Thursday, May 16, 2024

Well This is Appalling

Remember "Believe all women"? There was plenty of malfeasance and evil brought to light. But it also went obscenely too far, being turned into a political weapon where accusations against those on the right were "believed" absent proof and far beyond the Statute of Limitations, while anyone accusing, let's say Clinton or Biden, were dismissed out of hand.

It also led to statements like this regarding that paragon of leftist thought and leftist political donations -  the Chicago Public School system and their battle to keep hundreds of sex assaults under wraps:

  • In fighting Jane Doe's lawsuit, CPS is paying an expert witness, Chicago psychiatrist Dr. Prudence Gourguechon, to testify about her views on childhood sexual abuse, student-teacher sexual relationships, and the impact of trauma after sexual abuse.

    CBS 2 exclusively obtained deposition video from Jane Doe's attorney, in which Dr. Gourguechon shares some controversial opinions.

    For example, when asked if under any circumstance is a teacher having sex with a student in high school is not sexual abuse, Dr. Gourgeuchon said, "I don't know if every circumstance would qualify as sexual abuse."

    When asked if sexual assault is traumatic for the person experiencing it, she said: "It depends. It depends on the detail and how they're defining who's claiming what and what actually happened. I can't make an across-the-board statement."

When the power dynamic is so out of whack....AND the thing about minor children not being able to legally consent to a sexual relationship with a teacher, this "expert witness" thinks that sexual assaults might not be traumatic.

So it's "Don't believe all women (or minor children) when they accuse a member of a union that sends 99% of it's political donations to democrats."

Remember, this has been going on for years....decades even.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC. I think this would be an excellent post for you. This YouTube video shows 2 occasions where Jesse Jackson honored Donald Trump in the late 90’s. I’ve never seen these clips on FOX news or any other site. Jackson praises Trump for helping black men obtain access to Wall Street. Black people need to see this!

5/16/2024 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill Burr. Awesome, logical.

5/16/2024 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Touch a kid and go to the big house and then get what you got coming Cho mos become somebody’s bitch in prison

5/16/2024 03:14:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Dr. Prudence voted for Kamala.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

5/16/2024 04:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who has thier children at CPS is inviting these sick fucks to molest their children. Remember they chased out the IG who had over 500+ cases of this! Officers speak to your children, they will tell you exactly what teachers are having sex with their students.

5/16/2024 05:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPS will stoop to any level to protect themselves from any liability and bringing in a expert witness to sway a juror towards a bizarre narrative is one of them to help them win at any costs. The object for CPS is all about liability and not finding the truth.

If you follow how CPS investigates complaints v. CPS employees, you find CPS in most cases are the investigators, defense attorney, judge, jury, and executioner. This was played out to ad nauseum in the sexual assaults featured in a majority of cases in the Chicago Tribune's Betrayed investigative series.

Here's a beaut of an inside look into how CPS Law and a principal will try and entrap a wrongly accused teacher. The teacher gave a female student a lower grade then what she wanted and also wrote her up for leaving the classroom, insubordination, and threatening them.

Next thing the teacher knows is they're on unpaid suspension for 3 years for making supposed inappropriate comments to the student and saying they "would take a case for her." And this teacher must take another job outside education to support their spouse with an illness and two children. The accuser faced so much harassment and scrutiny from her classmates for lying, she transfered out of the west side school.

CPS was losing the case so badly, the principal sent the teacher an email pretending to be another student to the teacher. If the teacher responds in any way to this email, they violate the terms of their suspension and instantly fired and DNH'd by CPS.

It's a good thing the teacher has a brother that's a CPD PO. The brother suggests the teacher have the email's IP address traced and guess what? The email came from the IP address and computer of the principal.

CPS attorney Chuck Little tried to have the evidence presented in the teacher's dismissal hearing officer thrown out, saying the email and the trace had nothing to do with the case. The hearing officer strongly disagreed and allowed both to remain a part of the case.

In the end, the teacher was cleared on 13 bogus charges and given their job back. The principal was forced to resign midway through a school year and now was cut from another school district after this information came out. CPS attorney Chuck Little is still lying and cheating to win cases for CPS.

5/16/2024 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So in the eyes of this “expert” rape may not be traumatizing as it depends on many factors. The left in true color !

5/16/2024 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to privatize the Chicago public school system. Disband CTU.

5/16/2024 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The cps might as well have paid hilary clinton to give her expert opinion on this subject.

5/16/2024 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Family values? NFL player dared to speak in favor of traditional family values at a college commencement ceremony, and the "progressive" response was sure and quick. I guess the alphabet community and the DEI community doesn't support diversity of opinion. It's the old liberal "freedom of speech for me but not for thee." Their version of inclusion does not support inclusion of different values. Where is the ACLU?*o06ojw*_ga*NTA2Nzg5NzI4LjE3MTUxMzQ5NDA.*_ga_0DZ7LHF5PZ*MTcxNTg2NDI5Ni4zMy4wLjE3MTU4NjQyOTYuMC4wLjA.&_ga=2.70941650.331508840.1715134944-506789728.1715134940

5/16/2024 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have allegations of our US President showering with his daughter when she was young, what do you expect from CPS!

5/16/2024 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One problem with the experts or advocates is they believe something g such as a child never lies and then puts this into practice. They Coker e children lead them with rewards to get the answers that fit their agenda. Plus they are funded by the results which is not good

5/16/2024 12:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work at Richard Edwards Elementary school in Archer Heights, my brother is a Sgt at A/2 and asked his opinion and suggested that I should anonymously report what a parent has brought to light. This parent spoke during the LSC meeting that he over heard one of my colleagues ask three of our students "Do you girls have a boyfriend? Or are you girls into girls? Supposedly this parent reported this incident to the principal and nothing was done, my brother tells me that's considered GROOMING. During that same meeting a female 8th grader spoke up of something that she experienced which was traumatic since she got very emotional as she related her story, once again the principal didn't do anything about this. I further learned that she complained that when she was in 7th grade and he gym teacher would make the older girls do exercises that basically would have their bottoms up in the air as the teacher would stand behind them with such gratification in his face. She felt sexually exploited, I had no idea that this was happening in our school and I agree, CPS covers up wrong doings by teachers. One of them looks like a pedo if you ask me. Ib hope this parent gets the media involved. Especially since our principal threatened to kick his kids out of the school.

5/16/2024 06:28:00 PM  

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