Bears Tickets

In the meantime, we get to see whether or not a week off throws a wrench into the defensive rhythm that's been pulling this team along. As before, we aren't expecting much from the running game, and sooner or later, someone is going to be able to execute better than Arizona did two weeks ago and make the Bears pay dearly for it. A ground game would add so much to the playoff effort and make the entire season more exciting.
My ticket is golden-- Willy Wonka says so. Seat 2 at Soilder Field!
The Call Box Cup Tonight!!
CPD Soccer team vs. CFD Team
2700 S. Western at 6:00pm
CPD 3-0 vs. CFD
i heard jerry finnegan, mike shamah, and corey flagg kidnapped rex grossman, replaced him with an evil clone and ordered him to play well or they'd kill his family. I know it sounds weird, but think about it, this could happen. if bush approves stem cell research we could be facing this kind of evil conspiracy everyday. plus it would wreak havoc on EVERY over/under every weekend.
any truth about a copper from 006 getting busted selling these fake bears tickets??
To the Melrose Park "cop" who wrote me a parker and placed it right next to my FOP sticker, you can go get fucked. Way to go not signing your name because you are a coward, star #70.
Couldn't make it on a real department, eh?
to 1:47 why dont you park legally and post your name, jackass
Congratulations to the most decorated Chicago Officer Bill Jaconetti. He is now the Chief of Police in Melrose Park.
Maybe now, you won't get ticketed.
If you plan on voting on November 7, and if you see the name "Rodney
Brooks" on the ballot, please vote NO for retention.
This is the judge who let Jonathan Tolliver go free just a few days
before he shot (and killed) Mike Ceriale. Eight years ago, the FOP said
they would get the word out to the whole police department to vote NO,
but I don't think they ever did. So please pass this message along to
everyone you know . Hopefully, someone on this mailing list can get it
to the FOP or even on the "unofficial" police web site. We need to get
this message out there.
I remember reading something recently about Brooks. He, again, didn't
keep someone in custody when he should have, and that person went on to
harm someone else. We don't need judges like Rodney Brooks on the bench.
Please vote NO!
to 1:47 why dont you park legally and post your name, jackass
Why should he? He has a valid point. Writing a fellow cop a ticket and placing right on his fop sticker is a bullshit move. that cop should be ashamed.
Please dont tell this is true about cops selling fake tickets.
Scc, look into this.
Just what we need, another black eye.
What does the Office of Accountability & Management do?
Are they going to be held accountable for anything?
Remove the post about the cop writing the cop, we should all get along
The Bears need to build up their offense more and not rely so much on their defense.
To the Melrose Park "cop" who wrote me a parker and placed it right next to my FOP sticker, you can go get fucked. Way to go not signing your name because you are a coward, star #70.
Some are idiots all over i was stopped in Hinsdale Saturday the copper could not of been nicer told him i was Chicago P.D. asked for I.D. card presented it told me to have a nice day and he only stopped me because i was speeding1
"Anonymous said...
To the Melrose Park "cop" who wrote me a parker and placed it right next to my FOP sticker, you can go get fucked. Way to go not signing your name because you are a coward, star #70.
Couldn't make it on a real department, eh?
10/29/2006 01:47:19 PM"
Maybe just maybe there was a citizen complaint. Ever think he was doing you a solid by not signing his name i.e. enough to get it tossed?!!!! You truly are a moron. Park Legally next time if you can't figure the game out.
Between Monday Night Football and this Sunday [29th] I don't know what to think of 'da Bears!'
But I do enjoy watching them this year. While still unpredictable, you got to admit, they're entertaining, especially compared to some of the years post 1985.
However, like the '85 team, they are a diverse group of characters, from the coaches to the kickers.
It's OUR hometown team and I hope thet go all the way.
Chicago deserves some [positive] excitement for a change.
Stay safe out there my brothers....
When did Melrose start hiring police ? I thought Andy Frain ran it out there.
who got pinched for selling fake tix? anyone anyone
Det. Dave Kinney gave me two free 2007 Chicago Cubs World Series Tickets when I purchased a Bullet Proof Vest off him.
You think these tickets may be fakes?
Bummer, I bought 10,000 Bear tickets and found out they are all counterfeit. Damn, there goes my million dollar check. LMAO
I was stopped by a Norridge P.O. the other day. When I told him I was CPD, he said, "Show me some I.D. or swallow a canary ticket." He also warned me that I was being videotaped and audiotaped!!!
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