Saturday, February 09, 2008

Sell! Sell! Sell!

The mayor continues to look to sell anything that isn't nailed down.
  • Motorists would pay more to park at Chicago’s 36,161 metered spaces — and even higher prices during peak periods in congested areas — in exchange for more cashless payment and pay-by-phone options, under a privatization plan advanced Friday.

    Buoyed by the $2.4 billion gravy train of revenue generated by privatizing the Chicago Skyway and downtown parking garages and the prospect of an even bigger windfall at Midway Airport, Mayor Daley on Friday moved to unload yet another city asset: Chicago parking meters.

    City Hall and the Chicago Park District issued a “request for qualifications” from firms interested in operating what would be the nation’s “first major publicly-owned parking meter operation.”

Supposedly, the City would walk away from repairing and upgrading meters. No word yet if that means we won't be ticketing anymore. We can't imagine that police would be ticketing and towing from privatized meters. Does this mean that there would be some "quasi-police" force operating and enforcing meter rules?

We're sure some aldercreature's nephew or mayoral relative is currently forming some front company that'll will mysteriously be the only bidder capable of of meeting the "qualifications" set forth by the City.

This money might go to underfunded pensions - hahahaha. We're kidding! Of course it will go to connected politicians, contractors and relatives. This is still Chicago.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't see it being constitutional to have a private entity enforcing parking fees on the publicway. Furthermore,how can a private entity charge to park on the publicway? The publicway is owned by all citizens. We are rapidly moving to a communist society where all public assets are owned by the state. The state being the connected party members-the clout elitists taxing us to death.

FOP needs to fight this immediately,how can private cops enforce laws ont he publicway? Doesn't this violate the contract? How can sworn public peace officers enforce private fees on the publicway? If the public pay our salaries and we are working for the public, how can we enforce private fees on a publicway that is owned by the public?

2/09/2008 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry a bit long, but please read!

What ever happened to us helping our own? In a time when we are getting slammed by everyone I didnt realize that helping out our own father was grounds to get verbally abused by another "man" in blue.

Overheard the story (and confirmed it with the victim and the Sgt on scene) today in 019 and it is quite disturbing.

Apparently the waste of space scared of his own shadow worthless traffic clown Vic M out of 019 really gave it to another cop who lives in the district.

The guy was giving his dad, HIS FUCKIN DAD a jump this afternoon, and apparently Vic was on his way to his third free lunch of the day. After this cop identified himself as a fellow officer, rather than offering to help, Vic became agitated and stated "I DONT GIVE A FUCK WHO YOU ARE, MOVE YOUR FUCKING CAR!"

The cop (14 year veteran) obviously smelling Vics soft side, ignored him, took up sides with his father over a retarded, do nothing loser poor excuse for a cop, and continued to help his dad.

Vic, really seething now, called for a supervisor and demanded a CR against this guy. The copper finished rectifying his fathers situation, moved the car, as the task at hand was completed, and went inside. A Sgt from the fightin 019 approached this cop, and inquired what could be done to remedy this situation. Given the situation, and the fact that Vics peace could not be legally breached, there was no situation to remedy. Unless, of course, the department now recognizes hurt feelings as a legit IOD, Vic had nothing to cry about. The good Sgt had enough good sense to recognize this idiots nonsense, and sent Vic on his way.

The bottom line is this.... Having worked in 019 for some time, Vic M has never backed up anyone. And that is a fact. He writes his rush hour parkers and is never heard or seen from again. He talks to people as if they are children and has no repurcusions for his actions. I mean if this is how he treats a fellow officer, imagine how he deals with society in general!

Sorry, Vic, if you want to act like a savage, work in the 006 district where the residents are as fucking stupid as you. Maybe there your bullshit flies... but while you are visiting our neighborhood, try and act professional. I know it may be tough, but remember, Vic "when in Rome act as the Romans"...

Id like to say sorry to this guy, and hope he doesnt judge all of us in 019 as incompetent and inept as Vic the dick. Semper fi, brother OOOOOO RAHHH!!!

2/09/2008 01:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good thing I never pay the meters...

2/09/2008 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always thought of CPD as a "quasi-police" force.

And on a side note...I'm not sure why I always think of the movie 'Stripes' when I hear "para-military".

Army training, sir!

2/09/2008 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the perfect example of why tomove out of shitcago, county of crooks, state of ilstealitall. Tax us until nobody lives here. Give all the revenue contracts to the daley/stroger/balgojag@@f klan. Less than 9 years until retirement and my freedom form the mob.

2/09/2008 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/09/2008 12:05:00 AM

A private company has been enforcing parking meeter violations for years. Only a handfull of people from the Dept of Rev actually ticket vehicles. Look at any of the areas with parking meters over night, all tickets are issued by a private company contracted by the city to gain massive amounts of revenue

2/09/2008 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I always thought of CPD as a "quasi-police" force.

And on a side note...I'm not sure why I always think of the movie 'Stripes' when I hear "para-military".

Army training, sir!

2/09/2008 06:56:00 AM

I think psuedo-military is even better and really more descriptive

2/09/2008 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and now the county wants "stickers" for our vehicles at $40 a pop. JHC! Tax all the middle class out of the city and the county. 3 years and counting then getting the heck out of "Dodge"!

2/09/2008 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/09/2008 12:05:00 AM

Graet comment why at the airports are cpd ticketing drivers in the "private garages" that the city has sold to standard parking?

2/09/2008 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/09/2008 01:52:00 AM

How old is this goof? Why are jagoffs like this not invited to a "towel party" I have been in KMA for awhile now and this shit never happened when i first joined wtf is wrong with this idiot! does the boss have any balls to talk to this jagoff and give him some "pointers" WTF!

2/09/2008 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why couldn't Daley just sell Meigs instead of destroying it??

2/09/2008 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I can't see it being constitutional to have a private entity enforcing parking fees on the publicway. Furthermore,how can a private entity charge to park on the publicway? The publicway is owned by all citizens. We are rapidly moving to a communist society where all public assets are owned by the state. The state being the connected party members-the clout elitists taxing us to death.

It's not communism. It's an Oligarchy.

Oligarchy (Greek Ὀλιγαρχία, Oligarkhía) is a form of government where political power effectively rests with a small elite segment of society (whether distinguished by wealth, family or military powers). The word oligarchy is from the Greek words for "few" (ὀλίγον óligon) and "rule" (ἄρχω arkho). Compare with autocracy (rule by one person) and democracy (power in the people).

2/09/2008 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roads To Riches
Why investors are clamoring to take over America's highways, bridges, and airports—and why the public should be nervous

2/09/2008 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


handicapped person with disabled plates parked legally at a meter now belonging to a private firm

does the law still permit the driver to park at a meter without paying or being ticketed ???

this covers other exempts as well.

2/09/2008 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure if a private party owned the parking meters not paying the meter would be a civil matter. Like not paying your gas or electric bill. So sue me........

2/09/2008 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor daley should sell that stupid brown coat and hat that he wears!

2/09/2008 01:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wadda u think? is this worthy of making the blog?,0,6618274.story

"A curious tale of two properties
One parcel was owned by friends of Mayor Daley. One wasn't. Guess which rezoning request was OKd?"

2/09/2008 02:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fact! In the USA 2/3 of all bankruptcies are due to medical bills. Because we do not have universal health care. Canada, Germany, France, ETC. have not one case of Bankruptcy due to health care bills. wake up America.

2/09/2008 03:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP needs to fight this immediately,how can private cops enforce laws ont he publicway? Doesn't this violate the contract? How can sworn public peace officers enforce private fees on the publicway? If the public pay our salaries and we are working for the public, how can we enforce private fees on a publicway that is owned by the public?

The FOP doesn't need to fight it, the damn sheeple in Chicago are the ones who really need to fight it.

First the Skyway, now the parking meters and next Midway and O'Hare. I don't know how much he'll get for the museums but I hope he sells them to Disney World and I sure as hell hope he sells the CTA. It's bad enough that Daley thinks God died and left him in charge of Lake Michigan but this shit of selling off any and all city assets to get a bankroll for the Olympics to create his "legacy" is really sad.

I wouldn't worry about a private police force enforcing the parking laws. According to the Sun Times "Chief Financial Officer Paul Volpe said the city would retain control over parking meter enforcement. The City Council would have final say over rates, the number of meters and the length of time motorists can park."
2/09/2008 12:05:00 AM

2/09/2008 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all you lawyers and legal scholars, isnt this illegal or un-constitutional??? I think a law suit should be filed and while we are at it get our skyway back. Does this fuck think he is going to be mayor forever? I could maybe understand leasing the shit out while he is in offic, but what if the next mayor wants his/hers meters and skyway back?

2/09/2008 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/09/2008 01:52:00 AM

Post this scumbags full name so that we may all know who the enemy is withon our ranks.

Copper's civilian Father should have gotten a number on him for disrespect and abuse of the elderly.

What a totally worthless tool!
019,home of the pansies.

2/09/2008 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"1994 fucks with another cop said...

....Apparently the waste of space scared of his own shadow worthless traffic clown Vic M out of 019 really gave it to another cop who lives in the district..."


If your story is true, I find it surprising. I worked with him when he first got to 019. I found him to be very eager to learn(albeit difficult to understand sometimes) and found him to be much more aggressive than some of the officers that work in 019. He needed to be reigned in sometimes but the guy was eager to learn and wanted to work.

I watched him chase a burglar down for three blocks and then jump a six foot wooden fence to arrest that burglar, hardly a guy scared of his own shadow. To make him out to be some kind of punk ass coward is bullshit.

If he treated an off duty PO like that it was wrong, but to paint him off as scared of his own shadow is nonsense.


"1994 fucks with another cop said...

The bottom line is this.... Having worked in 019 for some time, Vic M has never backed up anyone. And that is a fact. He writes his rush hour parkers and is never heard or seen from again. He talks to people as if they are children and has no repurcusions for his actions. I mean if this is how he treats a fellow officer, imagine how he deals with society in general!

Sorry, Vic, if you want to act like a savage, work in the 006 district where the residents are as fucking stupid as you. Maybe there your bullshit flies... but while you are visiting our neighborhood, try and act professional. I know it may be tough, but remember, Vic "when in Rome act as the Romans"...

Id like to say sorry to this guy, and hope he doesnt judge all of us in 019 as incompetent and inept as Vic the dick. Semper fi, brother OOOOOO RAHHH!!!

2/09/2008 01:52:00 AM"


The fact is that you have a whole crew of people in 019 who carry the sheets around with them to figure out who to back up and who not. You have a bunch of strange people who tell officers that back them up on jobs that they don't need their back up and that they can handle THEIR jobs on their own.

In fact, I found him very eager to go to assist calls and was more than willing to stop and help. Maybe he was informed by one of the sheet carrying officers that they did not require his assistance.

If Vic has turned into a dog ass who doesn't back anyone up, he sure has changed over the years.
Like I said, he should not have treated that copper like that. If what you allege is true, Vic is wrong.

The guy might now be rude and crude, but he is no coward who is scared of his own shadow.

Would you say a white officer was acting like a "savage" or did you throw that term of endearment in to ingratiate yourself with the racists on here?

2/09/2008 05:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF happend to all that skyway money ? anyone anyone.....

2/09/2008 06:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send Vic back to Housing, that'll
show him!!!

2/09/2008 07:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2/09/2008 07:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flee Illinois!!

2/09/2008 09:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fact! In the USA 2/3 of all bankruptcies are due to medical bills. Because we do not have universal health care. Canada, Germany, France, ETC. have not one case of Bankruptcy due to health care bills. wake up America.

Can you show me where you obtained these statistics? I'd like to see it firsthand myself.

2/09/2008 09:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of Daley. Long overdue to retire. We need a new CEO of this city and Daley doesn't cut it.

2/09/2008 10:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding the Skyway money: I had it all in a paper bad on the back of my armored limousine. My driver/lacky stopped at a red light and a thief reached in and grabbed the bag...Honest....I'm your Mayor for Life and would never lie to you !

I gace the police a politically correct description and they are searching for the thief.

DESCRIPTION: Male or Female, 1 or 2 or even 3 or 4, I'm just not sure.
His / her complexion was sorta medium, maybe a white guy/gal. Or latino/latina, black, possibly but maybe white, Im sure he was a republican because he didn't bow when he saw me in the car.

2/09/2008 10:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fact! In the USA 2/3 of all bankruptcies are due to medical bills. Because we do not have universal health care. Canada, Germany, France, ETC. have not one case of Bankruptcy due to health care bills. wake up America.

Can you show me where you obtained these statistics? I'd like to see it firsthand myself.

Numbers are from or uscourtsbankrupties. 1/2 not 2/3 the change this year because of the housing. To reasons Housing and health bills. If we had the money spent for a Nothing war in Iraq we would have a healthy economy.

2/09/2008 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree w/alot of what u say 5:46pm
VIC is no coward, has backed me up
numerous times.Im sure something probably happened w/the O.D. guy.
Ive actually thought he was harder on his own kind than other groups.
If he's not racing around like he used to, he's just getting older;
but I'd hoped his diplomacy skills
would've mellowed too.
But I always thought he did more
work on the parking car than was expected............

2/09/2008 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Health care? Ummmm, and just why do people from all over the world come here to get medical care?

Well, Obama and Hillery will take care of that is elected.

Is Obama still doing coke/weed?

No? When did he stop?

2/10/2008 02:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this the same vic that takes 2 parking spaces in the lot so nobody can park next to him....He expects all cops to respect his wishes, but not the other way

2/10/2008 02:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

watch out !
he is going to sell as much as he can and find a way to direct the profits to himself through his friends.

2/10/2008 05:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the taxpayers built the infrastruture.
the taxpayers maintained the infrastructure for many years.
the taxing body then sells the infrastucture.
then the taxing body no longer collects the taxes for that infrastructure.
immediatly reduce the :
gasoline tax
lic. plt. fees
city stickers
etc. etc. etc.
this is bullshit !

2/10/2008 05:29:00 AM  
Blogger Coldtype said...

"Furthermore,how can a private entity charge to park on the publicway? The publicway is owned by all citizens. We are rapidly moving to a communist society where all public assets are owned by the state"
-2/09/2008 12:05:00 AM

I'm afraid you're mistaken my friend, we are moving towards a society where public assets are transferred into the hands of private corporations that are largely unaccountable to the public. The "state" will all but cease to exist while private actors (i.e corporations) are left to feed ravenously upon what remains of the public's critical infrastructure which had been built over decades with taxpayer money for the purpose of serving the public's interests.

Inexorably, "leaders" such as Mayor Daley are now introducing to American shores the Third World model of "development" in which public assests such as transportation systems, airports, public utilities, and even the postal systems that once served the public good now serve private capital. Essentially, what we are witnessing is neo-liberalism in action, where everything is a commodity. If there were a way to put a price-tag on the air we breathe, those who own our society would do so.

Don't think there aren't precedents. The "public airwaves", recognized by Congress in the early decades of the 20th century to be in the public domain, was long ago handed over to private media conglomerates that think nothing of what's in the public interest--and don't have to.

No, you've confused "communism" for corporatism. And it's not coming our way, it's here.

2/10/2008 05:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is time to privatize city government.Shit can daley and all the aldercreatures for professional business men that know how to run a budget.

2/10/2008 12:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Health care? Ummmm, and just why do people from all over the world come here to get medical care?

Well, Obama and Hillery will take care of that is elected.

Is Obama still doing coke/weed?

No? When did he stop?

I'll tell you why they come here. Because they are able to choose a particular doctor and do not have to wait two months to get in to see that doctor. In those two months of waiting the problem will only get worse or you may even die. Be happy for what we have even though prices are skyrocketing. When your life is on the line I don't think you'll mind paying. Just ask all the foreigners coming into this country for IMMEDIATE care. And by the way- I didn't know they could deny you care at the county hospitals. Isn't that available for the poor? I'm not 100 percent sure so enlighten me with the true facts...

2/10/2008 02:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

strange people who tell officers that back them up on jobs that they don't need their back up and that they can handle THEIR jobs on their own.

That would be me son. Reason is I have 26 Years on came to 19 after 22 working the 14th dist in a beat car. During my years I have had too many newer Officers who are not the police and when They show up on my Jobs their mouth never shuts up causing nothing but problems. I have received my share of CR numbers because of their big mouths or putting their hands on someone when it is not necessary. I'm sick of them male or female who are not the police. However I backup officers yet stand by with my mouth shut, if they need me I'm there if not I'm gone. simple as that. Please for my own SAFETY if I give you a wave off leave me along. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.

2/10/2008 02:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Health care? Ummmm, and just why do people from all over the world come here to get medical care?

Are you nuts! the other way around. By the way after 2011 retires will have no health care. Hey young bloods how are you going to pay for that. My mother pays 1,200 a month. America needs a national health care period. Only 3rd world countries come here for medical care. What an Idiot you are, another JELLO POLICE

2/10/2008 03:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big Business runs the State of Illinois. You are closer to the homeless then big business. The money you make is very little in this economy, I would guess most police have a part time job.

2/10/2008 03:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

That would be me son. Reason is I have 26 Years on came to 19 after 22 working the 14th dist in a beat car. During my years I have had too many newer Officers who are not the police and when They show up on my Jobs their mouth never shuts up causing nothing but problems. I have received my share of CR numbers because of their big mouths or putting their hands on someone when it is not necessary. I'm sick of them male or female who are not the police. However I backup officers yet stand by with my mouth shut, if they need me I'm there if not I'm gone. simple as that. Please for my own SAFETY if I give you a wave off leave me along. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.

2/10/2008 02:58:00 PM


Well son, I got you beat by 2 years and worked in busier spots than 014. That being said and we have our work histories out there, thanks for setting the record straight.

2/10/2008 10:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll tell you why they come here. Because they are able to choose a particular doctor and do not have to wait two months to get in to see that doctor. In those two months of waiting

You sir don't know what your talking about MY parents live in Canada I also have 3 brothers who are married with children living there. all of them have had to use the health care system and love it. My father has cancer and is doing well he did not wait for care if you have an illness or cancer any emergency you are take care Today. Yet if you want a knee replacement you may have to wait 2 or 3 months(big deal) all my family members love this system no worries about medical bills.

2/10/2008 11:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley is doing to the city what Bush is doing to the country. Did anyone see the Bush interview on Fox the other night. They asked him about illegal immigration, and he essentially said that he wasn't going to enforce the law. I used to think he was great. Now I think that he is like Daley. A moron. He keeps saying he is a uniter, not a divider. I didn't think he meant uniting the USA and Mexico into one country.

2/11/2008 04:11:00 AM  
Blogger Coldtype said...

"I think it is time to privatize city government.Shit can daley and all the aldercreatures for professional business men that know how to run a budget"

2/10/2008 12:47:00 PM

On the contrary, what business men know how to do is make a profit. In this instance, what you are then suggesting is that they make their profits at the public's expense for they would not work to serve the public at all.

By company law, management's first responsibility is to the shareholders. You take care of the shareholders by increasing profitablity--at any cost. So if cutting municipal services will increase profitability then that's what management will do, irrespective of the negative impact such a decision will have on the quality of life for much of the public. In corporate-speak this inconvenience would be recognized as an "externality", meaning external to the bottom line therefore irrelevent.

I wouldn't want to live in a city where my welfare and that of my family is secondary to quarterly profit reports.

2/11/2008 04:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to the thought of pressuring the FOP into getting the city council to pass a municipal ordinance that requires any time a city asset is sold to privitazation that all city pension funds are made whole and fully funded?

2/11/2008 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesnt the city lease out the pot holes??

2/12/2008 02:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I wouldn't want to live in a city where my welfare and that of my family is secondary to quarterly profit reports.

2/11/2008 04:04:00 PM"

The problem is that we already are effectively living in a corporation controlled environment, it's called America.

Whether the corporations exist in legal records or are quasi-cooperatives of various criminal, political enterprises, we remain a city, county, state and nation dominated by the interests of the greedy.

And we have, primarily, ourselves to blame.

For all the obvious reasons.


2/12/2008 09:49:00 AM  
Blogger TSAP99 said...

Good evening. As we all know, there are always two sides to every story. The side that was posted by the anonymous coward, and the correct side posted by the source. First off, I was doing a school dismissal at Wolcott and Fletcher. At 3pm this intersection is crawling with cars and students.
An unknown male pulled up and blocked the entire street. When I approached this guy I asked hime to move his car, and he responded " I'M THE FUCKING POLICE" and I replied you still need to move you're blocking traffic. He replied " FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING JAGOFF, I'LL MOVE IT WHEN I'M FUCKING DONE YOU FUCKING JAGOFF" Two sergeants responded. Sgt. Swain who knew the officer, and Sgt. Hoffman. This officer continued to carry on with his vulgar behavior continuing to shout obscenities. At this point I left the scene and went about my day. Sgt. Hoffman wanted to get a CR# on the off duty officer. She asked me what I wanted to do. My response was to let it go. No CR# was obtained nor was there any citations written. Although this officer said he was the police, he refused to show any police credentials. So Mr. Anonymous coward, how is it that this off duty cop was fucked over? It would appear to me that he came out on top. Not that I had to explain myself, I just wanted everyone else to see you for the ASS that you really are. Everyone in 19 knows me, and my character. My reputation speaks for itself. Although this officer acted like a fool, it was not worth the headache of proceeding further.

2/14/2008 10:50:00 PM  

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