False Confession
Well, the John Mark Karr confession fell apart today as no DNA match was found to link him to the sexual assault and murder of the 6 year old "beauty queen. " His story was full of so many holes that anyone who's seen even two episodes of "Law and Order" was picking the case apart. Boulder Police and prosecutors are again wearing egg and are faced with a murder they may never solve due to a very poor investigation.
And John Mark Karr got a free airplane trip out of Thailand.
A reader sent us an e-mail with a couple of pictures attached. There was always something that creeped us out about this entire episode and we think we know why. First, a picture of Jon Benet Ramsey:
Now a picture of 1985 Playboy Playmate of the Year:
Anyone else think the Ramsey's were trying to have their little girl emulate some of Hefner's plastic beauties? Anyone who tries to make a 6 year old child look like a 30 something year old playmate has way more problems than we'd wish upon a team of psychiatrists.
More coverage at the Sun Times, Channel 2 and Channel 7.
And John Mark Karr got a free airplane trip out of Thailand.
A reader sent us an e-mail with a couple of pictures attached. There was always something that creeped us out about this entire episode and we think we know why. First, a picture of Jon Benet Ramsey:

More coverage at the Sun Times, Channel 2 and Channel 7.
Nothing good can come from dressing your baby up like poontang.
John Mark Karr has my vote for jagoff of the year.
In the words of Bugs Bunny
"What a Maroon"
Why would you slam such wonderful women like this. This is steriotyping at it's worst!
Talk about living vicariously through your child! However, Patsy Ramsey was from the South and they are big into beauty pagents. Maybe the in-breeding... then parade your kid around to do some matchmaking?
SCC, you wrote "Boulder Police and prosecutors are again wearing egg and are faced with a murder they may never solve due to a very poor investigation"
You should know better or at least realize that the information about Carr came from the college professor who had been communciating with Karr, not something that the police developed.
But when the "confession" hit the media, the police had to check it out because if they didn't they would have been criticized. If you remember, the police was never convinced that Karr was involved but when this is a major news story you have to cover your bases or be cruificed if you didn't.
The investigators do not take any blame for this one.
I think the entire concept of child beauty pagents should be forbidden. Who in their right mind would want to subject a child to an evaluation of "who is the most beautiful here?". Asking for trouble later on, if you ask me. Society is overwhelmingly image oriented as it is...now let's foster that attitude in our children so that we can perpetuate it. Oh, yeah.
To 8/29/2006 08:34:31 AM,
Hey Sherlock, the confession was ridiculous on it's face. I would have talked to him, investigated his whereabouts at time of murder, buccal swabbed him, informed him of the seriousness of making false reports to the police, and put in a yellow slip and hope to get about one-hundred hours for launching this little gem. I know prosecuters can be soft, but the high altitude life in Colorado must make 'em real soft! That hillbilly killed her kid and that arrogant little prick she married covered it up. Those pussies wouldn't have lasted a half hour in a room at #640.
the only 2 people who know what happend to the girl are her parents and one is dead......im afraid you can put this one up their the kennedy assination.
I have always had my questions about the Ramseys. Didn't they initally refuse to cooperate with police? The way they dressed that poor kid up and paraded her around is definately creepy, and makes you wonder about them. Hopefully someday this crime will be solved, and when and if the truth finally comes out, I bet that someone in the Ramsey family will either be involved or know much more than they have told police.
There is something very creepy and psychologically wrong with parents who would dress their six year old daughter up like a hootchie momma and parade her across a stage for people like John Mark Karr to watch.
The one over riding factor that was ignored in this massive media blitz of a non story, is the real reason Karr was brought back here. The DA never articulated it either. Everyone with an ounce of brain knew he did not do it. After seeing him and learning about his lifestyle, everyone knew he is a very sick puppy looking for attention.
The reason he was brought back? To prove he did not do it. If they did not exclude him as a suspect, then if, and it is a big if, on the order of a Republican being mayor here, they ever caught the real killer, their refusal to consider Karr, or anyone else, for that matter will blow up in their faces at trial.
They did the responsible thing. It was the media who turned a common investigative technique into a major event, creating a new fifteen minute American Superstar.
"Hey Sherlock, the confession was ridiculous on it's face. I would have talked to him, investigated his whereabouts at time of murder, buccal swabbed him, informed him of the seriousness of making false reports to the police, and put in a yellow slip and hope to get about one-hundred hours for launching this little gem."
Okay, Holmes, he's in Siam and you're at Harrison and Kedzie. This interview, buccal, and heart to heart talk is going to occur where? How about a neutral site with a UN observer? This, Mr. 640, is what is known as a heater case. In other words all of the silly leads have to be checked by the numbers. In my three decades in the D, I have spent more time running down useless tips and clues than doing any thing else. The room at 640 mentality has led to more problems than solutions. Bluff and bravado have no place in a complicated investigation.
8/29/2006 10:27:35 AM
If you would have read my post correctly, the "things" you said you would have done, except for "informing him of the seriousness of making false reports to the police, and put in a yellow slip and hope to get about one-hundred hours for launching this little gem" was done by the police why do you think they let him go...SHERLOCK?
....speaking of beauty pagents.
I sent my wife to the beauty shop last week. She came back with an 'estimate!'
...so then she convinced me to pay for a mud pack for her face.
I must admit, when she came back from the shop, she looked GREAT for about a week!
[Then the mud fell off!]
All together now.....[rimshot]
Shecky 19Paul
Please!!! Can we do "the perp walk" just one more time?
OKAY.......who's the dumbo SGT from 016th and his comical cops, who left the scene of an animal attack without doing any paper, actually 19-P the job. Sgt. even had time to give his very own press release about the offending animal. TOO BAD! the victim is in critical condition..TOO BAD no reports were writen. is this just a 016th dst thingy or what?
That hillbilly killed her kid and that arrogant little prick she married covered it up. Those pussies wouldn't have lasted a half hour in a room at #640.
8/29/2006 10:27:35 AM
Absolutely correct. That, if facts are ever revealed, is the real story of this case.
"The room at 640 mentality has led to more problems than solutions. Bluff and bravado have no place in a complicated investigation.
8/29/2006 06:00:33 PM "
Well, we now have a Sherlock and a Holmes working this blog. There is nothing wrong with a mentality of a room at the Harrison Hilton. However, these days that will never be done again, especially in the way it was. Geez, you can't even get the witness into the station if they don't want to come.
But, never, and I do mean never, rule out the use of bravado and bluff. Both of those are two of many tools in the tool box of a good detective and should be used, as or if needed. It is far better to just keep your options open, so that you can move down a different track, if you need to.
As far as the swabs. Once Karr was in custody over there, someone from the Embassy in Thailand, i.e. a law enforcement liaison should have been in contact with Boulder. In a heater case, I would have thought that the swabs would have been obtained immediately and would have been winging its way to either the FBI lab or the lab that Boulder would use.
Whether every one of us believed that his confession was b.s., the case still had to be worked, until proven otherwise.
Anonymous said...
OKAY.......who's the dumbo SGT from 016th and his comical cops, who left the scene of an animal attack without doing any paper, actually 19-P the job. Sgt. even had time to give his very own press release about the offending animal. TOO BAD! the victim is in critical condition..TOO BAD no reports were writen. is this just a 016th dst thingy or what?
8/29/2006 08:43:41 PM
What incident are you referring to? Work there never heard of it.
To 8/29/2006 06:00:33 PM,
You have thirty years in the "D" huh? You sound like you have one year in the "D" thirty times over! Either that or you spent alot of time dodging tough cases. This one wasn't even tough. And I'd never rap Boulder's lack of experience, however, with this murder the gloves have to come off and they never did. If it happened here they would have screamed for foregiveness and mercy a thousand times before someone felt sorry for them and asked Steve P. to step out of the room. But their next stop would have been Stateville and Dwight.
If momma and daddy did it, who's dna did they find on her panties? Didn't they rule them out with their dna? I'm with ya though, I think mommy and/or daddy had something to do with it.
The Boulder police mishandled from the beginning by letting everyone and their brother in the house. Probably mishandled because of the clout and wealth of the Ramseys. They should have been taken in immediately and separated, but they didn't. Then daddy finds her in the cellar while the police are there.... What's with that??? I smell a cover up.
Someone saw Teddy Kennedy squeezing his fat ass out of the basement window that Christmas night in Boulder just like he squeezed his fat ass out of his sinking car at Chapaquiddik. Time to swab TK.
That John Mark Karr needs to be thrown in the pen and get his ass kicked so he doesn't pray on little girls anymore. The guy is creepy. Why do you think he was in Thailand, the land of 8 year old prostitutes. And he's a teacher, too. yikes.
"If it happened here they would have screamed for foregiveness and mercy a thousand times before someone felt sorry for them and asked Steve P. to step out of the room. 8/30/2006 03:23:42 PM"
Oh my God, Steve P's unit secretary is putting something on the blog. Just for the record, Steve P. has not actively worked a case in years and considering the way his unit runs, forgot what it takes to really work a homicide investigation.
TO: 8/30/06 0323, et al:
You guys really don't have a clue do you?
"If it happened here they would have screamed for foregiveness and mercy a thousand times before someone felt sorry for them and asked Steve P. to step out of the room. But their next stop would have been Stateville and Dwight"
This would have been followed by a pardon and an enormous financial settlement after it was determined that you and Steve P.(whoever that is) screwed up the case, Mr.Retro.
Next step: Karr is tried for other crimes against children, is sent to the big house, and is reported on the evening news to have been found with a broom stick shoved so far up his ass that it comes out his throat...I can't wait!
Enjoy your (short) life with Bubba Mr Karr!
To 8/31/2006 02:18:49 AM,
Thank you for your thoughts Mr. Ramsey.
Who are Steve P and Mr Ramsey
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