Ted Nugent on Gun Control
Anybody see what the evil Brady Campaign and other anti-gun cults have created? I personally have zero tolerance for evil and denial. And America had best wake up real fast that the brain-dead celebration of unarmed helplessness will get you killed every time, and I've about had enough of it.
Nearly a decade ago, a Springfield, Oregon, high schooler, a hunter familiar with firearms, was able to bring an unfolding rampage to an abrupt end when he identified a gunman attempting to reload his .22-caliber rifle, made the tactical decision to make a move and tackled the shooter.
A few years back, an assistant principal at Pearl High School in Mississippi, which was a gun-free zone, retrieved his legally owned Colt .45 from his car and stopped a Columbine wannabe from continuing his massacre at another school after he had killed two and wounded more at Pearl.
At an eighth-grade school dance in Pennsylvania, a boy fatally shot a teacher and wounded two students before the owner of the dance hall brought the killing to a halt with his own gun.
More recently, just a few miles up the road from Virginia Tech, two law school students ran to fetch their legally owned firearm to stop a madman from slaughtering anybody and everybody he pleased. These brave, average, armed citizens neutralized him pronto.
Labels: gun issues
An old 70's rocker geezer to talk about guns? He should just go back to the nursing home and play air guitar.
I'll respond to Ted Nugent when he wakes up from being passed out against a slot machine at Soaring Eagle Casino in Mt. Pleasant, MI.
Sigmund Freud says, "Men who play with guns have small penis"
Hey, I've got a great idea to show our support for gun contol and da mare.
Every gun-free home put a big red sign in the window that reads "NO GUNS IN THIS HOUSE!"
WE should run TED for alderman up there in the "Great White North"(Lionel Jefferson Park)!!
Can you imagine mandatory gun ownership in every home? Bow target pratice/contests in those forest preserves? Open season on career criminals with awards to citizens? How bout just being a thorn in that dictator´s ass like your current aldermans suppose to be?
Saw Uncle Ted on the Greg Beck show the other night with some liberal former head of the FBI and some radio shock jock. As far as I am concerned Uncle Ted should be President, Govenor, Mayor and maybe a Demi-G*d. (Don't want to get struck down or criticized for using the real word). Even though I am the "real police" and enforce the law, I truly believe every eligible, law abidig citizen of this country has the right to own a gun and should excercise that right. Also, if we are going to have laws about owning firearms illegally we should enforce them properly. If posessing a handgun in the state of Illinois is a felony when you don't have the proper credentials, then that's what a person should be charged with. But not in Cook County, no we have to call felony review and see if the mutt we just grabbed with a pistol in his shorts can be charged or not. Hey King Richie, you want effective gun laws have Big Dick tell the ASA's to start charging and convicting some people. You want effective gun control.....sight alignment, sight picture and use the b.r.a.s.s. method. (for those of you that are unfamiliar..Breath, Relax, Aim, Stop, Squeeze). Works everytime.
"Anonymous said...
Sigmund Freud says, "Men who play with guns have small penis"
4/23/2007 07:11:00 AM"
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
"Anti-gunners sure seem to think about penises a lot." - Chris Morton
Gun Control = More laws for people that don't follow them anyway & making excuses for them instead of holding people responsible for thier actions.
we live in a violent society. if we are to address any problem that where the change needs to be made. the reason there are guns out there is because there is a demand. even if we stopped all production of guns and ammo today there would still be millions out there & the demand would drive the gun market further underground like drugs, alcohol during prohibition etc...LAWS are not the answer they do not changes people's intent.
Ted plays a mean guitar and that is truly all I want from him. a little cat scratch fever. oh yeah.
An old 70's rocker geezer to talk about guns? He should just go back to the nursing home and play air guitar.
4/23/2007 12:02:00 AM
You are the biggest ass on this blog in a while. Gonzo knows more about guns then you know about your own cock-- and Im sure youre very familiar with your little guy. Not to mentionhis guitar ability.
otis outlaw said...
Hey, I've got a great idea to show our support for gun contol and da mare.
Every gun-free home put a big red sign in the window that reads "NO GUNS IN THIS HOUSE!"
4/23/2007 07:32:00 AM
Let's go one further, da mare formally relinquishes all of his bodyguards, security details, police radios and has to call 911 and wait for police like every other tax payer in this city. Oh yeah, and he has to hang one of those signs outside of his house too.
To the hoplophobe at 7:11 AM:
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...
To the trols who said: "An old 70's rocker geezer to talk about guns?" and "I'll respond to Ted Nugent" and "Sigmund Freud says,"
Also hunter and outdoors advocate, and also advocate for the second amendment.
How much money did you make in the 1970's, and did you do it with something you liked doing.
And Siggy, handle this!
Yes you could hold a gun owner responsible for crimes committed by his weapon. (civil lawsuit) Just by him owning such weapons he is at fault by not keeping them locked up. So the point is don't own firearms. And I hope you guys get sued over your misuse of firearms.
To make guns safer they should make bullets out of plastic. Therefore firearms won't be dangerous after 25 yds.
4/23/3007 12:02:00 AM
You my friend a very ill informed about Ted Nuegent . That man has done more for gun rights then any other person on this earth . So JAGOFF you know not what you say. You are a FUCKIN' MORON. You can go home and get your shine box. Read up about what he has done and then come back and apologize . You nitwit !
Ted has more balls than you, I might have a small penis because I play with guns, but all you have is a twat, because you're a good person that doesn't play with guns! Another case of nit-witery on display.
Anonymous said...
Sigmund Freud says, "Men who play with guns have small penis"
4/23/2007 07:11:00 AM
Freud also wanted to Fuck his mother, while he was high on cocaine.
Sigmund Freud wanted to sleep with his mother, so much for your side lib.
Ted Nugent would be a GREAT First dep for, the next Supe, the one and only, let's hear it for BILL MOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just what criminals and terriorist want, weapons banned. Drugs are banned and alcohol was once and all that created was a stronger organized criminal element.
If you expect law enforcement to save your ass just look at what happen in Katrina. Law enforcement is under trained,under staffed and poorly equipped. Dont be a fool ARM yourself.
4/23 12:56,3:36 and 3:42pm Yeah the great Ted Nugent. The guy is a goof. He knows shit about guns or hunting. Watch his program sometime and you will see the great hunter shoot a domestic pig with an arrow. The fucking pig was so fat it couldn't even walk.He "hunts" on his private land killing domestic game he raises. Not to mention this asshole wears a gun because he is some kind of part time deputy in Michigan. What academy did he go to and if he didn't then he sure shouldn't carry a star and a gun telling people he's the police. But you know what makes him a real joke? All you Ted Nugent hero worshipers should check his past history. Ted is a big warmonger now but in reality he is a pussy chickenhawk. You know why? He is all gung ho for the war now but during the Vietnam war the pussy dodged the draft and I never saw the little pussy enlist back then either. Hmmm Ted wasn't no tough guy, big mouthed,warmonger when it was his ass on the line.Pussy Ted who preaches his war and violence bullshit now was a real live pussy when he had his chance to fight for his country back then. Yeah he was just another long haired asshole draft dodger back in the late 60's early 70's. He was born in 1948 or 1949. Before you hero worhipers give me shit,life member of the NRA,life long hunter, CPD for over 20 years and U.S.Army Infantry RA (Regular Army)I enlisted to take that pussy Nugent's place during the Vietnam War. Don't mean to offend anybody but any man who talks shit like Nugent does but made sure he stayed out of the service during Vietnam is not man enough nor American enough to be anybody's spokesman or represent me or any other law abiding gun owning citizen of this country.
Gun control = Victim disarmament
Hunter Ted? He's a goof, as most hunters are. They go stomping around in the woods blasting at ever movement or sound they hear. Doesn't all that lead fired off kill the trees too? Or is it you guys need those guns because you are all scared?
Sure, old reefer head rockers from the 70's to talk about guns. What next, Cheech and Chong?
Siggy Fraud was addicted to cocaine and made most of his observations whilst high on the happiness. It's true, he wanted to sleep with his mommy, it's called an etipus complex. He was a stroke just like you. Careful who you subscribe to little one, it might come back and bite you in your fine little ass!
I saw Ted playing with ZZ Topp at what was the "World Music Theater" a couple of years ago. During an anti gun control rant, Ted screamed " Mayor Daley can suck my fucking dick!!" I said to my wife, "Wow, how many times have I said that exact thing."
It's strange that at Virginia Tech, the gun free zone advocates that cost those students/teachers their lives were fast to call of people who carry guns to bail out their sorry asses.
Anonymous said...
It's strange that at Virginia Tech, the gun free zone advocates that cost those students/teachers their lives were fast to call of people who carry guns to bail out their sorry asses.
4/24/2007 11:25:00 PM
Don't they always?
"his observations whilst high on the happiness. It's true, he wanted to sleep with his mommy, it's called an etipus complex."
Actually genius-- its called an Oedipus complex-- and its called SPELL CHECK-- look into it!! ZING!!!!!!!!
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