God bless all those who perished on that dark day. And may we always remember the sacrifices our brothers from the NYPD the PAPD and the FDNY made on that day. Makes me proud to be part of law enorcement.
You say you will never forget where you were when you heard the news on September 11, 2001.
Neither will I.
I was on the 110th floor in a smoke filled room with a man who called his wife to say "Good-Bye." I held his fingers steady as he dialed. I gave him the peace to say, "Honey, I am not going to make it, but it is OK...I am ready to go."
I was with his wife when he called as she fed breakfast to their children. I held her up as she tried to understand his words, and as she realized he wasn't coming home that night.
I was in the stairwell of the 23rd floor when a woman cried out to Me for help. "I have been knocking on the door of your heart for 50 years!" I said. "Of course I will show you the way home - only believe in Me now."
I was at the base of the building with the Priest ministering to the injured and devastated souls. I took him home to tend to his Flock in Heaven. He heard my voice and answered.
I was on all four of those planes, in every seat, with every prayer. I was with the crew as they were overtaken. I was in the very hearts of the believers there, comforting and assuring them that their faith has saved them.
I was in Texas, Kansas, London. I was standing next to you when you heard the terrible news. Did you sense Me?
I want you to know that I saw every face. I knew every name - though not all know Me. Some met Me for the first time on the 86th floor.
Some sought Me with their last breath. Some couldn't hear Me calling to them through the smoke and flames; "Come to Me... this way... take my hand." Some chose, for the final time, to ignore Me. But, I was there.
I did not place you in the Tower that day. You may not know why, but I do. However, if you were there in that explosive moment in time, would you have reached for Me?
September 11, 2001 was not the end of the journey for you. But someday your journey will end. And I will be there for you as well. Seek Me now while I may be found. Then, at any moment, you know you are "ready to go."
I will be in the stairwell of your final moments. God
WE HAVE LOST OUR FOCUS; 6 years ago today evil actually did triumph over good.The world we knew would never be the same,even here in Chicago. Chicago has had every chance to prepare,but like New Orleans has just payed lip service and squandered $$$$ allocated to them. Instead of beefing up our ranks we've allowed them to dry up until they are essentially not a deterant,we can't even contain an unfocused West Side Minister,let alone a focused well armed cleric. The chance to upgrade our arms and training was waisted by installing useless cameras,that focus on No. 1 parkers,but yet remain silent on in-progress calls under the very same box. The leader of the Dept is a street smart man with a very unimpressive resume,no one from these huge place called Earth bothered tp apply for this thankless job. My suggestion to right these wrongs, is to simply hire an outsider that would have NO TIES to Chicago.Recruit from the ranks of either the Special Forces or an Israeli or English Military person proficient in the challenges of the insanity that is overseas,but on its way to our shores.Eliminate all these ridiculous Exempts spots and hire a P.R. FIRM TO HANDLE OUR IMAGE WHICH IS THE LOWEST IT HAS EVER BEEN. WE ARE AS WIDE OPEN NOW AS WE WERE 6 YRS AGO TODAY,PLEASE CORRECT THIS, mr mayor.
Let us not forget this. If he is elected, he more than any Democrat will lead this country down the path to appeasment that will make the French look like stallwarts.
Born a Muslim, raised a Muslim, always a Muslim.
I don't care where he now goes on Sunday mornings, it is an act, he was still born a Muslim and will always be a Muslim in his heart.
It has been said by some of the appease at all cost types that only 5% of Muslims are radical to the point of having all infidels (Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddists, Bahais, Wiccans, forgive me if I left a religion out) killed. 5% of ONE BILLION (that is a conservative estimate)is still 50 MILLION people that want me dead because I don't pray like they do.
He is full of more shit that Jesse and Al put together. Those fucking traffic stop stickers and cards are proof positive of this.
I'd rather see Hillary, than him.
If he had it his way, we'd all be praying 5 times a day on little rugs, facing east.
If we forget the tragic events of 9/11/01 we are doomed to face the very same in the future. Our way of life will never go back to what it was 9/10/01, those days died in the ashes of New York, Washington D.C. and Shanksville. All we can do is remember, rebuild and retailiate.
I urge all of you to go and watch this little video clip. I go to it from time to time to remind myself even if I start to forget just a little. Its put together well, and really tugs at your heart-- turn your volume up --
We NEED to ensure our men and women with the Chicago Police Department are properly trained, have equipment such as superior radios, tools for debris removal, protective breathing apparatus, & portable medical kits.
Daley could careless he just gives billions away to people like the illegals who don't vote and will not defend OUR COUNTRY, and then he gives more away to the jagoffs in the projects who will not work! WHATEVER HAPPNES HERE THE BLOOD IS ALL ON DALEY AND HIS CROOKED FRIENDS HANDS, PLUS ALL OUR NO BALLS ALDERPUPPETS!
Aside from the 343 members of the FDNY, 37 members of the PAPD, we will always remember 23 members of the NYPD who made the ultimate sacrifice on September 11, 2001. Fourteen of the 23 officers were assigned to the Emergency Service Unit (ESU):
Sgt. John Coughlin, ESU Truck 4 Sgt. Michael Curtin, ESU Truck 2 Sgt. Rodney Gillis, ESU Truck 8 Sgt. Timothy Roy, Traffic Control Det. Claude Richards, Bomb Squad Det. Joseph Vigiano, ESU Truck 2 Off. John D'Allara, ESU Truck 2 Off. Vincent Danz, ESU Truck 3 Off. Jerome Dominguez, ESU Truck 3 Off. Walter Weaver, ESU Truck 3 Off. Stephen Driscoll, ESU Truck 4 Off. Mark Ellis, Traffic Dist. 4 Off. Ramon Suarez, Transit Dist. 4 Off. James Leahy, 6th Pct. Off. Moira Smith, 13th Pct. Off. Robert Fazio, 13th Pct. Off. John Perry, 40th Pct.Off. Off. Ronald Kloepfer, ESU Truck 7 Off. Santos Valentin, ESU Truck 7 Off. Thomas Langone, ESU Truck 10 Off. Paul Talty, ESU Truck 10 Off. Brian McDonnell, ESU Truck 1 Off. Glen Pettit, Police Academy
The liberal mentality that has taken over this country is obvious. This country has long forgetten what happened on 11 Sep 01. Islam is a threat to civil and moral human exsistence. It's sad to say, but I think it will take another terrorist attack in America to possibly make people in this country wake up. The "feel good about myself" liberal mentality will be the downfall of this country. What will the liberal pukes in this country do if we were to fall to an islamic or communist country. File a lawsuit? Protest? Ya right, and then you and your family will be executed. Liberalism is harming our country more than any war or terrorist attack could ever do. Every good and moral value in this country is being struck down. Liberals don't want God to be a part of anything in this country. Hatred of America, the police, our political leaders, and God is favored by liberals. Hopefully there are enough sensible people in this country who still love America, God, and good values that we can overcome this liberal agenda that is thrown in our face everytime we turn on the news. Hopefully it will not take another 11 Sep 01 to wake this country up! God bless the troops, God bless those who died on 11 Sep, and God bless America.
Let that running dog in the previous post rant. No one, especially the idiot press, will believe you. My father was a Muslim as was my step-father, who took me to live for six of my formative years in Indonesia, the most radical of all Muslim nations. The ones who think that my present thinking is not affected by that are the ones that will elect me president, which I will immediately change to Califate.
We need to step it up on these assholes who live in our city/county and steal our money to fund radical islam. Link cards ghetto stores cigarettes etc. Some say they wouldn't even hit Chicago because of how much money they make here!? They most definitely wouldnt attack Oaklawn Burbank Chicago Ridge and parts of Palos. To close to home.
Stupid me.... I listen to that person who posted on here....
My family and I are still in the bomb shelter in the backyard. Is it safe yet to come out! Damn... Burned 8 hrs CU for nothing! Wife missed work, kids skipped school... If I find that poster warning all of us to stay home today.... Well lets just hope he has a bomb shelter at his place when I get there...For his own safety!
Why is it that God was everywhere but in the cockpit of those planes choking those mother fuckers out? I never understood that. This God guy can do no wrong. I am in mourning today with the rest of America. Deal with the pain in your own way, but praying to "God" after a tragedy happens is kind of more symbolic than helpful. Not trying to spark contraversy but you control your own destiny. If you want to do something, get involved and get the first responders and recovery teams money they deserve for performing their jobs. Support the War on Terror! Go to your FOP meetings. God is not going to grant us a contract. The one who thinks he is God is. Sorry if I offend anyone, but it the way I feel today, especially today. Maybe i need to talk to a Reverend.
Anybody wanna see how a REAL Police Dept. operates? Then go to nbc.com and click on the video section and look for the story about the NYPD and it's efforts at counter terror. They do things like having a helicopter ALWAYS on patrol looking for suspicious people or ships with heat signatures, divers that go under water checking the hulls of ships for bombs and an assortment of other things that a PROFESSIONAL Police Dept. does to safeguard it's citizens. Now when you take into consideration that there was probably alot of fluff on the part of the NYPD in the report for the benefit of the newsmedia, they are STILL way ahead of us when it comes to combating terror.They seem to be proactive in their efforts to protect their citizens. Absent from the report is any mention of outdoor roll calls, seatbelt missions, POD missions, anti-violence missions,event numbers, all the things that WE do to combat terror on our streets. I wonder whose efforts will produce the best results. Oh yeah, wait, I forgot. We hired lil Tommy Byrnes daughter to work in our counter terror unit. I feel safer now.
Why is it that God was everywhere but in the cockpit of those planes choking those mother fuckers out? I never understood that. This God guy can do no wrong. I am in mourning today with the rest of America. Deal with the pain in your own way, but praying to "God" after a tragedy happens is kind of more symbolic than helpful. Not trying to spark contraversy but you control your own destiny. If you want to do something, get involved and get the first responders and recovery teams money they deserve for performing their jobs. Support the War on Terror! Go to your FOP meetings. God is not going to grant us a contract. The one who thinks he is God is. Sorry if I offend anyone, but it the way I feel today, especially today. Maybe i need to talk to a Reverend.
9/11/2007 05:36:00 PM
Not a popular opinion, but I am with you on this. I was raised in a religious upbringing including over 16 years of religious schooling. After the things I've seen on this job for the last 15 years, never mind world events, I can't bring myself to pray to "God" anymore. I really don't know if I just lost my way or if I finally woke up.
Daley could careless he just gives billions away to people like the illegals who don't vote and will not defend OUR COUNTRY, and then he gives more away to the jagoffs in the projects who will not work! WHATEVER HAPPNES HERE THE BLOOD IS ALL ON DALEY AND HIS CROOKED FRIENDS HANDS, PLUS ALL OUR NO BALLS ALDERPUPPETS!
Anonymous said... December 7th 1941 created the "Greatest Generation".
What will history say that September 11th 2001 created?
9/11/2007 05:48:00 PM
Fortunatly for the culprits,we have the worst commander in chief in the history of the US during and after this horrible attack.Interment camps,closed borders,deportations all would have made sense in the last six years.After it was discovered that almost all the hijackers were saudis,following a saudi mastermind a war with Saudi Arabia would have made sense.Instead we invade Iraq.Under the pretext that they were somehow involved.Remember when Bush fought to turn port security over to some Dubai outfit??Two hijackers were from UAE,and most of the money financing the hijackers was wired from there.Next time you see your president holding hands with some Saudi royalty and kissing him on the mouth,because thats a sign of respect in their culture,remember this....twenty years of Bushes and Clintons have sent this country in some bad directions.....its not a liberal/conservative issue,its about putting your country ahead of your personal interests,and our so called leaders have failed us miserably.
Anonymous said... Daley could careless he just gives billions away to people like the illegals who don't vote and will not defend OUR COUNTRY, and then he gives more away to the jagoffs in the projects who will not work! WHATEVER HAPPNES HERE THE BLOOD IS ALL ON DALEY AND HIS CROOKED FRIENDS HANDS, PLUS ALL OUR NO BALLS ALDERPUPPETS!
9/11/2007 12:03:00 PM
Do you really believe they don't vote?
9/11/2007 10:07:00 PM
Sure they vote the dead vote here also like always! We have a dept held together with needle and thread no real equipment, no manpower anywhere thanks daley you and friends just kepp building more schools for all the illegals, and stuff your pckets full of our cash! By the way your wife is driven all over by D-3 paid officers yet you tell everyone she a has job in the private sector! HAVE HER TAKE THE CTA AND YOU ALSO MAYOR THIEF!
I can believe much of what you say... about the things you've seen and dealt with on this job. But you have no faith?? None? Besides, how many times in 15 years did you witness the good things? How about the fact you get to go home... don't you look to your faith at all?
What will history say that September 11th 2001 created?
9/11/2007 05:48:00 PM
The victory of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and the rest of the cowards in the Democratic party. If it wasn't for their hand wringing, pissing, moaning, and whining, we would have reallly bombed Afghanistan and Iraq into the stone ages, killed all the revolutionary mullahs, and most of the muslims. Then we could have really shown the world what nation building is all about.
That you Democrats. The party of the quislings and cowards.
The liberal mentality that has taken over this country is obvious. This country has long forgetten what happened on 11 Sep 01. Islam is a threat to civil and moral human exsistence. It's sad to say, but I think it will take another terrorist attack in America to possibly make people in this country wake up. The "feel good about myself" liberal mentality will be the downfall of this country. What will the liberal pukes in this country do if we were to fall to an islamic or communist country. File a lawsuit? Protest? Ya right, and then you and your family will be executed. Liberalism is harming our country more than any war or terrorist attack could ever do. Every good and moral value in this country is being struck down. Liberals don't want God to be a part of anything in this country. Hatred of America, the police, our political leaders, and God is favored by liberals. Hopefully there are enough sensible people in this country who still love America, God, and good values that we can overcome this liberal agenda that is thrown in our face everytime we turn on the news. Hopefully it will not take another 11 Sep 01 to wake this country up! God bless the troops, God bless those who died on 11 Sep, and God bless America.
Quit watching videos for quotes. Read and find out who made those quotes and why-- thats the only true way to better yourself.
9/11/2007 10:55:00 PM
I'll put my education up against your GED anytime. "Who made those quotes"? Do you mean to say: who spoke those historic lines? Thomas Jefferson, you jag off.
I'll put my education up against your GED anytime. "Who made those quotes"? Do you mean to say: who spoke those historic lines? Thomas Jefferson, you jag off
Yeah, but the quote was, "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Mayberry is more prepared for a terrorist attack than Chicago. Sheriff Andy for Superintendent and Barney Fife for 1st Deputy. They would do a hell of alot better than what we have now.
Bunch of bickering on such an important rant. God bless those that gave there lives... the country changed that day and it should have been for the better. Unfortunately, it divided us. The strong and the weak...there are many more weak than strong and I'm disgusted. 343 fireman...168 or 186 police.... 2400 or so civilians. NEVER FORGET THAT DAY.
Concerned Citizen said... God bless all who perished.
We NEED to ensure our men and women with the Chicago Police Department are properly trained, have equipment such as superior radios, tools for debris removal, protective breathing apparatus, & portable medical kits.
9/11/2007 10:18:00 AM
Hey SCC and all the readers. I cut and pasted this and sent it to the CPD Blog, expecting them never to publish it. Basically it is sad the citizens know what we need more than the bosses do. To my amazement, they published the comment under Technology, The new PDT's. Maybe somebody agrees with us. Scares the hell out of me to see they actually posted it. Makes the bosses look like the horse's asses they are.
Regarding the post that I sent to the CPD blog, The sad part is I told them where it came from. They didn't give you credit for the post. I would bitch at them for that. The funny thing is they propably posted it because I told them I didn't believe they would due to the truth of the comment.
God bless all those who perished on that dark day. And may we always remember the sacrifices our brothers from the NYPD the PAPD and the FDNY made on that day. Makes me proud to be part of law enorcement.
Remember all of those we lost on that horrible day.....may they all rest in peace.
Never. Ever. Forget.
Fly the flag.
Pray for the troops.
Stay safe.
still amazes me that that day happened.
Fly the flag today!
You say you will never forget where you were when you heard the news on September 11, 2001.
Neither will I.
I was on the 110th floor in a smoke filled room with a man who called his wife to say "Good-Bye." I held his fingers steady as he dialed. I gave him the peace to say, "Honey, I am not going to make it, but it is OK...I am ready to go."
I was with his wife when he called as she fed breakfast to their children. I held her up as she tried to understand his words, and as she realized he wasn't coming home that night.
I was in the stairwell of the 23rd floor when a woman cried out to Me for help. "I have been knocking on the door of your heart for 50 years!" I said. "Of course I will show you the way home - only believe in Me now."
I was at the base of the building with the Priest ministering to the injured and devastated souls. I took him home to tend to his Flock in Heaven. He heard my voice and answered.
I was on all four of those planes, in every seat, with every prayer. I was with the crew as they were overtaken. I was in the very hearts of the believers there, comforting and assuring them that their faith has saved them.
I was in Texas, Kansas, London. I was standing next to you when you heard the terrible news. Did you sense Me?
I want you to know that I saw every face. I knew every name - though not all know Me. Some met Me for the first time on the 86th floor.
Some sought Me with their last breath. Some couldn't hear Me calling to them through the smoke and flames; "Come to Me... this way... take my hand." Some chose, for the final time, to ignore Me. But, I was there.
I did not place you in the Tower that day. You may not know why, but I do. However, if you were there in that explosive moment in time, would you have reached for Me?
September 11, 2001 was not the end of the journey for you. But someday your journey will end. And I will be there for you as well. Seek Me now while I may be found. Then, at any moment, you know you are "ready to go."
I will be in the stairwell of your final moments. God
[author unknown]
6 years ago today evil actually did triumph over good.The world we knew would never be the same,even here in Chicago.
Chicago has had every chance to prepare,but like New Orleans has just payed lip service and squandered $$$$ allocated to them.
Instead of beefing up our ranks we've allowed them to dry up until they are essentially not a deterant,we can't even contain an unfocused West Side Minister,let alone a focused well armed cleric.
The chance to upgrade our arms and training was waisted by installing useless cameras,that focus on No. 1 parkers,but yet remain silent on in-progress calls under the very same box.
The leader of the Dept is a street smart man with a very unimpressive resume,no one from these huge place called Earth bothered tp apply for this thankless job.
My suggestion to right these wrongs, is to simply hire
an outsider that would have NO TIES to Chicago.Recruit from the ranks of either the Special Forces or an Israeli or English Military person proficient in the challenges of the insanity that is overseas,but on its way to our shores.Eliminate all these ridiculous Exempts spots and hire a P.R. FIRM TO HANDLE OUR IMAGE WHICH IS THE LOWEST IT HAS EVER BEEN.
THIS, mr mayor.
Let us not forget this. If he is elected, he more than any Democrat will lead this country down the path to appeasment that will make the French look like stallwarts.
Born a Muslim, raised a Muslim, always a Muslim.
I don't care where he now goes on Sunday mornings, it is an act, he was still born a Muslim and will always be a Muslim in his heart.
It has been said by some of the appease at all cost types that only 5% of Muslims are radical to the point of having all infidels (Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddists, Bahais, Wiccans, forgive me if I left a religion out) killed. 5% of ONE BILLION (that is a conservative estimate)is still 50 MILLION people that want me dead because I don't pray like they do.
He is full of more shit that Jesse and Al put together. Those fucking traffic stop stickers and cards are proof positive of this.
I'd rather see Hillary, than him.
If he had it his way, we'd all be praying 5 times a day on little rugs, facing east.
Vote for Fred.
We will never forget - God Bless America !
Let there be PEACE!
If we forget the tragic events of 9/11/01 we are doomed to face the very same in the future. Our way of life will never go back to what it was 9/10/01, those days died in the ashes of New York, Washington D.C. and Shanksville. All we can do is remember, rebuild and retailiate.
Never Forget, Never Forgive!
I urge all of you to go and watch this little video clip. I go to it from time to time to remind myself even if I start to forget just a little. Its put together well, and really tugs at your heart-- turn your volume up --
God bless all who perished.
We NEED to ensure our men and women with the Chicago Police Department are properly trained, have equipment such as superior radios, tools for debris removal, protective breathing apparatus, & portable medical kits.
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord....Psalm 33:12
Let all those who would do harm to this nation die a fiery death!
9/11/2007 07:36:00 AM
Daley could careless he just gives billions away to people like the illegals who don't vote and will not defend OUR COUNTRY, and then he gives more away to the jagoffs in the projects who will not work! WHATEVER HAPPNES HERE THE BLOOD IS ALL ON DALEY AND HIS CROOKED FRIENDS HANDS, PLUS ALL OUR NO BALLS ALDERPUPPETS!
Front page tribune---NOTHING. NEVER FORGET!!!!!!!!!!!
Aside from the 343 members of the FDNY, 37 members of the PAPD, we will always remember 23 members of the NYPD who made the ultimate sacrifice on September 11, 2001. Fourteen of the 23 officers were assigned to the Emergency Service Unit (ESU):
Sgt. John Coughlin, ESU Truck 4
Sgt. Michael Curtin, ESU Truck 2
Sgt. Rodney Gillis, ESU Truck 8
Sgt. Timothy Roy, Traffic Control
Det. Claude Richards, Bomb Squad
Det. Joseph Vigiano, ESU Truck 2
Off. John D'Allara, ESU Truck 2
Off. Vincent Danz, ESU Truck 3
Off. Jerome Dominguez, ESU Truck 3
Off. Walter Weaver, ESU Truck 3
Off. Stephen Driscoll, ESU Truck 4
Off. Mark Ellis, Traffic Dist. 4
Off. Ramon Suarez, Transit Dist. 4
Off. James Leahy, 6th Pct.
Off. Moira Smith, 13th Pct.
Off. Robert Fazio, 13th Pct.
Off. John Perry, 40th Pct.Off. Off. Ronald Kloepfer, ESU Truck 7
Off. Santos Valentin, ESU Truck 7
Off. Thomas Langone, ESU Truck 10
Off. Paul Talty, ESU Truck 10
Off. Brian McDonnell, ESU Truck 1
Off. Glen Pettit, Police Academy
I'm a democrat, I already forget.
The liberal mentality that has taken over this country is obvious. This country has long forgetten what happened on 11 Sep 01. Islam is a threat to civil and moral human exsistence. It's sad to say, but I think it will take another terrorist attack in America to possibly make people in this country wake up. The "feel good about myself" liberal mentality will be the downfall of this country. What will the liberal pukes in this country do if we were to fall to an islamic or communist country. File a lawsuit? Protest? Ya right, and then you and your family will be executed. Liberalism is harming our country more than any war or terrorist attack could ever do. Every good and moral value in this country is being struck down. Liberals don't want God to be a part of anything in this country. Hatred of America, the police, our political leaders, and God is favored by liberals. Hopefully there are enough sensible people in this country who still love America, God, and good values that we can overcome this liberal agenda that is thrown in our face everytime we turn on the news. Hopefully it will not take another 11 Sep 01 to wake this country up! God bless the troops, God bless those who died on 11 Sep, and God bless America.
RUIN dipshit Daley's day. Join the NRA today @ NRA.Com
Barack Obama Bin-Ladin says----
Let that running dog in the previous post rant. No one, especially the idiot press, will believe you. My father was a Muslim as was my step-father, who took me to live for six of my formative years in Indonesia, the most radical of all Muslim nations.
The ones who think that my present thinking is not affected by that are the ones that will elect me president, which I will immediately change to Califate.
Nice that an Illegal Alien is being charged in the DUI traffic crashed that killed a female Dep. Supt. of the Cook County Sheriff's Department.
And who says, they only come here to work and better themselves! Who do they hurt coming here?
We need to step it up on these assholes who live in our city/county and steal our money to fund radical islam. Link cards ghetto stores cigarettes etc. Some say they wouldn't even hit Chicago because of how much money they make here!? They most definitely wouldnt attack Oaklawn Burbank Chicago Ridge and parts of Palos. To close to home.
sounds just like chicago, eh?
Stupid me.... I listen to that person who posted on here....
My family and I are still in the bomb shelter in the backyard. Is it safe yet to come out! Damn... Burned 8 hrs CU for nothing! Wife missed work, kids skipped school... If I find that poster warning all of us to stay home today.... Well lets just hope he has a bomb shelter at his place when I get there...For his own safety!
Dude, I am looking for you!
Why is it that God was everywhere but in the cockpit of those planes choking those mother fuckers out? I never understood that. This God guy can do no wrong. I am in mourning today with the rest of America. Deal with the pain in your own way, but praying to "God" after a tragedy happens is kind of more symbolic than helpful. Not trying to spark contraversy but you control your own destiny. If you want to do something, get involved and get the first responders and recovery teams money they deserve for performing their jobs. Support the War on Terror! Go to your FOP meetings. God is not going to grant us a contract. The one who thinks he is God is. Sorry if I offend anyone, but it the way I feel today, especially today. Maybe i need to talk to a Reverend.
December 7th 1941 created the "Greatest Generation".
What will history say that September 11th 2001 created?
Anybody wanna see how a REAL Police Dept. operates? Then go to nbc.com and click on the video section and look for the story about the NYPD and it's efforts at counter terror. They do things like having a helicopter ALWAYS on patrol looking for suspicious people or ships with heat signatures, divers that go under water checking the hulls of ships for bombs and an assortment of other things that a PROFESSIONAL Police Dept. does to safeguard it's citizens. Now when you take into consideration that there was probably alot of fluff on the part of the NYPD in the report for the benefit of the newsmedia, they are STILL way ahead of us when it comes to combating terror.They seem to be proactive in their efforts to protect their citizens. Absent from the report is any mention of outdoor roll calls, seatbelt missions, POD missions, anti-violence missions,event numbers, all the things that WE do to combat terror on our streets. I wonder whose efforts will produce the best results. Oh yeah, wait, I forgot. We hired lil Tommy Byrnes daughter to work in our counter terror unit. I feel safer now.
Nice that an Illegal Alien is being charged in the DUI traffic crashed that killed a female Dep. Supt. of the Cook County Sheriff's Department.
And who says, they only come here to work and better themselves! Who do they hurt coming here?
That's true 5:36pm. But I always believe in faith and standing up for yourself.
Don't go see a Rev. You know in this city, anyone can be a Reverend. Hell, Westcide dog or SCC could call himself Rev;O
A brave, brilliant man once said: The price of freedom is constant vigilance.
It's up to us to be the vigilant. Protect yourself, your family and each other. And of course, never forget.
Why is it that God was everywhere but in the cockpit of those planes choking those mother fuckers out? I never understood that. This God guy can do no wrong. I am in mourning today with the rest of America. Deal with the pain in your own way, but praying to "God" after a tragedy happens is kind of more symbolic than helpful. Not trying to spark contraversy but you control your own destiny. If you want to do something, get involved and get the first responders and recovery teams money they deserve for performing their jobs. Support the War on Terror! Go to your FOP meetings. God is not going to grant us a contract. The one who thinks he is God is. Sorry if I offend anyone, but it the way I feel today, especially today. Maybe i need to talk to a Reverend.
9/11/2007 05:36:00 PM
Not a popular opinion, but I am with you on this. I was raised in a religious upbringing including over 16 years of religious schooling. After the things I've seen on this job for the last 15 years, never mind world events, I can't bring myself to pray to "God" anymore. I really don't know if I just lost my way or if I finally woke up.
We hired lil Tommy Byrnes daughter to work in our counter terror unit. I feel safer now.
9/11/2007 07:03:00 PM
I'm sure you'd do better in the same spot. Not.
Daley could careless he just gives billions away to people like the illegals who don't vote and will not defend OUR COUNTRY, and then he gives more away to the jagoffs in the projects who will not work! WHATEVER HAPPNES HERE THE BLOOD IS ALL ON DALEY AND HIS CROOKED FRIENDS HANDS, PLUS ALL OUR NO BALLS ALDERPUPPETS!
9/11/2007 12:03:00 PM
Do you really believe they don't vote?
Anonymous said...
December 7th 1941 created the "Greatest Generation".
What will history say that September 11th 2001 created?
9/11/2007 05:48:00 PM
Fortunatly for the culprits,we have the worst commander in chief in the history of the US during and after this horrible attack.Interment camps,closed borders,deportations all would have made sense in the last six years.After it was discovered that almost all the hijackers were saudis,following a saudi mastermind a war with Saudi
Arabia would have made sense.Instead we invade Iraq.Under the pretext that they were somehow involved.Remember when Bush fought to turn port security over to some Dubai outfit??Two hijackers were from UAE,and most of the money financing the hijackers was wired from there.Next time you see your president holding hands with some Saudi royalty and kissing him on the mouth,because thats a sign of respect in their culture,remember this....twenty years of Bushes and Clintons have sent this country in some bad directions.....its not a liberal/conservative issue,its about putting your country ahead of your personal interests,and our so called leaders have failed us miserably.
It's up to us to be the vigilant. Protect yourself, your family and each other. And of course, never forget.
9/11/2007 08:58:00 PM
Quit watching videos for quotes. Read and find out who made those quotes and why-- thats the only true way to better yourself.
Anonymous said...
Daley could careless he just gives billions away to people like the illegals who don't vote and will not defend OUR COUNTRY, and then he gives more away to the jagoffs in the projects who will not work! WHATEVER HAPPNES HERE THE BLOOD IS ALL ON DALEY AND HIS CROOKED FRIENDS HANDS, PLUS ALL OUR NO BALLS ALDERPUPPETS!
9/11/2007 12:03:00 PM
Do you really believe they don't vote?
9/11/2007 10:07:00 PM
Sure they vote the dead vote here also like always! We have a dept held together with needle and thread no real equipment, no manpower anywhere thanks daley you and friends just kepp building more schools for all the illegals, and stuff your pckets full of our cash! By the way your wife is driven all over by D-3 paid officers yet you tell everyone she a has job in the private sector! HAVE HER TAKE THE CTA AND YOU ALSO MAYOR THIEF!
I can believe much of what you say... about the things you've seen and dealt with on this job. But you have no faith?? None?
Besides, how many times in 15 years did you witness the good things? How about the fact you get to go home... don't you look to your faith at all?
What will history say that September 11th 2001 created?
9/11/2007 05:48:00 PM
The victory of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and the rest of the cowards in the Democratic party. If it wasn't for their hand wringing, pissing, moaning, and whining, we would have reallly bombed Afghanistan and Iraq into the stone ages, killed all the revolutionary mullahs, and most of the muslims. Then we could have really shown the world what nation building is all about.
That you Democrats. The party of the quislings and cowards.
its amazing how many police and fire have already forgotten this day. its even worse that our fine citizens also forgot. 9/11 NEVER FORGET!!!
The liberal mentality that has taken over this country is obvious. This country has long forgetten what happened on 11 Sep 01. Islam is a threat to civil and moral human exsistence. It's sad to say, but I think it will take another terrorist attack in America to possibly make people in this country wake up. The "feel good about myself" liberal mentality will be the downfall of this country. What will the liberal pukes in this country do if we were to fall to an islamic or communist country. File a lawsuit? Protest? Ya right, and then you and your family will be executed. Liberalism is harming our country more than any war or terrorist attack could ever do. Every good and moral value in this country is being struck down. Liberals don't want God to be a part of anything in this country. Hatred of America, the police, our political leaders, and God is favored by liberals. Hopefully there are enough sensible people in this country who still love America, God, and good values that we can overcome this liberal agenda that is thrown in our face everytime we turn on the news. Hopefully it will not take another 11 Sep 01 to wake this country up! God bless the troops, God bless those who died on 11 Sep, and God bless America.
conservatives are not the answer either.
Quit watching videos for quotes. Read and find out who made those quotes and why-- thats the only true way to better yourself.
9/11/2007 10:55:00 PM
I'll put my education up against your GED anytime. "Who made those quotes"? Do you mean to say: who spoke those historic lines? Thomas Jefferson, you jag off.
I'll put my education up against your GED anytime. "Who made those quotes"? Do you mean to say: who spoke those historic lines? Thomas Jefferson, you jag off
Yeah, but the quote was, "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
Not taking sides, just clearing up this matter.
Ben Franklin
"That you Democrats. The party of the quislings..."
Nice quisling reference. Good to see somebody knows their history.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Mayberry is more prepared for a terrorist attack than Chicago. Sheriff Andy for Superintendent and Barney Fife for 1st Deputy. They would do a hell of alot better than what we have now.
As an add on to my earlier post about Mayberry. I think Otis would be a great person to replace Tricky Dicky for mayor.
Nice try, 12:10, however:
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." -
-- Thomas Jefferson
Bunch of bickering on such an important rant. God bless those that gave there lives... the country changed that day and it should have been for the better. Unfortunately, it divided us. The strong and the weak...there are many more weak than strong and I'm disgusted. 343 fireman...168 or 186 police.... 2400 or so civilians. NEVER FORGET THAT DAY.
There are no atheists in foxholes.
Concerned Citizen said...
God bless all who perished.
We NEED to ensure our men and women with the Chicago Police Department are properly trained, have equipment such as superior radios, tools for debris removal, protective breathing apparatus, & portable medical kits.
9/11/2007 10:18:00 AM
Hey SCC and all the readers. I cut and pasted this and sent it to the CPD Blog, expecting them never to publish it. Basically it is sad the citizens know what we need more than the bosses do. To my amazement, they published the comment under Technology, The new PDT's. Maybe somebody agrees with us. Scares the hell out of me to see they actually posted it. Makes the bosses look like the horse's asses they are.
Regarding the post that I sent to the CPD blog, The sad part is I told them where it came from. They didn't give you credit for the post. I would bitch at them for that. The funny thing is they propably posted it because I told them I didn't believe they would due to the truth of the comment.
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