New Awards
Has anyone gotten a look at these new awards the Department is putting out? A west side supervisor writes to us:
- R&D put out some fliers this week describing a "Top Gun" award and a "Traffic Stop of the Month" award. WTF? If they want to award marksmanship medals, all well and good, but what the heck is a "Traffic Stop" award supposed to be about? They've finally killed off morale enough with the cameras and TSSS so that no one is doing traffic stops anymore, so they have to create an award to get every one's interest up again? This Department is a joke.
This reminds us of a post (Post #1; Post #2) that we did over a year ago regarding awards. We had a number of awards that could be created to fill out every one's dress uniforms. We solicited new suggestions, but didn't get that many as we barely had a couple hundred readers at that point.
So lets try it again - who else has some suggestions for awards that the Department could give out to everyone? Photo submissions are welcome. Let's have some fun with this.
So lets try it again - who else has some suggestions for awards that the Department could give out to everyone? Photo submissions are welcome. Let's have some fun with this.
Labels: department issues
This just in more awards:
A) Deserved no clout merit promotion
B) Did not steal award
C) Came to work
D) For the boss exempt due to job performance (Just kidding)
E) Mayor award for being a good little sheep
F) SCC award for truth
G) Award for not kissing ass
How about a "Wolf Pack" mission award! What a joke! How about 500 arrest a year ribbon? Out of reach for the house mouses, but the working police that bring in 3-5 heads a day very possible. Some can't even reach 10 per year.
Off topic. But please don't forget everyone TAX dead line is soon. We all know the feds love to arrests CPD, so don't give them any amunition and get those taxes filed.
Traffic awards are not new...O.W. Wilson instituted the Traffic Award of the Month...It was given for the best arrest resulting from a traffic stop....It was $100.00
I know that don't sound like much these days but in the 60s it was a nice chunk of money.
some folks did see the fliers re: the "top gun" and "traffic stop" awards; proposed, apparently, with no explanation yet as to what one needs to do to receive, how about...1) contact card performer of the month (given to anyone completing the most cards, even if the names include those dead, incarcerated, and/or those contact carded a few minutes earlier by the police down the street); 2) public drinking on the street performer of the month (don't assume that this automatically goes to someone in tru; but one starts to wonder when the arrestees start to say, hey, they (the cops) gave me a beer (said they took it from a bad guy), I started to have a swig, then they arrested me; 3) a lot of arrests "in the doc" award, given to those officers who effect arrests within the doc areas (and who can confuse the shit out of the arrestees, which has the arrestees not knowing where they were when they were arrested); 4)the "police department within a department" award, automatically given to the members of tru, who have the magical capability of appearing in districts, effecting arrests, taking police action (maybe even involving weapon discharges), all without involving the organized structure of the department, then disappearing; 5) "awards to my friends" awards: given to everyone who is and who was in narcotics, for the terrific job they are doing (aside from the fact that there's about 25000 tons of dope in the country); 6) "the best meetings of all" award, given to the doc, and all of its participants, for their efforts in sitting in a large room, talking and listening about events of historical value, but which in fact are of no investigative interest...(but, the meeting attendees look at each other and think..."do we look good, or what?)
A Brown Ribbon to those officers who suck up to their bosses with more efficiency than any other officer for a period.
How about an award for the most consecutive days without starting a bar room brawl?
Who cares about awards, pins , and honorables? Most are just bullsh*t. If you read some of the honorables they give out nowadays its a joke. I love the ones with the whole tact team on it. Or the ones they give to the sgt's pets.
How about the "SHOWING UP TO WORK AND DEALING WITH SOME OF THE STUPIDEST BOSSES" award. Or for the exempts, the "MOST MERITORIOUS PROMOTIONS" award. That way they can actually have something to pin on their uniform because we know they never earned any on their rise to the top.
Top Gun award will be awarded to the person who gets the most guns off the street in a specific period, I think for a year.
So everytime someone gets a gun in tact, I wonder what's going to happen--Ohh yea the whole team will be put on the paper. I love it when people are off CU-8 and they make a pinch-very talented.
How about an award no one will win-The highest morale award. Or how about this, the most money left over after paying all of your bills award?
The traffic stop award will be outstanding pinches made when an officer(s) initiates a traffic stop. Such as: you pull Joe over and he has 5 kilos of coke and 2 guns in the car. After a while, this award will turn into a joke (like everything else) and will be presented to some hack that wrote 10 TVB’s in one day--Just like getting a DC for translasting in a murder case which is really sad and has been done numerous times.
To describe Ron Huberman as a "police official" is accurate.
Just do not call him a "police officer."
He is a clout loser of a hack who has done nothing to deserve where he is, other than he can speak well.
Like Barrack Obama.
The economy is doing so great every copper I know is working one or two side jobs, just to keep their head above water. I wonder if all these guys were stuck with just living off of their city checks would endorse this belief.
Maybe because a lot of cops live a champagne live style on a beer man's budget. Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses and live with what you have. Don't need the new motorcycle every year, the $40,000 S.U.V. etc... I realize some are working a second jobs to provide a decent education for theier children. But honestly, is it the goverment's fault your in debt or your poor financial decisions?
I have said for years that they should have a clout award. The goof that has the biggest whack gets it. They can also call it the heavy ribbon.
I work in a district where there are many many asskissers to the bosses. A brown-nose, asslicker award to the biggest suckhole in the district. It would be dark brown color with a pair of lips in the center. The really sick thing is, I knew a few guys who would be proud to wear it.
I don't know why they are coming up with new awards cause you have to wait forever and a day for the awards that have already been approved.
The Chiefs Challenge is comming,CPD is doomed to the Suburban model.
Award Suggestion:
The Trick of The Year Award:
The nominee must have performed sexual act(s) in order to get either/or a cushy inside spot or promoted or both.
The medal will resemble either a blue penis with gold star for male awardees, or a pink vagina with gold star for female awardees. An additional gold star will be awarded for each promotion and/or assignement to a new specialized units.
The Sea Going Snitch of The Month Award:
This award goes to the nominee who runs to the Commander/Capt./Lt./Sgt. to inform on the misbehvior of his fellow officers the most times in one month.
The award will be a image of Cynthia White with a screw through her head. An additional screw will be given to the awardee for each time they win the award. When the awardee gets five screws, the awardee will ne assigned to the 005th District 2nd Watch to learn under the Jedi Master of Snitches. CW HERSELF. Then will eligible for meritorious promotions.
How about an award for showing up to work - well at least most of the time. That way everyone who's never gotten an award would have one. Wait a second - I think they already did that and called it the CRIME REDUCTION RIBBON.
Sgt C.B. from probabaly has both new awards. "Yeh, I'm the best" Looser.
How bout the most disgusting car award. The winner should have multiple cuts on the steering wheel, (if you're lucky enough to have a PDT), years of lunch & dinner crumbs on the keyboard, and pen marks on the ceiling.
How about an award for dodging CR's and law suites,I lost already.
Hubberman is supposed to be the
end all candidate for Clines spot.
Remember how he was on the street
before he was fast tracked, I do.
Every time i see him on televison
recall him as a P.O. saying how
this is only temporary for him.
Time will tell if he makes his up
hill climb to the top spot but I
encountered a few bosses who would
push for him not to make it. We
employ a lot of great bosses who
relish the idea of #1 cop and they
very well might get it but I hope
everone keeps Huberman out of it.
Remember we want a working cop as
the new #1 in the city not a goof
4/07/2007 02:44:00 PM
by the way detective... in between smoke breaks scroll down the side of this entry... family guy anyone? mmmmmmmm
We could have an award for the silliest or useless idea award. My vote would be for the metal Beat containers that each car had to have at all times,(I wonder who had that contract), or maybe the blue bag that had the emergency gown,gloves etc. I forgot the official name for it.
About the new Soup, form
The search ended in controversy when Deputy Police Supt. John Richardson -- an African American and a virtual shoo-in to make the finals -- dropped out on the eve of his personal interview.
Instead of choosing an African-American to replace Richardson and forwarding a politically correct rainbow of finalists to Daley, the Police Board chose McCarthy, who had dazzled the board. McCarthy was a driving force behind a program credited with dramatically reducing New York's homicides.
So If I read it right, the guy that ACTUALLY had good IDEAS should not have been there because a BLACK shold be there?
I guess "dazzling" isn't good enough if you are white...
Best Brown-noser.
Best Under-The-Desk Preformer.
Best Juice Award.
Who really cares? Give me a pair of Dockers.
I PROPOSE Behavioral Intervention Syatem achievement award.
BIS is the best
your right this is way to silly, but what the heck...How about:
Light duty ribbon:(non life threatening)
Mini-Me Ribbon: Stuck to a Cmdr's ass for an entire 3yr tour.
Meritorious Ribbon: awarded to sgts and lts.
Shopping Ribbon: awarded on a monthly basis to a districts best shopper on duty.(Includes Footposts)
What the heck its a start
I believe there should be an award for those of us that could have sot but didn't. As a Detective out south there were countless numbers of arrests by coppers that could have been clean justified kills and the officers, for whatever reason, chose not to shoot the offender, but were able to make the arrest anyway. With all of these bullshit lawsuits everytime some jagoff pulls a gun or shoots at someone and is shot by the police, the department should give these officers an award for NOT shooting. I kow this will get a few post of why the officers didn't shoot (scared, afraid of being sued,no clean shot, etc.) I'm not here to second guess anyone unless it was me. It can be a ribbon and an iron fence... (To show how much more money can go to building iron fences instead of the Wes Side Lottery...)
Maybe you should get the traffic stop of the month award if you stop someone like Rev. Meeks.
There should be a pin, patch or device that designates a promoted detective. There is a lot of pride in doing that job and guys that get promoted should be recognized for their experience.
The "Under the Radar Award" For members who have continually stayed out of the w/c's office and out of the newspaper.
Top Gun? The best of the best, like Maverick and Iceman? I guess they could all say to us, "And you asshole, you're just lucky to be here!"
awarded to those who could fill out Phat Phils Uniforms (which, by the way, will be sold at a circus auction after he leaves).
Anyone know of any obese officers out there who might qualify?
How about the "Abbate Combat Ribbon" (Yellow with a Black X), for those who prey on the weak.
And lets not forget the "Daley Dash" award for those in command who leave town when the heat's on.
Happy Easter to all! Over at OEMC, our great new leader has started an award's program! Here's the #1 funniest: Uniform Appearance! Unsure of the actual name of the award , but the person who has the best presentation (as in appearance????) consistantly (as in everyday???)and struts their stuff (as maybe like the NBC Peacock????)to prove to all that you are one PROUD-TO-BE-A-TELECOMMUNICATION-OPERATOR (aka dispatcher/PCOII or call-taker/PCOI)will receive this one-of-a-kind award. This is suppose to be a morale booster! HAHAHAHAHAHA
Would this type of an award boost your moral?
You got to be fucking kidding me. Isn't the Desk, Radio Room, 35th ST and "Merit" promotions enough for these do nothing fucks? Any tool can make a traffic stop and give Grandma a ticket for no seat belt. How about finding Granny's shitball Grandson riding dirty with the pistol and put someone who NEEDS IT, in jail. I love the morons who wear the Democratic Convention Flag and The Crime Reduction as their ONLY AWARDS everyday at work. Please buy a sign with "Did nothing" and pin it on. Same thing.
Bring back the "dress-right-dress" award
1.) Fashion Awards
2.) Community Action Awards
3.) Personal Hygiene Awards
4.) Penmanship Awards
5.) Spelling Awards
6.) Perfect Attendance Awards
7.) Awards for lunch and personals.
8.) Awards for the least amount of work.
9.) Cry baby Awards.
10.)Clout Awards
An all off-white ribbon with dollop clusters for each separate clout entity to whom the wearer is beholden.
How about the #1 "clout/merit award?"
why try to hide it?
How about the "Second City Cop" knows everything award...give yourself another pat on the back.
The obvious "Gold Brick" award for the laziest officer. I guess it would be hard to pin down though. Then there is the plunger award for the biggest suck hole.
They cant even award the present awards in an fair and impartial way. Why add more?
The exisisting process is a joke. Some get recognized and some dont. It leaves the whole system suspect.
They (awards) mean nothing. You cant even cash them in for an hour at the end.
They wont help you get a merit spot.
They can come up with a hundred different awards morale will still be in the shitter.
They(exempt)just dont get it and quite frankly I dont think they care. As long as they get theirs.
I think there should be a WTF Award. You get an award just for taking and working this F--king job! If anybody asks, just tell them it's an award for putting up with all the B.S.-- Receipients must have 20 years on the job--or in that case we can just call it the K.M.A. Award.
"Maybe because a lot of cops live a champagne live style on a beer man's budget."
Time to stop whiffing the Glue Dude, it's totally frying your peabrain
Off topic, SCC, but since FOP endorsed Naisy Dolar, I felt this is important:
When Los Angeles County rescinded its "Sanctuary" provisions, it found that more than 5,000 of the 10,000 Los Angeles County jail inmates were here illegaly and is moving to deport them upon completion of their sentences.
Chicago can't do that by law.
(Due to Sanctuary provisions)
Naisy Dolar's campaign manager, Marisa Garsiosa, is a staffer with the very same immigrant welfare rights group (IL Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights) that pushed thru this idiotic and dangerous Chicago policy.
Off Topic: Prayers Please
Special Agent Barry Lee Bush
United States Department of Justice - Federal Bureau of Investigation
U.S. Government
End of Watch: Thursday, April 5, 2007
Biographical Info
Age: 52
Tour of Duty: 20 years
Badge Number: Not available
Incident Details
Cause of Death: Gunfire (Accidental)
Date of Incident: Thursday, April 5, 2007
Incident Location: New Jersey
Weapon Used: Officer's rifle
Suspect Info: Not available
Special Agent Bush was accidentally shot and killed by another agent while he and other agents conducted surveillance on a group
of three suspects wanted for robbing several banks in central New Jersey.
Agent Bush was in a car that tried to block one suspect acting as a scout for his accomplices outside the PNC Bank in Readington, New Jersey. A van full of agents pulled up next to the suspect's car, and one of the agents accidentally fired his rifle as he leaped out. The bullet struck Bush's car and clipped him in the armpit, where he was not covered by his bulletproof vest.
Two of suspects were apprehended immediately, and the third was apprehended the next day.
Special Agent Bush had served with the Federal Bureau of Investigation for 20 years. He is survived by his wife and two children.
Agency Contact Information
United States Department of Justice - Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20535
Phone: (202) 324-3000
FACT: It will take you approx two to two and a half years to receive a DC/Lifesaving Award/Unit Award/etc at a Dept. ceremony. The office that distributes awards are telling officers on the telephone that they have not even finisihed awards that were Concurred with from 2005. If you think this is a lie, call and ask.
Some officers preparing to retire will never see an awards ceremony.
How bout an award for getting 50(100,150)CR#s just like the Honorable Mentions
Also an award for being in the BIS program...for all the officers that really did some work and never recieved anything for it besides the CR#s
1) The "squad i was just about to ask for lunch" award to the P.O. who dodges the most 1a priority jobs.
2) The 2 personal and lunch award.
3) The 1st and the 16th award.
4) The "squad i'm coming from a ways out" award. To the P.O. that is 2 blocks away from the job in the hole.
5) The 3 year wonder civilian dress beat car award.
best brown nose & under the desk award would have to go to donny barrett. the only time he is not tucked in within the commander's office is when he is at sam's club purchasing more lotion.
Here are a few:
1)NO SLEEP AWARD- This would be awarded to the guy who works the most side jobs in a month.
2)I TAKE IT UP THE ASS AWARD- This would be awarded to the guy who gets his schedule fucked with and changed at random 3-5 times a week and just says "Yeah, ok, I'll be there" never getting OT. Oh wait, there would be big competiton on that award huh?
3)I LIVE IN THE SHITTY-EST NEIGHBORHOOD AWARD because that is the only place I get a break on housing. So, let's award the coppers family who wears Kevlar to the grocery store.This is not to be confused with the HOW BIG IS YOUR CLOSET YOU LIVE IN ON THE NORTHSIDE condo award.
4)FARTHEST TO THEIR KIDS SCHOOL AWARD. All coppers driving 35 mins or more every morning to get their kids to a good school because their neighborhood schools suck ass will get an award of merit since they are uneligible for the $50 Target gift card and ballons given out to the ghetto savages for getting their kids to school the first day!
5)BLINDEST OLD GUY AWARD this will be given out to the old guy who still believes that the FOP is awesome,that they make great money, and that the only guys who work side jobs are guys that drive Bently's. Not to be confused with the COLLEGE DEGREES ARE STUPID AWARD this would be given to the first old guy that says dese, dhat, dhem, and dhose, and da mare in one sentence and thinks having a degree is stupid because "you can't make good money like this anywhere"
6)SHE WON'T GET MY PENSION AWARD, this goes out to any copper hanging out at Dugans thinking he is all that because some trashy chick sucked his dick in the bathroom once back in 87'
Research and Development should do some work instead of coming up with stupid friggin awards for doing your job. How about just give us appreciation. Whatever dumb award you get for traffic stops, arrests, etc. will just be evidence that you were too aggressive when a beef comes down from someone who can make a stink. Forget the awards research and development. Just research a way to give us some friggin respect!
Research & Developement has introduced a new director who happens to have been the director of the identification section. She is a civilian who is connected to the the outgoing soup and more than likely had her hands in these nonsense awards to be sure.At the time she was in the ident section, she was responsible for administering the last latent fingerprint exam, where the almost 200 police officers who took the exam wasted their time and effort. This is because only 5 or 6 people will be selected off the list and to be sure it will be years before anybody is selected off this list again but that problably will not happen. The time and effort wasted is because of the top 5 people who are on the list, one use to be the directors secretary and another one is well connected also working for the director when she was in charge. Both these officers work in the ident section as you read this. The bottom line is an exam was given to get 5 or 6 people into the latent unit that are connected to the administration that runs the ident. section. Every person that took the exam should grieve to get their results just to see were they ended up but also ask what was the criteria that was mentioned in the dear john letter. An existing list of applicants was available for filling job openings but the administration chosed to give a new exam, so they could put their own people in. More to follow at soon.
How about an award for the
most "trickafied" officer in 011
The ribbon would definitely be in the shape of a mustache.
John Meehan will get the BIS award easily. Nobody can touch this guy as far as that is concerned.
-007 Mids
Awards are great but just remember boys and girls, 10 atta boy's don't equal 1 WTF. There is no program or prize for lots of awards but there is for lots of CR's.
All kidding aside, I think the department should have a ribbon or a gold patrolman’s star for p.o.‘s that have had immediate family members(mother/father/brother/etc) who were killed in the line of duty.
man, is this some funny stuff, or what?....
How about an award for the most mission event numbers drawn by a car in a period? On top of that, the most creative mission number award: "Squad give me an event number for my fire hydrant cap mission." or "Squad gimme an event number for pothole counting mission." It'd be great to see who can come up with what.
I work for the little known chicago dept. of aviation police (you know the unarmed police)at Ohare and I definitely think the ""SHOWING UP TO WORK AND DEALING WITH SOME OF THE STUPIDEST BOSSES" should be an award.
Let me give a quick example if I may:
Your old chief of patrol James Maurer is our boss now. He started a new program and has these young officers with no guns or protection running around doing traffic stops on the streets around the airports and issuing movers. When he had a meeting with these officers before the program started he talked about how dangerous traffic stops were and how alot of officers get killed. Then when he was asked about body armor he said and I quote " That a good idea, vests thats a good idea." Two months later still no word about vests or anything else for that matter but the traffic stops have been going on. Anyways thats all.
Keep up the good work guys!
to 4/8 10:25pm
You must work in the fighten 019!!
SCC fucking baby, someone is getting recognized for doing work.
one jelous motherfucker
How about giving daley an award if he goes to prison
An award should go to Patrick Fitzgerald for putting away the daley hacks and for striking fear in all of them.
Maybe because a lot of cops live a champagne live style on a beer man's budget. Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses and live with what you have. Don't need the new motorcycle every year, the $40,000 S.U.V. etc... I realize some are working a second jobs to provide a decent education for theier children. But honestly, is it the goverment's fault your in debt or your poor financial decisions?
Do you live in Clearing and have no teeth?
All the exempts will be wearing the fecal brown ribbon with 12k gold-plated clusters.
How about the "Medical Roll Wall of Shame", a wall in the medical section with the faces of those who are continually abuse the medical roll with no justification other than they just don't want to work. Their continued abuse will spoil it for those who really need it now or will need it in the future.
How about a "Rev Award".
It goes to the officer, who in an official act as a law enforcement official, sets off a stampede of infuriated reverands who suddenly halt at a set of microphones and cameras planted by the ever-loving liberal media for a session of accelerated bwaaaaaaaaa and waaaaaaaaaaaa and bla bla bla.
The ribbon will have mouths wide open (similar to Rolling Stones insignia) placed in the middle of the ribbon signifying the incessant backlash.
Also, as abonus award:
An added ribbon (w/ a small microphone placed in the middle) will also be awarded to the officer if:
the incident sparks a frenzied media interview of a
"credible witness" who has missing teeth (Canaryville) or speaks ineligible English, i.e. Westside eubonics.
I'LL be at the awards ceremony eating lunch and pouring one from my flask into my coffee. Cheers. ooooops, they missed there a worst drunk award?
Double and Triple merit awards:
Goes to those who have been merited X2 or X3 times w/ no justification whatsoever, i.e. intelligence, people skills, managerial skills, etc.
I guess some of you guys want to look like mexican generals?
And what is worse is that after he ass raped the dude, they kept him working in the same capacity as a lock up keeper in 009.
Maybe because a lot of cops live a champagne live style on a beer man's budget. Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses and live with what you have. Don't need the new motorcycle every year, the $40,000 S.U.V. etc... I realize some are working a second jobs to provide a decent education for theier children. But honestly, is it the goverment's fault your in debt or your poor financial decisions?
good post asshole! maybe because resposible coppers send their children to private schools to keep the animals away from them! maybe because the resposible coppers want to keep up their homes and pay their bills on time1 lastly taxes will skyrocket in the fall notice the asshole politicians are SILENt email them and call because then they have more of our money to give away as usual! 5 more years I max bye to shitchicago!
1 OFFICE IOD AWARD For paper cuts, falling out of a chair, etc. Not awarded for anything having to do with police work on the street.2. HURT FEELINGS SURVIVOR AWARD for returning to work within 1 year after being called a name while in the performance of offical duties. 3. PHYSICAL AGILITY AWARD for being able to enter and exit a squad cae unassisted. 4. ZERO ARREST AWARD for not making any arrest for 12 consecutive months.
She is a civilian who is connected to the the outgoing soup and more than likely had her hands in these nonsense awards to be sure.
Correct on being a civilian,
Incorrect on the awards thing.
Hey now! John Meehan qualifies for the Medical Abuse Wall of Shame! The guy goes on the medical whenever he gets the chance. Who can ever forget his bullshit antics in 005? Good thing he had a Chinaman covering for him while he was pretending to be sick. Funny how he was caught numerous times working out at Cardinal....Thanks Sarge!
How about the "most expensive home addition" targeted for you southside guys who plunked down 50-70K for a second level on top of your 850sq foot home....
Or how about the "i was actually there" award, for those officers who are actually within 2-3 blocks of their respective missions when they get the ev#s?
number of days on medical award?
number of domestics blown off award?
number of domestics involved in award?
worst report writing?
laziest fto award?
how about sergeants who put their name in the honorable mentions saying they are the ones recommending it award? "most honorables recommended" award. way to promote yourselves! just write it and keep your name off of it, who cares?
ok, back to porn.....
how about the "lamest nickname ever coined" award?
we can start with "socketwrench".
an idiot wrote,
Happy Easter to all! Over at OEMC, our great new leader has started an award's program! Here's the #1 funniest: Uniform Appearance! Unsure of the actual name of the award , but the person who has the best presentation (as in appearance????) consistantly (as in everyday???)and struts their stuff (as maybe like the NBC Peacock????)to prove to all that you are one PROUD-TO-BE-A-TELECOMMUNICATION-OPERATOR (aka dispatcher/PCOII or call-taker/PCOI)will receive this one-of-a-kind award. This is suppose to be a morale booster! HAHAHAHAHAHA
Would this type of an award boost your moral?
4/08/2007 04:09:00 PM
to the idiot,
happy holiday to you too bitch! you must be the oemc #1 dumbest.
have you got any better ideas? then present them to us instead of just taking pot-shots at the new dd.
at least the new dd is trying to get our resident good for nothing fellow employees to look presentable in their fucking "huge" uniforms.
and it is near impossible for him to boost anything on any of our huge counterparts because he would hurt his back! but I give him an "A" for trying.
and it is spelled m-o-r-a-l-e fool.
How about the "I did all the stuff the new guys get awards for now numerous times years ago and never got shit" award, for all the people shafted on Dept. Awards cause they weren't "connected" or kissing bosses asses, or the lazy ass bosses just used the line, it's just your job, every time you and your partners risked your lives to make those gun, drug, Pt. 1 ; etc. arrests. Fuck this phony place.
I think Sgt. M.M. -aka. [bicycle boy] should get the Brown Ribbon Award, for having his nose up Clines ass the longest and most frequently of any CPD employee.
How about the Personnel Division goes over EVERYONES Arrest and Conviction Records, and gives EVERYONE the same awards that someone else got one for but others didn't. Too much work for the bosses, easier for them to just make sure to give em to the connected, and bosses kids and relatives. Forget the average working stiff, he don't count in CRookcago...
Anonymous said...
Sgt C.B. from probabaly has both new awards. "Yeh, I'm the best" Looser.
4/08/2007 11:59:00 AM
yeah, you must be the best you looser... can't even give a district/unit #. I would be willing to bet you mean from 008 and if so why not go tell him to his face sissy punk looser.
How about a brown circle that bosses can wear so everyone knows that they are an asshole.
These awards don't get you a pay raise, so who cares!
I have nothing to prove to this Department.
how about "coolest fanny pack" award.....
"fanny pack/sweatpants combo" when rdo and running errands on the southside??
Anonymous said...
Stop using banned words and maybe, just maybe, you'll get published.
How bout the Rev. James Meeks Fuck the Polices Award. Or the Rev. Pfleger, Andre Grant OPS "We Gonna Git us Some coppers Ass Award"
The Dana Starks "Dress Like a Preacher/Pimp Award
yeah, you must be the best you looser... can't even give a district/unit #. I would be willing to bet you mean from 008 and if so why not go tell him to his face sissy punk looser.
4/09/2007 05:20:00 PM
Amen, brother, amen. They only post here because they have no testicular fortitude to tell anyone anything to their faces. Punks and cowards all.
How about the "Jack MeHoff Award"?
Anyone can get it!
Dear SCC;
LMAO! Funniest awards i've ever heard of.
More Awards just announced:
the huberman if he hits on you!
The daley Given to sos members when caught doing same shit he does
but does'nt get caught
The Patrick Fitzgerald when your caught includes lodging and meals
The Abbate: Beat you to it award
The Jefferson Bar: How much can you drink?
The Starks: Ladies Only award
The Matt Rodriguez Award: Will be presented by U.S. attorney during family secrets trial in a sealed envelope to him.
The Tillman award: Given if you really work the streets
The Bernie Stone: Old Man take a look at my life award
The Blago award: Wheres rezko award
The Osama Obama what race am I award
The Clinton: In your face award
The jackson: Extorsionist award for forcing to give
How about an award for breaking up two partners, a marrige and a whole team in S.O.S
I get two awards every month
Sometimes 3 or 4
Theyre signed by the Mayor himself
Theyre called paychecks
Thats all the award and reward I need
to 11:57
Giving survivors on the job a gold colored star is an excellent idea
Most of them deserve a gold star more than most who wear one now
I love the morons who wear the Democratic Convention Flag and The Crime Reduction as their ONLY AWARDS everyday at work. Please buy a sign with "Did nothing" and pin it on. Same thing.
You have seen the staff at the academy, too????
Dolar was endorsed beacuse her old man is a cop???? She has done nothing but rip on coppers to get on TV. She is a known liberal who will cozy up to Helen Shiller and the PLO if she wins...Peoples Law Office
The only reason I wear the flag and crime ribbon is because I have a department commendation to go along with it. Otherwise, they'd sit in a coffee can.
Anonymous said...
I love the morons who wear the Democratic Convention Flag and The Crime Reduction as their ONLY AWARDS everyday at work. Please buy a sign with "Did nothing" and pin it on. Same thing.
You have seen the staff at the academy, too????
4/09/2007 10:46:00 PM
or just the crime reduction award if they have little or no time on the job. just go to headquarters, any northside district, or the academy to see this
How about an award for breaking up two partners, a marrige and a whole team in S.O.S
4/09/2007 10:27:00 PM
LOL!!! R.C deserves that for sure, she tried pulling the same thing in 012.
That poor Mexican got sodomized because the 9th Dist WC Crotty placed a 280lb gorilla lockup keeper (Mullins) in the lockup with a 110lb pencil necked geek "lawyer wannabe" Charlie Galey as his only protection. Word on Mids was Charlie had to study for his law school crap and he just let things happen in Cell #4. Maybe Crotty should have had more sense than to place a pussy to do a man's job?
FYI, Galey left 009 and became a ICAM/records house mouse at 35th Mich. Nice work!
-a pissed off hispanic copper in 009
How about one for the DC who bangs the most female coppers in a district? That should be easy for Roy in 009 to get. We think he's at six currently. Most off of 2nd and 3rd watch. Sorry too ugly.
009 Days
Anonymous said...
I get two awards every month
Sometimes 3 or 4
Theyre signed by the Mayor himself
Theyre called paychecks
Thats all the award and reward I need
4/09/2007 10:35:00 PM
This is the best award especiall with the extra overtime checks! That is all that counts, you can take all the awards and you could not get a free cup of coffee but with cash you can have it! Didn't finnegan have the top award and looked what happened! keep them all! Just keep paying me!
Here are a few awards I'd like to see given out:
If it wasn't for coochie I'd be the HMFIC of the cpd award.
I lost my gold star in D.C. award.
My war stories in the lock up award while addressing all of your roll calls and them not accidently hanging you in effigee.
Get my dumb ass child out of the lock up award...we all know who the 1st recipient is....
and finally: please take a picture of me in front of a crime scene and then e-mail to everyone award...self explained.
Seriously guys, John Meehan will kick your ass if he finds out who from 007 is writing shit about him. He's a tough cookie!
The Earthquake Award;given to the most shakiest supervisor.I nominate LT.LP KNOWN AS SHAKES
How about an award for officers who are ticking time bombs? The background would be bright red with a small metallic black bomb to be worn over the center.
It would let us all know who should be avoided in the districts.
how about the "Teflon Juan" award for that little rickey guy.
or the kosher "he-blew" award (Hebrew)
Tuba Cheese here:
Leave my boy John Meehan aka Meathead alone! I've known John and Socketwrench quite awhile. They both are upstanding members of our MC. Both are superb at being punishers.
Don't let the name Tuba Cheese fool you...I am the Big Cheese...I run the show!
1) How about a forged aluminum sign in old english that reads "POLICE" that all the gangbangers posing as police can wear around their tattoed necks.
2) and how about a "TRICK AND YELL, RUN AND TELL" award for the pussy-ass crybabies who are constantly on some bosses pipe!
3) finally, a ribbon for officers who feel that the whole world is out to get them and everyone else was given THEIR award or promotion or unit, etc.
The design is a black helicopter with a small violin hanging from a rope.
Instead of choosing an African-American to replace Richardson and forwarding a politically correct rainbow of finalists to Daley, the Police Board chose McCarthy, who had dazzled the board. McCarthy was a driving force behind a program credited with dramatically reducing New York's homicides.
So If I read it right, the guy that ACTUALLY had good IDEAS should not have been there because a BLACK shold be there?
I guess "dazzling" isn't good enough if you are white...
This message represent's the mindset of the officer's that serve as a detriment to the progression of the department. Wonder why it doesn't always work for the citizens or fellow officers? Wonder why many people hate the police? Wonder why people are getting out of jail everyday because they are innocent, and others that deserve to be there don't go? You can trace it all to the mindset of the individual officer like the one above.
"the Pufferfish Award"
you get a fish with really sagging lip award!!!
(and a free pass to the Shedd)
If there was an award for goofy nicknames--how bout "Buckethead"? I believe that came from the 010 district years ago.
How about the STARBUCKS ACHIEVEMENT AWARD, given to the officers who spent the most time in Starbucks while working. Of course the north side would have a huge advantage, but what the hell, try in anyway.
best wolfpack formation award
I don't believe John Meehan is a biker? Just because he rode a bicycle in 004 does not mean he can ride a Harley. Hmmm... If he is, then he totally has us all fooled in 007???
Tuba Cheese, that is a really gay nickname...almost as bad as Socketwrench.
Maybe because a lot of cops live a champagne live style on a beer man's budget. Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses and live with what you have. Don't need the new motorcycle every year, the $40,000 S.U.V. etc... I realize some are working a second jobs to provide a decent education for theier children. But honestly, is it the goverment's fault your in debt or your poor financial decisions?
4/08/2007 08:59:00 AM
Hey buddy,lighten up,im a P.O.,have Kids,and a $50,000 SUV,i dont own a house 'cuz i cant afford $500,000 to live in a decent neighborhood but i do like to have a nice truck for my wife and kids,if you think buying a home that cost $500,000 to live in is an investment you are dead wrong!By the time you pay that house off it would cost you close to a million dollars do the math,besides you work hard,why not just enjoy it,you cant take it with you....oh and i dont have any debts. well,maybe just for the truck :)enjoy your money and family while your young!! you'll only live once.....
Because the black community in general and black people specifically (as in Mary Mitchell, al sharpton, Jesse jackson Sr. and jr.and every fucking alderman in the city of chicago) play the race card every fucking chance that they get...what... you don't like it when white people complain that shit happens to them or doesn't happen for them because they're white............Jesse Jackson called New York "Hymietown" and got to apologise without a big flap...Don Imus loses his mind (senility)and says some total bullshit and he can'nt apologise enough...the "Black" leaders want him hung from the nearest the meantime....keep buying those gangsta rap....CD's and going to the concerts where you can dance around to lyrics such as ..."Fuck those Ho's...those bitches....shoot them in the face....fuck them in the ass etc" and better yet treat yourself to a comedy act by Chris Rock and other young black can hear the word nigger in every sentence thats said...and roars of laughter from the black audience....Equality....?? I think not.............
Here's a award specifically for the Detective be given out once a year to the Detective whose behavior exemplifies..............
.....the Pimp Award......for
The most jobs dumped on another Detective to clean up....while maintaining that it wasn't you it was that your supervisor wouldn't aprove the overtime award.......
Hey buddy,lighten up,im a P.O.,have Kids,and a $50,000 SUV,i dont own a house 'cuz i cant afford $500,000 to live in a decent neighborhood but i do like to have a nice truck for my wife and kids,if you think buying a home that cost $500,000 to live in is an investment you are dead wrong!By the time you pay that house off it would cost you close to a million dollars do the math,besides you work hard,why not just enjoy it,you cant take it with you....oh and i dont have any debts. well,maybe just for the truck :)enjoy your money and family while your young!! you'll only live once.....
Sorry but it is the best investment out there. Who plans on ever paying the house off these days? not really conceivable at today's prices, but the house appreciates and the interest is tax deductible, you can't say that about your $50,000 gas guzzler can you? you make your money when you sell the house, retire somewhere nice, buy something more affordable, and take your one-time capital gains exemption on the taxes of the house you sold.
Hey buddy,lighten up,im a P.O.,have Kids,and a $50,000 SUV,i dont own a house 'cuz i cant afford $500,000 to live in a decent neighborhood but i do like to have a nice truck for my wife and kids,if you think buying a home that cost $500,000 to live in is an investment you are dead wrong!By the time you pay that house off it would cost you close to a million dollars do the math,besides you work hard,why not just enjoy it,you cant take it with you....oh and i dont have any debts. well,maybe just for the truck :)enjoy your money and family while your young!! you'll only live once.....
4/11/2007 03:36:00 AM
What an idiot. Get a condo then and drive a used car. You're TCO (True cost of ownership)on your 50K SUV is 76K and you lost 20% value after 8 months. Your rent and SUV payment could get you a 275-300K condo. Sell it in 5 years for a 30K profit. Come on, think about your family and stop the hillbilly livin or move to Alabama
Anonymous said...
I love the morons who wear the Democratic Convention Flag and The Crime Reduction as their ONLY AWARDS everyday at work. Please buy a sign with "Did nothing" and pin it on. Same thing.
You have seen the staff at the academy, too????
Academy staff is unique. Learn to play hockey or leave SOS and your qualified to teach recruits. Great hiding spot for the chosen ones. Start late, 3 hour workouts and go home early. What a scam.
Speaking of the Academy....If someone is assigned there long enough, they can get the 50 honorable mention ribbon....Turns out if you are a home room instructor and your class graduates yuo get an HONORABLE MENTION...Wow, isn't that F^*%ing special...then again it seems to be most of the heroes from SOS that sought asylum at the academy... Be proud of that H.M.
These are hillarious! SCC see if the FOP giftshop will put a few on a T-shirt for us.
Hey buddy,lighten up,im a P.O.,have Kids,and a $50,000 SUV,i dont own a house 'cuz i cant afford $500,000 to live in a decent neighborhood but i do like to have a nice truck for my wife and kids,if you think buying a home that cost $500,000 to live in is an investment you are dead wrong!By the time you pay that house off it would cost you close to a million dollars do the math,besides you work hard,why not just enjoy it,you cant take it with you....oh and i dont have any debts. well,maybe just for the truck :)enjoy your money and family while your young!! you'll only live once.....
4/11/2007 03:36:00 AM
Good post, don't forget you could own one of those $550,000 homes on the Southside, and because it really isn't a $550,000 home it won't sell because the real estate market is terrible. If I drove a $50,000 SUV at this point it has better resale value!!!!! They just don't get it. Because they bought their houses for $139,000 12 years ago, it's way different now.Believe me I know, heated seats and steering are way better options than no curb appeal in the middle of no where.
I am going to get the award for man stealing. He will be mine! E.C. I'm sorry, I just love bragging on how good I am. I really want to know why the fuck she is smiling all the fucking time! Nothing can be that good.
The traffic stop award will be outstanding pinches made when an officer(s) initiates a traffic stop. Such as: you pull Joe over and he has 5 kilos of coke and 2 guns in the car. After a while, this award will turn into a joke (like everything else) and will be presented to some hack that wrote 10 TVB’s in one day--Just like getting a DC for translasting in a murder case which is really sad and has been done numerous times.
If the CPD gives out awards for BS you police officers will only plant more dope and guns. CPD and self esteem NOT
1.) Fashion Awards
2.) Community Action Awards
3.) Personal Hygiene Awards
4.) Penmanship Awards
5.) Spelling Awards
6.) Perfect Attendance Awards
7.) Awards for lunch and personals.
8.) Awards for the least amount of work.
9.) Cry baby Awards.
10.)Clout Awards
11) Drop case award
12) jump on paper award
13)most lies told on arrest report
14)most dope placed on arrestee
15)most "he tried to run me down" awards.
The real police have left the building never to return.
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