I have no problem swiping. Do I think it is stupid ? Yes. We swipe to enter the building we swipe to enter the lockup we swipe to enter the various interior offices and holding cells. I mean they know we are there, at work! We log on in the car, we log on in the station we answer calls. Maybe the inside slobs need to swipe, no one knows what they do, or where the are.
What duh hell did I tells y'all duh other daze? That swipin' shit ain't gonna happen...ain't doin' it in Arkansas, so it ain't gonna happens here...
Gotts to hands it to Dana, that playah be one smooth motherf*cker. He show 'nuff knows how leave wit havin' duh last word. Dat swipin' bullsh*t controversials done be his way of sayin' "Goodbye, So Long, I Gone, and F*ck You All" wit debonair and class!
I'm so tired...tired of playing the game...where the f*ck is my car??? Dammit, it's time for my interview with the Führer and my department issue golden knee-pads are inside...
great job j-fed so far.. grau and no swiping... is it me or do i feel moral rising a little bit... oh wait.. cameras are coming..moral right back down.. but j-fed.. good job so far.. lets get rid of the funding for those cameras in a year or two
Let's see...new supe starting, put out something meaningless to rile everyone up just before I start, then I can come in and cancel it and look like an all-star.
guess what? Your retard of a super recinded his recention!!! Aparrantly, we are still swiping. Get the tell fax from your commanders office. Good thing I have clout!!!
J-Fed is starting out on the right foot with us is he cancelled this shit order. Treat us like adults and we will work like adults, at least most of us.
I'm a tact lt. Was at 35/mich today. Heard Weiss was hot that a number of orders were issued in his name without him KNOWING about it. That's why the swipe was rescinded and others may now follow or be reissued again.
"we are the willing, led by the unqulaified to do the unknown..."
Grau for First Dep and swiping order rescinded. Great first day for J Fed. The only way he could top that would be to make Cpt Farrell chief of detectives.
Another stupid knee jerk idea. Hey exempt people bosses or whatever.
How about letting the Sgt's run their own logs and let them be supervisors. Whats next counting the squares of toilet paper we wipe our bums with??
Stop coming up with educated idiodic ideas and try boosting moral. This is not corporate america, go work there if that's what you want. This department is a damn joke wake up!
Speaking of "BLAZING SADDLES", can we even watch that movie anymore, now that they buried the "N" word?
Awaiting for j-feds arrival(1st official day)some a*shole clout heavy whiteshirt is assigned to the top floor at 35th st w/a telescope. As jody pulls in,he turns w/a bullhorn and sez: "THE SUPE IS A _______"
Don't fall for the smoke and mirror trick. The swipe order was all BS... a ploy so that J fed would step in and call it off so he could be the hero. Just remember he is a Fed!!!
Guess Dana Starks's last "Fuck Ya'all" did not work. So far teh New Supe is showing that he is his own man and will make his own decisions. This is impressive and I for one will give him a chance. He could have just screwed everyone but chose to be indiependent.
Did you guys notice that Jody Weis was asked about police misconduct. He said "starting with Bill Cozzy I will do whatever is necessary within legal means to make sure he never wears a police uniform ever again".
J.W. is not fooling around folks. He means business and this is a new department. I feel bad for Billy but the entire episode us unfortunate but I would love to see him come back.
Heard Weiss was hot that a number of orders were issued in his name without him KNOWING about it.
**Well honestly how can you sign Honorable Mentions, Orders, Faxes, Training Bulletins when you haven't even started working for a place. Is that called forgery? I hope he dumps all the Suckholes that were involved with that.
i heard they're just gonna equip the pool cars with cameras because if they put them in our regular squads the only thing they would be recording is the area garage parking lot.
Save the department money. They don't have to buy kleenex if you blow your nose on your sleve. Or, if you are like me, just pick your nose and eat it. That's all for now. Thank yous. Mike "Booger" Cronin.
If indeed we end up swiping out. How would this work? Lets say you work a late car your hours are 1600-0030. You have an arrest that takes you to 0045.
Use to be your sgt would say I'll take care of you guys tomorrow, and he let you go a little early.
If that order was to stand- Do you have to put a slip in for 15 minutes? Does the W/C have to sign off on it?
Can you imagine all money it would cost the city per period? The current way works so why fix it? I will tell you why- In my opinion it would end up being the end of time keepers in the city. Log-on to new page and look at what you have as far as OT, Time, P-Days and BFDs. Not a bad concept just the city cant make it work.
This is always a nice quote to read....Now stand by your words...
From the Trib website
He said he would have no tolerance for lying, corruption and brutality, but he also tried to reassure the rank-and-file that he understands officers are sometimes put in dangerous circumstances calling for difficult decisions.
"I will have their back," Weis said. "I will give the officers the benefit of the doubt 100 percent of the time, as long as they are doing their job the right way."
Great call on Capt Farrell for chief of detectives... How about Tom Byrne, a/3 det commander, as dep chief of one of the field groups, I personally would rather have him back in patrol, he talks to you like you are an adult, and treats the recrutis with as much respect as he treats the exempts. He got the old times in 001 to work not because he yelled and screamed because he treated them like adults. that is the kind of person you like to work for....
Honest to God, all the Capt Farrell bullshit is giving me a headache!
Yeah, he's a nice guy and a great copper. So what! You guys act like he is the second coming of Jesus Christ himself. Give me a freakin' break! What about the fact that he also happens to associate himself with retards like Mark Vail & Bryan Holy? This alone speaks volumes about the man.
The fact of the matter is he going to remain a Captain until the day he retires, so give all the Chief of Detective and First Deputy shit a rest!
------------------------------- Ha! My thoughts exactly...never would I have thought SCC would manage to tie in a Dora the Explorer reference! Made me chuckle...
You wanna know why I walk around Homan like I own it? I had more public urination arrests than anybody else in CPD history. That's why. You tru guys gotta make a lot more bogus cases before u catch up to me, the legend,... Mike "Booger" Cronin. That is all for now.
The insensitivity Im seeing on this one! Do youz realize if we quit using the N word, blacks and latinos will quit murdering each other AND stupid white people that wont own a gun; then we can all march to Oak Park while holding hands and singing!! Therefore Ive rewritten a major SLIM PICKENS scene in BLAZING SADDLES(the one where he's asked if he should send some horses in to check for quicksand). SLIM:"We cant afford to lose anymore horses,send in two greaseballs instead"
New order out for district timekeepers to go to class at headquarters to be trained in the automatic timekeeping program. Think its called CATA. After that then all will swipe out as well. Except those exempted by a gold star.
Anonymous said... How about Tom Byrne, a/3 det commander, as dep chief of one of the field groups,
Little Tommy Byrne the thumb, what a bully coward. Nepotism at its best whats the fat Daughter doing.
----------------------------------- Uh, where've you been for the past few years, goof ball? Tom Thumb retired a few years ago and got another city job.
He's talking about Young Tom Byrne who was the Commander of 001 a few years back and is now the Commander of Area 3.
Why don't they make everyone EXCEPT patrol swipe in and out since we are the only ones that account for our time by being tied to a radio and PDT? Start with the "elite" units since they are the ones that fuck everything up for the working police. And then they have the nerve to get on here and brag about all their perks and early ducks. You don't see the beat coppers on here bragging about the crumbs they get tossed occasionally.
To the jerkoff who is sick of hearing about Farrell: he is one of the few bosses that commands that kind of respect from his peers and the troops. And if this department needs anything right now, it is more bosses like that--someone that the troops respect, not because he's a nice guy, but because he knows more about police work than anyone and he stands behind his troops 110%. No, he's not a god but he's the kind of boss we need instead of all these clout heavy,know-nothing, kiss ass, hibbity-jibbity, kool-aid drinking goofs we have now. If JFed makes any district visits, he should make 1st watch in 002 a priority. Talk to Farrell, the people that work for him, the detectives upstairs--you'll see the kind of boss we need. And to the goof whose sick of hearing about him, get over it. I'd rather hear about a W/C we are proud of, than the goofy drunk from 22 or all the crazy females.
That G.O. was really something else. Did ya catch the part that left the window open for the higher ups to keep themselves excluded from the swiping. Fucking incredible!
If that would have past I'll put money that at least 50-60% of all tact, gang, sat, gun and narcotic peeps would be putting in a par form for a transfer. Who's going to be left to do ANY police work. We all know 20% of the force do 100% of the work out there. The rest are either dog asses or gangsta coppers and the other small percentages are just stupid dump fuckers that have no clue nor will they ever have a clue. Like if MORALE couldn't get any lower.
So much shit is getting sturred up it's not even funny. Talk to the guys in OCD, it's going to be an all and right strike and mass exidos!
Talk to the guys working on the district tact and gang teams. Fuck it. We'll all go back to the watches and do nothing. Let the 6 month to 2 year wonders come try doing real police work filling spots usually taken by the seasoned experienced vet.
The talk of the town in my local drinking hole is that they dont want the area gang teams or gun teams doing any more search warrants. What a stupid fucking call that is. Last time I checked, they are cranking out the numbers but thats typical department bullshit. Fuck with the workers. Thank God I only have less than 2 years to pulling the plug. God Bless the working police. My friends, you are a dieing breed.
Anonymous said... If indeed we end up swiping out. How would this work? Lets say you work a late car your hours are 1600-0030. You have an arrest that takes you to 0045.
Use to be your sgt would say I'll take care of you guys tomorrow, and he let you go a little early.
If that order was to stand- Do you have to put a slip in for 15 minutes? Does the W/C have to sign off on it?
Can you imagine all money it would cost the city per period? The current way works so why fix it? I will tell you why- In my opinion it would end up being the end of time keepers in the city. Log-on to new page and look at what you have as far as OT, Time, P-Days and BFDs. Not a bad concept just the city cant make it work.
2/01/2008 08:53:00 PM
The sgt would simply fill out an edit form that the overtime was NOT authorized and the timekeeper would go into the mainframe CATA utility and do the edit. DONE
When we start swiping, it would be great to see the entire watch come in with a late arrest and tie up all the computers working on the Automated Arrest and Inventory. There wouldn't be enough computers for everyone to process their arrests so everyone would just have to patiently sit and wait until one is freed up. Don't forget to ask your arrestee if he/she has to use the bathroom or if they want a cup of coffee while on the clock. Turn in those yellow slips and don't forget to swipe :)
How about Tom Byrne, a/3 det commander, as dep chief of one of the field groups,
Little Tommy Byrne the thumb, what a bully coward. Nepotism at its best whats the fat Daughter doing.
2/01/2008 11:46:00 PM
there are 2 tom byrnes, the one your referring to is gone and working for daley. it s like getting the two terry mcmahons mixed up, the one they call big bird and the one who is a capt in 4. the capt in 4 is 100% standup and the big bird is the inspector everyone hates. the tom byrne that is still on the job is the polar opposite of the one you call the thumb.
does anybody know if any other big city police departments swipe in and out- and is it really practical considering our profession and type of work we do?
To the guy that badmouthed Captain Farrel: In my 30 years on the job I have NEVER heard a bad word about the Captain. Probably 100,000 coppers have come and gone on this job in that amount of years and no one has had anything to say detrimental about him to my knowledge. A question to you officer. Do you think there might be something wrong with you?
Yeah, he's a nice guy and a great copper. So what! You guys act like he is the second coming of Jesus Christ himself. Give me a freakin' break! What about the fact that he also happens to associate himself with retards like Mark Vail & Bryan Holy? This alone speaks volumes about the man.
Who do you think is putting this stuff on here?? The cigarette cannot come out of Holy's mouth without the words "I love John Farrell" coming out next!
Look here, you "ANONYMOUS" muthafucker. Unless and until you have the balls to use your actual identity, how dare you try to snipe Farrell.
Nobody said anything bad about him....All that was said was Stop praising him like he is GOD!! He is not GOD!! If he was GOD, we wouldn't need Seiser!!
If I recall correctly, didn't you retire a long time ago? Moreover, aren't you the same guy who was known citywide as being a complete softball as a sergeant?
You're off the job now! That means that your opinion no longer counts for shit. So stop your pontificating and ass kissing on behalf of Capt. Farrell and others that you know and love. Your generation of police is almost out the door. Hopefully it won't hit you all in the ass on the way out!
Now, back to your comments. . .
I never said anything bad or untrue about Capt. Farrell. I merely pointed out that I'm sick of all the puffery he receives on this site. You say that he is qualified to be either the Chief of Detectives of a Deputy Superintendent. I have to disagree with this assertion.
Yeah he is a great guy to work for and has worked in the D-unit for a long time. Unfortunately, he has no command experience outside of being a Lieutenant for many years and a Captain for a short period of time. Thus, the next logical step for him would be the position of Commander. I would support such a move because I think he is more than qualified for such an assignment. However, he has no exempt command experience under his belt and is unqualified to be moved to the high positions that you and others long for.
And I don't want to here about Cronin or Huberman as examples of such hefty promotions. They were incompetent and should not have risen above their career service ranks.
You guys should place the blame for the whole swiping issue where it belongs. The whole swipe series of events came directly from the Mayors Office. The CPD and the CFD are the only two departments who do not swipe. Just step back and logically analyze which two departments the Little Man hates. Need I say more. The folks at 35th Street were only doing what was forced on them by the Hall.
As a taxpaying citizen of this City I don't find it strange at all to expect police officers to work 8 hours for 8 hours pay. In case you didn't realize it, that's what most of the civilized world does. I guess in your profession you feel good work is rewarded with less work. Grow Up Asshole!!! This is reality in case you haven't noticed.
Guys who unload trucks, drive those trucks, work in mills, work in factories, all have to punch in and out in order to keep their jobs. And you know what they do? They punch in and out because those are the rules.
For every one of you cry babies out there I have but one comment - GROW UP AND ACT LIKE ADULTS.
Anonymous said... When we start swiping, it would be great to see the entire watch come in with a late arrest and tie up all the computers working on the Automated Arrest and Inventory. There wouldn't be enough computers for everyone to process their arrests so everyone would just have to patiently sit and wait until one is freed up. Don't forget to ask your arrestee if he/she has to use the bathroom or if they want a cup of coffee while on the clock. Turn in those yellow slips and don't forget to swipe :)
If you have an arrest, the bosses cannot deny OT.
2/02/2008 08:38:00 AM
They can RWOC and get a C.R. on you for false arrest
"Mongo only pawn in game of life." Do we know for sure that Starks is responsible for the swipe or die order? It makes sence. I heard Williams may have done it to try and kiss JFed's ass. How ironic that it back fired!
The sgt would simply fill out an edit form that the overtime was NOT authorized and the timekeeper would go into the mainframe CATA utility and do the edit. DONE
***And then you file a grievance when you request them to pull your printout as to the time you swiped.
Swiping is going to be citywide. Inside units, detectives, TRU, Narcotics etc. The Mayor will see what a mess this is going to be and then I think it will all go away in time.
To the jerkoff who is sick of hearing about Farrell:....OK we GET IT. I'm not the poster of the previous comment but come on...we are tired of your suck hole kiss ass demeanor. If you love the guy so much more power to ya. We don't need your constant reminders of your brokeback ways with Farrell, we know we know he walks on water for you...now continue tossing his salad.
Anonymous said... Why don't they make everyone EXCEPT patrol swipe in and out since we are the only ones that account for our time by being tied to a radio and PDT? Start with the "elite" units since they are the ones that fuck everything up for the working police. And then they have the nerve to get on here and brag about all their perks and early ducks. You don't see the beat coppers on here bragging about the crumbs they get tossed occasionally.
2/02/2008 02:03:00 AM
How do burkes crew account for their time and generous overtime?
Hey ANONYMOUS, Shut the F**K up about FARRELL. Best G-D boss I ever worked for. Would go out of his way to help any Copper. Even an AS*H*LE like you. VAIL can be abrupt, but another cop who would go and do anything for another copper. Take your head out of your A**. You must be Maher's sister too have written that.
the swiping order came from C Williams office. He's a big 8 for 8 ( he wants 10 hr days, but you only getting payed for8!). Starks had nothing to do with it. A certain Capt just got the "kiss of death" from her sponsor, aldercreatures know how to fuck up a good thing! BTW dilligaf: he say OOOWWNS, OOOWWNS.
As a taxpaying citizen of this City I don't find it strange at all to expect police officers to work 8 hours for 8 hours pay. In case you didn't realize it, that's what most of the civilized world does. I guess in your profession you feel good work is rewarded with less work. Grow Up Asshole!!! This is reality in case you haven't noticed.
IN your civilized world have you ever been assaulted spit on called a whore lied about, we can go on and on. while were at it most of us have had our hours changed every 28 days for many years I did 11 years myself. by hours I mean Day shift then Midnights then Afternoons. we also work 6 consecutive days in a roll without overtime, we use a 13 month calender 4 weeks free work for the citizen. We are not bitching about the 8 hours however I'm bitching about 8 1/2 hour's because the half hour is my time yet I must be in uniform. By the way I don't get paid enough.
You couldn't make a pimple on Farrell's or Northside's ass as the real police. Both are bright, honorable, widely admired and respected guys with impeccable reputations.
Just who the fuck are you to say that Northside is "a softball" (whatever that means) and his "opinion no longer counts for shit."? Are you pissed off because he went public on ExamScam and jeopardized clouted assholes like you?
Unlike the retired NorthSide, Farrell is still around and everybody knows he's our best and brightest.
Your sanctimonious. "exempt command experienced" ass cries out for a scalding hot Kool-Aid douche.
The anonymous poster from 12:24 PM holds the rank of deputy chief/asst. deputy supt. or above and is a certifiably vicious and treacherous backstabber. This person will also argue that the job is on the legit. Possibly bipolar.
2/02/2008 03:03:00 PM"
That's damn magnaminous of you, 12:24 PM. So after 40 years as an outstanding police officer, you now believe that Capt. Farrell may be ready for the lowest exempt position.
Now take that huge dildo out of your ass and shove it down your throat, you jealous gold-braided rattlesnake.
how can this be?
God this department is goofy
Read AMFN 080500 mo fo's.
I have no problem swiping. Do I think it is stupid ? Yes. We swipe to enter the building we swipe to enter the lockup we swipe to enter the various interior offices and holding cells. I mean they know we are there, at work! We log on in the car, we log on in the station we answer calls. Maybe the inside slobs need to swipe, no one knows what they do, or where the are.
call just came in...SWIPE ORDER RECINDED!.....Who's the ASS that was shooting morale even lower anyway?
Really? More lies
Rdo today but I pray to God its true.
Yes, it was recinded. Swipe in only!!
the swiping order was cancelled. The city is going to be fixing it legally so that they can really f#ck us with no legal recourse. TBA
off topic, but did everybody's water bills (mine came today) go up $20 from last time?
when was that rate increase shoved through?
this is on top of my property taxes going up close to $1,400 and the sales tax going up April 1.
WTF? Maybe a water meter isn't a bad idea.
Now, why isn't Richie's head on that fox's body?
And the fox looks like he's just taken a hit in his back door.....
yes it is true. fax caame out 1 hour ago.
It does not matter to Partol, tho. Every beat car will have cameras by fall of 08.
All this does is save the inside people, the D unit, Goldie Stars, and narcos.
Ha, I like the fox. he should be our mascot.
Order cancelled.
Rumor mill has it that the swiping out order was Dana's parting shot. Jody came in and said "No-No." If this is true--good for him.
Fax Message 080500 Order rescinded until further notice.
SCC, you always have me coming and going, and going and coming, and always too soon!
What's a dazzling urbanite like you doing in a rustic setting like this?
Guess you ain't gettin another bump up !!
Swiping is canceled for now!
Just for canceling that stupid idea!
It is worth an extra 10 parkers and a couple of movers per Officer!
Law Enforcement activity may resume!
What duh hell did I tells y'all duh other daze? That swipin' shit ain't gonna happen...ain't doin' it in Arkansas, so it ain't gonna happens here...
Gotts to hands it to Dana, that playah be one smooth motherf*cker. He show 'nuff knows how leave wit havin' duh last word. Dat swipin' bullsh*t controversials done be his way of sayin' "Goodbye, So Long, I Gone, and F*ck You All" wit debonair and class!
Yep it's true, i too saw it, prob. about 1pm this afternoon!!!
I'm so tired...tired of playing the game...where the f*ck is my car??? Dammit, it's time for my interview with the Führer and my department issue golden knee-pads are inside...
great job j-fed so far.. grau and no swiping... is it me or do i feel moral rising a little bit... oh wait.. cameras are coming..moral right back down.. but j-fed.. good job so far.. lets get rid of the funding for those cameras in a year or two
Let's see...new supe starting, put out something meaningless to rile everyone up just before I start, then I can come in and cancel it and look like an all-star.
guess what? Your retard of a super recinded his recention!!! Aparrantly, we are still swiping. Get the tell fax from your commanders office. Good thing I have clout!!!
J-Fed is starting out on the right foot with us is he cancelled this shit order. Treat us like adults and we will work like adults, at least most of us.
I'm a tact lt. Was at 35/mich today. Heard Weiss was hot that a number of orders were issued in his name without him KNOWING about it. That's why the swipe was rescinded and others may now follow or be reissued again.
"we are the willing, led by the unqulaified to do the unknown..."
Well, you know the rest.
you da man jody!!!! lets faze those cameras out now...they are gonna kill the working police officer!
Grau for First Dep and swiping order rescinded. Great first day for J Fed. The only way he could top that would be to make Cpt Farrell chief of detectives.
Cant you see she's pooped!
I know a dumbass who called that number yesterday. I just want to make sure it works.
I hear its cancelled because alot of those machines dont work anyways.. Also ID's don't work in the working machines.
Another stupid knee jerk idea. Hey exempt people bosses or whatever.
How about letting the Sgt's run their own logs and let them be supervisors. Whats next counting the squares of toilet paper we wipe our bums with??
Stop coming up with educated idiodic ideas and try boosting moral. This is not corporate america, go work there if that's what you want. This department is a damn joke wake up!
Speaking of "BLAZING SADDLES", can we even watch that movie anymore, now that they buried the "N" word?
Awaiting for j-feds arrival(1st official day)some a*shole clout heavy whiteshirt is assigned to the top floor at 35th st w/a telescope. As jody pulls in,he turns w/a bullhorn and sez: "THE SUPE IS A _______"
i guess i can wait till later to get my id card ........ lost mine over 2 years ago....hahahaha fuckers!!!!!!!!!
It wasn't Dana it was daley that wanted us swiping out..
Don't fall for the smoke and mirror trick. The swipe order was all BS... a ploy so that J fed would step in and call it off so he could be the hero. Just remember he is a Fed!!!
Supt. J.P.
We'll give some land to the N****** and the C*****, but we Don't Want The Irish!
Another great scene was "Excuse me while I whip this out" crowd AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH then whips out the scroll.
Guess Dana Starks's last "Fuck Ya'all" did not work. So far teh New Supe is showing that he is his own man and will make his own decisions. This is impressive and I for one will give him a chance. He could have just screwed everyone but chose to be indiependent.
"THE SUPE IS A _______"
a pasty whie honky
"It's twoo, It's twoo"
"I hate to dis-allusion you, Ma'am, but your suckin' on my arm"
Did you guys notice that Jody Weis was asked about police misconduct. He said "starting with Bill Cozzy I will do whatever is necessary within legal means to make sure he never wears a police uniform ever again".
J.W. is not fooling around folks. He means business and this is a new department. I feel bad for Billy but the entire episode us unfortunate but I would love to see him come back.
All this does is save the inside people, the D unit, Goldie Stars, and narcos.
***STFU Dickhead!Boo Hoo.
Heard Weiss was hot that a number of orders were issued in his name without him KNOWING about it.
**Well honestly how can you sign Honorable Mentions, Orders, Faxes, Training Bulletins when you haven't even started working for a place. Is that called forgery?
I hope he dumps all the Suckholes that were involved with that.
Swiper no Swiping...I just laughed my ass off.
We know you have little ones now SCC!
I don't think the cameras will be as bad as you think. Relax until you go to the training.
I Love Jody.
...would you care for another Schnitzengruben??
i heard they're just gonna equip the pool cars with cameras because if they put them in our regular squads the only thing they would be recording is the area garage parking lot.
starks last official statement to his secretary was, "excuse me, while i whip this out." AWWWWW!
i aints swipin fo shit!!!!
Save the department money. They don't have to buy kleenex if you blow your nose on your sleve. Or, if you are like me, just pick your nose and eat it.
That's all for now.
Thank yous.
Mike "Booger" Cronin.
Elvis has entered the building.
2/01/2008 04:13:00 PM
Who cares that you're a Tact Lt. What the hell does THAT have to do with anything. Go back under your rock!
If indeed we end up swiping out. How would this work? Lets say you work a late car your hours are 1600-0030. You have an arrest that takes you to 0045.
Use to be your sgt would say I'll take care of you guys tomorrow, and he let you go a little early.
If that order was to stand- Do you have to put a slip in for 15 minutes? Does the W/C have to sign off on it?
Can you imagine all money it would cost the city per period? The current way works so why fix it? I will tell you why- In my opinion it would end up being the end of time keepers in the city. Log-on to new page and look at what you have as far as OT, Time, P-Days and BFDs. Not a bad concept just the city cant make it work.
All it took was one phone call from Shavedlongcock.
This is always a nice quote to read....Now stand by your words...
From the Trib website
He said he would have no tolerance for lying, corruption and brutality, but he also tried to reassure the rank-and-file that he understands officers are sometimes put in dangerous circumstances calling for difficult decisions.
"I will have their back," Weis said. "I will give the officers the benefit of the doubt 100 percent of the time, as long as they are doing their job the right way."
Great call on Capt Farrell for chief of detectives...
How about Tom Byrne, a/3 det commander, as dep chief of one of the field groups, I personally would rather have him back in patrol, he talks to you like you are an adult, and treats the recrutis with as much respect as he treats the exempts. He got the old times in 001 to work not because he yelled and screamed because he treated them like adults. that is the kind of person you like to work for....
Honest to God, all the Capt Farrell bullshit is giving me a headache!
Yeah, he's a nice guy and a great copper. So what! You guys act like he is the second coming of Jesus Christ himself. Give me a freakin' break! What about the fact that he also happens to associate himself with retards like Mark Vail & Bryan Holy? This alone speaks volumes about the man.
The fact of the matter is he going to remain a Captain until the day he retires, so give all the Chief of Detective and First Deputy shit a rest!
Swiper no Swiping...I just laughed my ass off.
We know you have little ones now SCC!
Ha! My thoughts exactly...never would I have thought SCC would manage to tie in a Dora the Explorer reference! Made me chuckle...
a wed wose how womantic!
"we are the willing, led by the unqulaified to do the unknown..."
Amen brother...if that doesn't hit the departmental nail right on the proverbial head!!!
You wanna know why I walk around Homan like I own it?
I had more public urination arrests than anybody else in CPD history.
That's why.
You tru guys gotta make a lot more bogus cases before u catch up to me, the legend,... Mike "Booger" Cronin.
That is all for now.
The insensitivity Im seeing on this one! Do youz realize if we quit using the N word, blacks and latinos will quit murdering each other AND stupid white people that
wont own a gun; then we can all march to Oak Park while holding hands and singing!!
Therefore Ive rewritten a major SLIM PICKENS scene in BLAZING SADDLES(the one where he's asked if
he should send some horses in to check for quicksand).
SLIM:"We cant afford to lose anymore horses,send in two greaseballs instead"
How about Tom Byrne, a/3 det commander, as dep chief of one of the field groups,
Little Tommy Byrne the thumb, what a bully coward. Nepotism at its best whats the fat Daughter doing.
New order out for district timekeepers to go to class at headquarters to be trained in the automatic timekeeping program. Think its called CATA. After that then all will swipe out as well. Except those exempted by a gold star.
Hoo own de chiefs?
Anonymous said...
How about Tom Byrne, a/3 det commander, as dep chief of one of the field groups,
Little Tommy Byrne the thumb, what a bully coward. Nepotism at its best whats the fat Daughter doing.
2/01/2008 11:46:00 PM
Hey DumbFuck, wrong Tom Byrne.
This Tom Byrne is a class act, unlike you it seems.
Anonymous said...
How about Tom Byrne, a/3 det commander, as dep chief of one of the field groups,
Little Tommy Byrne the thumb, what a bully coward. Nepotism at its best whats the fat Daughter doing.
Uh, where've you been for the past few years, goof ball? Tom Thumb retired a few years ago and got another city job.
He's talking about Young Tom Byrne who was the Commander of 001 a few years back and is now the Commander of Area 3.
Why don't they make everyone EXCEPT patrol swipe in and out since we are the only ones that account for our time by being tied to a radio and PDT? Start with the "elite" units since they are the ones that fuck everything up for the working police. And then they have the nerve to get on here and brag about all their perks and early ducks. You don't see the beat coppers on here bragging about the crumbs they get tossed occasionally.
I heard Seiser refused to swipe out and the order was rescinded because of this.
To the jerkoff who is sick of hearing about Farrell: he is one of the few bosses that commands that kind of respect from his peers and the troops. And if this department needs anything right now, it is more bosses like that--someone that the troops respect, not because he's a nice guy, but because he knows more about police work than anyone and he stands behind his troops 110%. No, he's not a god but he's the kind of boss we need instead of all these clout heavy,know-nothing, kiss ass, hibbity-jibbity, kool-aid drinking goofs we have now. If JFed makes any district visits, he should make 1st watch in 002 a priority. Talk to Farrell, the people that work for him, the detectives upstairs--you'll see the kind of boss we need. And to the goof whose sick of hearing about him, get over it. I'd rather hear about a W/C we are proud of, than the goofy drunk from 22 or all the crazy females.
That G.O. was really something else. Did ya catch the part that left the window open for the higher ups to keep themselves excluded from the swiping. Fucking incredible!
If that would have past I'll put money that at least 50-60% of all tact, gang, sat, gun and narcotic peeps would be putting in a par form for a transfer. Who's going to be left to do ANY police work. We all know 20% of the force do 100% of the work out there. The rest are either dog asses or gangsta coppers and the other small percentages are just stupid dump fuckers that have no clue nor will they ever have a clue. Like if MORALE couldn't get any lower.
So much shit is getting sturred up it's not even funny. Talk to the guys in OCD, it's going to be an all and right strike and mass exidos!
Talk to the guys working on the district tact and gang teams. Fuck it. We'll all go back to the watches and do nothing. Let the 6 month to 2 year wonders come try doing real police work filling spots usually taken by the seasoned experienced vet.
The talk of the town in my local drinking hole is that they dont want the area gang teams or gun teams doing any more search warrants. What a stupid fucking call that is. Last time I checked, they are cranking out the numbers but thats typical department bullshit. Fuck with the workers. Thank God I only have less than 2 years to pulling the plug. God Bless the working police. My friends, you are a dieing breed.
9:39 PM
Look here, you "ANONYMOUS" muthafucker. Unless and until you have the balls to use your actual identity, how dare you try to snipe Farrell.
Hands down, he's the best choice for at least CHIEF OF DICKS and even Deputy Superintendent, Bureau of Investigative Services.
If J-Fed wants instant credibility with the rank and file and the very best we've got, he couldn't make a better choice than John Farrell.
I also believe that Michael Chasen would complement Farrell's leadership.
Take your pussy migraine and shove it up your "anonymous" jealous ass.
Throw mike cronin out on his gimpy ASS!!!!!
"Goodbye, So Long, I Gone, and F*ck You All" wit debonair and class!"
Is he having the last laugh sure, all the way to his dummy show -up job @ 129k a year.
He wouldn't know debonair & class, if it jumped up& bit him in the Ass!!
Little Tommy Byrne the thumb, what a bully coward. Nepotism at its best whats the fat Daughter doing.
Different Byrne asshat
Anonymous said...
If indeed we end up swiping out. How would this work? Lets say you work a late car your hours are 1600-0030. You have an arrest that takes you to 0045.
Use to be your sgt would say I'll take care of you guys tomorrow, and he let you go a little early.
If that order was to stand- Do you have to put a slip in for 15 minutes? Does the W/C have to sign off on it?
Can you imagine all money it would cost the city per period? The current way works so why fix it? I will tell you why- In my opinion it would end up being the end of time keepers in the city. Log-on to new page and look at what you have as far as OT, Time, P-Days and BFDs. Not a bad concept just the city cant make it work.
2/01/2008 08:53:00 PM
The sgt would simply fill out an edit form that the overtime was NOT authorized and the timekeeper would go into the mainframe CATA utility and do the edit. DONE
When we start swiping, it would be great to see the entire watch come in with a late arrest and tie up all the computers working on the Automated Arrest and Inventory. There wouldn't be enough computers for everyone to process their arrests so everyone would just have to patiently sit and wait until one is freed up. Don't forget to ask your arrestee if he/she has to use the bathroom or if they want a cup of coffee while on the clock. Turn in those yellow slips and don't forget to swipe :)
If you have an arrest, the bosses cannot deny OT.
The rescinding of the order is only temporary. The order will be back soon.
How about Tom Byrne, a/3 det commander, as dep chief of one of the field groups,
Little Tommy Byrne the thumb, what a bully coward. Nepotism at its best whats the fat Daughter doing.
2/01/2008 11:46:00 PM
there are 2 tom byrnes, the one your referring to is gone and working for daley. it s like getting the two terry mcmahons mixed up, the one they call big bird and the one who is a capt in 4. the capt in 4 is 100% standup and the big bird is the inspector everyone hates.
the tom byrne that is still on the job is the polar opposite of the one you call the thumb.
I'd rather hear about a W/C we are proud of, than the goofy drunk from 22 or all the crazy females.
2/02/2008 02:22:00 AM
What goofy drunk from 22???
Anonymous said...
Throw mike cronin out on his gimpy ASS!!!!!
2/02/2008 06:48:00 AM
2nd the motion?
I got news for ya.,,,nobody will ever get the old timers in 001, or even 018 to work!
I concur; if thats the same BRYNE
that was on the 3rd watch, 019 years back, he's a great guy.
Someones got their Irishmen mixed up!!!!!
swiper, no swiping. i just saw this for the first time with my kid on dora the explorer. very funny
'scuse me while I whip this out!
if it was daley who wanted us to swipe out, he should look at his own bodyguards who are constantly leaving early
does anybody know if any other big city police departments swipe in and out- and is it really practical considering our profession and type of work we do?
To the guy that badmouthed Captain Farrel:
In my 30 years on the job I have NEVER heard a bad word about the Captain. Probably 100,000 coppers have come and gone on this job in that amount of years and no one has had anything to say detrimental about him to my knowledge. A question to you officer.
Do you think there might be something wrong with you?
Yeah, he's a nice guy and a great copper. So what! You guys act like he is the second coming of Jesus Christ himself. Give me a freakin' break! What about the fact that he also happens to associate himself with retards like Mark Vail & Bryan Holy? This alone speaks volumes about the man.
Who do you think is putting this stuff on here?? The cigarette cannot come out of Holy's mouth without the words "I love John Farrell" coming out next!
Look here, you "ANONYMOUS" muthafucker. Unless and until you have the balls to use your actual identity, how dare you try to snipe Farrell.
Nobody said anything bad about him....All that was said was Stop praising him like he is GOD!! He is not GOD!! If he was GOD, we wouldn't need Seiser!!
SCC, love the cartoon. It lightended up the blog :)
If I recall correctly, didn't you retire a long time ago? Moreover, aren't you the same guy who was known citywide as being a complete softball as a sergeant?
You're off the job now! That means that your opinion no longer counts for shit. So stop your pontificating and ass kissing on behalf of Capt. Farrell and others that you know and love. Your generation of police is almost out the door. Hopefully it won't hit you all in the ass on the way out!
Now, back to your comments. . .
I never said anything bad or untrue about Capt. Farrell. I merely pointed out that I'm sick of all the puffery he receives on this site. You say that he is qualified to be either the Chief of Detectives of a Deputy Superintendent. I have to disagree with this assertion.
Yeah he is a great guy to work for and has worked in the D-unit for a long time. Unfortunately, he has no command experience outside of being a Lieutenant for many years and a Captain for a short period of time. Thus, the next logical step for him would be the position of Commander. I would support such a move because I think he is more than qualified for such an assignment. However, he has no exempt command experience under his belt and is unqualified to be moved to the high positions that you and others long for.
And I don't want to here about Cronin or Huberman as examples of such hefty promotions. They were incompetent and should not have risen above their career service ranks.
You guys should place the blame for the whole swiping issue where it belongs. The whole swipe series of events came directly from the Mayors Office. The CPD and the CFD are the only two departments who do not swipe. Just step back and logically analyze which two departments the Little Man hates. Need I say more. The folks at 35th Street were only doing what was forced on them by the Hall.
Memo to the A-Hole at 2/02/2008 02:26:00 AM
As a taxpaying citizen of this City I don't find it strange at all to expect police officers to work 8 hours for 8 hours pay. In case you didn't realize it, that's what most of the civilized world does. I guess in your profession you feel good work is rewarded with less work. Grow Up Asshole!!! This is reality in case you haven't noticed.
Guys who unload trucks, drive those trucks, work in mills, work in factories, all have to punch in and out in order to keep their jobs. And you know what they do? They punch in and out because those are the rules.
For every one of you cry babies out there I have but one comment - GROW UP AND ACT LIKE ADULTS.
Anonymous said...
When we start swiping, it would be great to see the entire watch come in with a late arrest and tie up all the computers working on the Automated Arrest and Inventory. There wouldn't be enough computers for everyone to process their arrests so everyone would just have to patiently sit and wait until one is freed up. Don't forget to ask your arrestee if he/she has to use the bathroom or if they want a cup of coffee while on the clock. Turn in those yellow slips and don't forget to swipe :)
If you have an arrest, the bosses cannot deny OT.
2/02/2008 08:38:00 AM
They can RWOC and get a C.R. on you for false arrest
"Mongo only pawn in game of life." Do we know for sure that Starks is responsible for the swipe or die order? It makes sence. I heard Williams may have done it to try and kiss JFed's ass. How ironic that it back fired!
The sgt would simply fill out an edit form that the overtime was NOT authorized and the timekeeper would go into the mainframe CATA utility and do the edit. DONE
***And then you file a grievance when you request them to pull your printout as to the time you swiped.
Swiping is going to be citywide. Inside units, detectives, TRU, Narcotics etc.
The Mayor will see what a mess this is going to be and then I think it will all go away in time.
To the jerkoff who is sick of hearing about Farrell:....OK we GET IT. I'm not the poster of the previous comment but come on...we are tired of your suck hole kiss ass demeanor. If you love the guy so much more power to ya. We don't need your constant reminders of your brokeback ways with Farrell, we know we know he walks on water for you...now continue tossing his salad.
Guess you ain't gettin another bump up !!
2/01/2008 03:23:00 PM
Come on Ralph Price, Nice try!
What about the fact that he also happens to associate himself with retards like Mark Vail & Bryan Holy? This alone speaks volumes about the man.
Anonymous said...
Why don't they make everyone EXCEPT patrol swipe in and out since we are the only ones that account for our time by being tied to a radio and PDT? Start with the "elite" units since they are the ones that fuck everything up for the working police. And then they have the nerve to get on here and brag about all their perks and early ducks. You don't see the beat coppers on here bragging about the crumbs they get tossed occasionally.
2/02/2008 02:03:00 AM
How do burkes crew account for their time and generous overtime?
Hey ANONYMOUS, Shut the F**K up about FARRELL. Best G-D boss I ever worked for. Would go out of his way to help any Copper. Even an AS*H*LE like you. VAIL can be abrupt, but another cop who would go and do anything for another copper. Take your head out of your A**. You must be Maher's sister too have written that.
the swiping order came from C Williams office. He's a big 8 for 8 ( he wants 10 hr days, but you only getting payed for8!). Starks had nothing to do with it. A certain Capt just got the "kiss of death" from her sponsor, aldercreatures know how to fuck up a good thing!
BTW dilligaf: he say OOOWWNS, OOOWWNS.
Capt Terry McMahon from 004 would be the BEST choice for #2 spot. The morale would be back! A real stand up guy w/common sense!
As a taxpaying citizen of this City I don't find it strange at all to expect police officers to work 8 hours for 8 hours pay. In case you didn't realize it, that's what most of the civilized world does. I guess in your profession you feel good work is rewarded with less work. Grow Up Asshole!!! This is reality in case you haven't noticed.
IN your civilized world have you ever been assaulted spit on called a whore lied about, we can go on and on. while were at it most of us have had our hours changed every 28 days for many years I did 11 years myself. by hours I mean Day shift then Midnights then Afternoons. we also work 6 consecutive days in a roll without overtime, we use a 13 month calender 4 weeks free work for the citizen. We are not bitching about the 8 hours however I'm bitching about 8 1/2 hour's because the half hour is my time yet I must be in uniform. By the way I don't get paid enough.
12:24 PM
You arrogant, disrespectful piece of shit!
You couldn't make a pimple on Farrell's or Northside's ass as the real police. Both are bright, honorable, widely admired and respected guys with impeccable reputations.
Just who the fuck are you to say that Northside is "a softball" (whatever that means) and his "opinion no longer counts for shit."? Are you pissed off because he went public on ExamScam and jeopardized clouted assholes like you?
Unlike the retired NorthSide, Farrell is still around and everybody knows he's our best and brightest.
Your sanctimonious. "exempt command experienced" ass cries out for a scalding hot Kool-Aid douche.
The anonymous poster from 12:24 PM holds the rank of deputy chief/asst. deputy supt. or above and is a certifiably vicious and treacherous backstabber. This person will also argue that the job is on the legit. Possibly bipolar.
Round up the usual suspects.
We don't need your constant reminders of your brokeback ways with Farrell, we know we know he walks on water for you...now continue tossing his salad.
2/02/2008 02:46:00 PM
Beer just shot out my nose. Thanks for the laugh, my stomach hurts.
12:24 PM
Thanks for sharing, Maria.
12:24 PM is a cowardly, jealous asseipe. Coppers don't come any better than Northside and Capt. Farrell.
2/02/2008 03:03:00 PM"
That's damn magnaminous of you, 12:24 PM. So after 40 years as an outstanding police officer, you now believe that Capt. Farrell may be ready for the lowest exempt position.
Now take that huge dildo out of your ass and shove it down your throat, you jealous gold-braided rattlesnake.
2/02/2008 01:19:00 PM
Hey Troll, go back to "the mills"! Better yet, start your own "MILL BLOG". That's sure to be a big hit!
"You're off the job now! That means that your opinion no longer counts for shit."
Aaahh...the brotherhood.
Shame on you, 12:24.
You owe Capt. Farrell, John Northern and every retired police officer an apology. You are obnoxious and rude and do not deserve to wear the blue.
I don't wear blue, and I don't answer to captains. Thank you very much!
10:10 PM
Aren't you special? What color do you wear? Sounds like yellow becomes you, self-absorbed coward.
Since you "don't answer to" rational discourse either, just STFU, you pretentious asshole.
You're very welcome.
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