Saturday, December 09, 2023

Where's the Money Stacy?

We referenced this Slum Times article on Monday:

  • With his first budget, Mayor Brandon Johnson could have reopened more mental health clinics, addressed homelessness without pushing for a controversial tax on high-end real estate transactions and hacked a bigger chunk off the city’s mountain of unfunded pension liabilities. 

    By the city’s accounting, he could have been able to do all of that while taking bigger swings at other campaign promises without breaking a sweat over a projected $538 million budget shortfall — and still had millions to spare for the city’s burgeoning migrant crisis. 

    There’s just one thing Johnson would have had to do to make this fiscal fantasy come true: Force a generation of debtors to pay up.

We asked why the media was bringing this up now, after the budget had already been passed and the debt ran back three or four mayors who had done little if anything to collect it.

Guess who owes the city $5,500?

  • Newly uncovered records show Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Davis Gates was $5,100 behind on her water, sewer and garbage services before starting a payment plan in July 2023. She almost immediately defaulted on that plan – despite making more than $289,000 a year.

    She owed $5,579 to the city as of Nov. 7, 2023.

    Davis Gates’ debt is part of over $6.4 billion in unpaid fees, fines and other debts left uncollected since 1990, according to a Chicago Sun-Times analysis. City Comptroller Chasse Rehwinkel said collection efforts are focusing on debt less than five years old owed by those with the means but who are skirting responsibility.

"Waaaaaaah! The rich aren't paying their fair share! Raise property taxes to the fullest limit allowed by law! Waaaaaaah! Why do you hate teachers and students! Won't somebody think of the children? Waaaaaaaah!"

The Slum Times article doesn't mention the head of the CTU even once, so we can safely assume that not only do they own the mayor, they own parts of the media.

Even during mandatory OT deployments, it took well over two years for us to earn anything close to what this commie agitator gets. And if we missed a parking ticket or a red-light ticket or a water/sewer bill, you can bet we'd be called into the Front Office and served with disciplinary papers almost immediately.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Commander Joe Brennan retired, so sad to see him leave. 024 has a new commander Robert Vanna..hopefully he's as good as Brennan.

12/09/2023 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone shocked??

12/09/2023 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a F/1 who is a teacher.
That's a hat trick!!
Won't pay a fucking dime..

12/09/2023 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BJ was in debt to the city. Stacy is in debt to the city. Are the CTU exempt from having to pay city bills? As police you get immediately served and spared if u are even a day late paying your bills.

12/09/2023 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$6.4 billion since 1990 (33 years) == $194 million/year
That is right up there with the whore and his pimp hunter

12/09/2023 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't you just put a lien on her house?

12/09/2023 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After lighthead said water is a right, no more shutoffs..Unpaid Chicago water bills zoomed to current $740 Million $$ ..add this to the $680+ million in unpaid Gas bills owed by South, West side hoods .. Chicago is in Coleman young's Detroit doomed era ,territory.

12/09/2023 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In August 2022, she denied speculation that she would run for mayor in the upcoming 2023 election, instead endorsing CTU organizer and Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson.[24][25] As president of the union, Davis Gates oversaw large contributions to Johnson's mayoral campaign; including, donating $8 per month per member's dues, to controversy and mixed support among CTU members.[26][27] CTU contributed $2.4 million to fund the mayoral campaign, which Johnson ultimately won in an April runoff.[28]

In an August 2023 interview with South Side Weekly, Davis Gates expressed optimism for the union's future relationship with the mayor and elected school board

12/09/2023 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Chicago Teachers Union loaned a total of $415,000 to two political action committees it controls. Those committees — chaired by union president Stacy Davis Gates — have spent largely on Johnson’s campaign and on a handful of City Council races.

Members said the loan was made behind their backs without having the chance to vote on it.

“Members weren’t notified; many of us were notified by going onto the website and finding out this money was donated, and it wasn’t done in a transparent way,” said CTU delegate Mary Esposito Usterbowski, who ran unsuccessfully last year to unseat Davis Gates in internal union elections.

CTU officials did not respond to questions posed by WTTW News and had not sent an official statement as of the publication of this story. But the union did tell members the money will be repaid to the union from future PAC revenues. That money is raised from voluntary dues paid by CTU members.

12/09/2023 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot predicted CTU’s ultimate political ambitions back in 2021, when she was interviewed by The New York Times.

“I think, ultimately, they’d like to take over not only Chicago Public Schools, but take over running the city government,” she said.

That’s exactly what CTU has done with its political spending

12/09/2023 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know Gates drives a Mercedes or Lexus.

12/09/2023 01:10:00 AM  
Blogger TimC said...

It's somewhere down in that toilet bowl, hold her down there a little longer...

12/09/2023 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s obvious the city is mismanaged. Everybody’s watching history taking place with the distraction of the city. One day people will talk about how great the city was. How great it was to live here all while sitting in the kitchen somewhere other than Chicago.

12/09/2023 02:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a sad commentary on the teachers who voted this arrogant deadbeat Marxist into office. And another sad commentary on the rest of the voters who voted in all our radical left wing loon scum the likes of Johnson, Foxx, Preckwinkle, Durbin, Duckworth, Pritzker, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer and a cast of hundreds.

They are turning over our country to the illegal aliens and are making us pay for them. These Marxists are flipping this country rapidly and the voters are asleep.

12/09/2023 03:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Shitcago teachers union is a failed unit. Remember when Reagan told the air traffic controllers to get back to work or else?? I think we are past that point, dump all the teachers & start over make sure the Teechers are interested in the students FIRST & then themselves!! I mean what is the percentage of stewednts who actually go to school & STAY there even after the free brakefest & free lunch…….. during that made up disaster COVID I remember reading (I can read I went to private skool) that only 15% of the entire population signed in every morning & then only 6-10% stayed signed in all day. Right now what’s da average freshman reading at a fork grade level?? How many students gradueight that finished the entire coriqulem that they needed two & not get pushed along so it looks good. Then there’s the laptops that cost millions that the skool district refused to make police reports on to get back millions of my tax dollars. The system is broken & broken badly. Scrap it & start over W/O a union that cares more about politiks than the only thing they should care about The kids……. BTW if anyone needs help W/ the big words in this post ask a teecher & see if they can help. They learned me to right!

12/09/2023 03:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s a Democrat thing. Hunter Biden didn’t pay his taxes for four years and had millions of dollars coming in from influence peddling. Al Sharpton didn’t pay taxes and nothing happened to him. Pritzker had his toilet tax scam. BLM Brandon had a black wife & children so he couldn’t pay his City bills. It’s just a side benefit of being in the Party.

12/09/2023 04:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget SDG's residency fraud issue.

CPS OIG William Fletcher is afraid (or his handlers will not allow him) to investigate SDG for a residency violation in claiming her Indiana home as her primary residence to get the break on her property taxes and not claiming her Chicago home as her primary residence to get that Homeowner's Exemption.

CPS employees can have dual residency, but, they must declare one home as their primary residence where they spend a majority of their time. SDG claiming the Indiana home as her primary home sinks her. GUILTY, pay the man!!!

(BTW: SDG's husband Kevin has their Chicago home's property taxes paid up)

SDG isn't grandfathered-in with the old CPS Residency Policy as she was hired after November 20, 1996


SDG was doesn't qualify for a residency waiver nor does she have a waiver as her subject area of History isn't a need basis subject and she claimed to CPS that she was a Chicago resident at the time of her initial CPS hire date.

According to CPS policy, SDG must continue to live in Chicago even if she's on LOA to be on loan to the CTU.

SDG was claiming to Indiana that her primary residence was there even before she went on LOA from CPS.

Finally, while SDG is on loan specifically to the CTU and she doesn't have the secondary employment approval to work for the IFT and any other organizations.

So, Stacy is guilty of residency fraud and failure to report secondary employment. GUILTY, pay the man!!!

While SDG only gets paid $1 from CPS while on LOA, she continues to accrue yearly pension credit and her pension contribution is paid for by the CTU. Just like former CTU President Jesse Sharkey who returned from his LOA to CPS after 12 years at the CTU, worked until he got in his 25 years with CPS, and was given a $26K raise in pay to work as a substitute teacher at a $109K salary under the title of Special Education teacher and assigned to South Shore HS. This as Sharkey doesn't have any Soecial Education certifications.

Sharkey is currently on LOA from CPS again, his 4th in his career with CPS, to write his memoirs. Word is he's planning to run for CPS school board

12/09/2023 04:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Minus out all of those 'fines', 'penalties', etc., then emphasis the slackers who owe for actual services provided.

Yes, there are actual, valid services provided by governments, even thoroughly graft greedy, deceitfull, manipulative liar packed, grifter infested governments.

12/09/2023 05:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ain’t gots to worry bout no outstanding debt dat be called reparations from what went on 400 years ago

12/09/2023 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is she paying her Catholic school tuition? Maybe she does not understand math?

12/09/2023 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny how Stacy and Brandon are both scofflaws who cheat on their bills. Gee, who would have suspected two scammers from out of town who spent their careers sucking at the CTU tit to be dishonest? Everybody but the local media, it seems.

12/09/2023 06:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stacy Davis Ģates didn't just default on one water bill, she defaulted on 35. And even after getting into a payment plan, she defaulted on paying $144 a month on the plan.

Her combined salary is $289,000. Let's put this in perspective. Stacy pays more in taxes ($75K+) than middle class families average in gross income.

12/09/2023 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rules for thee, not for me. It seems the police are the only ones, out of all City employees/departments, to have their feet held to the financial fire of consequences. Now why would Gates’ debt be overlooked? Maybe another Marxist works in the office and recognizes her name and places her name in the “nevermind” stack of debtors. Strange how our mayor was in the “nevermind” stack of debtors until he was elected mayor and it was revealed he was delinquent. What’s the common denominator to Gates and Johnson? Hmmm. The teachers union! How many other teachers are delinquent, but are placed in the “nevermind” stack?

12/09/2023 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a cop or a city employee. Something written on the blog really concerned me. Someone posted about a week ago that they made the rank of sergeant by paying $20,000.

There are also countless mentions of "secret study groups", the Patty Casey study groups (who is she?) and numerous other posts about how the testing process and promotional process is corrupt.

If this is the case, then why hasn't your union done anything about jt? Why haven't any police officers done anything? I do have a viable solution- let's crowd source a lawsuit against the CPD. I personally would contribute money.

12/09/2023 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet she is also on the PPP loan fraud list.

12/09/2023 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over 5100 bucks and services still on? Why wasn't it cut off?

Has the money but refused to pay, a member of the gibs me it for free class.

I really hate Crook county, the city of Shitago and the useless commie CTU.

12/09/2023 07:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ani't gotta pay no water bills....'s racist...


12/09/2023 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds about right, though I can't help but put partial blame on Jennifer Koniarski (the cop that never was)


12/09/2023 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retires CPD in Oklahoma says...

How great it was to live here all while sitting in the kitchen somewhere other than Chicago.

I tell stories of go to the Cubs games, both museums, riding the CTA, IC all day, going home when the street lights came on, growing up in the 60's and 70's, pizza places on the corners, after a tour in the Marines, and deciding that working at 87th St. US Steel was not fun. I join the CPD in 1979

Now, I sit back in my mountain top home of 100 acres and cry how the scum democrats destoryed it. Cannot even think of going back to sight see cause the danger.

Get out of the city and failed is so much better.

Stay safe
Go home, your cared about and loved

12/09/2023 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing new here just another CTU piece of shit. Karma is a real thing and at some point these people will pay one way or another.

12/09/2023 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laptops (Chromebooks)

CPS gave each school 1 1/2 Chromebooks per student during COVID

It wasn't until last school year (2022-23) when students were held responsible for them. Then, they can get the fee waived if they come from low income families just like fines are waived for shitheads getting caught pulling fire alarms at school.

Two school years worth of Chromebooks are MIA. Many students were getting their Chromebooks and selling them and this was part of the reason Austin HS only had a 44% participation rate on a good day for online learning.

If a student loses their Chromebook, they're issued a new one, no questions asked. Their school and CPS is 'supposed' to collect the Chromebooks or money for them before the student graduates or needs their transcripts released to another school district. This rarely happens at all. Forget about students that drop out of school and owe for a Chromebook.

12/09/2023 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is very ghetto...She probably cashes her pay checks at a currency exchange....

12/09/2023 08:54:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

The privileged need not pay.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

12/09/2023 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asking her to pay her bills is like asking jesse jackson to get a real job

12/09/2023 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a scammer!

12/09/2023 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Stacy Gates Thief should be fired and lose her teachers pension especially living in Indiana!

If she was a Chicago Police Officer, how fast would that happen to one of us?!

12/09/2023 09:06:00 AM  
Blogger Old Joe said...

George Orwell wrote a book about people like Stacy. I wonder if she assigns it to her students.

12/09/2023 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Wyatt Earp said...

The CTU is the Commiecratic party! You do what I say, and not what I do, I don’t have to pay no stinking water bill , but you better paid yours on time, or shut your service off immediately ! How in the fuck is this Bitch’s water service still on owing that much money, for that length of time ? If it was you, or me our service would have been shut off very quickly ! I wouldn’t doubt that she is on the PPP list as someone had mentioned ! She is gaming the system like all the other Democrats are at our expense !

12/09/2023 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stacy, good going, perfect Representative of the Chicago Commiecrat Teachers.

12/09/2023 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Kevin Graham take the homeowners exemption in Lincolnshire? Mike Shields went back to a beat car after being FOP President. Kevin Graham got a take home car and Sgt.s pay. How hard did Graham crackers work for you as FOP President??? Why has he not been fired for living out of the City. Inquiring minds want to know?

12/09/2023 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm not a cop or a city employee. Something written on the blog really concerned me. Someone posted about a week ago that they made the rank of sergeant by paying $20,000.

There are also countless mentions of "secret study groups", the Patty Casey study groups (who is she?) and numerous other posts about how the testing process and promotional process is corrupt.

If this is the case, then why hasn't your union done anything about jt? Why haven't any police officers done anything? I do have a viable solution- let's crowd source a lawsuit against the CPD. I personally would contribute money.

12/09/2023 07:23:00 AM

Why hasn’t our union done anything about it? Because JOHN CANTANZARA is compromised. There is proof that at his behest and coercion his board members agreed to allow the department to promote 8 people to the position of explosive detection canine handler who DIDNT EVEN TEST FOR OR RANK FOR THE POSITION. This was done in cahoots with then Deputy SEAN LOUGHRAN who conveniently left CPD as the confidential IAD investigation goes on. No this story isn’t made up by some one with a personal axe to grind it’s a true story being retold by someone who got fucked by his own union elected to look out for my rights. CANTANZARA said fuck 20+ of us with a legit grievance and went along with LOUGHRANs request as mediated by MIKE METTE to promote people who should not have been. Think I’m making this up? Ask the same guy who caught Lori and HR fucking us with the Covid vax exemptions. Fully documented to prove this too. Same guy that uncovered special Employment punishment issue earlier this week. This union is dirty just like every other one before it. I’m sure the pbpa is also. And NO, there is nothing legit or fair on CPD. But when your own union openly allows the city and dept to do whatever the fuck they want is a huge problem.

12/09/2023 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The kid needs to get to soccer practice somehow.


Anonymous said...
You know Gates drives a Mercedes or Lexus.

12/09/2023 01:10:00 AM

12/09/2023 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Bug eyes has said water is a "RIGHT" then why do we have to pay for it?? DemoRats would steal a baby's pacifier if they could.

12/09/2023 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course Stacy doesn't know how to do math, she is with CPS. She joins the rest of the failed system.

12/09/2023 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
After lighthead said water is a right, no more shutoffs..Unpaid Chicago water bills zoomed to current $740 Million $$ ..add this to the $680+ million in unpaid Gas bills owed by South, West side hoods .. Chicago is in Coleman young's Detroit doomed era ,territory.

12/09/2023 12:47:00

I have a rental property on the Westside and anytime im cleaning up I always find unopened gas bills tossed in the garbage. I open them and of course its past due gas bill's over one thousand.

12/09/2023 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There will be hell to pay in her household if the private school tuition is late!

12/09/2023 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard the feds are investigating CTU spending.

I don't know if it's true, but when the President of a union fights an audit I get suspicious.

CTU may need to be handed over to a federal monitor etc.

Teamsters had that happen because of mob influence.

CTU may need it because of malpractice and/or fraud.

12/09/2023 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/09/2023 03:29:00 AM

I get your attempt at sarcasm but to double it takes a questionable amount of talent. If you really went to private school, your attempt backfired....

Funny how it only takes some teachers to make them all look bad. Not all CTU wanted those donations made, the leadership (as such) even had to promise the donations would be repaid. You think their elections are any better than the city's? Some of those teachers are trying to teach despite the political drama going on around them, they must want to help kids or they wouldn't put up with the cr-p they face.

Kinda like people who want to be cops because they want to help the neighborhood, but to do it they have to deal with s--heads and knuckleheads in their ranks too.

12/09/2023 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not shut off? Obviously clouted. The corruption in this city is the worst!

Why would CTU members want someone who cannot manage her own water bill to manage their millions of funds? They better audit their books very carefully.

12/09/2023 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it were horse hair wig extensions, baby giraffe eyelashes or platinum nail polish she'd have that shit paid up toot sweet...

12/09/2023 12:21:00 PM  
Blogger Madmanicus said...

The average person would assume that if a person, regardless of income level would pay in full all taxes that pay for the welfare state and entitlement programs. Especially when they're the ones who vote for or run for offices to implement such programs. Blowie, this goof and a never ending parade of socialist do gooders have to go on payment plans to pay their tax obligation. Maybe they don't really believe in lib agenda at all and just want to fleece the taxpayers.

12/09/2023 12:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't take the hood out of her.

Typical hood rat, political power only make her a bigger fatter hood rat.

12/09/2023 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She be fittin to pay, honest to God!

12/09/2023 02:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After lighthead said water is a right, no more shutoffs..Unpaid Chicago water bills zoomed to current $740 Million $$ ..add this to the $680+ million in unpaid Gas bills owed by South, West side hoods .. Chicago is in Coleman young's Detroit doomed era ,territory.

12/09/2023 12:47:00 AM

1. Water, and Sewer, and Trash are now one bill. Services rendered in as reliable a manner as any provided by governments.

2. Natural gas, while not government provided, is also quite reliably supplied. Heating your domicile, water and cooking your food.

3. Electricity, again, not provided by government, also quite reliably provided.

The slackers/moochers/cheaters are almost all renters. Rarely owners of homes. Renters.

The only unpaid bill, balance thereof, that any of the above providers ever lose money on is the unpaid last bill.

For renters, this is a repeated event.

For owners of property, not hardly ever. Because lien on said property is collected when property is sold. An encumberance upon property deed that must be cleared before sale is completed.

Were the owners of rental property to be required to pay electric and gas bills unpaid by their renters, the moocher renters would stroke out during their fits of outrage.

All rental property owners know they must pay Water, Sewer and Trash bill, lest lien be placed upon their property.

Renters do not directly pay Water, Sewer and Trash bill.

So only owners of property can be slackers on this.

Also, the seasonal ban on terminating electricity or gas service motivates these two utility providers to so terminate before said seasonal ban begins and directly after it ends.

The fact that ample, reasonable payment plans are availible proves that those who still remain delinquent do so with the intent to cheat.

Our utility costs are directly increased by these cheaters.

The main point here being, wherever moochers are an essential element in the grafting grifters games, the moochers have greater leverage to continue to mooch.

12/09/2023 03:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

C’mon SCC, our new crowned mayor owed that much in water bills.
It’s sad when no news is shocking anymore.

12/09/2023 05:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No wonder nobody learns anything in CPS

Just another government tit for connected contractors

Can you image if any credible outside source did a forensic analysis of their finances???

12/09/2023 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since we’re talking about the CTU and the city; remember those one hundred twenty thousand Chrome Book computers given out to Chicago students a few years ago? Who got that contract? How was it awarded? Was it done on the up and up and, by the way, how many of the laptops were returned to the Board of Ed at the end of the school year, or should we say pandemic? Just wondering.

12/09/2023 05:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does the Inspector General get a list of CPD members with outstanding parking fines and other outstanding taxes like sewer, water but no lists of CTU? The CTU Inspector General is as useless as the CPD Internal Affairs who do not make any arrests of CPD law violators they just give out suspensions for bullshit that a court would throw out.

12/09/2023 06:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ 12/09/2023 09:30:00 AM

100%. I’m one of the 20+ whose grievance was initially unanimously forwarded by the grievance committee. As told to me by someone present, co-chair Jim Jackstavich called Cantanzara down to the meeting to explain that the grievance was a go. Jim obviously was complicit in the whole scam which is why he called John down. John tried to convince the grievance board to reverse their decision and when they wouldn’t budge John blurted out in front of everybody there “well we will just kill these at the board meeting”. Which the board did. Ask yourself why your own union would go to such great lengths to stop forward progress on a legit grievance for 2 dozen officers. John sold it as a few officers getting a good spot. True, but as said earlier these officers either did not take the bomb dog test or make the list to get promoted from. John bragged at the board meeting how he and Mette went to meet Loughran to make these illegal promotions happen. All recorded on the board meeting minutes. And I’m sure he doesn’t care if he’s id’d, but it was Glen P. who did all the investigating to expose this. Has extensive documentation, rank order lists, FOIAS , Jackstavich emails to HR asking about someone getting a dog who should not have, etc to PROVE John and the others you elected to protect your best interests (he always brags about keeping promotional testing legit) sold out a bunch of coppers. What did they get for this? Or was it a favor to Mette’s BFF Elf on the Shelf? What did the elf get for putting this in motion? Notice the elf left quietly before maxing out to go elsewhere. About CPD promotional tests, all you need to know is that nothing is legit here.

12/09/2023 07:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Commander Joe Brennan retired, so sad to see him leave. 024 has a new commander Robert Vanna..hopefully he's as good as Brennan.

12/09/2023 12:10:00 AM

Worked with him back in 2016.

He's prejudiced against Asians and Hispanics, that's why he was banished from 019 for always making fun of a Chinese PO and some female PO. Love to see how he holds back on all those Asian POs in 024.

024 can keep that creep and goof!

12/09/2023 07:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm not a cop or a city employee. Something written on the blog really concerned me. Someone posted about a week ago that they made the rank of sergeant by paying $20,000.


Don't believe everything you read. As your comment proved, anybody can post anything on here.

12/09/2023 08:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a rental property on the Westside and anytime im cleaning up I always find unopened gas bills tossed in the garbage. I open them and of course its past due gas bill's over one thousand.

12/09/2023 09:59:00 AM


West side rental property, eh?


Does 'im cleaning up' = after tenant has vacated the property?

Is the rented property heated by gas and is gas usage for heating included in the rent, aka you pay for it, or is gas usage paid by tenant, as in gas used for heating unit + heating water + cooking?

Is your rental property section 8? As in rent is subsidized/aka guaranteed by government?

Is your rental property multi unit, gas heating by boiler, steam or forced hot water, thus, paid by you and added to rents? Which means tenant pays for gas used to heat water and cooking?

Were you, the owner of this property, to be required to pay gas utility, electricity utility, as you are to pay water/sewer utility, including all expenses in the rent, would that be agreeable to you?

12/09/2023 08:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/09/2023 03:29:00 AM

I get your attempt at sarcasm but to double it takes a questionable amount of talent. If you really went to private school, your attempt backfired....

Funny how it only takes some teachers to make them all look bad. Not all CTU wanted those donations made, the leadership (as such) even had to promise the donations would be repaid. You think their elections are any better than the city's? Some of those teachers are trying to teach despite the political drama going on around them, they must want to help kids or they wouldn't put up with the cr-p they face.

Kinda like people who want to be cops because they want to help the neighborhood, but to do it they have to deal with s--heads and knuckleheads in their ranks too.

12/09/2023 11:45:00 AM

What percentage of teachers really want to help kids and not push the 99 gender, trans or other liberal agenda? I really wonder. What percentage did their best to push the clot shot on the kids and parents? How many were loving the hardly teaching scamdemic times, the so called teaching from poolside and wanted to keep the kids out of schools as long as possible. And were angry when they had to come back. How many voted to strike. They got it pretty good and chip in how much to their pension plan. I wonder how many would be opposed to cameras in the classrooms that parents could turn on at any time and watch their kids in class. Likely all of them would be violently opposed to that. Such an idea well it's gotta be racist. Imagine being able to watch the teacher teaching. How many teachers think they know better than the parents about how to raise their children. How many gladly voted for Blowie, Governor Fatarse and Biden/Harris and would do it again.

12/09/2023 09:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She probably owes money all over town!

12/09/2023 09:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this is the case, then why hasn't your union done anything about jt? Why haven't any police officers done anything? I do have a viable solution- let's crowd source a lawsuit against the CPD. I personally would contribute money.

12/09/2023 07:23:00 AM

Forget it Jake, it’s Chinatown.

12/09/2023 10:46:00 PM  
Anonymous FROG (f'n real old guy) said...

Sad isn't it that things like this are uncovered every day. I look back on the 28 years of Vaudeville, and think we did good things together. As I look back, we were an occupational force that attempted to keep the community quiet and kill crime for the commanders. Oh, there were the connected ones that avoided work or made rank that were put in the background as not to harm the perception of a working police department. Now, they are paraded around as heroes by the new politicians who have no care in the world that they will be held accountable. They belong to the correct political party, and they are part of the Permanently Aggrieved. The media is leading the way by not covering the stupidity and destruction by these Charlatans. Obviously, the media expects nothing else from these people. Racist I would say.

The political hacks were out there evading taxes, water bills and gas bills for ever. Paying for city services was for the "stooges". These hacks rounded up the voters on election day, rented buses and vans to cart the voters to the polling places, bought lunch and gave them a few bucks. then dropped them at home and never to be seen until the next election day or when a garbage can was dropped off. The next day they went back to work for the city. A meeting with the Ward bosses and applauded for the turnout they either worked for or invented.

Now you have 2023, almost one hundred years from the last Republican (in name only) elected to the mayor's office. I'm not too sure there was not graft or spoils in his system either. City worker pay was always less than that of private industry, BECASUSE graft was the evening out pay. Bagmen and inspectors etc. would visit the local businesses for a little "tip".

You had a former Chief of Detectives that could not clear the FBI's security background check, so he could not attend any information sharing meetings. His telephone number, both home and cottage, was found in the wallet of a murdered outfit guy in the parking lot of the Lincolnwood Hyatt years ago. (see the movie Casino). As luck would have it, he was locked up for 20 years for running a crew that robbed jewelry salesmen. Nothing has changed except the names and who has them in their pockets.

An old-timer told me many years ago: "there are 3 things that are legit in this city, Professional Wrestling, Roller Derby and the Chicago Police Department. Nothing has changed. If you think you can change it, I wish you the best of luck. Sometimes places, like people, just die a slow death.

12/09/2023 11:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chalkbeat reported in Dec 2022 that CPS spent $308M on Chromebooks and other technology since March 2020. 40% of this spending came after students returned to in-person learning.

CPS didn't start holding students personally responsible for their Chromebooks until after the 2022-23 school year. So, for 2 1/2 years, the Chromebooks were basically free gifts to the students.

Who was the CPS vendor(s) for Chromebooks? Check the CPS Procurement Office that allows for double and triple the cost of purchases and services over market prices.

Here's the 'eye-opening' article:

12/09/2023 11:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She will get the special deal (again) just like Empty suit Brandon did with his parking tickets. You know they are black propke trying to raise black kids yall.

12/09/2023 11:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
I have a rental property on the Westside and anytime im cleaning up I always find unopened gas bills tossed in the garbage. I open them and of course its past due gas bill's over one thousand.

12/09/2023 09:59:00 AM


West side rental property, eh?


Does 'im cleaning up' = after tenant has vacated the property?

Is the rented property heated by gas and is gas usage for heating included in the rent, aka you pay for it, or is gas usage paid by tenant, as in gas used for heating unit + heating water + cooking?

Is your rental property section 8? As in rent is subsidized/aka guaranteed by government?

Is your rental property multi unit, gas heating by boiler, steam or forced hot water, thus, paid by you and added to rents? Which means tenant pays for gas used to heat water and cooking?

Were you, the owner of this property, to be required to pay gas utility, electricity utility, as you are to pay water/sewer utility, including all expenses in the rent, would that be agreeable to you?

12/09/2023 08:25:00 PM

Only an idiot landlord has a property that he pays for gas utilities on the west and south side. Section 8 is the worst, you have to deal with a yearly inspection. I've had tenants that still live there but simplly dont pay their gas bill. As long as I get my rent I could care less. Dealing with ghetto tenants in some instances is better than dealing with yuppy tenants who complain about everything.

12/10/2023 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's good for the cash, ask her weed dealer .

12/10/2023 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bet Stacy lives in the suburbs.

12/10/2023 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/09/2023 09:18:00 PM

You missed that I am a friend of Police. You think 99% of teachers wanted this? I'm just saying that following the talking heads keeps you tight in their line. Assumptions, innuendo, half-truths, they keep the sheeple in a small easily managed group. Current news tells them what to say, what to think, what to speak.

I WISH I could have had cameras in my room. I didn't even have doors. I never went to Venezuela or to a poolside, and was damn glad to be back because the kids needed normal routines again.

But keep parroting the narrative. There's plenty of them around, their side makes some outrageous claims against the police that I am sure they believe as strongly as you do. Relax before you get a heart attack. You are needed and your work is appreciated, even by teachers like me.

12/10/2023 10:54:00 AM  
Blogger Stella day said...

She should be fired and not receive a pension.

12/10/2023 01:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CENSORED! What Happens Inside CPS Stays Inside CPS PERIOD

Chicago Teachers Union Whacks Second City Teachers with Resolution to Stop Delegate Reporting

12/10/2023 01:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CPS CTU are not the only ones demanding secrecy,,,

Chicago Officials Revise Rules Limiting Access to City Council Meetings After Warning – WTTW (Chicago)

December 8, 2023

Members of the public would have to make reservations and show government-issued identification to sit in the main, second-floor gallery in the Council Chambers during meetings of the Chicago City Council under revised rules designed to limit access. The 70 seats in the third-floor gallery would be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

GOV. ISSUED ID'S?? That's racists, that's gonna disproportionately effect people of color. That's what they told us about voter id

Pro Tip: When making a reservation please make sure you mention your CPS CTU membership that enables you to jump the line! MAGA hat wearers need not apply

12/10/2023 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only an idiot landlord has a property that he pays for gas utilities on the west and south side. Section 8 is the worst, you have to deal with a yearly inspection. I've had tenants that still live there but simplly dont pay their gas bill. As long as I get my rent I could care less. Dealing with ghetto tenants in some instances is better than dealing with yuppy tenants who complain about everything.

12/10/2023 12:58:00 AM


Your rental properties are not heated by natural gas fired furnaces or boilers, correct?

Neither boilers of the steam generation kind, nor boilers of the forced/pumped hot water kind, correct?

Nor central furnace forcing heated air into units in building, correct?

If correct, then, each rental unit is heated by natural gas fired space heaters, either floor unit or wall hung unit, yes?

With tenant gas bill being the sum of monthly usage for heating, both unit space and hot water, and cooking, right?

And with tenant having thermostat control of said heating units?

I wonder, are your rental properties most to all frame structures?

You know, the kind most likely to have to summon the CFD from time to time?

12/10/2023 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago Teachers Union President Faces Criticism for Unsettled Utility Bills Despite High Salary

"By November 7, 2023, these dues were still unpaid, raising concerns about the implications and repercussions of this neglect. Surprisingly, Davis Gates, who was at first willing to set up an amortization arrangement in July 2023, is reported to have failed to pay her bills. This has raised questions about her financial ability. Recently, the IPI has raised allegations of hypocrisy against her. The report notes that she allegedly failed to discharge her duties as the CTU president properly and that she also allegedly neglected personal obligations. These allegations come at a time when she has been vocal in demanding that people with more wealth make their fair and reasonable contribution to tax......

Of late, Davis Gates, a former Chicago Public Schools teacher, is suspected to have falsely declared Indiana as his primary residence back in 2007. This controversial move has left many questioning whether he is eligible for certain benefits and privileges. As indicated by the IPI findings, the person would have to pay a higher property tax when the homestead deduction was lost in Indiana."

12/10/2023 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Commander Joe Brennan retired, so sad to see him leave. 024 has a new commander Robert Vanna..hopefully he's as good as Brennan.

12/09/2023 12:10:00 AM

Worked with him back in 2016.

He's prejudiced against Asians and Hispanics, that's why he was banished from 019 for always making fun of a Chinese PO and some female PO. Love to see how he holds back on all those Asian POs in 024.

024 can keep that creep and goof!

12/09/2023 07:33:00 PM

Vanna is Hispanic you stroke.

12/10/2023 11:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lock her up, or at least terminate her,cannot pay her bills how much cps money is being "misplaced?"

12/11/2023 06:46:00 AM  

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