Monday, May 26, 2008

All About the Convictions

Felony Review looks out for citizens? Hardly. Via e-mail:
  • Back on Super Bowl Sunday, in 2007, we in the 006th district responded to a missing person call, suspicious in nature because blood was found in the house. To make a very long story short, the sometimes live-in boyfriend of a woman, possibly raped (it was inconclusive but very probable) and stabbed the woman's mentally challenged sister seventeen times. She was stabbed in the head, neck, and chest. He then dragged her into the backyard, in just a T-shirt, on this very frigid day and threw her down into the catch basin.
  • Thanks to the rapid response of officers the boyfriend was apprehended in the neighborhood and he informed them where he had stashed his victim. Upon opening the cover of the catch basin the officers found this poor soul still alive, yet barely conscious or breathing. She was in a seated position, naked except a t-shirt, sitting in filth and human waste up to her stomach, all the while bleeding from her seventeen stab wounds. The only way to extricate her from this hole was to take a very tall, thin officer, grab him by his feet and lower him into the basin to grab hold of the victim so then the officer's up top could pull them both out. She was then rushed to Christ hospital by the waiting paramedics.
  • Unfortunately, the elation we felt, believing we saved this woman's life, was dashed four hours later when we received the call to head to the Area (that's the detective's office for you non-police) because this poor soul died during surgery.
  • Amazingly, this went to trial this year (a record in Cook County) and the offender was found guilty of Murder and is awaiting hearings on the death sentence. Point of this story is this, during preparation for trail the Assistant State's Attorney, a woman no less, asked where were the photos of the victim in the catch basin. We informed her that the victim was alive when we found her so she was rescued and rushed to the hospital. This ASA then says, "It would have been better for the case had she died in the hole." I almost fell over, what a cold hearted thing to say and absolute evidence that these people, these defenders of justice, these officers of the court, these highly educated and evolved, these who stand against the corrupt police, this is how they feel.
  • As every copper knows, and is reminded every time Felony is denied because of the State's Attorney's Win/Lose record, it's all about winning. To hell with the victim's of crime, to hell with their Due Process, to their day in court, to their healing process, what about Dick Devine's record...That's what it is about and will continue to be about when the next State's Attorney takes over.
  • So I say this SCC and I hope all coppers join in. From now on, when felony charges are denied, we give the crime victims the phone number to Felony Review, we give them the name of the ASA who denied charges, and we tell them to call, ask for a supervisor and demand an explanation as to why their case is not worthy of felony charges. You know these lawyers are having a good ole time placing all the blame on the police, the likely successor to Devine plans on prosecuting more police, so let's see how they like the scrutiny...And to you non-police readers, Devine was Daley's hand picked person for the job. Your Mayor, your State's Attorney, all looking out for you, NOT!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in!

5/26/2008 02:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a non-issue,SCC. So an ASA says something insensitive. So what? How often have we seen our co-workers standing around, backslapping and joking, on the scenes of homicides, even Officer's funerals? The killer was caught minutes after the crime occurred. Victim was located, and valiant efforts were made by all involved to save her life, to no avail. Offender was charged accordingly with the victim's murder. Everyone involved with the arrest received a Department Commendation, as I recall. Why make all the fuss here about an ignorant clod with a law degree? Justice won out in the end, with the killer convicted.
How often does that happen?

5/26/2008 02:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a A.S.A. tell me after a victim testified, she was so bad on the stand that it would of better for us all if she died and this was a murder trial.

5/26/2008 03:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the convicted child murderer who failed to register for 2 years. ASAs let him go because he told them he did not know he had to register. What about all the victims with a less than stellar background..........all are denied their day in court. Dude shoots into a school bus and it occupants duck. ASA says, id no good because everyone was ducking. And ON AND ON AND ON.

5/26/2008 04:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is investigative reporting ? What a great series of articles it would be, reading about all the thugs that the asa fails to charge. No justice for victims at the expense of the state. What the hell is a jury for !!!!!!!!! Ill Dept of Corrections is no better.

5/26/2008 04:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you graduate law school, you take a public vow. I am also sure you take a private one that instructs you to leave all common sense and human dignity at the door.

5/26/2008 05:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard there was a theft offender caught stealing catalytic converters from a couple of vehicles. The ASA wanted to have an expert witness and possibly an estimate of repairs before Felonly Approval???? Were the felony charges approved yesterday????

5/26/2008 05:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sunday night in 002. Driver of car (only guy in vehicle) was flashing a gun at people in Washington Park. Witnesses told officers in park about this. Two marked units pull guy over. Under the driver's seat was a new Springfield XD .45. Felony charges denied. What a joke this system has become. Why even bother doing anything. No reason to put your life on the line for this crap anymore. Seriously, what's the point. Let these guys go. He'll go in the back and will be on the street in 8 hours. And get court supervision in misdemeanor court next month.

5/26/2008 05:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'll get the standard response from the ASA, "the police messed upthe investigation".

5/26/2008 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to take a side either way on this whole bash the ASA's thing, but if I'm being fair, some of you complainers must not know how to write paper. I havn't been on the job a real long time, but so far in my career I have only had felony charges not approved one time out of over 100 calls down to felony review. And if I'm being honest that one time was pretty damm iffy even from my point of view.

I can't imagine felony review denying charges if the paper is well written and the victims are even semi-credible.

Maybe take a look at yourself in the mirror, the next time you get denied. This job requires more than just snatching the bad guy off the street, it also takes knowing what is needed to land a conviction in the process before attempting to get charges approved on a case.

I've seen strong cases at the time of arrest turn weak as hell due to poor case reporting by the time it's being faxed down to felony review plenty of times. Then watched as fellow officers cried about felony review when they got denied, only to read thier case report and think to myself, I wouldn't even have tried take that case to trial after having read that.

Feel free to flame away now, since this site is for bashing anybody who doesn't share the majority view on things. It certainly won't hurt my feelings...

5/26/2008 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sunday night in 002. Driver of car (only guy in vehicle) was flashing a gun at people in Washington Park. Witnesses told officers in park about this. Two marked units pull guy over. Under the driver's seat was a new Springfield XD .45. Felony charges denied. What a joke this system has become. Why even bother doing anything. No reason to put your life on the line for this crap anymore. Seriously, what's the point. Let these guys go. He'll go in the back and will be on the street in 8 hours. And get court supervision in misdemeanor court next month.

5/26/2008 05:54:00 AM

If the above is even half true, the officer's must be one step above a retarded person at writing paper because thier is no way I'm believing how you tell the story you couldn't get felony charges approved.

And even by some insane miracle of faith you actually did write paper which established probable cause and were still denied then I'd have to say just about any watch commander I've ever worked for would have went for an override.

So like I said you're paper must have been pretty f-ed up for you to be denied not only by felony review, but also not have your watch commander stick up for you on what should have been a pretty cut and dry case according to your story you posted here...

5/26/2008 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This town should be completely out of control by 2016!!!!!

5/26/2008 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had an offender kick out the front door window to the 21st District and the ASA would not approve felony charges until we had a written estimate for the cost of the damages. Even though there is a charge on the books for a felony because it is Government property regardless of the cost. I don't know if the charges were approved I started furlo but I doubt they were. What a joke.

5/26/2008 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great idea from now on I will give victims the number and tell them to call an ask for themselves. Put it right to the ASA. I bet if it were a Police Officer accused charges would be approved in a matter of seconds.

5/26/2008 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



5/26/2008 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Despicable! How come the handgun ban didn't prevent this?

5/26/2008 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about this one, not as serious as some of the other stories but an example of ASA logic none the less. Recently, a thief actually admitted to stealing expensive property ($15,000+ in value) and prepares, in his own hand, a signed confession (we have all seen some goofy criminals who do this kind of coersion in this case, just good interrogation by one of the det's at the scene)and gives it to the arresting officers. Tells us (after Miranda warnings) how he committed the crime and directs us to some of the property which is recovered. The new ASA says the written confession is no good since you cannot make out that it was prepared on a video. The ASA says that we only have his (the arrestee's) and the officer's word that he prepared the written confession, and he can always change his story. This new ASA discounts the fact that he told us where some of the stolen property was and would not come out to do an in-person interview. It took 4 hours of arguing and eventually waking her boss to get the felony approval. I'm an old policman and this kind of stuff just makes me tired. Thanks for doing this blog, this is my first entry, and the stories make for good reading.

5/26/2008 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the dicks and ASA s have always been about slam-duck cases. we all know this. they both want everything tied up in a pretty little bow before you dare to call them. good victim,good witness, E T ordered, property inventoried,offender s rap sheet and an oral confession with miranda warnings given. the dicks show up.. and if everythings not perfect.. they say '' you got nothing kid''. then go thru the motions of calling fel review. REMEMBER. SLAM-DUNKS ONLY OR YOU GOT NOTHING KID.

5/26/2008 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well written, stated and more importantly true. I think it is a great idea. The numbers are public record and after a few hundred disgruntled and disenfranchised family members lay into them, it should have a visible affect. These mooks (ASA's), have been void of any responsibility for far too long. Let them face the music and see how they like it.

5/26/2008 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is the first i've heard of the superbowl murder case in 006 the only response i have for the involved officers, EXCELLENT JOB!
sgt to be!

5/26/2008 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is a non-issue,SCC. So an ASA says something insensitive. So what? How often have we seen our co-workers standing around, backslapping and joking, on the scenes of homicides, even Officer's funerals? The killer was caught minutes after the crime occurred. Victim was located, and valiant efforts were made by all involved to save her life, to no avail. Offender was charged accordingly with the victim's murder. Everyone involved with the arrest received a Department Commendation, as I recall. Why make all the fuss here about an ignorant clod with a law degree? Justice won out in the end, with the killer convicted.
How often does that happen?

5/26/2008 02:54:00 AM

I believe there is an issue here. There's actually 2 issues that I can see.
(1) We all know that police officers can be callus and can be accused of saying some mean and hateful things, but how often is it brought to light when an ASA, people who are so critical of the police, says these things. It feels good to direct some of that scrutiny back towards them.
(2) The ASA's comment almost makes it seem, if only for a second, that she was considering dropping the case because the evidence may not have been strong enough for her. This is the main issue; the mentality of the ASA. Even though this was one instance and one ASA, it goes to evidence of that mindframe and agrees with the consensus of a large number of police officers. They regularly disregard or disapprove a good case if it does not meet THEIR criteria for a winning case.

5/26/2008 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has been going on for awhile now, things that are felonies by LAW are not charged as felonies in CROOK County because these ASAs want to make their own records look good, whether that be for future jobs in SAs office or in the private sector after they get enough experience to go be a defense attorney and make the big money. Their may be a few ASAs that actually WANT the bad guys put away but overall its not about the victims its about their own conviction rate!!

5/26/2008 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the idea if I am denied felony (Oh sorry I stopped making areests) but if I had to make an arrest I would be sure to give all the victims the asa name and phone number! Then give them the suntimes fran spielman she would fuck with the idiot asa!

5/26/2008 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have not had charges rejected in a long time. thier new thing is to C.I. (Continued Invesetigation)everything. They also want you to identify, locate and interveiw any possible defense witnesses.

This way they tell the victim and the press that the Police did not do thier job and additional investigation is needed.

C.I. is A.S.A. code for. it's not going to be charged.

"Justice for all" Uless you are victimized in Cook County!

5/26/2008 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The old timers have been doing this for years. Giving the names and addresses as well as phone #'s of the ASA's denying charges- to be fair, it's usually the supervisors who tell them what to do because , God forbid, an attorney ever make a decision independently.

I've learned however that it does no good. It seems that the "public"
has a mind set of a cardboard box.

They just don't give a dame to call or write save few exceptions.
They are content to blow steam in front of a camera or at a meeting but in reality they just don't care after the event is ended.

5/26/2008 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i refuse to go though that aggravation, mist arrests

5/26/2008 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what? I have news for you people. No one cares. If they did, they would elect a new mayor or do something about how teachers, cops and firefighters get the shaft. People are busy making a living and don't care what cops go through. They certainly don't care what the criminal courts are doing, because they don't have to deal with the criminal courts (most of them, anyway.)

We feel strongly about it because it's what we do for a living. People tend to be egocentric and think that what they are doing is the most important thing in the world. Soldiers think they are the most important, defending freedom, cops think they are the most important, keeping the savages away from the good people. The fact of the matter is that the good people are generally too busy making a living to really put much energy into our beefs. If they read about it in the paper, they'll say, "That's a shame." That's about as far as it will go.

The other people care more about cougars than us. There you have it. Hate to bust your bubble, but that's the deal. All of your bitching about these things will mean nothing in the long run. Try attending a union meeting if you want to put teeth into your complaints.

5/26/2008 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anytime I get denied felony or any charges that I deem to be just I simply tell the ASA that I wasn't calling for his/her approval and that I was giving them a heads up on the charges that were coming to court.

5/26/2008 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time, write these things down. Remember them for the next time a similar situation comes up. Take their bs excuse and make sure ur next similar arrest covers the reason for their denial of charges. Watch and listen to them squirm to try and deny charges. There is nothing more fulfilling than watching an ASA have to eat crow because someone told these assholes that they are responsible for trying a case over the phone.

5/26/2008 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cook county is the only county I'm aware of in Illinois that has felony review. In other counties if someone commits a felony by statute they are charged accordingly. If later in the court process the State's Attorney's office wants to downgrade the charges they can do so. I wonder if this way of doing things is truly because the system would get clogged or because the State's Attorney's office doesn't want the public to actually know how often they don't pursue felonious crimes. Why have laws such as Aggravated Battery on a Public way (street fight) if you're going to demand broken bones to charge the offender. What a joke the Cook County Justice system is.

5/26/2008 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not all asa's are bad. as a matter of fact most i've dealt with at trial level were pleasant to deal with and definitely pro police. the felony review and special pros people are the worst in my book. felony review with no clue and the special pros guys with an ax to grind ( i was always the last kid picked and sat in the back of the class types). police haters with a political agenda.

5/26/2008 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh whooooooooooooooo cares!!!!!!!!!!!????????? stop taking any of this shit personal!

5/26/2008 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You all know we make the same comments at crime scenes. You all act like you are just these perfect little cops you see on TV. Give me a break. You saw the comments as rude, I see the comments as FACT... it would have been BETTER for the CASE if she died in the basin. The ASA DIDN'T say they WISHED she died in the basin. Stop trying to spin everything people say... You sound like Obama!!!

As far as felony review... no system is perfect. No sitting here crying about it, have you ever thought it could be how you write paper? I have yet to be denied. JUST A THOUGHT!!!

5/26/2008 01:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cook County has operated like this for years now! Just look at hot cars, if it has keys it isn't stolen! However if your the owner of the car in your mind it's STOLEN! or how about "the GSW didn't do major damage, make it a simple battery". GOVERNMENT NEEDS A DOUCHE!!!!! IT STINKS, BURNS AND ITCHES!

5/26/2008 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the idea of giving the victims the number to Felony Review. I will be adding that to my "list of things to do" when processing an arrest.

How has the population of the detention facility located a 26 & Cal been influenced is it more by CPD moral issues or Felony Review's refusal to prosecute cases?

Felony Review's job is suppose to refer the case to the proper division which will prosecute the offense by presenting it in court to a Jury, and Judge. The Jury is then suppose to weigh the facts of the case, and render a verdict of guilty or not guilty. The Judge sits there as a referee, and at the rendering of a verdict hands down the appropriate sentence. RIGHT???

Not in Crook County!!! Seems to be a pre-pre trial occurs at which time a lawyer and a lawyers supervisor have a conference to debate the chances of a conviction in the case before it evens sees the light of a court room. BOY IT SUCKS TO BE A VICTIM IN CROOK COUNTY.

5/26/2008 01:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure this next story will not shock any police officers so here it goes. ASA comes out to a district station to interview witness, offender and all officers involved in a incident where a battery was committed against arresting officers. After all question were asked to both offender and witness the ASA asked DID ANY of the officers beat you! If you think their are any good ASA's in cook county think again.

BE SAFE someone is always watching!

5/26/2008 01:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/26/2008 02:54:00 AM

Shut up moron. ASA's are useless assholes.

5/26/2008 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not a police officer, and I do not consider Daley, my mayor. I never voted for him. He is a total rats ass. Unless you are rich or a black dumbass gang banger, you are of no use to little "it's not my fault" Richie Daley.

I am from a police family of many many years. Father, brother, husband , cousins, Uncles etc....combined they have put years & years of blood sweat and tears into the job of policing. The things they have seen could make a normal person sick, but they have done their jobs with pride.

Never, in all the 57 yrs that I have been alive have I ever seen a mayor that hates the police department so much. What have the police ever done to him to deserve such hatred?

They go to work, do their jobs, live in this nasty city, pay high taxes, pay for their own raises with these taxes, send their children to private schools, because most of the public schools are shit.

Police are no longer allowed to serve and protect the public, because someone who is just plain no good that doesn't work, might get his/her feelings hurt.


We thank all of you men and women that are trying to serve what once was your city. It is no longer safe for you to do so. Please do what you feel you must, and most of all stay safe for your families. Come Home to Us after you serve your daily tour of duty.

Screw the ASA's. You guys are the best.

Thank you once again for your service to this city.

5/26/2008 02:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: the catalytic converter thief, the ASA also wanted an estimate, on paper, from a repair shop! Where, on a Sunday morning, do you find an open shop? These thieves are stealing carparts that run from $400 to easily $1200, and getting about $60 at the junkyard.

5/26/2008 02:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are no reporters anymore. The Royoko's of this world are gone. The only thing reporters are looking for is something on the Police.

5/26/2008 02:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's not forget that the vast majority of ASA's we come across in many trials are very good people. At times their job can be almost as shitty as ours (dealing with gang banger witnesses, victims that recant, offender that accuse ASA's of lying, ridiculous, illegible reports written by PO's, etc...)

In the case described, the Crime Lab certainly should have taken a picture of the hole the victim was recovered from AFTER the victim died. So, the ASA made an insensitive comment, probably believing she was amoung friends. The post shows she certainly was not. She was amoung at least one hand-up.

I know morale is low. Mine is low. But, I'm still here, doing whatever the hell it is I think I'm supposed to be doing in today's climate. That said, the day this department becomes a bunch of finger pointing whiners, blamers, and rats like every federal law enforcement agency, I'm leaving.

Don't let the negative enviornment surrounding this job turn you into something you'll regret. Keep your dignity.

5/26/2008 02:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't Cline hire a former ASA to act as a liasion between CPD and the ASAs office? What the fuck does he do?

5/26/2008 03:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard there was a theft offender caught stealing catalytic converters from a couple of vehicles. The ASA wanted to have an expert witness and possibly an estimate of repairs before Felonly Approval???? Were the felony charges approved yesterday????


Why would that upset you? First off, noone would be saying that the offender would never get charged - the ASA just told whomever that he could not be charged with a felony right then and there.

It may seem like a small point to you, but if there is NO EVIDENCE as to value, then how can you expect charges? Are you going to sign the complaint stating the value was $300-$10,000 (or you would probably seek charges on CDTP >300 since it is much easier to prove and carries the same sentence).

And no, you can't say "Well I've installed a converter on my car before and it'll cost them way more than $300 dollars to fix". That's also not evidence.

5/26/2008 03:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

System is a joke......Unless your a PO, then they really don't care about the evidence against you, if any, to try to f#$k you over.

5/26/2008 03:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This is a non-issue,SCC. So an ASA says something insensitive. So what? How often have we seen our co-workers standing around, backslapping and joking, on the scenes of homicides, even Officer's funerals?


Sorry friend but you have sooooooooooo missed the point here. Sure, copper humor is rampant but it's a coping mechanism, it's how we deal with seeing what we see on a day in and day out basis.

The statement made by this ASA was different, it showed her one and only priority was winning, to hell with the victim. So what if this woman suffered four more hours in that hole, sitting naked in shit and freezing, if only she would have been thoughtful enough to die there she could have helped the case. If only the officers could have been a bit slower, forget she at least knew prior to dying someone cared enough to try and save her. Her last human contact wasn't this pig piece of shit stabbing her with scissors and raping and sodomizing her, it was fellow humans trying to save her and allowing her at least some dignity in death.
You know friend, I have to wonder about you, about how quick you are to compare a police coping skill with this. How quick you are to bash the police in defense of the ASA. It's because of attitudes like your's we can't unite for anything. This story wasn't about the officers, about awards, it was about how little the ASAs care about victims. Could this comment have any impact without the story being told??? Next to the contract I think the ASAs denying felony charges for the dumbest reasons is one of the biggest complaints on this blog. You seem to feel this post had something to do with the officers feeling slighted, no, it didn't. It was just a horribly graphic illustration of just how uncaring these ASA are about the victims. I tell residents all the time, whether they believe it or not nobody cares about them like the police care. No one else is willing to do what we do. No one else is fighting for their rights, for their protection.. You must either be a boss or an inside guy who doesn't get upset at injustice..Why don't you go work for your friends at the ASA's Office and make room for someone who doesn't hate us as much as the rest of society, goof....

5/26/2008 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I heard there was a theft offender caught stealing catalytic converters from a couple of vehicles. The ASA wanted to have an expert witness and possibly an estimate of repairs before Felonly Approval???? Were the felony charges approved yesterday????

True story..Guy caught with a portable generator and a Saws all cutting the catalytic converters off of cars parked in a parking lot. ASA said she needed an Expert who could testify to the cost of repair before she'd approve charges. This she wanted from a PATROLMAN on the Sunday during Memorial Day weekend!!! Thanks to the officer's efforts, this guy called a friend who called a friend who was willing to talk to the ASA. How she verified he was an expert over the phone, I don't know, Osmosis??? None the less, the officer passed his trial by fire and the gate keeper had to grant his wish. I heard rumor they're discussing something about rings of fire and officers jumping through to get felony in the future but that's just rumor for now. And most important, imagine you're one of these victims who now has to spend Memorial day weekend running around trying to get you car fixed. Imagine if this officer hadn't done this ridiculous task and the career thief could have been home sucking down a bud while these victims ran all weekend. To this ASA that would have been just fine... To you citizens keep all these stories in mind the next time you vote for State's Attorney and remember, it's not the police who "always let them go," it's the lawyers.........

5/26/2008 04:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This is a non-issue,SCC.

It went right over your head, the story was told to illustrate the difference between the efforts officers went to, to save a life and the vulgar way upon which this ASA (whose is representative of many, if I'm wrong, well I'm not wrong, after all they have their "better" assistants handle such cases)looks at human life. This is an attempt to educate the public about the reality we deal with day in and day out. We do a lot of whining about this issue on this blog but what can we as officers change? But if the public gets an insight into this and how the State's Attorneys Office hardly takes the victim into consideration unless they have a back ground because then they're not "good" victims or unless they're rich or powerful in which case heaven and earth is moved. You're a detective aren't you and you like many of the ASA's, that's fine, but geez cuz, you mean to tell me you don't think the felony review process is broken????? You don't think the whole system is broken??? One last point, who recalls the story recently where two Public Defenders allowed a man to languish in prison for 28 years while they kept the identity of a confessed killer "confidential." It was reported their "ETHICS" wouldn't permit them to reveal the information until the confessor died. If we withheld such info we'd be on trial, for them it's ethical behavior...As long as lawyers make the rules (95% of all our legislators are lawyers) nothing will ever get fixed...

5/26/2008 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sunday night in 002. Driver of car (only guy in vehicle) was flashing a gun at people in Washington Park. Witnesses told officers in park about this. Two marked units pull guy over. Under the driver's seat was a new Springfield XD .45.

What a joke this system has become. Why even bother doing anything.

Yea brother the system sucks but why should we keep trying??? Because we're better then them, we're better people then these people who choose to put criminals back on the street, because we're better then those who turn a blind eye when someone is getting victimized. Oh sure, there are even those in our own ranks who will criticize if you give the appearance you care. They'll mock and say it's an act and you're full of shit, fuck them too... Keep up the good fight brother because you're a Policeman, not to many can claim that... Be proud...

5/26/2008 04:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stoires like that make US all sick! Great job 006!

God rest the soul from the hands of an animal.

You knw, God forbid that happend to anyone from whatever the suburb or state or small town that States Attorney came from or grew up in.

I guess here in Chicago it seems par for the course. NO BALLS ASA's and this is probably an example of the fact that THEY DO NOT BELIEVE US OR ANYTHING WE DO!!!

ASA's are so worried about their YUPPIE living that they are as disengaged as most goofy Judges from the North Shore in regards to their decision making.


Stop reading the newspapers and believeing what they say!


5/26/2008 05:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ASA's are the bottom of the barrel of Law school. Look at the public integrity unit. They follow behind IAD like a small puppy. If not for IAD they would never prove up of a crime or have the evidence to take it to trial.

5/26/2008 05:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Dog Eat Dog Batman!!!

What happened to all the puppies? What happened to us? Is it that bad or are we just fucking animals too? The woman didn't deserve to be treated that way. The ASA should not even think or said those stupid statements. Winning is important but, not that way. So give every officer a camera to take pictures and rescue citizens. Remember first issue J-Fed.

5/26/2008 05:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose we police are incapable of saying anything insensitive or off-color. Shame on you SCC for turning the email into one of your headlines. Job well done by the coppers!

5/26/2008 07:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is an outstanding idea.

5/26/2008 08:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was a CPD Officer for 33yrs. Made my share of arrests. I never could figure out the ASA's and Felony Review. Sometimes they would approve charges on weak cases. Sometimes I saw good cases, with strong victims, get turned down. Some of them were embarrasing to watch in court.Did not know how to present a case. Could not even ask the right questions, to build foundation. Some really did not like the Police.
Lots were very condensending.
All left the office as soon as they could.
I know it's a very intense job, with little money, and lots of work.
Why not pay a decent salary, and keep good people?

5/26/2008 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the new guy that writes great paper and out of 100 arrests had only one denied.....Please, break your neck and suck your own D*ck you lying bullshit artist! "Good paper?" Those days are over stud. Paper should be written as it happened. Good victims??? Where do you work? Oz? Out of 100 cases I might get one good victim.

5/26/2008 08:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The various District Attorneys in NYC constantly are prosecuting members of the organized crime families there.

Mr. Devine seemingly is blind to the Outfit in chicago. Or is it becaue so many top Democrats are in collusion with them?

5/26/2008 09:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF are you talking about SCC. If a PO is denied a felony then that is it. The buck stops there. If someone takes you up on this piece of advice, then they will be screwed.

5/26/2008 09:29:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

WTF are you talking about SCC. If a PO is denied a felony then that is it. The buck stops there. If someone takes you up on this piece of advice, then they will be screwed.

What advice are you speaking of? We gave no advice. We published an e-mail from an irate individual.

Once again, read what we wrote, not what someone else wrote. We wrote the 9 word introduction. Everything else is the e-mail.

5/26/2008 09:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two marked units pull guy over. Under the driver's seat was a new Springfield XD .45. Felony charges denied. What a joke this system has become. Why even bother doing anything. 5/26/2008 05:54:00 AM
Then they wonder why cops have perjury charges lodged against them, the officer knows that if he writes the case the way it really happened in this case, the case gets dumped. Only felony conviction if you say he had it in his waistband. we all know its his weapon and he deserves to be put in prison, but that is not what crook county judges or public want anymore. In the end we are only trying to put the criminal in prison.... so make up your minds public! Are you on the side of the cops or on the side of the criminals?

5/26/2008 09:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot the art of creative charging. There are a lot of statutes on the books you can charge people with, especially if it is theft-related. You don't have to go for the over 300 theft charge, there are always related charges you can slam 'em with that will fit the criminal behavior. Sometimes, er many times, you have to educated felony review because they just got out of law school and are green behind the ears and don't know anything in Chapter also have D. O'B . to contend with, too. A good dic (diaper, robbery, financial, etc) will know what's in 720 and how to approach felony review.

5/26/2008 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cook county is the only county I'm aware of in Illinois that has felony review. In other counties if someone commits a felony by statute they are charged accordingly. If later in the court process the State's Attorney's office wants to downgrade the charges they can do so. I wonder if this way of doing things is truly because the system would get clogged or because the State's Attorney's office doesn't want the public to actually know how often they don't pursue felonious crimes. Why have laws such as Aggravated Battery on a Public way (street fight) if you're going to demand broken bones to charge the offender. What a joke the Cook County Justice system is.

Lake County (to the North), DuPage (to the West).

Consider yourself informed. The truth is there is no way for a police officer to charge someone with a felony - you always need the Prosecutor. If anyone tells you otherwise, then there is some agreement (like in Chicago with drug cases) between the Prosecutor and the Arresting Department.

5/26/2008 10:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5/26/2008 10:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's all a big fix here in Crook County. The lib. DemocRAT politicians don't want to build any more jails or prisons because they care more about votes and political correctness than about keeping dangerous criminals locked up. That's why they come up with all this work-release, electronic-monitoring, early Parole crap. We need a guy like Sheriff Joe of maricopa County, AZ. as Sheriff here, not that little political Elf Dart-da-Fart.

5/26/2008 10:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Real Laffer this includes you SCC. You all have your panties in a bunch over the Democraps. Why did you decide to come under their employ in the 1st place?

It's not like this was once a Republican Hotbed that turned Dem.

Crook County has been solid Democrat since the City's Western Boundary was Clark St.

Apparently everyone has to have something to bitch about??

5/26/2008 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't imagine felony review denying charges if the paper is well written and the victims are even semi-credible.

Thank you Will County Sheriffs Deputies for your imput. I am sure your ASA's are professional and hardworking. But we were talking about Crook county.

5/26/2008 10:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really don't give a flying fuck!

5/26/2008 11:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but to read post calling the ASA a "friend," maybe your friend detective. But then your not out there getting bunched and kicked as much as Patrol are you? If nothing else, committing a battery against an officer should be a felony. That's what the statute says, it doesn't say injury, it doesn't say great bodily harm. By routinely rejecting felony charges has only aided in the Open Season" on policemen instead of making the statute the deterrent to hitting Policemen like it was intended to be. And even some detectives take a real who cares attitude with this. I think many detectives attitudes are influenced by their connection with these ASAs. Maybe it makes them feel more important they have lawyer friends instead of copper friends. And when they ask, "what happened" you often get the feeling they're asking what did you do to cause this citizen to hit you? The law says you cannot resist a policemen, regardless if you feel his arrest is just. It says you can't hit a policemen cause if you do it's a felony. Let the trial determine the punishment not the felony review process. There has been a lot of discussion about felony review and it's role. Well, maybe I just wish I lived in munchkin land but isn't Felony Review supposed to determine if the elements exist for felony charges? I don't think it is supposed to be the pre-trail or the prelim hearing it's turned into, it's not supposed to be the State's opportunity to figure on the likelihood of a victory or not. Do the elements exist or not, that's the purpose. The State's win/lose column should not be a factor and dets should not be pimping for the ASAs.

5/27/2008 02:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does someone posting here feel it's improper to give a phone number that's listed in the Blue pages of every "white Pages" phone book distributed and the name of the ASA who reviewed the case to the victim? We aren't giving personal info just info that is public record, or at least is supposed to be. This isn't work product, the States Attorney is not your attorney, they're part of the process. We the police have IPRA (formally OPS) and IAD, why shouldn't the citizens have the right to ask a States Attorney supervisor questions as to the decisions made by and Assistant States Attorney. Could it be because this is Crook County and in Crook County politics is the rule of the day and if you the lowly policemen attempt to step out of your Class Position and encourage the upper class be given a little scrutiny, well, we just can't have that. Next you'll want to eat at the same restaurants the Lawyers eat at, shop at the same malls, my God man, what were you thinking??????!!!!!! You are probably correct though, I could see the upper echelon will try and come down on us if we do this, they'll intimidate and retaliate, in fact isn't the Grand Pooba of the Detectives (What is the title now, Chief of chiefs, Deputy superintendent to the chief of Director??) related to an ASA, daughter maybe?? Don't you dare question them!!!!

5/27/2008 02:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the case described, the Crime Lab certainly should have taken a picture of the hole the victim was recovered from AFTER the victim died. So, the ASA made an insensitive comment, probably believing she was amoung friends. The post shows she certainly was not. She was amoung at least one hand-up.

I'll be honest with you, I'm the writer of the e-mail to SCC and your comment really has made me reflect. After all, the one thing coppers hate to be thought of is a rat. But you know, no, this ASA was not among friends, I've never been treated like a friend by an ASA. Perhaps you work in the detective division and you're treated better by them but I'm not. We in patrol are often talked down to, the job we are given an hour or two to finish, with every primadonna on this job interrupting every chain of thought we have because they need a telephone notification, is picked apart and ridiculed. We are growled at because we can't remember every finite detail from a case we handled three years ago, and this is the BIG ISSUE, policemen every day are the victim of batteries and the vast majority of these cases are rejected for felony. The law makers of this state saw fit to create a law, to protect policemen, firemen, paramedics, teachers, etc.. by making it a felony to batter them. The statute does not call for great bodily harm, it doesn't require us to be a senor citizen, it doesn't require us to have been on the public way (even though in most case we are on the public way when battered), it simply requires us to be performing in our official capacity. And I suggested you may be a detective, well, we in patrol know that many in that division deal with such cases with the same callousness as does the ASA. Sometimes, I think you guys work for the States Attorney and not the police department. Anyway, I digress, this wasn't personal. I wish no ill will to that ASA. I do think she lacks the human compassion I'd like to see in my prosecutor but that's me. And I also feel you cloud the issue by comparing Cop Humor to this comment. We make sick jokes so we don't go insane seeing the stuff we see. She was making a statement. She had a very solid case (the guy was claiming self defense) yet she was so consumed with WINNING she forgot she was supposed to be acting on behalf of the State, yes, but also on behalf of that victim. And I wrote this to SCC, hoping he'd post it to illustrate how the states attorneys think and how this this thought process affects the felony review process. The felony review process is a very critical step in the system. However, the review process has become so corrupted by politics and overly ambitious lawyers who review the cases for winnability (Is that a word??) instead of the merits of the case. Now correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the role of felony review to review the facts to determine if the elements of a felony exist?? I don't think at it's inception it was meant to have a "trial" before charging. Oh sure, I know there are other factors that must be considered. Of course we don't want to clog the system with bad cases, we don't want to waste man hours and tax dollars perusing a case that can't be won. But there are better ways to fix this mess that is the Cook County Courts system other then throwing out the rights of victims. Battery to Police officer, gun related cases, shootings, these should all be given every opportunity to make it to a felony courtroom. Let the circumstances play out there, let the sentence or adjudication fit the circumstances. Don't hold trial on your own. OK, you got me in the gut for a minute but I'm willing to bet my house and pension that I've done more for my fellow policemen then you've ever even thought of doing. But was that ASA among friends, no. And I as one of those who was there, who saw the emotion of the moment, who saw the disappointment in the coppers faces when they learned the victim died, no, she showed me at least where her priorities were. And for the record, no one made jokes about this mentally challenged victim dumped in a hole filled with waste. There was genuine care and concern there that day. Maybe that's not tough like you, maybe you think guys on this job who care are full of shit, or hiding a hidden agenda. You know we all like to say we don't give a shit but I don't know one copper who makes more money if his case ends in a conviction or not. I never saw "Conviction" rate on any performance evaluation. I've never heard that if you get more convictions you stand a better chance of getting promoted. So why do you suppose so many coppers get frustrated when felony is rejected or when a judge says 40 grams of weed isn't enough, he/she wants 50 grams? Because at the end of the day, whether they'll admit it to one another or not, deep down most coppers do care. But I know tough guy, it's all bullshit, right friend??? No, it ain't ALL bullshit friend. Maybe you've just not been the victim of a crime... But if you are I hope you get that "friend" selected to be the one to stand up for you..And now let me make a statement. The police are my friends, they are my family. You friend, I think you need to re-think your allegiances.

5/27/2008 04:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:22 am congrats on your stellar approval rating, but seriously how hard is it to get felony retail thefts approved? but either way keep up the good work...

5/27/2008 04:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anita Alvarez is the Democratic nominee for State's Attorney!

As her campaign commercial pointed out she resides in River Forest and she claims she is a "soccer mom".

The ladies who live around her and whose children attend school with her and are on the same soccer team will not vote for her.

They claim everything in the commercial was false and that Alvarez is a fraud.

This is the person running for State's Attorney who will win and continue to look down on us.

5/27/2008 05:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

5/26/2008 10:14:00 PM


It isn't about needing the dick's help. It's about case preparation, felony files, and miscellaneous other things.

Your general offense case report does not cut it.

Your G.O.C.R. that states "the offender approached the victim, put his hand in her purse,and removed his penis" isn't enough, leaving the State's Attorney thinking "Good Lord, what was that woman doing with the offender's penis in her purse."

They want detective supplementary reports with complete interviews that go beyond "witness confirmed victim's story."

Many times you think your case is bang, zoom and ready to go, but the truth is it isn't.

Sometimes you need the detective's help whether you want it or not.

That's why the system is set up the way it is.

The detective is not just there to help you, sometimes it's to help prepare the case for prosecution. In other words, help the State get it ready.

5/27/2008 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about this one, not as serious as some of the other stories but an example of ASA logic none the less. Recently, a thief actually admitted to stealing expensive property ($15,000+ in value) and prepares, in his own hand, a signed confession (we have all seen some goofy criminals who do this kind of coersion in this case, just good interrogation by one of the det's at the scene)and gives it to the arresting officers. Tells us (after Miranda warnings) how he committed the crime and directs us to some of the property which is recovered. The new ASA says the written confession is no good since you cannot make out that it was prepared on a video. The ASA says that we only have his (the arrestee's) and the officer's word that he prepared the written confession, and he can always change his story. This new ASA discounts the fact that he told us where some of the stolen property was and would not come out to do an in-person interview. It took 4 hours of arguing and eventually waking her boss to get the felony approval. I'm an old policman and this kind of stuff just makes me tired. Thanks for doing this blog, this is my first entry, and the stories make for good reading.

Since when does patrol have the offender write out a confession?

5/27/2008 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Ya, that's what we need. Every arrest P.O.'s calling Felony review for charges. No way my friend. Bring iot to the Det's. I know they are not all great, but if the case is there they will get it charged.

5/27/2008 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be honest with you, I'm the writer of the e-mail to SCC and your comment really has made me reflect. After all, the one thing coppers hate to be thought of is a rat. But you know, no, this ASA was not among friends, I've never been treated like a friend by an ASA. Perhaps you work in the detective division and you're treated better by them but I'm not. We in patrol are often talked down to, the job we are given an hour or two to finish, with every primadonna on this job interrupting every chain of thought we have because they need a telephone notification, is picked apart and ridiculed. We are growled >>>>>>>BLA BLA BLA
I hope your narrative on your case report wasn't as long as your rambling post. take a Prozac my friend!!!!!!!!!

5/27/2008 07:53:00 AM  
Blogger Rue St. Michel said...

Great post!

to: 02:54am - THE POINT of the story is not the callous comment by the ASA. We're all a bit salty after a few years dealing with this stuff.

THE POINT is that the ASA's, seemingly, only motivation for pushing the maximum penalty on this offender is that the victim died in situ so crime scene photos could be snapped and presented at trial.

The ASA's want any everything with the case to go their way so it's a WIN. A Win for them but not, in every case, for the Victim (or the police, certainly.)

Be safe out there!

5/27/2008 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I hate to take a side either way on this whole bash the ASA's thing, but if I'm being fair, some of you complainers must not know how to write paper. I havn't been on the job a real long time, but so far in my career I have only had felony charges not approved one time out of over 100 calls down to felony review. And if I'm being honest that one time was pretty damm iffy even from my point of view.

I can't imagine felony review denying charges if the paper is well written and the victims are even semi-credible.

Maybe take a look at yourself in the mirror, the next time you get denied. This job requires more than just snatching the bad guy off the street, it also takes knowing what is needed to land a conviction in the process before attempting to get charges approved on a case.

I've seen strong cases at the time of arrest turn weak as hell due to poor case reporting by the time it's being faxed down to felony review plenty of times. Then watched as fellow officers cried about felony review when they got denied, only to read thier case report and think to myself, I wouldn't even have tried take that case to trial after having read that.

Feel free to flame away now, since this site is for bashing anybody who doesn't share the majority view on things. It certainly won't hurt my feelings...

5/26/2008 06:22:00 AM

Stop lying. Do you expect us to believe that every time you caught someone in a hot car felony charges were approved?

5/27/2008 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't trust the Feds(ex's included)or states atty's.they are not your friends

5/27/2008 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

016 beat: cops arrest subject for murder one block outside of district's boundary. Subject taken to area 5 and processed. Cops come back to district w/c office and get reamed by Capt. Matula. Sgt. Bieble writes one up for not having a tie on.

Hats off to good supervisor skills!


5/27/2008 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and forget about asking the boss to call the dept. for an over-ride.these new bosses will just mumble and ''might'' call the asa to explain a denial of charges.LT. wayne w. called twice for me and got the over -rides. this was many years ago. thanks boss for standing up for me back then. sad,i dont even know if he s still around. the point is most bosses wont even bother trying

5/27/2008 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Keesing Bandit says---

I have a soccer mom fantasy tape if you're interested. All you have to do is...

Kees me you fool!!!

5/27/2008 02:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anita Alvarez as a soccer mom?

That's hottttt!

I love soccer moms.

Lap Dances for all my friends!!!

5/27/2008 02:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This is the person running for State's Attorney who will win and continue to look down on us.

5/27/2008 05:09:00 AM"

Only if she gets more votes, from the entire County of Cook, than Tony Peraica.

That, my friends, is up to the citizens of the ENTIRE County of Cook.

Get busy.

5/27/2008 04:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

listen tell the victims if they had jobs and were white we could get a felony but being black and unemployed the crook co prosecutor has decieded you dont matter.

5/27/2008 05:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, you got me in the gut for a minute but I'm willing to bet my house and pension that I've done more for my fellow policemen then you've ever even thought of doing.

That was a long post and I'm tired from reading it so I'll be brief.

You are correct. I work in the detective division and your comment posted above is nonsense. Ask yourself this. Have you ever taken great risk on yourself to keep another policeman from going to prison?

Your persistent whinning about the unfairness of the system tells me you haven't taken part in it very much. Every case comes down to the most minute stupid detail that becomes the big issue. That's how trials work.

With that said, I am certainly not defending Darren OBrien and his Felony Review unit that have let countless murderers walk out of Areas without ever going to trial, even when there were multiple witnesses and plenty of evidence to find the offender guilty. But, your original post wasn't taking about Felony Review, you were talking about a trial.

I don't remember an instance of an ASA getting on a blog to bash a policeman in a very specific case for saying something stupid, or more likely for doing something stupid. And let me tell you, because you are new, that there have been thousands of examples where ASA's could have put policemen into prison for what they said before or during a trial, and they did not because they actually are trying to do what they know is right. Most ASA's know the chaos that these cases come from and the fact that they challenge you on what you think are stupid details, only means that they are dedicated to insuring that the offender goes to prison. Rather than work with them to shore up the case, you whine that all of it isn't fair.

You seem to point the finger a lot. At the trial ASA, even at me. But, you are the one who dimed out an ASA, not because she did something wrong, but because you were offended that she said something callous. And all in some sad effort to blame her for this unfair system that you can't seem to deal with.

Live with that.

5/27/2008 05:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend, I think it's YOU who missed the point (26 May, 4:05pm). This case was a winner all the way around. Murder charges approved the day the crime occurred. Accolades all around for those who got there and effected the arrest of the offender, located, extricated, and attempted to save the life of an innocent sexual assault victim, who was brutally beaten and left for dead.
No CRs alleging the violation of the offender's rights during his arrest. Offender convicted, and likely to receive a life sentence. And the beef is the ASA said something stupid, outside of the courtroom. We as police officers listen to shit from an ungrateful public every day, and read it from each other here on the blog. Why should we expect an ASA to be any different? Of all the bad incidents we've all experienced with truly INCOMPETENT ASAs and Judges out there, where does this rate, in your experience?
because this wouldn't even show up on my scale.

5/27/2008 06:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anita Alvarez will continue the Daley/Devine legacy. Alvarez was hired by Daley and promoted by Devine, so she will make sure those without political clout get indicted and those with clout walk away free until the Feds catch up to them. It is iteresting that the Cook County States Atty can not find any corruption, but the US Atty finds it easily as does the Sun Times.

5/27/2008 08:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is frustrating when charges are not approved or the offender is RWOC, but if you did everything you were supposed to do then it is out of your hands and the ultimate responsibility lies with the Dicks or ASA's, just do what your supposed to.
You can rest easy at night knowing YOU did the right thing!!!

5/27/2008 08:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anytime I get denied felony or any charges that I deem to be just I simply tell the ASA that I wasn't calling for his/her approval and that I was giving them a heads up on the charges that were coming to court.

it does not work that way you fool

5/27/2008 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write this:

"And let me tell you, because you are new, that there have been thousands of examples where ASA's could have put policemen into prison for what they said before or during a trial, and they did not because they actually are trying to do what they know is right."

And I'm the rat????? Now you'll sell out coppers to stand up for these lawyers...Wow pal, you want to sleep with an ASA bad, don't you.

And I live with it fine detective and all I did was point out how little they all care. And I live with process fine, I was speaking to an issue written about by hundreds of officers on this blog, oops forgot, you don't care about them. And your neglect to mention the Battery to PO portion proves what I said that you are just as callous as the ASA on that issue but then you don't actually arrest anyone, do you detective?
Don't you follow the news detective, we're in the press every day, it's time to point the eyes where they should be looking...Also street policemen risk their lives daily just to have the whole event minimized by these pompous asses. And your lazy ass won't even come to a scene until you get a phone call. You've got the nerve to criticize an officer's report when your office is the one interrupting constantly and demanding it be done yesterday...
Have I ever placed myself in the risk of prison for a fellow Officer, oh yea, you work in the area so you've no clue what goes on in real police work. Back in the day, Hundreds of time my friend, I'm far from new and you should try being the police in today's climate, like me and those I work with. Coppers are fearing jail and lawsuits more then anything right now, thanks to your lawyer friends, oh shoot, I forgot, you wouldn't know that..And I've also risked my life for them countless times. While you sat playing solitaire. And you called me out pal, you said I was a hand up. So when I shoot back you cry but again you aligned yourself with the ASA. You joined with them, I didn't put you there. And yes I've testified hundreds of time and I would venture a guess the incidents where they didn't go after coppers for testimony (Now whose ratting and against the police yet, bad detective) it was because the ASA had full knowledge or encouraged it. But no your friends in the SA office never ask a po to lie, cause they're to stupid to try a case with what they have, your a card dude. Like I said you better figure out which team you're on because clearly it ain't the police, you sell out..I'm going to live fine, you go live with your lawyer friends. Now go kiss your ASA girlfriend and tell her you're her he-man.....

One last open point to all. I've been on this job a long time and forever I've heard the phrase "don't take it out the house." We are not to say anything bad about the ASA or about a boss or about policy. But who is that saying this to us? It's the bosses when the heat is up on them. Over the years they have dumped and found a number of ways to screw with us on the bottom, the ones with no power. And they keep us in check by saying you're less then a team player if you speak of it outside. Yet, they continue to screw him and him and him, without concern for the team or the individual. Why, Cause they have the power!!!!! And to keep you in the dark and to keep you from challenging their power they came up with this "you better not tell." Well, if they didn't screw with us there'd be nothing to tell. I'm not talking about this guy sleep with his assistant or things like that, those on the receiving end know just what I mean. Just like the Mob who praise the guy who went to jail and kept his mouth shut, this praise from the cowards who let someone else go to jail. Be a man, do your own time or is your time more important then someone elses??? I say stop being sheep, stop excepting the crap they spoon feed us, start demanding accountability. Why should you take more suspension for a bad accident and court deviation the some politician does for whatever. Just like this detective here who thinks he can call me a hand up because I spoke against the ASA's on behalf of working coppers..Our Ranks are full of traitors like this, guys trying to get a head on the backs of working coppers. I say we should all stand united and say no more. And that's why SCC, I say THANK YOU to you for giving the powerless a voice.. God Speed SCC and God Bless the CPD!

5/27/2008 09:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you. I wish more cops would speak out about misconduct such as this.

The system isn't broken, the practitioners are bent, and therefore don't use it.

When you guys start standing against it publicly and policing your own ranks, it is entirely likely that the respect of old by the citizen will return to you.

I sincerely hope so.

5/27/2008 10:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings from west of 294.

DuPage has Felony least thats what the phone listing says. We out to the west tend to call it "Felony Denial"; as in "Call felony denial and screen it, so that we can at least tell the victim we tried."

Or you can call a boss in the morning, which assures you (and other guys from your PD) will get nothing the next few calls you make.

The line we always get from the SA is "Charge him with the misdemeanor, we can always upgrade later."


Needless to say, even if you stay on top of it, THAT happens about as often snow in July.

But its all over. Talk with coppers from anywhere and they say the SA's office is all about the conviction rate. The ASA's that want to do good and maybe take the chance end up trying expired d/l cases in field court.

Be safe, my brothers and sisters.

5/27/2008 10:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend, I think it's YOU who missed the point (26 May, 4:05pm). This case was a winner all the way around.


Yes this case was a winner all the way around and now I'm sorry I mentioned it because it's become the issue when that was not the intent. The intent was to highlight the attitude that permeates through out the state's attorneys office. It's all about winning and not about service to the community or justice. More specific I was comparing what I thought was an example of the mindset we encounter when we call felony review, even though my example was during a trial, an issue very important to many coppers if this blog is any indication. We are sorry things are sloppy, that in all reality we cannot cross every T and dot every i. That's just not reality and that is why the standard is beyond reasonable doubt and not absolute proof. Many of us joke how the citizens think these CSI shows are based on reality well it seems the system is under the same delusion. We are sorry if the witness happens to have an arrest record, were sorry the officer didn't secure a signed confession after finding a gun under a guy's front seat. All I know is if one of my kids end up victimized and they blow something off I will not let it stand. We cannot forget we are dealing with people out here, people with families and often the victim is us, the police. And as far as the police it's acceptable to them that we get hit and resisted. But let a judge or their family get victimized and there's details assembled and task forces..Our justice system has many tiers and I, like many of you am on the bottom. I'm was trying to point out it all about attitude, it's a choice they make to put ambition before compassion and justice. If I detracted from that effort then I screwed up.

5/28/2008 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope your narrative on your case report wasn't as long as your rambling post. take a Prozac my friend!!!!!!!!!

AAWWWW, did you think that one up all on your own???? Hey, I think I hear your mom calling you, she's done with your laundry and supper is ready. It's your favorite little guy....

5/28/2008 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DuPage has Felony least thats what the phone listing says. We out to the west tend to call it "Felony Denial"; as in "Call felony denial and screen it, so that we can at least tell the victim we tried."


Wait just a second - I have heard from countless officers on this and other blogs that Crook County is the only place in the country that reviews felonies!!!!

Was someone not telling us the truth?

5/28/2008 01:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

002 dist.
HAS the DUMB of DUMB for police.

5/28/2008 02:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



5/28/2008 03:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I hate to take a side either way on this whole bash the ASA's thing, but if I'm being fair, some of you complainers must not know how to write paper. I havn't been on the job a real long time, but so far in my career I have only had felony charges not approved one time out of over 100 calls down to felony review. And if I'm being honest that one time was pretty damm iffy even from my point of view.

I can't imagine felony review denying charges if the paper is well written and the victims are even semi-credible.

Maybe take a look at yourself in the mirror, the next time you get denied. This job requires more than just snatching the bad guy off the street, it also takes knowing what is needed to land a conviction in the process before attempting to get charges approved on a case.

I've seen strong cases at the time of arrest turn weak as hell due to poor case reporting by the time it's being faxed down to felony review plenty of times. Then watched as fellow officers cried about felony review when they got denied, only to read thier case report and think to myself, I wouldn't even have tried take that case to trial after having read that.

Feel free to flame away now, since this site is for bashing anybody who doesn't share the majority view on things. It certainly won't hurt my feelings...

5/26/2008 06:22:00 AM

You either have a degree, are a two year wonder or still live with mom and dad. Look in the mirror is what I am sure you do all day long. I am sure you are a great cop, all someone has to do is ask YOU to confirm it.

5/28/2008 03:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These long posts from the raving nutball that started this whole thing indicate that the Chicago Police Psych Exam is definitely not working.

This fool should be handing out Street Wise on the corner, if he isn't already.

Nice new friend you've found SCC. I wish you luck on your future Orders of Protection.

5/28/2008 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These long posts from the raving nutball that started this whole thing indicate that the Chicago Police Psych Exam is definitely not working.

This fool should be handing out Street Wise on the corner, if he isn't already.

Nice new friend you've found SCC. I wish you luck on your future Orders of Protection.

Why is it the weak and stupid who have nothing to add to the conversation always resort to such comments...Did you amuse yourself pal???

5/28/2008 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's wrong with you people? You bitch and bitch about something but not one of you offers a suggestion or solution. Then someone comes along with an idea and you attack him, Is this really what the CPD is like? A bunch of whinny, vindictive little bitches????
This citizen thinks your all a bunch of babies. If you don't want to take action then shut up already. And that's why violent crime is up, because you're a bunch of frightened pussys....

5/28/2008 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Insensitive comment? Are you all trying to believe that you've never said anything like that to your partner? Horrible - yes, but that's the reality of the system. That ASA was not only trying to - but convicted that jagoff of murder. The realities are what they are - and sadly if there was a picture of the body in that awful place, then some judge might sit up and take notice and see the hell you all get to witness day in and day out, and be inclined to put some years on him. Are you really going to fault her for that?

Wait - you all did.

5/29/2008 02:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait just a second - I have heard from countless officers on this and other blogs that Crook County is the only place in the country that reviews felonies!!!!

Was someone not telling us the truth?

Lake County has it too.

5/29/2008 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you amuse yourself pal???

5/28/2008 10:48:00 PM

Yes. I do.

5/29/2008 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait just a second - I have heard from countless officers on this and other blogs that Crook County is the only place in the country that reviews felonies!!!!

Was someone not telling us the truth?

Lake County has it too.

5/29/2008 08:28:00 AM


But that would make people like 5/26 @ 1148 either misinformed or downright liars.

5/30/2008 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't Cline hire a former ASA to act as a liasion between CPD and the ASAs office? What the fuck does he do?

Yeah his name is John Schmidt and he was Cronin's buddy. He doesn't do shit

5/30/2008 10:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6/03/2008 02:36:00 PM  

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