Friday, July 05, 2024

Informational Picketing

Not the clearest poster, but you can get the specifics from it (click for larger version):

Of course, with all the days off cancelled, we might be relying on CFD to carry the bulk of the effort.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last time I went out and protested was under Mayor Daley. It’s about time. We are long overdue for protesting.

7/05/2024 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am retired but out of town until Mon. Not much advanced notice. Hopefully we can have some protests in the future at the Hall. No tying up traffic or inconveniencing citizens, just going after BLM Brandon. Can the unions organize something?
Everybody else protests why don’t we?

7/05/2024 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are we getting involved with CFDs contract? This is nothing more than J-Cat not wanting to left out of a potential national news story. Dumb. I’ll stay home for this one. I’ve attended a few that made sense for the fop… this doesn’t.

7/05/2024 01:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People (folks) have to drive to The Ville to hop on a bus?

7/05/2024 03:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course, with all the days off cancelled, we might be relying on CFD to carry the bulk of the effort.

Can I protest virally from my retirement home in Florida..?

7/05/2024 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Royal Flush said...

With all the people shot in the last 24 hours you may want to wear body armor if you have to be outside marching. Oh...and bring back midnight basketball. {snicker}

7/05/2024 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So after almost a week, has there been any statement from Mayor Johnson on our response to the North Halsted Takeover?

The alderman gave us a lot of praise.

7/05/2024 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s the usual bloodbath in the usual areas with usual people. People with plenty of opportunities and diversity and access to food and medical care and books and education and clean water and can travel freely on the CTA in a car or book flights around the country and all over the world.

But….. they choose to stay in da hood and slaughter unborn babies and each other with guns bats and knives.

And a few days after the carnage excuses will be made and the usual people will be vilified and of course the guns will be blamed. But never the shooters and the culture of violence in Da hood. Why is that?

7/05/2024 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Decertify fop and get Teamsters, then you will see shit change real quick. The hall only recognizes real unions not pretend fraternal bullshit ones

7/05/2024 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Days off cancelled can’t go. FOP says nothing in an update. FOP puts no flyer out. WE HAVE NO CONTRACT MUCH LONGER. JKITTY are you back from the tropical vacation of a week and now you need to be on the news? Thanks for sending you girl to the Strouse memorial she wasn’t qualified for that either. Why do we have an office person speaking when we are paying a 1st VP 2nd VP and a 3rd VP. Is everyone “too busy” to attend? Shameful! Finish the contract loser. You can’t complete anything.

7/05/2024 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put the new fireman back on BLS ambulances. Or start having social workers answer calls and free up EMS and police services.

7/05/2024 08:33:00 AM  
Blogger Transmaster said...

Sounds like the kind of event Donald Trump should make his presence known at. His Secret Service might not let him show up personally but some sort of support would be a great cigarette in the eye of the ConeHead.

7/05/2024 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is CPD involved in whatever CFD is doing or not doing and can't get a contract in 3 years and 2 different administrations. Stupid. Let CFD fight for themselves. CPD has enough going on and crickets whenever police need support.

7/05/2024 08:52:00 AM  
Blogger 7 said...

When you have to sidecar on someone else’s event to make your point,you have no point.Save it for Labor Day.Your going to look like beggars.

7/05/2024 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous TimeWatcher said...

For a man who claims he's a union organizer, he's anti union by actions.

7/05/2024 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe IBEW 21 will have their calltakers and dispatchers march.

7/05/2024 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paging the Hastings party , party of 8 your ambos are ready.

the Menard party party of 8 your ambos are also ready.

what time is the coneheads cash award ceraminy where he hands out a disproportionate amount of taxpayers cash to the black and brown victims? $2k a pop right? will the aclu be there as the master of ceramononies?

standby for retalliation Friday

7/05/2024 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So far so good.58 shot

CONEHEAD AND COPA sitting on the edge of their chairs hoping for a copper to get put in a trick bag over a police involved shooting but no one showed up in time to put themselves in that position.

Well done. Remember "terminate that chase" let the coneheads violence interruptors and community organizers handle it.

7/05/2024 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One day notice! I’m retired, but have made plans with my family that are irrevocable with one day notice.
One day notice! The unions are as bad as the city.
One day notice! The unions expect us to drop everything, cancel plans and do ‘what we’re told.’
One day notice! The unions won’t get much of a turnout. Maybe that’s the unions’ plan.
One day notice! Low turnout = they stay in the mayor’s pocket, but look like they are doing something for the members.

7/05/2024 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I protest virally from my retirement home in Florida..?

No, cuz that’s gonna cut into your nap time and you don’t want to miss dinner tonight, it’s pea soup!! Nothing but the best in your “retirement home”.

7/05/2024 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
So after almost a week, has there been any statement from Mayor Johnson on our response to the North Halsted Takeover?

The alderman gave us a lot of praise.

7/05/2024 07:02:00 AM

C'mon man, police are the enemy :) besides that, even if conehead said good job, would you believe it???

7/05/2024 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The same union that didn’t want to include FOP on the pension cola in Springfield now wants our help?? Yeah kick rocks

7/05/2024 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one under age 30 will be there. "Be the change" era takes everything for granted. Pension especially. I've even heard some of them sympathizing with Hamas.

7/05/2024 01:26:00 PM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Excellent idea. Can I get my shirt in pink?

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

7/05/2024 01:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is dumb. Why is the FOP involved in a fire dispute? Dont we have enough of our own shit to deal with…

7/05/2024 02:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I protest virally from my retirement home in Florida..?

7/05/2024 06:27:00 AM

Sure, but you are required to wear a mask. No spittle on your monitor screen will virtually eliminate the electronic transmission of any viruses like the common cold and/or influenza. Keep that shit in Florida. We got enough problems.

7/05/2024 04:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Decertify fop and get Teamsters, then you will see shit change real quick. The hall only recognizes real unions not pretend fraternal bullshit ones

7/05/2024 08:13:00 AM

Bullshit. What is the difference between a "real" union that cannot call for a strike and a "fraternal" union that cannot call for a strike? Answer: Not a fucking thing other than higher dues with the "real" union.

7/05/2024 04:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, cuz that’s gonna cut into your nap time and you don’t want to miss dinner tonight, it’s pea soup!! Nothing but the best in your “retirement home”.

7/05/2024 11:54:00 AM

Phuque you junior or juniorette! I was making Part I pinches when you were pissing in your diaper. I got an A+ in the academy for ass-kicking and wood shampoos. The bad guys tasted their blood on the regular. Those were the days!

Not really. Just kidding about everything, but for the first sentence. Mocking those that went before you deserves a good fuck you retort, but I have to go. My tee-time is at 1800 hours for a quick 9 holes, then a sauna and massage. Enjoy being the cops of 2024! See ya, glad not to be ya! Hahahahaha!

7/05/2024 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
No one under age 30 will be there. "Be the change" era takes everything for granted. Pension especially. I've even heard some of them sympathizing with Hamas.

7/05/2024 01:26:00 PM
I know of a few still living in mommies basement still cannot leave the nest shows how weak and scared they are but then again mom’s meatloaf, and those Star Wars pajamas are too good to pass up

7/05/2024 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy crap .. Just 4th of July ....11 killed ...51 shot ,,3 mass shootings What 's conehead got to say ? Office will be open in Chicago park district park .. for any one that needs ...violence guidance/counselling..
Lets go Brandon!!!!

7/05/2024 06:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/05/2024 08:52:00 AM

For years CFD has done well by themselves. Never saw them helping us out of the contract. They have the “me too” clause, we don’t

7/05/2024 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a thought but imagine how mush easier it would be to catch criminals if police sirens were replaced with ice-cream truck music.

7/05/2024 06:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a feeble attempt by j pussy to be relevant after conehead and leg lift larry made him their bitch. he's drawing at straws trying to be heard. Everyone has seen through his bs by now as a blow hard that hasn't accomplished anything. Go back to abusing the medical like you used to as a
po you were really good at that.

7/05/2024 07:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: has 015 had 12 people shot on Friday alone? Holy shit.

7/05/2024 09:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can care less about CFD, the past few years have shown their true colors. We should actually remove them from the me-too clause.

7/05/2024 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, you know, I don’t ever remember fire join us in “solidarity” when we demonstrated at city hall!!! 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗

7/05/2024 10:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Decertify fop and get Teamsters, then you will see shit change real quick. The hall only recognizes real unions not pretend fraternal bullshit ones

7/05/2024 08:13:00 AM

As a former teamster, they never did shit for me, other than actively discourage me from filing a grievance, and insisting that I would lose and shouldn't bother. They took management's side without even understanding the issue, and refused to do their job. They sure took their dues though. I'm sure they were getting kickbacks, and you can bet they're in bed with the city. Everything in this city is corrupt, including the unions.

7/05/2024 11:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
No one under age 30 will be there. "Be the change" era takes everything for granted. Pension especially. I've even heard some of them sympathizing with Hamas.

7/05/2024 01:26:00 PM

I'm one of those younger police officers. I am left leaning. I describe myself as a socialist.

7/05/2024 11:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One day notice guy. Cfd has had this planned for quite awhile. Fop trying to jump in last minute

7/06/2024 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
No, cuz that’s gonna cut into your nap time and you don’t want to miss dinner tonight, it’s pea soup!! Nothing but the best in your “retirement home”.

7/05/2024 11:54:00 AM

Phuque you junior or juniorette! I was making Part I pinches when you were pissing in your diaper. I got an A+ in the academy for ass-kicking and wood shampoos. The bad guys tasted their blood on the regular. Those were the days!

Not really. Just kidding about everything, but for the first sentence. Mocking those that went before you deserves a good fuck you retort, but I have to go. My tee-time is at 1800 hours for a quick 9 holes, then a sauna and massage. Enjoy being the cops of 2024! See ya, glad not to be ya! Hahahahaha!

7/05/2024 05:00:00 PM
Just keep paying into the Pension children thank you. We really appreciate it. Keep the streets clean make sure you protect the homeland. Get out of mama’s basement.

7/06/2024 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/05/2024 08:13:00 AM

Years back CPD officers had a chance to join the Teamsters. They made a big run, spent lots of time and money only to lose. Since then Teamsters have bc ever tried again

7/06/2024 01:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/05/2024 10:09:00 PM

Remove them from the me too clause? It applies to them if we get a raise. Doesn’t apply to us if they get a raise. We don’t have the me too clause, they do

7/06/2024 01:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't even entertain the idea of the Teamsters. Was a member of the Teamsters when I worked for UPS. All they were good for was taking your money!

7/06/2024 01:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pass let CFD fight their own fires

7/06/2024 02:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 6/7 at 09:42

Maybe IBEW 21 and its stewards and its reps need to be investigated by the FBI and DOJ.

7/06/2024 03:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nobody will show up

7/07/2024 02:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The me too clause was contractual the FOP gave it up for something, cfd didn’t!

7/07/2024 11:17:00 AM  

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