Saturday, May 18, 2024

Crimesha Luvs Sex Offenders!

Some of the aldercreatures aren't happy with Crimesha saying she won't do her job:

  • A Chicago alderman blasted Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx as “the biggest pro-criminal advocate in the nation” after Foxx revealed plans not to prosecute crimes based on evidence police discover during most traffic stops.

    Foxx said her office would refuse to file charges in most cases if evidence was found during a traffic stop for missing license plates, expired registrations, and other minor infractions. She called the anticipated change “a public safety enhancement effort.”

    Gun and drug charges are among the kinds of cases Foxx would not pursue under the plan.

    Ald. Silvana Tabares (23rd) is among the public officials who don’t support Foxx’s plan.

Could it have anything to do with this? 

  • Beginning May 20, NBC 5 Chicago & Telemundo Chicago will deliver a new, unprecedented series – “Dismissed” / “Buscando Justicia” – uncovering the startling details behind a six-month investigation on the minimal number of sexual assault arrests and convictions in the City of Chicago over the past six years.

    The three-part series will air on NBC 5 News & Noticiero Telemundo Chicago at 10 p.m. on May 20-22.

    NBC 5 Investigates reporter Bennett Haeberle, along with Telemundo Investiga reporter Jorge DeSantiago, examined the details of every sexual assault case reported to the Chicago Police Department over the last six years

Who has been in charge of criminal prosecutions for the past seven-and-a-half years?

  • Crimesha

And who has something like a 7% charging rate for rapists?

  • Crimesha

And who has presided over hundreds of dismissals? And of the few dozen actual convictions, who has let 49% go without a single day served behind bars?

  • Crimesha

So not only does she luv her some criminals, she actively hates women who get raped. Who, ironically, were among her biggest supporters during both her election victories.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fucking SCUM

5/18/2024 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing how the media only comes alive when they know she’s out the door in November. Where was this kind of reporting years ago ??

5/18/2024 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Foxx. If Obama had a son...

5/18/2024 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The same people complaining about her also elected her into office. Ditto for blowie and porky prickster.

5/18/2024 02:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Just a Gurl said...

Didn't she even claim to have been a Victim of sexual assault or abuse herself i believe during her campaign as she recalled her early days in Cabrini green or something?!

Can you say fuuuucked up!

5/18/2024 03:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT, but I wanted to address the Scottie Scheffler incident. I feel for the officer. We have all been at chaotic fatal crashes or shooting scenes that occurred on the street where we have to simultaneously render aid, look for and try to protect evidence, locate and identify witnesses, figure out where to send pedestrians and traffic, keep the zone and supervisors updated,an a whole lot of other simultaneous responsibilities that must immediately be completed. How many shell casings have been lost because civilians drive through a scene and the casings get lodged in their tire treads? We have also seen civilians get frustrated and not listen to the simplest of instructions…like giving the officer one frigging minute to figure out the safest way for them to leave. Civilians do not like that very much and often times ignore the officer and do what they want anyways.

Judging from both the officer’s report as well as the ESPN reporter’s eye witness account, this is exactly what happened. No officer is going to instruct a driver to proceed up and over a median to leave. The officer probably told the golfer to wait a second while the officer clears other vehicles and then the golfer would then be assisted in completing a 3-point turn. Unfortunately for the golfer, he decided to drive up and over a median into the opposite lane that had traffic travelling in the opposite direction, ignore the officer outside his window and then drive another 90 feet to the gate. All while injuring the officer to the point that his pants were torn and he was injured

Fuck that guy. He deserved to get arrested. But look what’s happening now. People have made up their minds that the officer is an asshole and the golfer is the victim. The officer has now been doxxed, he has now been listed as “public enemy #1” on twitter, and his entire life and career are now being attacked. The worst is that he (like described in 1984) is now becoming an in-person. He has somehow also become responsible for all other wrongs the police have done throughout history.

Sorry, but I stand with the officer. Seems like a decent guy who just had “one of those drivers” at a scene

5/18/2024 03:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm certain that statistics will show that kim fox policies are racist based on victims of crime who are black, victims of repeat offenders who are black, and prosecution rate of non black vs black criminals.

5/18/2024 03:48:00 AM  
Blogger stash the polski guy said...

Just modify or not enforce the law unilaterally. Will Burke be any different? Fuck you cook county. You either voted for it or sat on your ass and did nothing.

5/18/2024 05:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And get your still “on the job” with this type of justice system I place? Why?

5/18/2024 05:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shes heading to markham courthouse for a presiding judge position. The nonsense will continue

5/18/2024 05:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fortunately, I have already implemented a self imposed no traffic stops approach. Good luck voters!

5/18/2024 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous AXEMAN009 said...

I used to work for cook county department of corrections. It was very stressful and I called off all the time,like i do now, so I think that this is to make the jail have less inmates. When i walked a tier,I had 890, 000 inmates to watch over. Just me and my leather gloves kept everyone inline. Thats why I keep myself in peak shape. 10 wall pushups a day.

5/18/2024 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awfls are her biggest supporters

5/18/2024 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just think about all the great lawyers she hired to increase Toni's patronage pie.
Why waste time on having them prosecute criminals?
Just blame the cops, lie, and claim racism.

5/18/2024 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everybody loves rapists, look at the protestors who love the Hamas/Palestinian rapists.

5/18/2024 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what politicians like Silvana Tabares do- they will support the obvious. Who in the world wouldn't support prosecuting sex offenders.

Now ask her directly via email if she supports allocating money from the city budget to fund our police pension fund?

On issues that really matter to us, none of these so-called "pro police politicians" are on our side. None.

5/18/2024 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What else can be expected from Cabrini Green scum.

5/18/2024 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SSC - thank you for pointing this out. I hope Telemundo is doing the same thing and blasting these sadistic politicians. If I ran for her position, I would just hammer the violence on women (especially minority women) and how prosecuting these animals would make them safer.

5/18/2024 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
This is what politicians like Silvana Tabares do- they will support the obvious. Who in the world wouldn't support prosecuting sex offenders.

Now ask her directly via email if she supports allocating money from the city budget to fund our police pension fund?

On issues that really matter to us, none of these so-called "pro police politicians" are on our side. None.

5/18/2024 07:33:00 AM

Well....she is married to one of our own, so why wouldn't she support that?
There is a bigger picture that you may not be aware of.

5/18/2024 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not defending her...but she's only carrying out Toni's pro-criminal agenda. Remember these are the people that celebrated demolishing a wing of Cook county jail, then suddenly there wasn't enough space so the criminals had to be released on EM.

And they also oppose spotshotter because it's an enforcement tool that leads to arrests.

They're all on the record as saying the entire Cook county justice system is racist.

5/18/2024 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So why do we get held to a different standard than asas? If we follow direct orders and those orders are unlawful, we get jammed up bad. Why doesn't the same hold for asas who should know the law even better than we do?

5/18/2024 09:28:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Yet she gets a pass from the media.

5/18/2024 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is CUCK Goudie so passionate about making coppers look like the villains!? This guy has such a hard on for these "I-Team Investigations" about the police. I wonder if he would feel the same after he gets robbed by one of these "people with guns" if he'll feel the same after?

5/18/2024 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back in the 80s a sex offender that was killing boys was stopped, Police knew he was a suspect in the trunk were ropes and duct tape, He was let go because they felt the police didn't have probable cause to search the the trunk, He went on and killed another boy.

5/18/2024 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is the "me too" movement? Seems to be silent on this issue. I guess they can not call out one of their own.

5/18/2024 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see axxhole 009 is back glad to see what a total POS he is how does his partner do it for 8 hrs

5/18/2024 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find this racist, 🦊 must not know 90% of deaths from guns , drugs overdose are black and brown.
Good for you Cabrini 🦊. You are exactly what criminals want. Black and brown people will vote for people like you anyways. Wealthy north shore suburban people will too, it doesn’t matter to them.

5/18/2024 11:05:00 AM  
Blogger The Third Way said...

Tabares stands with police, even with the pension. She is one of the few politicians who actually attends pension board meetings and calls them out in the public comment section. She doesn’t advertise it but she’s also married to a CPD beat cop. Don’t forget she was the only one to attempt to file an ordinance against the vaccine mandate and her legislation was considered in its over-turning.

5/18/2024 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you had a Straight White Republican impose the same insane policies of this imbecile they’d be prosecuted for Prosecutorial Malpractice. She is destroying her own communities to advance a Socialist Agenda trying to incite race riots.

5/18/2024 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All your police work results in zip. You're either brought up on charges, wasting your time gathering evidence never used, or watching a revolving door jail. Go magnum force...

5/18/2024 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm loving the Latina pols breaking with the Foxx/Brandon/Evans pro-criminal cabal in favor of law and order. Maybe we'll get some sanity back if the pro-crime contingent becomes isolated and eventually run out of office.

5/18/2024 02:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

arrested. But look what’s happening now. People have made up their minds that the officer is an asshole and the golfer is the victim. The officer has now been doxxed, he has now been listed as “public enemy #1” on twitter, and his entire life and career are now being attacked. The worst is that he (like described in 1984) is now becoming an in-person. He has somehow also become responsible for all other wrongs the police have done throughout history.

Sorry, but I stand with the officer. Seems like a decent guy who just had “one of those drivers” at a scene

5/18/2024 03:24:00 AM

You simply can not be the police, you must be a troll, you are laughable.
If I am wrong enjoy hanging out at Dugans when you reach your 40s in 20 years looking for wife #4 - a true "police 8.5/10" aka 2.3/10 and tell the tourists your sorry ass life story. Scottie Scheffler is a God fearing good man and in the chaotic scene that was, it is not within reason that a police officer can be wrong. The story will come out, as it slowly is and it appears he was following another officers direction. Unless you were there, STFU

5/18/2024 02:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

women and the black community keep voting for stupid......sometimes you just can't fix stupid

5/18/2024 03:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tabares stands with police, even with the pension. She is one of the few politicians who actually attends pension board meetings and calls them out in the public comment section. She doesn’t advertise it but she’s also married to a CPD beat cop. Don’t forget she was the only one to attempt to file an ordinance against the vaccine mandate and her legislation was considered in its over-turning.

She definitely is a Saint to the police but Illinois is lost, and the Chicago Police Department is done. Silvana is only of few (of the top of my brain) for the people Alderman in this City. Beale, Gardiner, Sposato, Tabares, Ray Lopez and Napolitano. Sorry if I forgot to list anyone. They all were very vocal and fought the good fight at the "no corum" meeting to keep illegals out and our tax payer monies in the city coffers. Just look how that turned out. I honestly cannot see a change for the better in Chicago anymore unless there's a revolution. By the way, much respect to the copper pushing a beat car in the ghetto when his wife is a city alderman, that's a true selfless warrior. I would be on ghost payroll or a CEO somewhere instead. City is done!

5/18/2024 07:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is too busy screwing her bodyguard, does not have Time to do her job.

5/18/2024 07:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only question EVERYONE should be asking NBC5 is- Why Now? Why Now- when Foxxxy Brown is on her way out the door-do you just Start to get curious?
Sadly, everyone with half a brain knows what's going on. The other half just can't conceive that the media would gas-light an entire nation at the behest of Corporate/Beaurocratic/Global interests.
Now they can cash-in on story after story about crime victims, lack of prosecutions, rise in crime, ect. For her efforts, Foxx will be rewarded with a lucrative seat on a Corporate Board, school board, a "teaching" position at a connected Ivy League or better yet, become a "Public Policy Expert" for a Mainstream Media outlet! Lol, you can't make this shit up!

5/18/2024 08:07:00 PM  
Blogger Old Joe said...

Hmm, Gacy left a trail of sex crimes during the course of his life. His undoing was his last victim who'd surley be missed. Lil Kimmy says not to bother... WTF!

History teaches us that we learn nothing from history.

5/18/2024 08:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Glad to see axxhole 009 is back glad to see what a total POS he is how does his partner do it for 8 hrs
Didn’t you read his post? Besides having to watch 890 000 inmates it’s just him & his gloves! Are they latex gloves for when you go foraging in the night? Just Assman, latex gloves and a boy named Tad! Keep those tiers tight MEN!!

Unlike the Keesing Bandit you add nothing to the blog except an unbelievable ability to show yourself as the biggest jerk wearing a uniform if you really do……

Keesing Bandit no keeses for him please

5/18/2024 08:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be fair, maybe she doesn't hate women who were raped. She probably just loves rapists, just like she loves all other criminals. Let's just say she doesn't care about women who were raped, or any future victims of the rapists she sets free. Women as a whole should jump off the "restorative justice" bandwagon. They let their feelings, biased media reports, fabricated statistics, and misguided ideas persuade them to support setting violent criminals free. They then make up a not insignificant number of those criminals' new victims. If I knew I was at risk of being raped by a violent criminal, I'd probably be last in line to support setting them free for any reason. I'm pretty close to the end of that line now, as a man with virtually zero risk of ever being raped. But they'll keep supporting the lies and putting themselves and other women at risk, all in the name of political beliefs and supposedly "righting the wrongs" of the past.

5/18/2024 09:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Third Way said...
Tabares stands with police, even with the pension. She is one of the few politicians who actually attends pension board meetings and calls them out in the public comment section. She doesn’t advertise it but she’s also married to a CPD beat cop. Don’t forget she was the only one to attempt to file an ordinance against the vaccine mandate and her legislation was considered in its over-turning.

5/18/2024 11:31:00 AM

One of your own was responsible for making this happen via blowing the lid off the religious exemption scandal they tried to force on you all. A lot talk the talk. Very few walk the walk. Never met him but I hear GP is an old school stud. Thanks for your efforts GP.

5/18/2024 09:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are a police officer, then how on earth can you believe that a politician is pro police? I don't give a fuck if the politician is married to a cop (like Alder woman Sylvania Tavares) or if you engage in performative acts of being pro police like Alderman Ray Lopez. Or even if you wore our uniform like Alderman Chris Taliafero.

The bottom line- they are politicians. Each politician has a boss and they belong to a political party.

Wake the fuck up!

5/18/2024 10:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scottie Scheffler is a God fearing good man and in the chaotic scene that was, it is not within reason that a police officer can be wrong. The story will come out, as it slowly is and it appears he was following another officers direction. Unless you were there, STFU

5/18/2024 02:28:00 PM

So, how can the officer have been 'wrong' when the 'scene' was 'chaotic'?

And what the flying fuck does being a 'God fearing good man' have to do with both the 'scene' being 'chaotic' and the actions of the driver of the vehicle?

Stifle it, edith.

5/18/2024 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All this talk is much too little, much too late. Foxx is on her way out. The voters re-elected her.

This is what they voted for.

5/18/2024 10:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im not surprised. CTU has been covbering for sex offenders fopr years. Thats the democrat party base here in chicago.

5/18/2024 10:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Invaders.

A Quinn Martin Production.

In color.


Ditto that Twilight Zone episode.

Maybe that other one, too.

5/18/2024 11:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Glad to see axxhole 009 is back glad to see what a total POS he is how does his partner do it for 8 hrs
Didn’t you read his post? Besides having to watch 890 000 inmates it’s just him & his gloves! Are they latex gloves for when you go foraging in the night? Just Assman, latex gloves and a boy named Tad! Keep those tiers tight MEN!!

Unlike the Keesing Bandit you add nothing to the blog except an unbelievable ability to show yourself as the biggest jerk wearing a uniform if you really do……

Keesing Bandit no keeses for him please

5/18/2024 08:44:00 PM

Well, he added your comment....

5/18/2024 11:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Warning to America: 25 Ways the US is Being Destroyed

2. Rampant Crime and Unsafe Cities

5/19/2024 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well....she is married to one of our own, so why wouldn't she support that?
There is a bigger picture that you may not be aware of.

5/18/2024 08:47:00 AM

Yeah, the bigger picture is she wants to be Mayor.

5/19/2024 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, how can the officer have been 'wrong' when the 'scene' was 'chaotic'?

And what the flying fuck does being a 'God fearing good man' have to do with both the 'scene' being 'chaotic' and the actions of the driver of the vehicle?

Stifle it, edith.

Well meathead you are just another example of a cop who refuses to recognize another who maybe just maybe let shit go to their head. This will be dismissed.

5/19/2024 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tabares stands with police, even with the pension. She is one of the few politicians who actually attends pension board meetings and calls them out in the public comment section. She doesn’t advertise it but she’s also married to a CPD beat cop. Don’t forget she was the only one to attempt to file an ordinance against the vaccine mandate and her legislation was considered in its over-turning.

5/18/2024 11:31:00 AM
Not just that she has more to testicular fortitude than any of the other Democrat idiots that are sitting in City Hall sitting in county government sitting in state government or ruining the White House. She is young she is aggressive and taking care of people with Law and Order

5/19/2024 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone have statistics of the numbers of offenders Crimesha, Inc. has refused to prosecute? How many she's reduced charges on? How many she's "exonerated"?

Broken out by criminal act, and demographics?

I'd really like to know how many white v. black v. hispanic v. asians have been prosecuted for crimes fully... let's see those 'disparaties', or 'systemic racism' claims and how they actually play out?

Because in recent CWB stories, you see the occasional white male nailed to the wall with charges and sentencing and a seemingly never-ending stream of black males let out to reoffend again and again ad nauseum...

Time to call Tennessee Tuxedo out on her bullshit.

5/19/2024 06:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well meathead you are just another example of a cop who refuses to recognize another who maybe just maybe let shit go to their head. This will be dismissed.

5/19/2024 09:32:00 AM

Sure they will.

That does not resolve your point being assinine.

5/19/2024 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“The same people complaining about her also elected her into office. Ditto for blowie and porky prickster”

Bullshit. Is that what you tell yourself to make yourself feel better while also NOT doing your job as a cop?

5/24/2024 06:04:00 AM  

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