Thursday, May 16, 2024

Fed-napping Hoax

More and more reasons to disband the FBI keep coming to light:

  • As the country is a hot mess of horrible in more ways than one under the current leadership, it's easy for things to sort of fall off your radar. Take for example, the FEDnapping hoax aka a so-called plot from a Michigan milita to kidnap Gretchen Whimer.

    You guys remember that, yes? When a militia was somehow inspired by Trump or white supremacy or something to try and kidnap GRETCH?

    Yeah, it sounds stupid when you see it like that but ... it was real.

    A real hoax, that is.

The link up top shows a whole bunch of.....what's that word again? Oh yeah, entrapment. There were probably more feds than militia members in this whole debacle acting as provocateurs, supplying ideas and phone contacts to imaginary explosive dealers, to a bunch of hillbillies who were drunk and high most of the time.

Instead of investigating crime, they're creating it out of whole cloth.



Anonymous Frank Furillo said...

This is precisely the type of shit I talk about when I talk about what a lying, 2 faced piece of shit FBI Director Christopher Wray is.

This trash human being is making noises in the media and in front of Congress about terror threats and blah blah blah, then he has his agents running around literally making shit up like this so his leftist masters and their mainstream media pals can push a narrative. He has agents chasing and arresting moms for going to a school board meeting or praying outside an abortion clinic or who was in the same zip code as the capitol on January 6th.

When something truly awful happens on American soil, and it's only a matter of time before it does, we will have this political hack clown and his minions to blame.

5/16/2024 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Creating a crime, or crimes later on, to advance a political narrative needed for a political agenda. All to further the ideology of the Marxist/progressive Democratic Party and their sponsors.

5/16/2024 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...






5/16/2024 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They would need a heavy duty forklift to prod fatass around,...

or threaten him with a bottle of grease cutter....oh the horror

5/16/2024 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agree dishpan the FBI. Don’t replace them either.

5/16/2024 03:09:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Nobody wants to kidnap the Bride of Dracula.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

5/16/2024 04:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe the fbi gave those guys hunters laptop ???

5/16/2024 06:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would it be a hoax when the FBI Director is all over the news saying he sees the red lights from the terrorists that are in the United States that have been allowed in? Or would they be covering their ass because they know something big is going to happen? Don’t forget the borders are still wide open the Democrats are allowing so many illegals to pour in this country terrorist from everywhere just a matter of time. Hopefully they will put that democratic bullshit convention, virtual they can all sit in their basement, just like Joe Biden, and have their convention all the criminals could all be on TV at the same time!

5/16/2024 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of entrapment, will the Nato 3 be around during the DNC?

5/16/2024 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pipe bomb hoax is even more unbelievable. There are time stamped videos of agents not even concerned about the supposed bomb waiting to kill the vp 🤔🤔🤔
There are many YouTube videos with the most credible evidence to date, but we will never see or hear about it in libtard Chicago.

If it was real, Kamala would be all over cnn saying maga tried to kill me. But they all know it was a fake plant that backfired and only leads to dumbocrats!!!

5/16/2024 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They got their headlines though didn't they. Is this information blasting in everyone's face on everyone's news show?

5/16/2024 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is heartbreaking that something so respected becomes untrustworthy. It reminds me how the nice girls that became come whores.

5/16/2024 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember, the feds are not your “partners in crime fighting,” they are not your co-workers, they are not looking out for the best interest of citizens, they will lie to you (as a police officer), they will throw you under a steam roller. They are self-serving institutions in order to keep funding and power. This us from personal experience.

5/16/2024 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The entrapment talented are the primo employees of the swamp agencies.

5/16/2024 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn’t be surprised if the Feebs are auditioning Nick Fuentes look-a-likes in red ball caps for the convention.

5/16/2024 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh snap SCC expect a visit from the Feds for passing on the word of how corrupt the FBI is under FJB. They won't investigate election fraud, hunter biden, Killary, crime in general or any democrap involved crime but if you expose them then here they come to put a federal casr on you. Rotten corrupt bastards.... FJB

5/16/2024 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The entrapment talented are the primo employees of the swamp agencies.

5/16/2024 07:46:00 AM

And CPD Intel.

5/16/2024 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I called Resurrection hospital or what ever they are calling themselves today to schedule a test. They said they could not schedule anything because their computers have been hacked. Another medical system hacking? Where is the FBI? Chasing J6 protestors, soccer moms and white supremacists?

5/16/2024 10:46:00 AM  
Blogger DG in GA said...

I used to teach management classes to corporate clients. One thing I cautioned managers was that you get more of what you reward, but you have to be diligent to confirm that what you are getting is legit. This is what comes to mind with all of these FBI-led “plots” and “insurrections.” The FBI leadership is very political and the direction is set by the administration. The Biden administration has a theme that the greatest threat to America is white supremacist groups. But are there actually enough white supremacist groups to keep al of these FBI agents busy? Apparently not, so in order to get promoted, FBI agents are creating their own white supremacist groups through entrapment. Apparently this is fine with the Biden administration.

5/16/2024 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe they were paying the informant $50,000 to set these guys up
I remember they had another similar case of a terrorist group. When they went to trial it was discovered the extremists and terrorists didn’t have the weapons , money or means to carry out the”plot”

5/16/2024 12:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One has to wonder is the fbi fednapping plot was counting as a crime or was credited as entrapment in the fbi crime statistics.

5/16/2024 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it curious that fbi Detroit field office's own Steven D'Antuono botched the fabrication/entrapment case to kidnap gov whitmer and was then was meritoriously promoted as assistant director of the D.C. field office by crooked director chrissie wray. Disgraced agent in charge D'Antuono was then put in charge of the January 06 hoax overseeing the human assets attempting to entrap so many Americans expressing their right to petition government.

So exactly who is protecting America when the fbi is busy arresting and putting cases on everyday Americans fabricating evidence making up crimes? Fbi personnel were acting in the capacity to put fear and intimidation into U.S. citizens on behalf of a rouge political party whom gives goosestep marching orders to the corrupt doj in collusion with federal courts? Where are the fbi whistle blowers? Fbi personnel know the corrupt federal power structure that can destroy any American who challenges them including former presidents.

5/16/2024 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The time has come for citizen oversight. There is lots of wrongdoing by federal law enforcement at the top but they are not disciplined or terminated. Congressional investigations just blow smoke up the public's ass much like a venomous snake without fangs. COPA is just the "civilian" oversight for fbi law enforcement. as required by law, Fbi body cam footage will help allow transparency and accountability and should be available for review by a myriad of oversight authorities. Fbi suits do not adhere to that Calea standard of accreditation of law enforcement. Civilian oversight is the only solution to harass and antagonize this organization into aclu control. Or how about a state consent decrees with individual states monitoring with retired state judges and attorneys charging excessive fees in the name of oversight. Lots of different oversight authorities from different states should keep washington and the doj honest, transparent and on track with non biased policing absent of institutional racism.

5/16/2024 01:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kinda almost sounds like the “they/them” that now works on Mayor Coneheads detail.

The hero of NATO ended up fizzling out in court as it became evident that things weren’t all they were cracked up to be.
Milked that failed job for everything it was worth, hasn’t had a bad day on the job since.

5/16/2024 05:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Kinda almost sounds like the “they/them” that now works on Mayor Coneheads detail.

The hero of NATO ended up fizzling out in court as it became evident that things weren’t all they were cracked up to be.
Milked that failed job for everything it was worth, hasn’t had a bad day on the job since.

5/16/2024 05:54:00 PM

Never had a bad day on the job, period. Total fraud, but I guess a lot of people are easily fooled.

5/16/2024 09:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kinda almost sounds like the “they/them” that now works on Mayor Coneheads detail.

The hero of NATO ended up fizzling out in court as it became evident that things weren’t all they were cracked up to be.
Milked that failed job for everything it was worth, hasn’t had a bad day on the job since.

5/16/2024 05:54:00 PM

The hero pranced around after NATO like they were some super duper secret operative. The reality is that they almost blew what little case was left with their stuttering testimony after all the serious charges were dropped. Now they wear a suit and pretend to be a crack security specialist.

5/16/2024 09:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When something truly awful happens on American soil, and it's only a matter of time before it does, we will have this political hack clown and his minions to blame.

5/16/2024 12:18:00 AM

Many things awful are happening on American soil.

Many, many, many things.

Have we not been paying enough attention lately?

5/16/2024 11:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about this FBI agent:

... and his boss ...

5/16/2024 11:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An FBI Agent In The Michigan Kidnapping Case Has Pleaded No Contest To Assaulting His Wife

Richard Trask, who had been the public face of the high-profile investigation is one of three agents in the Whitmer kidnapping case whom the government will no longer call as witnesses.

Lead FBI Agent in Whitmer Kidnap Plot Is Fired After Swingers Party Incident

One of the lead FBI agents who helped foil a plot to kidnap and kill Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was fired this week, the latest twist for a team seemingly mired in impropriety.


A BuzzFeed News article last month revealed a Twitter account that appeared to tease the investigation months before it was publicly reported. Its bio indicated it was run by the CEO of a cyber intelligence company called Exeintel—a firm owned by FBI Special Agent Jayson Chambers, one of the agents on the case, government records showed.

Chambers and the FBI declined to comment on the matter to BuzzFeed, but five defendants who have accused the government of entrapment asked a federal judge last week to subpoena Twitter over the account.

In May, state prosecutor Greg Townsend was reassigned from the case after the Michigan Attorney General’s office indicated potential ethics concerns in a murder and arson case he prosecuted in 2000. A spokesperson for the state attorney general told the Detroit Free Press that Townsend “was reassigned from his docket while the Department of Attorney General performs a comprehensive audit of his work.”

5/17/2024 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the first things Trump needs to do when he re-elected to office is completely dismantle the corrupt FBI, and the entire weaponized DOJ !

5/17/2024 06:03:00 PM  

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