Timely Reminder
You'd think there wouldn't have to be a reminder, what with the media coverage, the ACLU nonsense, the DOJ report, but there it is on the Admin Fax Message Page #228449:
- Department members are informed that revised Special Order S11-01 entitled "City of Chicago Employee Ethics Training" has been issued....
The revisions to this directive introduce language that Department member's [sic] will "abide by and" maintain the high level of integrity established by the Chicago Police Department code of Ethics....
Nothing like a timely reminder, eh Wheezy?
Labels: sarcasm AND silliness
What a bad joke this place has become .
They have brass balls, don't they?!
Doesn't seem to apply to IAD. One dopey IAD officer parked her covert vehicle in the bus stop and got at ticket while at lunch. Then came into 009, of all places, and wanted the ticket writer and desk Sgt to non-suit the ticket. She was told to take a hike. What a dummy.
Go over to scumtimes website and see the headline for tomorrow (today, really 1Feb17). It's got a picture of the Supe, looking a bit bewildered, and it reads "CPD SOAP OPERA". The sub-line reads "Amid police tumult, top cop Eddie Johnson asks inspector to look at fiancee's actions after traffic stop".
Rut-roh!!! I'm thinking it's going to be a tenuous Valentine's Day for the CPD's first couple!!!
Wheezy's above all of this rules and regulations and ethics stuff...... just ask her.
Don't make her mad at you though.... she'll call FatHeadEd on you.
Speaking of ethics...
1195 "011 district traffic car on days 31Jan17" stops a car that blows a red light, the copper writes the driver a ticket and the driver informs the officer that he's a CPD SGT and he's going to the 011th district to meet with the District Commander... that officer is then dumped from the traffic car that same afternoon as a reward from doing his job.
According to the new CR# rules if you don't write a ticket you will be suspended, just look at what happened to officers dealing with the CFD boss.
SO the lesson is, do your job and you'll be punished, don't do your job and you'll be punished... what's a P.O. to do under these circumstances??
This event is recorded with the dash cam and mic... one wonder if the IG will look into it like the Supers fiancees' sons incident.
Yea right!
While the Mayor and Alderman steal right in front of you!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Speaking of ethics...
1195 "011 district traffic car on days 31Jan17" stops a car that blows a red light, the copper writes the driver a ticket and the driver informs the officer that he's a CPD SGT and he's going to the 011th district to meet with the District Commander... that officer is then dumped from the traffic car that same afternoon as a reward from doing his job.
According to the new CR# rules if you don't write a ticket you will be suspended, just look at what happened to officers dealing with the CFD boss.
SO the lesson is, do your job and you'll be punished, don't do your job and you'll be punished... what's a P.O. to do under these circumstances??
This event is recorded with the dash cam and mic... one wonder if the IG will look into it like the Supers fiancees' sons incident.
2/01/2017 03:49:00 AM
So your trying to say we have no discretion? Sorry snowflakes writing another copper is writing my family don't know wtf you think your learning blue is family simple as that! Personally I give breaks to many sometimes coppers are jagoffs but using your head as more than a hat rack is a skill set you obviously don't realize dumbass!
Jesus, these democrats have absolutely no shame. DO as I say, not as I do. And then there's Wheezie and Mrs. Wysinger who act like they earned their promotions and treat everyone around them like assholes.
(OT) President Trump keeps his promise how refreshing in the swamp of elected:
Will there be a question on there about accepting free world series cubs tickets for us and our family and friends? Or a question about residing outside city limits as long as we leave a wedding dress behind in our former residence?
Does it apply when Deano is up in the skybox on opening day at Guaranteed Rate field with Rahm and all the alderman ? How bout all the free lunches he charges on his Fop credit card ? Wow ! Hope we get him out !
Time to leave this city house up for sale this summer
Who is the dipshit Sgt? Do tell
1195 "011 district traffic car on days 31Jan17" stops a car that blows a red light, the copper writes the driver a ticket and the driver informs the officer that he's a CPD SGT and he's going to the 011th district to meet with the District Commander... that officer is then dumped from the traffic car that same afternoon as a reward from doing his job.
According to the new CR# rules if you don't write a ticket you will be suspended, just look at what happened to officers dealing with the CFD boss.
SO the lesson is, do your job and you'll be punished, don't do your job and you'll be punished... what's a P.O. to do under these circumstances??
It's quite simple actually. Don't pull anyone over in the 011th list and this won't be a problem...let them have the west side.
It always struck me as ironic that the very people who should be taking the ethics test are the ones who are not required to.
Regarding the Sgt getting a ticket, traffic violations and writing citations are at the officers discretion. Show me the order where it says you have to write the ticket. It's because of you that this job has gone to,shit. You are a complete moron. Ever hear of professional courtesy.
Wheeeezzzeeeee please work a full Tour of Duty,it is very disrespectful that you come and go as you please..
Why is that public transportation section gets in 12 people under the table without opening any bids. I'd like to have a chance to bid. No to mention the fact that black boss brought those individuals who are .....wait for it..all black.
"City of Chicago Employee Ethics Training"
They should start on the 5th floor at City Hall.
It looks like the days of police discretion are over!
Speaking of ethics...
1195 "011 district traffic car on days 31Jan17" stops a car that blows a red light, the copper writes the driver a ticket and the driver informs the officer that he's a CPD SGT and he's going to the 011th district to meet with the District Commander... that officer is then dumped from the traffic car that same afternoon as a reward from doing his job.
According to the new CR# rules if you don't write a ticket you will be suspended, just look at what happened to officers dealing with the CFD boss.
SO the lesson is, do your job and you'll be punished, don't do your job and you'll be punished... what's a P.O. to do under these circumstances??
This event is recorded with the dash cam and mic... one wonder if the IG will look into it like the Supers fiancees' sons incident.
2/01/2017 03:49:00 AM
The Sgt was supposed to identify himself as a an officer immediately, that just in itself is a rule violation.
Speaking of ethics...
1195 "011 district traffic car on days 31Jan17" stops a car that blows a red light, the copper writes the driver a ticket and the driver informs the officer that he's a CPD SGT and he's going to the 011th district to meet with the District Commander... that officer is then dumped from the traffic car that same afternoon as a reward from doing his job.
According to the new CR# rules if you don't write a ticket you will be suspended, just look at what happened to officers dealing with the CFD boss.
SO the lesson is, do your job and you'll be punished, don't do your job and you'll be punished... what's a P.O. to do under these circumstances??
This event is recorded with the dash cam and mic... one wonder if the IG will look into it like the Supers fiancees' sons incident.
2/01/2017 03:49:00 AM
You're not required to write a mover. You have discretion, cameras or no cameras. Covering up a DUI is completely different than deciding to use your discretion when dealing with traffic violations. It's also very different from using your position as a Lt to get your son released without charges when he commits a bunch of violations, has a suspended license, and has weed in the car. There are no "new CR# rules" saying you'll be suspended if you don't write a ticket. If some random citizen runs a red light, but they admit they were wrong, say they just didn't see it, and apologize, you're writing the ticket every time? If regular citizens get off with a warning, why not cops? The officer working the traffic car should not be working the traffic car if that officer believes a ticket has to be written for every violation under every set of circumstances. Write me a ticket, and I won't complain to your boss, try to argue with you on the street, try to get you dumped from your car, or any of that other shit. However, word will get out that you're an asshole who writes your fellow cops, either because you're an idiot, or because you're just an asshole. You get assigned to a traffic car on days for one reason: you're a suckass who brings in a bunch of activity in the form of movers, which generates revenue, and makes the boss happy. You don't get to bid for it, and you should be dumped from it if you can't find someone better to ticket in fucking 011 than a CPD Sgt. That being said, if you pull over a cop, and he or she is acting like an entitled asshole, write the ticket. When I get pulled over, before I was a cop, and now, I always apologize for whatever violation I may have committed. I offer whatever explanation, justification, excuse I think may apply, and I almost always get a warning. There's almost never a need to play the "I'm one of you" card. Attitude is everything when you get pulled over.
If you want to play traffic car while assigned to a beat car, nothing is stopping you. You can make all the traffic stops you want. I'm guessing the traffic car has some other perks that you're "forgetting" to mention.
Member's or members? They don't know the difference?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Go over to scumtimes website and see the headline for tomorrow (today, really 1Feb17). It's got a picture of the Supe, looking a bit bewildered, and it reads "CPD SOAP OPERA". The sub-line reads "Amid police tumult, top cop Eddie Johnson asks inspector to look at fiancee's actions after traffic stop".
Rut-roh!!! I'm thinking it's going to be a tenuous Valentine's Day for the CPD's first couple!!!
2/01/2017 12:50:00 AM
Just saw that, we are a laughing stock the clowns running the circus cause so much by acting per barry obama "stupidly." Ed for your own sake dump her, she is causing way to much heat you and the working coppers don't need, when she is finally brought up on charges for examscam16 scandal it will not be good for you! Best advice Ed take it from an experienced person back away now, let her go she is not worth the embarrassment many good woman out there why settle for less? With your health issues you have 2 woman a ballerina hiding a wedding dress and nakia 1 you have to cope with until you finally man up and tell rahm "fuck you" he is not worth ruined health and an early grave either! Real men take a stand, others wither away what is your choice sir?
So the Internal General handles both the "Test cheating" and the "Let my son go" incident. Does that mean no CR# was obtained because it's not showing up on Fenner's CR history. Media has been doing a pretty good job of getting the records on CR#'s. Looks like the "Powers to be" found a new way to hide certain investigations from the public.
We need to revamp the ethics for our Aldermen as well as we just had another Alderman whose ward has part of the 7th and 9th district get indicted last month. LEAD BY EXAMPLE.
I am constantly reminded how ignorant and illiterate our supervisors are when they release these memos to the "member's" of this department.
It all makes sense now. I have taken the ethics test since it started. Nowhere on any of the tests did it say you couldn't cheat on a promotional exam. Nor did it say you couldn't use your position to influence others not to arrest your family members. So how could you fault anyone for doing that?
""Department member's [sic] will"" Sickening...
I remember back in the day TRYING to find a grammar error in the daily bulletin. Couldn't do it. Now all they do is cut and paste stuff without checking it for accuracy, and some general orders have bits and pieces of ebonics in them.
Apparently no one knows when not to use the personal possessive. At least the former commander of 025 (way back) knew he did't know English, and had those who did write his orders.
To the idiot that think you get a cr number for not writing a traffic ticket please resign now. You are exactly what's wrong with this department.
That's why you don't do anything if you're the traffic car, what for the dispatcher to send you an accident until then drink your coffee
What a joke this police department has become. Front page of sun times about Fenner and her nonsense, then page 6 or 7 and you have Garry and his sexcapade shenanigans. How embarrassing!
When the politicians are totally corrupt, out of line and abusing the Citizenry, what entity within our society is tasked with, equipped for and assigned the responsibility to arrest them, finally placing them within the criminal justice system where they belong?
Oh yeah - Law Enforcement Officers.
If I said it once I said it a thousand times. You folks want to get the average joe six pack in your corner? You want tall respect, ample support and the Citizenry minding your backs? Well, then do our job, your REAL job. Arrest the real criminals, the corrupt politicians. Perp walk them fools one right after the other. Your approval rating will skyrocket.
Shitcago values! Yawza!
LT F traveled to see the Pope with the Mayor
The Pope told Lt that Cheating on the Lieut Test is a violation of the 11th Commandment
There is no Ethics being displayed by the LT Cheaters
Only the paycheck matters.
Supt McComstat was told by the Mayor that He was a distraction
Superintendent EJ is on the front page of the Sun Times newspaper. Is this considered a Distraction?
Not to the City Council. Not to the Police Board. Not to Chief FW and Chief EW , they both are involved in the
Newly formed Community Policy Strategy Group established by our Mayor. No Distractions here!
At what point does the mayor decided that the Superintendent is a distraction?
(OT) old nypd green squad cars memories when police were "the police"
How about this for a idea. Quit driving like a ass and follow the traffic laws. Just because we are the police doesn't mean we can go through red lights and stop signs. I give all officers play except for the ones that think this is ok and act like entitled asses.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why is that public transportation section gets in 12 people under the table without opening any bids. I'd like to have a chance to bid. No to mention the fact that black boss brought those individuals who are .....wait for it..all black.
2/01/2017 07:46:00 AM
Airports just got a bunch also secret squirrel type!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Does it apply when Deano is up in the skybox on opening day at Guaranteed Rate field with Rahm and all the alderman ? How bout all the free lunches he charges on his Fop credit card ? Wow ! Hope we get him out !
2/01/2017 06:32:00 AM
I think Angelo is a cub fan.
The only person on this board to endorse Rahm was Donahue.
The FOP credit card could kill Graham and Whicter. Golden Coral has made them customers of the year.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Speaking of ethics...
1195 "011 district traffic car on days 31Jan17" stops a car that blows a red light, the copper writes the driver a ticket and the driver informs the officer that he's a CPD SGT and he's going to the 011th district to meet with the District Commander... that officer is then dumped from the traffic car that same afternoon as a reward from doing his job.
According to the new CR# rules if you don't write a ticket you will be suspended, just look at what happened to officers dealing with the CFD boss.
SO the lesson is, do your job and you'll be punished, don't do your job and you'll be punished... what's a P.O. to do under these circumstances??
This event is recorded with the dash cam and mic... one wonder if the IG will look into it like the Supers fiancees' sons incident.
2/01/2017 03:49:00 AM
So your trying to say we have no discretion? Sorry snowflakes writing another copper is writing my family don't know wtf you think your learning blue is family simple as that! Personally I give breaks to many sometimes coppers are jagoffs but using your head as more than a hat rack is a skill set you obviously don't realize dumbass!
2/01/2017 05:32:00 AM
Simple fix.
That particular Sgt is a jag off. I'd get paper on the individual And the DC for Hostile Workplace Environment AND a CR#.
But then...I am a firm believer in the Gold rule...Treat others the way you would want to be treated.
As for 5:32am...3:49am has a great point.
Don't do the job 100% correctly and you can get screwed. So you got dumped off a Traffic Car. Big deal...so you Grieve it and just push a Beat Car. You can still to Parkers and Movers.
Too many friggin' crybabies on this job....White Shirts And Blue Shirts.
In the modern day where you never know Who is Watching what you are doing or not doing...If your Camera is ON....Hey...Video is recording.
Like a Lot of ya'll were saying when the Body Cameras started getting rolled out. Discretion is Gone if the Video is rolling.
Writing a sgt a mover. That officer should be dumped from a traffic car. Stop whining like the liberals out there. I'm starting to see too many snowflakes in the department. Retirement can't come soon enough
There is no order that mandates the issuance of a traffic citation EXCEPT traffic crash investigations. Other than that, you have discretion. So fuck them!
"City of Chicago Employee Ethics Training" is a impossibility in itself.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Go over to scumtimes website and see the headline for tomorrow (today, really 1Feb17). It's got a picture of the Supe, looking a bit bewildered, and it reads "CPD SOAP OPERA". The sub-line reads "Amid police tumult, top cop Eddie Johnson asks inspector to look at fiancee's actions after traffic stop".
Rut-roh!!! I'm thinking it's going to be a tenuous Valentine's Day for the CPD's first couple!!!
2/01/2017 12:50:00 AM
And we wonder why we are the laughing stock of the nation. Where did rahm learn to lead?
I like the copper (TS) from 001 who illegally parks his SUV in the tow zone at 9th & Clark. He has the audacity to illegally park and then place his 1st District parking placard in the front windshield which lists his full name and title code for all the public to see. I guess that placard allows one to park illegally. I'm embarrassed by his actions. Here's a hint...pay the meter next time.
There are no "new CR# rules" saying you'll be suspended if you don't write a ticket.
Then what's this in the Complaint Register Matrix: Group 07. TRAFFIC ( NON BRIBERY/EXCESSIVE FORCE)
Misconduct: Fail to Enforce Traffic Regulations
Catagory Code: 07A
Rules Violation: 2,3,5,6,9,11
Penalty Range: Failure to issue citation for violation of traffic regulation that is required by law other than DUI.
Punishment ranges any where from violation noted to 6-15 days.
2/01/2017 04:40:00 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
There is no order that mandates the issuance of a traffic citation EXCEPT traffic crash investigations. Other than that, you have discretion. So fuck them!
2/01/2017 05:38:00 PM
Agreed these new kids have no clue!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
There are no "new CR# rules" saying you'll be suspended if you don't write a ticket.
Then what's this in the Complaint Register Matrix: Group 07. TRAFFIC ( NON BRIBERY/EXCESSIVE FORCE)
Misconduct: Fail to Enforce Traffic Regulations
Catagory Code: 07A
Rules Violation: 2,3,5,6,9,11
Penalty Range: Failure to issue citation for violation of traffic regulation that is required by law other than DUI.
Punishment ranges any where from violation noted to 6-15 days.
2/02/2017 04:23:00 AM
Thats bullshit, So your telling us that coppers and family should be written. Also your saying that absolutely zero discretion for anyone? Fuck you son is in academy and he is being taught we have discretion i will always use discretion hero!
"As for 5:32am...3:49am has a great point".
But i believe 2:51am while reiterating the point that was made by 1:29am at 1:20am makes more sense. But given the choice i wpuld go with the statement tha SCC made before 1:20 am at about 1:15am. SCC you da man always right.
Then what's this in the Complaint Register Matrix: Group 07. TRAFFIC ( NON BRIBERY/EXCESSIVE FORCE)
Misconduct: Fail to Enforce Traffic Regulations
Catagory Code: 07A
Rules Violation: 2,3,5,6,9,11
Penalty Range: Failure to issue citation for violation of traffic regulation that is required by law other than DUI.
Punishment ranges any where from violation noted to 6-15 days.
2/02/2017 04:23:00 AM
One question, do you know how to read a chart? 07A is "Misconduct During the Issuance of a Citation" NOT Failure to Issue a Citation. 07E states "Failure to issue a citation for violation of a traffic regulation that is required by law other than a DUI." So dumnass, that means suspended/revoked or insurance violations. There isn't a damn thing that says you MUST issue a citation for something like a red light violation or other such violation. As for punishment; Mitigated: Violation noted to Reprimand Presumptive-1-5 days Aggravated: 6-15. But let me guess. You were never promoted because the test is bullshit and you have no clout. Keep thinking that.
Then what's this in the Complaint Register Matrix: Group 07. TRAFFIC ( NON BRIBERY/EXCESSIVE FORCE)
Misconduct: Fail to Enforce Traffic Regulations
Catagory Code: 07A
Rules Violation: 2,3,5,6,9,11
Penalty Range: Failure to issue citation for violation of traffic regulation that is required by law other than DUI.
Punishment ranges any where from violation noted to 6-15 days.
Then why are there blue cards? You had to stop someone after a violation. Every stop has discretion
There are no "new CR# rules" saying you'll be suspended if you don't write a ticket.
Then what's this in the Complaint Register Matrix: Group 07. TRAFFIC ( NON BRIBERY/EXCESSIVE FORCE)
Misconduct: Fail to Enforce Traffic Regulations
Catagory Code: 07A
Rules Violation: 2,3,5,6,9,11
Penalty Range: Failure to issue citation for violation of traffic regulation that is required by law other than DUI.
Punishment ranges any where from violation noted to 6-15 days.
2/02/2017 04:23:00 AM
Since you can read it, but not understand it, I'll explain it to you:
"Failure to issue citation for violation of traffic regulation THAT IS REQUIRED BY LAW."
This only applies to instances where a citation is REQUIRED BY LAW. There are very few instances where the law requires a citation be issued. For all others, you have discretion. You misunderstood this as meaning you're always required to issue a citation. It's not your fault though. You're just not very bright. Now, for the second part of your argument that you inadvertently shot down with your own reference:
You said there are "new CR # rules" saying you'll be suspended for not writing a ticket. Then you posted your "proof" which includes the part about the punishment ranging from violation noted to 6-15 days. You may not know this, again, not your fault, because you're just not very bright, but "violation noted" is not a suspension. So, you were wrong on both parts of your argument.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
There is no order that mandates the issuance of a traffic citation EXCEPT traffic crash investigations. Other than that, you have discretion. So fuck them!
2/01/2017 05:38:00 PM
Agreed these new kids have no clue!
2/02/2017 07:17:00 AM
You have to write for suspended/revoked. The order says you will write a ticket.
C. If the Secretary of State's Office reveals a drivers license suspension or revocation, the arresting officer WILL:
1. issue a Personal Service Citation to the traffic violator for Driving while license or permit suspended or revoked (ILCS 625 5/6-303), and
2. complete a Request For Certified Copy of Drivers Record form, and forward the form to the Traffic Court Unit (148) via the Police Document Section (PDS).
Oh yeah - Law Enforcement Officers.
If I said it once I said it a thousand times. You folks want to get the average joe six pack in your corner? You want tall respect, ample support and the Citizenry minding your backs? Well, then do our job, your REAL job. Arrest the real criminals, the corrupt politicians. Perp walk them fools one right after the other. Your approval rating will skyrocket.
2/01/2017 12:36:00 PM
I can agree with you totally. But, the fact remains that the most city cops can do to any of the political class is a traffic ticket, maybe some other misdemeanor which will be promptly non-suited at the station. The key to getting the criminal political class is the US Attorney, then Cook County State's attorney and finally the Illinois Attorney General. But, with Foxx and Madigan in the latter two positions, I doubt seriously you will ever see any serious cases against the political class, democratic class that is. They are too busy looking the other way just as Alveraz was .
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