Friday, June 14, 2024

Days Off Cancelled

Starting 30 June and continuing (?) through the following weekend.

The long tedious summer begins.

Hope you didn't have previous plans.

UPDATE: Only for the Pride Parade? What sense does that make unless you're deploying the Sat/Sun people to the event, and we haven't seen that order yet. Could someone sort out the mess and let the readers know.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad I picked a 7B and 8B furlough…

6/14/2024 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT But this is so overdue and great I had to post

Although he’s only suing them for 75k. He should go much higher. I’m afraid they all have some kind of immunity but if not, I hope to see coppers keeping that bitch in court for the rest of her life.

6/14/2024 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great!! I love having my days off canceled. This means more money in my pocket and less time dealing with my wife and kids at home....woohoo!

6/14/2024 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lot of festing before Aug 19. Everybody should be tired by then.

6/14/2024 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has been the new normal with the last two Mayors. Every holiday and holiday weekend is canceled for a good portion of the department. This doesn’t do well for most members or their families.

6/14/2024 01:44:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

“The long tedious summer begins. Hope you didn't have previous plans.”

Oh, but I did.

It’s called furlough and then recurring IOD/medical.

Mama didn’t raise no fool.

6/14/2024 02:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually did have plans!

6/14/2024 02:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ll be on furlo 😁😁😁

6/14/2024 03:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How bout if the city can’t handle an event without having to cancel our days off, then they cancel the event. That’s easy enough.

6/14/2024 04:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a bunch of pieces of shit our exempts are. They all knkw this is what’s ruining our department yet they continue to do the same thing over and over. Why do u think u can’t recruit new hires, keep young officers, stop older ones from retiring? It’s because they keep doing shit like this. This dept sucks balls and every one of those exempts downtown can go fuck themselves. Not one stands up for us and our “wellbeing” that they constantly preach about.

6/14/2024 04:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meet the new boss same as the old boss. 🇺🇸

6/14/2024 04:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When did this become ok? I’ve been on a long time and I believe it’s only been the last 5 years or so if I can remember correctly. You used to be able to plan stuff on your days off. Take the kids on weekend getaways in the summer. Now you can’t count on any of your days off or make any plans to do anything all summer long. This has become the worst place to work. Now wonder all of our mental health is screwed up.

6/14/2024 04:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larry, Hein… got no respect for you two at all. In fact when I see either of you I’m going to spit on the ground like the dope boys do. Absolutely disgust me. For doing this stuff to your fellow coppers shows how out of touch you are with how much this fucks with our lives and well being.

6/14/2024 05:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much for all that “well being” stuff they preach. Make it voluntary OT and see how many volunteers you get, if you get almost none then you should realize that people want their days off to spend away from this job. Why can’t any of you dumb asses see that downtown?

6/14/2024 05:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gay pride parade is really horrendous. Even after the parade, the disturbances, DUI's, fights, idiocy, etc... start taking off. Last year for the tact teams, it was a long 17 hour tour of duty.

6/14/2024 05:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any copper who decides to call in sick when days off are cancelled or during the DNC is a major piece of shit. You are only hurting your fellow officers. Stop being selfish. Do your part.

6/14/2024 05:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark That Slip For$$$$$$
Mayor Conehead Will Only Give It
Away To The CTU Or CTA Or
God Forbid The CFD (LOL.

6/14/2024 05:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Superintendent Snelling is a good man and cares about his police officers. Unfortunately, his hands are tied. During challenging times, we must come together and sacrifice a little bit.

6/14/2024 05:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So it begins.

6/14/2024 05:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW .. Un-Fuckin' Real:

6/14/2024 06:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow,, does that mean we will see some officers patrolling in 16th district and now maybe more ??? oh wait,,, they always send more officers to the neighborhoods that complain about the police, yet they call the police to help with everything

6/14/2024 06:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here we go again!

There is no plan but to cancel RDOs all summer long!

6/14/2024 06:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have over 16 years on. When I first started this was not happening. If you were lucky enough that your RDO landed on a holiday, you kept that holiday. You looked at a calendar far in advance and planned events on your RDO’s. This shit has gotten so out of control. These kids coming on today have no idea how great this job used to be. Now, it’s a prison sentence I’m waiting out.

6/14/2024 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You demented maniacs who enjoy this tyranny can all enjoy your blood money. Then you can enjoy an early death caused by excess cortisol and heart disease. Keep giving that same sorry excuse “this is what you signed up for”. Morons.

6/14/2024 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here come the suicide emails in 3…2…1

6/14/2024 07:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Superintendent Snelling is a good man and cares about his police officers . .

~ Signed, Laratorious "Where da women at?" SNELLING

6/14/2024 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what being a Chicago cop is all about!! Now’s my time to shine. I put on my full uniform and walk around my house. I even sleep in it. Duty belt, vest, all of it!! Just incase I get called in. Then I take selfies of myself in my dress blues and send those pics to the gram with the message of “that cop life”. I don’t actually do any kind of police work when I’m at work though. You mean old timers refuse to show me how and I’m afraid of getting my hands dirty. So I play dress up and tell my family I’m a narc.

6/14/2024 07:32:00 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

Any copper who decides to call in sick when days off are cancelled or during the DNC is a major piece of shit. You are only hurting your fellow officers. Stop being selfish. Do your part.

Illinois emergency management is planning on doing the same thing, cancel our days off. guess what I will take the 30 day unpaid suspension with possible termination and take off as much as I want.

Its a job not my life.

6/14/2024 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what you signed up for. Plain and simple. You were dumb enough to accept a job that has zero respect or regard for your well being.

6/14/2024 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a sick joke. I wonder what life is like for normal human beings in the summer. Oh well, back to Netflix while my stress levels cause irreversible heart damage.

6/14/2024 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Any copper who decides to call in sick when days off are cancelled or during the DNC is a major piece of shit. You are only hurting your fellow officers. Stop being selfish. Do your part.

6/14/2024 05:27:00 AM

No. Fuck you.

6/14/2024 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey hein, fuck you. Hey smelling, fuck you. Hey every useless “boss” that came before you, fuck you.

6/14/2024 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gay pride parade is really horrendous. Even after the parade, the disturbances, DUI's, fights, idiocy, etc... start taking off. Last year for the tact teams, it was a long 17 hour tour of duty.

6/14/2024 05:16:00 AM

That's ok, it just makes up for the four hour days that they usually work.

6/14/2024 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The medical section is not gonna like this. They’re gonna be so busy picking up the phone and immediately hanging it up. Their hands are gonna be so tired from submitting the wrong paper work over and over. Their voices will be horse from speaking to cops like shit.

6/14/2024 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the time the dnc comes around, there’s gonna be no one left!! LMAO!! Holy shit this place couldn’t be any worse.

6/14/2024 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling’s hood rat secretaries are gonna have serious carpal tunnel after typing all these suicide notification emails.

6/14/2024 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the “inside” people still do nothing ! They never go on the street when their days are cancelled ( sit around the station collecting money talking eating ) and commanders allow this .

6/14/2024 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Superintendent Snelling is a good man and cares about his police officers. Unfortunately, his hands are tied. During challenging times, we must come together and sacrifice a little bit.

We are happy the do-nothing, never worked a day in his life gave you a do nothing job Alice. The fact that he loaded his office with a bunch of do nothings like him speaks volumes to his character. Does he go to the academy once a week with Ray to look for fresh meat? The people he has in charge are a direct reflection of who he is as a boss. This entire exempt collection SUCKS!!!! Hearing the hiding behind the planter LT is up for another cush spot. Could you please make a few moves and put people that the ranks respect in charge? You are going to have bosses who have no clue of the laws, or procedures, or paperwork in charge during a very big event. You need a few that have been there done that. The troops need guidance.

6/14/2024 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Superintendent Snelling is a good man and cares about his police officers. Unfortunately, his hands are tied. During challenging times, we must come together and sacrifice a little bit.

6/14/2024 05:44:00 AM

Shut up Larry !

6/14/2024 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any copper who decides to call in sick when days off are cancelled or during the DNC is a major piece of shit. You are only hurting your fellow officers. Stop being selfish. Do your part.
Who the hell are you to make this comments? If I want to hit medical it is my FKN business. I plan on hitting medical, and I hope many more follow, BC it is going to be a major shit show with officers being hurt, than written-up by Copa, and than sued. So you go out there and save the world, you ass hat!

6/14/2024 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish you'd have a weekly post about solved crimes. Forget what the DA does, just show us you closed an investigation. I'm beginning to think it's as rare as hens teeth...

6/14/2024 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Any copper who decides to call in sick when days off are cancelled or during the DNC is a major piece of shit. You are only hurting your fellow officers. Stop being selfish. Do your part.”

Fuck you, white shirt. You idiots have had your chance to fix things and instead you’ve kept on sucking dick instead. And even if you’re not a white shirt, it's clear the only way things will get better is if we push back. Consider yourself pushed, Hero. I’ll prioritize my family’s needs, thanks.

6/14/2024 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6/14/2024 06:14:00 AM
100% correct. They should have a skeleton crew in the ghetto districts that hate da polleeces anyway. Fuck them, they pay no taxes are leeches on society and then have the nerve to complain about da polleece. This shitty is fucked and fubar

6/14/2024 08:15:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Does that apply to retirees?

6/14/2024 08:26:00 AM  
Blogger John D said...

Have a friendly doctor diagnose you with Covid.

6/14/2024 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Superintendent Snelling is a good man and cares about his police officers. Unfortunately, his hands are tied. During challenging times, we must come together and sacrifice a little bit.

Sacrifice a bit? This has been going on since 2018, and it has fully ramped up since 2020. Pride is a prime example. In the last two years, 2022 was an 18-hour day, and 2023 was a 20-22-hour day. Why are we wasting limited resources on a single day? This parade should be severely limited. This year, it goes straight into the 4th and NASCAR for 13 straight days if you have Sat/Sun DOG. Let's talk about the DNC; yesterday was 95 degrees; how long do you think the middle-aged tier 1 assets will last with full battle rattle on if it happens to be that hot? Hydrate you say? Where and how close are the toilets? Are there multiple cooling busses, and what are the distances to each? Food? Yes I will bring food but will it be accessible when needed?

6/14/2024 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's insane they can cancel days off..... I hate CPD, any pride I had is wiped out.

6/14/2024 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is when it is right to say. "Do your fucking job. What did you think they were going to do over the holiday?"

Way to many pussy cops still on this job.

6/14/2024 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The taxes on this OT is killing me.

6/14/2024 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Any copper who decides to call in sick when days off are cancelled or during the DNC is a major piece of shit. You are only hurting your fellow officers. Stop being selfish. Do your part.

6/14/2024 05:27:00 AM

BWAHAHAHHA. Effffff You. My health and wellness are more important to me.

6/14/2024 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So many cry babies. I work in patrol and my days off were not cancelled for memorial day. I have a 7B furlough this year so this specific cancellation doesnt effect me. But I had my day off cancelled last year for the 4th. One day you will have the seniority to get a 7 furlough segment. Till then do what each and everyone else did, work on the holiday. The ones that get it the worse are the people on 4th watch. But all the cry babies on the watch keep crying. Go ride that parker for an hour and not back anyone up you cry baby.

6/14/2024 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Too old for this shit said...

Technically, RDOs aren't cancelled. To-Froms are required to RETAIN your RDO.
Is it still ridiculous? Yes

6/14/2024 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GREAT I love when my days get canceled I’ll just hit the medical 9th district desk dolly crybaby here

6/14/2024 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The gay pride parade is really horrendous. Even after the parade, the disturbances, DUI's, fights, idiocy, etc... start taking off. Last year for the tact teams, it was a long 17 hour tour of duty. """

I worked it as a security gig after retiring. I dont know WTF I was thinking but a girl told me it was a good gig. Well for her it was, she rode around in a golf cart all day drinking free waters and eating good. It was probably the most miserable day I ever spent OTJ. On the pavement all day long, hot as hell, no relief AT ALL. No lunch, no nothing. Then there were these SWAT assholes sitting in their truck to good to even talk to you.

And the cherry on top ? On the 3rd floor mini-porch of one of the buildings were two naked guys blowing each other in full view of the crowd. And a lot of these genius's brought their little kids to this fruit parade, I guess to introduce them to alternate life styles. Well 10yo's watching two naked guys blowing each other on a balcony is about as "alternate" as it gets.

I was going to just leave and fuck the pay. I only stayed because someone else recommended me for the gig. If you want a miserable day for low pay then by all means do it.

6/14/2024 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And management shows up to the discussion... Well, *SOMEBODY* is typing stuff for them since most are such low IQ...

"...Any copper who decides to call in sick when days off are cancelled or during the DNC is a major piece of shit. You are only hurting your fellow officers. Stop being selfish. Do your part..."

6/14/2024 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad I retired when I did. Never even bothered to clear out my locker. Just walked away.

6/14/2024 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One day canceled is not far it's been ok...Father's Day wasn't canceled rdos or Juneteenth this time around.

6/14/2024 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Great!! I love having my days off canceled. This means more money in my pocket and less time dealing with my wife and kids at home....woohoo!"

I mean this with all sincerity. If life is that bad, please seek help. Find someone to talk to, go to EAP, write in a journal. Life is more than working yourself to death and hating your family. This is unhealthy and a sign that something is terribly wrong.

6/14/2024 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Although he’s only suing them for 75k. He should go much higher. I’m afraid they all have some kind of immunity but if not, I hope to see coppers keeping that bitch in court for the rest of her life.

6/14/2024 01:08:00 AM

Park Ridge, the leftist shithole. Having their pride parade. Why don't they host some illegals. I always wait to toss my car trash out the window until i enter Park Ridge

6/14/2024 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great!! I love having my days off canceled. This means more money in my pocket and less time dealing with my wife and kids at home....woohoo!

6/14/2024 01:09:00 AM

I make up security side gigs just to get away from the wife

6/14/2024 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pay for my drinking problem

6/14/2024 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great!! I love having my days off canceled. This means more money in my pocket and less time dealing with my wife and kids at home....woohoo!

Any semi decent looking, non beta male who chooses to participate in the marriage scam in the West needs his brain thoroughly examined.

6/14/2024 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any copper who decides to call in sick when days off are cancelled or during the DNC is a major piece of shit. You are only hurting your fellow officers. Stop being selfish. Do your part.

Always the same commenter posting this garbage. Has to be either an exempt, some frightened house mouse, or just a troll looking for a rise outta coppers. Fuck this idiot, go on the medical anytime you don’t feel well.

6/14/2024 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Any copper who decides to call in sick when days off are cancelled or during the DNC is a major piece of shit. You are only hurting your fellow officers. Stop being selfish. Do your part.

6/14/2024 05:27:00 AM

No, they’re actually very smart. You morons still being good company men are the problem. The brass and department don’t care about you. Take time off, hang with the family, enjoy your days. Fuck this city, department and ungrateful populace.

6/14/2024 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 9th district crybaby looks like it’s time to hit the medical AGAIN it’s hard out here bro

6/14/2024 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're all a bunch of dummies. If you didn't know this was going to happen, you are truly a fool. Wake up and smell the gunpowder, it's party time!

6/14/2024 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conehead says go get your hairs did by blk people

6/14/2024 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Supreme Court just declared bump stocks legal! Logically, Glock switches would have to follow. Thank God citizens can now defend themselves this summer!

6/14/2024 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Winter is coming"

- Ned Stark

6/14/2024 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So 019 1W desks and SDSC are gonna packed with scared mice collecting easy OT?

6/14/2024 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fucking retards

All they have is cancel days off and 12 hour days

No plan no use of resources


6/14/2024 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure we will see another OT crackdown after this "summer of love" is over...Chicago and CPD are on a non-sustainable path to financial ruin if this continues. This is going to cut into BJ's immigration budgetary plans...

Enjoy it while you're getting it...stay safe and let the city burn. Remember, Chicago voted for this. Only 3 more years until Chicago voters get to make another bad choice for mayor.

6/14/2024 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, at least this time they actually gave some notice (Sarcasm).

Wonder how many retirements this will add to the pile? Or have all the "retire-able" already put in?

6/14/2024 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s only Jun and we’ve run out of ideas. Being forced into mandatory overtime is setting up a perfect storm of IOD’S, CR’S and extreme stressful marital issues all summer long. When you run nonstop from Jun through Nov it’s borderline abusive and dangerous and when a copper eventually snaps could cause the city and country to burn. Boys and girls it’s all by design.

6/14/2024 01:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you know when Chicago is going the way of Detroit and other shit-hole cities?

Here is why.. a NORTHWEST SIDE hospital is falling apart just like the rest if the ghetto:

6/14/2024 01:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Officer Wellness my ass

6/14/2024 01:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6/14/2024 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any copper who decides to call in sick when days off are cancelled or during the DNC is a major piece of shit. You are only hurting your fellow officers. Stop being selfish. Do your part.

Said the dumbass. If you believers out there would stick together and not sell out maybe things would be different.

6/14/2024 01:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any copper who decides to call in sick when days off are cancelled or during the DNC is a major piece of shit. You are only hurting your fellow officers. Stop being selfish. Do your part.

Thank you, during NATO most PO’s on medical came off medical to participate. Only cowards cry.

6/14/2024 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I miss something? The only official notice I've seen has been 1 day for Pride.

6/14/2024 02:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Any copper who decides to call in sick when days off are cancelled or during the DNC is a major piece of shit. You are only hurting your fellow officers. Stop being selfish. Do your part.

6/14/2024 05:27:00 AM

You sound like a complete moron. This is job, nothing else and nobody owes you a damn thing. The city doesn't have the proper staffing, that's on them and its not falling on my back to carry the load. Knock yourself out tough guy but this soon to be retired officer will be on furlough and have that sweet reoccurring IOD surgery set right after. I'll be floating in pool, drinking captain and cokes while you will be playing the " real police ". It not my problem anymore, my only job now is to see retirement in a few months.

6/14/2024 02:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
The gay pride parade is really horrendous. Even after the parade, the disturbances, DUI's, fights, idiocy, etc... start taking off. Last year for the tact teams, it was a long 17 hour tour of duty.

6/14/2024 05:16:00 AM

The Pride Parade does not need police officers, but social workers and psychologists.

6/14/2024 03:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.W. Wilson is shaking his head...

6/14/2024 03:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6/14/2024 03:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No real data to show canceling days helps anything in terms of crime.

6/14/2024 03:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Superintendent Snelling is a good man and cares about his police officers. Unfortunately, his hands are tied. During challenging times, we must come together and sacrifice a little bit.

6/14/2024 05:44:00 AM

Spoken like a true boss.

6/14/2024 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will be interesting to see how well Riot Fest goes over with current residents.

6/14/2024 04:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Will be interesting to see how well Riot Fest goes over with current residents.

6/14/2024 04:35:00 PM

Won't be our problem.

6/14/2024 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Any copper who decides to call in sick when days off are cancelled or during the DNC is a major piece of shit. You are only hurting your fellow officers. Stop being selfish. Do your part.

Thank you, during NATO most PO’s on medical came off medical to participate. Only cowards cry.

6/14/2024 02:04:00 PM

During NATO, we had one person on our watch hit the medical. If you had polled the watch who would it be, everybody would have guessed this particular officer.

6/14/2024 05:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
So glad I picked a 7B and 8B furlough…

People you work with said the same thing.

6/14/2024 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are the parades for the other six deadly sins??

6/14/2024 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6/14/2024 05:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Superintendent Snelling is a good man and cares about his police officers. Unfortunately, his hands are tied. During challenging times, we must come together and sacrifice a little bit.

If he cared about his officers, he would give them better leaders.

6/14/2024 05:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking RDO’s cancelled how about getting your one Sunday off in June cancelled for Bullshit FTX training then deviating those who don’t show. Hey Training Academy FUCK YOU!!!!!! Biggest bunch of hand jobs.

6/14/2024 05:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Superintendent Snelling is a good man and cares about his police officers. Unfortunately, his hands are tied. During challenging times, we must come together and sacrifice a little bit.

Get from under his desk!

6/14/2024 05:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
What a bunch of pieces of shit our exempts are. They all knkw this is what’s ruining our department yet they continue to do the same thing over and over. Why do u think u can’t recruit new hires, keep young officers, stop older ones from retiring? It’s because they keep doing shit like this. This dept sucks balls and every one of those exempts downtown can go fuck themselves. Not one stands up for us and our “wellbeing” that they constantly preach about.

I second that. It’s been a lot of “cake and coffee” lately.

6/14/2024 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At NATO the department was together and had your back now we probably won’t even get to bring our guns or batons older POs injured POs overweight people unhealthy ones I’m sorry where’s the fucking National guard this should be by seniority period. A hero is a sandwich I’ll be in Florida enjoying my retirement not being sued

6/14/2024 05:53:00 PM  
Blogger Transmaster said...

It is interesting I met one of your X CPD officers he is part of the Cheyenne PD now. He was dealing with a homeless lady camped out at a fast food joint. I mentioned at least it isn't like Chicago. He told he was a X CPD cop and that Cheyenne was heaven on earth compared to the shit hole he came from. I told him I followed Hey Jackass which is how I knew about what was going on in Chicago. He Laughed when I mention this site. I have a niece who is a retired Wyoming HP officer she told me that for the Sheriff, and Police departments across the state experienced big city Cops, and their families are a welcome treasure. The Sheriff's department will sometimes place deputies, in a roll sort of like a constable, in small unincorporated communities.

6/14/2024 06:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic but here is leadership from Florida, Polk County Sheriff ripping a Pennsylvania judge.

6/14/2024 06:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

copa is always happy to hear that more police on the street while mad their day off is cancelled, that way they hope to get more complaints about the officers then they can take 4 years to finish the half assed investigation

6/14/2024 07:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I already have the OT pay dates circled in my FOP book.

6/14/2024 07:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the cherry on top ? On the 3rd floor mini-porch of one of the buildings were two naked guys blowing each other in full view of the crowd. And a lot of these genius's brought their little kids to this fruit parade, I guess to introduce them to alternate life styles. Well 10yo's watching two naked guys blowing each other on a balcony is about as "alternate" as it gets.”

I encourage you next time you see something like that to pepper spray the perverts in their private parts .

Decent gays will support that .

6/14/2024 07:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

014 has more inside people working as hall monitors, greeters, and errand boys than people working the street. It’s a new department

6/14/2024 08:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“ Anonymous Anonymous said...
Great!! I love having my days off canceled. This means more money in my pocket and less time dealing with my wife and kids at home....woohoo!

6/14/2024 01:09:00 AM”

+1 on the positive outlook!

6/14/2024 08:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“ Anonymous said...
Great!! I love having my days off canceled. This means more money in my pocket and less time dealing with my wife and kids at home....woohoo!

6/14/2024 01:09:00 AM

I make up security side gigs just to get away from the wife

6/14/2024 10:23:00 AM”

And don’t think she and the mailman, landscaper and Amazon guy don’t know it!

6/14/2024 09:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meanwhile at cook co a chief (also magician) allegedly slept with and impregnated someone underage
After it was discovered he attempted suicide in oak lawn, at his ex wife’s house. He fled and ended being picked up in Douglas county an ispern message over it went out from oak lawn.

6/14/2024 09:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Town liquor store a victim of smash and grab by a group of young men. They looked black. Thirst are career criminals. Using stolen vehicles. They will be released if arrested. How many beat cars in 22 were down when this happened? 19th Ward needs this question answered.

6/14/2024 10:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember when the Southside Irish parade “was getting out of hand” and they cancelled that all together? Why not do that to the gays?

Ohhhhhh… that’s right… you can do things to some, not all. Hmmmm, who are the real minorities now and do they get special job application privileges?

6/14/2024 10:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just don't show up on the days you don'want to . They won't fire you. Too many of us leaving anyway.

6/14/2024 11:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Town liquor store a victim of smash and grab by a group of young men. They looked black. Thirst are career criminals. Using stolen vehicles. They will be released if arrested. How many beat cars in 22 were down when this happened? 19th Ward needs this question answered.

6/14/2024 10:08:00 PM

Well we sure wont get any truthful answers from that POS Ald. O’Shea

6/14/2024 11:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cancel the parade, enough is enough..

6/14/2024 11:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cancel The FreakShow! - Will the “Furrys” show up?

6/15/2024 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great!! I love having my days off canceled. This means more money in my pocket and less time dealing with my wife and kids at home....woohoo!

6/14/2024 01:09:00 AM

Thank you, Ward Cleaver. June, Wally and the Beav are glad also.

6/15/2024 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And don’t think she and the mailman, landscaper and Amazon guy don’t know it!

6/14/2024 09:23:00 PM

All good...more time with the mistress lol

6/15/2024 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Great!! I love having my days off canceled. This means more money in my pocket and less time dealing with my wife and kids at home....woohoo!

6/14/2024 01:09:00 AM

I make up security side gigs just to get away from the wife

6/14/2024 10:23:00 AM”

Lmao!!! Attaboy

6/15/2024 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suburbs are hiring.. many departments are short

6/15/2024 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meanwhile at cook co a chief (also magician) allegedly slept with and impregnated someone underage
After it was discovered he attempted suicide in oak lawn, at his ex wife’s house. He fled and ended being picked up in Douglas county an ispern message over it went out from oak lawn.

6/14/2024 09:41:00 PM

He slept with someone? Oh, you mean he raped a child? I thought it was a sleepover or something at first.

6/15/2024 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Superintendent Snelling is a good man and cares about his police officers. Unfortunately, his hands are tied. During challenging times, we must come together and sacrifice a little bit.

6/14/2024 05:44:00 AM

Thanks Larry! Get back in the gym and shut the fuck up now.

6/15/2024 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Town liquor store a victim of smash and grab by a group of young men. They looked black. Thirst are career criminals. Using stolen vehicles. They will be released if arrested. How many beat cars in 22 were down when this happened? 19th Ward needs this question answered.

6/14/2024 10:08:00 PM

They looked black because they are black. Color me shocked.

6/15/2024 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the cherry on top ? On the 3rd floor mini-porch of one of the buildings were two naked guys blowing each other in full view of the crowd. And a lot of these genius's brought their little kids to this fruit parade, I guess to introduce them to alternate life styles. Well 10yo's watching two naked guys blowing each other on a balcony is about as "alternate" as it gets.

Well at least you got a blow job out of the deal.

6/15/2024 01:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Superintendent Snelling is a good man and cares about his police officers. Unfortunately, his hands are tied. During challenging times, we must come together and sacrifice a little bit.

6/14/2024 05:44:00 AM

You are all that's wrong with the department. Are you another merit hack? Of course you are. Fuck you.

Snelling, a useless, never passed a test boss. Another career merit. His claim to fame hiding away in the gym. But shit rises to the top in this corrupt department. Ignorance and arrogance all rolled into one. Affirmative action at it's finest. A use of force expert, only with trashy recruits. Keep lowering the bar and crying racism, sexism.

6/15/2024 02:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Pride” parade is nothing but assssless chaps, naked bodies, sxxx toys and dog leashes nothing prideful about that it’s a rated XXX pornographic event shame on anyone who lets their kids go there as a spectator.

6/15/2024 04:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Any copper who decides to call in sick when days off are cancelled or during the DNC is a major piece of shit. You are only hurting your fellow officers. Stop being selfish. Do your part.

6/14/2024 05:27:00 AM

You sound like a complete moron. This is job, nothing else and nobody owes you a damn thing. The city doesn't have the proper staffing, that's on them and its not falling on my back to carry the load. Knock yourself out tough guy but this soon to be retired officer will be on furlough and have that sweet reoccurring IOD surgery set right after. I'll be floating in pool, drinking captain and cokes while you will be playing the " real police ". It not my problem anymore

Good riddance..I’m sure you won’t be missed on the watch.

6/15/2024 05:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When did this become ok? I’ve been on a long time and I believe it’s only been the last 5 years or so if I can remember correctly. You used to be able to plan stuff on your days off. Take the kids on weekend getaways in the summer. Now you can’t count on any of your days off or make any plans to do anything all summer long. This has become the worst place to work. Now wonder all of our mental health is screwed up.

6/14/2024 04:47:00 AM

It started under McCarthy around 2012

6/15/2024 05:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I have over 16 years on. When I first started this was not happening. If you were lucky enough that your RDO landed on a holiday, you kept that holiday. You looked at a calendar far in advance and planned events on your RDO’s. This shit has gotten so out of control. These kids coming on today have no idea how great this job used to be. Now, it’s a prison sentence I’m waiting out.
6/14/2024 07:23:00 AM"

SPOT. ON. Similar time, it's survival. Nothing more. Make it 4-5 more years, gtfo.

6/15/2024 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Any copper who decides to call in sick when days off are cancelled or during the DNC is a major piece of shit. You are only hurting your fellow officers. Stop being selfish. Do your part.

6/14/2024 05:27:00

Dear Mr SuckHole

Thank you for your correspondence of 14 June.
After reviewing your recommendation, I’ve decided to DEFINITELY do what is best for me and my family.
That is why I will schedule my elective surgery for mid summer.
I will enjoy the Chicago dramadey from the comfort of my sofa.
I wish you well searching for glory and merit promotions.

6/15/2024 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a thought. Why don’t we cancel the evil pride parade. It goes against God and America. Instead you cancel rdos and have more cops kill themselves. There are some evil powers at play in this country. Oh happy Veterans month too. I refuse to celebrate pride

6/15/2024 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:08:00 PM
How does someone “look black”?

6/15/2024 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When did this become ok? I’ve been on a long time and I believe it’s only been the last 5 years or so if I can remember correctly. You used to be able to plan stuff on your days off. Take the kids on weekend getaways in the summer. Now you can’t count on any of your days off or make any plans to do anything all summer long. This has become the worst place to work. Now wonder all of our mental health is screwed up.

6/14/2024 04:47:00 AM

You're 100% correct
I retired 5 years ago after doing 33 years & days off were rarely canceled.
On tact it was expected to happen occasionally, but hardly ever on the watch.

6/15/2024 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya sure it wasn't an isperm message?

6/15/2024 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6/14/2024 02:21:00 PM

You sounded like a handjob when I was reading your comment, but you confirmed it whe you said you'd be drinking captain & cokes.

6/15/2024 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Total BS to destroy family life of Chicago Police Officers.
Cancel all days off for the straight day ,SAturday,Sunday police. Disband CAPS, assign those officers to the pride parade and DNC
22 districts each with one Sgt.6to 10 caps officers , exempt members secretaries,conehead body guard detail should be used for pride parade,july4 activities and DNC leave everyone else alone.

6/15/2024 09:27:00 AM  
Blogger 008 2nd Watch DOG said...

Hahaha suckers.

6/15/2024 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
6/14/2024 02:21:00 PM

You sounded like a handjob when I was reading your comment, but you confirmed it whe you said you'd be drinking captain & cokes.

6/15/2024 09:01:00 AM

would you prefer some IPAs? Either way you’ll be working and I won’t, suck it up buttercup

6/15/2024 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any copper who decides to call in sick when days off are cancelled or during the DNC is a major piece of shit. You are only hurting your fellow officers. Stop being selfish. Do your part. -lol. Hilarious. I love trolling

6/15/2024 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It started under McCarthy around 2012

6/15/2024 05:23:00 AM

Correct. Harry implemented 12 hour days and RDO cancelled his first July 4th weekend and then it mushroomed from there.

6/15/2024 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Supreme Court just declared bump stocks legal! Logically, Glock switches would have to follow. Thank God citizens can now defend themselves this summer!

Now we need SCOTUS to throw out the FOID and CCL cards. Go Constitutional Carry.
(Yeah, I know it's a long shot but I got hopes)

6/15/2024 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are there no plans to call out the national guard? The capitol police requested National Guard assistance on Jan 06 and were denied. Police manpower/OT was curtailed as well.

Make me think there is some sort of a plan afoot here.

"This place looks like a powder keg ready to blow..."

6/15/2024 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suburbs are hiring.. many departments are short

Be careful what suburban department you want to jump to. Look what they did to that sergeant who detained the bike thief.
And if you think clout, politics and favoritism are problems in a huge department like Chicago, just try to imagine what they are like is 60 or so man department.

6/15/2024 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how everyone from Mt. Greenwood constantly bash O'Shea. Don't get me wrong, he deserves it. However, it wasn't City workers from Garfield Ridge or Edison Park, etc. that voted him in. He's Irish and was put in by predominantly Irish people. I would expect that the residents there had an idea who he was to begin with. But, I guess everyone will just say that he cheated along with our so-called president.

6/15/2024 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It won’t happen with many officers going on medical or scheduling elective surgery. A few might but the majority will show up and do their job.

6/15/2024 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Days off should not be canceled for DNC , Pride parade or bud bilekin parade .
Above all dislike and want police defunded . Simple , nomdays off cancelled. No police assigned to these events because of manpower shortages.

6/15/2024 01:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP, PBPA you must lobby to end gold braid pension for Captain and all other exempt ranks.
It’s breaking the pension fund, they are making way too much money and majority shouldn’t be assigned to anything but a beat car.
Most were merit all the way.

6/15/2024 01:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How does someone “look black”?

6/15/2024 08:34:00 AM

Being black is pretty much based on how you look, so you look black by being black. Do you not look at people and see that they look like different races? Or do you wait until you see their ancestry? Idiot.

6/15/2024 03:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hit the medical if exhaustion sets in.

6/15/2024 04:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
FOP, PBPA you must lobby to end gold braid pension for Captain and all other exempt ranks.
It’s breaking the pension fund, they are making way too much money and majority shouldn’t be assigned to anything but a beat car.
Most were merit all the way.

6/15/2024 01:19:00 PM

The FOP isn’t doing anything these days. The department has JC in line, because they are holding his retirement star. Many officers have been sacrificed because of this.

6/15/2024 06:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling is losing his charm fast. Not too long ago, Black organizers drafted a petition to have him removed.

6/15/2024 06:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I love how everyone from Mt. Greenwood constantly bash O'Shea. Don't get me wrong, he deserves it. However, it wasn't City workers from Garfield Ridge or Edison Park, etc. that voted him in. He's Irish and was put in by predominantly Irish people. I would expect that the residents there had an idea who he was to begin with. But, I guess everyone will just say that he cheated along with our so-called president.

He got voted in by the libs in Beverly and Morgan Pk. Yes, we have some lib idiots in Mt Greenwood and that's what pushed him over the edge. He's more concerned with sucking up to BLM and father faker than supporting the Police. We still have idiots who vote Democratic because their father and grandpa did. This current Democratic party has nothing in common with the working person or law enforcement.

6/15/2024 09:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how everyone from Mt. Greenwood constantly bash O'Shea. Don't get me wrong, he deserves it. However, it wasn't City workers from Garfield Ridge or Edison Park, etc. that voted him in. He's Irish and was put in by predominantly Irish people. I would expect that the residents there had an idea who he was to begin with. But, I guess everyone will just say that he cheated along with our so-called president.

6/15/2024 10:34:00 AM

Who was blaming people outside the ward for voting him in? No one. What's your point? You can vote for someone and still criticize them when they fuck up. You can vote for someone because they're a better choice than their opponent, without actually liking them or thinking they can do no wrong. You should criticize anyone you vote for when they fuck up. That's your right as a voter. Being elected doesn't entitle you to a reign free of criticism. Chicago voters are some of the dumbest voters in the entire fucking world, but the idiots they elect should still be called out on their mistakes and bad policy decisions. Some of that criticism may change the way they do certain things, or make them worry about the next election. That's the point.

6/15/2024 09:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hit the medical if exhaustion sets in.

People seem to have forgotten but Officer Ming was worked to death! Carbon monoxide poisoning when he fell asleep inside his vehicle which he had just parked in the garage. Sleep debt accumulated after multiple consecutive 18+ hour days. I don’t want to see another officer Ming type death. Hit the MEDICAL.

6/15/2024 09:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I have over 16 years on. When I first started this was not happening. If you were lucky enough that your RDO landed on a holiday, you kept that holiday. You looked at a calendar far in advance and planned events on your RDO’s. This shit has gotten so out of control. These kids coming on today have no idea how great this job used to be. Now, it’s a prison sentence I’m waiting out.

Haha! You have 16 years on the job??? You are still a “kid”.
Come find me when you have 25+

6/15/2024 11:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gay pride parade is really horrendous. Even after the parade, the disturbances, DUI's, fights, idiocy, etc... start taking off. Last year for the tact teams, it was a long 17 hour tour of duty. """

I worked it as a security gig after retiring. I dont know WTF I was thinking but a girl told me it was a good gig. Well for her it was, she rode around in a golf cart all day drinking free waters and eating good. It was probably the most miserable day I ever spent OTJ. On the pavement all day long, hot as hell, no relief AT ALL. No lunch, no nothing. Then there were these SWAT assholes sitting in their truck to good to even talk to you.

And the cherry on top ? On the 3rd floor mini-porch of one of the buildings were two naked guys blowing each other in full view of the crowd. And a lot of these genius's brought their little kids to this fruit parade, I guess to introduce them to alternate life styles. Well 10yo's watching two naked guys blowing each other on a balcony is about as "alternate" as it gets.

I was going to just leave and fuck the pay. I only stayed because someone else recommended me for the gig. If you want a miserable day for low pay then by all means do it.

6/14/2024 09:58:00 AM

Lmao...this literally had me in tears and my side hurting. Only because I know first hand what a shit show the gay parade is. You're absolutely right! If you want to be miserable for 18 hrs of your life, work the gay parade, especially when it gets DARK!

6/15/2024 11:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I love how everyone from Mt. Greenwood constantly bash O'Shea. Don't get me wrong, he deserves it. However, it wasn't City workers from Garfield Ridge or Edison Park, etc. that voted him in. He's Irish and was put in by predominantly Irish people."

6/15/2024 10:34:00 AM

This is wrong. Before O'Shea it was Ginger Rugai. Do you think the "Irish" voted her in too? The fact is, Mt Greenwood is not very "Irish" anymore and there's very few Irish there, not enough to vote anyone in. Most who claim to be Irish cannot name what part of Ireland their predecessors came from, can't find Ireland on a map, know nothing of Ireland's history including the fact that part of it is still occupied/ruled by a neighboring country. The "Irish" bars are owned by Greeks, Italians, and others who use Irish names on their bars just to draw in more customers. For some the stereotype of drinking alcohol equates to being Irish, but drinking beer and acting like a green gremlin does not make one Irish. O'Shea was voted in because he was Ginger's assistant and knew the ropes.

6/16/2024 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't they make the sodomites pay for their own private security?

Better yet, why is one's sexual orientation parade worthy?

6/16/2024 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
When did this become ok? I’ve been on a long time and I believe it’s only been the last 5 years or so if I can remember correctly. You used to be able to plan stuff on your days off. Take the kids on weekend getaways in the summer. Now you can’t count on any of your days off or make any plans to do anything all summer long. This has become the worst place to work. Now wonder all of our mental health is screwed up.

6/14/2024 04:47:00 AM

It started under McCarthy around 2012

6/15/2024 05:23:00 AM
I don't think it started that far back. I do know for a fact it started day one when Lori was elected. I wondered how she decided day one to cancel the police days off. Some big whig in CPD must have immrediately put it in her head because she did not know enough to do it herself. It has been that way ever since.

6/16/2024 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All weekend off people and everyone from districts and units who are rdo that day will be used for the parade along with PPOs off their cycles and all tac teams will be assigned. Hopefully the 19th district commander isn’t in charge again because he royally screwed this up last year. Last year was an absolute mess including that moron commander from 019 going on the air asking why we needed to have people arrested.. people who were causing chaos.. so he went hands off last year, gave them the street without dispersing and we were all there for 20 hours. Please put someone in charge who knows what they are doing and please have more officers than last year.

6/16/2024 12:42:00 PM  

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