As we set yet another personal best for visits by month (
even with full comment moderation).

And there are still two days left in August. And a huge scandal to finish up involving the Police Department. And an election season to write about.
We sure hope we'll be able to find some readers somewhere.
All those people visiting the site yet you only get about 12 comments per topic (I have my doubts) !!
If your blog was so visited YOU would have had a sponsor for advertising by now (phoney).
Who's the goof in 017 that wrote a Deplaines copper a parker in front of their residence because the bumper was a liner with the NO Parking Sign? I wouldnt do that to any citizen. Rumor is that copper went on to lecture this OD Copper as well. Then we wonder why we are disliked so much. Nice job of relations asshat who ever you are?
Relative to the S.O.S. saga; Did J.F. skip town or has he been kidnapped by the G as some say?
Just to let you know being that we are the police, I highly doubt your chart,and the site is a lot more boring.
The spike is because of the scandals and very little mention by paper....soon to crash
FIRST (and last) post in this scintillating thread (yawn.)
Your shamelesly deluded self-promotion (while posts plummet) is boring. If your visits are up, it's rubber-neckers checking the corpse for signs of life (not many.) This Terri-Schiavo like-blog has 3 only months left to live with comment moderation. The Pony Express was quicker than this time-shifting debacle. This is TiVo for Dummies. Stop and smell the roses before you're gone. Picking on poor Suzy was the beginning of the end, bub.
`ELO / Goodbye / Aloha / Mahalo
This site is a one hundred percent better with the moderation. The juvenile delinquent police have to go some place else to post. The perverts, cops who are cop haters are gone, and a lot of people are relieved.
Thanks SCC.
Who cares if `elo or ole` leaves. Good job. Just don't break your arm pattin'. How'd he get through?
Hey, I liked hearing from the juvenile, deliquent police. They made me laugh. I miss their comments.
The only thing the Police hating Zekman can investigate is a BJ party at Mike's.---- allegedly
I like the clean up but its to slow a true loss of spontaneity. its unfortunate that the ending spontaneity was over taken by the likes of Ole and delete as well as others. Another factor, SCC has plenty of readers but few posters for various reasons and anonymous is one along with lack of trust in who and what SCC actually is.
Signed anonymous
SCC how dare you have any sort of ethics on a blog? A blog is for anyone with any comment to post anything they want at anytime without consequence! Shame on you SCC! Since you're such a shill for Daley and the Department, I'm gonna hold my breath until you come to your senses and open yourself to litigation! I really hate you! Wah! Wah! Wah!
A little known fact, Pam Zeckman"s father was little Richie's fathers dentist. Little Richie and Pam are good friends, and she reports what little Richie tells her to.
To Disqusted in area 5
You post this crap about the homicide rate every fucken day. You sir are an idiot.
Coving up a homicide and making it a death investigation is near impossible.
I have worked in Homicide for the past 11 years. And have worked in several Areas. Never once have I seen it happen.
I have seen General Offense case reports which start out as a Death investigation yes. The is based on the information availible in the preliminary investigation:
The Officers and Detectives on the scene are not medical doctors and yes every once and a while one may slip through.
The Cook County Medical Examiner is the omly one who can officialy determine of a death is a Homicide.
If it is written up as a Death investigation and later determined to be a Homicde, the case gets reclassified imeadately. And yes it gets counted.
So what the hell are you talking about. If you have personal knowledge of one or more incidents that have been covered up, you need to contact a higher authority and report it.
After all with holding information in a homicidal death is a federal crime. If you have proof but dont have the balls to report it, then shut the fuck up.
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