Broken System
We took out most of the personal info - click for a larger version of this rip job:
Well someone had a big ol' bowl of "DILLIGAF?" for breakfast.
This has been true on this Department for a long time ("Hey kid, what you got? Nope.") It isn't all the Detectives' fault. We got a number of things through with their assistance and we also had what we thought were pretty good things shot down by something we overlooked or weren't able to sew up.
A lot of what ails the system came from the State's Attorney's office/Felony Review who tried every case over the phone before the arrestee even got his first baloney sandwich. It was worse under Crimesha than it was under O'Malley, Devine or Alvarez.
As we see, the rot became ingrained there first and migrated over to the Detective Division as the older detectives who wanted to help you do better, left. The newer detectives saw cases weren't going anywhere anyway so it was easier to shelve/downgrade/discourage prosecution for felonies. They weren't paid by the case or the conviction rates after all.
All in all, further evidence of a broken system, pointed out by someone pissed off at what's happening.
Labels: department issues
The author was correct. It was subsequently given to the RBT dics assigned to 001 that morning. Charges approved.
Probably one of the new multiple choice detectives
Let’s face it….our investigations unit is and has been horrible for eeeeeever. Most of them couldn’t find their own ass with both hands behind their back. For all the hate they get, the county police actually have the best dics I’ve worked with and our people could learn a thing or 2 from the way they operate.
So... in all his vast crime fighting experience, with all his super national security investigations, he's never explained to witnesses or victims what will be expected of them to follow through a prosecution in it's entirety??? NONSENSE!!!
That cop is amazing.
M or F, straight or gay, I'm in love.
I can personally attest to just how big of a dbag the sergeant who wrote that email is. He was more preoccupied with banging the broads in the tac office in 003, saturation, at Homan when there and is now doing it in 001. His arrogance precedes him. I know midnights detectives in area three along with third watch detectives there who have dealt with him and his team and they all have the same story about him. He demands charges and tries to tell detectives how to run their investigation even when there is nothing to go on. Then when it doesn’t go as planned he throws a fit and storms out of the area. Yes there are some bad detectives just like there are some bad officers but for this clown to throw an entire area under the bus is just not smart. How can you walk into the area after sending an email like that to your tac LT, Captain, and commander. It’s not like patrol where you can go cry to daddy to fix your problems. Defectives run the areas and the supervisors are there for support. Have a district LT or Captain go into an area and try to tell detectives how to do their jobs and watch how fast they too get told to pound sand
Hopefully, O'Neill Burke is bringing a renewed culture of accountability and adjudication.
These Detectives made the right move….they fully explained the felony review process to the victim, who in turn said no thanks. Transparency. This crybaby tacthole Sgt is a joke. Look him up….i got tired of adding up all of the days he got hit with for dumb shit. From espionage expert to logging beat cars, yeah right. It must have been hard typing this email while sucking his own dick…especially while wearing thigh holsters on each leg (he really does). Tool.
Congratulations on your first felony pinch Special Agent, now go get your shine box.
Boo hoo
This offender was charged with Robbery by the assigned 2nd watch detectives within 24 hrs of being arrested. The good Sergeant probably should have waited a day before firing off this To From.
Self serving tact seargant needs to get a clue. You didn't do anything like that in the military and way to tell us you were never a detective without telling us you were never a detective.
The do nothings in patrol when they make detective will be a do nothing detectives. The workers will be working detectives. Then there are the do nothings who really know how to milk overtime. Don’t assume because some guy or gal is a Homicide or Robbery dick they are workers. Plenty of dogs there too. If it happened on 1st watch, you may have a skeleton crew at best, so the objective is to make it go away. There are occasions when the detectives know something you may not (such as their supervisor won’t approve the overtime-lol). I’ve experienced firsthand detective laziness as well as having a neighbor of mine pretty much investigate and find their own burglar suspect, hand the info to the A3 detective & they did nothing.
Knowing there is a lot of idiots on tact, I would look at that with some distance. Was this really about the victim not going forward or elements of the crime were not there? Did video footage match the victim's statements? I got more questions than answers...
I hope you learn that a report like this goes no where and could get you in trouble. I got in trouble a few years back for trying to do my job and work hard. It just isn’t worth. This is only a job and no one appreciates you. The bosses say they got your backs but never do. My suggestion with 22 years on is be safe answer your calls and go home to your family. Also get join a tac-team. Your opening up your family to law suits and disgrace if you or your partner is involved in an incident or shooting.
Just advise; take it or leave it.
Welcome to the Chicago Police Department. It’s all bull-shit kid.
Fuckin’ crybaby sergeant. Handled this like a total bitch.
Regardless of what he thought of the alleged actions by the detectives, there’s other ways to handle what one perceives as improper protocol. It falls under the “praise in public, criticize in private” approach to leadership. And this frontline supervisor failed miserably. Instead of handling it properly, he went and snitched to the Captain and SuperDave via email. I’ll say it again: a total bitch move fueled by emotion instead of a critical thinking/problem solving approach.
And any argument he tried making to persuade anyone who might care went right out the window when he started stroking himself, reliving glory days as some kind of purported super secret espionage investigating Army hero. GTFOH…
And if that wasn’t enough, him being a total handjob was confirmed by selfies in full uniform in front of downtown buildings posted on his social media. I do believe there’s rules prohibiting social media use while on the clock.
The only thing hard work gets you, is a good kick in the nuts. Take a step back and realize that all this hard work will not get you promoted. You are only shortening your life. Study and relax! Time better spent.
MS in the 001 tact office apparently doesn’t know how the legal system works…..if the victim doesn’t want to go to court and do all of that then no charges. Fucking idiot. Wonder if he was a merit hack or maybe made it in during Covid where the dept was scratching the bottom of the barrel for white shirts.
I can feel your frustrations. You are to emotionally involved. A lot of us had similar feelings when we first started. Shitty bosses beat us down. No one will care if you get hurt or lose your job. Just do the best you can. You can only control you. You may not agree with me now but in ten years you will understand. When doing police work if you ever make a mistake no one will even associate with you. Control what you can and do the best you can. That’s all you can do.
Signed: Hopeless with not enough time to leave.
Multiple Choice detectives.
Dude, I have a background as impressive as you and worked as a Detective in Area 3. There is only so much time in the day and if a case is going to fall apart because a victim gets tired of waiting at area 3 for felony review and walks out it is better to cut the losses early.
Also remember that area 3 is a disaster concerning compensating detectives for overtime.
I’ve been on both sides here. On tact and as a detective so I understand both perspectives. Yes you want the arrest.. However this isn’t the army or whatever agency you’ve previously worked for. If the victim does not want to go to court there is no reason to proceed with the case. Most good detectives inform victims of court because without a victim there is no court bud. So it really is a huge waste of time for detectives if victims don’t proceed with court and their case. You also work in 001 where you can literally pull two cars over and get a gun over a mental screaming robbery in Taco Bell lol
Chatys acted like a clown. This clown didn’t disclose all of the info to the dics and got mad when the witnesses didn’t want to participate if they weren’t getting paid. Crybaby.
It gets worse, they even talk coppers out of pursing felony charges. If you’re a victim of agg battery don’t call them, do the work yourself you don’t need them. They will try and talk you out of it like you’re mope on the street.
“There is no need for it and should never be done” says a lot about the officer’s ego. There are several reasons why a detective may inform to the court process and if the officer cannot think of a single one, then it doesn’t sound like he has a significant amount of time on the job. By the way, nobody gives a flying fuck about your military training or experience.
It’s a problem specifically on nights. Detectives tell victims they have to sit at the area until 8-10am in order to proceed with felony charges because of state attorney nonsense. They don’t want to put holds. They want to inconvenience the victim as much as possible so that the victim will just say they can’t press charges tonight. If the charges are not sought, of course the case dies at court.
Old school policeman here...
I knew this shit would come when they took our "night stick" away...
Dam, I miss the 60's.....old school police
Yes I saw it from points of view, PO, Det & Sgt. The D unit I was in was great. Everybody was on the same page. The bosses always had your back. We knew some of the bosses had clout but that was never an issue because all of them were former Dets and they knew what they were doing. There were just a few Dets who weren’t go getters. So if they were next up for a processing and a boss didn’t think they could get charges he would get someone else. Everybody in the unit were close and if you needed a hand they pitched in. I probably takes a couple years to become a really good Det.
And a good Det really needs to know who all the bad guys are crime patterns et al, the ability to elicit confessions but most important is the need to be accurate in seeking the truth from cases presented to them from patrol. The job is to separate fact from fiction.
As time went on you saw more and more supervisors who were never Dets supervising Dets. There’s clout in every part of the police department you will never get rid of it. It’s my contention if you are going to be a supervisor in a specialized unit and you never served as a Det, narcotics officer, gang officer, ET or whatever, actively do your subordinates work for a while to learn to learn something & how it feels to be them. That’s how you gain their respect.
Why bother!
The detective test was and has been a joke- they got what they wanted. Stupid g*ckin idiots that don't know and/or don't care to do the job. What boss? Got it and let's get the fuvk outta here menrality. I had one of them ask me how to do something. They began with I read the order 😆 and asked my fellow detectives but they didn't (unbelievable- not!). Which then told me you never experienced this in the street (field).
Sad but true.
A3 and before that A6 , has been doing that for a long time. I remember the large m/w detective there that was infamous for talking victims out of signing complaints. When he walked into the station you knew the case was over. I forget his name.
I saw that To-From report right after that dickhead wrote it, I been a detective for over a decade & that's the first thing you ask these victims is if they want to prosecute & go to court. You can't force them to go & there's no reason to hide shit from them, they have to know the process. The days of putting cases on these MF's are over especially if the victims don't care
If you make a felony arrest past 11pm be prepared to spend your entire shift at the area along with the victim. If the victim doesn’t want to spend literally all night at the area the charges will be dropped down to misdemeanor. Happened many times for me in area 3. I’m sure it’s the same in the other areas. Even had a victim stay till 4am but had to work in the morning. Okay, drop the charges to misdemeanor and get it approved.
You got nothing kid
what?? you want felony approval?? you gotta find those white Christians who believe in their faith,,,, then you get a felony and help from the fbi
OT not sure if anyone else has to deal with this bullshit but in Order to walk into the new commanders office in 012 you have to ring a door bell and be greeted at the door. He calls us up there to talk about how we are not doing enough activity but only way to be welcomed is with a doorbell. Never seen that. And now the Sgt’s have a doorbell on that office. wtf is happening
Army “special” agent you need paragraphs, the wall of text is painful to read. Additionally, 90% of us at this point are ok with changing homicides/violent crime to misdemeanors. As long as it’s the hood killing and victimizing inside the hood. Someone explain to special that today’s victim is tomorrow’s offender.
Is it true that to be a Detective, your sport coat can't match your pants?
SCC, I completely disagree with you on this one. The AREA 3 Detective division has been the home of the do nothing, coward, and taken care of ghost pay roller since I started on this job in 1994. They give useless a whole new meaning. Ask anyone who was detective that worked there and then got promoted to Sgt. They will tell you that you wouldn't believe how bad the majority of the dicks who work there are. I could write a book on how many times they killed something on purpose I was working on. What Area 3 did would be fireable in any job other than CPD. I could say more but I'll leave it alone. This letter is just an ice cube of a glacier of ice when it comes to Area 3 detectives.
This has been a problem with Area 3 for a couple years now, young detectives teaching young detectives. Everyone afraid to ask how to do something and then after enough time there is no one to teach the next group coming in.
Sounds like an idiot !! Lie to the witness and conduct interviews like you were in the army.
This Sgt is an absolute stroke. Inside information says the victim was a POS who refused to cooperate. The Sgt throws a temper tantrum and still wants him charged and wants the Det s to magically make it happen. Maybe ease up on the roids Sarge.
Lol. Don’t forget while bending over and putting the needle in his ass.
💯 on point. The same sgt was called out by a Chief Novalez over the air during the post pride parade detail after the sgt was observed chilling in a lawn chair with a cigar in his mouth, 🤡
I’ve had the same experience with area 3. Cases that are on video and they talk the victim out of pursuing felony charges.
You forgot his stint on 1st watch in 007…he was banging all the broads there too. His stinky, foul b/o partner never got any action.
"I have never explained the details of the Court's process to anyone in fear that victims would not want to pursue."
Sounds like someone should look into every arrest this stroke has ever made and start filling lawsuits.
He needs to learn that making an arrest and completing a thorough investigation are two different things. Last I checked, coercing your victims was frowned upon.
Eat a dick, “sarge”. What a pathetic example you are.
The only thing hard work gets you more hard work and nothing
The CPD has become one big cluster fuck from top to bottom.
Mr. Hot Shot who wrote this doesn't even know how to properly author a To-From. ALL To-Froms are written in the third person dumbshit.
The AREA 3 Detective division has been the home of the do nothing, coward, and taken care of ghost pay roller since I started on this job in 1994.
- Absolutely true. I remember working in another Area and helping A3 midnights with big homicide downtown at a 'club' - fine, we were young detectives and they needed the help. Interviewed 30 people or so - wrote it up. NEVER SAW ONE AREA3 DET. THE WHOLE NIGHT. NOT ONE. Useless. They make A2 look like workers.
Who cares? Process the arrest, if the dicks don’t want to go for felony put their names and star numbers in the arrest report. If state denies it, same thing. Do you realize how many times the cases we make turn into nothing? Even if the dicks took the case, there’s a high likelihood that the victim would refuse to cooperate down the line and it would get dropped. Or the state would plead it down to nothing. If you’re upset about this then you’re in the wrong line of work.
Really writing this report was dumb. In fact all emails about crimes are not a good idea. They are all discoverable in court. If it’s wrong the case will be lost let the detectives do their job, Sgt
Funny how a lot of these comments are complaining about the sgt. when all he is doing is looking to make sure that victims in the city of chicago are getting adequate service from the police. Just shows you that the public is right to complain about police service. Got to love the DEI hires.
Det. Andy Sipowicz would have solved the case while wearing a short sleeve shirt with a tie.
Oh, yes. That multiple choice test. Critical and logical thinking skills not necessary to be a detective.
Yeah, that sounds about right. Which is why I personally just do my job and go home, I can only complain so much about stuff I can't control. Oh well.... glad someone is putting the mfrs on blast
Are you really defending the dog ass detectives on this one???? Talking a victim out of pursuing felony charges because you are too lazy to do the job you actually chose to do?
Misdemeanor charges approved by who exactly?
Because your detective exam was written back in 1929?
Sgt is a big d-bag but he was still in the right by calling out the dog ass detectives!
DEI has been a cancer in CPD for years. Daley called it “merit.”
Worst two years of my career was at Area Three supervising some of the most incompetent, inexperienced by choice, stupid and indifferent detectives I’d ever seen. There were of course some standouts doing murders but by and large it was a cesspool of clouted merit dicks with side jobs that couldn’t care less about police work. The supervisors were all worried about going to the penitentiary over Koschmann and the inmates ran the asylum. A sergeants spot in the “D” is highly coveted yet I never saw so many decent sergeants bail out of there in frustration. Sounds like it hasn’t changed too much.
^Truth! As the PPO I worked with last night said to me on multiple occasions "1 hunnit" and "bet". For the uninitiated this means I agree, I googled the translation.
I think the point being made is the dicks worked on the victim to blow off the job. I’ve seen blue shirts pull the same shit on “good victims” and it turned my stomach.
I would expect it from the ASA's but not from the Dets, these Dets sound like a POS who don't want to help victims who actually WANT to pursue their offenders. What a POS, this is why the city is the way it is.
Don't kid yourself. It's not fear, they just don't care to learn. Most of the under 30's officers, dics and sergeant are constantly recording themselves and uploading the videos out to social media. These people DO NOT CARE nor have the desire to perform any sort of police work. This is the new reality!
Lots of lazy people on this job. The detective talking the victim out of a felony by scaring them about how much court they have to attend. "Your going to have to take off work, the offender will probably continue the case 20 times. Do you really want to miss that much work and drive down to 26th and California every month?" This is the same thing as the dog on the watch that spends one hour talking a victim out of doing a report. When it would take 20 minutes to knock one out. The lazy beat cop, then becomes a lazy detective, sergeant, etc. People do not all of a sudden just develop some work ethic. We all know shit cops on this job.
At least the letter was sent along through channels...and not on this blog where it would go now where as a complaint...Now, let it go nowhere through channels and he will see what he is really up against...
Sgt stop crying this will happen again and are you going to have another temper tantrum. Get a grip
If the victim does not want to cooperate….you got nothing SGT.
Victims love hanging out in the Area for hours waiting for the states attorney to interview them !
Need to go the NYPD route for property crimes ! The victim when they get their report number contacts the appropriate Area and requests to have a detective assigned to investigate their case ! All the others without victim cooperation gets suspended pending victim contact ! Would probably shelve about 80% of the b.s cases !
Fuck that ! Bring your watch rep with you next time !
While we are mentioning the 12th district, I occasionally stop in the 12th district to use the pisser by the front desk, well to my disbelief they locked the door leading to said bathrooms, key car access only. Well I'm from an outside unit, now I'll definitely be avoiding that clown ass district. I'm surprised they don't have a doorbell there also. And the front desk crew goes out of their way to not make eye contact with me, by the way I'm in full uniform. I had to use the regular prison style bathrooms by the front desk, boy was that a mistake, those bathrooms are disgusting, dirty, and had some unknown flies in there. I almost lost my lunch.
I have let victims know, if you don't go to court this will get thrown out. I only do that because, I want vicitms to know that and I also want the case to get prosecuted.
No DC for this maybe next time
This is obviously how crime stats are reduced! Convince the victim to not pursue charges.
If the women are willingly getting with him, no shade, just jealousy.
Why would you pursue a case where the victim is uncooperative. It would be a waste of department resources for a case that can’t be won. The detectives did the right thing and ended it. The ASA would never approve this with an uncooperative victim. Detectives made the correct call.
Who's worse, the skinny jean sergeant or the broads he takes to bed from the whole district, a few on each watch? Funny seeing how women fall over themselves for him and others like him. But if he wants to send an email about area 3 I'll sign it with him, terrible do nothings over there.
100% true. Had area 3 try to talk some coppers out of agg bat because the officer was pushed and not injured. It's by statute agg batt you do nothing fools.
Isn't the end game the conviction and jnot ust getting the charges approved. Why the fuck wouldn't you explain the process to the victim so they know what to expect? What's the point as a Det in going through the whole process of putting a case together for trial if you know the victim is unlikely to show up? Sounds like someone is mad they can't put themselves in for an award for the misdemeanor arrest.
I heard that,
He signed his name to what he had to say, unlike all the keyboard warriors on here bashing him. Area 3 sucks.
If we told every civilian victim what the felony proceedings process looked like, very few would sign complaints. That's not "transparency", that's asinine, disingenuous, and unjust. Many criminals plea bargain out too and the victim only goes to court once. Some victims do have to go multiple times. But that's reality. No need to talk victims out of signing complaints. The next victim might be one of your family members.
Woooo! Lotta sour grapes!!!
I believe he was saying he's never done so with the goal of dissuading them from participating in the process, which is what was done here.
This is the attitude that creates these problems, regardless of what this particular sergeant does. Detectives thinking they know it all and outrank everyone, looking down on everyone in patrol, acting like they decide if a case has merit or deserves being pursued. You're a PO. You don't run shit. You aren't the smartest person in the room. You don't decide what gets felony charges and what doesn't. Do YOUR job, without pretending to be the god of each case that comes your way. Yes, there are great detectives, some of whom know far more than any boss or state's attorney, but they are few and far between, and your post shows that you aren't one of them. Get your ego in check and realize you're just not that important or powerful. I've seen many a lowly patrol sergeant set more than a few detectives straight, and even a few POs remind certain detectives that they're not the boss.
After the previous detectives fucked up the case and almost guaranteed the victim/witness wouldn't even think of going to testify. Better hope for a plea deal at this point.
Are they really going to deny overtime when it is outside the detective's control, like waiting for felony review to arrive or felony review tells you get more information? Don't screw the victim, screw the bosses who don't have the balls to approve the OT. Walk out when the boss says shift over. Then give the boss's phone number to felony review and the victim. Let them yell. Let them cry. You still get a paycheck. They need you more than you need them. And there will be another case tomorrow.
There's a way to explain the court process to victims without talking the victim out of signing complaints.
Sounds ridiculous, but it's probably a reaction to the new crop of police who think they can just run into the commander's office to whine about something or eat their lunch in the sergeant's office while playing on the computers. I can only think of maybe 3 times in over 20 years that I went to the commander's office, and I was called there 2 of those times. What does everyone need to run to the commander for?
Not explaining the court process isn't coercing victims. You don't know what words mean. Explaining the process with the intent to dissuade victim or witness cooperation is definitely frowned upon.
There is nothing wrong with explaining the felony process to victims. Especially with the Felony Review Unit in CookCounty, which is a joke. I’ve seen the ASA, on numerous occasions, tell victims that it is basically. 3 year process by the time it gets to court. Tell the victim the truth and let them decide if they want to pursue it or not. It’s not being lazy, it’s being realistic. Retired now but was a detective for 20 years (not Area 3).
You mean DEI Sgt.
Jealous? Go back to the radio room.
Burke appears to be moving at a snail's pace. You are a prosecutor. Do your job and get your felony review attorneys to do theirs. If some of the dicks want to slack off, then let their bosses know and let your boss know. People are being victimized and the criminal walks to his next victim.
Make a bigger arrest then felony retail theft and maybe it will get charged clown.
Beat and Release . . .
Jeez able to suck his own how can that be?
lol… this has to be a joke. The department keeps preaching Officer wellness and that supervisors need to be more involved and have an open door policy. I don’t even u destined why he would need a doorbell. Can’t the people knock if they need to?
Putting personal attacks on the Sgt aside, let’s call it for what it is and what most in the dept. know very well about A3 and the DUnit. A3 detectives sit at the bottom of the barrel for investigators. Most are former north side police who never conducted a good preliminary investigation and are now tasked with doing real investigations. Some A3 detectives behave the way they do because it’s supported by the detective supervision who just go along to get along. And let’s face it, that’s not just A3, that’s the Dunit overall. Detective supervisors are afraid to reign in their do nothing Dics, so they follow the CPD playbook and punish the actual working dics who still have integrity and work ethic. But eventually those good dics grow sour when their in box explodes to 60+jobs can never catch up, and are continually treading water; perfect recipe for burnout. The DUNIT is broken beyond repair and should be knocked to the ground. The promotion process for Dics should be revamped so we get our “Best and Brightest” but we know that’s not happening anytime soon.
I’m calling BS on the SGT. He tells what he did in the army with counter intelligence. He is actually not allowed to tell these things if he did he would have signed a non disclosure form when he exited the army.
Well to be fair, the tac sgt is a huge turd, but the reason that it was charged on second watch is because after the email was sent, Cmdr Harris called the 001 RBT Sgt and the A3 commander late at night.. 001 RBT Sgt then said it would get handled and it did. If Harris didn’t get involved it would have never been charged. I don’t like the Sgt and I don’t like Harris, BUT, for the sake of fairness that’s how it ended up getting charged. It shouldn’t have to go that way and kinda proves that the detectives were wrong since the victim DID cooperate in 2nd watch to get it charged. RBT detectives in this department are the worst we have. They should be crossing guards..
Sounds like Marty Chatys needs to lay off the testosterone, it's impeding his judgement.
Having worked on both sides, Tact/Gangs etc. and in the D Unit, I can see where the frustrations lie. Coppers make a great arrest which may entail a pursuit of some sort, TRR’s maybe, or just plain good old fashioned police work. They are excited about the potential charges but then maybe the victim ends up getting squirly for whatever reason. It sucks but it happens. Most victims are all in at the outset of an investigation and a few will lose interest or start second guessing their cooperation. Maybe a few get contacted by someone who knows the offender or even someone who is just worried about the victim’s future safety. This turn can happen in the days following a report being made or even in the hours after an arrest is made on an in progress job. A few red flags in any investigation are: Victim is asking when they can leave before the arrest report is even completed. Victim states they just want their property back. Victim never returns calls and no-shows follow ups such as photo arrays etc. These are likely victims that will never be present at a subsequent court appearance. As for being transparent, it’s a fine line between honesty and scaring the victim out of pursuing charges. At the end of the day it’s up to each Detective to use their best judgement on how to approach this but not setting clear expectations will sometimes piss off a victim who didn’t anticipate being held around waiting on an ASA to review what is sometimes hours of video before they even start to prep the victim for an eventual official statement. My understanding is that Area 3 eventually did get charges and this embarrassing email probably should have stayed in “Draft” status. Give someone a chance and they will eventually show you who they are. Stay safe boys and girls in Patrol, Tact, Units, the Area floors and remember to work together because we have enough to worry about as it is out here.
you must have 2 years on the job!! Go to the CCSP if you love them so much!
Let me point this out- Emailing someone is “private”
Sending it to the blog would be “public”
Don’t get me wrong, the Sgt may be a self serving pussyhound who loves to pat himself on the back as he jerks himself off, but….
There are some stupid, lazy ass, useless fuckin’ detectives out there that shouldn’t be in a shirt and tie, more or less a beat-car.
A/3 is the land of the yuppie victim, 8 out of 10 victims just want their stuff back, and when they do want to press charges the court has them jumping thru hoops as the make it difficult, since most have jobs, to keep them going to court. You try and keep some guy from Naperville,who just got robbed, for 6-8 hours in the station.
I bleed blue and would have initiated a CR # on those lazy detectives . They should be dumped.what happened to dumping detectives every few months ..????? We’re the detectives merit or just suck holes killing crime for their boss??? If the later the boss should be dumped. Happy 😃 to replace these slugs with some hard working detectives like the ones that got charges approved
John Reppas
I dont know if the Sgt is correct or the Detectives in this case but after reading the email by the sgt all I have to say he appears to be a little Beeotch. He handled it by throwing a whole area under the bus while praising himself? Im a retired Detective and I know if I got a case from him after such a letter I would make sure everything he said was documented and true because he obviously is one to stretch the truth. A Sgt like him gets his people in trouble.
Who cares? You’re not getting a bonus for making an arrest. The victims are usually offenders themselves. Why take the time to write this up and for what? To blow smoke up your teams ass? To bang some tac broad that you stuck up for? Chill out there dawg. Collect your money and go home.
It's really embarrassing to write a drive-by rage email with no soltions or even identifying a problem to be solved. It's also pretty disingenuous to take all your frustrations with a broken system and blame detectives that you don't have to look at every day. I don't hate the guy, I don't know the guy! We are allegedly all on the same team. I will say i would feel humiliated after a moment of weakness to aimlessly belittle a group of detectives while listing seemingly over exaggerated and questionably relevant qualifications, then click Send. I have a feeling that he wished that he handled it differently. I hope he does in the future. They are only words and tomorrow is a new day.
Everyone likes to fish but not everyone knows how to clean the fish.
A/3 dick here, retired. I once had a tack tickle team want an up grade to a felony for a victim who was stabbed with a plastic spoon whereupon when the victim was stabbed the spoon broke...You got nothing kid...until we decide that you your victims names for criminal history, and ask yourself, will this victim hold up in court??
Or were the dicks trying to pressure, or frustrate the victim/ witness to the point they walk away? I’ve seen that too many times.
OT: Is that Commander Tyrone “IAD” Pendarvis?
My own 2¢: SGT MC was good to me when I was in 001 years ago… Yes, some of the other comments about him aren’t off base. That being said, I’d rather have him as a Sergeant than many other clueless fuckers running the show.
CPD and it’s corruption
you can thank gene roy for all the useless dollies supervisors who were never detectives let alone ever made an arrest
its is all about clout bosses idiot kids commander dollies /side pieces even clines kid made it on wack
I think you’re confusing Area three with Area Four, a bunch of hair gel officers who got merit promoted.
This is a problem in each Detective Area. Detectives telling the victims/ witnesses that the felony upgrade process will take up to eight to twelve hours. Detectives waiting until the last minute to contact the states attorney’s office while victim and children wait in the lobby. Victims/ witnesses waiting in the lobby without being allowed to charge their cell phones and pick up their children from school. All of it is geared towards discouraging the victim.
Asswipe who wrote this letter is a real DICK. Hiding and telling his interrogation skills in military. NOT! We all know why you are, pussy, Yikes. Shit coming sport. Ouch!!!
In 2021 I worked CST. Another team had a good carjacking arrest. The Area dics made the family sit in 011 for nearly TWENTY HOURS just to inform them ASA's are going pursue felony charges. I was told the victim and his family had tears in their eyes. This police force is broken.
And your name……that’s what I thought
Gene Roy WAS a stroke...
True that...sometime Dicks get presented with a victim that has a worse criminal record than the offender! Agg-Batt with a! Book-em Dano...!
Army COINTEL is not that high speed... Mostly a bunch of POGs douches.
Yeah what a clown lol why would you try to hide court from a victim. Just talk to all the coppers who are brought through the wringer when shitbirds sue when the victims stop showing up to court and case gets dropped. Sure you maybe covered but is it really worth it?
See the problem is everyone on this job thinks they are a detective and or play detective. We'll guess what if you were good enough to make dic you would have made it. The last dics exam went to 1200. I know big bosses who passed every exam but the dics exam. The dics told the truth they victims would have to wait 10 hours. It is what it is! What the dics say is law. Sorry your feelings were hurt but we have a job to do and it's not worry about what patrol thinks! Most people in patrol have no clue what it takes to investigate a crime. Guy needs to shut up. What the dics say is law!
This is a good example of patrol not understanding the felony review process. Detectives are not the ones who make victims and witnesses sit around all day and night…felony review does. You see, felony review will not come out until all witnesses and victims are present. Also, felony review will not go to the victims/witnesses home, places of employment, schools, etc. they will only interview in the area or districts. I once had 3 witnesses waiting in the area but review would not come out and start interviewing them until the final one got home from work and drove up to the area.
Don’t blame the Det’s. Blame felony review
So, telling victims how long felony upgrades take is wrong? You are blaming the detective for this miserable process? The fault lies with felony review, the process for an upgrade should not take 8-12 hours but it might depending on how many hoops the ASA puts the detective through.
If I were a victim or witness, I would like to know how long the process will take.
What employer other than the city of Chicago considers a supervisor "getting" with a subordinate as "willingly"? Regardless of who the supervisor is. Does CPD require supervisors to self report romances with subordinates?
Those detectives don’t even help P.O’s who are victims of Agg Battery. To lazy to even try. I’ve seen them talk P.O.’s out of taking the case to trial.
I’ve seen it as well for robbery, at every point they tried to tell
The victim that it could take hours for felony review to make a decision, and the victim said he will gladly come back when that happens. Eventually the constant pressure to go the misdemeanor route persuaded the victim to change their mind. It’s disgusting, go back to beat if you wanna be a dog.
No shit, if you’re a detective worth his salt you wouldn’t bring up how burdensome the process is every chance you get. Like the rest of the mopes in area 3 love to do.
If the blowhard Sgt needs to tell us about his interrogation skills, then he has NO interrogation skills. We're not buying your crybaby bullshit asswipe.
Pre the first FOP contract the detective division had “Black Tuesday” once a year where the supposedly bottom 10% of the detectives were dumped back to patrol the problem was it was a popularity contest with the lowest 10% dumped. Once we got a contract no one got dumped.
Put your reading glasses on. The dicks gave the victim the “speech” in order to send them home and leave the PO’S to do misdemeanor complaints. Thank goodness it was ultimately resolved later.
Hey detective let me familiarize you with a Detective Division (BIS) Order that states clearly you are to pursue highest charge(s) appropriate and to seek override in the case of a refusal by ASA’s. And that means you don’t blow off a robbery in the business district.
Maybe that’s part of the problem. Dog ass detectives are free to screw everyone around them….somethings gotta give, dick
This kind of thing has gone on in Area 3 as far back as the 1990s that
I'm aware of. One night, my partner and I apprehended a guy who had
robbed three women of their purses while the ladies stood on the
Red line platform at Chicago and State. We apprehended the man,
returned him for a show-up (identified by all three victims) and
even recovered all of their handbags. Area 3 detective arrived in
018, and demanded that he be allowed to "speak to all of the
victims alone." After he did so, the victims all declined to pursue
robbery charges, and the offender was released.
The more things change, the more they remain the same...
If you were in CST you probably had about 3 years on the job. Make Detective and see how long it takes to work a case up with felony review. 20 hours for a hijacking can be pretty standard depending on the circumstances. A lot victims and witnesses present horribly and State wants nothing to do with it. Your example sounds like the Dets worked on a case f for a long time and FELONY REVIEW denied charges. That’s not on the Dets, that’s the ASA’s. Get used to it, felony review kills a lot of cases that have legs.
When I came on, we were part of the old Area 3 at 39th & California and the detectives there were phenomenal!
They always went the extra mile to make sure your case was buttoned up tight.
It was a terrible idea closing 39th & Cal in my opinion
Our former robbery sergeant would frequently have arguments with lazy detectives in Area 3. Our team, with our sergeant's leadership, closed more cases in a month than Area 3 closed in a year.
"You got nothing kid...until we decide that you do"
You win the handjob of the year award, jerkoff!
i bLEeD bLUE ANd woUld HAvE INITiaTED A Cr # oN ThOSe lAZy deTeCtIVES. What a goofy ass statement to make. Honestly though when I look left and right lately at some of the regards I work with this type of talk doesn't surprise me anymore.
2/04/2025 10:17:28 AM - Whatever dude, did you get a blue card today or what?
Marty Chatys really clicked the send button at 4:10 am and said yeah that'll show them. Thought he cooked with that one. What an absolute disgrace to the uniform and department this pussy is. How about pulling rank and getting a fellow white shirt up there to get involved if the dick was being a bum? Guy sounds like a certified dork and can't imagine how shitty a supervisor you gotta be to send an email (paper trail) where you admit you don't explain the legal process to the victim, (which btw enjoy Loevy and Loevy soon!!) but you also think dropping it at 4 am is a sound decision.
Real tough guy hiding behind anonymous post LMFAO you’re NOT that guy dude Lol
Wait a minute! You mean other detectives came in the morning and got charges approved LMFAO and this Sgt is the problem! Lazy fucking A3 Detectives do the bare minimum again Lol Good for that Sgt calling out shit lazy detectives who talked the victim out of it, pushing it to the next shift Lol. All these other anonymous warriors bad mouthing him is just hilarious, you guys sound like the nerds having mean thoughts on the cool kids Lol who he’s sleeping with, what he looks like what/how he works out LOL
If he could he wouldn’t have to
Your logic is flawed. Too many people on this job (P.O.’s, bosses, even some dicks) think that charges getting approved equals a win. The victory isn’t charges getting approved, the victory is “we find the defendant guilty.” Charges getting approved is just the invitation to the main event. Let a sympathetic ASA give you an approval based on feelings and you’ll be listing your assets after the not guilty verdict sends you straight to Corp Counsel. Smart dicks won’t decide to work or kill a case based on whether charges might or might not get approved, the deciding factor should be the likelihood of a guilty verdict - and full, continued cooperation from the victim/witness plays heavily into that likelihood.
A lot of do nothing butt hurt A/3 detectives posting on here. Cry cry cry.
Don’t forget about the tact officers who “invent” a felony charge just to get that CB#…years ago there were the two old guys in 002nd district tact (can’t remember their names) who took a domestic where the guy slapped his girlfriend, took her money off of the dresser then left the apartment and they tried to get a strong armed robbery charge by saying he slapped then pushed her while taking the money from her.
Now after getting their version of the event, the victim was interviewed who related a totally different story as told by the tact officers, she then mentioned how the they told her what to say for him to get him charged with robbery. After the interview with her ended, the arrestee was interviewed who related the same version of events as told by his girlfriend.
After the interviews concluded, the tact officers were told that based on the story told by the victim & offender they only had battery and theft, at that point they got mad then went to their Sergeant and Lieutenant and complained. The Sergeant and Lieutenant came upstairs to complain to the supervisor but when they read the officers case and arrest reports then spoke to the victim they determined that their officers embellished what actually occurred and went back downstairs.
All of this to say that there are some officers who try to “add facts” to an incident to serve another purpose (felony charge….trying to get an award…etc.) So don’t be quick to blame the detectives.
SGT MC you’re a total pussy. You started in the Army as what, supply I think. You wanted to go back into the Army for the benefits (your words). Never wanted to do infantry because you lack the balls, we both know it. If your SSBI uncovered all of your personal life bullshit you would’ve never gotten a TS/SCI and you know it. You are untrustworthy, bottom line. Anyone that includes “vomit” as an emotive response in any report is a big tell that you’re not stable. Let’s not even talk about the myriad of issues you had on the job. Talking about Army, how about that stupid fuckboy haircut you have, which, under 670-1, wouldn’t gotten you laughed out of the Army before it turned soft but happens to be allowed now because “fuck the rules.” You were a pussy when you joined as supply and will always be a pussy. PRS - waiting to see you and say this to your face - until you cry and write me up
You got more questions than answers? Sounds like you got nothing kid.
It's funny but it's not. We really are our worst enemy.
Amusing that you're attacking the Sgt's character when he's actually try to make a point on how the victim was not getting the justice he deserved by Area 3 Detectives. But I do have to agree with you, "Defectives" do run the Area.
1st watch Detectives handled the original incident. RBT Detectives on 2nd watch got the case charged
Stfu 120842. .. dicks don't want anything to do with the screwed up cases these moron new pos that are being pushed through. The screw up a case so bad leaving the dick to clean up their, and the moron sgt who approved their reports, mess just so the dick can look like the moron when he calls it in. No fn thanks
Not what he said.
And that's not what I heard. I heard he's a know it all who throws a tantrum when he doesn't get his way.
The entire to-from reads like a buffoon was more concerned with Central Booking number with a felony attached than with a prosecution.
This is precisely the attitude of a disgruntled p.o. that couldn't pass the dick's test.
Good one!
To be fair some of the chicks ol MC bagged throughout the years were pretty hot. DA from tac in 003 back in the day was one grade A piece with a BIG asset
I've heard that story about Area 3 treating OT as if it came out of the Commander's pocket. But I haven't heard many dicks there just play the game... make the arrest an hour before quitting time; put hold papers on until 2nd watch when the victim is more awake, felony review wants more info? Go get it on OT. Has Area 3 not heard of, "solve no crime til overtime"? That used to be everyday at Area 2, 1 and 4. Stop being afraid of bosses who need you more than you need them. Let them deny overtime. Tell the victims why you are going home and give them your commander's number. When supervisors give you a late job, you should take it to OT. They don't want to pay me OT, then don't give me late jobs.
Both sides, you missed the point. The victim called, the victim provided video, the victim ID'd the offender, the victim reported a second previous offense. That victim wants to prosecute.
The assignment you blow off now might land you in a real sh*t job later.
Mr. Hot Shot who wrote this doesn't even know how to properly author a To-From. ALL To-Froms are written in the third person dumbshit.
2/04/2025 07:58:26 AM
That's an email, champ.
Watch operations lieutenants approve charges on arrest reports, even misdemeanor ones.
If Marty's email were even remotely factual, your statement would be relevant. He's a blow hard who didn't like what happened and made up everything he wrote, other than the actual facts of the case. #NoVictimNoCrime
Did you write this on the toilet, with your ass? It looks like word diarrhea.
You mean Marty Chatys' attitude? You are correct. He doesn't know what an actual investigation entails. Asking the victims is they are willing to speak with an ASA?? Because that's REQUIRED for an Armed Robbery investigation. If they aren't willing, there's nothing a detective can do. No victim, no crime. Despite tacts hurt feelings.
Sgt better hope for a plea deal after coercing the victims to cooperate. I'd be shocked if his previous cases didn't get called into question after admitting he lied to victims in all of his previous cases. He said it in his email.
You're calling him a blow hard asshole but also giving credit to what he said? Maybe it's all a complete lie? Speculation at best? Let's believe the asshole because he wrote an email, seems legit. LOL
You're assuming this roided out merit hack is telling the truth? He wrote an email so it must be true?
He ain’t hiding. He signed his name on the email. That is more than anyone defending area 3 here.
Was the crime committed? Then present the charges to the ASA. Stop looking for any way to get out of doing your job.
Don’t you have some radio antennas to change? Sarge, we know this is you replying on here trying to stick up for your lazy tact officers trying to pad their overtime.
well,,,,, every year someone will be on the lowest 10%,,,,, how many will still be in the unit if you get rid of 10% every year???
Same stink. Officers/detectives have convinced themselves it smells different.
Multiple choice. Past 3 sergeant exams were all harder than the dic exam by far.
I just nod my head when I hear the stories, good for him. He supposedly bagged some of the better looking ones in 001. I bet DH not too happy about getting out charmed by his tac sergeant.
I don’t trust any copper with any story. Watch the body cam, decide for yourself.
I think somebody already dropped a dime to Loevy X2
No shade at him, he’s had some attractive females from various units and districts. They can’t attack the argument because anyone who works in area 3 at night know how terrible the d unit always is. They gotta attack the man’s reputation for bagging the women they wish they could bag. Jealous
A4 sgt OO $290k But always calling for updates when on OT. Don't want you cutting into his
It’s funny how the actual SGT who wrote this email is in the comments defending himself. Lol YOU GOT NOTHIN KID. Now go back to making your troops write them blue cards!! Clown, you claim to be big bad and tuff how about you take it up with the actual detective or the supervisor. But you can’t cause you’re not a man and ran to the keyboard.
The reality is that 95% of cases in Cook County never go to trial—they are resolved through plea deals. It's rare for a burglary or robbery victim to testify in court, which is why I generally downplay the likelihood of a trial. Statistically, the victim will likely never have to go through that process. If they choose to stop cooperating, that decision is ultimately between them and the ASA, not me.
Are there lazy or misguided detectives? Absolutely. Are there supervisors and officers who don’t understand what it takes to charge and successfully prosecute an offender? Without a doubt. And are there some who only care about getting a CB# rather than securing a conviction? Yes—100%.
At the end of the day, it’s not just about making an arrest—it’s about actually getting a conviction and holding offenders accountable. A detective’s job isn’t just about pushing paperwork and closing cases; it’s about making sure the work we do leads to real consequences for criminals and justice for victims. Yeah, victim cooperation matters, but just as important is making sure the people handling these cases know what they’re doing, put in the effort, and stay committed to the whole process—not just slapping a CB# on it and calling it a day.
There was no you going to prosecute an Agg Batt..?
So which dicks were right here, the ones who blew it off or the ones who got it charged? What do dicks do without patrol bringing them cases? Where do dicks come from, if not from patrol? Your ego has made you think you're better than everyone else, when you hide your incompetence by blaming the process. If it's too hard to investigate and get felony charges, maybe you shouldn't be a dick. Just a little tip for you, big bosses pass lots of exams without knowing a fucking thing, so saying they can't pass the detective's test isn't really making a point. Some people score well enough on the test and choose not to become detectives. Some choose being a sergeant over being a detective if they score well on both tests. Now tell me you don't know some bonehead detectives who couldn't investigate their own dick at the urinal. Tell me there aren't "merit" dicks or cheaters on those super hard exams. You're not special, you're just a PO who wears a different outfit to work. Your bowing down to the almighty ASAs and the felony review process, refusing to even present a case because you're afraid of getting shot down, proves you don't run shit. You work for the worthless ASA, letting criminals go free because you're afraid to actually work a case.
Every patrol officer should be temporarily rotated into the dicks unit just to see how much bullshit comes your way from the patrol division. There are some good cases, but there is also a lot of BS.
90% will be left, every year.
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