Watch Out - Here Comes Daley!
- In the wake of the Virginia Tech killings, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley is pushing for what he calls "common-sense" gun laws.
The mayor took part in a community policing rally with dozens of people on the South Side. He's asking federal and state lawmakers to enact reasonable, middle-of-the-road laws, without infringing on the rights of gun owners who obey the law.
The mayor's state legislative package includes laws that ban assault weapons and magazines that hold more than ten rounds.
Common sense, meaning you don't get guns if you live in Daley-land.
Middle-of-the-road like the searchable Internet database of all guns, gun sales, gun owners and similar crap he is proposing to create - none of which will stop a criminal with an unregistered gun (whether bought or stolen) from wreaking havoc in supposed "gun free" zones.
Bans on magazines that hold more than ten rounds, but -SURPRISE!!- the VT assassin only had 10 round magazines for one of his guns, magazines bought over the Internet and delivered to an authorized gun shop that performed the required background checks and found no reports of mental illness or involuntary commitment because there weren't any - every law was followed and they still didn't protect those kids. Perhaps a new approach is needed rather than more laws that criminals won't follow?
Hopefully, Daley keeps more ideas like this to himself.
Middle-of-the-road like the searchable Internet database of all guns, gun sales, gun owners and similar crap he is proposing to create - none of which will stop a criminal with an unregistered gun (whether bought or stolen) from wreaking havoc in supposed "gun free" zones.
Bans on magazines that hold more than ten rounds, but -SURPRISE!!- the VT assassin only had 10 round magazines for one of his guns, magazines bought over the Internet and delivered to an authorized gun shop that performed the required background checks and found no reports of mental illness or involuntary commitment because there weren't any - every law was followed and they still didn't protect those kids. Perhaps a new approach is needed rather than more laws that criminals won't follow?
Hopefully, Daley keeps more ideas like this to himself.
Labels: gun issues
Banning things,be it guns,drugs or even gangs never seems to work out too well does it?Prohibition anyone?You can't stop a criminal with a ban, you can stop him by locking him up or killing him.By disarming decent people you make them defenceless targets,people need to be able to defend themselves against criminals.This feel good legislation does nothing to stop criminals,just like seatbelt missions don't stop murders,you have to get the criminal.We all know this so why do we put up with this mindless bable time after time.We also know,if we are honest with ourselves officers, that we can't defend everyone all the time.Most of the time we only get there after the damage is done and thats the nature of our jobs,we can't be everywhere all the time.You have to understand the mindset of a liberal,they are soft,so open minded to everything that they can't see the plain truth nor the forest for the trees.No Mr. Mayor, there are not too many guns in our society, there are too many criminals.
But where do you think the crooks get their guns? From those "legal gun owners" Thru burglary, theft, and the dope head kid selling your guns. Make all gunowners responsible for their guns. Gun locks! Gun locks! Gun locks! Make the gun owner legally liable for his guns. If traced in a database back to the owner he is liable for the crime. If used in an armed robbery make the owner partially at fault.
More nonsense and common sense bullshit. All the little man will do is pocket the federal money like he pockets all the rest!
As your Mayor for Life and to set an example for you, the serfs, I am forgoing my huge taxpayer gaggle of well armed bodyguards to prove that we don't need guns in our community. Your Master:
Richard II
Lord of Liberals
Prince of Fools
If Daley wants guns away from the criminal element then he should give his police department all the resources it needs to find them. Use every and all legal means to go after the idiots that shoot up their neighborhoods. No more BS seat belt missions, outdoor roll calls, CAPS missions, unless of course the citizens can tell us where the gangbangers and dope dealers keep their guns.
End DOC zones and other silly, silly, silly things they have us doing. Illegal guns are OUTSIDE the DOC areas. We should have a mandate to f$%k with all the @ssholes. Also one more thing enforce the gun laws already on the books. You want common sense Mr. Mayor how about that.
-007th District Copper
The Handgun ban in Chicago is doing GREAT!
Washington D.C. had the strictest gun control laws in the U.S.
Also the hightest violent crime rate (with guns) in the U.S.
Is there a lesson here? Nah, not for DemocRAT /Libs.
Nothing confudes a liberal more than facts. it's all about "feelings", not facts.
But where do you think the crooks get their guns? From those "legal gun owners" Thru burglary, theft, and the dope head kid selling your guns. Make all gunowners responsible for their guns. Gun locks! Gun locks! Gun locks! Make the gun owner legally liable for his guns. If traced in a database back to the owner he is liable for the crime. If used in an armed robbery make the owner partially at fault.
Hey genius do your homework. I came on 27 years ago (leaving very soon) I worked in fast dist for 22 of those years in a beat car, During that time I took numerous firearms off the street and not once was any of those guns registered. the Bad guys will always have guns, don't take them away from the good guys
f Daley wants guns away from the criminal element then he should give his police department all the resources it needs to find them. Use every and all legal means to go after the idiots that shoot up their neighborhoods. No more BS seat belt missions, outdoor roll calls, CAPS missions, unless of course the citizens can tell us where the gangbangers and dope dealers keep their guns.
End DOC zones and other silly, silly, silly things they have us doing. Illegal guns are OUTSIDE the DOC areas. We should have a mandate to f$%k with all the @ssholes. Also one more thing enforce the gun laws already on the books. You want common sense Mr. Mayor how about that.
-007th District Copper
Tough guy move to Cuba 90 miles from key west Fl. Then you won't have to violate our civil rights you piece of shit, you are why this dept sucks no fucking brains your coconut is full of penny's. America love it or leave it.
But where do you think the crooks get their guns? From those "legal gun owners" Thru burglary, theft, and the dope head kid selling your guns. Make all gunowners responsible for their guns. Gun locks! Gun locks! Gun locks! Make the gun owner legally liable for his guns. If traced in a database back to the owner he is liable for the crime. If used in an armed robbery make the owner partially at fault.
Hey dickweed, if they steal my gun from my house do you really think they'd not cut off the gun lock? Can't hold they owners responsible for a theft and they know it.
The problem is all these liberal programs. We teach our law abiding citizen things like time outs, and thinking about what they have done and talkig things thru and shit. The only real problem is, the criminal element has not signed on for this program, criminals are always going to do what they have to do succeed. On the other hand we are just raising our next generation to be sheep for the slaughter.
fuck him
the mayor lives in la-la land. he has lived most of his life with wealth and bodyguards. it is allways the privlidged in society that embrace liberal philosiphy. i think this is because they are so removed from the harsh realities of life. a survey of retired police will find few liberals. the criminal makes a choice to ignore the hard road of the shovel and book. he instead picks up the gun and sells the prohibited goods because this is the easy way. making excuses for these people and providing for them will not change them as anyone with children well knows.
I'll make this quick and grammatically tortuous as the rest of the postings. People don't need assault rifles. There should be strick liablity on the seller, and manufacturers for the delivery of thier product. The average citizen is goofy and wouldn't know what to do with a gun anyway. If a terrorist attack did happen, I'd be more scared of Jethro and his gunrack than alla-bin-sumthin. The stinkin liberals would have everyone, including law enforcement, carrying hugs and flowers, the nut-zi conservatives would have a kill them all state. The consitution is a great document that allows for the correction of screw ups. In regards to the right to bear arms, i don't think we have to worry about the british coming over anymore since the ass kicking in 1812. What we all need is common sense. Lets mimic fuedal japan and leave the guns to people who could really put them to good us!
I will agree that gun owners should have a safe,and not a flimsy cheap one either to keep their firearms,but no way should a gun owner be held responsible for what a criminal does with a stolen gun,keep the blame on the one who commits the crime.If someone steals a car (even if keys are left in it) and runs someone over and kills them,is the owner of the car at fault? No, the owner of the car did not commit the crime,there is no intent or knowledge of the crime on the owners part.Stop blaming people for the actions of criminals,blame the criminal.
This is from a bully runt homosexual who's never gone to sleep w/o being under watch of Armed Officers.
Nauseous @ best...
Tough guy move to Cuba 90 miles from key west Fl. Then you won't have to violate our civil rights you piece of shit, you are why this dept sucks no fucking brains your coconut is full of penny's. America love it or leave it.
4/22/2007 03:39:00 PM
Not the Po-leece,
In almost 30 years I have recovered many guns, some were hot and a few of them were registered and a few were stolen from police officers. It was a real pleasure to return them to their rightful owners.
A few times when I have called the Guns Desk, the (fill-in-the-blank) on the other end comes back, "Clear Not Registered."
But, I always ran the guns myself on the station computer, "HD 83" or "L N I". It is also possible to do this now on the PDTs. In a few cases I knew the gun was hot and when so and so tells me it was clear. When that happened they got a real ass chewing over the PAX line.
If you do run the guns over the computers yourself, use caution as serial numbers do get duplicated between different makes, and even partial matches will show up.
I had a few guns stolen out of my locker at work. Any cop who recovers them has a great steak dinner coming.
The Second Amendment insures all the other amendments of the the Constitution.
Guns stolen from your locker at work?? See even the police are thieves. As to guns clear on hot desk, do you think citizens register their guns? NO! They break the law just like regular criminals.
The Second Amendment exists to protect the people against the Government, that's right the government.
The founding fathers forsaw what was coming down the road. The theiving rats that run Illinois, Cook county, and especially chicago.
I'm taking a one-way flight soon and want to bring my weapon. Months ago a couple people posted great advice on the best way to bring it on the flight. please re-post. thanks in advance.
Didn't you guys stop playing army after 3rd grade? If you really want to play with guns, go join the marines.
I´LL give up my guns when daley´s security guards,ooops, I mean Cops,give up their guns.
Lets see how he likes walking around unarmed with all these animals out here.
That goes for burke and blago too!!
"Anonymous said...
Didn't you guys stop playing army after 3rd grade? If you really want to play with guns, go join the marines.
4/23/2007 07:17:00 AM"
I'm betting that even if you did use your real name, I wouldn't remember seeing you on the Korean DMZ...
Fuck Daley. He is such a stroke it's not even funny. Smoke and Mirrors. Smoozing the public with fancy talking and "all I care about is public safety". Yeah right! No matter how strict the gun laws get here in the city or for Cook County for that matter. The bad guys will continue to get their guns, carry them around and bring terror to Chicago. And yes, unfortunately most judges in Cook County especially 26th street will put gun violators right back on the street with a "not guilty", or a crazy offer from the state that the bad guy can't refuse. If Daley was so concerned about public safety, why are officers and the public put at an unecessary risk everyday with this crazy police manpower shortage we have. hmmm???
The Democrates in Congress are in favor of the 2nd amendment. This is because they will loose the southern votes. IT IS OUR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS!!! I'm not talking about milita style. I'am talking about shit-head trying to harm you or your family. GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE, PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE remember. Why don't we ban knives, or baseball bats, golf clubs, plastic bags?
What we need in this state is true sentencing for gun violence. Some state such as Florida has 10-20-LIFE sentencing. They also have concealed carry, which has been a proven fact shit-head is less likley to use a gun on you, because you might shoot shit-head.
GUNS ???
Everybody knows guns kill people
pencils fail exams !!!
right Dick ?
Tough guy move to Cuba 90 miles from key west Fl. Then you won't have to violate our civil rights you piece of shit, you are why this dept sucks no fucking brains your coconut is full of penny's. America love it or leave it.
4/22/2007 03:39:00 PM
Not the Po-leece,
4/22/2007 09:41:00 PM
Sorry to disappoint you I'm the real police when you were still shitting in that diaper I was the REAL Police. I just happen to be one who thanks are constitution is very important helps all citizens. You and your included. Let us not chip away at this wonderful piece of paper.
The Second Amendment exists to protect the people against the Government, that's right the government.
The founding fathers forsaw what was coming down the road. The theiving rats that run Illinois, Cook county, and especially chicago.
/23/2007 01:21:00 AM
"Guns stolen from your locker at work?? See even the police are thieves."
More than likely they were stolen by Taco John or Tyrone the Janitors, Great screening process!
Sounds like commons sense gun control under Daley means Run like hell for the city limits!
Stop this wolf packing madness already.
Anonymous said...
I'm taking a one-way flight soon and want to bring my weapon. Months ago a couple people posted great advice on the best way to bring it on the flight. please re-post. thanks in advance.
4/23/2007 01:59:00 AM
Since you asked, have a good trip
If possible, book a coach ticket on a flight with a First or a Business Class section. Check in early as possible and tell the gate agent, discretely, that you are a police officer and would be willing to assist if there was any problem. Very often this will get you and yours a free upgrade to First or Business Class with an aisle seat near the cockpit. Also, dress for First Class, no jeans, no logo shirts, this is one of the rules for an upgrade.
I have never had a problem carrying a pair of lightweight handcuffs while flying. Most airlines have flexible cuffs hidden away in their aircraft.
Please, if you get an upgrade, or not, whether the drinks are free or not, once you identify yourself as a police officer, please remain sober and professional. Alcohol can have a greater effect when flying so don’t embarrass yourself and the rest of us and maybe ruin a good perk.
Since I have been a P.O., I have always carried a handgun everywhere in the U.S. even before H.R. 218. Cops all across the country would ask me if I was carrying and I would hedge an answer. They would tell me if you are not you should be. If you choose to take one with you when you fly, it must be in a HARD, LOCKED CASE inside a locked checked luggage. The weapon must be unloaded and the ammunition packed separately in a locked checked bag. You must declare it, show ID, fill out a form and the agent will give you or attach a bright orange tag on the case. IMPORTANT, an inexperienced, or bad-guy baggage clerk, may try to put the orange tag on the outside of the checked bag. Insist that the tag is placed on the locked gun case inside your checked and locked baggage.
Again if you are carrying a handgun in anywhere else in this country, stay sober and don’t do anything stupid. Be sure to show courtesy to any cop you meet while traveling, and to any cop traveling here, even if they are from Wisconsin.
If driving to Canada the cop stickers on your car can give you away. You can check you gun on the way in and pick it up one the way out with no trouble. The Customs Agent will ask you a list of questions including if you are carrying any firearms. Let your conscience be your guide on this, if you are not coming back the same way you went in. The tip off is, if the Customs Agent asks a SECOND time, “Are you sure you are not carrying any firearm?” If that happens, he/she is thinking about searching your vehicle, so suddenly remember and give it up and go to Plan B.
Since you asked,
Post Script to:
A Little Air Travel Tip
If you do tell the airline agent that you are a P.O. and/or that you are checking a bag with a firearm, expect that you will be flagged for the extra personal, take off your shoes please security.
Don't grumble, just put up with it.
Happy landings
A Little Air Travel Tip
If you do tell the airline agent that you are a P.O. and/or that you are checking a bag with a firearm, expect that you will be flagged for the extra personal, take off your shoes please security.
Don't grumble, just put up with it.
Happy landings
I want to see how well that goes for them during Police Week......
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