 2017.

    So thats what I did, I took cell phone pics of all my screen at work on the city computer when filling out retirement papers.

    So now I learn that we were all put into a 2 tier insurance system. I call benefits and they confirm it. I call Greg Bella who stated this was the first he heard about it. I then explained to Greg our September 2015 conversation. Greg was quiet. I said to Greg I can prove that we were told of this. Then Greg said well come in and we will talk. I declined.

    I call the pension board and Carol states that I was in deed supposed to be in the same insurance plan that I retired with.

    So now I am asking around on the blog, facebook word of mouth.... I have 10 people who contacted me and all said the same thing... " I retired because I was told I would stay in the same insurance plan. Many are fighting Cancer, still in treatment... many have pain management issues. All say the same. I can't see the same doctor anymore. One went on to say, If I get sick and call an ambulance I cannot go to Christ hospital. Its only 2 minutes away. The new 2 Tier plan will pay only at I believe 60% vs the 90% coverage we used to have.

    Now had I known I wasnt staying in the same insurance plan, I would of stayed until 01 Jan 2017 and got my vaca, bf & p days plus another 2% on my pension.

    Is this post worthy. I am trying to get other officers to contact me to put together an "unfair labor practice complaint....

    We sure could use the blogs help. Please feel free to post my name and cell... Greg Giuliani 773 750 6646
 It certainly looks like the City pulled a fast one, thereby screwing retirees. If you're one of them, give Greg a call.



Anonymous . said...

Fucking bastards

1/30/2017 12:11:00 AM  
Blogger The Insane Fish said...

Did you read Rahm's email that was FOIA'd? The little ahole laughs about violating the state constitution.

The next court date for the retiree health care is in about four weeks. Hopefully the Justices of the Illinois State Supreme Court read Rahm's emails.

1/30/2017 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You young guys need to observe how this city treats you after you can give no more .

1/30/2017 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regardless of your status, vote Bella out. He's a complete __________. Oh, wait, no name calling, right Greg?!!

1/30/2017 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

1/30/2017 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something is amiss.

You would have received a 2% pension bump if you retired on 01 January 2017, rather than 31 December 2016?

Not possible for a sworn member, for more than one reason.

1/30/2017 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a class action suit, since the FOP from Greg's OP doesn't seem to be actively pursuing the issue. IMHO, whoever falls into this category needs to get a lawyer ASAP.

One question I have is why Greg did not go down to the Hall and talk to Greg Bella and possibly others? "Then Greg said well come in and we will talk. I declined." Possibly the union didn't know that the City reneged on the promise. At least going down to the Hall would have cleared that up. However, the fact that the Pension Board knew Greg should not be in the Tier 2 Plan should have been the key to this problem.

Did Greg call the Union back and inform same of the conversation with Carol?

The next question I have is what was Carol's further comments, other than that Greg shouldn't be in Tier 2 Plan, on what can be done to correct the problem? Possibly the Pension Board doesn't know how to correct it and/or the fix has to come from City Hall.

The City is again attempting to get out from paying what it previously promised.

1/30/2017 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two minutes from Christ???.. Guess where you are going in an emergency ...Christ or Little Company
Deep down.. little Rahmacide blames CPD for blowing his chance at President run in 2020 ,2024, so expect more of Ramhbo sticking it to CPD rank

1/30/2017 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the new Trumpcare will help in some way. I really don't know how that works but he said the "existing condition" part of Obamacare would be retained. It seems like no matter what plan you have, the health insurance and health care providers are putting it to everybody.

1/30/2017 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Dean Angelo crew fucked us all on that BS contract! So what did we get for a measly 10% over 5 years??? We got nothing! But lost a lot. Our Pediatrician, OBGY, Primary Dr and our hospital are all tier 2 now. Lutheran General children's and Northwestern children's are also tier 2. What joke! Make sure we vote them out.

1/30/2017 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have learned over the years that Greg Bella will say things that aren't always true. It seems that active and the retirees got screwed on this last contract. I remember an officer at a general meeting asking about the two tier system close to when we were voting on the contract. Dean said that we had two years to get rid of it. Now it looks like we are stuck with it. This will hurt a lot of officers active and retired that have health issues. Pretty sad if its true!!

1/30/2017 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet he voted for that raise tho, didn't he? 2/1 voted for the money. And reduced our benefits. Thanks.

1/30/2017 01:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is no "fast one." There is nothing that can be done for what's left of our benefits. Our wonderful union agreed to this two tier system for part of what already belonged to us... retro. There is a lot of misinformation out there. Think about it like this... you call the union that took over the last one and they are learning on the job... It's kinda like if I left patrol today and was a Rep answering your calls tomorrow. I would learn as I go... If you do not see it in writing don't believe it. Now the benefits my predecessors fought so hard for... were given away by our in bed with the city union.... Just like that. Little jo jo can go to any hospital on taxpayers back but I have to go to a horrendous facility just so it can be covered. So just because they "promised you" your benefits would not change... they lied. All the union does is lie. They are part of the machine. So I am sorry to say it brother but there is nothing you can do now. Delano is schmoozing w Rahmbellina and our members are uninvolved. We criticize crook county voters for how they vote or lack of voting in general... but look at the idiots we vote for. What you are thinking of doing now, you should have done when the "union" passed around that Scott tissue they called a contract. So what can we do at this point? Hope the membership grows a pair and decertified these clowns. For now? Try to stay healthy--if you can.

1/30/2017 01:53:00 AM  
Blogger Leonard Hamilton said...

Wow, and just to save a few nickels. Several pork projects could have been eliminated. This is some real bullshit, designed again to put one against the other.

1/30/2017 01:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Retiree Suzanne Przybylski said...

I'm so glad I talked to you. The city try's to stick it to retirees ever chance they get. And really Fop knew nothing about it. Bullshit. All I can say is I hope we can stick it back in their ass. I have gone to the same doctor for over 14 yrs and I credit him with being a 14 yr cancer survivor. I would like to stay that way.

1/30/2017 02:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a perfect example that I tell young Police applicants to NOT wotk for Chicago Police!

This city WILL screw you out of your earned benefits!

To HELL with Chicago!

Chicago would take care of illegals better than their own citizen employees!

1/30/2017 02:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Tier 1 and 2 stuff affect the HMO and PPO or just PPO?

1/30/2017 02:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm loves screwing retirees. It's something he enjoys, and brags about. See his emails that were finally made public.

1/30/2017 03:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our healthcare benefits better be addressed with this Union. It better be fixed by the current administration or the incumbents. What are you guys in office going to do about it now? What are you guys running and looking for votes gonna do about this? It's not only affecting the retirees but active members as well. We pay more for out of pocket, scripts, placed into tiers, losing our doctors and choice of healthcare. People voting on stupid contracts without reading or knowing what's in it all to get a retro check. The union should've never agreed to this and/or battled hard against it at all costs. You never ever diminish benefits. Wtf.

1/30/2017 03:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And THAT is why I stayed. I need my health care to stay the same. Can't afford to retire for the healthcare alone. To retire means a early coffin. Staying gives me a few extra years God willing.

1/30/2017 04:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You young guys need to observe how this city treats you after you can give no more .

1/30/2017 12:19:00 AM

They're too busy getting movers, parkers, and CB #'s so they can work VRI on their days off. They're also too busy calling all the old guys lazy and dog asses to have time to observe anything.

1/30/2017 04:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You young guys need to observe how this city treats you after you can give no more .

1/30/2017 12:19:00 AM

Hell, it treats you like shit the day you start the academy and every day after for 30 years unless you're one of the clouted. It then continues to treat you like shit after you retire. They violate your contractual rights every chance they get and then when you retire you get to spend your final years continuing to fight with these assholes as they continue to violate your contractual rights every chance they get. I can't yell at my kids enough to stay FAR FAR away from this job!

1/30/2017 05:02:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Rahm is an evil man.

1/30/2017 06:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The insurance for active members stinks now too...not just for retirees. A $30 co-pay for just about everything???We lost huge with last contract and as usual have nobody to blame but ourselves.

1/30/2017 06:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm takes great pride in screwing over retirees.
Yet he'll bend over backwards to protect the illegals.
Completely ass backwards and it speaks to what an evil asshole Rahm is.

1/30/2017 06:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
And THAT is why I stayed. I need my health care to stay the same. Can't afford to retire for the healthcare alone. To retire means a early coffin. Staying gives me a few extra years God willing.

1/30/2017 04:17:00 AM

I think you're misguided.
Staying under these current, and worsening, conditions will have a detrimental effect on your health.

1/30/2017 06:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Any retiree have more taken out of their pension check for insurance than what was supposed to taken out? According to the statement just received from the pension board, they took out several hundred more dollars than was supposed to be taken out.
This was for a BCBS policy.

Just wondering what is going on.

1/30/2017 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have to start storming the "Bastille" Start a social media thing and have the retirees block streets in downtown. We need national attention on how the city treats its retired police and firefighters. And the weasel police brass say nothing because they will retire on their $9000 a month pensions. 😡

1/30/2017 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those that retired with the old health benefits you need to retain an attorney and sue, your pension benefits have been DIMINISHED AND/OR IMPAIRED.......

1/30/2017 06:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From what I understand, Greg Bella is a decent guy. But for Greg and other members of FOP to mess this up, it's time for Greg to go. This isn't just a little hiccup, this is huge!

1/30/2017 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of getting screwed: Anybody actually look at the CR Matrix? These people lost their minds. Hope the FOP doesn't loose anything on discipline. POs will be taking weeks for minor things.

1/30/2017 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's what your current fop president is good for. Selling out the membership

1/30/2017 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you guys look into the labor relations act section 301a, the union can also be sued along with the employer if the union didn't live up to the CBA either. Make sure you guys look into that also.

1/30/2017 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love for some reporter to do piece comparing medicaid to city insurance so they can see how much we are screwed.

1/30/2017 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry that you guys have to go through this. I personally would never rely on a pension thats promised to me 20 year down the road. THATS FOOL''S GOLD.

1/30/2017 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Dean Angelo crew fucked us all on that BS contract! So what did we get for a measly 10% over 5 years??? We got nothing! But lost a lot. Our Pediatrician, OBGY, Primary Dr and our hospital are all tier 2 now. Lutheran General children's and Northwestern children's are also tier 2. What joke! Make sure we vote them out.

1/30/2017 01:09:00 AM
Thank all the young stupid bastards that wanted retro that we would have got regardless! ASSHOLES

1/30/2017 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From what I read on the City Benefits Bullitin this should be no surprise. You have the same benefits as us active members. You can continue to go to Christ and Northwestern but have coinsurance of 25%. Your deductible goes from $300 to $350. The most important part of that plan is out of pocket limit. Under tier 1 it is $1000 and under tier 2 is $1500 annual. Once you hit that level it should be 100% coverage. Not bad for Free Insurance at the age of 55. The most you will pay is $1500 using your Dr that are in the bcbs large PPO network. If your dr told you that he/she either is not in the large bcbs network or dropped out. What you Dr should be telling you is you have better insurance than 99% of everyone else that walks in the door. $1500 a year is what it could cost you. Now take 2% of your annuity and see which cost more over 10 years.

1/30/2017 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

am a widower and left in 01 and dropped my ins plan totally and went to the VA with total care,meds,surgery. visits and pesonal dpctpr ,never regretted it,and always a big""thank you for your service"".knew i had a great plan when tested and given FREE two hearing 6.000 DOLLAR HEARING AIDS,check vets to see if your elgible for this service.old Seabee and 022 dist,retiree,.

1/30/2017 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the new Trumpcare will help in some way. I really don't know how that works but he said the "existing condition" part of Obamacare would be retained. It seems like no matter what plan you have, the health insurance and health care providers are putting it to everybody.

1/30/2017 12:59:00 AM

Keep dreaming. Work until death, unless you're a gold braid.

1/30/2017 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spent years and years listening to how people were going to spend their "RETRO" checks. RETRO this and RETRO that

1/30/2017 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I try to stay abreast of union and retirement issues. This is the first that I am hearing of two tiers of healthcare. Can someone take the time to explain the differences please? I won't be able to go until late 2018 so it seems that I am stuck. Is there any pending action to prevent implementation of 2 tiers? Thanks

1/30/2017 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What? The city and Fop lied 😂😂😂😂

1/30/2017 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
This is a perfect example that I tell young Police applicants to NOT wotk for Chicago Police!

This city WILL screw you out of your earned benefits!

To HELL with Chicago!

Chicago would take care of illegals better than their own citizen employees!

1/30/2017 02:33:00 AM
That is true look here rahm wants residents to host illegal invaders with dinners possibly more, gee rahm are they coming to your home? You going to show them how you can lie using the dress in the basement reason? Who's paying for your pandering taxpayers?

1/30/2017 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wait until they cancel all insurance, even the 55 and out. But they can't it is in the contract. So what, they will do it and let it play out in court for years.

1/30/2017 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well we got screwed by city again

And our union is not returning any calls

1/30/2017 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greg Guliani is a liar, I have not talked to him since 2010 at a 017 District roll call. I have told every cop who called about the retiree insurance that it was the same as the actives insurance at no monthly cost to you. It must be election time.

Greg Bella

1/30/2017 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Staying gives me a few extra years God willing. "

Or G+D not willing kill you tomorrow.

1/30/2017 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off feklas, the pension board is useless, they only takes out of your check the deduction costs that are given to them from a pre arranged cost sheet. I retired at 63 and had free insurance until 65, that is when I got shafted big time. I have a disabled son who is an adult but was on my plan and now on medicare. Instead of the city charging me for myself, my son both a medicare supplement along with my wife not yet medicare age the city charged me 1550.00 per month for a family plan. Now that Rahm threw us retirees out I have Aetna, which I hope will suffice. But each year at renewal time you need to be aware that your medical plan changes a bit. Mammograms are not covered, other visits etc. So Rahm is clearly an enemy and our unions clearly are afraid of him. Fuck your little pimp raises, fight for benefits and the need to keep them. Rahm is very good at taking away and then faces lawsuits.

1/30/2017 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The benefit is the same. The 3 tiers have been in the last few years.
Blue Choice PPO you choose where to go Tier one pays more. Tier 2 i.e. Advocate
pays less. Tier 3 is out of network. You are still in the active plan as if you were still working. Things change when you become medicare eligible.Your union liaison should be able to explain this to you.

1/30/2017 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The truth is the tier system went into effect January 1, 2017 for all active city employees. If you retire before June 1, 2017 you health insurance is free meaning at no monthly cost to the retiree. The new system that took effect means is you go to a tier 1 hospital the cost is 90% city 10% member until you reach the deductible if you go to tier 2 hospital the cost is 75% city 25% member until you reach the deductible. What that means to you is at tier 2 you reach the deductible faster. If you are hospitalized the bill will be greater than the deductible. I cant speak to Greg's opinion but no one can think that retiree healthcare free means you pay nothing towards a hospital bill.

Greg Bella

1/30/2017 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes all retirees were moved to lesser BCBS Blue Option policy.
You are retired you no longer have BCBS PPO insurance

1/30/2017 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Greg Giuliani said...

One question I have is why Greg did not go down to the Hall and talk to Greg Bella and possibly others? "Then Greg said well come in and we will talk. I declined." Possibly the union didn't know that the City reneged on the promise. At least going down to the Hall would have cleared that up. However, the fact that the Pension Board knew Greg should not be in the Tier 2 Plan should have been the key to this problem.

Answer: It's a matter of trust.

1/30/2017 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you stay you have the exact same insurance you would have if you retired with the 55 and out. This isn't that hard man.

1/30/2017 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Greg Giuliani said...

It's a simple solution. Put the year 2016 and back retiree's with respect to this contract into the insurance plan they retired with.

1/30/2017 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was told id keep my premium insurance by retit
ring with th 55 and out in 2014. now i find out i have a $10,000 deductible? my doc looked it up and thats what came up via bc/bs.

1/30/2017 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As of 01Jan17 whether Active Duty or Retired, if you were enrolled in the PPO plan it was changed automatically to the BlueChoice plan. It is still considered a PPO but it has 3 Tiers of coverage. Tier 1, Tier 2 and Out of Network. The HMO to my knowledge has not changed.

1/30/2017 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like our medical section. They treat you like a POS! Absolutely no parking @ 35th. Was told to park in a church lot several blocks away. Once inside the slaps on the face continue. Everything about this department is collapsing. For many years, I wore my uniform with pride. Now I can't wait until I peel it off at the end of my tour.

1/30/2017 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have absolute reason to be upset, however you still need to go to the fop and show them all of your records, that way hopefully they can get the ball rolling, good luck Greg.

1/30/2017 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it could be that Bella gave you the wrong information and the city never changed what they said they would do, It seems that you need to ask union and also do your own investigating to get the actual answers, sad but true

1/30/2017 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The PPO plan has hardly changed in over ten years. WE have never had co-pays. Never a second Tier, only the out of network tier. The way I read this the co-pays don't even count for our out of pockets or deductibles. The only change in ten years was that if your not admitted to the emergency room you pay $100. What happened in this last contract? How could the union be a sleep at the wheel?

1/30/2017 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
And THAT is why I stayed. I need my health care to stay the same. Can't afford to retire for the healthcare alone. To retire means a early coffin. Staying gives me a few extra years God willing.

Not sure this will work out like you planned. Staying doesn't always help. The additional stress can take years off your life. I'm 73 my fellow retirees that I hang with are 72 and 78, not to mention the two in their 80'a
As far as the healthcare to remain the same, that didn't happen. My son is on the job and his BC/BS PPO is a tiered plan and now has a copay for doctors visits. Not sure many po's are aware of this because it's early in the year and haven't had to deal with the insurance or have even been to the doctors to be aware of the changes
I hate to say it but what will probably happen is we both active and retired will reach our out of pocket expense real quick. Once that happens it won't matter As far as tier 1 hospitals, there is maybe one that I would consider going

1/30/2017 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone hearing Rahmacide screwing with CFD benefits?

1/30/2017 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me tell you all something. I brought this issue up at an FOP General Membership Meeting right after I got my open enrollment package. I asked Dean Angelo if this was accurate and if it was going to apply to officers who had already retired. Angelo said he didn't know what I was referring to, but that it wasnt agreed to. He requested that I send him the information.

I sent Angelo an email with the Blue Cross Members Handbook attached and highlighted the items about tiers and co-pays. He never responded.

Next meeting I ask again and he states that they apply to everyone active and retired without any further explanation.

So now, if anyone wants quality care, instead of paying $1000 for a $10,000 bill they will pay $2,500. That doesn't include any doctors co-pays which, by the way, don't even count towards your annual deductible.

I can't wait for these guys to negotiate our next contract. Bet Rahm can't wait either.

1/30/2017 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm retired on Medicare. Stayed away from the city and union sponsored 'Advantage Plans' as they diminish your Medicare coverage. I bought a Plan F supplemental coverage plan that can be purchased from any health insurance company as the government requires that insurance companies offer these plans. With a supplemental plan D drug coverage plan (separate) my insurance coverage costs about $160.00 Per month. (Medicare cost not included). The 2016 city plan that the city ended on 1Jan17 was costing me individually $270. Per month (Medicare cost no included). Don't get used to the city 'taking care' of you. You can do better on your own.

1/30/2017 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read your Chicago Benefits open enrollment plan for 2017 That was mailed to you in November read page 2 for changes to the previous PPO plan. It is now a tiered plan for draw and hospitalsphysician office visit copay, scans such as MRI will be paid at 100% if done at a free standing facility and a few other changes. This is for active po's

1/30/2017 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry that happened to you. Just as that ahole Rahman screwed us older retirees he screwed you guys too, I hope you prevail, but with that ahole your pissing in the wind.

1/30/2017 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I decided last year I would take a pay cut and go somewhere else. My health care is ten times better then what I had with CPD and I can live anywhere I want. If you can make a move do it. You won't regret leaving this garbage.

1/30/2017 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For retirees; because the city ended your health care coverage you can be classified as a 'special circumstance case' meaning that your open enrollment period does not end until 28 Fed 2017. When searching for insurance coverage you must tell this to whoever you are talking to. It is better to actually talk to someone rather than doing it On Line! A wait on hold is often involved so be patient!! Good Luck it will all work out.

1/30/2017 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

1/30/2017 12:25:00 AM

Exactly! But you will pay 25% or more to see him. Why are we paying such high premiums then if we're restricted? Thanks FOP! Hopefully the members vote you out. Also every time we get a raise our premiums go up too along with union dues. So the raise becomes nothing. Total BS! I'm sure FOP will drag their feet with the contract so they can dangle retro. Vote them out!

1/30/2017 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Greg Giuliani said...

For the retirees that retired under the present contract, and who were smart enought to immediately move from the state of Illinois, Check your local hospital where you now live.... I wonder if its even included in the tier insurance list of providers??

1/30/2017 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm retired. I selected the BCBS option for 2017. I recently received my health care card. It was from the old city program. I never received a new one. I call BC and they tell me I have two coverage plans current and call the benefit management office with the city to drop the city plan. I tell them they need to contact the city to fix the problems. New plan is cutting my pension more then $1000 a year. Thanks Rahm. The city that works.

1/30/2017 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Off topic: I saw radical lefty Congresswoman Jan Schakowsy and her convicted felon husband Bob Creamer at O'Hare airport today.....


Saw her ranting on the news last night, justifying the mob action at O'Hare while voicing her opinion to fight back against the President.
Her demeanor and insubordinate attitude fuel the fire of these protests. Durbin was also in this segment and the next to speak...with the same agenda.

Retired, 30+

1/30/2017 11:19:00 AM  
Blogger RICH said...

Rahm has been screwing the retirees I hope he gets screwed back. It does not seem to matter what they tell you at the retirement seminar it was like a bait and switch deal.

1/30/2017 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to give Dean and his crew credit for one thing. They are consistent. They fucked every member of the membership. New guys, working guys, and retired guys.

The new guys, who Dean condescendingly refers to as "the unborn", were excluded from receiving Duty Availability Pay for the first 42 months of their careers. They also are not eligible for Dental Insurance until after 12 months.

The working guys got stuck with the shit healthcare plan that Angelo and his negotiating team agreed to; a two-tiered hospital/doctor system where the better hospitals and doctors cost us more money plus they now have to pay copays for the first time ever that don't count towards meeting their deductibles. They now cant look forward to free healthcare at 55 years old. Their tuition reimbursement benefit has been limited and decreased.

The retirees got double fucked. They are the group that is most likely to use the healthcare system. They will now spend more money to enjoy their retirement because they are stuck with the same thing mentioned above. Any future retiree who cannot retire before July of this year will have to pay 2% of their pension annuity for their retiree healthcare.

I'm wondering two things. How the hell did Angelo give all of this up? How did anyone vote in favor of this?

1/30/2017 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Greg Giuliani said...

FYI.... If you move from Illinois. Guess what You are only covered at 75%. Nice Job FOP Why did you tell me otherwise???

1/30/2017 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Greg Giuliani said...

SO... FOP and The Pension Board promised us all that the insurance would not change. Low and behold if you move out the of state of Il you only have coverage to 75% only if its a PPO facility. And if there is no PPO the coverage is even worse.

But Greg Bella and Maggie and the pension board all stated no no no ... retire in 2016 and you keep the same coverage that you had at the time of retirement.

And you guys didn't even buy me dinner let alone give me a reach around.

1/30/2017 11:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good thing you stayed on the job for health care. Maybe you should start reading the contract tier 2 isn't just for retirees dummy. That's the problem with most officers on this job they don't read or know anything about the contract when they make comments. It takes an average of 5 yrs to settle lawsuits with the city. Good luck especially considering this is part of the contract that was approved.

1/30/2017 11:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stupid policemen ,keep voting for these a-holes. Decertify the fop before its too late. Vote in a real union , not a fraternal organization.

1/30/2017 11:43:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You have to ask yourselves one simple question.

Do I really want these same guys negotiating my next contract?

And Rahm, that question is only rhetorical for you.
We know you'd love to see them at the negotiating table.

1/30/2017 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Greg Giuliani said...

Just remember.... The buck stops at Dean Angelo's desk. He ultimately is responsible and knew of this. What I can't understand is how can a group of people (FOP) Think that this crap coverage is OK. This is what they call fighting for our members? Telling us to retire to keep coverage they knew never would exist.

And then they offer the retirees supplemental Aetna insurance through the FOP to pacify the membership. The Aetna insurance is an inside thing that pays someone connected to FOP back very well.... Hmmmmmmmmmm?

1/30/2017 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at the FOP meeting when the contract was put out to the membership for a vote. I distinctly remember an officer going to the mike and asking specifically about the 2 tier healthcare. Dean gave a song and dance on the stage on how it "really wouldn't affect us" and how great the contract they negotiated is because "They saved the retro pay.". That retro pay along with all five years of the raises we got were just lost this year. All of it. If you are in the PPO plan you now pay a $20 co-pay for each visit if you are tier 1 or $25 if you are tier 2. It is $30 / $35 for specialist visit none of which go towards your deductible. If your doctors / hospital fall under tier 2 as opposed to tier 1 all of your care just went up by 15%. ER visits went up by $50 regardless of tier. And don't forget that in addition to these increases if your doctor or provider raised their rates in the new year you are eating that cost too.
Speaking of retro pay you need to understand exactly what happened in our last contract. This is very important if you want to understand how bad Dean and his crew screwed us. Shields screwed up. He didn't mail a letter to the City in time to negotiate our contract when it expired thus allowing the City the right to carry our previous contract one year longer. What that means is we would have had no raise from June of 2012 through June of 2013 at worst. If you look in the contract you will see that for an officer with 10 years that would be $130 per month difference. $130 per month or $65 per check.
That is what Dean, Casiano, McDonagh, Bella and Kilmer sold us.
Way to go guys.
I can't wait to get my ballot in February.....

1/30/2017 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never wait until the last minute to submitting on the last day before a Pay Cycle.
Seems plain and clear that Retire Date should have been Dec 30 and Effective Date should have been Dec 31 and not Jan1 ...which starts a new Pay Cycle.
"They said" hardly ever works out easily, but it has happened. I didn't get a Step Increase once, took Finance two pay periods to correct.

So, I wonder if your request got mixed into the wrong pile due to a Finance Div error or glitch in the computer program when the date was entered. It may be just Personnel that doesn't understand, you are Retired-Not Employeed on Jan 1.
Maybe it was Finance that entered late and the computer just defaulted to the next business day.

Retirement requests are/have exploded and they are real busy (ha-ha) down there with the many forms shuffled back and forth.
You should have went down to FOP for counsel, then visit Personnel and Finance to get their real time answers.
Hope you win this appeal.

1/30/2017 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can anybody from the so called union not know about health insurance for retirees, that is their job to keep us informed about what the city is trying to do to us. The FOP staff is as useful as a bag of shit, they don't have of clue only care about themselves. If any of these asshole try and run for another term in the union they should be publicly flogged for being so foolish to try and run

1/30/2017 12:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Greg you are a great person I wish I had spoken to you I would told you to stay until 15jan17 or run the medical for at a year ,I'm going next year at age 60 n will be on the two tier program but at age 63 I will have tricare supplement because. I'm. A vet two tier is every retiree n it sucks best bet get another job with medical to supplement retiree insurance or hope wife has insurance thru her job,never give up your vacation n bf personal data always wait

1/30/2017 12:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm DID say he was "gonna stick it in the cops ear."

Not only did he do it by stripping retirees and widows
of health insurance, he BRAGGED ABOUT IT as shown in
his recently released e-mails.

...What manner of man does something like this?
...What manner of man has the audacity to boast about it?

And THIS is a man with aspirations of spreading
this particular kind of misery nation-wide
with his not-so-secret aspirations of obtaining
(Not winning... Winning implies a fair contest.
A fair contest is for suckers, not smart people
who laugh up their sleeves like Rahm)
the Presidency?

1/30/2017 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has happen before with FOP. Nolan did it too. He came out telling everyone of the nice rise we were getting and the insurance was staying the same. He didn't tell us the out of pocket went up and the family deductable went up. They only tell you what they want. I don't recall them saying when this last contract was approve that the medical was going to change into a tier program.

1/30/2017 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The deductible in tier 1 is $30 tier 2 is $350 max out of pocket tier 1 is $1000 and tier 2 is $1500. Big deal for $50 or $500 I'll go where o want.

1/30/2017 01:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

U can not leave on a holiday BULL Shit

1/30/2017 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It will get worse. The city has carte blanche on who they deem is a tier 1 hospital. They could say "effective immediately, stroger is the onlt tier 1 hospital" and there isn't a damn thing the union can do. They put absolutely nothing in the contract that gives them any input in what hospitals are tier 1. Expect other hospitals that are not playing ball enough for the city to be kicked out of tier 1 status. And by playing ball, that means limiting tests and procedures the city deems financially unnecessary and skimping on your health care.

How was that base salary retro for the one year that he dangled in front of your faces. The union pranced around like they got some huge victory with the contract and the majority of you ate it up and couldn't wait to get it passed. When these contracts come out READ THEM AS IF YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES LIVES DEPEND ON IT. In this case, they actually did depend on them.

1/30/2017 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could blame Dean for the contract all you want, but ultimately it was the greed that got the contract voted in. Officers need to think of the future, and not see the dollar signs and salivate. The few measly dollars we received pale in comparison to all we will loose in the future thanks to this contract.

1/30/2017 01:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Tier 1 and 2 stuff affect the HMO and PPO or just PPO?

1/30/2017 02:39:00 AM'

That is correct.

1/30/2017 02:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Greg Giuliani said...

Thank you for all the calls.... I am compiling quite a list of names. Many have told me your stories. All I can say is "Unreal" Please post your stories and your conversations with FOP/Pension Board ETC. Here on SCC please. We have to get our stories out in the open.

1/30/2017 02:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is another post on behalf of Kevin Graham. This shit is getting old. None of this is true which is a theme with Graham. First, he drops out of running for FOP President 3 years ago due to "family issues" and reappears on Bill Dougherty's ticket as 1st Vice President a week later. He also fails to mention that he is not a district guy but is actually on Mayor Rahm's detail, which is ironic since Mark Donahue, who runs this group, is the only Board member to vote to endorse Rahm last election.

1/30/2017 02:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Retired 24 years said...

And THAT is why I stayed.
I need my health care to stay the same.
Can't afford to retire for the healthcare alone.
To retire means a early coffin.
Staying gives me a few extra years God willing.

1/30/2017 04:17:00 AM


umm, Not really.

Everyday you are on THAT job you are closer to death pal.
Join a health club and try to walk at least 3 to 5 miles a day on the old treadmill.

Enjoy life.

1/30/2017 02:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Al said...

I retired in the summer of 2016 w/30 years at the age of 55. I also was planning to stay until the 1st of May 2017, but it became clear that to retain my BCBS-PPO, I would have to retire at age 55 before the end of 2016; so I did. This information was confirmed to me by both the lodge and the pension board before I retired. In fact, Carol said that my BCBS-PPO would include the same dental coverage. Great was my response. It seems like everyone who has retired under this agreement is explaining identical experiences with both the pension board and the "crew" at lodge 7. It seems to me that the very people charged with looking out for our interest have done just the opposite for the last 30 years. Regardless of who gets to sit in the president, 1st vice president and all the other seats at the "Hall of Lodge 7", they stab us in the back. I'm glad I voted to decertify the fop in 1989.

1/30/2017 03:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True as rahm panders by giving away "our money" to illegals and thugs and then has another 1 of his rich friends email him a letter congratulating that ballerina about how badly he hurt police officers that served the citizens,the taxpayers of this once great city taking away the health care and now destroying the health care street coppers have! what is the health care plan for rahms staff? The alderthieves?

Thank Almighty God that President Trump won and he will use the "nuclear option" to install law and order constitutional conservatives on the supreme cort1 The bullshit show by durbin,screwy luis and the rest ignoring the president, not attending inauguration dividing this once great nation, all his nominees will win they are making things much worse dragging their cowardly pathetic democratic asses.

What is going to happen as rahm decides to protect criminal illegals, and President trump everything he promised to do and removes the federal funding from sanctuary cities like Chicago? rahm today is encouraging idiots that live in the city to host illegal invading people, what a smooth move would be just like this classic at dinner:

1/30/2017 03:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired non Medicare BCBS $1,466 a month for one person.

1/30/2017 03:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wasn't the City who screwed the retirees. It was FOP. Those changes should have never been agreed to by the union. Thanks Dean!

1/30/2017 03:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to vote the current administration out of office. I have called the FOP asking several question and have gotten different answers from different upstairs staffers. Do not take my word call for yourself and ask the questions that you want answered. Then call back and ask a different person. You will be in disbelief when you realize that these guys do not know the complete contract. Pretty sad!

1/30/2017 03:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

29 and a day. Max out your pension. Make money when you are physicaly able. Dont't walk away from a six figure job because of medical insurance. Work! Plenty of time to walk on the beach and go to the YMCA.

1/30/2017 03:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Expect nothing from the current FOP regime. I find them arrogant, rude, unknowledgabe, and uncaring Dickheads!

1/30/2017 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired; took Aetna high option and have medicare, so far so good, hospital said Aetna is good when I notified them of change on surgical follow up.

Get a side job and pay Soc' Security !!!!

1/30/2017 04:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The truth is the tier system went into effect January 1, 2017 for all active city employees. If you retire before June 1, 2017 you health insurance is free meaning at no monthly cost to the retiree. The new system that took effect means is you go to a tier 1 hospital the cost is 90% city 10% member until you reach the deductible if you go to tier 2 hospital the cost is 75% city 25% member until you reach the deductible. What that means to you is at tier 2 you reach the deductible faster. If you are hospitalized the bill will be greater than the deductible. I cant speak to Greg's opinion but no one can think that retiree healthcare free means you pay nothing towards a hospital bill.

Greg Bella

1/30/2017 09:06:00 AM
Ok Greg correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that active members were not supposed to be in the "tier" system. I see this as no benifit to anyone because nobody wants to go to a tier 1 hospital. In 20 years I've never really trashed the FOP, but this time it looks like the members got screwed!

1/30/2017 04:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I try to stay abreast of union and retirement issues. This is the first that I am hearing of two tiers of healthcare. Can someone take the time to explain the differences please? I won't be able to go until late 2018 so it seems that I am stuck. Is there any pending action to prevent implementation of 2 tiers? Thanks

Read the two handouts that the city mailed to you in November. It's all there and explains the tier structure and everything else you need to know. It's all there

1/30/2017 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The most you are goi g to spend in a year out of pocket not including Rx is $1500 on tier 2. You pay little to no premium for the 55 and out. You are making an issue out of nothing. $1500 annual limit and its 100% coverage. Go buy your own plan like everyone else and see what you get. You have the same benefit as an active officer. $1500 annual limit. $1500 and you don't pay anything else. Out of pocket limit.

1/30/2017 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Let me tell you all something. I brought this issue up at an FOP General Membership Meeting right after I got my open enrollment package. I asked Dean Angelo if this was accurate and if it was going to apply to officers who had already retired. Angelo said he didn't know what I was referring to, but that it wasnt agreed to. He requested that I send him the information.

I sent Angelo an email with the Blue Cross Members Handbook attached and highlighted the items about tiers and co-pays. He never responded.

Next meeting I ask again and he states that they apply to everyone active and retired without any further explanation.

So now, if anyone wants quality care, instead of paying $1000 for a $10,000 bill they will pay $2,500. That doesn't include any doctors co-pays which, by the way, don't even count towards your annual deductible.

I can't wait for these guys to negotiate our next contract. Bet Rahm can't wait either.

With the new insurance the 10% and 25% won't matter if you are hospitalized. You will reach your annual deductible and out of pocket expense the first day. Then it won't matter which tier hospital or doctor you go to

1/30/2017 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm retired. I selected the BCBS option for 2017. I recently received my health care card. It was from the old city program. I never received a new one. I call BC and they tell me I have two coverage plans current and call the benefit management office with the city to drop the city plan. I tell them they need to contact the city to fix the problems. New plan is cutting my pension more then $1000 a year. Thanks Rahm. The city that works.

1/30/2017 11:15:00 AM
Rahmacide has got to stiff City Workers give more to Chicago illegals

The FOP dopes know exactly what they are doing .. biding rahmacide' work to screw over CPD

1/30/2017 04:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only two writers to the blog were suspect of Giuliani's story? You guys are so pissed at Rahmicide and the city that you cannot see the bits of bullshit in Giuliani's story.

Not Greg Bella

1/30/2017 04:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would love to see the health insurance plan for retired aldermen and politically connected department heads.Then again ,maybe I don't.Hate this city and the Democrats who ruined it.Use to be a place I spoke of proudly.Not so much these days.

1/30/2017 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Dental insurance really SUCKS, too!

Dental insurance basically covers nothing!

Illegal immigrants get better care than a "30 year veteran city employee"!

Just ask Rahm, that little weasel shitbag!


1/30/2017 04:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You young guys need to observe how this city treats you after you can give no more .
1/30/2017 12:19:00 AM

When these young guys retire, they won't have ANY insurance from the city. Young, dumb and ignorant about your future is no way to go through life on this job and especially in this city.

1/30/2017 04:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The truth is the tier system went into effect January 1, 2017 for all active city employees. If you retire before June 1, 2017 you health insurance is free meaning at no monthly cost to the retiree. The new system that took effect means is you go to a tier 1 hospital the cost is 90% city 10% member until you reach the deductible if you go to tier 2 hospital the cost is 75% city 25% member until you reach the deductible. What that means to you is at tier 2 you reach the deductible faster. If you are hospitalized the bill will be greater than the deductible. I cant speak to Greg's opinion but no one can think that retiree healthcare free means you pay nothing towards a hospital bill.

Greg Bella

As for the last sentence you are wrong. You would be surprised how many po's thought just that. Hard to believe but trye

1/30/2017 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anyone hearing Rahmacide screwing with CFD benefits?

Already did. They have the same healthcare plan we do

1/30/2017 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) police officers decapitated in Mexico build that wall use military to patrol our borders deadly force if needed:

Would definitely never visit Mexico they can keep it! Now find and send and illegally here back asap!

1/30/2017 05:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sorry that you guys have to go through this. I personally would never rely on a pension thats promised to me 20 year down the road. THATS FOOL''S GOLD.

1/30/2017 07:17:00 AM

Well when you're forced into the pension the day you get hired, they take 9% of your pay for 30 years and shove it in there every 2 weeks, and you don't get to collect social security, what the fuck are we supposed to rely on when we retire? It's not "fools gold"... it's actually "MY MONEY". I can't help it if the people in charge of investing it are too stupid to invest it in an S&P 500 index fund and instead give it to little Richies' nephew to make shady real estate deals.

1/30/2017 05:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's long past time to Pickett city hall.

1/30/2017 05:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

greg you should had waited until 15jan17 and received your vacation pay n baby f n personal days or you should had hit the medical for a year.

1/30/2017 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

remember greg bella n dean only carte about getting there friends and relatives promoted

1/30/2017 05:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

greg is not your friend years ago when he was voted in as vice president he made ed king a 025 do nothing, pompous, piece of sh-t and inside boy a merit detective greg only in riches himself and his political buddies

1/30/2017 05:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when Dean came to our roll call and told us not to worry about the tier system and nothing would change. He lied. It's time for a major overhaul. Drain the FOP swamp.

1/30/2017 05:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, that sounds a LOT like the way Obama and democrats screwed all of us non union folks...imagine that. i mean no disrespect, but, we friggin TOLD YOU SO. So then, how does it feel when democrats screw ya, again. Then, they screw you again. Maybe that whole union lock step democrat gay marriage of sorts isn't all it is cracked up to be after all huh?

Ill make y'all a deal. You can get your promised insurance when I can have what was taken from me back. Yall are snappin about being duped from one plan to another, while many of us out here went from great private sector insurance we paid for to sorry about yer luck - cancelled altogether. I feel yalls pain but it is a bit hard to shed tears when yall still don't have it as bad as us, all while your union is still standing with (certainly not standing up to) the democrats in "authority" up there.

Instead of snapping on me, it is time to point the fingers of blame and responsibility at the union itself. Democrat tools ought be called onto the carpet for being tools, rather than being brothers standing up for brothers (and sisters).

1/30/2017 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I gave 32 years to this city working in a truck every day. I wish I had the 55 and out free healthcare offered to me. Police and Fire are the only one to get that in their contract. So to me you sound like a spoiled brat. My health insurance cost me and spouse over $1900 a month and I have blue choice network. Maybe your contract isn't so bad after all. Just to put your hardship into perspective.

1/30/2017 05:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Greg Giuliani said...

Mr. Bella. I may be a lot of things Sir. But a liar is not one of them. I have emailed my phone records to SCC. As I stated I talked to you last Monday after contacting the Benefits section and The Pension Board. How can you say we have never talked since 2010?

1/30/2017 05:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is another post on behalf of Kevin Graham. This shit is getting old. None of this is true which is a theme with Graham. First, he drops out of running for FOP President 3 years ago due to "family issues" and reappears on Bill Dougherty's ticket as 1st Vice President a week later. He also fails to mention that he is not a district guy but is actually on Mayor Rahm's detail, which is ironic since Mark Donahue, who runs this group, is the only Board member to vote to endorse Rahm last election.

1/30/2017 02:34:00 PM

NEVER ever trust anything out of a the mouth of a city-wide guy.

1/30/2017 05:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is another post on behalf of Kevin Graham. This shit is getting old. None of this is true which is a theme with Graham. First, he drops out of running for FOP President 3 years ago due to "family issues" and reappears on Bill Dougherty's ticket as 1st Vice President a week later. He also fails to mention that he is not a district guy but is actually on Mayor Rahm's detail, which is ironic since Mark Donahue, who runs this group, is the only Board member to vote to endorse Rahm last election.
1/30/2017 02:34:00 PM

Oh yeah? Where's your phone number and name?

1/30/2017 05:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP and the city fucked all of US with the bullshit tiered insurance! Vote all of them out.

1/30/2017 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I retired in January of 2016 - 55 Free insurance. Not happy at all with the change to the Blue Choice Option PPO. However I do remember being at the meetings where the FOP was explaining the new contract and urging the members to approve it. I absolutely remember Dean Angelo explaining that he was able to keep our BC/BS PPO the same as the previous years, unlike every other bargaining group in the city, such as the sergeants. We were told that it would change in 2017 to the tier system and they had only bought us some time. I remember this specifically because I had been planning to retire in 2016. What I apparently did not understand and what was not explained completely was that my insurance benefits would change in 2017. I thought my insurance would be what I retired with as I was often told. However, I did read in the contract that my 55+ retiree insurance would be the same as currently employed officers - hence the tiered system I am now in. Confusing? yes. It could have been explained much better.

1/30/2017 05:54:00 PM  
Anonymous retired and working 99th/Halsted on-ramp said...

This has happen before with FOP. Nolan did it too. He came out telling everyone of the nice rise we were getting and the insurance was staying the same.


Gotta stay seated, only way to avoid everyone seeing the nice rise.

Anyways, FOP and Rahmmie sure fucked us all on insurance. Just like every local and Federal election cycle, too few people vote and no one pays attention until it effects them personally. By then it's too late.

1/30/2017 05:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Greg Giuliani said...

One question I have is why Greg did not go down to the Hall and talk to Greg Bella and possibly others? "Then Greg said well come in and we will talk. I declined."

But I thought Greg Bella hasn't talked to me since 2010?

Greg Guliani is a liar, I have not talked to him since 2010 at a 017 District roll call. I have told every cop who called about the retiree insurance that it was the same as the actives insurance at no monthly cost to you. It must be election time.

Greg Bella

1/30/2017 08:42:00 AM

1/30/2017 05:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a civil & criminal fraud case against the City And the Union Officers.

Fraud by deception is a felony as I recall.

1/30/2017 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be honest I don't know what a tier 1 or tier 2 is, but I retired last year 55 and out with HMO ins and to date not a problem. I have small $20 co pay a dr visit and my scrips are dirt cheap. Everything I get done is at christ hospital. I take 4 prescriptions a day and have them filled at problems

1/30/2017 06:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I spoke with blue cross today tier one is 300 deductible tier two is 350 deductible. Tier one hospitals are covered at 90% where as tier two are covered at 75%. You keep your doctor and hospital but if it's in tier two you pay more. Tier three is out of network and is covered at 60% or less. Annual checkups and routine tests and exams such as colonoscopy and mammograms are covered at 100%. The only real change I can tell, and I may be wrong is you pay 15% more if your doctor and hospital is in tier two. Still when I retired I was promised by the union and pension board that my insurance would not change. Fucked in the ass with no lube again!

1/30/2017 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Greg Guliani is a liar, I have not talked to him since 2010 at a 017 District roll call. I have told every cop who called about the retiree insurance that it was the same as the actives insurance at no monthly cost to you. It must be election time."

– above statement is Correct.
Everyone who retired in 2016 55-59/60-63 has free insurance and had op to participate in the Open Enrollement in Nov.2016. Somewhere in the convoluted Insurance Company rules is THEY GET TO CHANGE the Plan. You're covered by Contract but as the Plan evolves over time as it always has done, it will happen again. Once upon a time there was no deductible or co-pay. Times have changed and you can thank obama for rising costs to health care. BCBS is not a charity. It's a profit seeking business that has lost millions of stockholders money to a failed obamaCare Plan. You're going pay more so others can pay less or nothing. Until the obamaCare fiasco is abolished, insurance costs and coverages will continue to rise. Low paid foreign doctors and hc workers only increase hospital profits and does nothing for insurance. Why does a appendectomy cost $5000 in Montana and $35,000 in California?
Why doe Walgreen's charge $20 (cash or credit) for a flu shot and NorthShore Med Ctr. visit its $175 (thru BCBS) ?

My guess is this guy chose the wrong date to retire...Jan 1, 2017 the date BCBS changed the City's Plan.
"A day late and a dollar short"

1/30/2017 06:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to vote the current administration out of office. I have called the FOP asking several question and have gotten different answers from different upstairs staffers. Do not take my word call for yourself and ask the questions that you want answered. Then call back and ask a different person. You will be in disbelief when you realize that these guys do not know the complete contract. Pretty sad!

Exactly. They don't know jack! And the line they use all the time is "do you wanna come down?" Because they know most coppers won't. No, the sad part is our membership keeps voting for clowns like this. These are entitled assholes created by the machine. They are not looking out for our best interest. We criticize cook county voters but look at what we got?! Guys that forget to send out letters and others who make city equipment like squad cars part of the contract negotiations. "It's okay Mr. Mayor take away their health benefits.... by the way, make my kid Merit! I will just tell the members the media has given me a fair shake!" You never give stuff our brothers and sisters fought so hard to get. Ever. Clowns.

1/30/2017 06:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Retired 2013 said...

Speaking of retro pay you need to understand exactly what happened in our last contract. This is very important if you want to understand how bad Dean and his crew screwed us. Shields screwed up. He didn't mail a letter to the City in time to negotiate our contract when it expired thus allowing the City the right to carry our previous contract one year longer. What that means is we would have had no raise from June of 2012 through June of 2013 at worst. If you look in the contract you will see that for an officer with 10 years that would be $130 per month difference. $130 per month or $65 per check.

And all the POs that retired during the year you reference above (June 2012 to June 2013), including me, would never have received that increase in their annuity ever. Another asshole on this job only looking for yourself.

1/30/2017 07:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is Greg Bella's friend rep at midway in charge of the election committee? Won't even say that guys name after what he has to ruin fellow coppers if you fall off your chair is that iod? ! What a shitshow! Typical democratic collusion in the union elections all we need is the Clinton magic! Magic but she lost like they will!

1/30/2017 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The most you are goi g to spend in a year out of pocket not including Rx is $1500 on tier 2. You pay little to no premium for the 55 and out. You are making an issue out of nothing. $1500 annual limit and its 100% coverage. Go buy your own plan like everyone else and see what you get. You have the same benefit as an active officer. $1500 annual limit. $1500 and you don't pay anything else. Out of pocket limit.

1/30/2017 04:22:00 PM

As a retiree who didn't get the 55 and out plan I'm paying $655 per month for crappy 7k in network,15k out of network deductibles,for a single plan.I basically have to self pay at urgent cares and pray its not serious.We all get screwed,but I wish I could get Greg G's screwing over mine.FOP did nothing to address the retirees who are not of medicare age or eligible nor the guys who missed the 55 and out deal.

1/30/2017 08:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I posted before but to refresh I have a rare blood disease that my oncologist referred to the Mayo Clinic. Initially I was accepted under my retireee BC/BS PPO.Waited until the holidays passed for the sake of the family to be told that Mayo is now considered "out of network". Financially impossible as it will be to all who may need this care in the future.

1/30/2017 08:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Greg Giuliani said...

Anonymous said...
Only two writers to the blog were suspect of Giuliani's story? You guys are so pissed at Rahmicide and the city that you cannot see the bits of bullshit in Giuliani's story.

Not Greg Bella

1/30/2017 04:43:00 PM

I have screen shots of everything I did with respect to retirement on the City's Computer. I will show everything when I am advised to.

At least I put my name and number to my first post and not hiding behind an anonymous name. I have a long list of retirees who all say the same thing...

Greg Giuliani

1/30/2017 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brock Merck for Fop president. Connected to No One and he will drive 9.5 CRAZY!

1/30/2017 08:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet another reason to do nothing, as well as, at the same time, inform the city that they need us and respect us.

1/30/2017 08:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Greg Giuliani said...

You guess is wrong. I retired 15 August 2016. I changed it from 01 Jan 2017 by writing a to from.

Please for all of you that were told the same by FOP and the Pension board as I was.... Just post your story here.

1/30/2017 08:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I retired in Nov 2015 and my insurance was changed to the tier so I guess it doesn't matter when you retired right Bella!

1/30/2017 08:45:00 PM  
Blogger john said...

A little advice from a 70 year old. If you do not have enough quarters for Medicare, get a part timer that takes out social security to get your quarters. If your wife does not qualify for Medicare, a part timer for her also. If you have to go for health insurance at 65 and do not have Medicare, you are screwed. It is high with the cost of the medicare and supplemental but nothing like it is without Medicare.

old retired guy

1/30/2017 08:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I gave 32 years to this city working in a truck every day. I wish I had the 55 and out free healthcare offered to me. Police and Fire are the only one to get that in their contract. So to me you sound like a spoiled brat. My health insurance cost me and spouse over $1900 a month and I have blue choice network. Maybe your contract isn't so bad after all. Just to put your hardship into perspective.

1/30/2017 05:37:00 PM
Spoiled brats? Really? You have to put on a bullet proof vest and strap on a gun belt driving that city truck around? We signed up for it, but when we did we were promised certain benefits... and we expect to get screwed, but not this much. Your talking to completely different jobs

1/30/2017 08:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'll be honest I don't know what a tier 1 or tier 2 is, but I retired last year 55 and out with HMO ins and to date not a problem. I have small $20 co pay a dr visit and my scrips are dirt cheap. Everything I get done is at christ hospital. I take 4 prescriptions a day and have them filled at problems
1/30/2017 06:16:00 PM

I retired with free medical, an HMO, because I was 60 when I left. Everything is still as it was before. Is it because I'm in an HMO?

1/30/2017 09:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of getting screwed: Anybody actually look at the CR Matrix? These people lost their minds. Hope the FOP doesn't loose anything on discipline. POs will be taking weeks for minor things.

1/30/2017 06:57:00 AM

Yes the new CR Matrix sucks. But hope we don't loose anything on discipline? Deano is going to sell it. He repeatedly has told the city to bring their checkbook when they bring up discipline. WTF

1/30/2017 09:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The most you are goi g to spend in a year out of pocket not including Rx is $1500 on tier 2. You pay little to no premium for the 55 and out. You are making an issue out of nothing. $1500 annual limit and its 100% coverage. Go buy your own plan like everyone else and see what you get. You have the same benefit as an active officer. $1500 annual limit. $1500 and you don't pay anything else. Out of pocket limit.

I'm glad someone else finally gets it. I've written a few times recently all you have to pay is $1500 and there is no more out of pocket expense all year. Earlier I stated one day in the hospital and your out of pocket has been met. Before that I mentioned plan on paying the $1500 each year and you won't have to worry about tier 1 and 2
We have a very good plan. Most regular plans have 1,000 to 5000 deductible and huge out of pocket expenses

1/30/2017 09:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 6:35AM,

The reason they took more out of your check is that they took nothing from the previous check.

There was some kind of a glitch between the pension board and BS/Bs so the amount taken from the newest check is double what it would have been if they had taken the correct amount from the first check.

Hope this helps.

1/30/2017 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
greg you should had waited until 15jan17 and received your vacation pay n baby f n personal days or you should had hit the medical for a year.

1/30/2017 05:18:00 PM

Correct, but only for the short term depending how long you live. Leave 15 Nov and next Dec 1st you get a 3% cola and then again Jan 1st. That's 3% a years you lose for the rest of your life.

1/30/2017 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 0639 where the hell have you been for the last several years. Ever hear of Underwood v. Chicago.

1/30/2017 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Retired; took Aetna high option and have medicare, so far so good, hospital said Aetna is good when I notified them of change on surgical follow up.

Get a side job and pay Soc' Security !!!!

Can't bitch either. Chose Aetna, went to Walgreens for a prescription, updated my insurance to Aetna and paid $2.62 for my prescription
Not choosing sides, but saying what I was charged

1/30/2017 09:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I gave 32 years to this city working in a truck every day. I wish I had the 55 and out free healthcare offered to me. Police and Fire are the only one to get that in their contract. So to me you sound like a spoiled brat. My health insurance cost me and spouse over $1900 a month and I have blue choice network. Maybe your contract isn't so bad after all. Just to put your hardship into perspective.

1/30/2017 05:37:00 PM

The kids hired after 86 will not have your problem because they take Medicare out of their pay checks. The City has been planning to drop or health care since then.

1/30/2017 09:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Retired; took Aetna high option and have medicare, so far so good, hospital said Aetna is good when I notified them of change on surgical follow up.

Get a side job and pay Soc' Security !!!!

1/30/2017 04:02:00 PM
Need to work 20 quarters paying into Medicare to get it at age 65..... get off your dead rear end and work if you can

1/30/2017 09:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Special Ed just ordered an internal investigation into Lie-tenant Nakia Fenner's off-duty actions at the 002nd District in regards to the arrest of her son.

Let'see. Shit's not going too good for the Soup-Goof! We know he has no brain and no balls, but in one week he's lost two kidneys and one smash-partner! I predict Nakia just got a headache!

1/30/2017 10:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your thinking about retiring before you turn 55 you better see the 2017 Blue Cross Blue Shield rates for a non Medicare retiree. I retired with 30 years of service before turning 55 years of age. Within the first year of retirement my premium went up $4k, then doubled after 18 months then tripled the following year. As you will see in the BC/BS rate chart the 2017 rate for my family is $43,464 per year. That is nearly 5 times the cost of my premium when I retired. Emanuel has found the single largest way to diminish not only my pension benefits but a substantial part of my pension annuity. How could the court allow this, what happen to the understanding back in the 1980's that our pension benefit would carry us through in retirement with a little deferred comp assistance. Well, I did a good job saving in my deferred comp, but that will not offset this financial mess. After talking to many of my friends still on the job, I was surprised those contemplating retirement before 55 did not know about this ridiculous premium.

1/30/2017 10:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry retirees. This is not right. Meanwhile, able-bodied assholes that never had a job get free emergency healthcare with no problems. This country and city is a disgrace with the direction we're heading. Don't worry, some day the my generation will take the city raping ass well when we retire.

1/30/2017 10:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Tier

1/30/2017 11:03:00 PM  
Blogger Michael Spaargaren said...

Hey guys I'm not here for commercial reasons and I know my offer is not for everyone but there is an alternative for retirees. I'm 48 and retiring next year to Costa Rica. Healthcare for me and my wife and kid is $200/mo. You can live decently on $5,000/mo with a home paid for.

If interested in more details on how to go about retiring in paradise with a p.o. pension please email me at and I can help those getting ready to retire make a smooth transition to retired life. Im going with a 6 year old so dont start in with the "I got a kid routine." There are options. And no I'm not selling real estate either. I just know the ropes.

1/30/2017 11:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, what ever happened to the lawsuit FOP filed against Bella? Oh, right. Dean Angelo had it dismissed.

1/30/2017 11:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahmbitch is a physically impotent little jagoff. He's a rich, spoiled coward and is so emblematic of cowardly liberals in this country. I loved reading the bully stories from his Washington days where he'd yell, swears at, berate and "bully" government and political officials. Part of me laughs hysterically. In what lifetime would someone be intimidated by a sawed off, nutnless rich boy coward? Honestly, it's like a little dog yapping, exception being if he sunk his little teeth in you you'd break them all out of his mouth whereas a little dog you'd just laugh.

Somehow we have a little ferret weasel screwing us all over. He lacks physical and intellectual prowess and acumen. How the fuck do we elect such pieces of shit is beyond me.

1/30/2017 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TIP OF DAY get the HMO.

I am not friends with my doctor i go in ask for test and get them in a week or so.

The info was in all those lovely packets most of you leave in the district unopened.
I know figuring out how to get more special employment is a priority but times are a changing.

Also vote for plenty of retirees you drank with back in the day that will solve all the problems at FOP LODGE 7.

DEAN i really could care less about the DOJ their mandates will not be funded so its a no go.

1/30/2017 11:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry that you guys have to go through this. I personally would never rely on a pension thats promised to me 20 year down the road. THATS FOOL''S GOLD.

20 years into this........I think the same thing (slow learner). You can't retire if you're paying close to $2000 a month for healthcare so the pension (even if they don't run out of money) becomes Fool's Gold. People need to save on their own, plan for a career after this (for healthcare purposes alone), and if you get a pension that's a bonus. Anyone coming on now who thinks they will work the 25-30 years and they will have a pension and health care is foolish....the pension will not be enough to pay for health care in "retirement". Unfortunately, our job is not a career its a job now and people will move to other jobs as opportunities arise for them in the future. Really once the employees realize that they can't retire, they will get other jobs sooner and leave CPD well before they max out.

1/31/2017 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Phil the Thrill said...

When I went to the retirement seminar, guess who did not show up? Right, the city benefits office. They were too busy it seems and we got let out early. Completely uncalled for as we have to go to this , but they can skip out? It's not like it was a seminar on how to keep from getting bored in retirement, or how to play shuffleboard

1/31/2017 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a reduction in compensation you... they are getting the retro back and more. The retires that said, "Screw the new guys." They are getting it too.

1/31/2017 06:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correct, but only for the short term depending how long you live. Leave 15 Nov and next Dec 1st you get a 3% cola and then again Jan 1st. That's 3% a years you lose for the rest of your life.
1/30/2017 09:31:00 PM


Keep in mind that our COLA is a simple cola NOT a compounded cola.
Mine is $131.00 per year.

1/31/2017 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My opinion:
I believe that this tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3 system will go away.
Hospitals and doctors will be the ones to lose on this when people leave their hospital or doctors that are tier 2 or tier 3 and go to tier 1 because the other two are unaffordable.
It's not like people can't find a doctor that they like in tier 1.

Kind of like the city bag tax.
Those that have to will still shop in the city and pay it.
Those that don't will go to the suburbs and out of crook county to save $$$$$.
Ultimately the retailers will feel the loss. So will some of those doctors and hospitals.

1/31/2017 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How long have some of these guys been working at FOP Lodge 7?
Some of them have been on the teet there on and off for 30yrs!
Time to get rid of most of them.

1/31/2017 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Greg Giuliani said...

I remember reading/hearing that taking the 55 and out, and staying out of the tier insurance would put my cola on hold until medicare kicked in. I have to do some more digging??

1/31/2017 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Read your Chicago Benefits open enrollment plan for 2017 That was mailed to you in November read page 2 for changes to the previous PPO plan. It is now a tiered plan for draw and hospitalsphysician office visit copay, scans such as MRI will be paid at 100% if done at a free standing facility and a few other changes. This is for active po's
1/30/2017 10:34:00 AM
Be very careful about those out patient tests.
Not all facilities are paid at 100%

1/31/2017 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Greg Giuliani said...

Anonymous said...

The most you are goi g to spend in a year out of pocket not including Rx is $1500 on tier 2. You pay little to no premium for the 55 and out. You are making an issue out of nothing

No Sir. My issue is this.. Myself and many others were promised we would be kept out of the 2 tier system and our medical insurance would not be changed in any way. I am moving. And when I do now I am only covered at 75% in a PPO plan because I will have moved out of Illinois? Now if there is no PPO network? Then only 40% insurance coverage? So does this now seem like an issue now?? Again... every body on the list I have compiled has made the same statement.... That's why I retired in 2016. We were promised to keep the same insurance we retired with. No Tier insurance. But yes I know. I'm a liar and I'm making something out of nothing.

1/31/2017 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Greg Giuliani said...

Anon: We all get screwed,but I wish I could get Greg G's screwing over mine.

So getting screwed is OK? Not in my book. Call me up, let's talk?

1/31/2017 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Greg Giuliani said...

For anybody that wants a copy of my phone records showing the date and time I spoke to Greg B at FOP, The Pension Board, and the Benefits section, just text me your email. The calls are all minutes apart on the 23rd Of January.

Greg G

1/31/2017 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Retired; took Aetna high option and have medicare, so far so good, hospital said Aetna is good when I notified them of change on surgical follow up.

Get a side job and pay Soc' Security !!!!

1/30/2017 04:02:00 PM
Need to work 20 quarters paying into Medicare to get it at age 65..... get off your dead rear end and work if you can

1/30/2017 09:45:00 PM

I believe you need 40 quarters (credits), not 20 to be eligible for Medicare. You pick up a credit per quarter (3 months) paying into Medicare so depending on how many quarters you need, that's how many months you'll need to work somewhere that they take Medicare taxes out. With that being said, you can also be covered through your spouse if she (or he) has enough quarters and you don't. Simply Google Medicare and you'll get all this info.

1/31/2017 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The most you are going to spend in a year out of pocket not including Rx is $1500 on tier 2. You pay little to no premium for the 55 and out. You are making an issue out of nothing. $1500 annual limit and its 100% coverage. Go buy your own plan like everyone else and see what you get. You have the same benefit as an active officer. $1500 annual limit. $1500 and you don't pay anything else. Out of pocket limit.
1/30/2017 04:22:00 PM

I'm glad someone else finally gets it. I've written a few times recently all you have to pay is $1500 and there is no more out of pocket expense all year. Earlier I stated one day in the hospital and your out of pocket has been met. Before that I mentioned plan on paying the $1500 each year and you won't have to worry about tier 1 and 2
We have a very good plan. Most regular plans have 1,000 to 5000 deductible and huge out of pocket expenses
1/30/2017 09:26:00 PM

The only thing you need to get, is your heads out of your collective asses. Its shortsighted fools like you that look at each item in the contract as if it were going to be there forever. You drooled over the retro like you were a baby looking at shiny keys being dangled in front of you all the while the city was reaching into your diaper and taking your wallet. The truly sad part is that you still dont even know it. The city looks 2, 3, and even 4 contracts down the road while you are celebrating a base salary retro and not knowing what you lost. They think "if we change this, than later we can modify this and even that or raise this" and the next thing you know.... we are screwed.

EXPECT that the out of pocket you are championing to be changed in the contracts to follow. It might start with just raising the out of pocket on tier 2 and 3 hospitals thereby forcing more people to opt for the discount city health plan that will no doubt sacrifice your care to save the city money and stay a tier 1. The overall goal of the tier system is to save money by manipulating hospitals into shorting you an tests and procedures. If they want the cities business, then they better be on board or they will get tier 2 or 3 status. So also expect the options for tier 1 to continuously be limited. But eventually, expect something like out of pocket for all to go up in the contracts that follow. $4k for tier3, $3k for tier2, and $2k for tier 1. Then every couple of years, they will all magically go up and bingo, you are know paying way more for your health care and you didnt even see it coming.

Quit playing checkers while the city is playing chess. Anything in a contract has to be looked at as "how are they going to screw us on this later". If you cant do that, do us all a favor and just dont vote on the next contract. Let the grown ups handle it, you stay at home with those shiny keys you like so much.

1/31/2017 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The most you are goi g to spend in a year out of pocket not including Rx is $1500 on tier 2. You pay little to no premium for the 55 and out. You are making an issue out of nothing. $1500 annual limit and its 100% coverage. Go buy your own plan like everyone else and see what you get. You have the same benefit as an active officer. $1500 annual limit. $1500 and you don't pay anything else. Out of pocket limit.

I'm glad someone else finally gets it. I've written a few times recently all you have to pay is $1500 and there is no more out of pocket expense all year. Earlier I stated one day in the hospital and your out of pocket has been met. Before that I mentioned plan on paying the $1500 each year and you won't have to worry about tier 1 and 2
We have a very good plan. Most regular plans have 1,000 to 5000 deductible and huge out of pocket expenses
1/30/2017 09:26:00 PM
If these numbers are accurate, and they appear to be, all of you in this situation have little or nothing to complain about. A 50 dollar increase in the deductible is not unreasonable and you are protected by the 1500 dollar maximum out of pocket limit. Sounds like a pretty good plan for the little that you pay.

1/31/2017 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somehow we have a little ferret weasel screwing us all over. He lacks physical and intellectual prowess and acumen. How the fuck do we elect such pieces of shit is beyond me.

1/30/2017 11:23:00 PM

We don't elect them . They are picked by the new world order and are beholden to them to implement their agenda of a one world government. 9 1/2, Alfred E Newman, etc, they are installed in office to deconstruct this country. It boggles the mind how a judge can rule that a dress left in a house the little prick used to live in establishes residency. Or how an unknown one term senator who comes out of nowhere, and the press gives a pass to, gets elected twice. Bull, those two elections were stolen. Like the song says, "everybody knows the dice are loaded." Hopefully the RINO's find a spine and get behind Trump and right this ship.

1/31/2017 08:21:00 AM  
Blogger Michael Spaargaren said...

I read all the posts after I made my post and just to reiterate nobody says you have to stay in the USA once you retire. I get it that you have family here. But the Wright brothers and Boeing invented this thing called an airplane. I use it frequently. You can retire in Costa Rica or Panama very comfortably on a p.o. pension and have health insurance very affordably. I know I speak to deaf ears here as most of you can't think outside the box. Most of you don't plan past Friday let alone in 20 years. But look into it and quit whining like there are no alternatives because there are alternatives. And it's not a sacrifice IMHO. I'm doing it. Check out International Living. Nobody says you have to work to 63 and retire and live here. This is why it cracks me up when people talk about residency being lift and the mass exodus. Please.

Healthcare is ranked better in CR and Panama than here. Lower crime in CR and good schools as well. But I know I might as well be saying "Blah blah blah." as most of you will bitch, whine, complain and do your parkers and ISRs so you don't get dumped off your car and keep on working until age 63. I appreciate those of you working until 63. Keep funding my pension. again I have no vested interest other than showing people how to retire young with affordable health insurance and live on your pension.

1/31/2017 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah they fucked me to. They gave me that line about keeping the same PPO if I left by 2016. I fucking despise this union and hate even calling them. But i cant agree with staying on the job. Your health care is the same anyway but your in the line of fire to many ways. Between the nitwits you have to work for, the nitwits you have to work with, the nitwits in your union, and lastly the nitwits you have to serve and protect, this job is a POS!

I'd rather stay home and watch old movies.

1/31/2017 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had two dealings with Greg. First was I along with two other officers were involved in a shooting.Greg showed up at the area and offered no direction except to talk union business and walk me into the round table when a boss I knew told me to say nothing as a friend had been obtained. Greg ordered pizzas and that was it. Second time was when I was retiring and called him with a still waiting for the return call. Totally useless

1/31/2017 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I retired several years ago, took the 55 and out. I too am somewhat disappointed by the Tier system. I had some blood work done, and sought out a Quest location, as my coverage would have been at 100%. I did however, go on the BC/BS site and it indicated that some Quest locations are in a Tier 2. Quite contrary to what the Benefit Booklet states on page 2. Research is key. My dr. is in a Tier 1, he practices at a Tier 2. Another doctor I recently saw was in Tier 1 as was the Hospital. I had to pay for the use of the clinic as it was billed under the name of the said hospital???? When all said and done, not going to use him again.

1/31/2017 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gl;ad i dropped mine as a widower and went to the VA for full benefits nada,meds, surgery, tests etc a great big ::thanks for your service sir ::to boot.not to mention what i get back each month for non contribution,,

1/31/2017 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If your thinking about retiring before you turn 55 you better see the 2017 Blue Cross Blue Shield rates for a non Medicare retiree. I retired with 30 years of service before turning 55 years of age. Within the first year of retirement my premium went up $4k, then doubled after 18 months then tripled the following year. As you will see in the BC/BS rate chart the 2017 rate for my family is $43,464 per year. That is nearly 5 times the cost of my premium when I retired. Emanuel has found the single largest way to diminish not only my pension benefits but a substantial part of my pension annuity. How could the court allow this, what happen to the understanding back in the 1980's that our pension benefit would carry us through in retirement with a little deferred comp assistance. Well, I did a good job saving in my deferred comp, but that will not offset this financial mess. After talking to many of my friends still on the job, I was surprised those contemplating retirement before 55 did not know about this ridiculous premium.

Since the new healthcare plan has been implemented there is really no other option than to stay on the job until you are 55 and eligible for the free healthcare. There are not a lot of jobs after your retired offering free healthcare

1/31/2017 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Retired; took Aetna high option and have medicare, so far so good, hospital said Aetna is good when I notified them of change on surgical follow up.

Get a side job and pay Soc' Securi

Why get a job and pay SS. He stated he has Medicare

1/31/2017 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The solution to the problem is of course using the Chicongo Way: charge about 1/2 of the retiree's with crimes (political crimes are perfect for this) committed during their "employment". Show Trial'em & Convict'em & have a hand picked, specially appointed Judge hammer down the gavel & deprive them of their city retirement benefits. Same judge can then show social fascist "mercy" by not imprisoning them for whatever awful political crime they were just convicted on. Problem solved the Chicongo Way !!!

1/31/2017 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1/30/2017 04:02:00 PM
Need to work 20 quarters paying into Medicare to get it at age 65..... get off your dead rear end and work if you can

No you need to work 40 quarters to get Medicare at 65. If you are married or were married for 10 years and you spouse earned the 40 quarters you get Medicare at 65 even if you are now divorced
Thanks anyway for the misinformation about the 20 hours

1/31/2017 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correct, but only for the short term depending how long you live. Leave 15 Nov and next Dec 1st you get a 3% cola and then again Jan 1st. That's 3% a years you lose for the rest of your life.

Close, but not entirely correct. A little nitpicking but if you leave Nov 15 the next dec 15 you get the 3% followed by another 3% jan1
Been there done that. That's why you leave nov 15 because you have to be gone 13 months to get the first 3%

1/31/2017 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger john said...
A little advice from a 70 year old. If you do not have enough quarters for Medicare, get a part timer that takes out social security to get your quarters. If your wife does not qualify for Medicare, a part timer for her also. If you have to go for health insurance at 65 and do not have Medicare, you are screwed. It is high with the cost of the medicare and supplemental but nothing like it is without Medicare.

old retired guy

Good idea, but only one of you has to earn the 40 quarters. If you have been married for 10 years a spouse qualifies to use the other spouses Medicare
I never earned 40 quarters but my wife did and I get Medicare from here record
Most people will be surprised by how many quarters they have earned since being 16. Summer jobs in high school, college part time jobs and the job they worked prior to being a po

1/31/2017 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I gave 32 years to this city working in a truck every day. I wish I had the 55 and out free healthcare offered to me. Police and Fire are the only one to get that in their contract. So to me you sound like a spoiled brat. My health insurance cost me and spouse over $1900 a month and I have blue choice network. Maybe your contract isn't so bad after all. Just to put your hardship into perspective.

1/30/2017 05:37:00 PM
Spoiled brats? Really? You have to put on a bullet proof vest and strap on a gun belt driving that city truck around? We signed up for it, but when we did we were promised certain benefits... and we expect to get screwed, but not this much. Your talking to completely different jobs
1/30/2017 08:53:00 PM

I weighed my job options against each other when I started with cpd. The pension was a big deciding factor for me, as was the medical coverage. I could have made more in salary (but less in long-term benefits) elsewhere, so I chose to stay an entire career with cpd.
So, while the City might want out of its bargain with me now, it's still the deal both sides agreed to long ago. If they want to change it, they should be clear about it and change it only for new hires, who know exactly what they're getting up front. (The same way I knew what I was getting back when I was a new hire.)

1/31/2017 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at the FOP meeting when the contract was put out to the membership for a vote. I distinctly remember an officer going to the mike and asking specifically about the 2 tier healthcare. Dean gave a song and dance on the stage on how it "really wouldn't affect us" and how great the contract they negotiated is because "They saved the retro pay.". That retro pay along with all five years of the raises we got were just lost this year. All of it. If you are in the PPO plan you now pay a $20 co-pay for each visit if you are tier 1 or $25 if you are tier 2. It is $30 / $35 for specialist visit none of which go towards your deductible. If your doctors / hospital fall under tier 2 as opposed to tier 1 all of your care just went up by 15%. ER visits went up by $50 regardless of tier. And don't forget that in addition to these increases if your doctor or provider raised their rates in the new year you are eating that cost too.
Speaking of retro pay you need to understand exactly what happened in our last contract. This is very important if you want to understand how bad Dean and his crew screwed us. Shields screwed up. He didn't mail a letter to the City in time to negotiate our contract when it expired thus allowing the City the right to carry our previous contract one year longer. What that means is we would have had no raise from June of 2012 through June of 2013 at worst. If you look in the contract you will see that for an officer with 10 years that would be $130 per month difference. $130 per month or $65 per check.
That is what Dean, Casiano, McDonagh, Bella and Kilmer sold us.
Way to go guys.
I can't wait to get my ballot in February....


I remember too, Brock Merck was at the mic.

1/31/2017 01:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
TIP OF DAY get the HMO.

The HMO is no good out of state, which is where you should go if retired.

1/31/2017 01:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just wait til the colas are taken away...its coming......

1/31/2017 02:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brock Merck for Fop president. Connected to No One and he will drive 9.5 CRAZY!
1/30/2017 08:24:00 PM

Brock has my vote. Smart man. No ties to anyone. Doesn't owe anything to anyone and yes, he will drive Rahm crazy. Go Brock.

1/31/2017 02:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the retired truck driver for the city, you failed to mention YOU get 80% of ur pension...... selective facts?

1/31/2017 03:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry retirees. This is not right. Meanwhile, able-bodied assholes that never had a job get free emergency healthcare with no problems. This country and city is a disgrace with the direction we're heading. Don't worry, some day the my generation will take the city raping ass well when we retire.

1/30/2017 10:58:00 PM
Yes and rahm has given over 1 million plus in taxpayer rebate money to pay for the illegal invading criminals to stay in this criminal infested "sanctuary city" as we lose total of 1.% Billion in federal aid which helps pay the police and other services for the taxpayers that here legally! Rahm and crew pandering, guess a so called man that is a ballerina and has a secret dress stored away is not a real leader!

On another note called both senators offices durbin and duckworth to ask them to do the right thing and vote to confirm Jeff sessions both mailboxes are full and typical democrats will not answer the phones cowardly acts!

1/31/2017 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
just wait til the colas are taken away...its coming......

1/31/2017 02:56:00 PM

Yea right. Keep up with news. The legislature just raised the birthdate to 1955 so more guys can get COLA

1/31/2017 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FOP rammed the Aetna plan down the throats of Medicare Eligible retirees. I would be grateful, if people on Medicare, who did not take either the Blue Cross, or the Aetna plan, would tell us what they chose, the cost, and how it's working out for them. Thanks.

1/31/2017 06:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the person calling cops spoiled brats?? Whats your name?

1/31/2017 06:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If these numbers are accurate, and they appear to be, all of you in this situation have little or nothing to complain about. A 50 dollar increase in the deductible is not unreasonable and you are protected by the 1500 dollar maximum out of pocket limit. Sounds like a pretty good plan for the little that you pay.

That's a very nice post.. However it's not what the original post is about. We were promised to retire with the insurance plan we had when we retired if we retired by 2016, not the tier insurance.... Pay attention.

1/31/2017 06:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good idea, but only one of you has to earn the 40 quarters. If you have been married for 10 years a spouse qualifies to use the other spouses Medicare
I never earned 40 quarters but my wife did and I get Medicare from here record
Most people will be surprised by how many quarters they have earned since being 16. Summer jobs in high school, college part time jobs and the job they worked prior to being a po
1/31/2017 11:16:00 AM

But a certain number of those hours have to be RECENT, not thirty years ago.

1/31/2017 06:58:00 PM  

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