All Those Detainees at O'Hare
All zero of them:
- So here are your tax dollars at work, supporting a group of lawyers who have helped absolutely zero people while there because NOT ONE person has been held, detained, or deported for anything related to the executive order signed by Trump. Customs Border Patrol has not received any orders yet regarding the new rules so anything they've done with any people trying to enter the US so far has been based on current law and regulations they follow. All of the "detainees" the media blatantly lie about, are people with paperwork issues going through secondary screening as they have forever.
The attorneys have been aimlessly wandering around the area of lower level terminal five with no permit as required by Department of Aviation rules and given an area to set up, again against DOA rules, and soliciting business, again without that pesky permit, since Saturday. On Sunday, your favorite midget ballerina paid them a visit of support and bought them coffee and pastries from an airport vendor. The mayor's office has called and demanded the pictured tables, chairs, lockable cabinets, and electrical run be provided IMMEDIATELY.
The demonstrators have been given inside and outside spaces for their demos based on the lawyer's and media's lies, again without any permitting normally required.
So if anyone has any desire to protest, picket, or solicit at O'Hare, come on down and refer to these groups if anyone tries to tell you that you need a permit.
Free cabinets, tables, chairs and electricity for no one detained (and only two sent back as far as we can tell):
Meanwhile, promised retiree healthcare continues to be an issue.
Labels: national politics
Democrat logic pander to immigrants so they will vote democrat, then deny any election fraud exists.
Part of the blame for the pack of lawyers goes to the North Shore Anti-2A Disciple of Nanny Bloomberg, Nancy Rotering. Mayor of Highland Park. She also started up the "Legal Clinic" in Highland Park to defend the illegal aliens that get coddled there with free food from the food pantries, free health care from the Lake County Health Department clinic that Rotering got built in Highland Park, and more...
She tried running for Congress, but thank the G-d's didn't get voted in... Libtard to the core, even has pics w/Killery.
Hope Rham got his plastic bottle tax for those water bottles on the floor
Rahm will do absolutely whatever it takes to continue pandering to the illegals. Yet he brags , in emails, about fucking our retirees out of healthcare.
Rahm's an evil, slimy bastard and one day karma is gonna give him an ass kicking.
Reposted from 1/29/17: I saw radical lefty Congresswoman Jan Schakowsy and her convicted felon husband Bob Creamer at O'Hare airport today. You're all familiar with Bob, no? Oh, he's the dirty tricks operative tied into to the highest level of the DNC and Hillary Clinton's campaign who got caught on video admitting he paid mentally unstable and homeless people to disrupt Trump events with violence. Scumbag Bob was directly responsible for getting coppers injured at the UIC Trump rally that eventually was cancelled. Oh, and Jan, why are you lying to the American people stating that you had something to do with the release of people detained at O'Hare that were affected by Trump's executive order? You and all the shitbag lawyers that showed up had ZERO impact on anything to do with their eventual release. You are lying and you know it, but I guess to someone devoid of ethical behavior, this is perfectly acceptable. The American people are on to you and we are watching...
That 3rd picture regarding the makeshift, ramshackle electrical work should be used to file a complaint against the city. Maybe one of the ambulance-chasing lawyers will wise up and advise one of their "clients" to "accidentally" electrocute themselves. There's REAL money to be had there. We could call it the "third world lottery".
What happens If a city employee gets caught living out of the city. Rham cans him. If Rham won't follow the rules why should we have to.
CBP Officer here. I wanted to first thank CPD for keeping things under control, especially during that 1st day of protesting. I'd like to point out that the vast majority of the media, law community and travelling public have absolutely NO IDEA what we do on a daily basis (half the people think we're the TSA). The misinformation put out there by the media has been comical. EVERYONE entering the U.S. is subject to inspection. SOME travelers receive additional screening based upon factors I won't get into here. It has been this way since our agency's inception.
Travelers are denied entry to the U.S. EVERY day. A visa does not grant someone automatic entry into our country. It only allows them to "knock on the door" of the United States. CBP determines entry. The media, lawyers and elected officials are confusing travelers affected by the executive order and those who are not. Here's more advice: stop calling and pestering our officers for names and information, because unless you are immediate family, you aren't entitled to ANY information.
Oh, and SCC, we are not Customs and Border Patrol. We are Customs and Border Protection. Don't worry, though. Our own administration never gets our name right either!
Our tax dollars at work. Thanks Rahm. Time to get this diminutive little man out of our lives.
Anybody but Rahm!
Looks like a good place for a watch party.
That is a wet dream for a terrorist wanting to set off a bomb at the airport.
Typical liberal bullshit. Worry about everyone else's house keeping to keep attention off of yours. Chicagos children are getting blasted, and OUR mayor worries about people who aren't even here. What world does this man live in.
That's nice rahm buys them coffee and treats pathetic and sickening! Rahm has illegals at his home for dinner when has rahm had police over for a discussion invited police to city hall for lunch? Nope he sticks it in cops ear removed retirees health insurance shows he is not on law and orders side! Just like when Barry gave ignorant quote that police acted "stupidly""at least now we finally have a "law and order pro-police" President in Trump! Time to drain the swamp!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Rahm will do absolutely whatever it takes to continue pandering to the illegals. Yet he brags , in emails, about fucking our retirees out of healthcare.
Rahm's an evil, slimy bastard and one day karma is gonna give him an ass kicking.
2/02/2017 03:03:00 AM
Agreed! Rahm is so corrupt so anti-police very evil, giving millions in taxpayers money to illegals are we are set to lose 28 million in police funding,and 1.3 Billion yes Billion news media in total federal aid to chiraq all because our elected refuse to obey the laws. The big question will we be raped in taxes as rahm will destroy taxpayers again as he raises taxes to fund the illegal invaders and panders to them and the thugs anything to stay elected him the 50 toni-tommy show despicable all of them! Something to think about, i called Comcast the other day my bill goes up even though locked into 2 year deal! Well the nice girl explains "We have the highest taxes in the nation in Chicago' then looked over throughly my phone bill, electric and gas bill then receive highest real estate tax bill, with the extra water tax, now garbage pickup. Years ago we never had cable tax or cell phone tax because we never had the technology the city has literally billions rolling in every month just in this alone the big question where is all our money being squandered to? What corrupt elected is taking? How much is enough?
Yea the first year med student his visa was from Sep 2016 till Jun 17 he gets married to a sister wife who can get a visa because she's married. Where have we seen this before. Denied.
And you know, somehow, some way, taxpayers are paying these lawyers and the protest organizers. Maybe that's where all the money on the new tax is going.
This would all be so funny if it weren't true.
Stay safe Officers.
In case anyone doubts what the democratic party stands for read this.
Communist Party USA boss John Bachtell boasted in a recent column that his Marxist-Leninist organization, a tentacle of the Soviet regime in America for decades, “utilizes” the increasingly radical Democratic Party to advance its totalitarian objectives in the United States. Writing in the Communist Party propaganda mouthpiece People’s World, Bachtell suggested that, eventually, a “radical third party” would become a viable option to advance communism in America. However, for now, he argued, fending off what he calls the “ultra-right” — essentially anyone to the right of Obama, whom American communists openly backed in both elections — requires the CPUSA to continue utilizing the Democrat Party as a “vehicle.”
Staging a protest without the required permit and truly causing a breach of the public peace sounds like mob action. If I was still working at the airport I would have instructed officers to lock up every single one of these protesters and welcomed the backlash from rahm, eddie and the aclu,lawsuits and suspension that in the end would be my ghetto lottery.Is there any supervisor left in this city who has a sack?
voter registrar table, too!
Hey, while I believe that our wonderful mayor might actually be the anti-Christ, you can't place all of the blame for ending retiree health care on Rahm.
The blame falls squarely on the shoulders of Rahm's good buddy, Dean Angelo, for allowing it to happen.
All the pro-bono lawyers thinking they'll cash in on this event.
Rahm more likely informed and provided these select attorneys by utilizing that $1mil he stole from the Homeowners.
Well gues what...lawsuits against the government are not going happen or go forward under this Administration.
Somebody please notify City Hall that obama - clinton don't work here anymore.
This failed pre-planned stunt that Rahm pulled, will find the FAA may not release or approve Federal funding as promised for his inflated overbudget Ohare Modernization and any future airport and CTA projects.
There are more just than one Federal agency to stump-stumpie Rahms cash flow.
Another bad decision by Rahm Emanuel...defying The Donald.
Has asshat ever come by a crime scene and brought you guys coffee? F##k him
In the age of handwritten reports, Me and my partner plugged in an electric typewriter(ours)once, and a brand new supervisor told us "we were stealing electricity from the city" and brought up the story of PO's being investigated for doing the same many years ago, and suggested we don't do that.
Now Lawyer's are getting juice off the city's dime for free, and possibly using it to preliminarily sue the city.
Rahm...Are you tired of getting sued??? Why do this? Even if the lawsuit is federal, the city will be named as a co conspirator and defendant.
Fuck those soros-funded "protestors. All the tact teams in 016 and 017 were sent to O'Hare, while the "communities" best were robbing and mugging at will in the aforementioned districts.
Get CFD to spray them down in frigid temps. They're 'snowflakes,' so they wont mind turning into ice (the frozen kind; not the ones that get rid of the illegal immigrants).
Anonymous said...
That is a wet dream for a terrorist wanting to set off a bomb at the airport.
2/02/2017 06:58:00 AM
That it is.
Anonymous said...
CBP Officer here. I wanted to first thank CPD for keeping things under control, especially during that 1st day of protesting. I'd like to point out that the vast majority of the media, law community and travelling public have absolutely NO IDEA what we do on a daily basis (half the people think we're the TSA). The misinformation put out there by the media has been comical. EVERYONE entering the U.S. is subject to inspection. SOME travelers receive additional screening based upon factors I won't get into here. It has been this way since our agency's inception.
Travelers are denied entry to the U.S. EVERY day. A visa does not grant someone automatic entry into our country. It only allows them to "knock on the door" of the United States. CBP determines entry. The media, lawyers and elected officials are confusing travelers affected by the executive order and those who are not. Here's more advice: stop calling and pestering our officers for names and information, because unless you are immediate family, you aren't entitled to ANY information.
Oh, and SCC, we are not Customs and Border Patrol. We are Customs and Border Protection. Don't worry, though. Our own administration never gets our name right either!
2/02/2017 04:44:00 AM
This post bears repeating.
Can you imagine what terminal 5 must smell like?
This little weasel thinks that he can do what he wants, well he has no juice at the White Hiuse. He really fucked up when he c and Reilly the Alderman took down the Trump street sign because they thought he didn't have a chance in winning. A stupid sign is going to cost Chicago greatly
I cancelled my cable and built an HD tv antenna out of coat hangars from directions I found on the internet. The picture is great, one less tax, pound sand Crimecast.
Anonymous said...
Democrat logic pander to immigrants so they will vote democrat, then deny any election fraud exists.
2/02/2017 12:04:00 AM
Rahm loves illegals because illegals equals votes, whether the illegal becomes a citizen or not. Rahm is counting on the legal family members of the illegal to keep voting for him, because Rahm is fighting for illegals.
Everyone that bitches about Rahm and coddling of illegals should be talking - either in person or on the phone - to their aldercreature and complaining to them about the illegal problem in Chicago, the City' stance as a sanctuary city and Rahm's creation of a defense for illegals.
As long as this City is an open City to illegals or those here without being thoroughly vetted, lawyers and the ACLU will influence the agenda of the City and it will cost the taxpayer for the implementation of that agenda.
Rahm may not care how the people feel, except for those that suck the milk from the gov teat, but the aldercreature care because they are usually elected by the slimmest of margins.
Demorats conflate legal immigrants and illegal immigrants so as to confuse people as to the nature of the debate, hoping such denial, deflection, and redirection will focus the blame onto repubs and Trump for being insensitive and denying human rights. Never mind about the safety of ALL Americans. As long as the kin and friends of the demorat elites are not harmed by illegals and terrorists the rest of us are expendable in the cause of social justice.
Blogger FOP Genius said...
Hey, while I believe that our wonderful mayor might actually be the anti-Christ, you can't place all of the blame for ending retiree health care on Rahm.
The blame falls squarely on the shoulders of Rahm's good buddy, Dean Angelo, for allowing it to happen.
2/02/2017 11:32:00 AM
Are a f-ing goof or running for office with this election bullshit. The city announced they were doing this under Shields. Underwood, a Shields trustee, is the lead plaintiff in the case. The circuit court ruled the city could do this. The case is on it's way to the Illinois Supreme Court. The FOP and the Retired Chicago Police Association are funding the court battle. FOP has paid for a bus to take people to the major court dates.
You are ill informed or just a clown.
I often wonder does Rahmie know he's an asshole?
No excuse for a protest at O'hare without a permit. If I was in charge all that heavy duty fire fighting equipment would be throwing down a rainstorm for the ages on these anarchist, treasonist, communist bastards. No permit to protest, suffer the consequences. Don't remain in the designated protest area, suffer the consequences.
The problem, for the past 8 years, is that our anti-law mayor and president made sure these anarchist never had to face any consequences for their unlawful actions. This is the same anti-law philosophy that does not hold illegal immigrants responsible for their actions and protects them from federal prosecution. The same protection from the law that protestors enjoy when they punch a police officer in the face during a riot. As Ike Clanton said, "Listen, Mr. Kansas Law Dog, Law don't go around here. Savvy" This city is truly a demented social experiment where bloodshed is a known, expected and accepted side effect by Rahm, Tonie, Tommy, jessie, Flakey, louie the rat,Jan Shitkowsky, the mainstream media and the aclu.
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