Saturday, December 02, 2006

South of the Border Politics

Shouldn't someone be keeping an eye on this little situation?
  • Felipe Calderon has taken the oath of office as Mexico's president in a chaotic ceremony that was preceded by fistfights and chair-throwing by lawmakers.
  • Calderon quickly swore to uphold the constitution amid jeers and whistles from lawmakers still divided over the nation's tight presidential election.
  • Opposition leader Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who calls himself Mexico's "legitimate president," led tens of thousands of his supporters on a march in Mexico City after Calderon was sworn in.
So you have someone claiming to have won holding alternate swearing in ceremonies for himself and leading marches of tens of thousands and the alleged winner being jeered and ridiculed while violence breaks out around him within the Congressional chamber.

Along with an official government policy that encourages it's citizens to violate the borders to head north and send money back home to prop up a corrupt government (a border about as porous as cheese cloth) and a government only too willing to look the other way when it suits them. We really ought to be concerned about what's happening in Mexico nowadays.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if it was when Bush was the governor of Texas, but it really appears that Vicente Fox and the Mexican government has some control or undue influence over this man. The Mexican government continues to challenge the American government at every turn regarding what is done on our side of the border.......wonder what they got on BUSH!

12/02/2006 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad you don't print Ole's comments anymore. I can't stand him but in this case..... if the sombrero fits.

12/02/2006 02:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is not a slap against the Mexican people, so don't take it as such, but the country of Mexico has always had problems. It is for all intents and purposes a Third World country. The political leadership, law enforcement, etc. is one of the worlds most corrupt. In fact the Mexican people have a word for it, they call it "La Mordita" (the bite). Add that to the fact that there is minimal economic opportunity and a population greater than the country can support, it is very understandable why so many of their people want to come here.
There are reasons that our government looks the other way regarding illegal immigration. One reason is that big business tacitly supports it as a way to get cheap labor. Another and perhaps most importantly, our government is well aware of the potential social problems there, and illegal immigration is used as a safety valve to relieve Mexico of its surplus population, that otherwise would be idle, and ripe for a revolution. Our government does not want another Cuba south of the border.
If Mexico had a less corrupt system, and more econonic opportunity, illegal immigration would slow dramatically, but that cannot be changed by anyone other than the Mexican people. Yes Mexico has big problems that impact us all and it is time that all of us whether we are American or Mexican, White, Brown, Yellow or Black paid more attention to what is going on there.

12/02/2006 02:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to have a bit more head up on Mexico, your not going to get it fully or timely from our press. Info coming through appears piece mealed and not often. There use to be a time when we actually read more via media about the politics and corruption of and within Mexico. Maybe blown tourism and NAFFTA changed this, might I add Walmart building was also involved. It does appear info does not come through like it has in the past. For past and current action in Mexico try.

This link was provided last year, the writing has been on the wall for sometime in regard to Mexico. Balance out your read. What's happening in South Mexico and now creeping into North Mexico is tied to what is also happening in the U.S. and other Latin countries. Many people involved in Mexico's current affairs believe strongly about their named struggle and it's extended here. This appears to be no longer a small resistance and it has already spread to this side. What the so called struggle may or may not mean, across the board, leaves debate up to the reader. The reporting is filled with the many faces of Politics, Corruption, Drugs, Bank, Reporters, NAFFTA and yes the United States. Will you see Socialism? Yes you will, so I suggest keep an open mind on your read before you debate any points. Ask yourself what exactly is the driving point of the struggle and why? Then do more back door research if you like. I feel it's a hornet hive with a few nests. Bad or good for whom in the long run, debate needed.

12/02/2006 02:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think about it. What would happen to our everyday lives if the borders are closed. What is going to happen to inflation. What will happen when they don't go back home and march in the streets. We are not talking about a few thousand people, we are talking about millions. Someone with more knowledge then myself please shed some light on this subject.

12/02/2006 05:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the borders closed tomorrow, nothing in my life would change except that I would probably go back to cutting the lawn myself and save $25.00 a week!

12/02/2006 06:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the borders would to actually CLOSE, Millions of Mexicans would literally STARVE. Have you noticed how many of those "Envio su dinero a Mexico" places have sprung up in many neighborhoods over the years? Sending gringo dinero back home to Mexico is a HUGE BUSINESS. What native born North Americans can't live on supports big families south of the border!! BILLIONS are sent across LEGALLY every year, and that's not even counting the other untold BILLIONS of black market (i.e. DOPE) money trafficked back and forth every day. Why do you think those SOS guys targeted mostly Mexicans to steal from? THEY STORE CASH LIKE TAMALES IN THE BAG AT HOMAN SQUARE!

12/02/2006 08:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/03/2006 02:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope your not a citizen!!

12/04/2006 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know you didn't graduate high school. You can't even spell "you're" you goof.

12/04/2006 10:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In another few decades Canada will be baracading it's borders against both the U.S. and Mexico. Their Prime Minister and Parliment won't be as nonchalante as Bush and co. about the "barbarians at the gate." Thanks to NAFTA we'll soon be a impoverished third world nation with thermonuclear weapons. (Just like Russia.)

12/05/2006 01:36:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

In another few decades Canada will be baracading it's borders against both the U.S. and Mexico. Their Prime Minister and Parliment won't be as nonchalante as Bush and co. about the "barbarians at the gate." Thanks to NAFTA we'll soon be a impoverished third world nation with thermonuclear weapons. (Just like Russia.)

12/05/2006 01:36:48 PM

Um, don't you read the news? Canadian muslims have been arrested in large numbers already for plotting to blow up parliament and behead the prime minister. There's an entire family that has been advocating cross border terrorism for years and their son was killed fighting in Afghanistan. Their health care systems are bankrupt and Canadians come to the US for all their medical needs (except prescription drugs). Canada is doomed long before the US even begins to go under. The barbarians are INSIDE Canada already. It's rotting from within - same as Europe

12/05/2006 01:57:00 PM  

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