Saturday, August 11, 2007

SCC - Correct Again

Back on 29 July, we wrote this about the recent home invasions of well known NBA players:
  • Seems there's at least one crew around targeting high wealth and high spending sports figures who are more likely to have large amounts of cash lying around. Anyone wonder if it could have anything to do with.., oh let's just say, certain gang affiliations? Yeah, we don't wonder either.
We started taking hits in the comments section from the recently banned "coldtype" about us making overly broad statements. "coldtype" made completely facetious arguments and tried to put words we never typed into his fantasy rebuttal. Of course, it never saw the light of day and led directly to his recent departure from our board.

Tonight, on the WGN News and the Tribune:
  • The robberies of two NBA players in the Chicago area are linked, authorities said this afternoon as they announced charges against suspected gang members in both crimes.
  • Byrne said the suspects are all gang members from the West Side. Allison has a burglary conviction, and Hill has several convictions for robbery, Byrne said.
We'd open this post to apologies from "coldtype," but he's not around any more. So we'll just point out that we were right, he was wrong, and an open post in the meantime.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'r a regular Nostradamus.

8/11/2007 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a rather light and late transfer order today.......frozen in fear, they are.

8/11/2007 02:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy, That Coldtype Really gets your panties in a Bunch Huh?

Must be striking a Nerve in a Big Way??

What Gives?
Thought you were all about providing an open forum, minus racist or sexist attacks, that is you intent. Right?

8/11/2007 12:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The worst part about this whole thing is, if you (A Policeman/Woman) and your family was a victim of a Robbery, Car Jacking, Home Invasion, Burglary, or the same crime as these NBA Players, do you think they would actually locate the perp via AFIS? That is, if the go getter of an ET actually tried to give you good police service instead of treating you like they do everyone else and make an excuse not to take prints at one of these scenes.

If they processed all prints that were taken from a scene, do you know how many cases we'd close.
It's true! When prints are taken from any scene, they just sit on a shelf and you never hear about them again. Unless of course you're somebody special or Phil Cline's Kid.

8/11/2007 03:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/12/2007 09:47:00 AM  

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