Friday, October 03, 2008

Pension Debacle Gets Bigger

  • CTA President Ron Huberman today defended his controversial attempt to hang onto his police pension on grounds that part of his $198,000-a-year mass transit job revolves around security.

    Earlier this week, Huberman asked the police pension fund for permission to keep paying into that fund, even though he hasn’t been a police employee since 2004. The board deferred action on the request, which has drawn ridicule in some police circles.

    “This is, in no way meant to be disrespectful towards anyone in law enforcement. I have the greatest respect for Chicago Police officers and the work that they do," Huberman said before testifying at a City Council committee on transit issues.

    "Part of my responsibility is security at the CTA. I'm not saying I'm a police officer because I'm not. But the law says if you're involved in security work and that's part of your responsibility, you have the right to pay in if you're on leave of absence from the Police Department, which is what I am. I’ve been paying into the fund for the last 13 years.”

Huberman's been paying into the fund for 13 years, even without being a sworn police officer for the past seven years? Well that's just great - we'd like to pay into the aldercreatures' pension fund and the State Representatives' fund too. That way we can get something where we don't hav eto live on cat food after we retire.

Officer Underwood (retired) said the Guardian Angels do more security work that Huberman does and amazingly, they prove him correct within 72 hours:
  • An 18-year-old South Side man seen carrying a gun early today in a Loop subway tunnel was arrested with an assist from the Guardian Angels

    Tyrese McKay, of the 1100 block of East 130th Place, was charged with two counts of aggravated assault with a dangerous weapon and other weapons offenses after pointing the gun at two members of the volunteer neighborhood patrol group who were pursuing him, said Office John Mirabelli, a police spokesman.

That's probably more security work than Huberman did in 13 years.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Pension Board better not approve this or they will be getting alot of angry phone calls. Sounds like a law suit to me if they allow this. I worked in the Water Department for 10 years and I still water my lawn. Can I buy back into their pension?

10/03/2008 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic.... who are these bikers the "Rebel Knights"? I hear they are cops then I hear they aren't.
All I know is that they have been causeing alot of problems and that some are big coke heads. What's the deal?

10/03/2008 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drop dead Huberman !!!! We don't need you draining our pension fund, You Don't Deserve it !!!!!!!!

10/03/2008 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will the up rising begin??? The City Counsel getting a 6 1/2%pay raise while laying off other city employees??? They want to give us 1%, I don't see them putting their lives on the line day in and day out....

10/03/2008 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/03/2008 12:48:00 AM  
Blogger 12GA. said...

Not that I want to substantiate Huberman's ludicrous claims, but first we should sak him to stipulate exactly what percentage of his current executive position relates to so-called "security-related" work.

After that, we should have him produce a 1-month time study showing how he actually divides his. (Any meetings that he refers to as being related to Homeland Security should be fully audited.)

Finally, FOIA requests should be filed for additional time studies and past meeting minutes to evaluate the percentage of work performed by Huberman and his predecessor Kruesi.

How many meetings actually dealt with Homeland Security? What "valuable" contributions did he make when compared to that of Kruesi, who actually went through 9/11?

Does this also mean that former CPD sworn members in Water Management will also get a full CPD pension, since they are ever vigilant that nobody tampers with the sanctity of the City's water supply?

And of course, they will also qualify for a pension at 50 instead of 55. (minimum for less than 30 years of service with any non-sworn pension.)

At best, these steps could serve to show the true percentage of his work that would qualify for contributions. (i.e. 10% of his time would contribute $19K per year to his base salary.)

10/03/2008 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Part of my responsibility is security at the CTA. I'm not saying I'm a police officer because I'm not.

So you know better. Go away now.

10/03/2008 01:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHO is huberman's clout, heavy connection? WHAT is his background that gives him the luxury of even jumping from one luxury postion to another?

To receive CPD's maximum pension of 75%, who have to work over 29 YEARS, with your last step raise at 25 YEARS.

Chicago Alderman get 80% pension with other very lucrative benefits for life after 1-2 terms i believe. Now that Jfed is so highly paid at $300, 000 with who knows what other benefits included...everyone at the top feels underpaid, resentful and are manuvering for equality with Jfed.

YET IN TURN, Officer Richard Francis' family has to give benefits for money for sustenance with so many other countless officers who are not connected...WHAT A SLAP IN THE FACE!

10/03/2008 02:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A couple of points need to be made:

1.Pension Portability SB2520 -- Provides for some officers with other SWORN LAW ENFORCEMENT service in Illinois to buy back service from those agencies for credit with the CPD.
2.According to FOP newsletter Sep. 08, this bill will be passed in Nov. 08 officers have to pay both their share and the city's share plus 4% compunding interest.
3.CPD doesn't allow transfer of outside law enforcement credits. However in 1988 and 1996 state law was amended to allow a buy-in within a certain amount of time. Now after this window closed, you could still petition the pension board but your chances would be slim to none.
4.What Mike uncovered here is that certain clouted members have been allowed to purchase credits while others haven't. It would be interesting to see the list. Not to mention that if Ron's is allowed, the city would pay the majority of it, and there wouldn't be any interest.
Please correct me if I'm wrong....

Here's a link to the bill...

10/03/2008 03:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi People it's Missy again.

Talk about bad luck ! I caught a yeast infection. Being off S/M, I bake a lot. I guess I got too much yeast on my hands, and you know what.

But, I been to work and writing those parkers for our beloved mayor.

My uncle Tom Byrne (rtd) told me that the mayor is aware of me being known as the "Parking ticket Guru". This wonderful kind man wants to give me an award at the next City Counsel meeting.

My lawyer husband, Ira, told me that his law firm will host cake and coffee if you people would like to come to meet me. I can give you tips how to write 400 parkers a day. My partner Lilly is doing well and is up to 250 parkers a day. She is trying people. She knows after writing all those parkers, our Mayor can maybe give us a raise he can live with.

So people, write a book for the Mayor. I went to work this week and wrote close to 2000 parkers this week, yes people, I am not well with the yeast infection and still worked.

Amber, if your out there, lets hang out !

Be safe people,
Missy, the "parking ticket guru"

10/03/2008 03:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm retired and I am going to go down to the Union Hall and see if they would like about 50 of us with long-term illness's, that can barely afford to eat after we've paid for all our monthly prescriptions, to file a class action lawsuit against Ron Huberman. Or at least show up at his next pension board hearing.

10/03/2008 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, and the pension board is going to table this to avoid a law suit. B.S. Call it to a vote like Robbins wanted to do and lets see who votes no. Huberman should be ashamed of himself and so should those members of the board who voted to table.

10/03/2008 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to contradict you SCC or stand up for The Huberman, but when he was Daley's chief of staff and before that, head of OEMC, he was still in our system with the title code for Deputy Superintendent and was assigned to that miscellaneous detail unit. Yes, he was paid from our budget. That was the real scam.

10/03/2008 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

huberman was never the police! Mom and Dad gave huge to daley in "contributions" so the boy wonder could get promoted! typical clout shit! If the pension board votes yes to this they all need to be removed! Hey guys on pension board a warning "don't do it"! We are a new police dept., and are very aware of the way you operate envelope to envelope! what is ronnie gonna do for you? Give you his punk smirk? gentlemen show some balls and vote "NO"! Or else your gone!!

10/03/2008 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


you need some serious help, girl.

10/03/2008 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone post an email address for the pension board so we can all make our feelings known to them regarding this potential travesty?

10/03/2008 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the city match him for what he pays into the fund or something?

10/03/2008 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny...when I went on leave I was told I couldn't pay it in to the fund, but this clout heavy fucker gets to? Now it's time to stop woring completely if you haven't already!

10/03/2008 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought you can only renew the leave once??? EXPLAIN HOW HE GETS MULTIPLE LEAVES APPROVED????

10/03/2008 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess Ronnie figures that with all the cameras he helped get put up all over the city, that he is the security guru, besides his alleged computer guru claims. He's a guru alright, just a different kind of goo.
Besides, with all the cash he helped steer towards his friends at the PODS company, through multiple multi-million dollar no bid deals, he should ask to be put in their profit sharing plan.
He has his buddy Jonny Lewin steering that ship for him, with another multi-million dollar upgrade for more network cameras to jump on the camera highway.
It's because of humps like these two that short shanks thinks that cameras can replace real police.
Lets ask the union to get a report from personnel and see how many REAL police officers were denied extensions to their leaves of absence.
Barbara McDonald waved her magic broom and made Ronnie an ADS overnight and the magic continues. All the shit she left behind is a legacy in clout and corruption that has damaged the department beyond repair. It all goes back to shortshanks, thanks little guy, for nothing!

10/03/2008 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a Phoney Prick this guy is. Just like his Mentor, Shortshanks.

10/03/2008 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And who is to blame for this? We are. For months there have been many posts regarding how the pension board is run. It took a video on YOUTUBE for everyone to get upset. There was a post last Thursday regarding the Huberman hearing on Monday, why wasn’t that room packed with police officers? Yet Mike S . was the only copper who did anything about it. Good for him! 10 more officers like him at every pension board meeting would make a big difference.

The pension board is run by the pension board attorney Kugler and the mayors appointed trustees. I have no faith in the elected trustees.

The attorney for the pension board is making a fortune appealing unwinnable cases against disabled officers. The pension boards attorney loses the majority of the appeals he files. The pension board has also recently started to use officers disciplinary record against them during their disability hearings. THIS IS ILLIGAL. Why are our trustees allowing this to happen? Because no one calls them on it. Once your disciplinary record is brought out in a pension board meeting, it becomes, a PUBLIC RECORD for everyone to see. This is nuts, what does an officers disciplinary record have to do with an IOD injury? Pure and simple, it’s blackmail at its best.

Right now there is a case where an officer won their case in Circuit Court, Kugler advised the board he could win the case in the Appellate Court, he again lost. Kugler has now convinced the board he can win the case in the IL Supreme Court. Why you ask are they fighting this case so vigorously, because the judge ruled the pension board has to pay the officer back pay plus interest. This officer has been without a check for a very long time, paying for attorneys out of pocket for these appeals. I can’t imagine what Kugler is charging the fund for this case.
YOUR PENSION FUND MONEY is paying Kugler to fight unwinnable cases. How much has this attorney made appealing cases like this over the years? Now Kugler is trying to convince the board he needs more help appealing these cases so he wants to farm out cases to HIS attorney buddies to share the wealth! Hell, just what we need more attorney’s fighting over how to screw you with YOUR PENSION MONEY!

We may not be able to do much about how the department is run, but we can change how the pension fund is run. Remember the ballots for trustee’s go out next week. Just vote.

10/03/2008 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There will be no pension fund left.

10/03/2008 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only is Huberman crazy, but so is the Dept. SCC, I took a leave of absence in 2004 for one year. In 2005, I received a letter saying that I had to either come back to work or resign. I asked the people in the employment section could I extend it for one more year and I was denied. The letter that they sent me said Supt. Cline was only allowing one year leaves of absences, due to a shortage of officers on the street...also, that they needed the spot to hire more officers.
So to let this asshole Huberman continue to be on leave and pay into the pension is BULLSHIT.

10/03/2008 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the Pension Board,

If you approve this draining of our pension fund, we will file a lawsuit and tie up Hubermans' funds as long as we can. He is not a police officer and he should not collect from our secured pension funds, Period. This prick has gotten away with shit his whole career..

10/03/2008 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is he still on a leave of absense? They department has made it a lot harder to get a leave yet he is on one for 5 or 6 years? He needs to be off the book completely so that it can create another opening (that will not be filled). No leave of absense - no claim to a pension. He left CPD years ago, end the leave of absense. He is CTA not CPD

10/03/2008 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't someone expose the fact that only the clouted few are allowed to take indefinite leaves of absence.

The average shmuck would be asked to resign after a year yet jagoffs like Huberman are allowed stay away as long as they want. When that gig blows up they come back as bosses.

That sucks.

10/03/2008 12:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/03/2008 12:48:00 AM

Hmmm, sounds like someone is jealous!

10/03/2008 01:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Missy

Where have you been in 001? us girls from the 19th ward wanted you to come with you're husband to Ginger Rugauis golf outing. You missed a swell time, all us merit sergeants from the 19th ward along with several merit area 2 detectives had a great time supporting the greatest alder person ever our own Ginger.

Ginger even promised more merit promotions for the loyal 19th warders on the police and fire departments.

Missy you should have brought Uncle Tommy there, because there were a lot of his buddies from Streets and San there. if bob fioretti has any outings or parties let us know, we want to hang out with as many politicians as possible to get a head on the cpd.. Keep up the good work making them old men in the 001st district look useless, you go girl...


Sgts. gina, dawn, and maggie

10/03/2008 01:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

daley's asshat friends can do whatver they want......who is going to buck da mayor ????????

10/03/2008 02:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"10/03/2008 03:48:00 AM"

Sweet Jesus, does it get any better than this?

10/03/2008 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will be going down to the pension board to personally voice my displeasure with Ron Huberman's GREED. Its sick that he thinks he is ENTITLED to our money.

His shallow argument that the CTA serves a security function is laughable at best and if it succeeds there should be political retailiation against those who voted for it. It is typical of anyone aligned with Daley and his administration has to take things that don't belong to them.

10/03/2008 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

everyone who left the job after 10 yrs to pursue a career change should line up for theirs too then.

ie cops who become lawyers "still practice law " so are i nlaw enforcement

10/03/2008 03:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Huberman ever actually make arrests?

10/03/2008 03:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its funny that Ronnie is still on a LOA. I was on the job from 94 thru 01; on LOA until 04. I was told by then Commander of personnel, Bradford Woods that I was no longer able to be on a LOA. I would have to return or resign. I took a leave to join the Naval Criminal Investigative Service as a criminal investigator. While on leave I was unable to pay into the fund, like Ronnie was able to, why was that? Also, why has he not been told that he has to resign or come back like so many others like myself.....once again there are two sets of rules in this city. Some days I regret leaving and some days I 'm glad I can open the paper and laugh at the "city that works" and know that I don't have to deal with it anymore. To all those left behind, stay safe and godspeed.

10/03/2008 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ex Gov Edgar says there is nothing wrong with our state constitution. Leave it alone. Vote "NO" on Con Con. They just want to be able to raid our pensions.

10/03/2008 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a bit confused. If I ride the CTA and have to take police action does that entitle me to a CTA pension?

10/03/2008 04:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That piece of shit booberman has no respect for police officers.
If he did, he wouldn't be attempting to profit from a pension he doesn't, and from what I have heard, never has

Hey Ron, you left the job. You do NOT deserve a pension from the Chicago Police department.
You do nothing but oversee a security budget for the CTA.
You are worse then a pimp.

Do the mass transit unit officers get a pension from the CTA if they pay into it? They spend more time on the system in a period then you do in a year.

Does a soilder get to pay in to and
receive a pension after he leaves the service?

10/03/2008 06:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way shitfacerman, what pay level do you expect to get?

Great job turning the CTA around.
I have ridden the systems in NYC, Boston, Buffalo, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Washington, Minneapolis, Toronto, Montreal, London, and Paris. I must say that Chitroit has the rudest employees, dirtiest trains and buses and awful service.

10/03/2008 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about an attorney to file a freedom of information request for the names of all of those receiving a pension? I bet there would be some surprises.

10/03/2008 07:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

does anyone know if this is true?: you can only be on leave of absence for one year. if this is the case how is it that ron's been on leave for how long? and is still on leave when you or i would have been canned a while ago?

10/03/2008 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How the hell can you be on leave for 7 years? I thought it was 1 year max unless military?

Lets make a deal! Huberman can have his pension at his Patrolmans salery because thats what he was a Patrolman. Only if his sugar daddy the mayor fully finds the pension including the millions he the FOP allowed him to not to pay.

The Pension must be funded first before the board takes it's final vote.

Mr Mayor when we get ours, your pretty boy Huberman can have his. His pension would be based on his last four years at the rank of Patrolman.

Mr. Huberman you are RIGHT you are not a Police Officer and you never were! You are just a big clout heavy suck ass trying to double dip as do so many rich connected people in the Daley crime family.

The Police Pension is for Police Officers, not cta workers. We all get bus checks and spend a lot of time working on cta busses, doing Police work of course. So if it's all on the up and up then I am also entitled to a cta pension too. After all it's just like working for the cta. Ya Hoo now I can retire at 25 years and get two city pesions

Thank you Mr Huberman.

10/03/2008 08:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous said...
Weis does not run the department. Our police dept. is run by a 31 year old civilian with no police experience and a very sexually frustrated ex-priest. Why are the aldermen asking the command staff why crime is high and morale is low? Just ask these two knuckleheads.

He's not 31. He's 29. Check the alpha query.

10/03/2008 08:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, You cannot possibly be supporting Steve "Rain Man" Robbins, are you?

10/03/2008 09:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Mr. huberman say's he works in security, why then during the fiasco at Foreman high School Today, CTA buses were refusing to pick up CPS students that were under police escort to enable them to go home safely!!!
That's right, Chicago transit Authority refuses to pick up Chicago public School students. While police and school security try to ensure all students go home safe. Buses passing packed bus stops full of students who need to go home! POLICE GET BRICKED BY CROWD AS TRYING TO STOP AND LOAD BUSES.
Worst security issue I have ever seen!!! CTA wants to raise fares??? For NOT picking up passengers!!!
An outrage! a Disgrace! City services are there to help and assist our citizens!!! In an emergency situation would our CTA buses run express away from an area in need??? Or would they start loading to capacity and get people to safety???

10/03/2008 10:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

last I heard the CTA will open up special employment in the subways at the pay rate of time and one half.

if this is true then give Ron Huberman the pension.

But Ron are you asking for a the backbone of the Department's Patrol Officers pension or are you asking for the fat on that bone a Gold Star pension?

If you want the Gold Star pension, you need to pay time and one half to the guys who ride the buses too,

10/03/2008 10:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HOLY Anti-Security Batman!!!

Ron is a Department Head of the CTA. His role, perhaps and someone should look into the CTA personnel office records and look for the job description of the position that Huberman holds. I doubt Huberman supervises security guards nor does he manage directly or indirectly the security of the CTA.

There is a clear disconnected from his position currently held that he is attempting to exaggerate for his own benefit to get a pay off he forfeited by taking on non-police related positions within city government. For his corruption he should resign immediately and leave our great city pulling da mayor in a red ryder wagon.

10/03/2008 10:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will be going down to the pension board to personally voice my displeasure with Ron Huberman's GREED. Its sick that he thinks he is ENTITLED to our money.

If you want to speak in front of the pension board you MUST call and tell them you want to be put on the agenda. The board will NOT let you speak to them unless you notify them, this is a fact.

10/03/2008 11:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Senor Bernie Stone is Hubberman' juice.

Stone thinks he is like Meyer Lansky, and will live to be 120.

Stone loves everyone but does nothing but for a chosen few !

Shana Tova.

10/04/2008 02:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Coppers,

Instead of complaining about Daley, how about you stop voting for him? A lot of you coppers have been supporting for various offices since 1980. When will you learn? Don't vote for someone, just because he's white, ethnic and Democratic. Learn how to split tickets in general elections.

10/04/2008 05:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I filled out CAPS request forms for new garbage cans, replacing broken street lights, missing stop signs, etc... All jobs that should be done by the aldercRATS, therefore I want to move my pension fund into that of the aldercRATS. And with my time on the job I am entitled to 80%.

10/04/2008 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic.... who are these bikers the "Rebel Knights"? I hear they are cops then I hear they aren't.
All I know is that they have been causeing alot of problems and that some are big coke heads. What's the deal?

The Rebel Knights are the "real" deal. As in they are a 1% patch club. make no mistake they are not these poser weekend warrior clubs like the Lawmen, American Knights, Brothers in Blue, Untouchables. The Rebel Knights are an outlaw club and although mostly weeded out, there are still some active law enforcement members. I don't know if they are in alliance with the Hells Angels or Outlaws but they are some bad dudes. be careful and be safe.

10/04/2008 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

F.Y.I. TO 3:29,"PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I,M WRONG",ok. It is contained in section 5-214 of our pension code.It was there all along .To 7:47 ;Via their website And to 8:26 All contributions are multiplied by 2 per statute. Your welcome.

10/04/2008 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
anonymous said...
Weis does not run the department. Our police dept. is run by a 31 year old civilian with no police experience and a very sexually frustrated ex-priest. Why are the aldermen asking the command staff why crime is high and morale is low? Just ask these two knuckleheads.

He's not 31. He's 29. Check the alpha query.

10/03/2008 08:38:00 PM
That is true and no police experience! typical city bullshit! And they wonder why we are done working!

10/04/2008 01:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What "security" is this douche bag providing?

Since he took over a truck drver ran into the stop in Chinatown killing innocent riders. A shoplifter from Henry's Baitshop jumped onto the tracks and got squished and a guy fell off the platform in Chinatown and got his arm chopped off.

That's just the three I know about.

10/04/2008 02:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I ain't mad at Huberman. He's put in a lot of work in a variety of positions with the City, and he's looking out for his best self interest, as any of you would. I don't know how it's all going to shake out, but I can't fault him for insuring his rainy day, we all know it's going to come.

10/04/2008 06:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous said...
Weis does not run the department. Our police dept. is run by a 31 year old civilian with no police experience and a very sexually frustrated ex-priest. Why are the aldermen asking the command staff why crime is high and morale is low? Just ask these two knuckleheads.

He's not 31. He's 29. Check the alpha query.

You forgot to include the Sgt. of the "Policy Section." And none of them have ever given a thought of going through the chain of command.

10/04/2008 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is one good looking man, though.

10/04/2008 07:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Personally, I ain't mad at Huberman. He's put in a lot of work in a variety of positions with the City, and he's looking out for his best self interest, as any of you would. I don't know how it's all going to shake out, but I can't fault him for insuring his rainy day, we all know it's going to come.

10/04/2008 06:44:00 PM"

I bet you could tell us what Ronnie tastes like.

10/04/2008 10:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Answered the phone at the desk the other morning and it was an ASA from 26 & Cal. (failed to get his name) but he wanted to verify if a certain PO was on furlo, even tho' he stated the Police Room had told him the PO was on furlo. He then demanded to know when the PO would return from furlo, I told him the PO was on 3rd watch and we would not know, or he could call the front office and they might know. He then said, in essence but not verbatim, that you all need a new order that would make us notify them of our furlo's and lengths of same. Needless to say he got passed to the desk sgt., but what got me was his tone of voice, and he really was talking down to this lowly PO. He truly sounded like he was trying to deviate the PO.

10/04/2008 12:38:00 PM
Which asshole is this?

10/05/2008 04:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Coppers said...
Hey Coppers,

Instead of complaining about Daley, how about you stop voting for him? A lot of you coppers have been supporting for various offices since 1980. When will you learn? Don't vote for someone, just because he's white, ethnic and Democratic. Learn how to split tickets in general elections.

10/04/2008 05:17:00 AM

Amen to that Brother. Back in the day you wouldn't believe how many coppers sided with this asshole over Jane Byrne. I know Jane had her chosen few too. But in her defense she treated the Police pretty dam good. Good raises, good benefits, some (I repeat some good bosses). All and all she was our friend.

10/05/2008 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saying that Gooberman is involved in security is like saying that Michelle Obama is involved in gracious manners, or Ashlee Simpson is involved in music.

10/06/2008 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't vote for someone, just because he's white, ethnic and Democratic. Learn how to split tickets in general elections.

I am 100% Irish and would rather cut my fucking hand off rather than vote for that pathetic, little twerp, or any other DemocRAT. He has to be the most corrupt politician in the country not in prison. Just looking at the derelict looking piece of shit makes my blood boil.
I love how he cuts police personnel and then parades around as if he is in a presidential motorcade with more bodyguards than most small towns have police officers. He has sold out the Southwest and Northwest sides to the HDO and ACORN. And, he calls Bombin' Bill Ayers a "good friend." Personally, I hope he drops dead.

10/06/2008 01:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What angers me is that there have been people on leaves of absence for 10, 20 years. And they have been paying into our pension the whole time.

Kline comes along and wipes it down to one year, but he hand picked who that rule applied to.

Did you also know that if you are on a leave of absence, you can take a promotional exam?

10/06/2008 02:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back in the day you wouldn't believe how many coppers sided with this asshole over Jane Byrne. I know Jane had her chosen few too. But in her defense she treated the Police pretty dam good. Good raises, good benefits, some (I repeat some good bosses). All and all she was our friend.
Jane was not perfect but she probably was the least offensive and least crooked mayor Chicago has had in probably a century, not that it would take much.

For the younger among you, think how much worse it could have been had Harold Washington not died in office, or someone like him had managed to take power afterward instead of Daley.

10/06/2008 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about putting the blame were it belongs we had four of our representatives present. This matter should have been denied immediately. However three of our members decided to vote with the city and protect their political aspirations. I suggest you contact the Lt. and Sgt. Associations and voice your opinions and ask why their members voted with the city along with the retiree.

Horray for Robbins a stand up guy.

10/06/2008 12:54:00 PM  

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