Tour de Force

400+ yards of offense, a 15 minute differential in possession time, 5 forced turnovers. A good job all around. These guys are playoff bound for sure and should even make a good showing if all the breaks go their way.

Sarcasm and Silliness from a Windy City Cop
I had to work and missed all the games :(
Great to see the Bears score high, the Colts won as well and I'm off next football Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time for Hooters wings and beer!
Even though the win was decisive,it was only the niners. The Bears have a pretty soft schedule. The only top teir teams on the list are the Giants and Patriots. How they perform against them will be a better measurement of how good they REALLY are. But I must admit, That was one of the most entertaining Bears game I've seen.
It's been funny how this team has been treated nationally by the "experts" throughout the season. Only one has said from the start that the team would be special, he being the face of the franchise, Mike Ditka. I'm taking a perverse pleasure hearing Jimmie Johnson, Howie Long and long time Bear hater, Terry Bradshaw boot lick this team as the best in the NFL.
I didn't see any games yesterday, as I was still away in the mountains.
Eagles lost (no surprise) but I could kick myself in the ass for betting on them anyway.
I did bet on the Bears, so that's a plus.
The Hawks are in Philly tonight, but with former Flyer Bouche in net, I'd have no confidence. Then again, I have ZERO confidence in Esche, so y'all might want to chalk up one in the W column tonight, even if Forsberg has given the Flyers a 1-0 lead in the first. Lots of hockey left to play...
If they could only get rid of the Wirtz's . Then and only then would they become a contenders. Lets face it . They "SUCK" !!!!!!!!
Congrats Katey! You have a better crappy hockey team than we do!
Anonymous said...
Congrats Katey! You have a better crappy hockey team than we do!
10/30/2006 10:07:00 PM
LMAO! No, no...the Flyers still suck more than the Hawks, but they're separated only by ONE point.
How sad for two cities that absolutely love the sport that we can't watch a decent hockey game. It's pathetic - seriously embarrassing.
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