Saturday, February 07, 2009

Another Scandal

On 26 January, we posted the following:
  • And since we're on the subject of Station security, anyone heard about missing equipment from the area of 3510 S. Michigan? Expensive equipment? Sensitive equipment?

    Equipment from the fifth floor offices of a certain investigative arm of the Department?

    We're just wondering if someone is trying to yank our chain or actually give us a heads up.
Friday, at the City Council hearing, Ike Carothers (of whom we have an awfully low opinion) surprised the hell out of J-Fed and came out of left field with this one. A number of our readers caught it and FOP gadfly Wayne Harej witnessed it first hand:
  • [Comment #1] - I like IKE!

    I especially liked the grilling about the burglary at 3510 S Michigan. Apparently SCC was on the money again. 5th Fl burglary that resulted in at least one lap top and possibly one desk top computer taken from the Bureau of Professional Investigation.

  • [Comment #2] - J-Fed was unaware of the facts of the burglary that occurred on his floor in mid December. Commander Climas didn't know what exactly was taken and what was on the computers that were taken.

    It sure sounds like the leadership of the CPD is lacking.

  • [Comment #3 - Wayne Harej's account] - Have you ever seen that "deer in headlights" look of the "person of interest" you had in the interrogation room.. . .Well

    At the end of the "roasting" and the "roastee and team " were feeling a wave of relief Ike fired his best shot and inquired about the burglary of some computers from IAD,, at that moment I which I had better resolution on my cell phone camera because the expressions on the faces of Jody and the IAD guy (did they get rid of Tina)were "priceless" the Japanese were not in IKE's league when it comes to a sneak attack.

    Total panic and disbelief incident happened in dec 2008 and poor Jody had no clue. Remember this hearing was in the context of department security and IKE's point Jody's own building and the 5th floor are not even "secure" There was general dissing of the Secret Service looking at our security and the inference is maybe they should start on the 5th floor
We speculated on 26 January that someone was yanking our chain. We never expected an Aldercreature to verify and front out the Superintendent that a number of computers went missing from the IAD office this past December. We have heard it was multiple computers with god knows what type of data on it regarding a number of sensitive investigations. Supposedly there's video of the theft. So why no arrests? And why has it been kept a complete secret from J-Fed, who looked as though he was blindsided by the question?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem was that corothers asked about a break in and burglary at IAD. This confused weis who was thinking this was an incident he was not familiar with . After realizing what incident corothers was referring to he stated this seems to be just a theft of a lap top computer and it was in a different office on the 5th floor.

2/07/2009 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Based on the questions and comments at the hearing look for the P.O. and her sgt. to get nailed. South side alderf%@ks specifically stated that they do not want the D/C or the W/C held accountable (go figure) despite finding out that the door (which was probably functional) was just left open habitually and ignored by them as well. They are more concerned with the P.O. with 2 years on being duped by a young man in a uniform who was in an area where only police officers should be (unsecured station is not the P.O's fault!!) and the sgt. that had her on his log.

I will agree that there is a lot of blame that could be passed around. But the first head on the block should be the person who is in charge of the whole building for allowing her station to be constantly unsecured (an open door she probably walked through every day she went to and from the station).

2/07/2009 01:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holey SH##!, I work for Ringling Bros. and Barnum Bailey. J-Fed will come to my district in his Black Expedition full of an endless line of ADS's and other Gold Stars who will "JUMP OUT" and tell us to be the Police. "Don't worry we have your back" (AS LONG AS YOU HAVE CLOUT)

2/07/2009 01:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Work 8 and go home safe.

2/07/2009 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe I even saw a comment a while back that IAD was executing a search warrant looking for stolen stuff from HQ... the truth ? B S ? Don't Know.

2/07/2009 01:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are the laughing stock of Police depts due to the inept meritorious hacks running around.
There is NO ACCOUNTABILITY when you are connected!
As for those computers in headquarters they probably had info about the "Meritorious connected" on them. Hence the disappearing act!

2/07/2009 02:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2/07/2009 02:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The laptop was not from IAD, and the PC was an old one that just got moved from the 4th floor.

2/07/2009 02:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC said: "For that reason, we stand by the call to resign. If this was feudal Japan, there'd be a stack of resignations on Shortshanks' desk and a stack of dead bodies outside 3510 from all the seppuku taking place to restore the honor of the Chicago Police Department"

What do you mean "restore?"

Was there ever any honor in this corrupt department from day one? There have been individuals who behaved honorably but as a whole the CPD is a very dishonorable organization. Anyone who believes otherwise is fooling themselves.

2/07/2009 03:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can see it now. Those rat bastards putting computers in my locker at work and getting a case on me.

Don't put those computers on me!

2/07/2009 03:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of writing a book. I might call it "The F.B.I. As I See It"

1. Didn't stop the mass murder on 11 Sept 01. The one agent who was on a crusade warning of Bin Laden was pushed out of the agency and tragically died in the attack.

2. Has not solved the anthrax attacks. However they did wrongly target a New York physician Dr. Steven Hatfill resulting in him losing his job as a result of the multi year pressure put on him. They eventually paid him $ 5.8 millon and exonerated him. Another individual Bruce Ivins was then targeted he commited suicide maybe because he was guilty or maybe he saw what Hatfill went through.

3. They could not catch the Unabomber for over 22 years untill he was turned in by his brother.

4. Waco TX. Initial raid by the B.A.T.F. The F.B.I. was then called in to take over, resulting in a 51 day long siege which ended with the death of 75 (21 of which were children.) There was some evidence of the use of pyrotechnic tear gas grenades causing the fire but this was refuted. Either way I wouldn't call it a success.

5. (Ruby Ridge)fed sniper killed wife and 14 year old child of Randy Weaver you can read about this debacle, tragic.

6.Chicago Detective Joseph Airhart.
he was left to bleed to near death for about 2 hours. He recently passed away from complications R.I.P. He was working on a F.B.I task force at the time apprehending an individual sought by the F.B.I.

7. It's been over 25 years they still have not caught the Tylenol murderer. They recently announced they may have some new leads.

8. One of the F.B.I's primary missions for the past 30 years or so has been to combat major narcotic trafficking great job guys! On the other hand CPD and other local departments have made hundreds of thousands of arrests for narcotic at the street level we operate at.

9. 1996 Centennial Olympic Park bombing. They still haven't caught the offender but they did target a former police officer and security guard Richard Jewell put him under 24 hour surveillance, searched his house. His reputation was ruined publicly. He was the person who discovered the bomb saving many lives. He was eventually cleared. They then just offered a million dollar reward as they did with the Unabomber but still never solved this one.

10. The F.B.I. was the lead agency assigned to investigate the assasination of President John F. Kennedy nuff said.

11. The F.B.I. has around a $7 BILLION annual budget.

12. Now former F.B.I agent Earl Pitts caught giving the Soviet Union Top Secret documents.

13. Former boss of the F.B.I's counter intelligence division Robert Hanssen sold Top Secret information to the Soviet Union for some 22 years. He was actually also a Chicago cop for a few years, while here he was assigned to what was esentially I.A.D. from the outset of his career. This F.B.I agent provided the Soviet Union with information that intelligence experts say cost our country TENS OF BILLIONS of dollars in damages. The F.B.I. could not identify him for about 22 years for one reason because they didn't want to accept it was one of their own and instead focused on blaming the C.I.A. He was eventually caught when the Soviet Union broke apart and the Feds simply paid a former KGB official $7 Million to provide the information leading to his identity. This must of been their finest hour. Great job on that one guys! Must be nice to throw that kind of money around alot easier then catching someone the hard way.

14. Former F.B.I boss J. Weiss (sic) takes control of C.P.D.

2/07/2009 05:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If at first you don't succeed, you're not Seiser

2/07/2009 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see this resulting like the recent Aunt Bea incident. Daley will be standing front and center telling people that "Weiss had nothing to do with the burglary and has been completely exonerated."

There will be an investigation at which it will be determined that to prevent such thefts in the future, there will be hourly stand-up role calls at the district level. P.O.s will be scrutinized for the slightest infraction and if any are found they will get their 30 days and pending orders!

There. Now everything is back to normal!

2/07/2009 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2/07/2009 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Is it true that all speeding tickets written as a result of LIDAR devices are thrown out of court? That the city will not provide a hearing for Lidars? I had a friend that attended traffic court and the judge dismissed all speeding tickets resulting from Lidar? Maybe someone can confirm this rumor.

2/07/2009 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He really didn't know, or did he not expect Ike to ask him about it? I thought the 5th floor was the most secure in the building because you have to use card for entry or an alarm sounds.

2/07/2009 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The poster was correct about the reason for J-Fed having the stumped look. The computers were not stolen from IAD and it was from another office on the 5th floor. There is an investigation, but I don't think having this information on this site is going to help it anytime soon. I'm no fan of J-Fed or IAD, but don't fuck up an investigation and then ask why it isn't solved yet.

2/07/2009 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say do a seat belt mission outside of 35th street. That will teach em!

2/07/2009 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although no fan of corothers, I gotta hand it to him..."What floor is IAD on? J-Fed"The 5th"...What floor is your office on? J-Fed"The 5th"....You mean to tell me that you were unaware of a burglary/theft on the same floor that your office is on?...Priceless

2/07/2009 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you're new to a district/watch, it takes some time to recognize the faces. But of course, blame the lowly PO for not knowing.

2/07/2009 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if all you want is a couple of computers why not go to your local starbucks and gank a state of the art one from an unattentive yuppie ?
why burglarize the "high security" offices of iad for a couple of old ones ?
i would LOVE to know what is on those computers !

2/07/2009 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's an inside job, more like just a theft. Anyways THANKS for all your great posts SCC

2/07/2009 09:24:00 AM  
Blogger Matt Hanne said...

...I thought the 5th floor was the most secure in the building because you have to use card for entry or an alarm sounds.

2/07/2009 08:24:00 AM


Secure against outsiders, yes.

Against insiders wishing to remain covered, or to cover the a$$ of their clout or their clouted, no.

Come on. You may use a pencil, scratch paper and your head.

2/07/2009 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Is it true that all speeding tickets written as a result of LIDAR devices are thrown out of court? That the city will not provide a hearing for Lidars? I had a friend that attended traffic court and the judge dismissed all speeding tickets resulting from Lidar? Maybe someone can confirm this rumor.

2/07/2009 07:46:00 AM

This was told to me by the corporate council the other day, something about a legal issue regarding the accuracy. The Lidar tickets that I wrote were dismissed right away. I haven’t written one since.

2/07/2009 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They don't know what equipment was taken!?

I work for a non-profit and every single computer or electronic device is labeled, identified, categorized and there is a master list to compare it to if something goes missing.

Weis should have the Feds investigating HIM for being so stupid. Obviously, he's not a hands-on leader if he doesn't know what the hell is going on in his own floor. Unless of course, he's just a figurehead that is being kept in the dark while Daley's army is actually running the dept?

2/07/2009 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, this jag (Weis) didn't have a clue what he was getting into.

Welcome to Chicago Jody.

2/07/2009 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

does teh pc's have all of our ss# and home addresses??

2/07/2009 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This IS Chicago.

2/07/2009 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring in the Feds to run the Department it can't be any worst than it is now and King Richard won't have his hands on the Department. Good-bye merit and all the Imbeciles running this Department

2/07/2009 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will agree that there is a lot of blame that could be passed around. But the first head on the block should be the person who is in charge of the whole building for allowing her station to be constantly unsecured (an open door she probably walked through every day she went to and from the station).

2/07/2009 01:33:00 AM


2/07/2009 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, give me the 55 medical so I can get the f""k outta here

2/07/2009 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Is it true that all speeding tickets written as a result of LIDAR devices are thrown out of court? That the city will not provide a hearing for Lidars? I had a friend that attended traffic court and the judge dismissed all speeding tickets resulting from Lidar? Maybe someone can confirm this rumor.

2/07/2009 07:46:00 AM

It's true. I was in traffic ct last week. Judge threw EVERY case out. She said the Lidars are not calibrated and "you are frre to go".

One def said in open court that her plates are suspended for emmissions. Judge just let her go too!

If the city is crying poor, and the bosses are up our asses about numbers, why the hell are judges letting people walk??

2/07/2009 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem was that corothers asked about a break in and burglary at IAD. This confused weis who was thinking this was an incident he was not familiar with . After realizing what incident corothers was referring to he stated this seems to be just a theft of a lap top computer and it was in a different office on the 5th floor.

2/07/2009 01:24:00 AM

Ok, Jody. Go back to sleep now.

2/07/2009 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saturday, ch.5, 9:00a.m.News - clip shown from Friday's City Council Meeting. Ald. Thomas Allen said to Weis, "what's this about bringing in the Secret Service to investigate? How about using the Department Of COMMON SENSE?"Was encouraged to hear a sane comment from an alderman.

2/07/2009 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Based on the questions and comments at the hearing look for the P.O. and her sgt. to get nailed. South side alderf%@ks specifically stated that they do not want the D/C or the W/C held accountable (go figure) despite finding out that the door (which was probably functional) was just left open habitually and ignored by them as well. They are more concerned with the P.O. with 2 years on being duped by a young man in a uniform who was in an area where only police officers should be (unsecured station is not the P.O's fault!!) and the sgt. that had her on his log.

I will agree that there is a lot of blame that could be passed around. But the first head on the block should be the person who is in charge of the whole building for allowing her station to be constantly unsecured (an open door she probably walked through every day she went to and from the station).

2/07/2009 01:33:00 AM

Who was the dickhead sitting next to Jody who responded that the blame was on EVERYONE, that every po has a responsibility to be all see all? That was pitiful. Who is in charge here and step up. There is no chain of command anymore? Talking about throwing people under a bus. Like police officers don't have enough to do, they have to question their supervisors and anything that looks suspicious to them? Christ.

---not a cop

2/07/2009 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean "restore?"

Was there ever any honor in this corrupt department from day one? There have been individuals who behaved honorably but as a whole the CPD is a very dishonorable organization. Anyone who believes otherwise is fooling themselves.
I can well understand, sir (or ma'am. as the case may be) why you would wish to remain anonymous. The fact is the CPD is NOT a dishonorable organization, and I am not fooling myself in that regard. I have worked with and supervised hundreds of officers and found them to be universally honest and hard-working men and women who would do what was expected of them to the best of their ability and, in many cases, go well beyond the call of duty (as the cliche' goes)to serve and protect the people of Chicago as they have been sworn to do. I know, I know--you see them loafing in the 7-11 and not earning their money. Did you ever see a squad car tearing down the street, lights flashing and siren screaming for the right of way? Did you ever wonder where they were going or whisper a prayer for their safety and the safety of those they were on their way to help? I suspect not. The average civilian (such as yourself, I suspect, if I can give you credit for being average)would head the other way if shots were fired nearby. The POs I know would race to see who could get there first. Sometimes they may not seem to be earning their money; other times, there isn't enough money in the world.

Have you ever seen the stars on display at HQ--do you call the officers who wore those stars dishonorable? Or does a PO have to die in the line of duty before you would consider him/her honorable?

How can any organization be judged as "honorable" or "dishonorable" except by the actions of its members? You say there "have been individuals who behaved honorably".
Have been? Why the past tense? Do you suggest right now, as you read this, there are no honorable individuals on the job?

Do you consider yourself (Mr. or MS. Anonymous) to be honrable person? Try doing your job when you are working short-handed; forced to use obsolete, defective, and plain dangerous eequipment; without a contract for 18 months; with little chance for a legitimate promotion; being ordered around by someone who knows less about the job than you do; under an administration ill-suited to manage any mojor city police department--need I go on? Possibly you get the point; if, not, NONE of these circumstances were brought about by the cops that his the street every day. Would you be motivated under those circumstances?

I must admit that you are correct in one respect--"restore" is not the correct word to use when referring to the honor of the Chicago Police Department. It's honor doesn't need to be restored. It has always been there. It's just that some fail to recognize it.

I know I sound as though I have assumed you are a civilian. If so, I don't expect you to understand or that anything I write will change your mind.

The possibility has occured to me that you may be a sworn member. If so, I am sorry you feel as you do.

I suspect that there are more than a few other sworn members who will disagree with you and who do not believe that they are fooling themselves.

2/07/2009 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They could not catch the Unabomber for over 22 years untill he was turned in by his brother.
The vast majority of crimes are either solved within a few hours or days from evidence at the scene or much later on when someone rats the guy out.

2/07/2009 09:58:00 AM  
Blogger John Northen said...

5:18 AM

With all due respect to the many fine men and women who have served the FBI with distinction, I must say you really got your shit together on the G.

However, (#9) after the FBI buffoons destroyed the life of the late Richard Jewell (actually the hero of the of the 1996 Olympics bombing in Atlanta's Millennium Park), fugitive Eric Robert Rudolph was later arrested and charged with that murder as well as that of a police officer in an Alabama bombing.

Add #15: Aldrich "Rick" Ames. Like Robert "C-5" Hanssen (#13), another top-level FBI official now spending his natural life in the federal SUPERMAX penitentiary in Florence, Colorado.

And let's not forget my personal pet peeve--the incessant Hollywood-generated bullshit about the FBI BAU "profilers". I still defy anyone to cite an actual case where Quantico provided their "magic" in identifying an heretofore unknown serial murderer. BAU was either wrong or, even when correct, merely narrowed the field from a million down to a 100,000 suspects. Yet, the naive public and even some police buy into this "Hannibal Lecter" bullshit. I'd put more credibility in the prescient crime-fighting skills of "Senora Sherlock".

P.S.: Finally, to my dear college drinking buddy (TF) and former captain of the Marquette Warriors, now retired from the FBI: Please don't beat me up on your next visit to Chicago with "Farm Boy" and "The Enforcer". Maybe Katie Holmes' daddy can make it next time too. No paparazzi, "Cool Hand Luke". Tavern on Rush, Carmine's or Gibsons--visitors' choice.

2/07/2009 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Is it true that all speeding tickets written as a result of LIDAR devices are thrown out of court?"

Yes, all these tickets are invalid. Do not use the device. It is up to the city to validate the device and they won't do it. Memo went out from top traffic judge to throw out all lidar tickets.

2/07/2009 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am now truly embarrased to have ever taken this job in the first place. Why, oh why did i choose CPD?

With my 60 college credit hours theres plenty of suburban departments I could have gone to without all of this embarrasment and humiliation. CPD is a complete and utter JOKE!!! I'm truly ashamed to be a part of this inept, corrupt, incompenent organization masquarading as a police department.

2/07/2009 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man, when some outsider comes to your district and claims he is supposed to be working there that night, the FIRST thing he's supposed to do is talk to the Desk Sergeant, who, after verifying he was indeed supposed to be sent there and THEN verifies the outsider's credentials, is suppposed to send him to the Watch Commander's office, who, is then supposed to assign the outsider to a beat. It is the WATCH COMMANDER'S ultimate responsibility to assign EVERYONE to a beat, NOT the Desk Sergeant or the Watch Secretary. Furthermore, the Desk Sergeant is held responsible for securing the station EVERY DAY, ALL WATCHES, INCLUDING A TOUR OF THE GROUNDS OUTSIDE THE STATION.

Being called to the desk or otherwise summoned by either the Desk Sergeant or the Watch Commander or their Beat Sgt., SOMEONE OF HIGHER AUTHORITY ASSIGNED THIS KID TO THIS PO. The PO should be held blameless for assuming the Desk Sergeant or Beat Sergeant AND WATCH COMMANDER did their jobs as outlined in G/O and assigned an authorized employee to her vehicle for the night. THE END.

As for claiming the PO is supposed SUSPECT ALL PO'S SHE HAS BEEN ASSIGNED TO WORK WITH BY HER SUPERIORS, it's more bullshit attempts by brass asshats to shift complete blame onto the lowest man on the totem pole and keep the brotherhood of whiteshirt happy.

Not to mention the following:

Over 93% of all adults in this country are RIGHT HANDED. If the PO in fact did all the driving for the night, there was NO WAY SHE WOULD HAVE SEEN HIS GUN SIDE FROM THE DRIVER'S SEAT. Furthermore, during the colder winter months, any officially sanctioned outer garment would have obscured the weapon from view from any position. And to harp on yet another SOP of most of us, NO ONE with any more than 5 minutes on this job bothers to keep changing the location of their star to their outer garment. Who gives a fuck whether your star is on the outside or inside other than your standard pansy ass inspector?

This bullshit started AND ends with the DESK SERGENT who failed to verify credentials AND the WATCH COMMANDER who failed to verify credentials BEFORE ASSIGNING THIS KID TO A 2 YEAR PO WHO ASSUMED THEIR SUPERIORS HAD DONE THEIR JOB AS ORDERED TO.

2/07/2009 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Is it true that all speeding tickets written as a result of LIDAR devices are thrown out of court? That the city will not provide a hearing for Lidars? I had a friend that attended traffic court and the judge dismissed all speeding tickets resulting from Lidar? Maybe someone can confirm this rumor.

Its true!!!
The courts will not approve the use of a LIDAR until a "FRYE" hearing. The worst part is that the people that contest the ticket WIN but the people that mail it in LOSE....WTF!


2/07/2009 10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2/07/2009 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't Lt. Hamilton appear in court in full uniform in support of his gangbanger children. Didn't he also get CRs on the police for brutality and harassment. Me thinks some like to rewrite history.

2/07/2009 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why can't we have doors that lock properly and ID's that will swipe us in properly? This is so fuckin simple. Why do we need the secret service to "investigate" this problem?
The problem is our leadership and lack of.

2/07/2009 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just at HQ yesterday. Walked right in, had my i.d., nobody even looked up from the desk. Went the wrong direction, crossed right in front of the desk again, nobody looked up. They were'nt screwing around, but they were distracted. I could have walked in there with an AK47. There WERE a lot of signs though....LOL!!!!!!!!!!

2/07/2009 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I read it as a comment, if in fact the computers stolen were from, what the poster calls "Bureau of Professional Investigation", which, if on the 5th floor would actually be the "Bureau of Professional Standards", that would be the responsibility of a one PETER BRUST, who is as we all know, QUITE THE CIVILIAN BUDDY OF WEIS FROM THE FBI.

AND, knowing the layout of the land in that office as I do, the only DEPARTMENT OWNED LAPTOP to be stolen is the one that lays on the conference room table without fail every day of the week with the door wide open at all times. Now THAT'S failure to secure department property, which I believe is a CR is it not?

Not to mention, this laptop is something that BRUST has seen hundreds of times sitting in the open and NOT put away as this is where he does his meeting reviews. So WEIS' good buddy BRUST failed to ensure that department property was adequately secured and therefor allowed this theft to occurr due to his lax control and careless indifference to securing department property.

NOW you know why you haven't heard more about this theft,

A. Because it's from the most secured floor in HQ and

B. More than the above, the computers were stolen out from under his BEST FRIEND'S NOSE, PETER BRUST, YET ANOTHER FED BUDDY.

p.s. if this is the laptop stolen, the only thing stolen was useless drivel and some illegal software, nothing of any value to anyone unless they plan to divulge a few useless statistics on crime, contact cards and how many sick days were used by whatever district is on the hot seat next. Like I said, useless shit that has no value.


2/07/2009 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Is it true that all speeding tickets written as a result of LIDAR devices are thrown out of court? That the city will not provide a hearing for Lidars? I had a friend that attended traffic court and the judge dismissed all speeding tickets resulting from Lidar? Maybe someone can confirm this rumor.

2/07/2009 07:46:00 AM

Yes it's very true, FRY Hearing down state proved the device was accurate and relable, but that was not good enough for the crook county Judges, The asa's won't pay to go forward with a FRY hearing in Cook County so all you have to do is request a FRY Hearing and the judge will throw it out.

2/07/2009 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


LAPD officers' names mistakenly put on Internet

Feb 7, 10:07 AM (ET)

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Authorities in Los Angeles say a confidential report on police misconduct that included the names of hundreds of officers was mistakenly posted on the Internet.

The Police Commission report was e-mailed to the news media. It also was posted on a city Web site on Friday but removed less than an hour later.

The report included the names of about 250 officers that the internal affairs unit had investigated over allegations of racial profiling.

Police Commission Executive Director Richard Tefank called it an "unfortunate mistake."

Commission and LAPD representatives apologized to the president of the police union, the Police Protective League.

Union president Paul M. Weber called it "absolutely outrageous."

2/07/2009 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2/07/2009 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 7:46am, it is true,,,Judges have been summarily dismissing all LIDAR tickets since December.

This is because after numerous requests from defense lawyers for a "Fry Hearing" which determines for Judges to take Judicial Notice of new technology and allow it. The City has not been answering ready for a Fry on a daily basis for the last 18 months or so.

The City has been blowing this off for years, it costs a lot of money to put on a case like this because of the cost of expert witnesses.

There was a Fry Hearing in DuPage last month and it (LIDAR) was admitted as sound technolgy. There will be one in Rolling Meadows at the end of this month, that should then allow the LIDAR to be admitted into court in Cook County.

In the meantime, thousands of dollars in fines and fees have been lost by the City and the County.

LIDAR is the most accurate speed measuring device in use today and is unbeatable in the courts that allow it.

2/07/2009 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: I saw something the other day re: the medical section requiring you to sign a release of your medical records. I looked at the HIPPA site and this is all I could find ----
Government agencies may request your medical records to verify claims made through Medicare, MediCal, Social Security Disability, and Workers Compensation.

So if it's not IOD (Workman's Comp), they don't have a right to your records??

Seriously, the MSS knowing my personal information really bothers me and am wondering if anyone has contacted anyone regarding this matter.
If it's IOD I have no problem allowing access but if it's not IOD, why do they need to know?
I hate the fact that they use the old "if they order you to sign, you have to sign" crap.
Has anyone ever contacted HIPPA directly or filed a complaint? Just wondering.

2/07/2009 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic but why is there one picture missing at 35th street. I'm speaking of the three officers who died in the line of duty last year, only two of their photos remain displayed. Is it a prerequisite to be a member of NOBLE to have this honor for more than a few weeks?

2/07/2009 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 5:18am - I'm pretty sure they finally got the guy who bombed Olympic Park - it took them 3 or 4 years to do it - after they destroyed the security guard, who may have died recently. I think the bomber was somehow tied to other bombings at abortion clinics.

2/07/2009 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9. 1996 Centennial Olympic Park bombing. They still haven't caught the offender

He was caught, but not by the FBI. An alert rookie police officer found Eric Robert Rudolph digging in a dumpster in Murphy, North Carolina. Another officer came on scene and recognized the offender as Rudolph who had previously been identified as the Centennial Park bomber and also the bomber involved in other bomb attacks of abortion clinics and a bar.

2/07/2009 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fifth floor is also where auditing and internal control were located.

2/07/2009 12:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Good News Boys and Gals. Rai (that's correct-with an I) R. from Preventive Programs is back in full swing afyer his year on the medical from a recurring? IOD. Rai is currently putting together another exciting episode of Crime Watch-The Right Moves where Rai,his wife, kids and whomever tell us how to prevent crime. Also starring in the new feature is Jim OLZ from Preventive Programs who is another USELESS idiot. Thanks medical abusing Rai and useless Jim O. for your useless tips. What a waste of "police?" manpower.

2/07/2009 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The contents of the lap top has everyone on pills and needles. Those wanting to know what's there and those whose info and pictures are on hard disk.

2/07/2009 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch for the killer bea to retire and take the lead spot at CTA.

Who does the daughter work for?

2/07/2009 12:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for the good men and women that shed their blood for this foresaken department.

God save us.

2/07/2009 12:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Chicago Bloggers threatened?

I dont know anything about the TIF districts mentioned. Perhaps someone at SCC may know.

2/07/2009 01:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that all speeding tickets written as a result of LIDAR devices are thrown out of court? That the city will not provide a hearing for Lidars? I had a friend that attended traffic court and the judge dismissed all speeding tickets resulting from Lidar? Maybe someone can confirm this rumor.

2/07/2009 07:46:00 AM

I heard the city council talking about this a few months ago at traffic court. The judge asked me to stick around for a few minutes to see if anyone else came in (the call was over in 5 minutes), and I asked about this. The council guy said since the city refuses to pay and have a scientific study done to show if the lidar is effective and accurate, they throw out all lidar cases if the defendant asks for the study.

2/07/2009 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The floggings will continue until morale improves!

2/07/2009 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just as long as they don't steal the microwave ovens for popcorn, all will be well.

2/07/2009 01:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like Watergate. Who will be Nixon? Who will go to Prison like G.Gordon Liddy? Who will be Deep-Throat; or do we already know the answer to that one?

2/07/2009 01:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WShat is the difference between a theft and burglary? The main issue is loss of possible sensitive information. That should be a very major concern? Even FBI would worry about loss of sensitive information. Maybe on of the inside officers is using the laptop at home and made a mistake. Just like certain commanders.

2/07/2009 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The laptop was not from IAD, and the PC was an old one that just got moved from the 4th floor.

2/07/2009 02:53:00 AM

Thank goodness. Just a simple theft from headquarters. Not to worry, 19Paul

2/07/2009 01:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was there ever any honor in this corrupt department from day one? There have been individuals who behaved honorably but as a whole the CPD is a very dishonorable organization. Anyone who believes otherwise is fooling themselves.

2/07/2009 03:01:00 AM


2/07/2009 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Fucking Joke Batman!!!

I demand the immediate resignations of the entire exempt command of the Chicago Police Department!

I demand that Mayor Daley resign immediate at noon Monday morning.

I demand that all the Alderman resign effective immediate at 1300 hrs on Tuesday morning.

I demand a new contract and retro pay March 1st.

I demand a lot and those peoples running the city and department are nothing but a sick fucking joke.

If you know and agree with me vote them out, run against them, put them all in jail!

2/07/2009 02:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would venture to say J-Feds eyes were more like a does not a fully developed deer. Tiny and very close together.

2/07/2009 02:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From what was overheard on the 5th floor on Friday The incident that the alderman is asking about was the Burglary from the IAD confidential unit. This confidential unit is not located at 35th street.

They had just moved from one location to this new building and have several other Federal investigative units working out of the same building when they discovered that computers were missing.

It seems you can't trust anyone !!!

2/07/2009 03:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 0124 hrs:

Thank u jfed for clearing that up for us.

2/07/2009 03:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the computer was stolen from the IAD Confedential squad and it occurred at a covert building after IAD had left for a new location. It seems it may have been civilian workers that stole the items. This incident is not much different than the P.O.'s from Jackson office that want microwaves from ERPS, and when there told to buy it from a store a Sgt. gets replaced by a M/1 Sgt, due to the other Sgt. have the ethics and morals not to steal from ERPs. Will ERPs now turn back to its old self narcotics and guns winding back on the street?

2/07/2009 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2/07/2009 03:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IAD doing a search warrant at a house? You have got to be kidding, I remember them calling me years ago about how to prepare a search warrant for a POs car. They had NO idea on how to type one up. I talked to a PO and sgt and their lt.

It is a circus.

old retired guy

2/07/2009 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 2/07/2009 05:18:00 AM, who said:

"I'm thinking of writing a book. I might call it "The F.B.I. As I See It" ....blah, blah, blah.

Hey stupid, aka "FBI hater", aka "probably applied to be an Agent and didn't get hired": Only your #s 7, 10, and 11 are anywhere near truthful and accurate. What a bozo. Hopefully you're not a PO. God help the citizens you police if you apply this shallow level of fact checking and accuracy to your work.

2/07/2009 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All Ike is doing is pressuring for another merit promotion for his brother who couldn't pass a test even if you spoon-fed him the answers.

How much do you want to bet his bro becomes capt or cmdr?

Hello corruption once again.

2/07/2009 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear we are going to have secret service agents checking the ID's at 35th street. You will be clear to enter after you show official photo ID and badge. The secrets will then talk into their sleeve and you will be allowed to enter the kingdom.

As far as the 3rd District, we all know the cmdr is not responsible for the breech of security.
There, once again, the secret service will be guarding the doors. You can only enter if you show your police ID and offical badge. You also must have a burger king cardboard crown on your head. Once the secret service talks into their sleeve, you may then enter the 3rd district.

Dis is da truth, and nothin but da truth.

2/07/2009 04:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"He really didn't know, or did he not expect Ike to ask him about it? I thought the 5th floor was the most secure in the building because you have to use card for entry or an alarm sounds."

From what I hear, the alarm goes off constantly on the 5th floor, its a running joke. The door should be set up so they DO NOT OPEN unless you have the pass card. Not some mickey mouse audible that nobody pays attention to any more. The was also a two month poriod last year that the door was not even alarmed because allegedly Jfed lost his ID and never got around to getting a new one.

2/07/2009 04:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The computers were not stolen! They were turned over to the FBI, and no one was suposed to know. They were turned over on a friday night and were to be returned the nexy day but that got fucked up.

When the residents of that office returned monday morning they were missing, so they made it burglary to cover it up.

Your fearless leader knew all about it, he is the one who turned them over to the feds. But now he has to play stupid!!!

2/07/2009 05:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So two old CRT monitors and a lap top get swiped by cleaning personnel ( I mean has to be, the police would never steal anything, right? ) and this equates to a scandal?

I'd say you are reaching again.

I wonder how Weis felt having to eat shit served to him by a man that he knows is going to be getting a 6AM wake up call by the Feds sooner rather than later.

2/07/2009 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm thinking of writing a book. I might call it "The F.B.I. As I See It"
14. Former F.B.I boss J. Weiss (sic) takes control of C.P.D.

2/07/2009 05:18:00 AM

You forgot "J. Edgar Dresswearer" as the fearless (and pantyless) leader!

2/07/2009 06:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Is it true that all speeding tickets written as a result of LIDAR devices are thrown out of court? That the city will not provide a hearing for Lidars? I had a friend that attended traffic court and the judge dismissed all speeding tickets resulting from Lidar? Maybe someone can confirm this rumor.

2/07/2009 07:46:00 AM

Depends on the judge but mostly true. The only people who get the shaft are the honest ones who pay their tickets.

I do not write any LIDAR tickets as a result.

2/07/2009 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2/07/2009 06:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT- to the car (and I have your beat tag) who drove by my daughter and her friends on 111th street at 5:45pm and deliberately aimed and drenched my daughter and her friends with the squad car.........karma is a bitch. You two are a piece of shit. You destroyed her phone with water damage. Love that GPS now.

2/07/2009 06:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OFF TOPIC, I just checked jobs in 022 and they have 2211 assigned to a fucking mission at 95 halsted? WHY??????????? Fuck the ghetto, let the beat car stay on the damn beat where it belongs and give the taxpaying citizens some fucking service! What WC allows this BS? Where is Ginger now? God forbid there is a police emergency out west, the beat car is assigned to a seat belt check in the ghetto? WOW! Fuck this dept!!!!!!!! Well its our own fault, whitey doesnt know how to stand up and bitch like the reverends and alderfucks

2/07/2009 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you telling me that these fucking fucks are fucking around trying to breach district security while they are getting all the shit stolen from their own fucking offices? Unfuckingbelievable!

2/07/2009 07:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:18 AM


However, my next manifesto will be about lacing Tylenol capsules with anthrax. Also, I was on the grassy knoll in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

Jody Weis once spent a week with me in my cabin in Montana. He's a world-class asshole.

2/07/2009 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

peter burst in the 7th district on thursday to check out the doors and the security

2/07/2009 07:13:00 PM  
Blogger Masters said...

How in the world do these pricks think that the pompus dummies that are promoted EVERY rank based upon "merit" are somehow capable of leadership. They have proven time and time again that this is fucking up the entire department. I would be willing to bet that 90% of the exempt ranks have recieved at least two merit promotions.
I bet that Ike is just fucking with Jody until he gives his triple merit brother Tony an exempt spot. This is the real reason Ike loves to ride the Weisel.

2/07/2009 07:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JPUD has learned Richie's Jedi mind tricks when it comes to the media. All he says is, "there is nothing to see here, move along" and those mindless media drones go about there business.

The darkside of the force is strong with JPUD.

2/07/2009 07:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic;

take 10 minutes out of your life and watch this. It is very informative.

2/07/2009 09:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you say inside job?

2/07/2009 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out this site:

2/07/2009 09:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And this one:

2/07/2009 09:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it me....or did it seem like they (Alderpukes and Brass) are trying to save the Commander and Watch Commander and put it all on the desk sgt. field sgt. and P.O.? Looks like the fix is in...the Chicago Way.

2/07/2009 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well just remember this, a kiss is just a kiss. But A new day has arrived. You use to be able to cover shit completely up , but the Internet is here to stay. And now anyone can report on you from the comforts of home. Why write the news on bathroom wall, the true is the equalizer or is it?

2/07/2009 09:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC I know you are against the postings of article but this is not verbatim and is a public column. But this is something I think a lot of Chicago P.O.s should read and know about the Houston P.D as they are a large Department. And I believe this shows again the loyalty of our union and ASA's. Not to mention it involves a pro NFL player who is close to home here to Chicagoans just across the border :) Hope yo don't mind SCC, but again I thing this would be a great post if not its own topic

Quanell, police union discuss Driver defamation suit
Feb. 6, 2009, 7:18PM
Police and a community activist held dueling news conferences Friday about a defamation lawsuit stemming from the arrest of the father of Green Bay Packer Donald Driver.

Earlier this week, three Houston police officers sued activist Quanell X and Marvin Driver Jr., alleging the two falsely claimed the police officers beat Driver during a traffic stop arrest in November.

Aaron Suder, lawyer for the Houston Police Officers’ Union, said the defamation lawsuit should send a message to the community that if you lie about police officers “we will come after you.”

HPD officers Gilberto Cruz, Bacilio Guzman and Matthew Marin filed the lawsuit. Cruz said Friday that the trio did nothing wrong, did not physically attack Marvin Driver and were unjustly smeared.

After the police union news conference inside their facility, Quanell X and his lawyer spoke in the union hall parking lot.Quanell X said he was not surprised to be sued by the police, and his attorney Randall Kallinen said it was a vague attack on his client just because he’s a vocal police critic.

Quanell X said he only repeated what the Driver family told him and he had no reason to believe Marvin Driver was not telling the truth.

“I’m not anti-good police officers. We all need good officers. But I’m always against police officers that do things that aren’t right,” the activist said.

Tammy Peden, Marvin Driver’s attorney, has not returned calls about the suit.

2/07/2009 10:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that all speeding tickets written as a result of LIDAR devices are thrown out of court? That the city will not provide a hearing for Lidars? I had a friend that attended traffic court and the judge dismissed all speeding tickets resulting from Lidar? Maybe someone can confirm this rumor.

2/07/2009 07:46:00 AM

Go speed down lake shore drive get a ticket go to court and then tell us how that went.

2/07/2009 10:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this why Commander Tina Skahill of IAD was replaced with Commander Climas?

2/07/2009 11:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sounds like a much larger breach of security than the kid was???

2/07/2009 11:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank-You alderman Ike Carrothers for bringing this to the attention of the Superintendent, Jody Weis and to the citizens of Chicago.

We would have never known otherwise.

2/07/2009 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe it is like Watergate and J-Fed had some of his old minions break-in and take the IAD computers to see what is really going on in IAD.

The FBI has some good burglars, they broke into Blago's two headquarters and bugged them.

2/07/2009 11:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did this Commander Climas come from?

2/07/2009 11:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Fed had to admit that the Bureau of Professional Standards oversees IAD, that is interesting.

2/07/2009 11:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I advise every department member to place a fraud alert on your credit report. This protects you against someone using your identity to open unauthorzied accounts. You only have to call one bureau and request it, tell them that your emplyer had computers stolen with sensitize employee information on them. It is free and only takes a few minutes.

Equifax 1(800) 525-6285
Experian 1(888).397-3742
TransUnion 1(800) 680-7289

2/07/2009 11:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if Jody will tell the Secret Service that an office was burglarized next to his office, when they come in to do their security assessment?

2/07/2009 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Alderman Tom Allen should run for Mayor. He is the only Alderman challenging Daley lately and making any sense.

He was the Alderman that brough up the shortage of PO's, the lack of snow removal in Chicago, questioned why the USSS is being used and questioned why PO's are being depleted from their districts to man posts in the ghetto.

2/07/2009 11:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The computers were not stolen! They were turned over to the FBI, and no one was suposed to know. They were turned over on a friday night and were to be returned the nexy day but that got fucked up.

When the residents of that office returned monday morning they were missing, so they made it burglary to cover it up.

Your fearless leader knew all about it, he is the one who turned them over to the feds. But now he has to play stupid!!!

2/07/2009 05:39:00 PM

If this is true, what are they looking for? It would be nice if they would open up some of the old railroad jobs on PO's, the ones where "unclouted" PO's got shafted to protect clout babies.

2/07/2009 11:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please, do you have any idea of how much computer equipment is missing from that building every day? I am a person who knows, for example, that many of our past exempt (who were shoved out by Weis) have department equipment in their homes. Some of us had to go there and install and set up and fix and add programs, quite often.

2/07/2009 11:59:00 PM  
Blogger kateykakes said...

From the comment section (the one w/ 400+ replies) of the Cuello post:

I always wore my uniform with pride now I am ashamed to say I am a Chicago Police Officer.

I am totally ASHAMED to be a Police Officer for this City.

I read that and I felt such sympathy for you all, especially with this latest scanal. I keep wondering how much more you all can take.

There are people out there that know how hard you all work; how patrol is the backbone of the dept., has respect for you all and knows that in no way waswere any of the occurences your fault - people like myself and many others.

It's a shame though that the action of a few can taint a whole dept. and sway the publics trust, especially with the liberal media making you all out to be bad men/women. It's even worse when your own bosses don't stand behind you.

Don't be ashamed of what you've worked so hard to achieve. You all are respected more than you know.

Please be safe out there and go home to your families after every shift. You'll continue to stay in my thoughts and prayers.


2/08/2009 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there was no theft, some inside dolly needed a couple of computers at home so she/he took them. just like the treadmill that was missing from the workout room of HQ that was reported missing and turned out to be in a bosses office.

2/08/2009 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 2/07/2009 05:18:00 AM, who said:

"I'm thinking of writing a book. I might call it "The F.B.I. As I See It" ....blah, blah, blah.

Hey stupid, aka "FBI hater", aka "probably applied to be an Agent and didn't get hired": Only your #s 7, 10, and 11 are anywhere near truthful and accurate. What a bozo. Hopefully you're not a PO. God help the citizens you police if you apply this shallow level of fact checking and accuracy to your work.

2/07/2009 04:23:00 PM

you forgot to sign Jody daWeisel.

2/08/2009 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Favoritism at its finest. I work in a district for about 10 years. I've been hear forever. I'm asked for an idea and some of the check points by newbee's that dont know me and I'm actually fine with it. I'm not offended. What I am offended is that any black officer that walks by the check point in plain clothes doesnt get checked. They just jawjak with each other, do some kind of bro handshake and walk on bye without any identification. Whats up with that bullshit?

2/08/2009 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many time did you hear the aldercreatures say "you know". I counted 373 times. Intelligent their not.... Blind leading the Blind!

2/08/2009 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet that Ike is just fucking with Jody until he gives his triple merit brother Tony an exempt spot. This is the real reason Ike loves to ride the Weisel.

2/07/2009 07:16:00 PM

Ike also wants to get his buddy sgt robinson a LT job.

2/08/2009 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a Sgt in A/4. My daughter got drenched by some asshole coppers splashing her and her boyfriend with their squadcar. My daughter's phone is trashed due to water damage. I have never initiated any CR# on any policeman but for the first time if I had the coppers numbers I might think of taking action. This is 022, we count on you to protect our homes and families but I guess I can't count on the policeman from 022. Apparently instead of keeping us safe they would rather splash policeman's children going about their daily life. I am a Sgt that is well aware of what we as police deal with. You are a disgrace to hard working police officers in the 22nd district. If I had your numbers, for the first time in 8 years, I would initiate a CR# on your ass.

2/08/2009 01:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am now truly embarrased to have ever taken this job in the first place. Why, oh why did i choose CPD?

With my 60 college credit hours theres plenty of suburban departments I could have gone to without all of this embarrasment and humiliation. CPD is a complete and utter JOKE!!! I'm truly ashamed to be a part of this inept, corrupt, incompenent organization masquarading as a police department.

2/07/2009 10:30:00 AM


2/08/2009 02:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They don't know what property was taken? Every piece of CPD equiptment has a number. Look for the little blue sticker with numbers on it. and there's supposed to be a list of who has what. Its done every year during the annual audit/inspection. Guess Jodis don't know something else. I wonder just how much he doesn't know. Then again he might be learning from Daley who doesn't know about hired truck scandals, or that his kid was doing business with the city, or that his friends/political contributors were getting city business, or much of anything else when asked. J-Fed learned from the best.

2/08/2009 04:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it me....or did it seem like they (Alderpukes and Brass) are trying to save the Commander and Watch Commander and put it all on the desk sgt. field sgt. and P.O.? Looks like the fix is in...the Chicago Way.

2/07/2009 09:29:00 PM

Actually, if the field supervisor logged that car, he/she is screwed. Worksheets would show 1 person working the car when lo-and-behold there are two. Why didn't he/she ask any questions?

That will be the sacrificial lamb.

2/08/2009 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Is it true that all speeding tickets written as a result of LIDAR devices are thrown out of court? That the city will not provide a hearing for Lidars? I had a friend that attended traffic court and the judge dismissed all speeding tickets resulting from Lidar? Maybe someone can confirm this rumor.

2/07/2009 07:46:00 AM

Go speed down lake shore drive get a ticket go to court and then tell us how that went.

2/07/2009 10:20:00 PM

Thank you for the advice. Sorry to wake you up. At least traffic unit still works. Beat cars are hard to find.

2/08/2009 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was told to me by the corporate council the other day, something about a legal issue regarding the accuracy. The Lidar tickets that I wrote were dismissed right away. I haven’t written one since.

2/07/2009 09:26:00 AM

Thousands of dollars spent on lidars units, thousands of hours of training and now courts will not accept speeding tickets.

2/08/2009 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Capn Jody and First Mate Bea said...
How in the world do these pricks think that the pompus dummies that are promoted EVERY rank based upon "merit" are somehow capable of leadership. They have proven time and time again that this is fucking up the entire department. I would be willing to bet that 90% of the exempt ranks have recieved at least two merit promotions.
I bet that Ike is just fucking with Jody until he gives his triple merit brother Tony an exempt spot. This is the real reason Ike loves to ride the Weisel.

2/07/2009 07:16:00 PM

IKE did a great job of questioning Weiss. Why was he prepared and not the supporting staff of Weiss? WTF!

2/08/2009 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that all speeding tickets written as a result of LIDAR devices are thrown out of court? That the city will not provide a hearing for Lidars? I had a friend that attended traffic court and the judge dismissed all speeding tickets resulting from Lidar? Maybe someone can confirm this rumor.

2/07/2009 07:46:00 AM

Go speed down lake shore drive get a ticket go to court and then tell us how that went.

LSD cops are the GREATEST!!!

2/08/2009 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the secret service will be guarding the doors. You can only enter if you show your police ID and offical badge."

Shows your not the police (stay off our website); and you don't have a clue what I'm talking about.

2/08/2009 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of, zilch at the gas pumps. You can pump gas at A/3, walk in the garage & not see a soul on midnights. If a terrorist wanted to use that fuel & take out the garage & district'd be a piece of cake. Probably the same at the other areas & gas pumps. At least now, you can walk into 51st & wentworth & not gag from the stench & or walk over all the deadbeats laying on the floor. This 14 year old wanna be cop should get an honorable....that's what it took to kick the bums out of the station. What will it take to secure the gas pumps?

2/08/2009 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

about the lidars that's funny they don't need to be calibrated.Only radars need to be calibrated,but i'm sure there will be another lawsuit against us lonely po's,not that I give an f if someone i write gets out of a ticket,just makes us and this city look like idiots again

2/08/2009 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this why Commander Tina Skahill of IAD was replaced with Commander Climas?

..puhleeze---check the org chart (and check it daily- they move at least one unit or boss a week--last week it was splitting the bomb dogs)--IAD has CPD Lts under a Fed Commander (klimas) under a CPD chief (skahill) under a Fed DS (brust) under a thirty year old cith hall spy (masters) under the Fed supe...

look at all the bureaus for similar "layering"

2/08/2009 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So if it's not IOD (Workman's Comp), they don't have a right to your records??

Supposedly- because the city is paying you , as you stay home/hospitalized etc, they are entitled to proof of illness/injury and inability to work--and reasons why you cant be limited duty until fully recovered

2/08/2009 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I advise every department member to place a fraud alert on your credit report. This protects you against someone using your identity to open unauthorzied accounts. You only have to call one bureau and request it, tell them that your emplyer had computers stolen with sensitize employee information on them. It is free and only takes a few minutes.

Equifax 1(800) 525-6285
Experian 1(888).397-3742
TransUnion 1(800) 680-7289

2/07/2009 11:14:00 PM

I believe the department (or any company, employer, agency, etc) is required by law to notify immediately any employee who may have been the victim of identity theft as soon as it is discovered. And not knowing what sensitive information may have been taken would not exempt them from notifying you people. If they had knowledge of a computer theft and did not know what was on that computer, it should be assumed that it could affect EVERY employee of the CPD.

Any lawyers want to chime in here as to whether the police officers can launch a class action suit?

2/08/2009 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They could not catch the Unabomber for over 22 years untill he was turned in by his brother.
The vast majority of crimes are either solved within a few hours or days from evidence at the scene or much later on when someone rats the guy out.

2/07/2009 09:58:00 AM

FYI. A classmate of the Unabomber from Evergreen Park high school notified the FBI almost immediately (many many years before most of his bombings) because she recognized his weird rantings and behavior. If the FBI had followed up on that information it would have led them to some asshole living in the woods. The information in his makeshift cabin and a few little talks with the locals and the town's postmaster would have resulted in a prompt arrest. But, no way some stupid housewife from Evergreen Park could identify the UNABOMBER. I mean come on, how could that possibly be?


2/08/2009 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did this Commander Climas come from?

2/07/2009 11:07:00 PM

He's a recently retired FBI Agent from Chicago. Seems like a pretty down to earth guy the one time I briefly spoke to him. Don't know what his actual role is, but he did not replace Skahill. She's still a Chief, at least for now.

2/08/2009 10:16:00 AM  
Blogger Geek4Hire said...

I have a general comment. Years ago as a kid my mom tasked me to go to the Butternut Bakery on 55th and State (it is now closed but you could go there and buy day old bread at a good deal). I took the bus there and was on my way home, walking under the viaduct (always dangerous) when three kids approached me. One on one I could handle myself but not three, they robbed me, even took the bread. Well I chased them into the projects and could not find them. A cop car stopped me, asked me what I was doing, I explained the situation and this cop looked at me and said, son, do not go in there again, its too dangerous and gave me the money to buy the bread again. To this day when I hear of people bad mouthing cops I mention that story. By the way though it should not make a difference, I am black and the cops were white.

2/08/2009 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: I saw something the other day re: the medical section requiring you to sign a release of your medical records. I looked at the HIPPA site and this is all I could find ----
Government agencies may request your medical records to verify claims made through Medicare, MediCal, Social Security Disability, and Workers Compensation.

So if it's not IOD (Workman's Comp), they don't have a right to your records??

Seriously, the MSS knowing my personal information really bothers me and am wondering if anyone has contacted anyone regarding this matter.
If it's IOD I have no problem allowing access but if it's not IOD, why do they need to know?
I hate the fact that they use the old "if they order you to sign, you have to sign" crap.
Has anyone ever contacted HIPPA directly or filed a complaint? Just wondering.

2/07/2009 11:57:00 AM

"MAY" request, but you don't have to sign it. My husband just had a worker's comp accident. We got that letter and he was going to sign it thinking it was contingent on him getting Workers Comp benefits. I called the caseworker and told her that he was not signing any blanket global medical information release form because the underwriter already had every bit of information re his claim. The caseworker said that he did not have to sign it in order for the case to proceed and all he had to do was make sure that he faxed them his off work letter after every doctor visit.

In other words, they are fishing. They are an insurance company and they are looking to have you sign away your privacy in order for them to have ammunition in case you sue.

I should also mention that the cover letter stated the release included "past medical history" which is none of their goddamn business.

My suggestion is to tell them you are not signing and see what they say. In my job, we can ASK for offenders to sign a release of information for prior substance abuse treatment records but they can tell us to fuck off and there is nothing we can do about it. I'm assuming the releases are similar.

From what I've read on this site, the CPD has a tendency to pressure you guys with a lot of mumbo jumbo under the auspices of "administrative" requirements and that is not right. But good luck. And never ever give out any information you feel is private without a fight.

2/08/2009 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So if it's not IOD (Workman's Comp), they don't have a right to your records??

2/07/2009 11:57:00 AM

Even if it is worker's comp, they don't have a right to your records!
All they are required to have is information regarding the claim, period.

2/08/2009 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. if this is the laptop stolen, the only thing stolen was useless drivel and some illegal software, nothing of any value to anyone unless they plan to divulge a few useless statistics on crime, contact cards and how many sick days were used by whatever district is on the hot seat next. Like I said, useless shit that has no value.


2/07/2009 10:54:00 AM

How in the fuck would you know? It's a computer and that means trouble for anyone who's on it.

The department should have issued an immediate warning to all employees that their identity information may have been breached.

2/08/2009 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
OT- to the car (and I have your beat tag) who drove by my daughter and her friends on 111th street at 5:45pm and deliberately aimed and drenched my daughter and her friends with the squad car.........karma is a bitch. You two are a piece of shit. You destroyed her phone with water damage. Love that GPS now.

2/07/2009 06:29:00 PM

You are a dumb one! You just admitted to usig CPD resources for a personal vendetta (i.e. the gps). These two know who they are, and you're not too hard to figure out. So, chill out.

2/08/2009 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks medical abusing Rai and useless Jim O. for your useless tips. What a waste of "police?" manpower.

2/07/2009 12:38:00 PM

And wasted time reading your stupid comments

2/08/2009 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic;

take 10 minutes out of your life and watch this. It is very informative.

2/07/2009 09:06:00 PM
Do us ALL a favor. When you post something like this, tell us what the TOPIC of the ten minute film is. Otherwise, why would we bother?

2/08/2009 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ot name that triple merit exempt

2/08/2009 01:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the duce needs ta revamp der secuirty at the south side doors. they completely and illegally blocked the entrance/exit from the locker room so in case of a fire, were all fucking fried. they need to move the makeshift security desk and chair into the hallway inside the glass enclosure and re-open what they blocked. if the crybaby at the desk is too cold, wear a sweater fro gods sake.

2/08/2009 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: However, (#9) after the FBI buffoons destroyed the life of the late Richard Jewell (actually the hero of the of the 1996 Olympics bombing in Atlanta's Millennium Park), fugitive Eric Robert Rudolph was later arrested and charged with that murder as well as that of a police officer in an Alabama bombing.

I would like to add as you did my respect to the fine men and women who serve or have served in the F.B.I. and those who sacrificed their lived.

In regards to my #9 I believe Rudolph was caught by a rookie cop as someone else wrote above.

In all fairness Aldrich Ames was a C.I A. officer not a F.B.I. agent.I would also like to say to all let's try and be united as fellow C.P.D. officer's in everyway we can big and small.Do our job (in whatever way each of us defines it for ourselves) and do this for all fellow coppers North or South, black white brown or whatever, male or female or whatever, beat cop like me, Unit member, FTO, Det all the remaining good Sgts Lts and Captains. Let's just look out for each other as much as we can without going so far as seriously jeopardizing our careers. Don't abuse citizens even the pieces of shit that deserve it by lying or being heavy handed because if caught we all know we will be abused 10 times worse in return. And to the .1 % of us that do don't steal.

2/08/2009 06:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey stupid, aka "FBI hater", aka "probably applied to be an Agent and didn't get hired": Only your #s 7, 10, and 11 are anywhere near truthful and accurate. What a bozo. Hopefully you're not a PO. God help the citizens you police if you apply this shallow level of fact checking and accuracy to your work.

2/07/2009 04:23:00 PM

Ok you got me 9/11 never happened. the Unabomber was stopped after he lit his first sparkler. Nobody died at Waco or Ruby Ridge, Hanssen did not work as a high level F.B.I. CI agent. Earl Pitts was not a F.B.I. agent. There is no major drug trafficking the stuff just falls out like a toy surprise in a cracker jack box and Centennial bombing was a fictional made for tv movie of the week. You must have some real good cracker jack surprises! To anyone who cares and has the time go to the website of the PBS show Frontline and watch the episode re: the F.B.I. agent who warned them about Bin Laden and was screwed with left and then was murdered on 9/11 it even has an interesting Chicago connection I think it's titled something like The Man Who Knew To Much. You won't be able to stop watching it's amazing.

2/08/2009 07:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT- to the car (and I have your beat tag) who drove by my daughter and her friends on 111th street at 5:45pm and deliberately aimed and drenched my daughter and her friends with the squad car.........karma is a bitch. You two are a piece of shit. You destroyed her phone with water damage. Love that GPS now.

2/07/2009 06:29:00 PM

Cry baby Mt. Greenwood back stabbing, no loyalty, tattle tail. What, you think getting a beef will solve anything? Are they going to write a check to you. Please. I'm sure your daughters account of what happened is the truth, just like Bea's daughter. Go confront them if you got a pair.

2/08/2009 08:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

..."Other unsecured doors at stations around the city will be manned by officers until the department can better secure them, Weis said."

My question is who is left to protect the honorable, tax paying citizens of the ghetto if all the available cops are manning the doors? Oh, that's right, who cares...

2/08/2009 08:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can da WEISel secure Fort Fellatio?

2/08/2009 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

..."Other unsecured doors at stations around the city will be manned by officers until the department can better secure them, Weis said."

My question is who is left to protect the honorable, tax paying citizens of the ghetto if all the available cops are manning the doors? Oh, that's right, who cares...

2/08/2009 08:57:00 PM

erps and forensic services front door is not able to lock. it is a buzzer system that hasn't worked since tobie was here. then they wonder why we have these mishappes, disaster waiting to happen I guess if " iron side " the director of both had to use the front door it wouldn't be that way. Just waiting to someone/s to storm the building on midnights and take things. Iron side don't care he is connected to the little guy.

2/08/2009 10:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic;

take 10 minutes out of your life and watch this. It is very informative.

2/07/2009 09:06:00 PM


2/08/2009 10:51:00 PM  
Blogger John Northen said...

6:25 PM

I stand corrected on Aldrich "Rick" Ames. He was indeed a CIA "asset" (not FBI).
I apologize.

Eric Robert Rudolph was apprehended by a suspicious deputy sheriff while rifling through a dumpster in Murphy, NC.

Poor Richard Jewell, the Atlanta hero that may have saved scores of lives at the Millennium Park bombing. A small clique of FBI morons scapegoated that innocent man through Hell and drove him to an early death.

2/08/2009 10:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Off Topic;

take 10 minutes out of your life and watch this. It is very informative.

2/07/2009 09:06:00 PM
Do us ALL a favor. When you post something like this, tell us what the TOPIC of the ten minute film is. Otherwise, why would we bother?

2/08/2009 12:55:00 PM


If you could not figure out the topic after watching for 15 seconds then you must be a Obama supporter.

2/08/2009 11:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ot name that triple merit exempt

... make it hard- name one who wasn't (excluding the civilan and FBI fools who begin and end as exempts)

2/08/2009 11:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Where did this Commander Climas come from?
2/07/2009 11:07:00 PM
He's a recently retired FBI Agent from Chicago. Seems like a pretty down to earth guy the one time I briefly spoke to him. Don't know what his actual role is, but he did not replace Skahill. She's still a Chief, at least for now." about J-Fed "padding the bill." So we now have a "Deputy Supt." of Professional Standards (Brust), a "Chief" of IAD
(Skahill, who is probably doing the real work in that Unit), and now a "Commander" of IAD (Climas, who came out of nowhere, another "retired Fed" brought along by J-Fed)? When was Climas's appointment announced?
How many of these retired Feebs are now employed here and are wearing our uniforms? Isn't it enough this Dept. is "carrying" a Deputy Chief (Murphy) and a "Chief"
(Daly) who have no real responsibilities? How much further will J-Fed and the Mayor
pad the upper ranks "bill" for the CPD? I thought all of the exempt cuts made over the past year by Weis was supposed to SAVE MONEY in the CPD budget, but from what I'm seeing here, it just looks like more of the Chicago style "re-allocation to friends" of the Mayor (Murphy) and Weis (Brust, Daley and now Climas).

2/08/2009 11:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will agree that there is a lot of blame that could be passed around. But the first head on the block should be the person who is in charge of the whole building for allowing her station to be constantly unsecured (an open door she probably walked through every day she went to and from the station).

Previous commanders of 003 have appealed to the higher ups for increased station security measures, all to no avail, receiving the same old tired answers, "no money available for that."

2/08/2009 11:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT- to the car (and I have your beat tag) who drove by my daughter and her friends on 111th street at 5:45pm and deliberately aimed and drenched my daughter and her friends with the squad car.........karma is a bitch. You two are a piece of shit. You destroyed her phone with water damage. Love that GPS now.

Can I have my beat tag back, Daddy?

2/09/2009 02:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm a Sgt in A/4. My daughter got drenched by some asshole coppers splashing her and her boyfriend with their squadcar. My daughter's phone is trashed due to water damage. I have never initiated any CR# on any policeman but for the first time if I had the coppers numbers I might think of taking action. This is 022, we count on you to protect our homes and families but I guess I can't count on the policeman from 022. Apparently instead of keeping us safe they would rather splash policeman's children going about their daily life. I am a Sgt that is well aware of what we as police deal with. You are a disgrace to hard working police officers in the 22nd district. If I had your numbers, for the first time in 8 years, I would initiate a CR# on your ass.

2/08/2009 01:54:00 AM
We just had record snowfalls during January coupled with no thaws until it hit 50 during February. This caused a huge thaw which left BIG puddles in the street. Driving through them resulted in splashing. Do you REALLY think this was done on purpose or did you expect everybody to drive their cars 2miles an hour to calls so no water was displaced?

2/09/2009 03:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT- to the car (and I have your beat tag) who drove by my daughter and her friends on 111th street at 5:45pm and deliberately aimed and drenched my daughter and her friends with the squad car.........karma is a bitch. You two are a piece of shit. You destroyed her phone with water damage. Love that GPS now.

2/07/2009 06:29:00 PM

Cry baby Mt. Greenwood back stabbing, no loyalty, tattle tail. What, you think getting a beef will solve anything? Are they going to write a check to you. Please. I'm sure your daughters account of what happened is the truth, just like Bea's daughter. Go confront them if you got a pair.

2/08/2009 08:33:00 PM

Can you believe this fuckin' guy. I'm sure he drenched your Angel on purpose. You sound like a women, grow up and teach that fool daughter of yours that the world doesn't revolve around her. Better yet tell your daughter to pull her head out her ass and not stand by puddles. And what exactly is GPS gonna do except prove your a beatoff.

2/09/2009 05:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PO Jewell died in 2007 from complications of diabetes at the age of 44. He is perhaps the clearest example of a media witchhunt against a police officer. He saved alot of lives when he evacuated the area where the bomb was located.

2/09/2009 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you believe this fuckin' guy. I'm sure he drenched your Angel on purpose. You sound like a women, grow up and teach that fool daughter of yours that the world doesn't revolve around her. Better yet tell your daughter to pull her head out her ass and not stand by puddles. And what exactly is GPS gonna do except prove your a beatoff.

Hey jagoff! They were on the sidewalk walking. The asshole cops sped up and changed lanes to hit the huge puddle and pulled into the school parking lot and laughed their asses off. Like I said, karma's a bitch no need for revenge.

2/09/2009 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A/4 Sergeant, I knew a couple if mental midget coppers in various districts who liked to go "sharking". One moron (RV) was fired for some other stupid stuff. If in fact your kids relate that these guys swerved into the puddle to splash them, then fuck these retards. These are the same douche bags that make the public hate us and make all our jobs harder.

2/09/2009 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media and elected officials usually slant stories against the side of the CPD. My husband is CPD and I realize what goes on in this city. It's a crappy place to work with little or no respect from the media,city officials and many of its citizens. We teach our children not to use our names or jobs as a "get out of trouble card" that if they do something wrong expect to pay the consequences. We will not tolerate the typical police and/or fireman's kids attitude in Mount Greenwood. We teach them to respect CPD and its officers like their father and mother. After the incident on 111th street and the drenching of my daughter and her friends, I can no longer give respect and trust to some of you. Maybe the officers involved felt an ounce of remorse but the smart ass comments and ignorant statements given about the incident on this blog tells me that some of you deserve the disrespect from the media, elected officials and citizens. To get respect you need to give it first. We told my daughter that nothing will happen as a consequence to these officers actions. It's funny, we teach her that there are consequences to her actions but somehow this does not apply to a few of you. I wanted to get the message out that I knew what happened and this type of behavior is unacceptable. No one, regardless of their age, place of employment, gender or race deserves to be treated disrespectfully. An apology, at least, would be nice but after reading your comments I know that your parents did not teach you well enough to give one.

2/09/2009 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a Sgt in A/4. My daughter got drenched by some asshole coppers splashing her and her boyfriend with their squadcar. My daughter's phone is trashed due to water damage. I have never initiated any CR# on any policeman but for the first time if I had the coppers numbers I might think of taking action. This is 022, we count on you to protect our homes and families but I guess I can't count on the policeman from 022. Apparently instead of keeping us safe they would rather splash policeman's children going about their daily life. I am a Sgt that is well aware of what we as police deal with. You are a disgrace to hard working police officers in the 22nd district. If I had your numbers, for the first time in 8 years, I would initiate a CR# on your ass.

2/08/2009 01:54:00 AM

You have to be a female because you whine and cry and write like one. You certainly do not sound like the Police.

And now that you have told us TWICE that you are a Sergeant, big fucking deal! One more time and you will have a hat trick. Do you know the definition of a hat trick, bitch?

And this doesn't sound like the first time you fought a battle for your daughter. Give it a rest bitch. If you believe your kid tells you the truth 100% of the time, you are fucking delusional.

Think about it, this experience was a good life lesson for your daughter and her stupid boyfriend. Don't spit into the wind, don't tug on Superman's cape, and don't stand too close to a fucking puddle in the street.

Her is your opportunity to teach her and him the difference between shit and shinola. It will help her more in the long run than snitching on the police with a C.R.# that ain't jackshit anyways. You would know that if you were really the Police in your heart.

One more thing. Are you a Sergeant? I could not tell from your post. Ha! You are one goofy bitch.

2/09/2009 01:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can recall there was a mention of IAD excuting a search warrant at the home of a P.O. in search of some missing equipment.Can SCC or anyone verify this the time there was this "HUH" a search warrant for what reason,now we realize the reason for the search warrant if true.Can someone verify this info.????????

2/09/2009 05:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have an even more interesting question: Where the stolen computers equipped with Lojack?????

2/09/2009 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT- to the car (and I have your beat tag) who drove by my daughter and her friends on 111th street at 5:45pm and deliberately aimed and drenched my daughter and her friends with the squad car.........karma is a bitch. You two are a piece of shit. You destroyed her phone with water damage. Love that GPS now.

Deliberately? Your clairvoyance must be askew. It was an accident, really....yeah that's the ticket, an accident pure and simple. Yeah thats right, I was talking to my wife...Christie Brinkley..on my cell phone when I accidently swerved and splashed her and the other honor students standing on the corner acting the fool. Thats the ticket.

2/09/2009 06:40:00 PM  

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