Friday, March 02, 2007

Arrogance on Display

Got to love that mayor. He just doesn't give a shit:
  • If union leaders were sending a message to City Hall about who will fill the political vacuum, Mayor Daley didn't hear it. That's even after labor spent more than $2 million, sent 20 mailings in some wards and put 2,000 pairs of boots on the ground on Election Day.

    "Where's the message? Hello? I mean -- come on. What message? I've been more [pro-] labor than they have. Every crane down here is labor," said Daley, whose big-box veto cost him support from all but one major union.

  • With 12 runoffs and three veteran aldermen already defeated, a City Council that has grown more rambunctious with every corruption-related headline could flash an even bigger independent streak.
If in fact (and we have our doubts) that Union support forced 12 runoffs and 3 outright defeats, the mayor ought to be a little contrite. That's almost a third of the Council. You know the aldercreatures are sitting up and taking notice that tying themselves to Daley's coat tails isn't a path to lifetime employment.

We're still betting it has more to do with scandal fatigue setting in, but as unions are among the last of the socialist dinosaurs, even small victories have to be crowed over.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The arrogance is at code red! he could careless about anyone but himself and his "crooked team".

3/02/2007 08:06:00 AM  
Blogger Coldtype said...

You can be rest assured that union blowback has played a hand in the spate of run-offs following the elections. You don't commit to an issue that effects such massive numbers of people (a living wage) then back away from it at the last moment without repercussions.

3/02/2007 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Silly, it's just Silly Silly!

3/03/2007 03:01:00 PM  

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