Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Feeb Whistleblowers?

Not likely. A piece about how the fish rots from the head down:

  • One often hears in conservative media how the top folks at the DoJ, FBI, CIA, IRS, NSA, etc. may be corrupt traitors to the country and the Constitution but the ol’ rank and file are made up of honest, hardworking, patriotic Americans.

    To this I call bullsh*t. Out of hundreds of thousands of employees, how many whistleblowers -- i.e., truth tellers -- are there? How many opinion pieces and media appearances have these supposed patriots made? how many have refused to participate in the crimes being committed by these agencies against their fellow American citizens?

    Yes, that was a lonely tumbleweed that just rolled by, serenaded by the sound of crickets.

    It is not a question about whether these folks can be bought. They clearly can be and are.

    Sadly for us, the price for them to sell their souls is no more than their annual paycheck and their retirement.

After this week of US Supreme Court decisions that - at least in writing - gut the "administrative state," watch for the "Deep State" to make more overt attempts at living down to the low standards set by their predecessors in the KGB and the Staatssicherheit.

They'll probably come after the blog again, but we'll be retired by the time they come knocking.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

There’s enough Quislings in the rank and file of the deep state to conduct search warrants, investigations, prosecutions, incarcerations, and low level leadership roles to the point that to get rid of them all would be 95% reduction in the workforce in each agency, IMHO.

7/03/2024 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These Federales can all go get fucked !

7/03/2024 03:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly for us, the price for them to sell their souls is no more than their annual paycheck and their retirement.

Almost like police when you toss a retro check or another bag of money their way.

7/03/2024 05:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The conundrum:

Employed to enforce the laws as directed to by employer


Sworn to uphold our Constitution/Bill of Rights


7/03/2024 05:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're not that important.

7/03/2024 05:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a cop (but daughter of one, let him RIP)--When you retire, I hope you continue the blog and share how you knew they were coming after you the first time. Thank you for all you do.

7/03/2024 06:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing new. There is a reason the Untouchables were called that. Even then, they were the exception. The RULE was ... something else.

7/03/2024 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wait until the black suburbs find out their tax increase is going to fund some old white guys pension. It's going to be epic.

7/03/2024 07:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well all I can say is when they came after me it took three years of IAD investigation to Sustain the anonymous allegation to the standard the 4th or 5th superintendent would sign off on it? Then it was about another year to get to the Police Board. This is where the City corporation counsel could barely explain the allegation to the hearing officer. And then had no credible evidence to establish the allegations. That presentation took all of 30 minutes to present! When my legal counsel brought in 10 independent witnesses and then another 8 department members to show how unreliable the investigation from IAD was, the hearing officer asked me this question. “Who did you piss off for this kind of retaliation by IAD?”

After two days of Police Board hearings, I waited for 4 months until the Board ruled unanimously there was no violations of any City, Department or Crminal law!

Moral of story is, Just because they are in charge does not mean they can do the Job! In my case a false allegation took 5 years to be proved and no one was held accountable for allowing this to happen?

7/03/2024 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Civilization as we know it boils down to three things money, power and sex. You determine the order in each case.

7/03/2024 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prime video Watch Citizenfour documentary about Edward Snowden who leaked the files on what the NSA and numerous other G agency's are doing on surveillance of all American citizens.Its very interesting even if half of its true.

7/03/2024 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn glad to see you back. When you ran for cover after the last election you were proved to be absolutely right at what was headed our way. The feds have been given full clearance to go after any dissent. Garland sends them over to visit anyone who makes waves against the Demo party line. See the nurse who revealed a hospital over here in Texas stealing fed money to sex change kids. She got a visit from the FBI. I thought whistleblowers were protected by federal law. Guess not. I'd seen the shitstorm coming too and escaped that fucked up city to the Free State of Texas after I retired. Your post reminds me of being in the academy in 86 and having someone from IAD give us a speech about being on our side. Right. They got your back so they can bend you over easier. Once again you know the rules of boxing: keep your hands up and protect yourself at all times. Hope you hang in here as long as you can. BTW...I heard the head of IAD was walking around Boys Town after the Freaknik the other day when she was smacked? Crimesha's judge let the offender right out. Too bad it didn't happen in the south suburbs I guess...

7/03/2024 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But remember Russia are the bad guys.

Meanwhile prop Biden up and continue the shadow government.

The dems and uniparty are all for their style of "democracy".
And anyone that disagrees .. investigate, ruin, imprison them.

7/03/2024 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
There’s enough Quislings in the rank and file of the deep state to conduct search warrants, investigations, prosecutions, incarcerations, and low level leadership roles to the point that to get rid of them all would be 95% reduction in the workforce in each agency, IMHO.

7/03/2024 01:30:00 AM"

Yes, and that is exactly what is needed. They're all corrupt.

And the Supreme Court just ruled that the President IS the Executive Branch of government. And that means that all those agencies who work within the Executive Branch work at the pleasure of the President of the United States. And that means the President has UNILATERAL and UNCONDITIONAL authority to fire every last one of them!

Extrapolate on that information and project what can and should happen January 20th 2025.

7/03/2024 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As much as I appreciate this blog for what it does, I have to take issue with calling out rank and file members of the federal government for not being whistleblowers, or writing opinion pieces or doing media interviews. How many rank and file city workers do any of that? Cops, firemen, Streets and Sans, Water Dept, Building Dept, etc.? Writing an anonymous blog is not the same as going on the record officially to lodge an official complaint of wrong doing by a city employee and then dealing with the repercussions. As much corruption as there is in the behemoth federal government, there is as much or more in the City of Chicago. With all due respect, the people who write this blog, and the readers, need to put up or shut up.

7/03/2024 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Prime video Watch Citizenfour documentary about Edward Snowden who leaked the files on what the NSA and numerous other G agency's are doing on surveillance of all American citizens.Its very interesting even if half of its true.

7/03/2024 08:26:00 AM"

IF it's true? You're kidding right?

Have you not been observing what's happened post 911?

Do you not understand what the Patriot Act allowed?

They violate the 4th Amendment of millions of American citizens every day through the FISA Courts.

7/03/2024 09:31:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Feds are Rat Bastards.

7/03/2024 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Damn glad to see you back. When you ran for cover after the last election you were proved to be absolutely right at what was headed our way. The feds have been given full clearance to go after any dissent. Garland sends them over to visit anyone who makes waves against the Demo party line. See the nurse who revealed a hospital over here in Texas stealing fed money to sex change kids. She got a visit from the FBI. I thought whistleblowers were protected by federal law. Guess not. I'd seen the shitstorm coming too and escaped that fucked up city to the Free State of Texas after I retired. Your post reminds me of being in the academy in 86 and having someone from IAD give us a speech about being on our side. Right. They got your back so they can bend you over easier. Once again you know the rules of boxing: keep your hands up and protect yourself at all times. Hope you hang in here as long as you can. BTW...I heard the head of IAD was walking around Boys Town after the Freaknik the other day when she was smacked? Crimesha's judge let the offender right out. Too bad it didn't happen in the south suburbs I guess.

I don't think Texas is more free than anywhere else. If that nurse got in trouble, how free can it be? Also, get a home inspector wjen you buy a house. Lots of bad construction there.

7/03/2024 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Prime video Watch Citizenfour documentary about Edward Snowden who leaked the files on what the NSA and numerous other G agency's are doing on surveillance of all American citizens.Its very interesting even if half of its true.

7/03/2024 08:26:00 AM

I disagree 100%. The government is doing this for our safety. So we do not have another 9-11. Wake up!

7/03/2024 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Much like every day flatfoots when "it" happens...


Where has the excuse been used in the past? Enquiring minds already know...

7/03/2024 02:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They can try to take my gas stove and boiler out of my cold, dead hands. F those jagoffs.

7/03/2024 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Prime video Watch Citizenfour documentary about Edward Snowden who leaked the files on what the NSA and numerous other G agency's are doing on surveillance of all American citizens.Its very interesting even if half of its true.

7/03/2024 08:26:00 AM

I disagree 100%. The government is doing this for our safety. So we do not have another 9-11. Wake up!

7/03/2024 01:07:00 PM”

You’re either a troll or you’re the most intellectually devoid indoctrinated fool ever to put fingers to keyboard and post on this blog.

I highly suggest you refrain from showing your ass on the blog again!

7/03/2024 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
As much as I appreciate this blog for what it does, I have to take issue with calling out rank and file members of the federal government for not being whistleblowers, or writing opinion pieces or doing media interviews. How many rank and file city workers do any of that? Cops, firemen, Streets and Sans, Water Dept, Building Dept, etc.? Writing an anonymous blog is not the same as going on the record officially to lodge an official complaint of wrong doing by a city employee and then dealing with the repercussions. As much corruption as there is in the behemoth federal government, there is as much or more in the City of Chicago. With all due respect, the people who write this blog, and the readers, need to put up or shut up.

The people you speak about above. Have they any off them caused anyone to be incarcerated in a third world DC prison while being deprived of due process or the right to bail.

Your deep state corruption is coming to end. So you STFU !

7/03/2024 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous FROG (f'n real old guy) said...

A salute to SCC as the time clock continues to the end of your final shift. You have provided all of us with up to the minute information of the workings or the non-workings of the CPD. I commend your continued vigilance and your efforts. Collect as many pension checks as possible and live a long and happy life knowing you gave a lot to the citizens and to your brothers and sisters.

I divorced the CPD after a 28-year marriage in 1996. It was a great run in those days because we did have some bosses who refused to go along with the nitwits in certain command positions. 7+ years in TF/SOG and 17+ years in the D.D. I did work for some brilliant and hard ass bosses. Then of course the capons and incompetents that were removed because they could not get the results needed. Of course, most of them were wired either to the 1st Ward or City Hall.

The best advice, by my longtime partner, was to work around the nitwits on our own and when we ruffled their feathers, tell them they could transfer us to another unit where there was less work, maybe a longer ride to work. Working in the armpit of the earth (Area 4) there wasn't much they could do when you worked hard but irritated them because you would not heal to their bullshit ideas.

It appears that solution is not available to those still on the job. G.F.O. regardless of your time on the job. Drive a truck or whatever until you find another job in law enforcement

7/03/2024 10:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey boys and girls give it a rest. I just said to watch it. I'm also glad that they are doing it to protect us so calm down. You read to much into it. Its a documentary that's interesting to give us insight to what they are doing to protect us. And 08:37pm try watching it first before you shoot your big mouth off. Snowden was a traitor not a whistle blower. Back to your tricked out Jeep with your punisher decals.

7/03/2024 11:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope Trump appoints Dan bongino in charge of the FBI.

7/04/2024 05:58:00 AM  

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