Wednesday, June 12, 2024

He's a Good Boy!

Why do the feds always demonize aldercreatures?

  • As sentencing nears for Chicago’s 80-year-old, longest-serving City Council member, lawyers for ex-Ald. Edward M. Burke braced a judge this week “for a biblical flood of stories and letters from people of all walks of life who have been touched by his kindness and generosity.”

    And then they delivered, offering 200 letters — totaling almost 350 pages — from faith leaders, current and former government officials, members of the legal and law enforcement communities, and members of Burke’s own family hoping for mercy.

    “I am unable to grasp the thought of us not being together when God calls us home,” wrote Burke’s wife, retired Illinois Supreme Court Chief Justice Anne Burke.

    “As retirees, we get through these days by helping each other with all those daily tasks that are challenging at 80 years old. I am devastated by the prospect that I will not be with Ed at the end of our lives,” she wrote. “Please find compassion through the Holy Spirit in your decision.”

No word on the tens of thousands of people whose lives were made more difficult - or ruined - after run-ins with this political turd when they wouldn't play his crooked game.

Every single one of the authors of these 200 letters owes Burke a favor in one form or another, and the final payoff is a plea for leniency.

We've got a story, told directly to us in the first person. It involves the Police Department and a golf outing, held by the Airport Units at a golf course in Wisconsin for decades. As you may or may not know, Burke ran the Airports for years as his own little fief for the connected. He was the sole reason that when the FOP fought to get the bidding process to an 80%-seniority-20%-management, O'Hare and Midway were held at 50-50....and that second 50% needed Burke's okay to get there.

Every year there was a golf outing which was so successful and huge that they had to have an AM and a PM tee time on a twenty-seven hole course with two foursomes starting on every hole and three foursomes on the par fives. Three hundred plus golfers....and a waiting list for cancellations. Raffle prizes were bunches of top shelf liquor baskets, autographed jerseys from all the sport teams that flew in and out of the airports, dozens of airline tickets to destinations all over the world.

Arriving just before tee time, in a shiny black city car with M plates, driven by a couple of cops, was King Ed. The outing couldn't start until he got there and made his entrance, he teed off with a select group of airport bosses, and at the steak dinner afterwards, the line to kiss the ring ran completely around the dining area. He made sure everyone knew who ran the airports.

And after the rumors hit of the federal investigation, the entire outing disappeared without a trace. One has to wonder what was being spoken about....or passed around.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read (or listen to on Audible) when "Corruption Was King".
You will see how this bastard belongs in HELL.

He had made judges who fixed murder cases. He is a bastard.

6/12/2024 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“I am unable to grasp the thought of us not being together when God calls us home,” wrote Burke’s wife . . .


When that call comes through you better not answer the phone. It ain't God calling honey.

6/12/2024 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I HATE Suck-Holes.

They are the ones that can go handle the Convention.

6/12/2024 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who becomes a lawyer in their 40's and then eventually becomes a State Supreme Court judge in Illinois?

Oh yeah, Ed Burkes wife.

6/12/2024 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do scumbags and their buddies always pretend to be so religious after they get caught being scumbags? His wife is really working the religion angle. Like she didn't know and actively partake in and enjoy the fruits of his corruption? Fuck them both and anyone who wrote some bullshit letter, especially the "faith leaders" and other corrupt government officials.

6/12/2024 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember going to his famous yearly political fundraiser at a downtown hotel. I'm not going to lie, I went in hopes of Burke putting me in for merit Sgt. I was told an envelope with a check would help things move along, fat chance, I was out 4k.So to continue the story, Burke was sitting in a large throne like chair and a long line of hundreds holding envelopes in their hands. One by one they all handed the envelope to Burke and kissed his ring with fake pleasantries. Burke did this for decades, feeding at the trough like a hog. Finally the hog is set to be slaughtered.

6/12/2024 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awe... mommy wrote the judge that she needs to have daddy around while they are both in their 80's and retired and only because it was a forced retirement. If he wasn't such a greedy and corrupt pos he'd have retired 15-20 yrs ago prison-free.

6/12/2024 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope he croaks in would be fair and right...

His corrupt wife should be jailed too...She Knows Nothing ...Nothing !!!

Lock him up

6/12/2024 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Former Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy told Kendall that as a lifelong law enforcement officer he felt “conflicted” and that “it is hard to reconcile the Ed Burke that I know with the allegations in this case.”

“[B]ut I am sure that I know who Ed really is, beyond the public persona,” McCarthy wrote. “I cannot fathom myself writing this letter for anyone other than Ed Burke.”

6/12/2024 01:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

F**K Ed Burke and F**K Anne too. Back in 2017, one of her main private security guys applied for CPD. He did so because he was running out of time. He was approaching the 35 yro age limit for applicants and knowing Anne would be leaving the bench in 4-5 years needed a new career. He was slated (before even being hired) to go on A-hole Ed's security detail once off probation. You know, that Police detail Ed had due to the BS threats to his life crappola thing. Guy was fast tracked through the process but unfortunately for him because he was such a narcissistic knob, he failed the psychological test. Ed went absolutely nuts and had HR/Bob Landowski change the entire process (for one guy mind you) so that if you fail the psych, you could appeal that part of the hiring process. Historically, failing the psych test had been the only thing you could not challenge. 10-15 years ago, they were psych-test failing candidates from Police families and military vets because having that mindset was considered dangerous to 'the community.' But now, for one connected guy, they are potentially letting crazies through if their appeals to a failed psych get by. F**K Ed and Anne, Ed can rot in a cell. And Anne can pay a CNA to wipe her ass when she's too infirm to do it herself and Ed is not around to help her because he is doing the cornhole shuffle with his cellmate. No sympathy for either. How do I know all of this? Worked in 123 when this went down. I was so disgusted and it was my breaking point. I went back to the District per my request. Shameful!

6/12/2024 02:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He’s a crook

6/12/2024 02:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago DemocRATS are a joke. They screw everyone over and want to walk away as though nothing happened. They robbed the public blind.

6/12/2024 02:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fast Eddie Burke was slick when it came to putting the arm on the airlines.
Eddie would wet his beak strong arming the the different carriers, but would
leave them relieved that he would move on after he was taken care, till he needed
something the next time. But on the on the hand they detested alderman of the 23 Ward
MIKE ZALEWSKI. He believed that Midway was personal property and they were
his renters and he was the landlord. This MORON once told Southwest that he wanted
20 free passes for a family wedding out of town, and if they didn’t come up with passes
he would band their planes from flying over the 23rd Ward air space. If this MORON was
any dumber. we have to water him two times a day and keep him in direct sunlight.

6/12/2024 02:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was one of the few elected officials that would actually help you with things, such as if you met with him, and you were having trouble on the department, getting a medical issue, resolved such as a MRI or seeing a proper doctor, and you went and made an appointment he would help you. He also was behind keeping the pension funded because he was a retired cop or, so he also helped many people. Yes, he was powerful, but he kept things in check. He should’ve been mayor. Look what we have now! He was a politician. He played the game, the same way, every elected official the same way everyone in the corporate world plays the game.

6/12/2024 04:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put your big boy pants on and go do your time. You owe it to the people and should not be granted any mercy whatsoever

6/12/2024 04:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Anne, you will need to learn how to wipe your 80 year old backside all by yourself, if your criminal, arrogant, pompous asshole husband gets jail time. He won't be around to help with all those daily tasks.

6/12/2024 05:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll send the old thief a jar of KY for his mummy ass...

6/12/2024 05:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is arrogant, smug, elitist, and yet things were better when he was in office 🤔
Now kiss his ring……

6/12/2024 05:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put him in Jeff Epstein's old's open

6/12/2024 05:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"No word on the tens of thousands of people whose lives were made more difficult - or ruined - after run-ins with this political turd when they wouldn't play his crooked game."


Let's not forget the 100,000's of people Burke King's corrupt cronies fucked either because they were "Nobody, Nobody Sent."

Honest, hard earning people that were denied job and business opportunities, licenses, and pieces of Chicago's pie because they wouldn't or couldn't afford to kickback to Burke and his corrupt followers.

Burke and the Daley Crime Family are the main reasons the city is fucked now with BJ as mayor and before him Lightfoot and Rahm. It's payback and reparations now for the slighted people and why the CTU runs Chicago now.

Did King Richie write one of those letters for Burke or was part of his agreement with the Feds to be on mute concerning anything with Chicago the rest of his life?

Ed Burke is one of the main reasons Chicago is so fucked up right now. For all those 200 letters seeking little to no punishment for Burke, there 1000's of victim statements that should be read in court for the lives Burke and Co. ruined. Where are those letters?

6/12/2024 05:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What took the Feds so long, why now? The guy has been a known crook for a half a century. Likewise with Madigan. Making the way safer for the likes of Beetlejuice and Conehead?

6/12/2024 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yes judge, please give him a break because he did get me a new garbage can once.

6/12/2024 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Vallas testified that Burke met his standards of Ethics everyone should realize that Burke needs to be relocated to a penal colony in the Sudan.

6/12/2024 06:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and then he represented Trump.....downhill since

6/12/2024 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck him. You do the crime, You do the time! Never mind this Big asshole thought he was "KING" of everyone, well guess what jagoff...hope you rot in hell. Took long enough but Karma bit you in the ass. Instead of all kissing your ring, kiss my ass.

6/12/2024 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love to read Pigott's letter! If it wasn't for Eddie he would still be pushing a beat car, but now is stealing a huge pension!

6/12/2024 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He controlled finance and how they handled long term iod's for coppers.
When a family had issues with bills and long term care for a po shot on duty he would whine and complain to the family how they should accept the officers fate and not keep coming back to finance with their problems involving his long term care.
This went on for two decades until the officer died from his injury.
This pompas ass deserves life!

6/12/2024 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

look at everything going on today? It’s still it will never change the face change. The game is the same.

6/12/2024 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can think of a whole lot of other asshole politicians that need to be in prison. I don't think Burke is one of them. He was how the Chicago way played whether you like it or not.

6/12/2024 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guy from the old neighborhood speaking here. Burke’s a pompous ass and always has been. He’s the guy that when he wants something from you he knows exactly who you are. Two days later he sees you on an elevator and acts as if you’re wearing a wire. Too bad he didn’t follow his own instincts.

6/12/2024 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Madigan is next....

6/12/2024 08:31:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

If anyone is interested, Beatrice's golf outing will be held at the East Chicago Indiana municipal golf course. Good times.

6/12/2024 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah...of course what did you all think was going to happen. You didn't really think he was going to face the same system you and I would face. Took 4 plus years after the indictment to get to a verdict. Ed got the best "due process" money could buy from Jenner & Block and others with a strategy of postponing this moment as long as he could so he could use the time honored strategy of mafia bosses and other Pols like George Ryan. The "I'm just an old man" pity defense.

As for the people writing these letters...just a matter of them trying to protect one of their own. I mean after all if Ed could face actual consequences like the minions then they might be subject to that themselves one day. We can't have that can we?

6/12/2024 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please they need to be called by their proper titles.
Lord & Lady Burke.

6/12/2024 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They told me it was “4, score, and even” to be promoted. What did that even mean.

6/12/2024 09:23:00 AM  
Blogger 7 said...

Remember it was his father who developed power on the southside for the irish he’s just a Chiefs kid.He came to see my uncle his first day on the Police Dept It looked like his mom bought him a leather he would grow into.It was in the papers how he was too young by rule to be a policeman.And that was just ignored.His friends the Feds have been stalling hoping he’d just die so they didn’t have to send him to jail.His problems started by messing with someone he didn’t know had more clout then he did.

6/12/2024 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's been a very long time coming. Let's roast this pig...screw those letters. They have no relevance since they are all lies. Ed Burke getting clergy, and other society pillars to do his bidding was infamous. He even manipulated police officers to do his bidding, his way.

I worked at the airport for a while. I hated it. The coppers there were suck ups. They would easily do the bidding of any of the bosses. And be eager about it. Quite frankly, I saw people's integrity too easily compromised. That was the status quo. Lying, character assassination of targeted individuals, and daily hiding for 8 hours every tour. Money was expected to be freely given when requested, and favors to certain celebrities was also generously given. Whatever made the wheels roll outings, mandatory dinner parties etc...if you didn't go to them you were cast as an outsider.

I don't know how it is run today, but I bet it is still very similar. I have been an advocate for shutting down the airport units for years. They accomplish extremely little in the way of police work. IMHO

Ed Burke deserves a lot more than he will get. Good riddance. I once had a long conversation with Ann Burke. She seemed like a nice lady. I could never understand how she ended up with Ed. But she benefitted, didn't she? And likely still does...her letter invoking the Holy Spirit seemed out of character. I'm sure Ed Burke wanted it that way. He likely has a few more tricks up his sleeve. Let's put him in prison already...

6/12/2024 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Burke obviously still has clout. He got his niece Amanda Vanek a merit Lt promotion and made sure she went to a soft district with no midnights. She never did one day of street work in her life

6/12/2024 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An elderly good friend of mine once told that when she owned a mechanic shop on Archer and Kedzie a representative from Burke's office walked in the shop and told her that they were collecting "DONATIONS" of $500.00 dollars for the 14th Ward for Burke's office. She questioned the man what was the donation for and wouldn't explain. She said no, that she would not comply and didn't, the very next day a city inspector showed up and gave her a $500.00 fine for not having a tree planted in the front of the shop when she had owned the shop for nearly two years. This reminds me of the gangs extorting in El Salvador. There is not difference from political thugs and gangster thugs. He should go to hell.

6/12/2024 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
He was one of the few elected officials that would actually help you with things, such as if you met with him, and you were having trouble on the department, getting a medical issue, resolved such as a MRI or seeing a proper doctor, and you went and made an appointment he would help you. He also was behind keeping the pension funded because he was a retired cop or, so he also helped many people. Yes, he was powerful, but he kept things in check. He should’ve been mayor. Look what we have now! He was a politician. He played the game, the same way, every elected official the same way everyone in the corporate world plays the game.

6/12/2024 04:06:00 AM

So, he allowed what was supposed to happen when you came crawling to him on bended knee? He kept things in check? Like preventing people from running a successful business? Having trouble with the department? He would help you? Why were people having "trouble" with the department in the first place? What did it cost you?

This is exactly what Ed built his empire on. And why he got shut down. And you seem to gladly be a party in it. All at the behest of "King Ed" who would do what he was supposed to do, when you came begging and payed tribute to him, his way.

Another perfect example of how Chicago is run here. Thats Chicago values for you. And that's why it will never change. People in this city are so easy to manipulate for political gain. Pastors, lawyers, coppers, business owners, city workers, tax payers. Ed Burke is sure evidence of that.

6/12/2024 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Both of these corrupt scum bags belong in prison for the rest of there crooked fucking life’s !

6/12/2024 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps I am mistaken, but I think NOT. When Rahm took away the insurance for retirees for life for the city, and we got the appeal to the State Supreme Court, was it not her Honor Judge Burke that was the main reason it was denied for the city? And yet the same appeal for the Illinois State Police was approved? So, if that’s true, no matter how many good deeds she and her husband did, they could never outweigh the harm. (The same went for Rostenkowski, who took most of our EARNED Social Security away, but he then EXEMPTED Congress losing theirs!)

6/12/2024 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recall the time a brand spanking new detective at Area 1 was put on 1st watch after his initial training & bids came out. I don’t think he had but 5 years in the job. Midnights was always grossly understaffed. The commander, then speed racer Wodnicki, made a comment that he got a call from Burke asking that the guy be put on 2nd watch as he had family reasons for needing it. Wodnicki believing “family obligations” meant an illness, maybe children with extreme special needs etc called the detective to offer support. Basically, that same detective so assured of his Burke connection was confused by Wodnicki’s call. The detective was newly married with no children and his only “family obligation” was that he and his wife liked to travel and go out to dinner etc.

6/12/2024 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope slick dick Ed lives to be 100 years old, so that he can rot in prison for the next 20 years ! Pay back time you fucking jag off !

6/12/2024 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't know Burke, but I saw him at countless police officers funerals, both line of duty and non line of duty. Sure he helped those close to him, not different than what's happening now. Except now you have to be a certain color to get anything. I know some people of color that Burke helped out. The world is not perfect

6/12/2024 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who knows who James O’Keefe will be happy to know he’s been here and already accumulated GOLD to be released in regards to both the DNC and an Oct Surprise.

6/12/2024 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember he was a fixer from the late 60s, after taking over the Ward after his father's passing .
If you needed something he had an evening office hrs once a week to hear your requests.
Several police in the neighborhood at the time, got cushy HQ jobs from his Sponsorships

6/12/2024 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting past Sup sent letter as well. He is a short time resident very interesting.

6/12/2024 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read the 'first-version' of the Cooley Book, "When Corruption Was King" around 2006-10(?) and remember in the ending chapter where Cooley went into great detail on how/why Ed and Ann Burke should both be in jail citing detailed, exacting specifics of the event(s) of his observations.
When I again reread the book a few years ago, from another source, initially I thought that some of my original recollections of the material were not the same, especially lacking all the forceful details about the Burke's. Later, I found that was it re-published, close, but not 100% of the exact same material as the original version. My point is, if one is interested in reading the book, I would respectfully suggest trying to get the original version for a better read. Just my opinion on the book, withholding any personal opinions on the Burke's or Cooley. Amen.

6/12/2024 12:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they to put that pos lisa madighan in prison just as well

6/12/2024 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burke Jr. was an assistant chief deputy to Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart. He resigned while under investigation for misconduct and was separately charged with domestic battery in 2019. In 2004, Burke's son Emmett, aged 30, was killed in a snowmobiling accident.

6/12/2024 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in 2019 WINNETKA, IL — The son of indicted Chicago Ald. Ed Burke, Edward W. Burke Jr., was considered a "clear and present danger" by police last summer in Winnetka after he was arrested on suspicion of domestic battery.

According to police reports and 911 tapes, officers from Glencoe, Kenilworth and Winnetka were dispatched to his Elder Lane home around 5:15 a.m. on June 29 for a call that he was heard shouting profanities and breaking items around his house while "naked and highly intoxicated."

Burke Jr., 46, whose hiring by a leading candidate for mayor amid a misconduct investigation into his time working for the Cook County sheriff has become a political issue ahead of next month's election, continued to engage in "belligerent behavior" and yell at officers after being taken into custody, according to police and video from the back of a Winnetka squad car.

6/12/2024 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zero fucks given

6/12/2024 02:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they follow the money carefully she can have cell next to him. They can both die in prison. Perfect Karma.

6/12/2024 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have your opinion, but never forget that ONLY reason you have or will get a pension is due to the Burke’s. There is no argument to this. Daley did a thousand worse things and tried to take your pension. Ask Miram Santos.

6/12/2024 02:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

burke was pigotts clout

burke was mtt cline clout too

6/12/2024 02:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

F**K Ed Burke and F**K Anne too. Back in 2017, one of her main private security guys applied for CPD. He did so because he was running out of time. He was approaching the 35 yro age limit for applicants and knowing Anne would be leaving the bench in 4-5 years needed a new career. He was slated (before even being hired) to go on A-hole Ed's security detail once off probation. You know, that Police detail Ed had due to the BS threats to his life crappola thing. Guy was fast tracked through the process but unfortunately for him because he was such a narcissistic knob, he failed the psychological test. Ed went absolutely nuts and had HR/Bob Landowski change the entire process (for one guy mind you) so that if you fail the psych, you could appeal that part of the hiring process. Historically, failing the psych test had been the only thing you could not challenge. 10-15 years ago, they were psych-test failing candidates from Police families and military vets because having that mindset was considered dangerous to 'the community.' But now, for one connected guy, they are potentially letting crazies through if their appeals to a failed psych get by. F**K Ed and Anne, Ed can rot in a cell. And Anne can pay a CNA to wipe her ass when she's too infirm to do it herself and Ed is not around to help her because he is doing the cornhole shuffle with his cellmate. No sympathy for either. How do I know all of this? Worked in 123 when this went down. I was so disgusted and it was my breaking point. I went back to the District per my request. Shameful!

6/12/2024 02:23:00 AM

We're supposed to believe they would change the whole CPD hiring process for ONE person? There's no chance that would happen. Surely it would be extensively covered by the media and cause universal disgust among the officers who actually earned the job without cheating. Even if something like that could happen, that officer would be ridiculed every day until deciding he'd had enough and just quit the job. And if it somehow happened that one time in the distant past, surely it could never happen again. Oh wait! Didn't they do the same thing for Eddie Johnson's kid who couldn't pass the POWER test? They changed the whole hiring process for ONE single person who just couldn't meet the standards. Gee, maybe it did happen that time you're talking about too. But Junior Bean still has his pathetic defenders on here. Unbelievable, corrupt, pathetic practices to get the connected into the positions they want... it's the Chicago way.

6/12/2024 02:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an interview (link) with Robert Cooley that lasts for >hour.
The part that talks about the Burke's comes in at around the "51:09" mark in the video.
Copy/Paste (below) into your search or Google search engine to view.
Again, listed as reference, based upon this SCC topic.

6/12/2024 03:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...Did King Richie write one of those letters for Burke or was part of his agreement with the Feds to be on mute concerning anything with Chicago the rest of his life?...

6/12/2024 05:41:00 AM

Daley has no public presence. Allegedly he is housebound with dementia.

6/12/2024 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eddie will not go to jail. He is too well-connected. He’s been a good Democrat, his whole life. He put many of those judges in the places they are at he put many of the exempt ranks of the Chicago Police Department into the places they are at.

6/12/2024 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burke denied my legitimate I.O.D. while he was in office. He sent a letter saying so to my home...and he very likely did things 100 times worse.

It wasn't a really bad thing. I got to go to my own doctor, seek out my own surgeon/specialist and Physical therapist. Then milk the medical for almost a year. Turns out my doctor was better than the hacks the city sends CPD to...Burke made it personal. I made a small fortune with Combined insurance too.

Fu@# you pay me...

6/12/2024 03:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Upthread - “Remember it was his father...”. I was living in Canaryville and if I recalled correctly Old Man Daley had the ward maps briefly changed so Burke II was a shoe-in.

6/12/2024 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will not see the inside of any jail cell. The Chicago Way is already paved with cash.

6/12/2024 04:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 8.53am,,,,,,,your comment reminds me of the old SNL skit: “Lord & Lady Douchebag”

6/12/2024 04:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I remember going to his famous yearly political fundraiser at a downtown hotel. I'm not going to lie, I went in hopes of Burke putting me in for merit Sgt. I was told an envelope with a check would help things move along, fat chance, I was out 4k. So to continue the story, Burke was sitting in a large throne like chair and a long line of hundreds holding envelopes in their hands. One by one they all handed the envelope to Burke and kissed his ring with fake pleasantries. Burke did this for decades, feeding at the trough like a hog. Finally the hog is set to be slaughtered.

6/12/2024 12:41:00 AM

Two things come to mind here...

Did you have the integrity to come forward when you heard the Feds were looking into Ed Burke? I guessing you didn't. Bribing a public official is a serious crime. Everyone in that line should be identified and fired and sent to prison.

I wonder how many of these people went on to become merit Sgts/Lt's and are still beholding to King Ed today.

I'm glad you were out 4 are what is so wrong with this city and department. Just because it was common practice, doesn't make it right.

Ed Buke is going to be held accountable for his sins. When will you be???

6/12/2024 04:56:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

So much for a devout Roman Catholic.

6/12/2024 04:58:00 PM  
Blogger dumpdaley said...

As a Streets & San/ CDOT retiree, I am paying $1000 per month for health insurance because Ann Burke covered for Rahm Emanuel. I hope Eddie, Ann, Rahm and Richir all rot and die in prison.

6/12/2024 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eddie was a great guy, he would handle any requests
from people asking for favors,cash only, no checks
or credit cards. May he shit & piss in his adult diapers
10x a day till he turns 90.

6/12/2024 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

burke was pigotts clout

burke was mtt cline clout too

6/12/2024 02:50:00 PM

Daddy Piggot and the baby piggots

6/12/2024 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An appeal to heaven?

6/12/2024 06:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At today's press conference Johnson recommended people use black run hairstylists.

6/12/2024 06:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Golf tournament sounds like a good time.

6/12/2024 06:19:00 PM  
Blogger DixonSyder said...

Here's an interview (link) with Robert Cooley that lasts for >hour.

Podcast, The Cooley Account.Listen and learn

6/12/2024 07:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I can think of a whole lot of other asshole politicians that need to be in prison. I don't think Burke is one of them. He was how the Chicago way played whether you like it or

I’ll take the old school politicians any day over what we have now. ANY fucking day!
Oh and Brandon, Larry, Tony, Kim, Tom (Dart), and JB, these are for you…🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻+🖕🏻

6/12/2024 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

burke was pigotts clout

burke was mtt cline clout too

6/12/2024 02:50:00 PM
You Forgot Phil Clines and harley schinker larry forberg (RIP) Joe Curtain (RIP) and many more!

6/12/2024 07:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tiny Dancer Mullane, who was the commander of the airports cancelled the O’Hare golf outing. He took every freebie when he was a Lt comped rooms at the golf outing etc.but once he became commander everything was on the up and up. Never the police, just a dancing administrator who didn’t know shit from shinola. You can say the same for the goof who was commander before him O’Brownnose. I think they were sucking each others d$&#s. Glad they are gone.

6/12/2024 09:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read (or listen to on Audible) when "Corruption Was King".
You will see how this bastard belongs in HELL.

..........Hey SCC you need a book list of informational books about the city, politics and police. I have read the above book, but I would add "The Outfit" by by Gus Russo, and "Captive City" by Ovid Demaris (though a bit dated) as two additions informational reads about Chicago. As far as general police corruption, read "The Knapp Commission" report about the NYPD. They had the "take" down to an art and science, and "The Mollen Commission Report" again about NYPD issues. You might find these works free online.

6/12/2024 10:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I remember going to his famous yearly political fundraiser at a downtown hotel. I'm not going to lie, I went in hopes of Burke putting me in for merit Sgt. I was told an envelope with a check would help things move along, fat chance, I was out 4k.So to continue the story, Burke was sitting in a large throne like chair and a long line of hundreds holding envelopes in their hands. One by one they all handed the envelope to Burke and kissed his ring with fake pleasantries. Burke did this for decades, feeding at the trough like a hog. Finally the hog is set to be slaughtered.

6/12/2024 12:41:00 AM"

If this is a true story you deserved to lose the 4 large. And anyone who "lined up" to actually kiss his ring is a SOY LATTE BETA CUCK!

6/12/2024 10:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
What took the Feds so long, why now? The guy has been a known crook for a half a century. Likewise with Madigan. Making the way safer for the likes of Beetlejuice and Conehead?

6/12/2024 06:15:00 AM"

Maybe he/they are/were federal informants? Criminality spawned from the Madigan's, Burke's and Daley's of the world aren't exactly an "unknown" thing.

How is it possible that these "politicians" and their family members have never previously been indicted or went to prison, yet others in their "orbit" did?

Just thinkin out loud....

6/12/2024 10:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I remember going to his famous yearly political fundraiser at a downtown hotel. I'm not going to lie, I went in hopes of Burke putting me in for merit Sgt. I was told an envelope with a check would help things move along, fat chance, I was out 4k. So to continue the story, Burke was sitting in a large throne like chair and a long line of hundreds holding envelopes in their hands. One by one they all handed the envelope to Burke and kissed his ring with fake pleasantries. Burke did this for decades, feeding at the trough like a hog. Finally the hog is set to be slaughtered.

Two things come to mind here...

Did you have the integrity to come forward when you heard the Feds were looking into Ed Burke? I guessing you didn't. Bribing a public official is a serious crime. Everyone in that line should be identified and fired and sent to prison.

I wonder how many of these people went on to become merit Sgts/Lt's and are still beholding to King Ed today.

I'm glad you were out 4 are what is so wrong with this city and department. Just because it was common practice, doesn't make it right.

Ed Buke is going to be held accountable for his sins. When will you be???

6/12/2024 04:56:00 PM

I’m not the O.P.
I’m a 13th ward resident. Precinct captain knew I was a copper, he would come around before the elections and give his line of shit, we got your tree trimmed, (it’s not my tree it’s on your parkway) garbage cans, ect… one year he asked if he could count on our household to vote for Obama and the rest of the ticket. I laughed and told him no fucking way would I vote for that communist P.O.S. The wife wanted me to throw him off the porch. I guess they didn’t need my vote anyway, they just stole both of his “elections.” I never got promoted though scored well enough, would have made it if everything was legit. I would never even consider giving them 4k, and wouldn’t want to have to owe them anything some day, and compromise my morals when they called in their favor.
Never kissed ass, I have a clear conscience, and sleep well at night.

6/12/2024 11:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I can think of a whole lot of other asshole politicians that need to be in prison. I don't think Burke is one of them. He was how the Chicago way played whether you like it or

I’ll take the old school politicians any day over what we have now. ANY fucking day!
Oh and Brandon, Larry, Tony, Kim, Tom (Dart), and JB, these are for you…🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻+🖕🏻

6/12/2024 07:12:00 PM

So you'd prefer to be fucked over the old fashioned way for a bit of nostalgia. I agree with you in some respects, at least ya knew what country you were in. Now everything is insane, upside down.

But both types are criminals that care only about what they can get for themselves and nothing about the average people that voted them into office. Both types are corrupt scum that should be in prison. I hate thieves and liars and I don't care what color they are.

6/13/2024 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I figure on one of two scenarios when this POS finally croaks -

1. Investigators will find shoeboxes of cash ala Paul Powell.
2. One (or more) off-shore banks will declare record profits/dividends due to claiming “abandoned” accounts.

6/13/2024 06:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ed Burke was a powerful man that put everyone else’s money in his pockets. If you or I did what he did we’d be in jail. He belongs in jail.

6/13/2024 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He’s a hero to the progressive mafia.

6/13/2024 06:46:00 AM  
Blogger I Voted For Kamala said...

I got a nice letter from him when I made sergeant.

6/13/2024 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I remember going to his famous yearly political fundraiser at a downtown hotel. I'm not going to lie, I went in hopes of Burke putting me in for merit Sgt. I was told an envelope with a check would help things move along, fat chance, I was out 4k.So to continue the story, Burke was sitting in a large throne like chair and a long line of hundreds holding envelopes in their hands. One by one they all handed the envelope to Burke and kissed his ring with fake pleasantries. Burke did this for decades, feeding at the trough like a hog. Finally the hog is set to be slaughtered.

6/12/2024 12:41:00 AM

Your "Not going to lie" but bribing a public official is okay on your list?

6/13/2024 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burke made sure the events leading to his son Emmitte, tragic death were keep quiet.
The power of clout.

6/13/2024 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not totally heartless.
She can be his cellmate.

In a just world all their assets would be seized.
Since there is no chance of that happening she can use the money he extorted to buy her the best help money can buy.

He will probably get sentenced to community service and not actually have to do it.
Bet he keeps his pensions.

6/13/2024 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He needs to get at least a year behind bars. Anything less will piss off Fast Eddie Vrdolyak, et el.

6/13/2024 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man life sure is sweet. Thank you so much Mary Gill. 53 Billion dollar budget of money we don't have, Another tax increase, money for illegals and a nice 5% pay raise for yourself. Outstanding job. Who cares the entire city is faling apart You go girl. Last but not least, great job on the 111th street redevelopment. Who cares if fire trucks can get In and out of the firehouse. Will just tear it out and build it agian. I'm so glad we got honest community involvement on replacing our former State Representative who landed a even better position but chose to run for re-election anyway Tomayto-tomahto.

6/13/2024 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I remember going to his famous yearly political fundraiser at a downtown hotel. I'm not going to lie, I went in hopes of Burke putting me in for merit Sgt. I was told an envelope with a check would help things move along, fat chance, I was out 4k. So to continue the story, Burke was sitting in a large throne like chair and a long line of hundreds holding envelopes in their hands. One by one they all handed the envelope to Burke and kissed his ring with fake pleasantries. Burke did this for decades, feeding at the trough like a hog. Finally the hog is set to be slaughtered.

6/12/2024 12:41:00 AM

Nice try, but this is a made up story.

6/13/2024 01:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked at the airport for a while. I hated it. The coppers there were suck ups. They would easily do the bidding of any of the bosses. And be eager about it. Quite frankly, I saw people's integrity too easily compromised. That was the status quo. Lying, character assassination of targeted individuals, and daily hiding for 8 hours every tour. Money was expected to be freely given when requested, and favors to certain celebrities was also generously given. Whatever made the wheels roll outings, mandatory dinner parties etc...if you didn't go to them you were cast as an outsider.

I don't know how it is run today, but I bet it is still very similar. I have been an advocate for shutting down the airport units for years. They accomplish extremely little in the way of police work. IMHO"""""

I bid there to get the fuck away from Police work. After 31 years I think I was entitled to a few at the airport. But your right, there were people there who had no idea how to fill out an arrest report. They had spent their entire careers at the airport, or maybe a few in 016. I never felt pressure to buy any golf tickets, which saved me the response of "go fuck your self" but then again I was a bid. It was the easiest gig I ever saw. I wished I could have spent my career there too instead of that fucking west and south sides.

6/13/2024 03:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

burke son emmett on the night of the snow mobile accident had been drinking?

6/13/2024 03:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I worked at the airport for a while. I hated it. The coppers there were suck ups. They would easily do the bidding of any of the bosses. And be eager about it. Quite frankly, I saw people's integrity too easily compromised. That was the status quo. Lying, character assassination of targeted individuals, and daily hiding for 8 hours every tour. Money was expected to be freely given when requested, and favors to certain celebrities was also generously given. Whatever made the wheels roll outings, mandatory dinner parties etc...if you didn't go to them you were cast as an outsider.

I don't know how it is run today, but I bet it is still very similar. I have been an advocate for shutting down the airport units for years. They accomplish extremely little in the way of police work. IMHO"""""

I bid there to get the fuck away from Police work. After 31 years I think I was entitled to a few at the airport. But your right, there were people there who had no idea how to fill out an arrest report. They had spent their entire careers at the airport, or maybe a few in 016. I never felt pressure to buy any golf tickets, which saved me the response of "go fuck your self" but then again I was a bid. It was the easiest gig I ever saw. I wished I could have spent my career there too instead of that fucking west and south sides.
6/13/2024 03:29:00 PM

You sound like a really likable person who got along with everybody due to your amiable personality! WOW, bitter much?

6/13/2024 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
F**K Ed Burke and F**K Anne too. Back in 2017, one of her main private security guys applied for CPD. He did so because he was running out of time. He was approaching the 35 yro age limit for applicants and knowing Anne would be leaving the bench in 4-5 years needed a new career. He was slated (before even being hired) to go on A-hole Ed's security detail once off probation. You know, that Police detail Ed had due to the BS threats to his life crappola thing. Guy was fast tracked through the process but unfortunately for him because he was such a narcissistic knob, he failed the psychological test. Ed went absolutely nuts and had HR/Bob Landowski change the entire process (for one guy mind you) so that if you fail the psych, you could appeal that part of the hiring process. Historically, failing the psych test had been the only thing you could not challenge. 10-15 years ago, they were psych-test failing candidates from Police families and military vets because having that mindset was considered dangerous to 'the community.' But now, for one connected guy, they are potentially letting crazies through if their appeals to a failed psych get by. F**K Ed and Anne, Ed can rot in a cell. And Anne can pay a CNA to wipe her ass when she's too infirm to do it herself and Ed is not around to help her because he is doing the cornhole shuffle with his cellmate. No sympathy for either. How do I know all of this? Worked in 123 when this went down. I was so disgusted and it was my breaking point. I went back to the District per my request. Shameful!

6/12/2024 02:23:00 AM

First off, the cutoff was 40 yrs of age. You should know that if you were in unit 123! Doubtful the entire process was changed for only one guy. But you believe what you want!

6/13/2024 04:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Burke made sure the events leading to his son Emmitte, tragic death were keep quiet.
The power of clout.


Hey dumb fuck. If you’re gonna rip or make insinuations about someone-dead or alive, at least spell their name correctly.
…tragic death were keep quiet.” 🙄
The power of stupid.

6/13/2024 08:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, the cutoff was 40 yrs of age. You should know that if you were in unit 123! Doubtful the entire process was changed for only one guy. But you believe what you want!

6/13/2024 04:37:00 PM

Yet the entire process was changed for Eddie Johnson's kid. That's a well-known fact, but you believe what you want!

6/13/2024 09:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This goes to show you, when you do wrong, wrong will follow you.

6/14/2024 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ou sound like a really likable person who got along with everybody due to your amiable personality! WOW, bitter much?

6/13/2024 04:30:00 PM

Easy there, the CPD and all it entails have given good reason to many to be bitter.

6/14/2024 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phather Phleger and Gary Mc Carthy both wrote letters of Burkes character. Thats all you need to know. Phil Cline also wrote a letter. So did several aldermen. Add it up here.

Although Burke did pay into city pensions for almost 60 years. Thanks Ed...Now off to the slammer with you...BTW...were taking away your pension. lol!

6/16/2024 03:56:00 PM  

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