He's Got Your Back
Well, someones back at least:
Sometimes, the appearance of impropriety and improper influence can be at least as damaging as the real thing. And for a Department teetering on the brink, perception is reality.

Labels: we got nothing
He's King of the world!
He had her at hello
They will be on Dancing with the Stars this season!
careful now IAD may want to pull in a whole watch to see who did this. Some one should POST the merit award that the 14 y/o was "awarded"....This picture is Priceless. Thanks for the laugh.
Heard her daughter was quite da hood rat when they kicked in her door. Should have been tazed/locked up...
Different standards if it was your building, you would be at call back indefinately... Go be aggressive boys, hes got your back
Capt. WEISel of the Titanic: "I am king of the..."
The CPD "Titanic" is on the bottom of the North Atlantic. I got off before it sailed from Southampton.
Maybe they can move in the condo.
love the pic 2 goofs
hey he MAY have your back just dont bend over.
Jody looks like an a picture.
Are you sure he's not a reptilian from Nibiru?
The command staff of this Chicago Police Department is more laughable and incompetent than at any time in my three decade career. That includes when the Chief of Detectives ran a jewel theft ring. This group of morons will go down in history as the worst ever.
"He's Got Your Back"
Oh yeah, I believe that, I feel the knife point there as I write this.
I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty.......
Chicago Police Supt. Jody Weis publicly defended Assistant Supt. Beatrice Cuello, who claims she did not know an alleged drug dealer and gun runner was living in a condo she owns.
There have been too many question marks when it comes to police conduct for Weis to support this kind of behavior.
If he doesn't get that by now, perhaps he just isn't the one who should be running the Chicago Police Department.
I bought tickets for a cruise on the RMS CPD TITANIC LINE sailing from Chicago. Il Navy Pier to NOWHERE USA. When I told them my rank was below EXEMPT, they gave my family a room in STEERAGE with the rest of the CPD. There I got drunk, danced until I passed out. Just like the movie. I see water gushing in as the CAPTAIN sideswiped the ICEBERG. Time to get a lifeboat, oh no I here Celine Dion singing --
These People Exist,because of the mayor.
Understand that,they will come and go at the mayor's whim.
They are only there to take your attention away from the "Man Behind The Curtain"
PS Have a Nice Day !!
lathrop one said...
careful now IAD may want to pull in a whole watch to see who did this. Some one should POST the merit award that the 14 y/o was "awarded"....This picture is Priceless. Thanks for the laugh.
2/12/2009 12:31:00 AM
Funny! Hey, can someone fax that honorable mention for the 14 year old to a reletive out of town? Then that relative can fax it citywide every day for a week....I doubt IAD is going to take a trip to Oregon to find the offender....
Keep going out there and kicking ass for JPUD and his band of exempts: You guys in MSF are doing a great job, JPUD is very proud of you ; thanks for making him look good :(
Anonymous said...
"He's Got Your Back"
Looks like he's got her Back too, or maybe her Butt?
They will be Dancing on Your Stars if they find the poster of that picture!
Hey read the suntimes today mary mitchells column actually for once she was right on about how bea got away with it!
NO ! he works for the king of the world.
How bout the chicago cop who got caught with child pornography. Any pathetic attempts at humor with his picture floating around this blog?
Mary Mitchell actually makes sense in her February 12th column. "Cuello is a lousy landlord." I hope the media keeps bringing this up until Cuello finally retires.
JFRAUD HE HAS YOUR BACK AS LONG AS YOUR A CLOUT HACK. Aregular patrolman in the same position would be screwed. A clout LAPA hack is cleared and declared innocent in 2 hours. CLOUT ITS THE CHICAGO WAY AND JFRAUD HAS LEARNED TO RESPECT AND OBEY THE CLOUT.
Please make it a jib jab
"How bout the chicago cop who got caught with child pornography. Any pathetic attempts at humor with his picture floating around this blog?
2/12/2009 12:55:00 PM"
We'd rather not embarass your family by showing pictures of your father
SCC, sometimes I laugh so hard at your humor, a little pee comes out...and I'm male!!!!
Now that's PRICELESS!!!!!!LOL
Only about 2 months till the Spring Follies resume.
CPD MERIT PROMOTIONS = Politcally Connected Imbiciles....
Anonymous said...
SCC, sometimes I laugh so hard at your humor, a little pee comes out...and I'm male!!!!
2/12/2009 06:20:00 PM
So you thought. They have pills for your unfortunate condition. They're called "tryadicagain."
Anonymous said...
Keep going out there and kicking ass for JPUD and his band of exempts: You guys in MSF are doing a great job, JPUD is very proud of you ; thanks for making him look good :(
2/12/2009 11:12:00 AM
Oh ok Lieutenant, you are trying to get promoted huh? We are just biding our time here at MSF. You know it and so does everyone else! Not to worry, Pete Piazza was already promised the next Commnad spot, then Aunt Bea's boy, Lt. McNaugton.
You have neither spine nor shame, Mr. Weis. Your promises are meaningless.
Thanks to this blog site, more citizens like myself are learning how corrupt this city really is.
"How bout the chicago cop who got caught with child pornography. Any pathetic attempts at humor with his picture floating around this blog?
2/12/2009 12:55:00 PM
You rag reporters stick out like the pink ass on a baboon... we smell you goofs from a mile away!
What a pair of idiots.
Da WEISel and Aunt Bea: Dey be the REAL PO-leeces.
Leonardo DiCaprio he ain't!
My God, he's got a face only a mother could love!
We'd rather not embarass your family by showing pictures of your father
2/12/2009 06:04:00 PM
I'll pray for you and forgive you for that comment. I guess you have to blame someone for something . . might as well be someone's father you don't know. Thankfully he never lowered himself to be a salty disrespectful cop. And thankfully I'm not you.
Hey jody.when I look into those blue eyes I see ur support for me.I see u walking ur cats down michigan ave at nite .when will u take care of those police officers who was on the bis program.or will cooter have to wait.
only thing missing in this pic is shortshanks fat hairy ass in front of their faces!!!! This dept is a joke!!!
"only thing missing in this pic is shortshanks fat hairy ass in front of their faces!!!! This dept is a joke!!!
2/13/2009 04:03:00 PM"
Who do ya think is holding the camera?
I just saw the video of London police running away from Palestinian protesters How sad...
I seem to recall a certain Lt from 011 that got sent to call back. I further recall that certain Lt getting busted for looking at Porn and self gratifying himself at call back. Sad part is his messed up offspring is a Sgt in 003 now. How messed up is that? Im trying not to name names as Im QUITE SURE this Sgt is a jody weis SUCK ASS. I even further recall a time this SUCK ASS tried to jam up a CHA guard that had 10 heads latched up. I recall that guard calling a street deputy and suddenly the prick Sgt got bounced to 003. Hmmmmm sounds like someone CAN make a difference in the shitty city.Oh wait one more thing, I further seem to recall this Sgt when he as a PO in 019 standing at the bottom of a project highrise with gun in hand shaking like a leaf while the Security ascended and subsequently took a homicide suspect out of a vacant unit. And THIS pussy is a boss. Give me a break. ok im done now. Thank you SCC
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